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Showing posts with label Election Day 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election Day 2016. Show all posts

Sep 22, 2016

Sen. Elizabeth Warren Shames CEO for Raking In $200M... video

Here Thom spotlights Senator Elizabeth Warren grilling a CEO of Wells Fargo Bank and she's at her finest:

Warren and Trump: Both Have Sun-Uranus Conjunctions

Did you know that Elizabeth Warren's natal Sun conjoins Uranus as does that of Donald Trump? Her Sun-Uranus conjunction @00Cancer identifies her as an original, progressive maverick while his conjunction is in changeable Gemini and opposes his Sagittarian Moon. As for Senator Warren's personality blend, it's Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus, if you're curious enough to tap or click the above link.

So with Sun-Uranus (and Moon-Uranus for him), Mr. Trump the Uranian likes to 'shake things up' and so does Senator Warren but she does it without the racism, violence, and sophomoric insults. And yes, I agree with those who say that, if nominated, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren would have won the presidency in November though I suspect that she can do more for the American people by continuing to serve in the Senate rather than battling obstructionist Republicans from the Oval Office.

Sep 21, 2016

Astrology Explains: Donald Trump Loves to Shake Things Up!

Quirky Uranus and November 8, 2016: It's The Prepared vs The Unprepared

by Jude Cowell

Since his presidential bid announcement on June 16, 2015, candidate-turned-Republican-nominee Donald Trump has done one thing really well--turn US political campaigning on its head. Is there a reason which can be discerned from his natal chart? Is his rock-the-boat nature for real or merely an act?

Yes, all can be explained as astrologers Lynn Hayes and Alex Miller reveal and it concerns Mr. Trump's natal Uranus in Gemini so close to his Gemini Sun. By this one aspect astrologers know that he was as hard to limit or control in childhood as he is now.

And of course, some political pundits have said, "he's a child" which is also borne out by the chart emphasis on Gemini, sign of the child or the eternal youth. And with Gemini also being the sign of the trader, deal-maker, trickster, publicist, magician, juggler, salesman, and communicator, many of us sometime cringe at his weird behavior, off-the-cuff remarks, sophomoric insults, and his extreme self-awareness (that's Sun-Uranus again--Uranus is often called, The Awakener, and he sleeps very little, he says). Plus, when Donald wants advice, he consults himself and his "very good brain".

Add to his Geminian-Uranian traits the fact that quirky, disruptive maverick Uranus simultaneously opposes natal Moon in Sagittarius (a natal Sun-Moon opposition, a 'Full Moon' personality so relationships are all-important) and we see that Mr. Trump possesses a deep need (Moon) to be involved in the affairs of others (Moon-Uranus). His lack of boundaries and indiscriminate sharing of information (Mercury square Neptune) are displayed almost every time he speaks unless guided by a teleprompter and a pre-written speech. Have you noticed that he seldom seems to realize how much information he 'gives away' when he speaks?

Now all these planetary factors (and others) explain to some people (such as yours truly) how Trump The Unprepared is temperamentally unsuitable and unqualified for the job of US president which requires a much more discreet personality and deeper, more wide-ranging political knowledge than this Solar-Lunar Uranian naturally possesses. Can he learn? Ruh-roh! He only listens to himself, he informs us.

Talents? Oh yes, Mr. Trump has plenty of them. But are they the right talents for this particular job? After all, presidential campaigning is more than just a PR stunt...maybe not much more but it is not a book sales marathon or a 'new hotel' promotional event.

In light of all this (and unless you, dear reader, disagree), we do need a majority of American voters to stir themselves to prevent a farcical Trumpian outcome on November 8th--even if it means swallowing our misgivings and voting for an alleged 'progressive' such as Hillary Clinton whose discreet (some would say too discreet!) and studious Mercury-Saturn square is more suitable for the serious role of US president.

Related posts: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper; Wedding Day Astrology of Melania and Donald Trump; Astro-Notes on the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate (#1 of 3); Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn.

And here's my post on the Astrology of Mr. Trump's June 2015 campaign announcement New Moon in Gemini even though someone has removed the video from SO'W. Perhaps we should credit his overly sensitive Mars rising in proud Leo! But not to fret for here's a link to Mr. Trump's 51-minute cringe-worthy campaign announcement video in case you wish to refresh your memory.

And for a little Astrology about Hillary: A White-Clad Hillary Clinton Accepts the Democratic Nomination which is not a fashion review but a babble concerning the White Goddess.

Here’s Why Millennials Distrust Hillary Clinton - video

As you've probably noticed, Millennials (ages 18 to 34) are not wild about voting for Hillary Clinton and may not turn out in November at all thanks to the Democratic Party sneakily favoring her as nominee over Senator Bernie Sanders (who would have won by a landslide much to the chagrin of the 'powers that think they be'):

For more reports, bravely step into The Ring of Fire.


And yet...perhaps the very important Election Day 2016 (November 8th) will attract a large turn out of voters for it coincides with a monthly US Lunar Return with the mundane Moon in American charts signifying We the People, plus, America's Sun Cancer-Moon Aquarius combo is known for its humanitarian social concerns and political interests.

'The powers that think they be' is an apt description of the global ruling elite often used by Max Igan.

Sep 14, 2016

9/11 Suspects: Philip Zelikow - video (w Cheney's Mars-Pluto-Chiron)

With the Bush-Cheney neocon White House 'the fix was in' in so many ways...

The Corbett Report transcript and sources.

And from May 2016, Trump leaving neocons in the dust though I find that difficult to believe. How about you?

A Related Post: Cheney and 9/11 where we see Dick Cheney's Secondary Progressed (SP) horoscope on the morning of 9/11/01 with his SP Midheaven at 28Can43 and snugged around it, his SP Pluto at 2Leo04 Rx and SP Chiron at 25Can16 so that Pluto-Chiron = MC, the Aspiration Point. As you know, the Pluto-Chiron duo denotes primal violence, plutocracy, fascism, capitalism, other anti-societal -isms, and exploitation of all kinds. In addition, Cheney's SP Mars, planet of war and aggression, conjoins his SP IC (28Cap43; the Foundation of the Matter) at 29Cap26, a critical-crisis degree.

Note that on Election Day 2016 (Nov 8th), the degrees of Cheney's SP IC and SP Mars on 9/11/01 will be conjoined by transit Mars--unaspected--and all late Capricorn planets and points (26--30 degrees) conjoin US natal and SP Pluto.

Sep 3, 2016

Senator Barry Goldwater Clues In 2016 Candidates and Astrology Occurs

An Echo from 1964 Reverberates in 2016

by Jude Cowell

Since the former governor of Arizona and USA senator, Barry Goldwater, ran for the presidency in 1964, it occurred to me that his advice could be valuable to our two erstwhile (okay, one erstwhile) candidate/s so here is a sample of Goldwater Wisdom:

"Now those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth, and let me remind you they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyranny."

Let us hope not on the 'hellish tyranny'. Besides, isn't it enough that in 2016 the American people have had two baggage-toting 'candidates' forced upon us (both seeming to have underworld elements lurking about) so that shadowy Global Government figures can impress us with the idea that America's electoral system and every other US system of government we can name is in serious danger of crashing into ruins? If so, we can blame the instigators, agents, bankers, and the other shills and crooks who infiltrated our bureaucracy several decades ago. They are tenacious. But our form of government remains unsullied by their villainy.

Astro-Notes: Barry Morris Goldwater

Born on January 2, 1909 (one source says 'Jan 1') in Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Goldwater seems to have a practical double Earth Sun Cap-Moon Taurus personality blend of sound intellect and moral fiber. A sense of proportion and preference for traditional values must have been at odds considering the quirky Aquarian flavor of the man. Check out his natal horoscope and you'll see what I mean about this Republican environmentalist!

Barry Goldwater's natal horoscope carries only a 'DD" rating because the birth data is Conflicting/Unverified (collector: Rodden). Even so, you may be impressed by his Capricorn trio of Sun-Uranus-Mercury (11Cap--17Cap) which spotlights a progressive, original, maverick-like personality (Sun-Uranus) and suggests a man who is futuristic, inventive, and easily or quickly bored (Mercury-Uranus). All his Aquarian tendencies are filtered through Saturn-ruled Capricorn which made Politics a natural career choice and channeled his inventive nature into practical concerns.

Also see Goldwater's Wikipedia page where you'll find that he was a 33rd degree Freemason and he collected Hopi kachina dolls. Call me old-fashioned, but to me a major doll collection of any kind seems pretty darned Aquarian with his bad self...

Yet the quirkiness continues! Because 2016 candidate Donald Trump has a curious (but probably unconscious) link to the prophetic Hopi Indians, too, via his Natal Moon and the Sapphire Star which is more prominent in his natal horoscope because his Sun and Moon are in opposition across the Gemini-Sagittarian axis--and on the Nodal axis as well.

Well, maybe the Hopi connection for both presidential hopefuls relates subliminally to America's Founding Fathers and their design and construction of Washington DC because the Star of Prophecy, Porrima, (and you can't make this up) is the star that the phallic Washington Monument was designed to emphasize, with Porrima also a star of fertility.

Can you imagine Mr. Trump filling the monumental boots of General Washington? Can you imagine how huge the monument a 'President Trump' would demand?


Upcoming Event: Astro-Notes on the Sept 26, 2016 POTUS Debate unless Mr. Trump chickens out or Hillary has another health crisis or sends another email that rises to the level of a scandal. Here's hoping that their 'debate' won't turn into an embarrassing spectacle of barking insults and resting rich face.

Aug 30, 2016

Election Day 2016: an Unaspected Mars in Capricorn

Previously we discussed how Election Day 2016 is a day of a US Moon Return (mundane Moon = We the People) and mention was made of the fact that Election Day Mars is unaspected at a critical 29th degree (of governmental Capricorn). Of course, 29 Capricorn is just before 00 Aquarius, the degree of US Inaugural Sun (the leader) so the eagerness, vitality, and ego of an impatient Mars hurries toward the presidency.

But with no aspects to Mars, what's to be expected? Is anything expectable or predictable with an unaspected planet? Not really, but since it's a Big Day in America, let's investigate the condition of Mars on November 8, 2016...

Now stop me if you've heard this before, but an unaspected planet is unmodified by other planetary influences so that its sign becomes emphasized along with the house of the unaspected planet if it is the only planet posited in that house. Also the house ruled by the unaspected planet may also be emphasized and show where the planet's energies are operative or focused.

With Mars, planet of motivation, energy, and action with a tendency toward aggression, conflict, and activism, the me-first quality of the planet will be prominent. In a contest for the presidency this is no surprise but is made more evident by the Martian temperament of one of the 2016 candidates who was born with royal Regulus and testy Mars rising in Sun-ruled Leo (sign of the natural leader) in his natal chart. When you're as proud and self-important as Mr. Trump it must be all but impossible to ask God for forgiveness (Trump thinks he's never made a mistake or committed a sin, so why ask?) For a few details about his reigning need, see his natal Moon in an article, linked below.

Now since Mars on a psychological level is already driven to separate and act apart from outside influences (for advice Mr. Trump consults his own brain, as you know), its unaspected condition on November 8, 2016 suggests Mr. Trump may express himself in an even more independent fashion than previously. And there's no telling what his Leonine ego will devise if he wins the Oval Office! Under girded by a natal Mercury-Neptune square, what he devises may often be off-the-mark because it's based on wrong or distorted perceptions.

Unaspected Mars acts in ways that are true to his feisty nature and in Capricorn, this must involve efficiency and directed efforts via Saturn's rule of Capricorn. Compulsion, unconscious motivations, and being in constant motion are possibilities as well, plus, we may note a stunning level of self-centeredness and an emphasized self-interest (though such personality traits have been noted before for Mr. T--any of his positive or negative traits will be greatly magnified if he wins the Top Job and can fire people on a whim--in fact, ruling on a whim is one of the better descriptions of what a Trump presidency would be like).

Of course, astrological Mars also signifies males between the ages of 25 and 35, give or take a year or so, and to soldiers, police officers, and villains, so the same traits may be applicable to any of them and to male voters on November 8th and to down-ticket candidates of the male persuasion.

So Mars' unaspected condition affects Election Day matters similar to how a singleton planet could and all the negative traits of Mars may be on display during election week including irrationality, a lack of control, forcefulness, and/or violence. In these, and in other ways, an unfettered Election Day 2016 Mars in Capricorn may brazenly 'run away' with the day's window-sill pie which may also be a hint about the hacking of and tampering with voting machines which is already a problem in Illinois and Arizona.

Mars '30Capricorn': "A Secret Business Conference"...Keyword: OPPORTUNITY...positive expression: a gift for clever planning and successful administration in every area of life (which Mr. Trump asserts that he has); negative/shadow side: rampant selfishness and rank exploitation of others. (The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Jones.)

And for more information, let's look at the Illumination Point directly opposite which is '30Cancer': "A Daughter of the American Revolution"...pos: an infectious pride in leadership through which a group is able to act as a unite; neg: the ultimate betrayal of self hood by a false assumption of superiority (Jones).

Also note that this position of Election Day 2016 Mars denotes a Mars-to-natal-Pluto for America which is extended by our national Secondary Progressed (SP) Pluto @29Cap, a transit with karmic undertones and lots of intense energy. This transit may point toward the military, of course, but may also relate on some weird level to the number of voters who think a Trump presidency is meant to be or that it's time to elect non-professional politicians so why not Trump.

Actually, we had an experiment with how that sort of electing could turn out when Tea Partisans were elected to seats on Capitol Hill which to me was not impressive for the betterment of our nation and society--the government shut down was costly in dollars and Sequestration cuts (US Scorpio Rising chart shown) have been a mistake on several levels. You may disagree, but there it is.

Related: Donald Trump: natal Moon and the Sapphire Star; DC Horoscope of the Sequestration Solar Eclipse of November 2011; and Astrology of the September 26, 2016 Presidential Debate.

Aug 21, 2016

September 2016 Eclipses: Two 'Wild Cards' of the Universe

by Jude Cowell

September 2016 begins on the 1st of the month with a Solar Eclipse @9Virgo21 uncovering what may be stark facts and secrets and this provides constructive conditions conducive to a tackling of the truth. (Brady)

Two weeks and a day later, a Lunar Eclipse @24Pisces manifests and further spotlights the Virgo-Pisces polarity of the victim-savior axis. Naturally, Mercury (Virgo) and Jupiter (co-ruled by Neptune if we wish to call it so since we are typing about larger trends in society). The transiting Neptune-South Node covers much intrigue, loss, propaganda, and crime (with a Neptune-Saturn flavor) but the period will pass although its effects will last a while until they fade and dissolve.

19 North: The Virgo Solar Eclipse of September 1, 2016

With this particular 19N Solar Eclipse, a Virgo filter allows the sign's energies to express in such a way that discrimination, discernment, purity, and a sense of duty are sought, engaged, or, in some cases, neglected. As an Earth sign, Virgo indicates physical demands of some kind are presented or called for. Keen observance and deep perception are best utilized wherever possible while the 19 North themes are in effect if forward progress is to be made--themes of realism and constructively tackling the truth. Harvest is a word often associated with (goddess) Virgo and there is actually a *karmic asset here if things are kept in perspective for too much criticism, degradation, (--"that's disgusting!," says Mr. Trump quite often); plus, neglect of health, and/or overuse of restraint when action is called for may interfere with progress.

Note that Virgo health connotations also involve Genetics, DNA, Family Roots, and Genealogy Research into them. Those like yours truly with a current Saturn transit to natal 4th house may be involved in such an investigation as I type!

The September 16th Lunar Eclipse in Pisces suggests the primary reactions and instincts of the Collective concerning events and conditions that the Solar Eclipse has wrought. Compassion, confusion, infection, mystification, denial, and other Piscean characteristics will come up for air as a result of the Virgo Solar Eclipse which, as it happens, is the Pre-Natal Saros series of both Election Day 2016 and Inauguration 2017 so that eclipse themes will apply to both events and have actually begun to express early in tandem with the current 18 South Solar Eclipse which perfected on March 9, 2016 @18Pis55 and includes themes of separation, endings, and partings--yet new situations may lead to positive results so that all may turn out in the end (paraphrasing Predictive Astrology, Brady).


Blog Note: * as always, here on SO'W "karmic asset" and "karma" are used in the sense of reaping what's been sown, a natural law of the Universe, and since Virgo-Pisces and the 6/12 axis are all about that, there we have it, with Genetics, Heredity, Cells, and such reserved for Astrology's Saturnian branches of study rather than the Uranian past-life model created within the Strain At a Gnat Swallow a Camel School of Philosophy. jc

Aug 18, 2016

The Asteroids and Dreams of Republican VP pick Mike Pence

On July 15/16, 2016 or thereabouts, 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump tweeted his VP choice of Mike Pence, the pro-life, pro-gun, megachurch member and governor of Indiana. Considering the odds of Trump dropping out of the race or a subsequent de facto Pence presidency with Donald doing most of the talking, it behooves those of us who appreciate the information Astrology provides to investigate Governor Pence under the lens of the ancient art.

Those who notice cosmic synchronicities may also benefit from a consideration of asteroids including personal name asteroids and few there be who glean more from this method of investigation than astrologer Alex Miller who has long written columns for the excellent Daykeeper Journal.

Using personal name asteroid 'Penza' as a signifcator for Mike Pence, an assessment has been made and I highly recommend Alex Miller's linked-below article on Trump's selection of Pence (which places a theocrat a hair's breath from the presidency: the GOP plan all along?), the very descriptive asteroids involved, and an interesting Penza-Neptune conjunction in Pisces exact on November 8, 2016 which suggests the possibility of Neptunian disappointment for Pence.

Or (I must ask), will it bring to the masses Pence's theocratic dream come true?

In case you missed it, here is a direct link to The Veepstakes Winner: An Astrological Profile of Mike Pence by Alex Miller.


A note on yours truly's opposition to a theocratic presidency: as a Christian believer in the Spiritual Church of Christ, I believe that morality comes from within and cannot be externally forced or imposed by government edict or any other sort of edict or law. Religious freedom is one of our nation's founding principles, so we've been told, and a theocracy is totally unacceptable to this American.

Yes, society's morals are degraded but that is a purposeful part of the plan to dissolve the sovereignty and cohension of this country and its people for the sake of establishing a one world government which aspires to destroy religion and other institutions of civilization. Disagree as you may, placing religion in the claws of government is the wrong path and will cause a great migration away from true faith because it will be false and it will cause religion to be used as a tool against the people. And oddly enough, theocracy in America would be only a stone's throw away from establishing Sharia Law which Republican politicians and others purport to be against. As usual, the ruling class will continue to consider themselves above all laws, no matter the president.

For if you've read a few of my articles here and elsewhere, you may have noticed that to me, the profession of Politics primarily attracts fakers, liars, embezzlers, and crooks determined to gain and keep their cushy positions. You know, like "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," the Sabian Symbol of US natal Jupiter (6 Cancer) of July 4, 1776? jc

Image of Jupiter {public domain}

Jul 1, 2016

Judge Says Ohio Voter Purge Is Perfectly Legal – Goodbye, Democracy - video

Well, isn't this 'great' news for American democracy just prior to our July 4th celebration? Apparently, voter suppression is fashionable with the political class no matter the time of year. Farron Cousins reports:

Jun 13, 2016

Did US leaders and candidates get Orlando wrong?

Our hearts go out to victims, their families and friends in Orlando. And as Steve Benen of MSNBC notes, President Obama and 2016 candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have each made statements and remarks concerning the tragedy this weekend in Orlando, Florida.

Occurring quite close to July's political conventions and not so long before November Election Day 2016, Americans might get the idea that their emotions are being swayed toward voting in a certain direction. It's been done before and the accusation of 'false flag op' will surely turn up at some point if if hasn't already.

And yet for this American 'child of the Revolution', Obama, Clinton, and Trump have touted off-kilter lessons from the violence in Orlando so I'm posting here the lesson that all acts of terror have demonstrated to me--especially since the 1 North 'King of Terror Solar Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 which repeats as The Great American Eclipse in August 2017 due to the 18.6-year cycle of solar eclipses. The tango sparked by this manifestation of 1 North will naturally appear on the next president's dance card.

So here is the lesson I take from acts of terror against Americans--that while Washington and the Pentagon commit violence across the globe in their role as military arm of the corporate criminal banking syndicate enforcing a 'new world order' for the sake of Global Government, the American people are, and will continue to be, caught in the cross hairs of retaliation as we suffer blow back from the paternalistic strong-arming being done in our names.

Now you may suggest that there is more to it than this and of course you are correct. But without forgiveness, life is just an endless round of vengeance begetting vengeance which is something *the powers that think they be ought to know considering the 'unerring wisdom' they (incorrectly) assume themselves to possess. The tragic thing is, they do know but they only care for their own--and for retaining and expanding control via the ends justify the means tactics in which the rest of us are completely expendable--much as Satan, prince of this world, takes as many down with him as he goes. Thing is, he's already lost the battle so those who follow him follow a loser.

But look! Here are some of the US power elite and their own now:


*the powers that think they be is a quote from Max Igan.

May 10, 2016

19 North Eclipse affects 2016/17 Election/Inauguration as with Reagan and Clinton

Will the September Solar Eclipse Jiggle Our National Truth-o-Meter in 2016/2017?

by Jude Cowell

In the past, the Solar Eclipse Saros Series 19 North has been influential in US Presidential elections and inaugurations with its noble themes of 'coming down to earth, realism, and a constructive time for tackling the truth' (Brady). In addition, any eclipse, solar or lunar, can inspire the uncovering of truths and secrets long kept hidden with a cosmic peep-eye! quality that may be very inconvenient for miscreants and 'evil-doers'. 19 North (19N) repeats on September 1, 2016 and is the 'Pre-Natal Eclipse' Saros Series of Election Day 2016 in November and Inauguration 2017 in January.

For background, the initial eclipse of the 19N series began on July 5, 1331 (OS) @20Cancer and will end on August 10, 2575. This puts a lunar Cancerian lens over what will be a Virgoan eclipse on September 1st (@9Virgo). Oddly enough, both July 5th and August 10th are dates that are involved in US history since some US Solar Returns occur not on July 4th but on July 5th (SR = Sun to its position on July 4, 1776, our national birthday), and August 10th is thought by some to be an important esoteric date because the Sun as viewed from the Capitol Building sets over the western end of Pennsylvania Avenue as devised by District architect, Pierre Charles L'Enfant (Ovason). At least, that's a cosmic event that L'Enfant planned for the Federal City. (Sun in Mundane Astrology = the leader, leadership, or, the president.)

If you're curious, here are Timelines of Events for 1980 and 1998. See if you can spot any eclipse-inspired 'truth tackling' events in 1998 such as President Bill Clinton testifying on tape to his inappropriate affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky (August 19), the US embassy bombings in retaliation (taking revenge) against al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and in Sudan, and Scott Ritter's resignation from UNSCOM as he asserted that, "Iraq retains the capability to launch chemical strike" (August 26). Was Mr. Ritter tackling a truth that Washington politicians wanted to keep hidden? Note that the 19N eclipse occurred in the midst of these events on August 22, 1998 @29Leo conjoining royal star Regulus (keywords: success if revenge is avoided--otherwise, all that was gained will be lost--Brady).

Tragically for the American people and the rest of the world, US politicians take revenge all too well, don't they? And usually they deny that revenge is the motivation.

Plus, as previously discussed, Regulus in the original grid for DC represents the US Congress with Arcturus (a different approach; patience brings success) standing for the White House, and Spica (the spike; victory; good fortune) as the Washington Monument, our phallic symbol of the Executive Branch. Disturbingly, Donald Trump was born with warrior planet Mars in Leo (super-sensitive ego!) and kingmaker Regulus rising. Speaking of taking revenge, Mr. Trump does like to hit back when others attack him (aren't 'nice' to him!) and being a 'loser' is, he thinks, only for other people, not himself. However, Regulus rising might one day disagree and deal him a losing hand.

Now here's a 1992 Frontline feature investigating the 1980 Election and the US hostage release "October Surprise" perpetrated by the Reagan administration which tilted election results away from incumbent President Jimmy Carter in an untruthful way as Reagan took credit for what Carter had accomplished:

the deleted video was right here in this spot...

UPDATE May 19, 2016: as expected, the Frontline video was removed so here is a link to a report by a man who investigated for Frontline back in the day, Robert Parry who had Second Thoughts on the October Surprise, which he published to Consortium News in 2013.

So now once again we face the 19 North 'tackling the truth' eclipse and we know that being realistic, honest, and admitting the truth are seldom part of Politics or in the play book of Washington DC politicians particularly when elections are at stake so it will be interesting to see how truths are bent and surprises are sprung against the cosmic imperative of the September 1, 2016 Solar Eclipse @9Virgo in the 19 North Saros Series as Election Day 2016 approaches and the Inauguration 2017 Oath of Office is taken--usually with a presidential hand placed upon--of all things--a Bible!

Dates and Degrees of 19 North include:

July 31, 1962 @8Leo; July 20, 1944 @27Cancer (opposite US natal Pluto); July 9, 1926 @17Cancer; June 28, 1908 @7Cancer (conjunct US natal Jupiter). 19N is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of: America's Great Seal (1782), the Republican Party (1854), LBJ and the FBI (1908), and the death of Marilyn Monroe (1962). Was Marilyn about to 'tackle the truth' too inconveniently for Politics? You see, correlating the years of 19N with events and the presidents then in office can be quite informative since history doesn't repeat...but it does rhyme.

Published May 10, 2016 6:31 pm EDT; all rights reserved.