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Showing posts with label HoSec. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HoSec. Show all posts

Mar 18, 2024

Homeland Security Department: Erosion

Homeland Security an Entity of Revenge

by Jude Cowell

Several moons ago on Jude's Threshold, my WordPress blog, I published a Homeland Security Department Horoscope set for November 25, 2002 1:44 pm est Washington DC with 27Pis29 rising. Since then I've discovered an alternate timing for the entity in my files of 1:46 pm est with 28Pis19 rising and 29Sag05 at Goal Point ('MC', at "The Pope Blessing the Faithful" degree). Any reader having more accurate data, please leave it in a comment with this post, and thanks!

Meanwhile, 'HoSec' operations began on March 1, 2003 with the agency created in "response" to the attacks of September 11, 2001. This is the reason the subtitle of this post is Entity of Revenge. But it was misguided revenge as it turned out since invading Afghanistan and then Iraq showed bad aim by the Bush-Cheney administration - and America's foggy, misdirected 1776 Mars-Neptune square of erroneous inspiration was utilized once again. Even our attackers on 9/11/01 had better aim than Dubya, at least in part, with one plane going down in Pennsylvania, thanks to the actions of its courageous passengers.

Shady Neptune in Secretive Pisces

Now anyone keeping up with the path of nebulous Neptune through its own sign of oceanic Pisces knows that today's position of the gaseous giant is @27Pis24. Therefore, a Neptune-to-Ascendant transit is in progress (and has been for some time) for the Homeland Security Department. This relates to our country's national security, and to its weakened condition brought along by classified and other documents purloined, shared, and probably sold to the highest bidder by the orange denizen of Mar-a-Lago. So on one level, Neptune-to-Ascendant is symbolic of our society's current condition of susceptibility to negative forces of subversion, deception, and fraud, both internally and externally.

Then you may have seen a Rolling Stone headline in July 2023 that Maga Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, Will Sit on the Homeland Security Committee, flame-throwing conspiracy buff, non-legislating, QAnon supporter as she is. Here's a previous post concerning Ms. Greene and her Prenatal Solar Eclipse. No birth time is known for my fellow Georgian, last I checked, so this is all I've bothered posting about her nibs.

Potentials of Transit Neptune to Ascendant Include:

Gradual erosion of image, weakened trust, difficulty maintaining position or status; sense of helplessness, confusion, mystery; failure for unknown reasons; impracticality; loss of reality; lack of stamina; used as a tool for selfish interests; can identify crooks, liars, and insincere people (J. Skalka).

Now above you see a list of the November 25, 2002 midpoint pictures and their potential expressions to provide a view of the planetary energies of the day and the entity. Also listed is the Solar Eclipse of influence, the 4 North and its themes of restriction, illusion, and misjudgment. Please enlarge the image to read the rest.

Previously appearing on SO'W: The Conspiracy Party and Its Neptune Return to mid-Pisces - to the extent that there's anything left of the GOP now that Herr T has had his way eroding it into a death cult of personality.

Moral of the story: Vote Blue on November 5, 2024.

Feb 27, 2015

Feb 28, 2015 12 am: DHS funding runs dry--during its Jupiter Return?

Such Political Theater!

The US Congress continues to rule by crisis so funds for the Department of Homeland Security will run dry by 12:01 am est February 28, 2015 unless as the clock ticks the formerly exalted body passes a 3-week band-aid or a clean bill for full funding today or this evening. Yes, Washington DC provides the country with a slapdash end of February 2015 but let's consider the month of March.

As many astrologers have written, March 2015 will be replete with cosmic and earthly events of note as Washington politicians continue to live down to what they're styled into a sorry model of government---sort of a non-governing government brought to us purposefully by sold-out politicians following basically the same global government script while political factions jockey for ultimate control of the Big Picture.

As for 'HoSec', as I've fondly called it, the conglomerate of agencies was hatched on November 25, 2002 at 1:44 pm est Washington DC under a fiery Sun Sag-Moon Leo influence. At that time, expansive Jupiter (the General; the Banker; the Guru) was in the 6th house of Military and Police Service but conjunct the 5th cusp (risk-taking, speculation, gambling) and ruled the agency itself via the Ascendant (27Pis29 with the March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse @29Pis27 falling upon it this Spring Equinox.) You'll find the Pisces Solar Eclipse horoscope linked, below.

Now transit Jupiter's Rx period has (Oct 2014) and will (June 2015) return to natal degree @17Leo59. To me the fact that the DHS is in the midst of its Jupiter Return (or, Reward Cycle--Tyl) denotes that although funding delays (Rx) are to be expected, current theatrics on Capitol Hill over the DHS budget running dry are merely political antics meant to mar President Obama's White House tenure further and--if hotheads have their way--stop or stall the president's immigration plans.

Does anyone need Astrology to tell them it's all a scripted power play?! Sometimes it seems that obstructionist Republicans are little boys turning blue from holding their breaths in an attempt to get a detached dad's attention!

Image: DHS Nov 25, 2002 1:44 pm est Washington DC

Note that the Sabian Symbol for Mercury's '10Sag' = "A Golden-Haired Goddess of Opportunity." There's much to be said for that particular word picture but since I've typed it many times before, let's not bore each other. You note the nearness to Mercury of saboteur-spy-assassin Pluto of The Underworld for the pair had recently conjoined in Sagittarius. Their conjunction and nearness in this chart spotlights America's natal Mercury-Pluto opposition with its 'secrets, surveillance, propaganda, and mind control' connotations.

Also note that DHS natal Venus @00Sco27 (evaluations, relationships, money) was precisely 'eclipsed' by the October 23, 2014 Solar Eclipse @00Sco24!

If you wish, you may read my notes from 2005 concerning the natal horoscope of Homeland Security. (Warning: it's full of fussy and this Cappy wouldn't want the nsa web crawler to miss it!)

March into April 2015 Moons:

The next March 2015 lunation is the March 5 Full Moon in Virgo, the date Purim begins. The Full Moon of March 3 is the Syzygy Moon of Spring Equinox 2015 (aka, Aries Ingress) which brings a critical 29th-degreed Solar Eclipse. As you know, Aries Ingress charts flavor the rest of the year in which they occur until the next March--and this one has a weighty Solar Eclipse attached @29Pisces which doth 'lean forward' anxiously to reach the Mars-ruled Aries Point.

Also of importance is the first lunation after Spring EQ 2015 (chart shown set for DC) which happens to be a Lunar Eclipse on April 4 @14Libra, the date that Passover begins. The April 4 lunation 'eclipses' US natal Saturn (lawmakers, laws, authority, accountability, the status quo, old men) which may indicate a cosmic link to the Netanyahu-to-Congress turmoil theatrically set up by thuggish Republicans who go out of their way to undermine congressional tradition while demonstrating once again their disdain for President Obama.

The April 4, 2015 Lunar Eclipse with chart shown will be discussed more fully in a soon-to-be-published post.

Dec 7, 2012

3 Reasons to Lose Dept of Homeland Security (video)

Here's a link to the first post published here concerning the formation of the Department of Homeland Security ('HoSec') showing its correctly timed natal horoscope (sans my usual scribbled notes--I wasn't scribbling on charts in 2005.)

You'll see that transiting Saturn in Scorpio (restriction, constriction, loss, realism, etc; Scorpio = spies like us) is activating HoSec's natal 8th house of Shared Resources, Corporatism, Big Business, Transformation, and Death. So perhaps this is a good time to have a conversaton about 'losing' or at least scaling back this massive, Orwellian, inefficient money pit.

Sep 22, 2010

DHS targets activists in PA; Mercury/Uranus busy

Magenta Alert! This HoSec-related article with video arrived in my mailbox from and I thought you might wish to know about some squirreliness going on in the excellent state of Pennsylvania:

In this edition of the Reality Report, Gary Franchi blows the lid off the Pennsylvania DHS list targeting activists. He also sits down with Arizona State Senate Libertarian Candidate Andrea Garcia to talk about her race for the Senate seat. Obama gets schooled during his own Town Hall meeting on CNBC, and we have the video. Nina breaks down the headlines including who is funding the Ground Zero Mosque and how the US is in bigger debt than the Government is letting on.

She also plays the controversial video of the middle school students praying at a Mosque during a field trip and reports on a new tax concept being proposed in the UK. The viewers brand a new “Enemy of the State” and the mailbag is sifted. #


View a basic image of Department of Homelnad Security's
2002 natal horoscope
where you'll notice its North Node in Gemini conjoins US natal Uranus opposite HoSec's Mercury at South Node. The Nodal axis, as you know, signifies the path or future direction with US natal Uranus, planet of revolution and rebellion, at NN.

Uranus/NN blends of energy represent political groups advocating radical reforms and new efforts to alter the course of events. The attacks of 9/11/01, the purported justificaton for setting up DHS, have certainly played an integral part in the altering of our nation and at the time, gave an alleged legitimacy to the disputed SCOTUS installment of Bush-Cheney administration.

(Note: HoSec's birth horoscope was published in 2005 before I developed the bad habit of scribbling my notes all over the charts I publish; the text does include a few details all the same.)

The Nodal contact lends a Mercury/Uranus flavor to the enterprise and has a 'propaganda used during emergencies' quality along with advanced technological (Uranus) surveillance (Mercury) and a potential for riots, rebellion, or protests which begin because information on HoSec's goals is not well explained.

My feeling is that there would be many more such riotous outbursts from we-the-people if the true info on neocon goals of HoSec were well explained.

Jul 19, 2010

Today's news mirrors US Sec Mars Rx: Troops to the Border July 19, 2010

This is off CNN's Political Ticker: Obama to Deploy National Guard Troops to Protect Border, and even to this dissenting American this news sounds like it could be a good thing. Right?

Since 2006, America's Mars from 1776 21Gem+ has been in retrograde condition for the first time in US history. It will continue to be Rx for about 76 years more and many astrologers including this particular novice have written all over the worldwide web on the meaning and implications of such an astrological event.

(Sec Mars Rx also occurred for Germany but never mind that now - let's not talk specifically about Nazis. And remember that US Sec Mars Rx occurred in 2006 during Bush's watch.)

Our national Mars turned inward

Such phrases as 'police state' 'martial law' 'terrorist activities in the homeland' 'weakened military forces' and others have escaped this keyboard prior to this moment, and of course, National Guard and police deployments and actions in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita (and any other natural disasters before and since) come under the purview of our Sec Rx Station of 2006 since our Sec Mars was on or within orb of his stationing degree beginning about a year earlier.

When a Direct planet turns Rx by progression, inward turning and re-evaluation occur. With Mars, it's inward action, too...troops to the border, arrests of protesters, citizens imprisoned, wounded and deceased soldiers returning home, etc.

So now, President Obama is militarizing the US-Mexico border more than it already is. Expecting more attacks from that direction, are we? Or from inside the US? From both, I suspect.

Well, perhaps the President has recalled that today is the 83rd anniversary of the Zimmerman telegram, the leak of which helped to finagle a formerly peaceful America into joining in The Great War to End All Wars; aka, WWI. The communique promised help with taking back US territories on behalf of Mexico. And the BP-Gulf Oil fiasco chart has rebellious Hidalgo rising! Hello?

Asteroid Hidalgo is in the 'power' group of archetypes, as you know.

So the horrors of WWI denuded the US of its 'romance of war' illusion yet we've been fighting ever since. But now we act with our nation's inner-directed Sec Mars Rx while the melee is brought to our very doors. If Mars Rx results in further review of our Middle Eastern occupations/withdrawals, that would be a good outcome of its Rx state though I must say that the increase of agencies now making up a gargantuan Department of (the German-sounding) 'Homeland Security', and this could be considered an early manifestation of US Sec Mars Rx.

Now it comes out that HoSec is too big to adequately succeed and US Sec Rx Mars may be one of the culprits.

There's too much redundancy within the bowels of the behemoth, with lots of computers for hackers to trouble, and a right-hand-doesn't-know-what-the-left-hand=is-doing vibe, a ploy so handy when cover-ups are needed for a government founded with a deceitful and/or confused Mars/Neptune square.

Even the Washington Post is calling us Top Secret America, for HoSec is a wasteful boondoggle and bottomless pit in the money department, too. Never-ending war and HoSec? No wonder America is bankrupt.

So it seems to me that withdrawal of US troops will have to happen at some point soon (and best before they're stranded in foreign lands with UN "peacekeepers" morphing into the Army du Jour.)

No matter your Politics about war, you feel it, don't you?

Now you may wish to read more on US Sec Mars Rx in a post from 2007 (pre-financial-collapse; no edits) including the god of war's Secondary Progressed Sabian Symbols for his Rx Station/current positions @ '18Lib' and '19Lib' - both very enlightening word pictures for New Millennial Politics and for the 5-pointed Pentagram, the military arm of Washington DC (aka, the Pentagon) which, with other agencies both secretive and otherwise, enables America's imperialistic march toward global governance.

Oct 22, 2008

The Fed and the pandemic rooster

"We have what is known as the Federal Reserve Bank System. That system is not owned by the Government. Many people think that it is because it says "Federal Reserve." It belongs to private banks, private corporations.

So we have farmed out to the Federal Reserve Banking System that which is owned exclusively, wholly, one hundred percent to the private banks - we have farmed out to them the privilege of issuing the Government's money!"

--Wright Patman [John William Wright Patman] (1893-1976) US Congressman (TX-D) Source: Congressional Record (Sep 29, 1941)

"No State shall...coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts...."

--US Constitution Source: Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

"...first ascertain exactly the position of the various capitalists, then control them, influence them by restricting or enlarging, facilitating or hindering their credits, and finally they can entirely determine their fate."

--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin [Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov](1870 - 1924), First Leader of the Soviet Union


Quotes courtesy of Information Clearing House; broken financial system brought to you by the Bush-Cheney administration, the pocket-liners of Capitol Hill, the World Bank and IMF, the wizards of Wall Street, and the global corporate syndicate of criminals and thieves.

Did I leave out anyone besides the Vatican?

Ah yes! the secret actors of the high and mighty monarchical 'royal bloodline' persuasion who think they're so-o-o much better than the rest of us...and their minions who think they're 'in with the in crowd' because they know a secret handshake and a chant or two.

If those who think this way along with me are only half right about an invisible power network, things will be bad enough.

Driving out of town this evening, I saw a new billboard by the side of a major highway with words along the lines of: "Be prepared for pandemic flu." There was an artist's rendition of a rooster's head next to the words. Lovely. Thanks.

Makes me think that someone experimented with avian flu in Asia, got it just how they wanted it, and now a strain is on the way to our shores. It's like 1984 all over again.

If that's what they Want me to think, it worked like a charm on this citizen.

After all, the Sabian Symbol for America's natal Pluto, planet of fear and psychological control ('28Cap') is: "A Large Aviary." COMMUNITY...

pos: exceptional success in making all personal concerns a matter of common welfare;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: loss of all character in sheer officiousness. (MEJ.)

Now, mind you, this is the same highway that Homeland Security has under consideration for building an infectious lab facility to be placed in the same area as UGA animal laboratories and pastures. Sounds like a darn good idea if you don't mind a little hoof-and-mouth disease escaping amongst your cows' and sheep' hooves and mouths.

So what could possibly be wrong with this picture?

And yes, the local community has been fighting the lab's location here but the final decision will probably be made elsewhere in spite of the natives' wishes, as you might expect. We have 'input' as long as it doesn't interfere too much with their plans.

But back to the new pandemic rooster billboard:

It seems ironic to me how the scientific community never tires of crowing cock-a-doodle-doo about its marvelous accomplishments when it wants to sell you a new and more expensive med, but then it acts all wimpy and worried about preventing animal-to-human infections when the government orders a new wave of fear mongering to be unleashed upon the public.

One of my childhood favorites:

Foghorn Leghorn would've been ashamed of his cousin appearing on such a billboard in order to unnerve the American people. Foghorn Leghorn has more integrity than that.

And I can't imagine what good such a billboard can lead to...if you have any ideas, please let me know, because as it stands now, I'll be training myself to ignore the pandemic rooster billboard every day as I head to and from work...but who knows? Perhaps I shouldn't.

May 7, 2008

Spotlight on Homeland Security 11.25.02

Stars Over Washington has previous posts concerning the Department of Homeland Security but today I published a Page at Jude's Threshold with details on DHS' natal chart if you wish to take a peek. While there, please add imperialism to the list of -isms for Pluto/Chiron.

My original wet-behind-the-bloggedy-ears HoSec post from Nov 20, 2005 may be found here--image of this money-grubbing boondoggle's natal chart included but with none of my messy notes gouged upon it.

Actually you may like that.

Aug 10, 2007

HoSec's 'BioWatch' still doesn't

On Nov 1, 2005, George Bush painted a glowing picture of his aspiration to set up and administer programs which would detect bio threats to Americans, but as with so many of Bush's pies-in-the-sky, this one is still undercooked.

Biological Detection Program Delayed says WaPo, and if you need a job, Bush'n'friends are quite desperate to interview you to disappear within the bowels of HoSec. But you must be science-challenged like the rest of the Bushies.

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution puts it this way: Biological surveillance falls short, report says.

However you put it, "no one is really sure what it is supposed to do."

Perhaps it's similar to the usual Bush program--it's for doing the opposite of whatever it says it does.

Department of Homeland Security shows ineptness yet again:

HoSec's natal chart has Mercury where the recent Jupiter Direct Station occurred (Jupiter hasn't left "10Sag" yet..."The golden-haired goddess of opportunity" degree.) Jupiter expands and increases whatever he touches and Mercury represents ideas, thinking, communications, paperwork, and such.

And today's Pluto is opposing Nov 1, 2005's Saturn which echoes the cruel Saturn/Pluto opposition of 9/11/01--and deep-leveled Pluto can outweigh heavy Saturn bwo constructional, long-time-coming power issues. Seems the contruction of the BioWatch program wasn't much to begin with, assuming it existed at all.

The Swindlers of Washington are such duds, aren't they?

Nov 21, 2005

Homeland Security Is Hatched

Homeland Security Nov 25, 2002 1:44 pm est DC (Click image to enlarge)

Considering the natal chart for the governmental increase we call, "Homeland Security"...from the cabbage patch of terror and control it has been sprung upon us.

With Pisces, sign of idealism, confusion, and possibly deception, arising, what may the nation expect from this entity?

Let's take a quick look and see what we can see...

The Sun/Moon combo is Sag/Leo, a very grandiose blend with a tendency to grab the limelight from others to hide its insecurity (that's INsecurity). You may remember that President Bush was against creating such an agency before he was for it--yet when Joseph Lieberman's legislation was nearing passage, Bush swiped the ball and ran with it--and Voila! We have HoSec, as I so fondly call it.

The word picture* for Sun Sag/Moon Leo: "At an emotionally moving ceremony, the shaman of the gypsies is given an honorary degree in herbal lore and ancient geography." Hmm-m-m...wonder who the shaman could be? Guesses, anyone? How about head honcho #1, Tom Ridge, who was marginalized in what might be described as an "honorary" position, si?)

With its birthday imminent--Nov 25--and a triple Mercury Return (due to retrogradation) in process, it's a big month or so for HoSec, and should be quite eventful.

The three dates for Mercury's Return to 9Sag51 are: Nov 10, Nov 17, and Dec 20 upcoming. This degree is conjunct the Fixed Star, Antares, keywords: "success which can be obsessive." Antares is seldom benign, and is most often connected with Mars, war, violence, and terror. Appropriate considering the trumpeting of terror and fear which HoSec stirs up whenever it deems necessary...although the "threat alert mauve/magenta/puce", etc, seems to have been discontinued due to excessive ridicule.

The Sabian Symbol for Mercury's "10Sag": "A golden-haired goddess of opportunity" =
REWARD: positive: an irresistible confidence in self and a tireless outreaching to all the wonders of an everday world.

Neg: consistent diversion of effort to worthless ends. (Oh dear...this one is proving alarmingly true. Waste and fraud, anyone? Boondoggle to boot?)

Since a triple Mercury Return usually brings much review, reconsideration, often a re-expression of information, or perhaps some paperwork deja-vu, it'll be interesting to see what communiques issue from HoSec (aka, DHS) around Dec 20, 2005 and onward into 2006.

The natal lunar phase of HoSec is Disseminating so the spreading and sharing of information is its basic nature. This also would refer, of course, to the catapulting of propaganda, which seems to be a favorite past time of our big fat government, as you've surely noticed...and the president says it's his "job."

And so at the basis/foundation of the natal chart is Saturn of control and authority fame. Perhaps it is the Geminian Saturn who is the shaman referenced above--Saturn at the foundation of the formation of Homeland Security, with control and the use/misuse of authority at its base. Perhaps Saturn is the One Who's Really in Charge--and Tom Ridge is long gone!)

(Plus, was Saturn the trigger for the mayhem of 9/11/01? More likely Venus @18Leo.)

Geminian issues concern thinking and communication, as we know, and it is also a dual sign of the light twin and of the dark. Wherever we find Gemini, we may also find duplicity, plus Gemini loves to bring the news. Archetypally it's supposed to be the Good News, but somehow that's not what we seem to hear from HoSec, is it?

Whether Saturn's transformation will end for good or ill we can not yet know for sure, but, as usual, I am wishing the best for our nation, no matter what plots may be hatched for or against us as we go forward...for go forward we surely must.


*from Sun Sign/Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey