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Showing posts with label Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurus Lunar Eclipse 2022. Show all posts

Oct 18, 2022

Alarm Bells Ring: Ultra-Right Threats to Democracy 2022: Vote Blue!

Ultra-Right Saboteurs Spotlighted by Rachel Maddow

Now that Episode 3 of Rachel Maddow's Ultra podcast is available, I recommend it most highly. If only voters who don't know or care about the Nazi threat we now again face in America would listen and take its lessons to heart.

Or perhaps before the November 8th Midterms with its Taurus Lunar Eclipse, Republican leaning voters will run across the new ad premiered by Rep. Eric Swalwell, Lock Her Up which shows just what America would be like under a GOP Nazi-style rule with women arrested for making medical decisions, a fate that Republicans have made very plain. (No word yet on the role of pills such as 'viagra' have to do with anything.) Thing is, the GOP's regressive laws will necessarily include Republican women, and we know that the Republican Party's anti-abortion laws are not about saving life - they're about exercising power and control. It's as if the chastity belt industry is tooling up with giddy expectation, not to mention the prison industry.

And so we now must deal again with the themes of the 6 South Solar Eclipse manifesting in a few days on October 25, 2022 @2Scorpio. And with a disturbing flurry of 'history rhymes' implications, 6 South was the Saros Series that brought the world the Third Reich (January 30, 1933 Berlin, Germany), Herr Adolf's official take-over. The fight against Nazism and Fascism is enjoined again. Pass it around.

20 Aries: Overcoming Crisis With Compassion

Yet none of my comments above even touch upon the fact that a Republican take-over of House or Senate at Midterms 2022 would mean that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are set to be reduced and ultimately deleted from the fabric of our society. If accomplished, Republicans will realize their long-term vision to toss recipients onto the streets of America and at the mercy of the generosity of their family members. If such support there be. Basically, the total breakdown of American society is their goal - and that's when brutal dictatorships are easiest to implement.

Meanwhile, in closing here's a quirky little comparison of two horoscopes: lower left is Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon of June 16, 2015 along with the first of three Uranus Returns to the Third Reich Horoscope (upper right) which perfected on June 17, 2015 - the next day. But it must be merely a crazy coincidence, right?

Previously on SO'W: Eclipses of 2022 Hit Austrian Psychopath's Horoscope.

Oct 17, 2022

Mars to Trump's Prez Bid New Moon

by Jude Cowell

Dear Reader: In view of current events, and with planet Mars in Gemini at perigee (close to Earth) until March 2023, I thought you and I should check out warrior planet Mars in relation to its position in the Trump Prez Bid Horoscope of June 16, 2015 since Mars conjoined the 2015 New Moon on the morning of Trump's downward escalator ride in Trump Tower and his disturbing announcement replete with bigoted insults which set the tone for what became his regime. As you know, Trump was born with Mars rising along with royal Regulus, a star that cautions against taking revenge, plus, his 10th house trio of Uranus-NN-Sun are nearby the Prez Bid New Moon of 2015. Since that morning, these cosmic conditions have worried me on behalf of my country. The following post is a result:

Search for significant events occurring in June 2022 and you'll find a variety from monkeypox outbreaks to vaccines, to the G-7 Summit held in Schloss Elmau, Germany (as in 2015) from June 26 to June 28, 2022 when support was pledged for Ukraine. Astrologically, on June 28, 2022, transit Neptune, slow-mover that it is, stationed retrograde @25Pis26:36, pausing upon the Mercury-Pluto midpoint in Trump's 'Prez Bid' New Moon Horoscope of June 16, 2015 (shown, below).

Therefore, because the orange blighter won't hush up about his loss of the 2020 Election and acts as if he'll run in 2024 (for fund-raising purposes), I'm asking you, dear reader, to consider the rounded-up Sabian Symbol (26Pisces) of lumbering Neptune's station back on June 28th: "A New Moon That Divides Its Influences." Is that similar to the at-best divided loyalty of a US president who thinks more of foreign autocrats than he does the leaders and officials of his own country? He makes it easy to think so.

26Pisces: negative expression: "a completely disruptive vacillation" (M.E. Jones). Well, chaos-creator Trump is nothing if not disruptive. In fact, his vanity basks in it!

So here are the potentials of the midpoint picture formed by transit Neptune June 28, 2022 in relation to Trump's initial step into presidential politics (his golden escalator ride and announcement) with its Mercury-Pluto flavors of cruel words and possibilities of: 'intelligence activities; political talk that offers abrupt changes to some functions; orbital weapons or toxic gases; secrets concerning business or transportation; communications between intelligence gathering agencies; self-destructive impulses in business; road breakdowns (M. Munkasey); R. Ebertin adds: 'a demagogue or plagiarist; the art of persuasion; fraudulent misrepresentation in speaking or writing; a convincing speaker; slyness, cunning, craftiness; hastiness; impatience; irritability; overtaxing one's strength'. Then Noel Tyl chimes in with a rousing, "Overdoing issues drains energy and wears out one's welcome." Sounds like a Trump rally a la 2022 to me. And it's become next to impossible to even read a post about him, hasn't it? Same goes for typing about him!

Prez Bid New Moon June 16, 2015 @25Gem07 = Mars

Meanwhile, in his book The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac (#ad), Adriano Carelli doesn't round-up degrees so it's 25Gemini ("A Man Holding An Open Book") to which he adds a very interesting example, "Here is the degree of the point of equidistance" (Sun-Moon) "of the coup-d'etat that overthrew the Fascist regime on July 25, 1943." How fabulous! I want a bunch of that overthrow energy for America circa 2022+! And for all other nations that demand freedom and independence from murderous dictators!

Anyway, above is a bi-wheel of demagogue Trump's prez bid New Moon (inner) and the October 30, 2022 Mars Station @25Gem36 (outer) with Mars conjunct not only Trump's prez bid New Moon ("that divides its influences") in chatty, duplicitous Gemini (@26Gemini: "A Man Trimming Palms" - he did! $50 per audience member!), but the October 30th Halloween-esque Mars station also hits the New Moon's Mars (24Gem35). Warrior planet Mars is perigee right now (close to Earth, heating things up) so it's siognificant that transit Mars returns to his 2015 degree three times (listed center of the bi-wheel: Oct 18, 2022, NOVEMBER 11, 2022, and Mar 13, 2023). Obviously, November 11th is a few days beyond Midterms 2022 but we know election results will extend for who-knows-how-long, and Trump's big mouth is certain to be involved.

Then if we take this significant Gemini New Moon (also conjunct the Discovery Degree of erratic Uranus 1781 - Trump's guiding planet of chaos) as if it's a solar eclipse (power which some lunations can muster) with aggressive Mars conjunct it, we have conditions of headstrong people with violent tendencies who can be prodded into misguided situations intended to settle issues despite any negative karmic indications - and rarely do they undertand the full significance or the ultimate consequences of their actions against society. The ones who do understand, know what they're doing - and they don't care.

In addition, we shouldn't forget a major influence that colored the entire year: the Spring Equinox Solar Eclipse that brought Trump's Prez Bid New Moon which fell into the 17 South Saros Series because 17 South, working through a POTUS-pretending Trump, sure eclipsed America, plus, 17S themes account for at least some of why one third of American voters could be so easily bamboozled by 'agent orange for president' and line up behind his misbegotten regime. For it was good news and success, even for bad actors.

And yes, we've discussed such topics before. Example: Year 2015: Our Trump Troubles Begin.

So as Midterms 2022 arrive in a few days with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus in tow, my hope is that these astro-notes on the 2015 Prez Bid New Moon might inspire a voter or two with Blue Tsunami leanings because it will take a landslide for democracy to vanquish the orange blighter and his cheating, fascist-leaning comrades.

So in closing, I'll say this: for years I've heard that what frightens politicians the most is the large population in the United States - so if that's true, we have the perfect tool that can cast out the anti-government types, the grifters, charletans, wackos, and bigots who work to undermine the US Constitution, often on behalf of foreign governments, while believing they can reverse time!

So let's Vote Blue to Save America in massive numbers! She is, after all, worth the effort.

Jul 6, 2022

NYSE transits: Is the US Economy in or approaching Recession?

A Planetary Spotcheck on the NYSE: 2022 into 2023

by Jude Cowell

Whether we look at the horoscope for the NYSE Buttonwood Handshake Agreement of May 17, 1792 NYC that first formed the 'Wall Street Casino', or the reorganization chart of May 11, 1869 (for timing I use the New Moon of that day @20Tau57 at 11:11:27 am LMT NYC), we find several difficult planetary transits of stress and strain in process as the bond yield market inverts which forecasts recession for the US economy, or, alerts us to the fact that the US economy is already in recession. Can Astrology, via a novice astrologer, show such a problem of market instability?

Perhaps, because certain planetary contacts to the 1792 and 1869 charts, shown above, indicate that in general, upheaval is in our financial cards. But since my theory is that no reader makes it to the end of a very long post, I'll simply mention a major transit affecting each horoscope - and both contacts occur three times due to retrogradation which stretches out the effects and conditions:

NYSE May 17, 1792 7:52 am LMT NYC shows wealth-hoarding Pluto @23AQ31, direct and in the corporate Big Business 8th house. However, 1792 Pluto squares 11th house Sun and Mercury Rx in money sign Taurus, therefore, transit Saturn squares them, too, which adds to the difficulties. Yet financier planet Jupiter of 1792 (22Lib57, 4th house) trines 1792 Pluto (big wheeler-dealers), so transit Saturn beneficially trines 1792 Jupiter so that a measure of mitigation of difficulties is provided during the earth-shaking, old order vs new order influences of Saturn conjunct 1792 Pluto exact on: 1. April 19, 2022; 2. July 22, 2022; 3. January 11, 2023. Power and control issues are also part of the Saturn-Pluto picture.

NYSE Reorganization May 11, 1869 NYC New Moon @20Tau57 in 10th house along with money planets Pluto (16Tau36) and Venus (21Tau33); there's a crisis/turning point YOD pattern between Uranus (14Can26 11th house) sextile Pluto at its base representing the reordering or reorganization of Wall Street itself due to crisis conditions, with apex Saturn Rx @15Sag33 in 4th house, planet of karma and of senior, well-established participants. Rounding up old man's Saturn's degree we get a Sabian Symbol significant to our current topic: "Sea Gulls Watching a Ship". And if we read the trio as a midpoint picture we find potentials for egoism, self-will, and exposure to great pressure (R. Ebertin). Great pressure sounds to me like a current condition as well.

Suggesting upheaval, changes, and a very bumpy ride, transit Uranus conjuncts 1869 Pluto three times, exact on: 1. June 6, 2022; 2. November 16, 2022; 3. March 28, 2023. You'll note the November 16th date so near the November 8, 2022 Election Day with Uranus conjunct 1869 Pluto. Perhaps we can agree that violent disruptions interfering with Midterms 2022 voting bodes ill for society on many levels which includes economic issues.

Yet we know that the inverted bond yield indicator isn't written in stone as a recession signpost since its negative effects could be avoided with careful navigation, yet the wealthy elite are apparently lacking confidence in America 'going forward' which may prove even more important since their failure to invest in the US economy can trigger a recession. Why, some of the wealthy villains even supported Trump's violent J6 coup attempt against the US Congress but you can bet that many of them made the bulk of their fortunes off the American people - in our democratic society.

Meanwhile, we should begin to understand more about these issues once banking planet Jupiter Stations and turns Rx on July 28, 2022 @8Ari43. Jupiter will remain inwardly turned (inverted?) until the third week of November 2022 after the 2022 Midterm Elections and the day's Taurus Lunar Eclipse conjunct disruptive Uranus, planet of radical politics and zealots which creates a major problem of instability for financial markets and for Main Street shoppers who stay home out of fear, and who may stay home from the November polls, choosing to Vote By Mail.

So as you see, these major transits to the NYSE charts are already in progress since April and June 2022 which possibly denotes that a recession is already in progress (although other more beneficial transits into 2023 may bring economic relief). But however Wall Street decides to react to these cosmic influences, we may as well expect difficulties through the bond yield market on into 2023 with little if any benefits from retrograde Jupiter's funds or from the Great Benefic's protective function.

Actually, my suspicion is that there are potentials in store for aid delayed and/or blocked efforts to show up on our societal menu, most likely engineered and promoted by sorehead politicians of a regressive persuasion working hard to sabotage our country on behalf of their foreign and domestic handlers and financiers. My feeling is that voting for malevolent saboteurs in the 2022 Midterms will go ahead and sink that Ship (of State), the one the seagulls are watching very intently for signs of faltering.

Therefore, realistically speaking - and as previously noted - these major 2022-2023 transits for a US economy led by Wall Street gentry may be cosmic announcements of a very bumpy ride.

But hey! How about fighting back the toffs? For there's one event full of hope (one of Jupiter's favorite functions!) which was held on June 18, 2022 under the restless influences of the first Uranus-to-Pluto transit to the 1869 chart. As you know, the Uranus-Pluto pair is always active when social protests rise up under great pressure, as we saw with Reverend William Barber's Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington and to the Polls.

So for more information,and you don't have to be poor, why not check out the PoorPeoplesCampaign website!

Mar 9, 2022

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2022

Morals, Ethics, Spies, Gossip, and Finances

March 9, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Today just a quick look ahead at the Autumn Equinox 2022 Horoscope of September 22, 2022 with Venus in Virgo in her role as chart-ruler - conjunct US 1776 Neptune and reminding us of the ongoing Neptune-oppo-US-Neptune transit (clashing ideals; persecution), and conjunct fixed star Denebola ('to go against society; against the mainstream'). A few notes are penned on the chart for the curious but with events and upsets occurring thick and fast these days, it's too soon to make very much of the planets' activities six months from now. But for you I'll try.

Because after all, Midterms 2022 with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse will occur during the Autumn season - and the Eclipse rises in the Autumn Equinox 2022 chart seen here.

Autumn Equinox 2022 in DC: General Indications

Sun 00Lib00:00 at 9:03:31 pm edt: Hour of Jupiter Rx.

Morals and ethics are in the Venusian spotlight, shabby wealth is suggested when US Neptune is added to Venus-Neptune, and Venus opposing Neptune indicates illuions-delusions, spreading vicious gossip, shameless exploitation, and/or empty diplomacy. Yet Venus in Virgo is intercepted in 5th house (Placidus House System; opposite, Pisces and Neptune are intercepted in 11th house along with the Syzygy Full Moon @17Pis41) so for those who use them, this suggests karmic conditions that must be dealt with such as problems which have been passed down from previous actors, and possibly festering. Of course, currency devaluation may be one of those problems with petro-dollar issues in question. And don't look now, but hiding under a Neptunian veil is Nemesis Rx @23Pis26, the position of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction, the speculation, inflation, and grand spirit pair. There are spies lurking in America's financial branches, cyber and otherwise, while corporations raise prices because they can.

Then, Venus trining Pluto denotes those who can read body language and use it to their advantage, plus, the possibility of turning the tables on the past; major financial matters are also suggested by the Venus-Pluto duo (exs: 'private wealth in hidden places' along with 'attracting elements of organized crime' - Munkasey; additionally, the planetary duo may also link to bankruptcy).

We should note that the Leo Moon is unaspected (detached, estranged) yet Luna reflects her waning light upon two asteroids Ceres ('democacy'; security; oil and gas production; family; motherhood, nuturance) and Kassandra (a prophetess no one believes). Sadly, separated parents and children may be implied here, along with a continuation of the potentials for fluctuating food shortages and empty shelves. The world is ill on multiple levels.

Meanwhile, the Sun @00Lib00:00 conjoins Mercury Rx in the Sun's natural 5th house of Children, Speculation, and Creative Pursuits, and 2nd hou$e Mars @17Gem04 conjoins Herr T's natal 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption (obviously here, money is involved). Then as you see, radical Uranus Rx @18Tau34 rises with the North Node (@14Tau17 - conjunct Menkar and US Inauguration Ascendant) suggesting focuses on saying what needs to be said, plus, changing the world, new contacts, and a need for feedback.

Powerful, subversive Pluto Rx @26Cap10 has crossed Midheaven (in DC - also conjuncts US Inauguration MC) while leading a ruthlessly determined executive focused on success pattern, a Locomotive shape of planets; Autumn 2022 begins during a Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark phase when things go bump in the night, and forecasters like Kassandra make their predictions. Or read their scripts.

Then there's 10th house Saturn Rx @19AQ19 conjunct the generally accepted position of Herr Putin's natal North Node suggesting isolation and teamwork becoming more difficult as time goes on. Also karmic Saturn rises with Alpheratz, a cosmic combo that reduces the star's usual gifts of independence, freedom, honors, and riches, and hints at darker potentials such miserliness, decreasing popularity, and fatal tumors.

So! As always, you're invited to leave your on-topic, name-tagged comment (no ads or personal insults) with this post if you like. Don't be shy! jc

A Related Post: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect 2022 Midterms.

Sep 22, 2021

Can Dems Get a Handle on Crime? - Thom Hartmann

Here's a segment from Thom Hartmann posted September 21, 2021. Thom says that Republicans are already "licking their chops" over crime rates going way up this year after rates were down last year when everyone was safely snugged inside. And with the all-important Midterms 2022 on the calendar, Republicans won't be letting higher crime rates go (with many states having Democratic governors) considering the spiteful vow of the GOP to 'make President Biden fail':


Fretsomely for the future of our country, our Midterm Elections are scheduled for November 8, 2022, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse @16Taurus when inconvenient secrets may be revealed, disruption could be on the menu of bad faith actors, and results could turn out unpredictably and/or inconclusively.

So did you say, all bets are off?

Jun 16, 2021

CPAC 2021 Dallas in July: Will Trump Appear?

June 16, 2021: CPAC 2021: Acting and Pretending

Jude Cowell

The line-up of CPAC 2021 speakers is a regular who's who of authoritarian fanatics of what some might call lovers of Nazism, gaggled together in Dallas, Texas from July 9th to 11th in the glorious year of 2021. Yay.

Follow the link to view a page of pandering portraits of the scheduled-to-speak culprits, most if not all Republicans (or purporting themselves to be) of the Trumpish persuasion. Will The Tr*mp blow in, cape swirling, like a conquering hero (thanks, Hil!), emboldened by rallies he hopes will be well attended? Or will ego deflation be in evidence because his mojo deserted him along with his former crowds of adoring fans?

Now July 2021 CPAC is less than a month away as I type but your guess is as good if not better than mine as to whether Herr Spanky will show or not in Dallas and in what condition. So it may be handy to have a peek at the July 9--11, 2021 time frame and see if there's anything interesting going on in the heavens which might reflect earthly proceedings in Texas and reveal information on US society's current condition.

Well, there is!

For in particular, a new cycle of activity begins within the darkness of a New Moon perfecting @18Can01:40 on July 9, 2021 and here's its horoscope set for Dallas, Texas:

As usual, my messy study notes are scribbled upon the chart for those who wish to read them, and a few of cowardly Tr*mp's natal planets are penned around the outside, highlighted in lavender. Rising is the Neptune-MC midpoint which is how this post got its "acting and pretending" title. But the Neptune-MC duo of 'deceit in career' also suggests potentials for 'criminal offenses, spies which undermine national security, and/or official scandals of very large scope or proportions' (Munkasey). Sounds familiar especially whenever agent orange is involved.

Now as you see in 1st house, CPAC Saturn Rx @11AQ49, chart-ruler making no applying aspects which emphasizes its sign and position, continues to oppose Tr*mp's natal Pluto (10Leo02 conjunct his deadly Mars-Saturn midpoint) so he has that karmic transit challenging his sense of power and control (Pluto in royal Leo). Karmic 'victim-savior' conditions are suggested due to the intercepted Virgo-Pisces polarity across the 2/8 axis of Money and Corporatism. Yet it's powerful, wealthy Pluto Rx @25Cap44 the plutocrat that rises first and leads a Locomotive shape of planets which suggests a ruthless high-powered executive determined on success. At any cost, no doubt, for the stakes are high.

However, the main point of this post is to emphasize The Goal of CPAC 2021 (MC = Midheaven @2Sco42) which is looking to and planning for the future as indicated by the 6 South Solar Eclipse of October 25, 2022 @2Sco00:06 conjunct this MC. So 6 South will be the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Midterms 2022 when the GOP plans to "be forceful" and "take power." Yet we don't need Astrology or eclipse themes to reveal this for the GOP makes it obvious through their current election-rigging tactics and state legislations intended to oppress the vote (having to cheat to 'win' as they do). And who can forget Tr*mp's attempted 'Stop the Steal' coup of 1/6/21 and the threats of further violence that apparently are being planned? I'll never forget 1/6, will you?

Additional 6 South themes include 'exerting huge efforts in group activities' (Brady) and containing 'manic' energy. Can overly mild Democrats successfully meet and overcome such manic power and determination on behalf of democracy? That's this child of the Revolution's primary fret these days and it's why I keep posting here about such disturbing topics, including certain upcoming eclipses (which are known to influence historical events).

So speaking of historical events, we've previously discussed the fact that the October 25, 2022 6 North Eclipse @2Scorpio is a repetition of the Nazis Rise to Power Eclipse of 1932. Now this eclipse repeating in our day may not make you, dear reader, feel fretful for America's sake but for me the repetition of 6 South themes functions as a cosmic signpost on the way to authoritarianism, or what some call 'fascism in America' - unless the forces of democracy meet its vicious anti-societal energies head-on with equal if not greater strength.

Then to further complicate matters, Midterms 2022 on November 8th will include a Lunar Eclipse @16Tau00:53 ("-swords vs torches"!) which is marked on this CPAC horoscope in the foundational 4th house, not too far from the disruptive anarchist and radical reactionary planet of zealotry Uranus (@14Tau06 - conjunct Menkar and US Inaugural Ascendant = the Presidential Oath of Office). So if a Uranian change of presidents is on anyone's menu for whatever reason, may it be VP Kamala Harris stepping in!

Note: if you wish to view both the New and Full Moons of July 2021 set for Washington, DC try this. Curiously, the July Full Moon @1AQ26 does spotlight the US Inaugural Sun (00AQ+) - and Full Moons time culmination stages, don't they? And can act in similar revealing fashion as lunar eclipses.

And in case you haven't, you may wish to look into America's future as revealed by the Inauguration 2025 Horoscope which I've fretfully titled, Cowboys and Tyranny.