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Showing posts with label Shock Doctrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shock Doctrine. Show all posts

Mar 18, 2020

Crisis and the June 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope

Tiger by the Tail, a 4 North Eclipse, and A World in Crisis

by Jude Cowell

March 18, 2020: In a January 1, 2020 SO'W post we considered the Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse Horoscope, re-published here:

But that was before the CoronaVirus ("COVID-19") crisis stepped into the spotlight as a global contagion and now we find that a vicious, deadly assault upon civilization has begun. Plus, a cruel new phase of cyber war has been launched and threatens various institutions, industries, and organizations, both medical and otherwise. Nothing new, just more problematic for ill patients and the doctors and hospitals who treat them.

Are hackers susceptible to COVID-19? Of course! Everyone is.

Summer 2020 into December 2020: Crabs and Tigers

That the horoscope of the June 21, 2020 Solar Eclipse @00Can21 in the difficult 4 North Saros Series casts a different hue upon 2020 events when the chart is viewed in hindsight is understandable so perhaps a few chart factors should be brought forward here. As noted in my previous post, 00Cancer00 is a critical degree and a Cardinal World Point of manifestation and recognition where global events can occur and come to light. If we wish to include in the eclipse picture Betelgeuse at the end of Gemini, we can add the star's keywords: fevers and/or acute illnesses.

Now obviously, all eclipses are known as 'wild cards of the Universe' and 'cosmic blinks' that tend to disrupt the even flow of earthly events and have long been seen as omens of catastrophe. However, in modern Astrology, most astrologers prefer to say that they presage a variety of events both negative and positive, and yes, they disrupt lives and place us on new paths much as erratic Uranus can do--usually while uncovering inconvenient facts, secrets, and scandals in the process. (And their background influences are active during historical events.) So as you know, a particular eclipse's configurations with other planets and points in a horoscope are all important for how its energies and themes express, plus, the presence of fixed stars, if any, must be considered for stars and eclipses work through or with one another (ex: Betelgeuse).

Eclipse Note: the previous 4 North Solar Eclipse perfected on June 10, 2002 @20Gemini--near US natal Mars--and an ill-advised war in Iraq soon followed; 4 North's initial eclipse occurred May 25, 1389 (OS) @12Gem08 with Pluto conjunct North Node @24Taurus (conjunct Trump's natal MC and enraged Algol). Plus the 1389 eclipse's doubly karmic Pluto-NN pair suggests "common destiny of a large mass of people" (Ebertin) and can be described as having a "tiger by the tail." That we have! So far from my chart studies I have to agree with Donald Trump that current viral effects may alter our lives for the rest of 2020 and beyond. My fret is that this medical catastrophe will be used to make permanent restrictive laws and regulations, even the implementation of martial law on the streets of America. You feel this too, don't you? The old 'crisis as opportunity' as they say in China. China! Or "shock doctrine" as Naomi Klein has ably informed us.

So as seen in the above horoscope, the planet of unexpected events, Uranus, rises yet positively this can also signify coping ability. And with Mars and Neptune conjunct in Pisces, a cosmic picture of infection and contagion of epidemic proportions can be seen--in the 12th house of Hospitals which in the US are now in danger of being overwhelmed by large volumes of contagious patients. That our nation's healthcare systems are unprepared for the onslaught caused by such a crisis is a circumstance that must be laid upon the door step of DC politicians, their donors, and others who have supported Republican austerity measures through the decades while snatching taxpayer monies from our National Treasury to support the foreign wars they profit from. Are these direct results of America's natal Mars-Neptune square of misdirected actions and misguided ideals? I think so although you, dear reader, are welcome to disagree.

The massive funding now under discussion in Washington DC could further weaken America's financial resources although some measure of strengthening of the economy should also occur if money is properly distributed. Meanwhile, my cynical mind wonders if this is part of the plan all along--the plan to bankrupt and collapse the USA. However, such a conspiracy theory of sabotage is beyond the scope of this post so perhaps it will be for a another day. Besides, SO'W is replete with similar theories already!

Now as you know, America was founded in 1776 with Sun, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer and for a solar eclipse manifesting in the Moon-ruled sign of Cancer, karma is at work for we all must reap what we sow (including Donald "blameless" Trump). Additionally with a Cancer eclipse, family ties are suggested along with genetic inheritance and it's an emotional and highly receptive period when people tend to hide in their shells like crabs! Well, sheltering in place is the order of the day in March but with continued 'restrictions, restraints, separations, and illusions' to come if the themes of the 4 North Summer Solstice 2020 Solar Eclipse influence earthly events from June to late November into December 2020. And they will.


In Addition:

Occurring just prior to Summer Solstice 2020, you might find a previous post June 2020 Transits to the Inauguration 2017 Horoscope of interest with its focus on June 18, 2020. Plus, you'll notice in the 2017 Inauguration chart (center of the bi-wheel) that infectious Mars and Neptune were 'fore-tellingly' conjunct in Pisces! Who knew?

Then previous to June 18th, Donald Trump's 2020 Solar Return occurs with--you guessed it--a Mars-Neptune conjunction which has the transiting Saturn-Uranus midpoint sitting atop and suggesting a weakening strength or a weak condition of some kind.

But no cheers here for as I constantly remind myself: however Trump goes, so goes America. And as I've asserted many times on SO'W since 2005, America is my only nag in the race.

As always, your on-topic comments concerning this post are welcome and please share if you care or dare! jc

Jun 1, 2009

Full Moon '18Sag' June 7, 2009: Washington, DC

Having glanced at the horoscope for June 7, 2009's Full Moon 17Sag07, set for Washington, DC (2:11:39 pm edt), the Venus Occultation (a rare celestial event) of June 8, 2004 pops out as the Sun spotlights it as well as the major world event that occurred during the Occultation on Sea Island, Ga...'twas the G-8 Summit of 2004.

2004's Venus Occultation (or 'Transit') fell at 17Gem53 Rx; '18Gem': "Two Chinese Men Speaking Chinese in a Western Crowd" (and they're asking: where's our money?)

Marc Edmund Jones' negative expression for '18Gem': "a thorough dissipation of selfhood through alien relationships"...just what our government has done to America, and it's interesting that Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner is in China with our lien-holders now...which may also relate to June 7's Full Moon and US/China relations since oppositions always infer relationship issues or stand-offs.

2004 is also the year that the plutocrat pair of oppression and -isms paralleled one another - Pluto parallel Chiron, mid-August, 2004. The -isms include, as you know: statism, corporatism, fascism, totalitarianism, communism, racism; plus, the favorite of the very select few, primal violence. This conflagration of high-handedness uses population control to further their utopian world view, as well as what Naomi Klein calls Shock Doctrine tactics to destabilize, then take over property, land rights, and resources located thereupon, etc.

So what could the Sag Full Moon of June 7, 2009 be a culmination of in the daily (mundane) world, the fluctuating Moon's purview?

Something was put in motion at the last New Moon 3Gem28, which was a New Moon in Pres. Obama's Lunar Return chart, as previously noted. This reflects a new cycle beginning in the president's daily life (Moon) and/or with public relations (Moon = the people.)

Without taking hours to blurb about this Full Moon chart I do want to note that the opposition of the Sun 17Gem07 and Moon 17Sag07 form a Mutable T-Square to apex Saturn 15Vir10 who's busily working (Saturn in Virgo) in the behind-the-scenes 12th house (a place where most politicians love to hide for secret deal-making and rank-pulling tactics.)

Mr. Reality is now moving forward (Direct) to perfect his stomp upon America's natal ideals and dreams (Neptune 22Vir25, in n 9th house of Higher Education, Philosophy, Religion, Foreign Travels, and In-Laws) in August which also happens to be the position of Pres. Obama's natal Mars. Mars, Saturn, and Neptune make a difficult combination of energies but since I've mentioned it more than once before, I'll keep mum on it here.

In his very useful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney states that such an apex Saturn is an 'overly rational skeptic, one who mistrusts the power of imagination and the emotions.'

He sounds 'cool' doesn't he?

Less scattering of nervous energies is required to fully express this apex Saturn so that they may be applied directly and practically. Communications may be frustrated, yet through hard work, apex Saturn in Mutable T-SQ has become an intellectual achiever and an expert at 'carefully constructing mature thought systems that can make an enduring impression upon social consciousness.'

Challenges involve authoritative positions which emphasize the 'dispersal or distribution of purposeful data and specialized information' and knowledge which has been patiently gathered and synthesized. This apex Saturn may indicate a scientist, researcher, technological whiz, or a scholar accustomed to managing painstaking details.

Here is 'keen ambition to undertake serious duties and social obligations without resorting to power plays' or an overbearing domination of others. His 'consistent efforts toward the building of true law, order, and justice within his existing society are highly respected by others' and 'personal authority and leadership' show 'strength of character, integrity, and fairness to all those who judge him.'

After hearing Pres. Obama's announcement this morning concerning the GM bankruptcy filed today (Chptr 11), and knowing that Mr. Obama's planet of authority, Saturn, is strong in its own sign of Capricorn (law, politics, business), I'm thinking that on one level, the light of June 7's Full Moon will shine on Pres. Obama's leadership, fairness (a concept he mentioned in his remarks today, yet with more lost jobs on the horizon, that's quite a shaky tightrope to walk), and on his versatile powers of intellect which make him a master of ideas who can get things done on a practical level.

Plus, BHO taught constitutional law for ten years and his Cappy Saturn must have loved that no end!

Jul 24, 2008

Keep the terror pot boiling: attack Iran

Method In The Madness: Why They Want To Attack Iran

By Ed Kinane

Attacking Iran keeps the pot boiling. It perpetuates the phony war on terror. More war provides more enemies and so more pretext to erode civil liberties. Unscrupulous politicians and certain corporations thrive when fear keeps people dumb and dazed. With another invasion the Halliburtons and Blackwaters get to lap up more contracts.


Read Kinane's article here:

Information Clearing House


Additionally, here's a link to a previous post - one of my early ones here on Stars Over Washington - concerning an astrological signature of radical reformers in government who believe that chaos is not just useful for their purposes, but is the undergirding of their movement to create a one-world-government:

Chiron-Uranus Types in Government - and Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine theory is an extreme example of how these self-appointed social tinkerers work against society's good while pocketing all the cash and stacking up bricks of gold within their hidden Midas lairs.