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Showing posts with label Fred Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fred Trump. Show all posts

Aug 2, 2023

KKK Act part of J6 Indictment Counts

Back in February 2021 on SO'W, a post appeared concerning Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires. Contained within was a dual image of two manifestations of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, an image also shown, below. This suggests a cosmic time link between Trump's 'prez bid' of 2015, made under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse (17 South @29Pisces - conjunct fixed star of misfortune and imprisonment, Scheat), and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which the US Congress passed on April 20, 1871.

Updated to current events, in the August 1, 2023 Indictment of Donald Trump on four counts related to his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is the fact that one of the four counts ('conspiracy against rights') is said to make use of the KKK Act intended to protect our nation against insurrection attempts such as the Civil War which was also started under deceptive influences (ASC = Mercury-Neptune: being deceived, exploited; Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square deceives and exploits).

Significantly, the Civil War of 1861 began under the influence of a 7 North Eclipse which is the solar eclipse in effect now since April 20th (@29Ari50, the position of seditionist Mars on J6 indicating violent acts), plus, 7 North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') Series of Jack Smith; see his eclipse link, below.

As can be seen in the bi-wheel shown above and in yesterday's post concerning Trump's arraignment in DC scheduled for August 3, 2023 (tomorrow), the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 conjunct Scheat landed upon the natal Moon of Fred Trump, the papa who made Donald the man-baby he is today.

So here's an excerpt from the above-linked post concerning the 17 South Eclipse of 1870 (@00Cap30, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation) and it's occurrence in March 2015, an eclipse series which inspired both the passage of the KKK Act of 1871, and Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 delivered from Trump Tower NYC with his racist remarks signaling the bigotry and extremism to come:

{The KKK Act of 1871} "now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades."

And so as a partisan for the common good of the American people, and the entire world, I'm taking this opportunity to thank Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dedicated work on the case of Donald Trump, first 'president' to ignite a seditionist insurrection against the government of the United States of America in the hope of retaining the powerful office he could no longer legally hold.

Closely Related: The Civil War's Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats. Now. It's repeating now. jc

Trump J6 Arraignment Aug 3, 2023

Like Father Like Son, Two Natal Horoscopes: Fred and Donald Trump

As you've heard, late on Tuesday afternoon (August 1, 2023) an indictment of Donald Trump on 4 counts relating to his J6 coup attempt was announced by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

A planetary factor that really stands out this week is transit Sun in Leo conjunct Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) which happens to be the apex planet of his Mars-Saturn midpoint, which Reinhold Ebertin calls the death axis.

Since America's orange albatross began his presidential saga in June 2015 (under the auspices of the star of misfortune, Scheat), Trump has demonstrated how willingly he can manipulate his dangerous midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto with the fury, destruction, intervention of a higher power, and the "deaths of many people" it entails. Add the nasty, enraged star Algol twinkling upon his Midheaven (The Goal Point), and the corpses can pile up (Algol in Chinese Astrology).

Then by the day of his J6 arraignment, announced for Thursday August 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the Sun will clock in @11Leo14, still within range of shining upon Trump's deadly midpoint picture so that potentially we have: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Sun: 'inability to meet all demands or master all situations' (R.E.); 'a sense of loss; breaking down under stress and strain; eking it out; possible threat to body or health' (Tyl).

Then of course, the Sun-to-Pluto transit casts a spotlight on power, abuse of power issues, and ego concerns all on its own. But with this particular career criminal Trump, we get even more, Trump-style: we get danger and threats from a bruised ego fearing that someone might dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Or worse yet, lock 'im up.

Well, it's after 1:00 am here so typing any more about this subject must wait for a less sleepy time. Thanks a bunch for reading my late-night musings concerning the litigious scofflaw they call Trump. In closing, I'll leave you with a link to a previous post that displays two horoscopes: the 'J6 Maga Mob Attack' and the Maga Mob Attack's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope where you'll find the Trump J6 Arraignment Sun of August 3rd @11Leo14 shining brightly upon its Midheaven (11Leo26) along with the natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn trio of the orange albatross!

Jul 8, 2020

Natal Horoscopes: Donald Trump with his Papa Fred

July 8, 2020: Yes, the following bi-wheel of natal horoscopes, Donald's (1946) with Fred Trump's (1905) looks messy thanks to my scribbled notes but so was their relationship as we're learning from Mary Trump's soon-to-be-released book (July 14th). The most intense and telling planetary aspect between them has to be Fred's Pluto (*22Gem40 Rx) conjunct little son Donnie's tender Sun (ego), a cosmic picture of the crushing pressure of a father against a son born on an eclipse (8Gem48; 2 Old North) that 'eclipsed' his Papa's natal Jupiter Rx @6Gem05, with its 2 Old North themes that include "unfortunate news" (Brady).

Plus, as you know, Mercury-ruled Gemini is not the most stable of signs and duplicity often comes along with it if the native chooses or is compelled so - Gemini the trader, dealer, liar, and thief.

So hopefully enlarging the image will make it readable for you. Highlighted in green are Fred's placements (no birth time known so I used Donald's alleged time of 10:54 am est, not edt) and Donald's are in orange. Expectably, bullying turns up along with deceit, overpowering, enemy status, star-crossed, conflicting values, underhandedness, threats, emotional and physical damage, and more. Some trines between them may have helped their relationship, one wants to assume, but not enough for me to include them here because after all, we see Fred's (and mother Mary's) handiwork when we watch and suffer from Donald Trump's immature, vengeful, bullying, gross, depraved, insulting, deceitful, pathetic behavior. Poor ole fella.

As you see, an additional note is included in the center of the bi-wheel with a big 'if' attached: if Fred's Moon opposed his Venus across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis. See what you think about its potentials which a read of Mary Trump's book may helpfully illuminate. Also highlighted in green is the Sabian Symbol for Fred's Sun and Mercury conjunct Donald's Jupiter Stationary: "18 libra": "Two Men Placed Under Arrest." That's quite a major pile-up upon one little (very descriptive) degree especially for Donald's boundary-crossing Jupiter (in Libra: "It's not fair!" his constant refrain). By which I refer to the Jupiterian title of Mary Trump's book: "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man." I lay 'the most dangerous' in large part upon the doorstep of Donald's natal midpoint picture of rage, fury, brutality, destruction, cruelty, and the death of many people: Mars-Saturn = Pluto:

*22Gemini also happens to be the position of US natal Mars (which squares US natal Neptune). The Mars-Sun-Pluto combination is volatile to say the least and must be involved with Donald's obsession with the military and his problems in relation to such topics (exs: "Cadet Bone Spurs"; sent away to military reform school; desire for his very own military parade; using military forces for police actions, etc).