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Showing posts with label Swords vs Torches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swords vs Torches. Show all posts

Jun 16, 2021

CPAC 2021 Dallas in July: Will Trump Appear?

June 16, 2021: CPAC 2021: Acting and Pretending

Jude Cowell

The line-up of CPAC 2021 speakers is a regular who's who of authoritarian fanatics of what some might call lovers of Nazism, gaggled together in Dallas, Texas from July 9th to 11th in the glorious year of 2021. Yay.

Follow the link to view a page of pandering portraits of the scheduled-to-speak culprits, most if not all Republicans (or purporting themselves to be) of the Trumpish persuasion. Will The Tr*mp blow in, cape swirling, like a conquering hero (thanks, Hil!), emboldened by rallies he hopes will be well attended? Or will ego deflation be in evidence because his mojo deserted him along with his former crowds of adoring fans?

Now July 2021 CPAC is less than a month away as I type but your guess is as good if not better than mine as to whether Herr Spanky will show or not in Dallas and in what condition. So it may be handy to have a peek at the July 9--11, 2021 time frame and see if there's anything interesting going on in the heavens which might reflect earthly proceedings in Texas and reveal information on US society's current condition.

Well, there is!

For in particular, a new cycle of activity begins within the darkness of a New Moon perfecting @18Can01:40 on July 9, 2021 and here's its horoscope set for Dallas, Texas:

As usual, my messy study notes are scribbled upon the chart for those who wish to read them, and a few of cowardly Tr*mp's natal planets are penned around the outside, highlighted in lavender. Rising is the Neptune-MC midpoint which is how this post got its "acting and pretending" title. But the Neptune-MC duo of 'deceit in career' also suggests potentials for 'criminal offenses, spies which undermine national security, and/or official scandals of very large scope or proportions' (Munkasey). Sounds familiar especially whenever agent orange is involved.

Now as you see in 1st house, CPAC Saturn Rx @11AQ49, chart-ruler making no applying aspects which emphasizes its sign and position, continues to oppose Tr*mp's natal Pluto (10Leo02 conjunct his deadly Mars-Saturn midpoint) so he has that karmic transit challenging his sense of power and control (Pluto in royal Leo). Karmic 'victim-savior' conditions are suggested due to the intercepted Virgo-Pisces polarity across the 2/8 axis of Money and Corporatism. Yet it's powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx @25Cap44 the plutocrat that rises first and leads a Locomotive shape of planets which suggests a ruthless high-powered executive determined on success. At any cost, no doubt, for the stakes are high.

However, the main point of this post is to emphasize The Goal of CPAC 2021 (MC = Midheaven @2Sco42) which is looking to and planning for the future as indicated by the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06 conjunct this MC. So 6 South will be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Midterms 2022 when the GOP plans to "be forceful" and "take power." Yet we don't need Astrology or eclipse themes to reveal this for the GOP makes it obvious through their current election-rigging tactics and state legislations intended to oppress the vote (having to cheat to 'win' as they do). And who can forget Tr*mp's attempted 'Stop the Steal' coup of 1/6/21 and the threats of further violence that apparently are being planned? I'll never forget 1/6, will you?

Additional 6 South themes include 'exerting huge efforts in group activities' (Brady) and containing 'manic' energy. Can overly mild Democrats successfully meet and overcome such manic power and determination on behalf of democracy? That's this child of the Revolution's primary fret these days and it's why I keep posting here about such disturbing topics, including certain upcoming eclipses (which are known to influence historical events).

So speaking of historical events, we've previously discussed the fact that the October 25, 2022 6 North Eclipse @2Scorpio is a repetition of the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Now this eclipse repeating in our day may not make you, dear reader, feel fretful for America's sake but for me the repetition of 6 South themes functions as a cosmic signpost on the way to authoritarianism, or what some call 'fascism in America' - unless the forces of democracy meet its vicious anti-societal energies head-on with equal if not greater strength.

Then to further complicate matters, Midterms 2022 on November 8th will include a Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00:53 ("-swords vs torches"!) which is marked on this CPAC horoscope in the foundational 4th house, not too far from the disruptive anarchist and radical reactionary planet of zealotry Uranus (@14Tau06 - conjunct Menkar and US Inaugural Ascendant = the Presidential Oath of Office). So if a Uranian change of presidents is on anyone's menu for whatever reason, may it be VP Kamala Harris stepping in!

Note: if you wish to view both the New and Full Moons of July 2021 set for Washington, DC try this. Curiously, the July Full Moon @1AQ26 does spotlight the US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) - and Full Moons time culmination stages, don't they? And can act in similar revealing fashion as lunar eclipses.

And in case you haven't, you may wish to look into America's future as revealed by the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which I've fretfully titled, Cowboys and Tyranny.

Aug 19, 2018

US in Crisis Mode under Anti-Constitutional Forces

America, We Remember Her Well

by Jude Cowell

August 19, 2018: As you've probably heard by now, former Republican Steve Schmidt told Nicole Wallace that "America is headed for a constitutional crisis" under the 'leadership' of Donald Trump who appears to believe the mistaken notion that he is above the law. Plus, Mr. Trump definitely doesn't care to preserve, protect, or defend the US Constitution as he swore to do and his backers the Koch Brothers, along with Australian mogul Rupert Murdoch and other billionaires, are simply antsy to tinker under the hood of the venerable document with their anti-democratic "liberty" inclinations during a (sham) Constitutional Convention. Their sabotaging reforms would free the compromised Mr. Trump and others to subvert and weaken our nation even more easily than they already have which would clear the way for a 'new order' global government control grid of draconian proportions to complete its implementation--for which implementation America must be knocked from her throne as global leader.

In light of this crisis, a previous SO'W post grumpily attempted to make a big deal out of such threats to the America we've known and want to maintain by posting the horoscope of the upcoming Progressed New Moon (SP) of the US Constitution, a symbolic word picture representing a moment in time--the seeding of a new cycle of activity, or in this case, a new cycle of existence. Now operating within a darkened Balsamic phase of the Moon (a period when shady things can 'go bump in the night'), our Constitution is under assault by forces and entities such as Russia, China, and other actors hiding behind dark curtains--with Trump currently acting as their 'face', his 'MAGA" mask slipping a little every day to reveal the sabotaging smirk underneath.

Note that a horoscope of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the US Constitution is also shown in the above post but here I shall re-post below the horoscopes of the US Constitution itself (September 17, 1787) and its SP New Moon of November 5, 2018 which perfects one day before the 2018 Midterms. To me such cosmic synchronicity demonstrates another example among others of the importance of voting in the 2018 Midterm Elections for those of us who are determined to keep the US Constitution as-is without Trump-style anti-government types weakening its principles that America depends on. This suggests that it will be necessary for everyone to vote against all Republican candidates on November 6, 2018 although I don't prefer typing what seems to be a partisan message. However, the current American Crisis is that important so I'll do it for the Republic's sake.

Because after the Declaration of Independence was negotiated and partially signed, Benjamin Franklin is reputed to have answered a question from a man on the street, What kind of government do we have? "A Republic if you can keep it," Ben replied. Let's vote to keep it!

First, the original chart of September 17, 1787 4:00 pm LMT Philadelphia, PA:

Note that the US Constitution actually came into effect on March 4, 1789.

Chart two shown below is the document's SP New Moon Horoscope of November 5, 2018 with the New Moon's Sabian Symbol of 'RESOLUTION': "A Battle Between the Swords and the Torches," a mysterious symbol which may have yet another meaning these days since white supremacists have famously marched with torches in hand. Yet 'lighted torches' are actually an Illuminati tell similar to the one held up by the Statue of Liberty (or 'eternal flames' at certain victims' grave sites)!

Now I wonder if our founding Illuminati-ists, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians would approve of the reforms the Kochs and other anarchists want to perpetrate upon the US Constitution as part of their authoritarian take-over of our country against any and all wishes of We The People?

As you see, the planetary pair of Mercury and Neptune--here rising and setting in opposition--are prominent as they are in the natal chart of Donald Trump who was born with the thinking-tweeting planet Mercury and deceitful Neptune squaring one another, an aspect of "The Sneaky Mind" (Oken). This square, as previously discussed here and elsewhere, identifies Trump as an indiscreet, fantasy-prone fellow whose misconception of facts, off-kilter ideas about other people, and tendency to live in a fantasy world of his own creation aid him in the ruination of our nation.

So is it to be out with the old order of 1776, in with the new? Astrologically that's a Saturn-Uranus kind of thing! Then please keep an eye on the 'resolution' or proposed legislation introduced in Congress for a Constitutional Convention for they are dangerously close to success with calls coming from both Right and Left. Last I read, only 6 more states are needed to reach the 34-state minimum requirement. And let's not fall for the justification of 'strengthening' the document or otherwise 'improving' it for this is precisely the opposite of what the zealots intend.

Here are America's inspiring Charters of Freedom.

Recommended Posts: Horoscope of The Syzygy (Full) Moon Prior to the 2018 Midterms and 'The Conspiracy Party' and Its Neptune in Pisces (talk about weakening!)