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Showing posts with label Jack Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack Smith. Show all posts

Jan 23, 2024

Jan 23, 2024 karmic Saturn contacts the "Fascism Rising Eclipse"

America 2024: Reich-Wing Politics On Trial

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy over fascism

Three times of late transit Saturn, planet of law, the legal system, restriction, limitation, and karma has conjoined the 7 North "Fascism Rising Eclipse" of February 24, 1933 @5Pis28:30. The third 'hit' by Saturn occurred early this morning in Washington DC, and best outcome will be our legal system stopping the violent orange fascist in his despotic hoof tracks.

Now as you see, my study notes are penned on the bi-wheel but I'll add that, in our era, the first and second conjunctions of Saturn to the 7 North Eclipse of 1933 occurred on May 1, 2023 and August 4, 2023, with today's third Saturn conjunction suggesting a potential for the resolution of issues which include (blood -jc) lust:

Multiple Cosmic Time Links via 7 North Eclipses

Dealing with Trump and his comrades and their well known dependency on violence, we have Special Prosecutor Jack Smith who just happens to have been born under the auspices of a 7 North Eclipse, a significant cosmic time link between current events and the prosecution of Trump. Another cosmic time link involving 7 North Eclipses is the fact that a repetition of 7N manifested on April 20, 2023 @29Aries+ - conjunct the degree of warrior planet Mars during Trump's January 6, 2021 coup attempt against the US Congress and our traditional peaceful transfer of power. Obviously, Mars conjunct a solar eclipse suggests rash actions, criminality, and acts of violence. This connection is one of the reasons I've termed the 1933 and 2023 7 North Eclipses as a signifier of "blood" lust. Another reason is its conjunction with Herr Adolf's natal Sun @00Taurus.

In closing, here's a link to a bi-wheel of charts showing the coup attempt's Breach! time (2:15 pm est) on January 6, 2021 with US 1776 Uranus rising and a speculative J6/Election Interference Trial horoscope (March 4, 2024 unless delayed) surrounding it. Unsurprisingly, both events involve interference by Uranian chaos agent D. John Trump who longs to take over America as an unaccountable monarchical dictator. And such an anti-democratic urge, my friends, is as un-American as can possibly be.

Dec 7, 2023

Trump's Take-Over Plan Began Years Ago

by Jude Cowell, partisan for American democracy

In development for years, the tendency toward delusion and deception practiced by the Republican Party via their 2024 candidate Trump was at a crescendo with the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama. Financiers and other backers, our enemies both foreign and domestic, must have been quite put out with the GOP turning out to be a bunch of losers whose cheating tactics hadn't been up to snuff enough to ace the 2012 Election. Add to this, the racists who had their noses out of joint over a black man taking control of the White House--again! Not only that - a majority of Americans appreciated Mr. Obama!

Yes, paranoia over the oft-touted "browning of America" fueled fear as the old Confederate-style system of white-man-in-control faded before racist eyes and for bigots such progress had to be halted in favor of regression, oppression, and suppression. As you know, the GOP's regressive campaign continues unabated against US society - the GOP wants to shove the American people back to the 1920s. It's irrational, absurd, and intended to destroy our society while pretending to "save" it.

Actually, a "browning" population had been a fear of UK conservatives as well, as evidenced by an infamous speech delivered on April 20, 1968 by MP Enoch Powell in which he echoed a prophecy from Virgil's Aenid!

The Horns on the Negative Side of Mercury-Square-Neptune

So now in 2023, another presidential election soon arrives, and the Republican tactic of denial of reality has only expanded, these days in high gear thanks to their fantasy-prone figurehead Herr Trump whose natal Mercury-Neptune square keeps leading him (and America) astray as he gaslights and lies his way into 2024. Tragically, about one third of Americans keep going along on his demented fantasy ride and, as recently noted within the public discourse, the GOP is "sleepwalking" America into an authoritarian state of fascist control, sans democracy. See Amanda Marcotte's Salon Magazine article.

Isn't this where the GOP campaign against "wokeness" should take a bow for its reality-denying desperation?

Now I know it's been tiresome for years that Stars Over Washington has attempted to play the role of "A Girl Blowing a Bugle" (my natal Moon's Sabian Symbol), a bugle which turned out to represent a Trump-et. And no, in 2012 I did not realize the "coming of Trump" would signal the sabotage of our country, and the toppling of America from its global leadership role as a beacon of democracy. I knew that China and Russia salivated for our nation's downfall, but not the name of the saboteur who would lead the campaign. Significantly, we must note that 2023 into 2024 is definitely not the time to give up our warnings, watchfulness, and efforts prior to Election 2024.

For it's also worth mentioning that near the end of RNC 2024 in July, Herr T will experience a Lunar Return (he may be at a podium accepting the nomination then!). Here's the Horoscope of his July 18, 2024 Lunar Return set for Milwaukee, WI. The chart is full of orange highlights including the Saturn-square-natal-Moon transit for the orange blighter which suggests potentials for 'fear shaping opinions, his tiresome 'refusal to accept defeat', and/or those of a Saturnian, responsible, more mature nature (legal eagles? lawmakers? Electoral College voters?) who interfere (square) with the achievement of Trump's overweening emotional needs:

Notably, another possible saving grace for Election 2024 and democracy may be that for Trump, every Moon Return is also a Moon-conjunct-natal-South-Node transit with its lack of popularity and emotional alienation vibes. In astrology, the Moon is an excellent timing device, but it's his Sun-North-Node-Uranus conjunction in 10th house of Career that fuels his popularity with a faction of the public. But only a faction. However, his Moon-SN conjunction drags along behind him like a vestigial tail of karmic baggage and bad habits. He does enjoy separating (SN) people (Moon) from each other, yes? It's the old divide and conquer strategy that President Lincoln warned against.

For the GOP Fantasy IS 'Reality'!

Historically speaking, way back in 2012 a post was published here concerning the Secondary Progressions ('SP') of the Republican Party shown by the entity's July 6, 1854 Horoscope progressed to Election Day 2012 as, GOP Delusion in Nov 2012 Progressed Chart. My posts of 2012 grabbed my eye this week due to the additional court filing by special counsel Jack Smith, protagonist of Donald Trump, and it asserts that Trump's January 6, 2021 attempted coup of the US government wasn't an organic event in response to his loss in November 2020, but had been planned, at least since 2012. One factor is that Republicans know that their future dystopian plans for America are extremely unpopular!

Meanwhile, perhaps you remember that on Election Day 2012, voting planet Mercury stationed retrograde and the delusional planet of deception and erosion, Neptune, was at the very beginning of its long sojourn through Pisces and had yet to perform the Republican Party's Neptune Return/s of 2017 and 2018 which spotlights "14 Pisces": "A Lady in Fox Fur" - and you know which entertainment network this word picture reveals.

Now there's a previous SO'W post concerning these disturbing topics: Astro-Notes: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which contains the quote by Dr. Carl Jung about America prone to societal breakdown "due to mass delusion" as we now can starkly see. Well, most of us can.

Plus, here's another astro-note which applies to our topic: that in 2012, transit Neptune in Pisces reached 00:Pis33 conjunct the Prenatal Eclipse ('PE") which had influenced the events of July 4, 1776, the 12 South Saros Series. As a result, the influence of deceptive Neptune in 2012 (with misperception and fantasy disinformation slowly building for years) activated the potential for a cult to form and/or spread, a cult leading to karmic stalemate rather than karmic progress (R. Lineman).

Of course, Neptunian energies used positively can result in divine inspiration for the highest good, my personal favorite. Then even if we delete the word "karmic" from the mix, we have the current GOP regression vs the progression promoted by President Biden and the Democratic Party, the political entity of members who appreciate the realistic fact that TIME marches on - into the future. Republican efforts to cripple time, as if it can be kept from forward movement, won't work.

So now, as the Republican cult of Trump reveals its true face as a brutal death cult of personality and violence (as was Nazism a death cult of personality), its effects are playing out before our very eyes via J6 and Campaign 2024, with We the People in the role of Herr T's target as we face the voting booth on November 5, 2024: so once again I type as sincerely as possible, Vote Blue in 2024!

A closely related post: Transit Pluto in Election Year 2024.

And highly recommended for a listen if you may is the current podcast episode of Countdown with Keith Olbermann, I've Got Biden's "Daisy" Ad - And Trump Is Disqualified - 12.7.23.

Aug 29, 2023

The US Congress Eclipse repeats in 2023!

by Jude Cowell

Do you know that the First Session of Congress in 1789 began under the influences of a 7 North Solar Eclipse?

And that since April 2023, an eclipse in the 7 North Saros Series is running in the background of society as I type, and is also the Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series ('PE") of Special Prosecutor Jack Smith?

You may also wish to view a previous post showing transit Saturn conjunct US Congress' Pluto, and transit Neptune conjunct US Congress' Mercury Rx with the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse Horoscope surrounding Congress' 1789 chart; you'll remember that results from the 2022 Midterm Elections allowed certain J6-adjacent 'maga' Republicans to infiltrate the House of Representatives of the 118th Congress.

Also Related: Taurus Midterm Eclipse 2022 repeats from 1938!

Aug 28, 2023

Saturn and The Trump Trial: March 4, 2024

Karma's Principle of Cause and Effect: Reaping What's Been Sown

by Jude Cowell, posting on behalf of the common good

With the (J6 Coup Attempt Trial), aka, the 'Election Interference' Trial of Mr. Donald Trump scheduled today by Judge Tanya Chutkan for March 4, 2024, major flurries of investigative activity by astrologers are now in motion including by yours truly. Yet studies of any horoscope take time so today this post focuses on a curious detail affecting America's entire Trump saga and that's the solar eclipse cycle in which the turmoil of Inauguration 2017 took place, manifested as the 19 North Eclipse of September 1, 2016 @9Vir21.

Note that March 4, 2024 is a day prior to Super Tuesday 2024.

Karmic Saturn = Realism, Accountability, Restriction, Loss, and Demands for Corrective Action

And so my focus today is because, during the trial of March 4, 2024, transit Saturn @10Pis21, planet of legal affairs, lawyers, courts, and trials that intend to hold miscreants accountable for their illegal behavior, will conjunct the position of Neptune in the 19 North Eclipse Horoscope of 2016 - the gaslighting planet of fraud, deception, and overblown schemes which by transit opposed the 19 North Eclipse with its themes of: 'realism; good time to tackle the truth; seeing old situations for what they really are; coming down to earth' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Therefore, from the beginning of America's Trump/'POTUS' saga, this requires that thousands more lies should be revealed and addressed in court! For who can forget that an unelected Trump touted that the 2020 Election would be a "continuation" of (his) power instead of a (peaceful) transfer to Joe Biden? And Trump's sore loser resentment (and instructions from his foreign and domestic handlers) brought our country his violent coup attempt of January 6, 2021 against the US Congress in process of certifying our traditional peaceful transfer of power. Yet thanks to participants who upheld the US Constitution, Donald's anti-constitutional power grab failed, and Joe Biden's victory was certified hours later. Better late than never!

The Virgo-Pisces Polarity: Facts vs Fiction on the Victim-Savior Axis

Because as you know, the opposition to the eclipse from Neptune interfered with 19 North themes by challenging 19 North's call for facing reality with chaos, confusion, deception - and what became Trump's "Big Lie" that forms the basis of agent orange's and the Republican Party's scam of deception and gaslighting upon the American people - and US society has suffered from these Neptunian energies ever since.

Yet 'Trump Trial' circumstances are even more complex for on March 4, 2024, Saturn @10Pis21 actually activates the 19 North Saturn-Neptune square, the self-defeatist aspect (A. Oken) for simultaneously this is a Saturn-square-Saturn transit (2024 to 2016) when formal restrictions can be imposed and there's little if any flexibility in (Trump's) circumstances. Sounds like a court case to me.

And yes, the 2016 Mars-Saturn conjunction (10--15 Sag) is involved with March 4, 2024 Saturn as well which suggests potentials for frustration, anger, resentment, and an urge to take shortcuts around laws, rules, and regulations which is a negative path that ultimately leads to failure more often than not. Then I would have to call Trump's J6 coup attempt his reckless way of taking a major shortcut back to the White House, wouldn't you?

Will We Come Down to Earth in March 2024?

So in March 2024, when Trump is scheduled to be held legally accountable for his seditious J6 coup attempt by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith and his team, we might take comfort in the Saturn-to-Neptune transit which indicates "the grim face of reality" for Trump, his comrades, his subversive coup attempt congressional comrades of the 'maga' persuasion (ongoing!), and hopefully for any of his cult followers who still 'believe' by then in the orange scofflaw con-man's fantasy world where he becomes a dictator - exactly the kind of government our Founding Fathers escaped from in Europe! Certainly, a 'coming down to earth' and 'seeing situations for what they really are' are long overdue in the US for a certain percentage of our population who continue to act under the spell of mass delusion promoted by Mr. Trump.

Then when it comes to the 19 North Eclipse of 2016 that heralded the Trump "presidency," the exhange of oppositional planets from Neptune to Saturn makes an important difference - from Neptunian fantasy to Saturnian reality. Here's the original 19 North Horoscope as previously published to SO'W with the fantasy-to-reality exchange info added below; study notes penned onthe chart are from my original post:

Neptune opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: chaos and confusion as people are pulled between truth and fallacy, reality and illusion/delusion.

Saturn opposite the 19 North Solar Eclipse: those who refuse to face up to their responsibilities while placing blame upon anyone but themselves (R. Lineman); denial of guilt by the guilty (jc).

Karma Knocks Upon Trump's Door

Then in closing, the rounded-up Sabian Symbols of the 19 North Eclipse and 2016 Neptune/2024 Saturn are quite interesting, see if you agree:

Eclipse "10Virgo" = "Two Heads Looking Out and Beyond the Shadows" vs "11Pisces" = "Men Seeking Illumination."

My hope for American democracy is that bringing seditionsist Trump, career criminal, to Justice via legal eagle Saturn and the DOJ will finally wake up those asleep within their white supremacist delusions and anti-democratic dreams of regressing our country back to the 1800s.

More of today's news: All Trump and Co-Defendants To Be Arraigned in Georgia on September 6, 2023 under a quarter Moon @15Gemini that points toward Mr. Trump's 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, disruption, unpredictability, and radical politics.

Aug 11, 2023

Trump Trial Jan 2, 2024: Only the Facts!

Will Scofflaw Trump Go On Trial in Jan 2024?

by Jude Cowell

In 2016 we discussed what some call the Hopi Star of Prophecy, Ras Alhague, the snake charmer and Alpha star of Ophiuchi and the star's conjunction with Donald Trump's natal Moon opposite natal Sun - thereby symbolically twinkling upon his Nodal Axis of destiny and fate. Apparently, the natural law of karma (reaping what's been sown) will be in the courtroom.

So perhaps it's merely a curious synchronicity that the DC Trial of Trump proposed for January 2, 2024 by Special Counsel Jack Smith shows testifying Mercury strong at Direct Station (22Sag11) in the Horoscope you see, below. Set for Washington DC at the speculative hour of 10:00 am est on January 2, 2024 with Trump's natal chart surrounding it, here's a marked-up bi-wheel in case the trial date holds, and just in case Trump hasn't flown the coup before then:

See what you think:

Not penned on either chart are Trump's natal Vertex (22Cap51 with his Saturn conjunct Anti-Vertex: double the karma!), and the Trump Trial Horoscope's 10:00 am Vertex (15Vir38); these are points of fated encounters.

Aug 2, 2023

KKK Act part of J6 Indictment Counts

Back in February 2021 on SO'W, a post appeared concerning Eclipses, Klans, Prez Bids, Despots, and Empires. Contained within was a dual image of two manifestations of a 17 South Solar Eclipse, an image also shown, below. This suggests a cosmic time link between Trump's 'prez bid' of 2015, made under the auspices of the Spring Equinox 2015 Solar Eclipse (17 South @29Pisces - conjunct fixed star of misfortune and imprisonment, Scheat), and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 which the US Congress passed on April 20, 1871.

Updated to current events, in the August 1, 2023 Indictment of Donald Trump on four counts related to his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021 is the fact that one of the four counts ('conspiracy against rights') is said to make use of the KKK Act intended to protect our nation against insurrection attempts such as the Civil War which was also started under deceptive influences (ASC = Mercury-Neptune: being deceived, exploited; Trump's natal Mercury-Neptune square deceives and exploits).

Significantly, the Civil War of 1861 began under the influence of a 7 North Eclipse which is the solar eclipse in effect now since April 20th (@29Ari50, the position of seditionist Mars on J6 indicating violent acts), plus, 7 North happens to be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') Series of Jack Smith; see his eclipse link, below.

As can be seen in the bi-wheel shown above and in yesterday's post concerning Trump's arraignment in DC scheduled for August 3, 2023 (tomorrow), the 17 South Eclipse of 2015 conjunct Scheat landed upon the natal Moon of Fred Trump, the papa who made Donald the man-baby he is today.

So here's an excerpt from the above-linked post concerning the 17 South Eclipse of 1870 (@00Cap30, a Cardinal World Point of manifestation) and it's occurrence in March 2015, an eclipse series which inspired both the passage of the KKK Act of 1871, and Trump's 'prez bid' announcement of June 16, 2015 delivered from Trump Tower NYC with his racist remarks signaling the bigotry and extremism to come:

{The KKK Act of 1871} "now being considered for use against Trump and his comrades."

And so as a partisan for the common good of the American people, and the entire world, I'm taking this opportunity to thank Special Counsel Jack Smith for his dedicated work on the case of Donald Trump, first 'president' to ignite a seditionist insurrection against the government of the United States of America in the hope of retaining the powerful office he could no longer legally hold.

Closely Related: The Civil War's Solar Eclipse Soon Repeats. Now. It's repeating now. jc

Trump J6 Arraignment Aug 3, 2023

Like Father Like Son, Two Natal Horoscopes: Fred and Donald Trump

As you've heard, late on Tuesday afternoon (August 1, 2023) an indictment of Donald Trump on 4 counts relating to his J6 coup attempt was announced by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

A planetary factor that really stands out this week is transit Sun in Leo conjunct Trump's 12th house Pluto (10Leo02) which happens to be the apex planet of his Mars-Saturn midpoint, which Reinhold Ebertin calls the death axis.

Since America's orange albatross began his presidential saga in June 2015 (under the auspices of the star of misfortune, Scheat), Trump has demonstrated how willingly he can manipulate his dangerous midpoint picture, Mars-Saturn = Pluto with the fury, destruction, intervention of a higher power, and the "deaths of many people" it entails. Add the nasty, enraged star Algol twinkling upon his Midheaven (The Goal Point), and the corpses can pile up (Algol in Chinese Astrology).

Then by the day of his J6 arraignment, announced for Thursday August 3, 2023 at 4:00 pm edt Washington DC, the Sun will clock in @11Leo14, still within range of shining upon Trump's deadly midpoint picture so that potentially we have: natal Mars-Saturn = tr Sun: 'inability to meet all demands or master all situations' (R.E.); 'a sense of loss; breaking down under stress and strain; eking it out; possible threat to body or health' (Tyl).

Then of course, the Sun-to-Pluto transit casts a spotlight on power, abuse of power issues, and ego concerns all on its own. But with this particular career criminal Trump, we get even more, Trump-style: we get danger and threats from a bruised ego fearing that someone might dump a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head. Or worse yet, lock 'im up.

Well, it's after 1:00 am here so typing any more about this subject must wait for a less sleepy time. Thanks a bunch for reading my late-night musings concerning the litigious scofflaw they call Trump. In closing, I'll leave you with a link to a previous post that displays two horoscopes: the 'J6 Maga Mob Attack' and the Maga Mob Attack's Solar Return 2023 Horoscope where you'll find the Trump J6 Arraignment Sun of August 3rd @11Leo14 shining brightly upon its Midheaven (11Leo26) along with the natal Pluto = Mars-Saturn trio of the orange albatross!

Jun 12, 2023

Jack Smith's 7 North Eclipse in 2023

by Jude Cowell

Special Counsel Jack Smith, born June 5, 1969 Clay, New York (hour unknown) entered the Earthly flux under the auspices of a 7 North Solar Eclipse manifesting at 27Pis25:12 on March 17, 1969. Here the 1969 7 North Eclipse is shown (upper right and accurately timed) with Jack Smith's 'noon' horoscope shown, lower left:

'PE' = Prenatal Eclipse: and We All Have One

7 North Themes: 'a deep, long-hidden passion that catches people off-guard; lust; pro-creative drives' - B. Brady; I've previous added the word, blood to 'lust' since that's what Trump and his comrades are using to try to force their tyranny on us--and I have labeled the (current) April 20, 2023 manifestation of the eclipse as "Adolf's birthday eclipse" and mentioned that 7 North is the PE of both the Civil War and the Third Reich so easily the type of energies and events that can be involved when a 7 North eclipse rolls around are shown as cosmic time links through history.

Penned on the charts, above, are my study notes for the curious. Notably, a 7 North Eclipse is operative as I type, since manifesting on April 20, 2023 @29Ari50 - conjunct the J6 Mars (violence; criminal acts), but also conjunct the natal Venus of Jack Smith (29Ari39) which suggests fair play and cooperation: "No one is above the law," as he well knows. Material considerations are also part of the Venusian-Eclipse picture, plus, when a solar eclipse occurs in Pisces, issues are dealt with such as secrecy and karmic conditions with a potential for reaching the highest spiritual attainment. Besides the Pisces eclipse, there are other indications of prophetic intuition for Mr. Smith, whom I believe to be a double Air personality of sober intellectualism. In fact, the Harveys give his Sun Gemini-Moon Aquarius blend an Image for Integration of "Sherlock Holmes"!

For further details concerning this double Air personality blend, check out a vintage SO'W post about a man who shares it: Patrick Henry, and his quote included there seems applicable to current conditions, as you may agree.

As you know, years when an eclipse in a natal PE Series repeats are prominent, active years for the individual, so for Jack Smith, 2023 is it, and we saw him step into the spotlight a few days ago to speak on behalf of justice and the rule of law. Significantly, the 1969 eclipse Astraea conjuncts the Aries Point, which you see in the 7 North horoscope: there she is--Astraea, asteroid of justice, conjunct the Aries Point (!) of prominence and recognition. He is the man of the hour.

As for Mr. Smith's natal chart, Astraea is snugged between his steady, reliable Venus-Saturn conjunction. Notes on these factors (inspired by a sense of duty) are highlighted in blue.

Meanwhile, Jupiter, also concerned with justice, is highlighted in green and is part of a planetary trio with Pluto and Uranus conjunct South Node in both charts. This suggests inherited abilities, possibly from generations back, that involve power, authority, and perhaps wealth. The trio forms a midpoint picture, also penned below the natal chart with potentials for: "immense success; striving for social improvements" (R. Ebertin).

Then once the influences of the 7 North eclipse wane, coming in Autumn is the 7 South October 2023 Solar Eclipse in Libra, and it will 'eclipse' (conjunct) by degree the Secondary Progressed Moon ('SP') of Herr Trump, a cosmic event of potential crisis which may or may not turn out to be significant on the Earthly and political planes, but on behalf of the rule of law and the future of our democratic America, I sincerely hope that it will.

Jun 9, 2023

Trump indicted: Sun and Mars tell a tale!

Who's There? That's Karma Knocking

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday June 8, 2023, Donald Trump was indicted by a Florida grand jury and is facing 7 counts of espionage, conspiracy, lying, and more, stemming from Jack Smith's investigation of Trump's purloining, hiding, keeping, and lying about documents he nabbed during his time in the White House.

In a timestamped message he posted to his "Truth" Social venue on June 8th he responded to his indictment citing his usual grievances, denials, boasts, and deflections using one of pal Putin's favorite tactics, whataboutism. He labeled it the "Boxes Hoax."

Since it's Friday and going on 3:00 am here, I have very few astro-notes to add at this point but below is a horoscope of his timestamped messsage of denials (June 8th 7:21 am) surrounding Trump's natal chart for those who'd like a view. Now I've heard he's at his Bedminster golf resort for the summer so the horoscope is set there for 7:21 pm ET (as per timestamp); please note that currently there are multiple transits to his natal planets, Sun to Uranus and the fateful Mars to Pluto are only two of them:

As you see, I've penned on Sabian Symbols for 18 Gemini (Sun-to-Uranus: spotlight on his alien relationships, radical tendencies, lack of loyalty issues, aka, betrayal), and for 11 Leo and 12 Leo (Mars-to-Pluto: intense, purposeful activities, vengeful actions bring perilous results, a male leads the way as karma comes to call).

Now through all of the legal proceedings, my primary concern will be for the safety of America and for my fellow Americans. It seems obvious to me that the rejected orange albatross isn't done bringing We the People misery and now he'll have grudges on steroids to fuel his rising Mars in Leo opposing and targeting America's 1776 Moon in Aquarius.

Jun 6, 2023

DC Horoscopes: Trump Lawyers' Meeting at DOJ June 2023

Not much time to discuss the following two horoscopes, one set for June 5, 2023 at 9:50 am edt in DC, the speculative time that the 2-hour meeting began between Trump lawyers and DOJ lawyers, Trump's "please don't charge me" meeting. The other chart (upper right) is set for 11:50 am, the time that Trump lawyers were seen leaving the DOJ building after the approximately 2-hour meeting. Was a plea deal discussed? That seems to be the going suspicion since Jack Smith may be charging Trump this week, or very soon:

Now I agree with you, dear reader, there are way too many of my study notes squooshed upon the charts but one major factor worth a mention is the Venus-Pluto opposition (00Leo/00AQ) that squares Jupiter, North Node, and Midheaven ('MC'). Then as a planetary duo, Venus-Pluto may symbolize a variety of factors such as extreme wealth hidden away (aka, squirreled away), plus, underworld associations (exs: the mafia; the Syndicate; the Family), sex-drug-human trafficking, embezzlement, money laundering, and other criminal acts. "King of Debt" Trump's serial use of bankruptcy may also be part of the Venus-Pluto picture. And remember Trump's natal Moon's Sabian Symbol, "A Chinese Laundry."

Of course, with Venus-Pluto contacts there's often an urge to control conditions, events, and/or people in order to assure desired outcomes, but one assumes that agent orange has little chance of gaining such control these days - unless he tries to use the documents he purloined for bargaining his way out of the legal messes he's in, or at least mitigating his legal consequences somewhat. That's with US national security as his hostage, of course, although one must suspect that that particular horse has already left the barn for destinations unknown. (Stealing secrets for his handlers was part of his original mission, you know, and the top price gets 'em).

In closing, please note that at 11:50 am edt, a midpoint picture forms that suggests, "using dubious practices to increase power and reputation" (M. Munkasey), as he's done all this life. And as you know, Trump's desperation is shown in the above charts, and has been obvious for some time with his ALL CAPS shout-outs. Perhaps you'll look for more clues!

So is it finally time that the despised and dangerous arch criminal is held accountable by the US Justice Department? Will his natal Jupiter-Uranus trine of lucky breaks let him down at last? What do you think?