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Showing posts with label The Confederate Constitution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Confederate Constitution. Show all posts

Oct 4, 2024

October 3, 2024: Harris Rally joined by Liz Cheney

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

By now you've heard of or watched yesterday's Kamala Harris rally in Ripon, Wisconsin where the democratic presidential candidate was joined onstage by Liz Cheney (R-WY) whose remarks are well worth hearing, if you haven't.

Then as many astrologers know, Ripon is the historic location of the Republican Party's founding in 1854. Yet like many Americans, I have issues with Liz Cheney and her former VP father, however, the prominent feature of their endorsement of the Harris-Walz ticket for me is their shared support for, and defense of, the US Constitution and the rule of law. Naturally, this pits Harris-Walz and their supporters against scofflaw Trump and his Maga Utopian objective of turning America into a lawless, gun-toting "Wild West" landscape where varmints and scoundrels run amok in our streets, criming as they please and getting away with it. Like the orange felon struggles to do.

Now there are multiple versions of a Republican Party Horoscope and here is one of the Ripon-based charts (center) surrounded by the April 10, 2024 Mars-Saturn Conjunction @14Pisces which landed upon the party's Neptune @14Pisces, and revealing its weakened condition as it lashes out with threats:

And yes, we all know that the arming of America has proceeded for years now - purposefully for just such a time as this. We also know that off-kilter domestic militiamen oppose the US Constitution and would prefer, I suggest, that the US fall under the paternalistic heel of The Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis45 where deceptive gaslighting planet Neptune recently visited.) If you check out the horoscope you'll notice the Mercury-Neptune Conjunction with its "faulty judgment" potentials and fantasy vibes.

Now back then, The South was basically run as a feudalist society with antiquated ideas full of cruelty, intolerance, misogyny, hatred, and inequality. And these are the ideas and the time frame that a majority of the American people have no self-defeating desire to go back to.

From 2021: Liz Cheney ousted as Trump's Mercury rises.

Two (out of many!) Recommended Posts: But Who Wants Another World War?; and The NRA Began Under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes (as did Baby Donnie).

Apr 1, 2022

In the Realms of Jupiter: David Duke

Jupiter; NASA/JPL/University of Arizona, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

For the curious, Politico has published information concerning the December 24, 1865 founding of the Ku Kl*x Klan, plus, the natal horoscope of white 'supremacist' and former grand wizard of the Klan David Ernest Duke (RR: AA for accuracy) is available, if you'd care for a glance. Note that Duke's natal chart does not appear on SO'W because I do not want it here so feel free to check out his natal planets as you wish. (July 1, 1950 11:37 am cst Tulsa, OK; Jupiter Rx @7Pis24).

Also notable is that Duke has recently experienced a Jupiter Return which perfected once on February 1, 2022 with Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter, a transit which suggests a favorable period when opportunities exist but must be actively taken advantage of in the realms of publishing, politics, finances, militaristism, intellectual and/or spiritual pursuits. Health may also be affected since natal Jupiter is posited in his 6th house, and of course, one of expansive Jupiter's many roles is as The General. Meanwhile, any natal aspects to Jupiter are reiterated when the planet "returns" to natal position and for Duke, this is a Jupiter-Uranus trine (1A57) from 6th to 10th house.

As you may remember, Herr Tr*mp was also born under this beneficial trine of good fortune and its energies contribute to many instances of the racketeer's 'getting away' with what others would never get away with via his natal trine from 2nd hou$e to 10th house of Career and Public Status.

Then as you know, a Jupiter Reward Cycle (as Noel Tyl termed it to me via phone!) lasts for approximately 12 years so let's consider the natal Jupiter in watery Pisces of David Duke. Negative potentials of the placement will be emphasized with a few positives tossed in just to be nice.

In the Realms of Jupiter: David Duke

Jupiter in Pisces (dignified in Pisces; Jupiter/'Neptune') Seeks self-improvement through devotion to ideals; a need for risk-taking (a known gambler); can bear severe criticism in the promotion of a 'greater' cause or vision; strong interest in the occult and psychism; extravagant; unreliable; overly imaginative; vacillating; impressionable; lover of comfort, solitude, and negative escapism (exs: drugs including alcohol, gambling); an over-inflated ego which can float away on dreams of personal glory and can lead to destructive consequences.

Jupiter in 6th house gives a large capacity for work (ex: workaholism); life has meaning through service to others; with the 6th house connection to Virgo there can be crankiness, peevishness, nervous tension, an overly critical attitude toward other people; overeating or overfasting - moderation is a must; may use new age or natural health remedies; technological proficiency may also be present along with scientific interests.

(Sources include Carter, Mayo, Ebertin, Hickey, Davison, Tierney.)

Well, there it is, my astro-salute to Jupiter the General in the natal horoscope of David Ernest Duke with his Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius personality blend of the klannish visionary and lover of symbols.

Following are links to a couple of Related Posts meant for the concerned reader:

Horoscope of The Confederacy and A Dark Vein of Intolerance

Historical Horoscope of The Confederate Constitution.

Jun 2, 2020

Fascism Rising Eclipse of 1933 repeats in 2023

June 2, 2020: Considering the current unrest and turbulence in our nation with National Guard troops ordered or threatened to be ordered to various cities across the land - and with a vision of Trump hunkered down in a bunker - an updated post on the Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse Horoscope of 1933 may be of interest. Learning from history so as not to repeat mistakes is a grand thing if it can be accomplished! Unfortunately, given the speed with which America has been sabotaged by authoritarian entities and with martial law and dystopia potentially on the horizon, it seems at this point that the fascist types are the ones who have learned from their mistakes and improved their tactics.

Yes, it is depressing but as progressive author and broadcaster Thom Hartmann always says, Despair is not an option. Thom also says, Democracy is not a spectator sport, so get out there! and finally, Americans are doing just that, taking to the streets, but with the predicable result that paid operatives and anti-democratic thugs of the klannish persuasion are apparently among the crowds in order to stir up violence and destruction, discredit the protests, and give government a justification for clamping down (when we're already under lock down!). The use of subterfuge against We The People, a time-honored tactic of Uranian-Plutonian types, reveals the saboteurs' plan to institute military control of the population thereby completing their government coup and keeping demagogue Trump throttling the helm of the White House. See or review Summer 2020: Uranus-Pluto and Crisis. And note that America's natal Sun in Cancer (July 4, 1776) will be 'eclipsed' by the Lunar Eclipse of July 5, 2020 which is basically the cosmic gift of an eclipse for our national birthday.

Hopefully, the implied changes of direction inspired by the three Summer 2020 eclipses, although turbulent, will turn America toward a more positive course and any secrets or inconvenient facts revealed will uplift democracy, not reduce it further. This, in addition to the fact that the critical Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse @00Cancer contains potentials for the entire globe.

US Mars the Warrior in Our Turbulent Times

Astrologically, on one level we see these fiery conditions and perversions of goals and actions via US natal Mars turned retrograde by progression since 2006 (when Bush-Cheney 'broke' the military, as I've typed in previous posts of that era). Certainly the symbolic (SP) inward subversion (Rx) of America's Mars' energy, motivation, and action principles aren't what they once were when Mars progressed through the years in forward motion. The concepts of social and political regression (Rx) come to mind as favored by the Republican hierarchy (and others!) who seem determined to regress America back to the 1860s. Led by figurehead Trump, they're attempting now to re-fight the Civil War for they prefer that relic of a bygone era, the Confederate Constitution of 1861 (horoscope shown is timed by the day's New Moon @20Pis59--where transit Neptune is as I type, and there's venal Venus @5Pis18, the degree of the Fascism Rising Eclipse!).

For as you know, in 1776 our country began with Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini: ready for action, mobile, able to do multiple things simultaneously, yet admittedly on the quarrelsome side, and not always honest in duplicitous Gemini. Now with SP Mars Rx in Venus-ruled Libra, America's motivations and actions depend upon emotions and feelings which often spark conflict rather than the teamwork that could benefit all sides. But radical Utopian zealots don't care about 'all sides', only theirs, and that, to collapse civilization. So perhaps you've noticed that US Mars SP (secondary progressed) conjoins the natal Jupiter of Herr Trump with his constant refrain of, "It's not fair!" However, his multiple personality flaws can only see 'fair' as everything tilting his way which does not provide the balance the American people prefer. And as you know, the hastiness, ambition, and erroneous judgment inherent within a Mars-Jupiter contact have been repeatedly demonstrated during Trump's 3+ years.

And yet the true heart of humanity is shown as peaceful solidarity marches in foreign lands have been inspired by the cruel murder-by-police of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN on May 25, 2020. Thank You World!! For many people abroad can see America's predicament clearly for what it really is yet approximately one third of us cheers on its brutality! General Smedley Butler would not be proud. btw: so far a search of SO'W for my previous posts regarding the July 1, 1933 fascist coup attempt has shown that related videos and links I posted in the past have been mysteriously deleted. However, I have located a recently published video (8M 6s) on the topic Smedley Butler and the Business Plot which is what the coup attempt of 1933 is often called. Because predictably, corporatists and big bankers, driven by fear of FDR's New Deal programs, were the primary culprits (then as now), along with idealists with skewed, brutal perspectives against humanity. (Now that Venus, planet of of perspective, evaluation, diplomacy, and relationship, is back in bounds of the earthly plane, perhaps attitudes of some will improve, although Mercury remains OOBs for now and will turn Rx June 18th.) Still, I must type: it was evil then and it's evil now. After all, recognizing evil when it confronts us is key to facing monsters and vanquishing them!

Above Image: 'Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse' 5Pis29 Feb 24, 1933 12:43:50 pm GMT Berlin, Germany; two interlaced YODs (Finger of God pattern = special tasks, crises, turning point, crossroads, major adjustments, and a potential for karmic progress; apex Jupiter at base of a Venus-Uranus sextile; apex Venus at the base of a Jupiter-Pluto sextile); a fanatic Uranus-Pluto square is in force; the Pluto-Chiron midpoint (plutocracy of oppression; exploitation; disenfranchisement; primal violence; fascism; corporatism; communism; socialism; militarism; totalitarianism; racism; nationalism; 'patriotism'; propaganda, etc) @22Gem42 conjoins the karmic 12th cusp of the 1933 eclipse (in Berlin) and also conjoins US natal Mars (military and police forces; you decide its levels of meaning since upheavals were occurring in the US as well--then as now, Great Depression then as now.) And of course on July 1, 1933, months after FDR was sworn into office for his first term, an attempt began to convince retired General Smedley Butler to lead a coup attempt against President Roosevelt on behalf of fascist saboteurs with thousands of (retired) troops of the American Legion allegedly willing to man up. Would they have done this? I don't know but one of the conspirators who approached Butler was an American Legion leader.

So the 7 North Solar Eclipse of 1933 contains themes of 'deep passion long hidden' and 'lust' (Brady) - one assumes lust for power and control (see power-mad manipulator Pluto rising with starry Pollux!). And of course the same themes will surface in 2023 as the next 7 North Eclipse manifests @29Ari50, a critical-crisis 29th degree--straining to enter Taurus, sign of intolerance and greed (negatively speaking with no aspersion to be cast upon enlightened Taureans of our day!) So as you know, the 00-to-1 degree range of bullish Taurus is thought by some such as myself to be degrees of violence due to the fact that it's Adolf's natal Sun degree and was transited (triggered) each time he committed acts of violence. And being his Sun that was triggered, naturally his out-sized, off-kilter, touchy ego was involved.

Remind you of anyone in particular?

Aug 27, 2019

Historical Horoscope of The Confederate Constitution

"With Malice Toward None"?

by Jude Cowell

Below is a horoscope of the constitutional document that white supremacists prefer. However, this particular Southerner prefers the US Constitution we have, or I should say, are now clinging to.

As it happened, its writing is based on the US Constitution but with a huge, brutal and tragic nod to the continued slavery of African Americans. The Constitution of the Confederate States was adopted in Montgomery, Alabama on March 11, 1861, ratified on March 29, 1861, and became effective on February 22, 1862 as a radical reaction to the November 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln (see Uranus-NN = Mercury and Neptune, lower right). Seven secessionist states were the original signers: South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, and Louisiana; and other states joined the secessionist movement later. As you see, my home state of Georgia, 'the 13th Colony', is on the list of states soon fighting for their slavery-based economic system and convinced that the white race is superior (which I personally consider to be an anti-Biblical mindset since we are All children of our Creator).

A Speculative Hour for the Adoption Horoscope Must Be Found: enter New Moon

In order to set up the Confederate Constitution's adoption chart, the following horoscope is timed by the New Moon of March 11, 1861 @20Pis59 which perfected at 7:51:55 am LMT in the hidden 12th house of Politics and Karma along with a Mercury-Neptune conjunction in secretive Pisces. Naturally, a New Moon represents a new cycle of activity when seeds are planted and ideas are brought forth for future implementation into reality. The Mercury-Neptune duo provides potentials for faulty judgments, bending the truth, and the tendency to withdraw from a painful reality (ex: Lincoln elected). Planets in the 12th house suggest that hidden activities were carried on in private behind locked doors as such planning must always be in order to keep disruptive challenges and the sheriff away.

And note that America continues to suffer under the deceptive, indiscriminate, mis-perceiving, fantasizing Mercury-Neptune square of the white supremacist lurking in the White House and that a horoscope of the first shot of the Civil War reveals the Mercury-Neptune midpoint rising on the 1st shot Ascendant which gives us a revealing picture of Mercury-Neptune = ASC: 'the state of being exploited, deceived, or harmed by others' (Ebertin). Tyl adds: 'potential overreaction to others'. I'd say waging war is a definite overreaction and that massive harm was perpetrated upon our nation by the 'Civil' War and its backers. For details on the exploitation, see the excerpt below the chart.

Note: The Avalon Project has the text of The Constitution of the Confederate States: March 11, 1861.

Obviously, the 1st house conjunction of forceful, warring, violent, weapon-loving Mars-Pluto is first to rise in this speculative New Moon horoscope, soon followed by erratic Uranus in process of performing a US Uranus Return to its 1776 position of 8Gem55 (9Gemini's negative expression: 'querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions'--sound like Trump? Perhaps because '9Gemini' is his Prenatal Solar Eclipse degree!).

And with the document's North Node of future direction and destiny in governmental Capricorn, a related post partially describes current conditions which peak on January 12, 2020 and flavor the entire year with its harsh imprint of karmic energies which we're already feeling in 2019: DC Horoscope of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction 2020.

Also in the 1861 chart, above, note the dynamic T-Square between Venus-Saturn and rebellious Uranus = 'sudden separation' (Ebertin). Noel Tyl adds: 'split-off affairs' and/or 'boredom with the past'. Descriptive, I would say! As is a midpoint picture involving the radical reformers pair of Uranus-North-Node for it conjuncts Mercury and Neptune thus creating potentials for: 'impetuousness, meeting with people off the beaten path' (Tyl); 'quick comprehension, criticizing others, fast-traveling news, people who are easily impressed, being deceived', and/or 'the undermining of an association' (ex: undermining a Union).

To read more chart details, please enlarge the chart's image.

Now here's an excerpt from a previous SO'W post (with its link added below) concerning intentions of 19th-century Southerners (and slave-owning Northerners) and the machinations of wealthy warmongers who shamelessly funded and manipulated North and South into killing their own brothers and cousins--for social meddlers and anti-civilization secret societies, then as now, the destruction of families was and is a welcomed side effect:

According to Nicholas Hagger's research (The Secret History of the West), the Priory of Sion wanted America back from the Templars so the Rothschilds planned an American civil war with the North a Sionist British colony, annexed to Canada and controlled by Lionel Rothschild, and the Templar South to be given to Napoleon III of France and controlled by James Rothschild.

To persuade the South to secede from the union, Illuminized Sionist-Rosicrucian Freemasons used the Knights of the Golden Circle (one member: John Wilkes Booth) which had been formed in 1854 by George Bickley with the objective of spreading racial tension; its military arm was the Ku Klux Klan. Meanwhile, Jesse James stole gold from banks and buried it to fund the war (nearly $7 billion!)

The states that seceded would be united in the Confederate States of America with each eventually becoming like an independent country. Abraham Lincoln (inaugurated March 4, 1861) told the American people that, "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary machinery of peacetime government had assumed control of various southern states."

Link to full post; contains Civil War midpoint pictures including Mercury-Neptune = ASC.

So for illumination concerning the plan that under-girds today's machinations and 'craziness' you may dare consider Civil War general Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini (founder of the Sicilian mafia), what we may call "An Unsealed Letter" as per the Sabian Symbol for '30 Leo' which is the rounded-up degree and symbol for the natal Ascendant of Donald Trump. The symbol's keyword is "CONFIDENCE"; its positive expression: "exceptional skill in winning and holding the respect of everybody" - a big oops for an unpopular Trump; negative expression: "a genius for indiscreetness" (Jones). Now that sounds like the very stable genius now in process of sabotaging the United States of America. Can we agree?