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Showing posts with label Liz Cheney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liz Cheney. Show all posts

Oct 4, 2024

October 3, 2024: Harris Rally joined by Liz Cheney

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

By now you've heard of or watched yesterday's Kamala Harris rally in Ripon, Wisconsin where the democratic presidential candidate was joined onstage by Liz Cheney (R-WY) whose remarks are well worth hearing, if you haven't.

Then as many astrologers know, Ripon is the historic location of the Republican Party's founding in 1854. Yet like many Americans, I have issues with Liz Cheney and her former VP father, however, the prominent feature of their endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket for me is their shared support for, and defense of, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Naturally, this pits Harris-Walz and their supporters against scofflaw Trump and his Maga Utopian objective of turning America into a lawless, gun-toting "Wild West" landscape where varmints and scoundrels run amok in our streets, criming as they please and getting away with it. Like the orange felon struggles to do.

Now there are multiple versions of a Republican Party Horoscope and here is one of the Ripon-based charts (center) surrounded by the April 10, 2024 Mars-Saturn Conjunction @14Pisces which landed upon the party's Neptune @14Pisces, and revealing its weakened condition as it lashes out with threats:

And yes, we all know that the arming of America has proceeded for years now - purposefully for just such a time as this. We also know that off-kilter domestic militiamen oppose the US Constitution and would prefer, I suggest, that the US fall under the paternalistic heel of The Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis45 where deceptive gaslighting planet Neptune recently visited.) If you check out the horoscope you'll notice the Mercury-Neptune Conjunction with its "faulty judgment" potentials and fantasy vibes.

Now back then, The South was basically run as a feudalist society with antiquated ideas full of cruelty, intolerance, misogyny, hatred, and inequality. And these are the ideas and the time frame that a majority of the American people have no self-defeating desire to go back to.

From 2021: Liz Cheney ousted as Trump's Mercury rises.

Two (out of many!) Recommended Posts: But Who Wants Another World War?; and The NRA Began Under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes (as did Baby Donnie).

May 12, 2021

Liz Cheney Ousted as Trump's Mercury Rises

Rep. Liz Cheney 116th Congress Official Portrait {public domain}

May 12, 2021 Wednesday: At 9:00 am edt this morning on Capitol Hill in a meeting lasting "about 20 minutes," congressional Republicans voice-voted to oust Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming from her leadership position in the Republican Party. A voice vote means that no member had to be publicly embarrassed by their weasel vote.

Curiously, the natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp (8Can51) was rising at exactly 9:00 am (ASC 8Can01) - or perhaps not so curiously since the 'ouster of revenge' was done at his command. Voting Mercury exalted in Gemini, and contentious Mars in Cancer and rising in 1st house, were both out-of-bounds of the Earthly plane suggesting the former guy taking his revenge on Liz Cheney from his desk way down in Mar(s)-a-Lago.

The fluctuating Moon @00Gemini, ruler of the Ascendant and thus of the proceedings, conjuncts fixed star Alcyone, keyphrase: something to cry about, but I'm guessing that ultimately the tears won't belong to Liz Cheney if the proposed formation of a new political party is successful, a third party ('29AQ': "A Third Wing on the Right Side of a Butterfly" - Jones; with the vote's 9th house Jupiter @29AQ, a critical-crisis degree).

For if a third political party with conservative, anti-Tr*mp leanings is successfully formed, it's possible that Cheney's bid for the presidency, perhaps in 2024, will make the right kind of waves that her father will be proud of. If you will, as VP Dick always said.

Closing Note: Checking out Carelli's astro-portrait of the Natal Mercury of Donald Tr*mp can provide a Mercurial image of the orange gossip-monger.

May 6, 2021

Can Astrology Show the GOP's "Turning Point"?

Hey Liz! Some Say the GOP's "Turning Point" Occurred Way Back in 2016!

by Jude Cowell

May 6, 2021: As you've heard or read by now Rep. Liz Cheney has written an op-ed concerning the current condition of the Republican Party, an internal fight. See Facing an ouster from House leadership, Cheney says GOP is at 'turning point' and must choose between the more traditional version of conservatism that she favors (torture, endless war, austerity?), and the Big Lie cult of personality of Donald Trump, intended to keep him in office way beyond his sell-by date which expired at noon on Inauguration Day 2021.

But so far from what I've heard, Rep. Cheney isn't counting events that occurred when Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015 at the New Moon (25Gemini) and, more critically, the change came (in public) with the 2016 Russian-spy-infused RNC that nominated the faithless manchild and 'Putin pal' I tend to call, agent orange.

For a view of Liz Cheney's natal chart see Marjorie Orr's post Liz Cheney - howling into the wind.

Now naturally, the term "turning point" conjures images of a YOD pattern in the minds of most if not all astrologers so I began to wonder if any of the Republican Party horoscopes would evolve to show a YOD pattern when progressed to a current date such as this very day.

Now in my files there are multiple founding horoscopes for the Republican Party and I chose the following two sets of data to search within for progressed YODs, if any, that contain turning point;crossroads;crisis;special task implications. Of course, YODs are also timing devices which can bring opportunity for karmic progress or advancement but since this experiment concerns politicians, let's keep our hopes tethered to the reality of their personal limitations.

The two Republican Party founding charts used:

March 20, 1854 6:30 pm LMT Ripon WI and July 6, 1854 5:00 pm LMT Ripon, WI.

Dual Horoscopes, below = today's Secondary Progressions ('SP'): upper right chart is based on, or issues from, the party's March 20th horoscope, and lower left, the SP chart is based on the party's July 6th horoscope. Note that other founding horoscopes, if you have them, may also contain 'turning point" info for those who care to progress them.

Please enlarge the image to read my study notes for not all of them will appear within this text.

Upper right chart with 3Pis11 rising shows an SP YOD between the SP Venus-Saturn sextile pointing to SP Chiron @16Cap00 Rx and SP Jupiter @17Cap51 (in SP 11th house of Groups and Associations). Even the party's SP Pallas (strategy; wisdom) joins in the pattern while the Venus-Saturn sextile denotes those who exploit others, who prefer the tried and true (like Trump? he's been tried - to be false!), and who find it impossible to allow for mid-course changes of direction. So apparently Trump must be included in that unfortunate assessment. Then if we read the YOD as a midpoint picture with Jupiter at apex, we find potentials for 'separations' and/or 'illegitimate relationships' (R. Ebertin).

As you see, in both SP charts, wounded/wounding Chiron is in governmental Capricorn indicating a need to prevail ("own the libs"?) and to win in spite of all adversity. With Chiron in Capricorn, older mentors are often prevalent, even via historical figures, along with an irrational desire to conquer Time itself (ex: ruling a nation forever?). (R. Nolle).

Revealingly, SP Sun @11Vir14 conjuncts the party's SP Cupido ('The Family'; The Syndicate; Corporatism) and SP Toro, one of the power asteroids which can also include nuclear power. SP Moon (12th house of Politics and Karma) squares SP Pluto (2nd house and highlighted in lavender), a temporary influence indicating intense emotions, seeking support or withdrawing, financial security being challenged, competition, and/or holding on to old grudges (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Now even though the forceful, brutal SP Mars-Pluto opposition is fading, the midpoint of the duo conjuncts SP Moon so potentials for 'ambition; audacity and daring; a determined or resolute woman' (Liz? her replacement?); and/or 'injury caused to a woman' (Ebertin) are of influence. Plus, I have no accurately timed horoscope for Liz Cheney but her natal Moon remained in Sagittarius for the entire 24 hours so the party's March 20th SP Saturn @15Gem20 (conjunct SP IC) could possibly be opposing her natal Moon, a depressive, oppressive influence on her from party leadership (Saturn = authority figures) if so. Also note that the party's rising SP Neptune @14Pis38 is within orb of an opposition to Cheney's natal Pluto @16Vir45, suggesting an erosion of her power and control within the party particularly in relation to ideals (Neptune).

With the party's July 6th horoscope progressed to today, we do find a YOD but only if we use the SP Uranus-Neptune sextile as its base pointing toward US natal Saturn (14Lib48). Read as a midpoint picture, we have potentials for 'change of direction' (which can suggest a turning point) and/or a condition in which there's a clash between 'ambitions vs projects' (Ebertin). Plus, the Uranus-Neptune 'new world order' pair in sextile hints at those who stand apart from the mainstream of society so perhaps we can agree that radical political reactionaries in the Trump faction of the GOP pride themselves on doing just that. It's anti-societal all the way.

Perhaps I should add a double SP midpoint picture for it's quite revealing of the party's current atmosphere: SP Mars-Pluto = SP Neptune with potentials for: 'cunning and deceit; secretly causing harm or damage to others; implacability'. Also Mars-Pluto conjunct MC: 'ambition; facing overwhelming force without power; overcoming sudden difficulties' (Ebertin).

So to close, let's mention the July 6th SP BOWL shape of planets (having a mission or the advocacy of a cause) led by SP Mercury @11Sag45 (which might be conjunct Liz Cheney's natal Moon, who knows?) and denotes serious conflicts, possible separations, and supports their 'desire to be in control' and with 'a focus on limitations' (Pottenger-Dobyns).

Limitations? Sounds like a case of Republican sore loser belly-achin' to me.