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Showing posts with label Horoscope of Homeland Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horoscope of Homeland Security. Show all posts

Apr 16, 2018

Homeland Security to Start Tracking Journalists and Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent"

April 14, 2018: Farron Cousins reports for The Ring of Fire:

Support independent media by visiting the Ring of Fire patreon account!

Also see: Homeland Security to Compile Database of Journalists, Bloggers and Monitor Their "Intent." That's blogs and reporters with a national following. Hmm. Not Stars Over Washington. But I would have thought the Pentagon's 'Total Awareness' mission (TIA) already had gathered such a database. Guess Trump'n'company are demanding more information on resisters and dissenters--and America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition across the Cancer-Capricorn axis of security is always up for such 'Big Brother' shadiness.

So in case you haven't seen one (and while you still can), here's a rather light-on-details post from 2005 which does, however, contain an image of the Horoscope of Homeland Security (November 25, 2002 1:44 pm Washington DC--debuted under the spell of a dramatic, volatile double Fire blend).

Feb 12, 2015

February 2015: Presidents Day and a White House Security Summit

Week of Monday February 16, 2015: President's Day Heralds a White House Summit on Wednesday

by Jude Cowell

In honor of Presidents Day, here is a 3 mins 58 secs video of US Presidents "From George Washington to Barack Obama--A Long Way--Original Video":

With the recent Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris as justification, the White House has scheduled an Anti-Extremism Summit for Wednesday February 18, 2015, the day of a major Solar Eclipse at a critical-crisis 29th degree in secretive Pisces, plus, the day of Spring Equinox 2015, aka, Aries Ingress 2015 when the Sun reaches 00Aries00, a World Point of manifestation and prominence. Tap or click for a view of the eclipse horoscope set for Washington DC.

This year February 18th is also Ash Wednesday on the Vatican calendar so it is quite a big day in the Cosmos and in America with the rest of the world in the cross hairs of the East vs West conflict now being brewed to boiling with both sides determined to 'rule the world'. And since a Solar Eclipse is a New Moon denoting a period of darkness with a potential for the beginning of shady undertakings, we may expect that Summit topics of 'security' and anti-terrorism measures will not be fully shared with the public though, of course, the resulting propaganda will.

Wonder if the topic of Homeland Security running out of funds on February 27th will be discussed? The Department has certainly been the money pit boondoggle it was expected to be. Here's my original post with the 'birth' horoscope of the Department of Homeland Security if you're interested. Curiously HoSec's natal Jupiter @17Leo59 is now activated by Jupiter's current retrograde and direct path through Sun-ruled Leo which indicates a Jupiter Return so generous rewards seem to be on the cosmic menu no matter what the political thespians on Capitol Hill say.

Dec 7, 2012

3 Reasons to Lose Dept of Homeland Security (video)

Here's a link to the first post published here concerning the formation of the Department of Homeland Security ('HoSec') showing its correctly timed natal horoscope (sans my usual scribbled notes--I wasn't scribbling on charts in 2005.)

You'll see that transiting Saturn in Scorpio (restriction, constriction, loss, realism, etc; Scorpio = spies like us) is activating HoSec's natal 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Big Business, Transformation, and Death. So perhaps this is a good time to have a conversaton about 'losing' or at least scaling back this massive, Orwellian, inefficient money pit.

Sep 22, 2010

DHS targets activists in PA; Mercury/Uranus busy

Magenta Alert! This HoSec-related article with video arrived in my mailbox from and I thought you might wish to know about some squirreliness going on in the excellent state of Pennsylvania:

In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi blows the lid off the Pennsylvania DHS list targeting activists. He also sits down with Arizona State Senate Libertarian Candidate Andrea Garcia to talk about her race for the Senate seat. Obama gets schooled during his own Town Hall meeting on CNBC, and we have the video. Nina breaks down the headlines including who is funding the Ground Zero Mosque and how the US is in bigger debt than the Government is letting on.

She also plays the controversial video of the middle school students praying at a Mosque during a field trip and reports on a new tax concept being proposed in the UK. The viewers brand a new “Enemy of the State” and the mailbag is sifted. #


View a basic image of Department of Homelnad Security's
2002 natal horoscope
where you'll notice its North Node in Gemini conjoins US natal Uranus opposite HoSec's Mercury at South Node. The Nodal axis, as you know, signifies the path or future direction with US natal Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, at NN.

Uranus/NN blends of energy represent political groups advocating radical reforms and new efforts to alter the course of events. The attacks of 9/11/01, the purported justificaton for setting up DHS, have certainly played an integral part in the altering of our nation and at the time, gave an alleged legitimacy to the disputed SCOTUS installment of Bush-Cheney administration.

(Note: HoSec's birth horoscope was published in 2005 before I developed the bad habit of scribbling my notes all over the charts I publish; the text does include a few details all the same.)

The Nodal contact lends a Mercury/Uranus flavor to the enterprise and has a 'propaganda used during emergencies' quality along with advanced technological (Uranus) surveillance (Mercury) and a potential for riots, rebellion, or protests which begin because information on HoSec's goals is not well explained.

My feeling is that there would be many more such riotous outbursts from we-the-people if the true info on neocon goals of HoSec were well explained.

Jul 19, 2010

Today's news mirrors US Sec Mars Rx: Troops to the Border July 19, 2010

This is off CNN's Political Ticker: Obama to Deploy National Guard Troops to Protect Border, and even to this dissenting American this news sounds like it could be a good thing. Right?

Since 2006, America's Mars from 1776 21Gem+ has been in retrograde condition for the first time in US history. It will continue to be Rx for about 76 years more and many astrologers including this particular novice have written all over the worldwide web on the meaning and implications of such an astrological event.

(Sec Mars Rx also occurred for Germany but never mind that now - let's not talk specifically about Nazis. And remember that US Sec Mars Rx occurred in 2006 during Bush's watch.)

Our national Mars turned inward

Such phrases as 'police state' 'martial law' 'terrorist activities in the homeland' 'weakened military forces' and others have escaped this keyboard prior to this moment, and of course, National Guard and police deployments and actions in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (and any other natural disasters before and since) come under the purview of our Sec Rx Station of 2006 since our Sec Mars was on or within orb of his stationing degree beginning about a year earlier.

When a Direct planet turns Rx by progression, inward turning and re-evaluation occur. With Mars, it's inward action, too...troops to the border, arrests of protesters, citizens imprisoned, wounded and deceased soldiers returning home, etc.

So now, President Obama is militarizing the US-Mexico border more than it already is. Expecting more attacks from that direction, are we? Or from inside the US? From both, I suspect.

Well, perhaps the President has recalled that today is the 83rd anniversary of the Zimmerman telegram, the leak of which helped to finagle a formerly peaceful America into joining in The Great War to End All Wars; aka, WWI. The communique promised help with taking back US territories on behalf of Mexico. And the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco chart has rebellious Hidalgo rising! Hello?

Asteroid Hidalgo is in the 'power' group of archetypes, as you know.

So the horrors of WWI denuded the US of its 'romance of war' illusion yet we've been fighting ever since. But now we act with our nation's inner-directed Sec Mars Rx while the melee is brought to our very doors. If Mars Rx results in further review of our Middle Eastern occupations/withdrawals, that would be a good outcome of its Rx state though I must say that the increase of agencies now making up a gargantuan Department of (the German-sounding) 'Homeland Security', and this could be considered an early manifestation of US Sec Mars Rx.

Now it comes out that HoSec is too big to adequately succeed and US Sec Rx Mars may be one of the culprits.

There's too much redundancy within the bowels of the behemoth, with lots of computers for hackers to trouble, and a right-hand-doesn't-know-what-the-left-hand=is-doing vibe, a ploy so handy when cover-ups are needed for a government founded with a deceitful and/or confused Mars/Neptune square.

Even the Washington Post is calling us Top Secret America, for HoSec is a wasteful boondoggle and bottomless pit in the money department, too. Never-ending war and HoSec? No wonder America is bankrupt.

So it seems to me that withdrawal of US troops will have to happen at some point soon (and best before they're stranded in foreign lands with UN "peacekeepers" morphing into the Army du Jour.)

No matter your Politics about war, you feel it, don't you?

Now you may wish to read more on US Sec Mars Rx in a post from 2007 (pre-financial-collapse; no edits) including the god of war's Secondary Progressed Sabian Symbols for his Rx Station/current positions @ '18Lib' and '19Lib' - both very enlightening word pictures for New Millennial Politics and for the 5-pointed Pentagram, the military arm of Washington DC (aka, the Pentagon) which, with other agencies both secretive and otherwise, enables America's imperialistic march toward global governance.