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Showing posts with label The Daykeeper Journal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Daykeeper Journal. Show all posts

Aug 18, 2016

The Asteroids and Dreams of Republican VP pick Mike Pence

On July 15/16, 2016 or thereabouts, 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump tweeted his VP choice of Mike Pence, the pro-life, pro-gun, megachurch member and governor of Indiana. Considering the odds of Trump dropping out of the race or a subsequent de facto Pence presidency with Donald doing most of the talking, it behooves those of us who appreciate the information Astrology provides to investigate Governor Pence under the lens of the ancient art.

Those who notice cosmic synchronicities may also benefit from a consideration of asteroids including personal name asteroids and few there be who glean more from this method of investigation than astrologer Alex Miller who has long written columns for the excellent Daykeeper Journal.

Using personal name asteroid 'Penza' as a signifcator for Mike Pence, an assessment has been made and I highly recommend Alex Miller's linked-below article on Trump's selection of Pence (which places a theocrat a hair's breath from the presidency: the GOP plan all along?), the very descriptive asteroids involved, and an interesting Penza-Neptune conjunction in Pisces exact on November 8, 2016 which suggests the possibility of Neptunian disappointment for Pence.

Or (I must ask), will it bring to the masses Pence's theocratic dream come true?

In case you missed it, here is a direct link to The Veepstakes Winner: An Astrological Profile of Mike Pence by Alex Miller.


A note on yours truly's opposition to a theocratic presidency: as a Christian believer in the Spiritual Church of Christ, I believe that morality comes from within and cannot be externally forced or imposed by government edict or any other sort of edict or law. Religious freedom is one of our nation's founding principles, so we've been told, and a theocracy is totally unacceptable to this American.

Yes, society's morals are degraded but that is a purposeful part of the plan to dissolve the sovereignty and cohension of this country and its people for the sake of establishing a one world government which aspires to destroy religion and other institutions of civilization. Disagree as you may, placing religion in the claws of government is the wrong path and will cause a great migration away from true faith because it will be false and it will cause religion to be used as a tool against the people. And oddly enough, theocracy in America would be only a stone's throw away from establishing Sharia Law which Republican politicians and others purport to be against. As usual, the ruling class will continue to consider themselves above all laws, no matter the president.

For if you've read a few of my articles here and elsewhere, you may have noticed that to me, the profession of Politics primarily attracts fakers, liars, embezzlers, and crooks determined to gain and keep their cushy positions. You know, like "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," the Sabian Symbol of US natal Jupiter (6 Cancer) of July 4, 1776? jc

Image of Jupiter {public domain}

Sep 15, 2012

More Election Day 2012 Astro-Thoughts thanks to Mercury

September 15, 2012: Additional Mercurial Thoughts on Election Day 2012

by Jude Cowell

As the second issue of Stars Over Washingotn Monthly is being typed, my natal Mercury in Capricorn is naturally busy studying many political horoscopes and keeping up as best I can during this fast-paced period with all the Politics I can manage to watch, read, and consider--all provinces of Mercury.

Election Day 2012 (November 6) with its Mercury Station Retrograde has been noted here on this blog and well-analyzed by many other astrologers for we all see trouble ahead with astrological Mercury so intimately connected to such things as voting, decisions, communications, thinking processes, considerations, ideas, plans, agreements, and voting machines which can be tampered with. Even in the fairest of elections, it is, after all, he who counts the votes who determines the winner.

Yes, Mercury in his trickster guise is obviously desperate to win the race and is definitely up to something, can you feel it in the air? The wings on his sandals flutter wildly in the political breeze and Mercury's wing'ed helmet is strapped tightly in place for the climb!

As previously noted, Mercury's Rx Station on Election Day 2012 falls at 4Sag18, directly opposing President Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 (in natal 4th house) and I have made suggestions in previous posts of what this and other astrological factors on that day may indicate for the president's re-election bid and have rather mildly asserted that the outcome for Mr. Obama doesn't look as good as I personally might prefer (common-gooder and populist as I am. No plutocrat-lovers around here!)

Remaining stationary (seemingly at standstill) all of November 6 until 6:03:47 pm est (as per SolarFire Gold v8) when the Speedy One reverses gear is a sign of strength for the celestial body I tend to call the Tofu Planet because Mercury tends to pick up the flavors of whatever planet or planets in a horoscope it contacts. A Jack-n-Jill of all trades is The Youthful planet, servant to the gods, messenger, and bringer of Good (or sometimes bad) News.

But with Political Astrology, placing all threads into a clearer astro-tapestry without going nutzoid is a complex task to be sure and few do it better than The Daykeeper Journal's Alex Miller who includes in his articles additional information on Black Holes, centaurs, and other objects that reflect psychological facets from within the Collective Unconscious as they orbit in space, and embody our archetypal traits while transiting various degrees of the Zodiac. These then contact the planets we're so accustomed to considering in chart analyses and provide fuller, deeper indications, amplifications, and support for what the horoscope already tells us. Then the Law of Three becomes a multitude of portents for those who use extra bodies in chart interpretations so that readers may benefit from the added details supplied by an expert astrologer such as Alex Miller.

So if you wish an indepth analysis of President Obama's chances for success with his second presidential bid in November, check out Alex's Election Preview for Barack Obama.

And yet! If you've been keeping up with current events the last few weeks and you're like me, it's a bit difficult at this late stage in the race to understand what could possibly go wrong for the president on November 6 considering Mitt Romney's lowering approval ratings, his recent blunders, and his tone-deaf, precipitous, callous, and incorrect accusations about the president's handling of the tragic US embassy attacks of September 10, the amaturish and inciting 'film', and the other discordant notes issuing from the Romney-Ryan camp--including their survival-of-the-fittest Ayn-Randish world view of hardship and misery for the masses.

Middle East Crises Could Spiral Ever Outward and the EU Could Collapse

Or they could simmer down (she typed optimistically.) But even with current real-world events which are well-described by the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square of conflict, protests, and mayhem, the Astrology of Election Day 2012 may turn out to astound us all by showing a preview of what extreme wealth and the use of nasty political tricks can do for a takes-himself-too-seriously, overly self-conscious Republican candidate--a most wishy-washy, mysterious, and mystical Pisces--whose deepest fears are failure and suffering any loss of his shadily-gained financial status--especially through something as common and 'beneath him' as paying his fair share of income taxes which would set a good example for other tophats and bolster the nation from whose capitalist financial system Mr. Romney has benefited tremendously all his life.

So can astrological portents be 'wrong'? No, only misread by finite minds. For as the complexity of the language of Astrology (and Political Astrology at that!) seeks to describe and explain the intricacies and myriad experiences of Life on Earth, it is naturally subject to interpretation by 'only' human beings who, in common with everyone else, can often be incorrect in their assumptions and limited by personal viewpoints unless and until they are well-inspired by higher forces. I certainly count myself well within the limited category in particular considering the populist slant I use so frequently on this, my personal weblog of peeking at Politics through the lens of Astrology.

However, you'll perhaps agree that some chart factors fairly scream out from a horoscope, don't they? And in the end, I believe that Mercury's Station Rx on Election Day 2012 will be one of those screamers for it will not turn Direct and release us from our expectant condition until about the time the Voting Planet performs a Station Direct on November 26, 2012 @18Sco10, then moves forward past its Shadow Degree (4Sag18) in mid-December, 2012 when we may hope soon after that our election trevails will end and clear victories, presidential and congressional, are announced.

On November 6, 2012, all slices of Washington DC's political pie are up for grabs! So for all our sakes, please make certain that on Election Day 2012 you'll be one of the bakers in America's kitchen.


On a lighter political note, perhaps you joined me in catching Current TV's broadcast last evening (9/14) of the new documentary on Stephanie Miller's Sexy Liberal Comedy Tour because these days we must make an extra effort to laugh at Washington politicians just to keep ourselves from sobbing over what they commit against our nation.

May 19, 2012

Forget December 2012: earliest Mayan Calendar found!

Fabulous news! An older than dirt Mayan Calendar has been found in the deepest jungle and its moon cycles and other calculations do not support the hype over the alleged Mayan 'prophecy' of the end of the world occurring at Winter Solstice 2012, the Galactic Center Alignment we've all been waiting for. No seriously, we have.

And curiously (for astrologers!), one of the archaeologists involved in the amazing discovery (click link above for smashing photos) is William Saturno. How's that for being aptly named since Saturn rules rocks, stones, dirt, old relics, and the study of Archaeology itself? Wonder if he knows of this synchronicity...

My thanks for the article link to the excellent Crystal Pomeroy who writes a regular and meditative column for Daykeeper Journal, as you probably already know!

Apr 6, 2008

April's New Moon in Aries

Apologies for the tardiness of this posting (hopefully tech issues are resolved now) because astrologer Crystal Pomeroy, who writes for the excellent Daykeeper Journal has kindly given her permission for her article on April's New Moon in Aries to be published here:

Say the Prayer of Effective Action By the Dark of the New Moon in Aries

by Crystal Pomeroy

One of the most significant cycles of the year begins with Saturday night’s New Moon in Aries, with a chart emphasizing assertive Mars energy, strategic savvy and the tension that has marked the year since it began. Luna now opens a door to direct the 2008’s intense energies with initiatives that can ground our personal paths of power, as they simultaneously contribute to healing power issues for humanity at large.

Luna joins the Sun to form a stellium in Aries that also includes Pallas, the goddess of strategy who has been closely squaring Mars for over a month. Mercury–Lord of Communication–completes this group and forms a T-square with Mars and Pluto. The opposition of these two mafia bosses of the zodiac marked the chart for 2008, promising intense action for the entire year, action which can lead to “miraculous manifestation”, as we wrote in our predictions at the Winter Solstice. The special significance of this lunar month is underscored by the day and hour it begins: April 5, 11:55PM. It marks the ancient celebration of the goddess, Fortuna, commonly known as Lady Luck. As for the hour, according to more than one author, eleven and its multiples are master numbers. In his book, Numbers: Facts, Figures and Fiction, Richard Phillips states that “eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number”. We can indeed make tangible progress to mastering this year’s vast potential during the next twenty-eight days, with special emphasis on the two weeks from now until the Full Moon.

The Sabian symbol for 17 Aries refines our ability to synchronize with its promise, “Two dignified spinsters sitting in silence”. The actions we are led to may require cooperation with others, but they bear out independent inspiration and fortify our self-reliance. The prayer suggestions below are designed to optimize this portal by synchronizing our consciousness with its vibrations.

Ceremony and prayers for the Aries New Moon

Have on hand pen and page, as well as any of the following space synchronizers: Red or bright pink geraniums or carnations, Cactus
Incense, especially carnation or myrrh, Minerals, such as ruby, coral, white quartz, topaz, turquoise

Light your incense, saying something like:
This is an offering for the angels, especially Malchedael, as well as the Angels of Effective Action, Divine Strategy, Focus and Confidence. I call on you and request that you assist my soul and all of humanity, so that we may believe in ourselves and take decisive, strategic initiatives toward our destinies of positive power now

Light your candle, saying something like:
The light of the Divine Strategist is with me, guiding me on the best, most effective path for important, decisive initiatives now.

Take a few minutes to consider what inner and outer initiatives you could take that would further your path of power and strengthen your self-reliance. Place special emphasis on intuitive inspiration that you might otherwise stifle because deep down you feel you need somebody else’s approval or assistance. Some examples include:
Make a treasure map

Write a proposal and send to ____________

Contact ______ (name of teacher, client or other key colleague) ________ about

Write political letter or other activist document

Finish design or creation of product or project

Select new living space or other property

Develop a plan to give a class

Review your chosen initiative or initiatives, taking several minutes with each to consider the most strategic possible approach. Contemplate new avenues, apply all of your intelligence, listen to your gut-level intuition and then make notes that clarify the most effective ideas that come to you for these steps.
6. Bless your prayers by consecrating them to the forces of active good in your own life, and that your own audacious actions may strengthen and inspire those of all people.

7. Repeat words like those that follow during six minutes:

I have been blessed with the talent, ability and whatever other resources I need to move forward on my divinely inspired projects. Only for today, I release concern for the approval of others, and follow my own instincts and intuition with decision and energy now.

8. Program your dreams for the Aries New Moon cycle (until the next New Moon):

Each night before sleeping, go over Step 5 for several minutes. Finish this dream-portal session by asking your angels to help you clarify and adhere to your strategies for tomorrow’s progress, and to help you remember them.

Upon waking, write down your dreams before analyzing them for signs and answers (Betty Bethard’s, The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding is one of the best I’ve found to enrich this process/)

A parting word

San Francisco healer Dr. Asa Hershoff says that whether our chosen practice be prayer or meditation, basically it is a way of remembering the truth about our own powerful beings. Even though it often feels like life is happening to us, we can choose to have it happen with us, from us and through us. This lunation reminds us to refer to that force within as a point of departure and from it create prayers-in-motion: our own audacious and strategic actions.

As we use them to make progress one-day-at a time during this lunar month, we will weave the web of our present and future experience, adding with each initiative a silver thread to the larger fabric of the universe.


Aspra, Lucy, Manual de Ángeles, Las Emisiones Sidereales de los Ángeles de la Astrología (Mexico City, Casa de los Ángeles, 2000).

Hershoff, Dr. Asha,

Mendez, Connie, Numerología 22 11 (Caracas, Venezuela, Bienes Lacónica, C.A., , 1996).

Pennick, Nigel, The Pagan Book of Days (Rochester, Vermont, 1992, Destiny Books).

Phillips, Richard, Numbers: Facts, Figures and Fiction (NY, Cambridge University Press, 1995).

Spiller, Jan, New Moon Astrology (NY, Bantam, 2001).

Templeton, John Marks and James Ellison, The Templeton Success Plan (NY Harper & Row, 1987).#

Thanks, Crystal! jc