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Showing posts with label Illumination Points. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illumination Points. Show all posts

Feb 12, 2010

The Olympic Games, 9/11, and the Illuminati Flame

Everyone knows without researching that 'eternal flames' burn on JFK's and Princess Diana's graves, and on others. Their obvious connection to the Olympic torch may not be as well known to many but they should be if we ever hope to see things as they really are.

So when transiting Saturn conjoined America's natal Neptune 22Vir25 (and President Obama's natal Mars simultaneously) in late August 2009, the 'grim face of reality' transit (Saturn = realism and a drench of cold water, Neptune = illusion, deceptions, and dreams) made this an imperative for the American people to deal with, and for some it seems to have aided in tossing off the rose-colored glasses that most folk tend to wear so happily.

Yet others still can't or won't 'see' what the Illuminati has been illuminating for centuries...their control and manipulation from behind the curtain of illusion as they take action when a sudden change of direction is thought to be necessary for furthering their agenda of domination.

A political assassination tends to have that effect and I doubt anyone can deny it.

Tonight with the Vancouver Olympic Games underway (and right off the bat - the death of a luger - perhaps a tragic accident), the Olympic Eternal Flame
(so often protested by the people including in Vancouver) burns brightly several miles north of here and I want to shine a light on these 'movers and shakers' who deserve to be more than outed, they deserve to be prosecuted. Difficult, yes, since all institutions are now infiltrated by them including justice systems of every nation.

In Dallas, after JFK's assassination in Masonic Dealey Plaza, the Scottish Rite of Freemasons erected an obelisk (another favorite, an Egyptian-esque symbol similar to that in Mecca, now that I think about it) and placed a brazen 'eternal flame' at the site which marked their mayhem and his sacrifice.

And I'm reading that an 'eternal flame' was lighted soon after the attacks of 9/11 at Ground Zero which, if true, shouts out the perpetrators or their backers, at least. Now I haven't been to NYC since pre-9/11, so if you've seen the flame or some rep (such as a statue) of it there, please advise. Think of Rockefeller Center with its golden statue of Prometheus with a torch, the torch of illumination, knowledge, and the Sun.

As you know, mythical Uranian Prometheus stole fire (Mars) from the gods for mankind's use and was punitively chained to a rock (Saturn, ruler of Capricorn) with a great eagle (Scorpionic symbol) arriving each day to eat his liver (Sag = the liver) which regenerated (Pluto) itself each day.

Perhaps obvious 'fire' references to the US' atomic bombing (Pluto) of Japan might be inserted here. And I tend to think of Illuminati in Mundane Astrology work when I consider the Sabian Symbol (Babylonian symbols intuited by a psychic named Elsie Wheeler in 1925 after 10 years' worth of study of Charubel's work from 1898; his interpretations were primarily for Ascendants' degrees) for '13 Capricorn' = "A Fire Worshiper" as relating to the subject of Illuminati and their arrogant interference in the natural course of events and the 'eternal flame' which ordinary folk unknowingly 'worship' at these gravesites - and in the Statue of Liberty's hand, among other places.

And of course, if we use the degree of a symbol without rounding up, we get an Illumination Point (the opposite degree which holds unconscious information) that illuminates America's natal Sun degree of '13 Cancer'. (When rounded up the US Sun = '14Cancer' of course.)

There's less than one degree difference there. Columba and her dive-bombing doves would be proud of modern-day fire worshipers who balk at absolutely nothing to achieve their ends! (See site link below for more details on Columba.)

Well, if you can take more of the subject I ask you to check out a site with a plethora of info on this and related subjects such as Atlantis, other secret societies, and conspiracies.

Guess I should close with the rest of the '13Cap' info from Marc Edmund Jones, no slouch in the Babylonian department himself...

Keyword: is ideality brought to the point of miracle...

positive expression: extraordinary skill in enlisting every resource of the world for the exaltation of self and the consummation of its ambitions;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: consistent overestimation of personal capacity.

Note the emphasis on the 'exaltation of the self' and 'its ambitions'...and on 'every resource of the world' which they apparently are hoarding in a dark cave somewhere after the financial collapse of 2008/09/10+ - which makes this sort of info of intimate concern to everyone on the planet, now and in future.

Here's a related post with links to follow and interesting videos to watch about the global agenda uncovered.

And perhaps I can add one more apt symbol for '11 Pisces' where transiting Jupiter is headed in early March 20-10...

"Men Seeking Illumination"...Keyword: DEDICATION...the immortality of man as dramatized in some form of apostalic succession, or a living tradition of spiritual achievement. The divine spirit is fundamentally a matrix of itself...", he goes on, and one may wish to consider the 'apostalic' succession of Illuminati bloodlines that undergird the exaltations of their will to dominate us now. The DaVinci Code was based on the ridiculous idea (propaganda) that Christ had children with Mary Magdalene - an absurdity that would completely undermine His ministry and sacrifice if you allowed the fantasies of these 'illuminated' Luciferians to take hold of your imagination.

To continue with '11 Pisces'...

pos: high accomplishment in an effective alignment with ultimate reality;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: obvious hypocrisy.

And a massive web of lies and deceit...a matrix of tentacles, I would add.

Dec 4, 2009

Text link to President Obama's war escalation speech of 12.1.09; US progr'd Pluto

Here is a link the President Obama's war escalation announcement of Dec 1, 2009 in West Point, NY which I attempted to translate from astrologese into English, if you're interested (horoscope chart included.)

In my real world I've had time this week to speak to friends and several people of my acquaintance and so far we all agree: sending 30,000 US soldiers (or however many it will really be) is a very bad, if not insane, idea which will ultimately do America more harm than good.

And promoting Bush's past justifications only makes Mr. Obama's culpability more obvious and saddening. Of course, BHO did sign on to carry water for the plutocratic oligarchy, didn't he?

Now as a daughter of the revolution myself, I shall type once again the Sabian Symbol of the difficult Solar Eclipse degree now affecting the world @ '30Cancer' may agree that it's quite apt; from *July 21/22, 2009's 11 South Series at a 29th 'crisis' degree (29Can27), and rounding up:

"A Daughter of the American Revolution" = INHERITANCE...

positive expression: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unit;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority.

Then there's the Illumination Point, the opposite degree, which fills out the picture and is the current degree of America's Secondary Progressed PLUTO in the year 2009:

'30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" = OPPORTUNITY...

pos: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others.

Normally I don't like to interpret Sabian Symbols here in close relationship to the subject of my post since everyone should be free to associate the symbolic word pictures as they wish according to their own insights and opinions. But considering the seriousness of the president's actions as he jumps on the ruin-and-bankrupt-America-by-war bandwagon, I shall sassily do so now. You don't have to agree, I'm just telling you how the Solar Eclipse influence seems to me to be affecting us at this important juncture, this crossroads where we're taking, imo, the wrong turn.

The American people have inherited a tendency to 'solve' things by going to war once our emotions have been played upon for a 'cause.' This is a hold-over from revolutionary times. Our military forces have been ably organized and trained - anti-constitutional though they may be as a 'standing army' - and are the best in the world, of which we may be justly proud.

Yet arrogance has crept into our national psyche with our plutocratic leadership egging it on with ideas and dreams of 'Manifest Destiny' as if we have a right above all others to expand into the world - into the territories of others. You know the history of the US government vs Native Americans, so I don't have to mention its tragedies and sorrows.

Our first overseas invasion - of innocent HAWAII, for cryin' out loud - was inspired by Robber Barons' visions of sugary profits which I've written about previously; you may view the chart with details of the Jan 16, 1893 coup, if you wish. You'll see the Sun was conjunct US natal Pluto 27Cap33. Sun-to-Pluto is a transit of formidable aggression and strong will with power issues highlighted. Needless to say, Hawaii didn't stand a chance.

Besides that, 'assumptions of superiority' are against what America generally describes as its 'Christian' heritage, because all people are unique yet equal before God's Throne and we each have a true condition before God - not how we think of ourselves or what anyone else believes about us, but what He knows we are.

And His is the only opinion that matters in the end - not spins from dictators calling other dictators 'evil' or objectifying entire races of peoples in order to 'justify' taking their lands and resources, or otherwise oppressing them. (Dropping bombs upon them I would include in this category which, of course, brings in a little old Commandment against killing.)

And so Americans are induced to betray themselves by falsely assuming that the Universe allows us actions which are somehow above the rest of Earth's inhabitants as we do if reaping what we sow - the law of karma - only applies to others, not to us.

Astrologically, America is said to be highly influenced by freedom-loving, chaos-bringing Uranus, discovered by William Herschel in 1781 - between the American and French Revolutions (both of which were started by Rothschildian machinations and other world domination types who use chaos situations they engineer as game changers when it suits their notions and NWO whims.)

'30 Cap':

Then we come to the Illumination Point conjunct US Sec PLUTO in Capricorn; Pluto, a signature on one level of the 'secret hand' that directed our nation's founding, and I believe, still directs in secret conferences with goals of their own which are against America-as-we-know-it's best interests. Thus, they high-handedly expand the Pentagon's war machine in spite of the majority's wishes.

These plutocrats are the ivory-towered power elite of the shadow government (Neptune/Saturn) who had to sign off on Barack Obama as president or he wouldn't be in the White House. He plays our 'propaganda-catapulter-in-chief' whose oration attempt on the evening of Dec 1, 2009 is considered by many to be unconvincing rhetoric. It was definitely not his most uplifting orating performance, but look at the sorry material he had to work with. And look how empty his assurance of when our troops would leave - made for the American public's benefit, as well as for others'.

So ramping up war in the Middle East to control the region's lucrative resources is an opportunity for Pentagon big dogs to justify their jobs, keep the US military industrial complex and private contractors in business, and follow the world domination script of the ruling plutocracy. And of course, other political concerns are at work as well.

But you know - it's primarily their selfishly crass and morbid 'exploitation of others' that grips my heart most sadly.


*11S Series: 'systems fail; sudden reforms, new ideas and methods are needed; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

'30 Can'/'30Cap' from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

Sep 26, 2009

Sibel Edmonds interview: those who played roles in 9/11

Being busy of late with various art projects, this Sept 21 interview with whistleblower Sibel Edmonds almost escaped my radar but thanks to a watchful reader, I've now caught up with her astonishing revelations concerning the attacks of 9/11 and the roles of Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz among other actors of treasonous proportions.

You'll note the reference to '4 months before 9/11' which implicates the Solar Eclipse Series prior to that of the attacks themselves which fell into the 3 North Series: 'over-excessive, news that involves young people or that transforms a situation; info causes obsessive worry; large plans are wanted to be undertaken, but don't get carried away.' (Paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The American military did get carried away by warmongers and liars - to Iraq to break the country in two, with the UK taking the south, the US the north. Turkey's role is detailed in the article above as well, so please check it out since the 2002 gag order issued against Ms. Edmonds by then-Attorney General John Ashcroft is now lifted. You won't like what you read, but I recommend you read it anyway.

As you know, the 3N Series occurred @ 00Cancer, a World Point where big events transpire, but '4 months before 9/11' falls earlier into the 2 South Series @ 4Cap14 where Pluto will be visiting before we know it. Pluto 00Cap+ now opposes 9/11's PE as the Edmonds interview is uncovered and spread.

2S is the PE Series of Bush's first illegal, ill-fated, misguided, fraudulent term. (Just so you know where I stand on the varmints of 2000 and 2001 and always remembering SCOTUS and Justice Renquist's intimate roles in our election scam. And still, the US nervily pontificates on elections' legitimacy abroad!)

Actually Pluto's orb when transiting may be considered to be 5 degrees on each side of a particular degree, so perhaps plutonic delving is already occurring as he is now in orb of 4Cap14...

Paraphrasing Ms. Brady again on 2S which manifested on Dec 25, 2000: 'unusual groups and one's involvement in them and the feeling that one may gain a great deal with such involvement.'

Interestingly, 2S is the *PE Series of: Ronald Reagan, Woodrow Wilson, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Noam Chomsky, the New Millennium, and my favorite artist, Paul Cezanne.


*PE = Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the eclipse season during which a person, entity, or event are born. Every 18.6 years a repeat of a Solar Eclipse in a Series manifests bringing with it the same issues and casting similar shadows upon current events; some Series have a more negative flavor than others and a South Series Eclipse may carry more of an unconscious quality with them. 'Old behaviors' may be relied upon.

So every 18.6 years, one is provided with a chance to deal more effectively with these issues through more mature consideration, developed talents, and initiative which one could not have possessed in infancy. But the chance also exists to deal in a negative, unconscious way - one more reason to be aware of one's natal chart!

Aspects from natal planets to an Eclipse degree show where one might receive aid through positive aspects such as sextiles (60 degr), trines (120 degr), and sometimes conjunctions (0 degr); more challenging aspects such as squares, semisquares, sesquisquares, oppositions, inconjuncts, or quindecuiles, indicate where blockages may exist either from the environment or from within, mentally and/or emotionally.

My observances with eclipses seem to indicate, however, that oppositions, as aspects of awareness, may actually be one of the most helpful of all aspects since opposite degrees can operate as Illumination Points where unconscious motivations lurk. But then, of course, one must be willing to take the awareness ball and run with it.

As for governments, they aren't known for admitting or honestly dealing with much of anything, for honesty could interfere with 'winning' the next election.


Read more on Eclipses and their effects by ace astrologer Donna Cunningham on her SkyWriter blog.

Aug 28, 2008

Biden video from Bill Maher's Real Time

Okay so VP candidate and senator Joe Biden is great on more issues than not. Should I forget about the other stuff?

As a feminine personage I can't ignore his work with Barbara Boxer on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 1994, can I?

Nope. I can't. So consider me consoled even if the rewritten bankruptcy law aided the credit card, credit counseling, and banking industries while adding to the burdens of financially strapped consumers, many of whom wouldn't have been in such dire straits at all if America had a decent system for healthcare - for paying for medical care, that is.

Biden's acceptance speech Wednesday evening in Denver was good-to-excellent, I thought, and his attack dog role seems just right for biting Bush-Cheney-McCain's bony ankles.

Synchronicitous that during this week of Biden's VP nom acceptance, wounding Chiron remains at '17AQ' which has this Sabian Symbol:

"A Watchdog Standing Guard"...Keyword: PROBITY.

pos: unswerving faithfulness to ideals and a real determination to achieve them;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unfriendly instincts and groundless suspicion.

The unconscious Illumination Point directly across the zodiac '17 Leo' where the Moon traversed later in the evening on her way to August 30's New Moon (7Vir48) is:

"A Non-Vested Church Choir"...Keyword: COMMUNION...

pos: the effective quickening of man's heart through interests which have been expanded to a point of real concern for his fellows;

neg/shadow side: unimaginative striving for undeserved popularity. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

In Washington? Unimaginative? No, but Undeserved in many cases, to be sure! The Dems sound mighty concerned, but actions will be roaring if they win the White House.

What craws me is that if the Dems are sincere about real change (Saturn 'real' oppo Uranus 'change') then the ones who purposefully engineered the messes we're in will interfere in any way they can and it'll be the usual cry of stalemate on Capitol Hill.

And as Bush43 has adored saying many times, "Congress needs to pass a bill I can sign."

Funny from a man whose bill signing can be undermined by the very same pen - by using his fancy made-up 'signing statements'!!

I'd say he needs to sign a bill or two on behalf of the American people instead of flourishing his signature upon a mile-high stack of them that only boost his pals and their companions to further heights of wealth and power.

And one note about the current campaign line on McCain's being 'unaware' of the problems of the American people:

it's just like McCain's cutting birthday cake with Bush while New Orleans drowned...they ARE aware but they simply do ~ not ~ care.

Feb 13, 2008

Eclipse Series of the Bush presidency

On December 25, 2000, a Solar Eclipse occurred 4Cap14 in the 2 South Series making this the Series of the Bush presidency.

With the SCOTUS decision earlier in December, a vain attempt was made to bestow legitimacy to a doubtfully attained presidency, and this Solar Eclipse shows by its influence what Bush and friends had been up to--

great gains expected through new associations with unusual groups (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Prior to this was the Pre-natal Eclipse Series of George W. Bush (and Laura--2 New North) which had manifested on July 31 (8Leo11, conj Bush's natal ASC and Mercury.) The 2NN Series may be called The Tower Series, and if you're familiar with the Tarot deck, you'll recognize it as card #16.

Obviously this links archetypally to the attacks on the WTC (the Twin Towers) of 9/11/01 because the keyphrases for 2 New North are:

sudden collapse of lifetstyles or plans; confusion reigns but long-term effects are of rebuilding and transformation; after the dust settles, the consequences of this reshaping will have far-reaching effects; personal directions are changed through the sudden collapse of an existing structure.

Now it's tempting to say, poor George, newly installed in the White House and his presidency's plans got all rearranged...except that mystical George had to know of this Eclipse's influence from his past--it had occurred in 1964 (age 18) and in 1982 (age 36). Now how could anyone not notice a biggie like this? Mr. Skull'n'Bones!

The Bush-Cheney administration's legitimacy continued to be seriously questioned as the presidential oath of Jan 20, 2001 was taken (with fingers crossed behind his back, as it turned out) so I hope you can click-to-enlarge this Eclipse chart which heralds the beginning of the Bush-Cheney years.

As usual, I have squished too many notes upon the chart including some of Bush's natal placements and a couple from the Pentagon (Pentagon's natal ASC has tr NN pointing at it 15Can28--a murder-suicide degree--DeVore's Encyclopdia.)

The Sabian Symbol for "5Cap" is most instructive (Dr Marc Edmund Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology ):

"Indians rowing a canoe and dancing a wardance"...MOBILIZATION...

pos: a capacity for aggressive leadership and an unusual effectiveness in sidetracking minor issues for the sake of major achievement;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary moods and tantrums.

This Symbol supports the theories of those who've always said that Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld and their compadres intended war from the start of this "administration." And it totally amazes me that anyone in 2008 could disagree on the issue for By their fruits you shall know them!

The opposite degree, the Illumination Point, an unconscious degree, is also instructive given what the world has suffered from this administration:

"5Can"..."An automobile wrecked by a train"...DISPERSION...

pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

neg/shadow side: an insensitive recklessness.

Now it's late in the boondoggle game, but most Americans finally agree that the US economy has been wrecked by a train--the presidency (or as I think of it, the residency) of George W.Bush bwo his reckless warring and drunken sailor "budget."

Highlighted in pink is a YOD (Finger of God) pattern which indicates a special task, with warring activist Mars 1Sco15, god of war, (conjunct the New World Order's natal Sun, forming the YOD's base with Mercury, Sun, and Moon.

All point to focal planet, Jupiter 2Gem45 Rx.

Jupiter as a YOD pattern's focal planet (Bil Tierney, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis) operates on a lofty mental level but may feel out of tune with social laws, belief systems, and moral codes which he is expected to abide by (or pretend to--Jupiter = the thespian--jc.)

He is open to new theories and probabilities, and has spent years pondering abstract matters. He now yearns for the personal freedom and uplifting inspiration to put his faith into something workable, yet Jupiter quincunxes (150 degrees) can prove disorganizing and impractical if not well-managed.

Details are not properly attended to and his expectations almost always fall short of their promised potential...overreaching and poor judgment are common. Inner faith in the ultimate fulfillment of goals is evident yet his approach towards the application of his faith needs correction.

Tolerance is required to take positive advantage of Jupiter as focal planet of a YOD.

Does the above sound anything like the pie-in-the-sky Oval Office resident we've come to know and abhor?

Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture brings war and revolution to the above sketch and may describe the elitist in the White House in more ways than one:

"3Gem"..."The Garden of the Tuileries"...LUXURY...

pos: creative stability which enables each individual to participate in the full gamut of satisfactions developed and cherished by his fellows as well as himself;

neg/shadow side: complete selfishness and a joy in lording it over others.

Bush will be missing that last one when it's gone!

Here's an article, A Day of Infamy, concerning the SCOTUS decision which handed the Oval Office to Bush and his oil drilling, war mongering cronies.

And you know the rest.

Jan 29, 2008

Romney McCained--and 2008's Eclipses

Yes, Romney has been cained by John McCain in Florida and I've been writing and posting a Page at Jude's Threshold--inspired by the fact that 2008 is hopefully the last year of Bush's residency in the White House, and a hankering fell over me to see where in his natal chart the four Eclipses of 2008 fall.

You may wish to see for yourself here:

2008's Solar and Lunar Eclipses which also has info on George and Laura Bush's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series; plus, some details on how to read your own Illumination Points if you don't already know how.

For as Astrology's servant, I post for you, m'peops! I post for you...and for the sake of America's higher path.

And for World Peace. I really want World Peace.