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Showing posts with label Modern Humanity Horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Modern Humanity Horoscope. Show all posts

May 28, 2021

The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime - Thom Hartmann

May 28, 2021: Here's an informative segment from Thom Hartmann's May 27th broadcast noting something that Republicans don't want We The People to know or consider, that: "Poverty is the mother of crime," (Marcus Aurelius):


Now here are three previous SO'W posts that concern organized crime and criminals in America using the 'organized crime elements in society' pair of Neptune-Pluto which met in Great Conjunction three times in 1891 and 1892 at 7--9 Gemini - conjunct US natal Uranus:

America, Neptune-Pluto, and Organized Crime (posted January 22, 2020), and America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy (April 16, 2021).

And the last time I checked this year's contacts to Modern Humanity's Eclipse Horoscope (April 26, 1892 @7Tau05) was on March 8, 2021 with transit Uranus @7Tau43 conjunct and activating the Eclipse and its 2 North themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'separations' (Brady). Obviously, any eclipse in the Venus-ruled sign of Taurus (the bull - of Wall Street) calls for reliability, perseverance, and persistence toward solutions while avoiding the negative traits of the sign which can include extravagance, inflexibility, possessiveness, and/or indolence. Otherwise, karmic progress is limited if not all together missing.

Meanwhile, there is another factor I'm compelled to mention which concerns the Modern Humanity Horoscope and its 6th house Mars @26Cap52: that the June 5, 2021 Mars-Pluto opposition denotes a potential for danger, even brutality, due to the opposition's forceful, warlike energies doubly affecting Modern Humanity's Mars for within the opposition: 2021 Mars opposes 1892 Mars (aggression is met with an equally strong force; conflict; battles) while simultaneously 2021 Pluto conjuncts 1892 Mars (aggressive physical actions driven by revenge, anger, competition, secrecy, and/or strong passions).

That Modern Humanity's 1892 Mars is posited in the 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service, plus, Health, Work, and Daily Rounds, will be significant if these difficult energies express in the physical world upon Modern Humanity's planet of activism and aggression, Mars, in (governmental) Capricorn from where Mars acts at his most efficient.

Apr 16, 2021

America: the Neptune-Pluto Cycle of Crime and Fantasy

Modern Humanity and Uranus-Neptune-Pluto in the US

by Jude Cowell

April 16, 2021: Approximately every 492 years, a Great Conjunction forms between gaseous giant Neptune and the distant planet of Pluto, as seen from Earth. The last such conjunction, three actually, is the current cycle and seems particularly significant to the United States of America because 115 years later our radical 'totem planet', Uranus (@8Gem55 on July 4, 1776), cosmically received the Neptune-Pluto energies of 1891/1892, a major, life-altering transit if there ever was one:

1. August 2, 1891 Neptune-Pluto @8Gem38

2. November 5, 1891 Neptune-Pluto @8Gem19

3. April 30, 1892 Neptune-Pluto @7Gem42

UPDATE August 5, 2021: With Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn now sextile by transit I'm adding here a link to a recent Salon article that closely concerns the topic of this post: Today's Republican Party is a Political Crime Family and We Know Who the Godfather Is. Yeah, we all know - it's He Who Shall Not Be Named, sometimes identified as Unindicted Co-conspirator, sometimes as Individual One.

Significantly, Neptune-Pluto also times the Horoscope of Modern Humanity via the Total Solar Eclipse of April 26, 1892 in the 2 Old North Saros Series @7Tau05 (where transit Uranus has recently played). An eclipse in this series last repeated in 2018 @21Cancer conjunct Castor (keywords: sudden fame or loss, murder, mental illness, crippling of limbs--A. Louis).

So during the 1891/92 era, a midpoint picture repeatedly formed by US natal Uranus which catalyzed, even electrified, potentials for: 'peculiar discoveries, the supernatural, unusual catastrophes, aberrant behavior, fantasy, mystical and/or adventurous experiences, weakened power, hyersensitivity, courageous acts, unorthodox ways of changing reality, extreme drug use, impersonal attitudes or lack of concern toward destruction or about anti-social activities, occult interests, obsessions, loss, manias, self-torment, lack of willpower to maintain health, treachery, ESP, religious messages' (Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Obviously the tendency toward 'extreme drug use' was and continues to be furthered by Neptune-Pluto's relationship to drug trafficking made accessible via the planetary pair's association with underworld crime syndicates which we nowadays often label 'organized crime' (also shown in horoscopes by corporate syndicate Cupido, The Family). Perhaps you'll agree that in this 'New Millennium' a rising level of organized crime rules and disrupts most henhouses including those in the USA. The prevalence of racketeering contaminates and ruins everything.

Collective Unconscious Meets Hidden Forces and Propaganda: Changes Result

We may wish to consider the two karmic transits involved: transit Neptune to US natal Uranus, and transit Pluto to US natal Uranus, plus, let's add a few historical events of 1891 and 1892 in order to gain a wider perspective on the historical cycles within cosmic cycles of Neptune and Pluto. With these transits, societal changes occurred with a sense of confusion and disorientation mixed with unrealistic exectations, and ideals were in conflict with technical and economic considerations (Neptune). With Pluto, planet of hidden powers, individual freedoms were affected by technological advances yet to some extent, the US government was still subjugated to the will of We The People. As you know, further changes have flipped the relationship so that generally speaking, the People now fear the government instead of how it was intended to be - the other way around. Obviously, this fear plays a major part in our rising levels of violence in the US and the extensive hoarding of guns by those sensitive to such paranoia. Add debilitating mental health conditions, plus, oppressive social circumstances and a dangerous mixture is created suitable for being 'triggered' into action.

Now I don't have on-hand horoscopes of any of the three Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions of 1891 or 1892 but in case you haven't seen it, here is a bi-wheel of the upcoming transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo on May 1, 2021 (within orb for a while now) which shows that America has existed long enough to be graced by the opportunity to amend our Neptunian issues and morph our society into a more compassionate stance:

Also see US Solar Return 2021: YODs plus Karmic Progress.

So in closing, let's quote from Michael Munkasey's assessment of the Neptune-Pluto duo in Politics and Business expressed in Hegelian Dialectic form:

Thesis: creating new ideals for the power bases within entrprises; calls for new measures for protection from natural disasters; new ideas in waste processing; pollution control; mass medical care, or psychiatry.

Antithesis: controls over centers of political power; organized crime; activities for plans involving mutual destruction; subversion within security agencies; breakdowns in health, medical, or social care. (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.) #ad

Note that in certain cases, "new ideals" have resulted in a rise of organized crime running and ruining the show.

Note to our country's legal eagles: please dust off that RICO Act!

In case you missed it: Millennial astrologer Kevin Estes details his views concerning Neptune Generations: The Image and Culture of Society and Pluto Generations: The Evolution of Society.

Historical Events of 1891 and 1892, year of a consequential presidential election.

Mar 6, 2021

Modern Humanity Horoscope with March 2021 Transits

UPDATE April 22, 2022: Noting that the Midterms 2022 Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus conjunct radical Uranus meets the North Node of Modern Humanity, or we could say that the Lunar Eclipse of November 8, 2022 falls eerily across our path. jc

Original post begins here:

A Cosmic Check-Up for Modern Humanity: Our Appointment? March 8, 2021

by Jude Cowell

March 6, 2021: Below is the DC Horoscope of the Modern Humanity Eclipse of 1892 which perfected on *April 26th at 4:46:34 pm est @7Tau05 in the 2 Old North Saros Series. Around the eclipse chart in center are the transits for March 8, 2021 set for 12:40:15 pm est Washington DC. I chose this hour for our "appointment" because it's when the July 4, 1776 Sun @13Can19 rises on March 8th, plus, US natal Sun sits atop the eclipse chart, as you see, in the catbird seat and visible to all. This sign and degree seems significant to me because of the 1892 Eclipse Midheaven/Immum Coeli axis, aka, the MC-IC Security/Homeland axis which emcompasses Career and Domestic Scene. Naurally, parental and child issues are also involved across the 4/10 polarity which in Western Astrology is ruled by the Moon (Cancer 4th house) and Saturn (Capricorn 10th house), the lunar mommy and solar daddy significators with family concerns close at hand. Of course, the Moon-Saturn duo can tend toward depression or illness, but also to ambition, strategy and direction:

Now I've tried not to scribble all over the bi-wheel with basic chart factors as I tend to do, however, penned upon the image are the more prominent planetary contacts of Monday March 8, 2021 and beyond since some transits are ongoing (perfecting multiple times, some already in progress) while some transits have yet to perfect but are included because they're within orb and will gain strength as they become exact.

An example is 2021 Mars to 1892 Neptune and Pluto @7Gem34/37 in the financial and corporate 8th house. As you know, America is under an ongoing attack (Mars) by criminal elements or the criminal underworld (Neptune-Pluto: racketeers and mobsters) who've infiltrated federal and state governments, some of whom work to sabotage our country into complete collapse and destroy democracy as a system of government - and with helpers in the political class. (You recognized the Tr*mp Mob's 'take-over' objective on January 6, 2021, I'm certain.) There exist social meddlers who want We The People in the streets with pitchcforks in hand! But personally I prefer legislative and legal powers to beat them and their lousy policies back.

Meanwhile, the Neptune-Pluto duo also represents the psychic roots of man (A. Oken) which makes the karmic pair, here in the 8th house of the Occult, prominent on an inner and/or spiritual level, and sometimes suggesting supernatural involvement.

A News Note: Today around noon or so, the US Senate passed a somehat reduced Covid Relief Bill which then goes back to the House to be re-passed before President Biden can sign it into law (because changes were made from the House version). So if its weighty abundance doesn't bring down our financial house entirely, the Bill will provide some financial relief for struggling Americans, their families, for Covid distribution efforts, and for state governments who can't just up and print money of their own like the federal government can do!

Now a quick look at 1892 chart-ruler Venus (ASC in Libra) and 'her' applying aspects which hint at how things will proceed. There are only two and one isn't considered Ptolemaic (major) in the traditional sense - an inconjunct, or quincunx (150 degrees), between Venus and Mars. Right away we know that adjustments (inconjunct) are needed between the sexes (Venus-Mars) which affect relationships (Aries-Libra issues, but also suggests war and diplomacy concerns). Money is involved as many folks work hard for too little profit and are exploited or, we exploit others in business and/or in love and war. Approval is sought from others to bolster self-worth (and increase paychecks?) so resentment is felt when we're unappreciated and America's obscene income inequality threatens all progress.

But prior to the inconjunct, Venus @22Gem31 squares karmic Saturn Rx @24Vir00 from 9th house to 12th. This is a cosmic picture of socializing issues of an anti-societal kind so that isolation is actually preferred by many. It also implies worry or anxiety over finances and/or legal matters yet worrying never brings positive outcomes, does it? Other potentials of the square include withheld affections or the limiting of resources such as the tiresome R vs D battles in Congress.

Now as you see, 1892 Saturn is angular upon the March 8, 2021 IC (as timed by the eclipse) suggesting our ongoing difficulties on the Domestic Scene, increased responsibilities at home, plus, the potential loss of homes through eviction or otherwise. Hopefully, this is a passing or temporary condition for us especially now that the Covid Relief Bill (Saturn!) seems to be heading for a presidential signing: yayy! Evictions forestalled for a few months longer while the economy hopefully improves. And obviously, Saturn in 12th house is a cosmic picture of folks working behind the scenes, or, from home in isolation. Perhaps this has not been such a bad deal for those who can manage to work from home since serious old Saturn joys in the 12th house!

Yet a fly in the House may be an inconjunction between Mercury, the planet of bills, signings, and negotiations, and restrictive Saturn which suggests authority figures who deny their responsibilities and tend to live in the past (the 'good ole days'). Do you know anyone like this? Perhaps someone 'serving' We The People in Congress? Or at least, getting paid to serve us? Or how about those who occupy certain governors' offices? Well, more adjustments to the Covid Relief Bill may be on the congressional menu. But this aspect reveals that sometimes it's better to say, No, and stop acting like patsies!

April 13, 2021

Now another word about Saturn: on April 13, 2021, Mars will square 1892 Saturn so that efforts to control may be stymied and aggressive actions blocked. Activities (Mars) are met with resistance (Saturn) and solutions must be sought which hints that good outcomes are possible (now that adults are in charge: Saturn). Thing is, at least two other transits occur on April 13, 2021: Jupiter sextiles 1892 Mercury (first of three) which suggests favorable business opportunities, and a positive period for writing, publishing, teaching, and commerce in general. All the Mercurial things which hopefully will benefit children.

Then in the more esoteric or spiritual realms on April 13th, 2021 Chiron (The Key!) conjuncts 1892 Jupiter in Aries (#1 of 3, in the 6th house of Service and Health), a transit already within orb. This transit identifies a period when it's 'time to forget and forgive' so that old wounds (Chiron) can heal. Those with the idea that we must 'move on' are correct for this is exactly what it is time for. And yet days in court for criminals are warranted as well so perhaps around the time of the third conjunction (February 12, 2022), justice will be served and satisfied, 'clean-ups on aisle 13' will be successfully completed, and society can move into the future with lighter hearts, better braced for upcoming challenges.

Now before I list a few midpoint pictures, we should consider an overarching situation: that 2021 Uranus has been opposing 1892 Uranus from Taurus to Scorpio, its sign of exaltation. March 6, 2021 was the last of three exact oppositions, and as you know, this is the "Mid-Life Crisis" transit for human beings, and some astrologers might say it can't apply to society as a whole. But what is Modern Humanity but a massive collective of human beings? I say it does apply to current conditions, and the restlessness involved, plus, its out-of-character implications in our era seem spot-on to me, if not to you. This disruptive influence is, in a word, generational, and I'd say that Uranian styles of uniqueness and individualism are signs of the times.

Now you know that the sign of Uranus describes behavioral tendencies so we've 'traded' intense Scorpio tendencies for Taurean ones (materialistic, possessive, intolerant of 'the other') and suggests potentials for risk-taking, speculation, finding unusual sources of funding, funny financing, sudden economic changes, and/or putting all the eggs into one basket. When in Taurus, the sign of its detriment, erratic Uranus likes to advance reforms in business and the economy so with the financial stalemates and underhanded schemes on Capitol Hill, we've certainly noticed such tendencies in recent years. Of course, this transit has occurred before, as have others, so a look back would be interesting but it's beyond the scope of this post. After all, I don't have all night and neither do you!

3 Midpoint Pictures: March-April 2021 to April 26, 1892; any, all, or none may apply

1. 2021 Uranus conjunct 1892 Solar Eclipse: acting independently; rebellion; sudden conflicts; shared upsets; lack of adaptability; quick developments; dramatic changes and reforms. As you know, eclipses are Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe', disrupting earthly events as mundane Uranus can do. Actions may occur early, on time, late, or never. Plus, quirky Uranus often wears a cap of the Utopian anarchist, political zealot, radical reactionary and reformer. This is a major transit with both Uranus and the Eclipse suggesting that karmic progress can be made if the energies are handled correctly! Yes, it's full of difficulties for society - like catching a bolt of lightening in a bottle! Yet 2021 Uranus is activating the eclipse themes of 2 Old North which are: 'unfortunate news concerning relationships; issues of separation or the endings of unions' (secession?); 'things look worse at first but brighten with quite positive results; taking action concerning personal relationships' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Humanity has recently experienced a 2 Old North Eclipse on July 12, 2018 @21Cancer. (Actually, you may remember that this is the Prenatal Eclipse Series of the former guy, what's-his-name.)

2. 1892 Neptune-Pluto = 2021 Mars: taking action based on faith; application of force taken sensitively (ex: 'surgical strikes'?); displays of powerful emotions; a deep urge to change or transform, eliminate, purify (by Covid?), or unite; the desire to share power or territory; hostility; the use of violence to accomplish aims; being used as a tool for other people's interests; lack of stamina; convincing or being convinced.

And 3. 2021 Moon-Pluto = 1892 Mars: using force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; quarrels; rage; possible injuries; secrets or scandals revealed (ex: a possible love child).

Now let's close with a fourth April 13th transit involving 1892 Saturn but this one begins in 2022: undermining Neptune in Pisces will oppose 1892 Saturn, first on April 13, 2022, with the third opposition on February 13, 2023. This is a destabilizing and stressful influence (already within orb) when authority figures are threatened by deceitful people (already, I know!), multiple bankruptcies may occur, and important limitations can disappear. Apparently, our disappointment with corrupt authority figures will continue to erode society if we allow it.

The challenge for humanity is to figure out how to see things from a different perspective which most folks seem to already be doing as they reflect upon what's truly important and valuable in their lives.

Midpoint sources are listed at the bottom of the chart image.

*The above horoscope may be found in Horoscope for the New Millennium, by E. Alan Meece who notes on page 149 that the actual Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto occurred on April 30, 1892. The eclipse chart is used instead for Modern Humanity ("the chart for the age we live in") because with eclipses an accurate time can be reliably known - to the minute and second. jc