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Showing posts with label Uranus = AP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus = AP. Show all posts

May 27, 2010

May 27, 2010: Full Moon w/ Uranus to Aries Point @ 3:04 pm edt

UPDATE 5.27.10 11:25 am edt:

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Minerals Management Service Director Fired Elizabeth Birnbaum, the director of the Minerals Management Service agency that oversees drilling operations, has been fired. More details @ NPR. #

Heads are rolling! I only hope they're the right heads.

My original post from a few minutes ago begins here:

The evening of May 27, 2010 a Full Moon 6Sag33 perfects at 7:07:15 pm edt over the White House which is a mere 4 hours and 3 minutes after Uranus reaches Aries Point 00Ari00 at 3:04 pm edt.

The chart of the Full Moon shows an applying inconjunct to Venus (2A54; inconjunct = adjustments needed; Venus = evaluations; relationships) with Venus 9Can27 in 8th house of High Finance and Debt, and just past a recent US Venus Return. It's an Hour of Mercury 11Tau44 in 6th house, and the Gulf oil 'spill' is at the chart's base (Neptune/Chiron.)

The Sun 6Gem33 highlights Pan 6:37, a trickster element indicating such things as 'panels', 'panics', and possible mystical doings. Yes, the President has set up yet another panel (committee), this time to study the BP-Gulf oil disaster - meanwhile, the people of the Gulf Coast panic from threat to their livelihoods and homes.

But as you know, Jupiter, left behind in late Pisces by quirky Uranus, will catch up for their Great Conjunction on June 8, 2010 (00Ari18) but until then, it's Uranus = AP, an historical marker for 'scientific breakthrough', a term which has already been in the news in recent weeks with synthetic cell creation and other Frankensteinian happenings and explorations (Mt. Everest topping.)

BP's amazing plume cam seems part of Uranus = AP to me for it's as if we're watching the First Moon Landing all over again but 5 miles down on the seabed! As in: on the Moon, ocean = Cancer, ruled by the Moon, etc.

What we need is for Uranus to inspire a brilliant solution for the BP-Gulf oil disaster but perhaps it will take Jupiter's presence on June 8 or later for that to occur especially since both charts (Full Moon and Uranus = AP) show creative genius Uranus separating from aspects with two exceptions: its application to conjoin lucky Jupiter, and secret controller Pluto 4Cap49 Rx and Uranus apply to their titanic square (4A49.)

Yet perhaps the Uranus/Pluto square's energetic and 'revolutionary' content may be used for staunching the leak in the Gulf - if interfering, bossy Pluto will stand out of creative Uranus' way.

And when Jupiter's principle of expansion joins the Uranus/Pluto SQ on June 8, we may wish to consider this midpoint picture for clues:

Jupiter/Uranus = Pluto: tremendous drive to success; publicity; gains; sudden changes in financial conditions; an unusual striving for knowledge and undertanding; a far-seeing creative activity. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Plus, the transiting Chiron/Neptune conjunction, with Neptune (oceans, oil, gas, water, ideals and dreams, deception, confusion, fraud, loss) still in late Aquarius and pull-ahead Chiron @ 00Pis58, reps for the Deepwater Horizon 'blowout' (explosions) - Chiron's wounding under the Neptunian sea - yet Chiron conjoins America's Pre-natal Eclipse degree 00Pis33 (12 South Series) with keywords:

A worrying or draining issue will at first seem worse then clear, with successful outcomes. (Brady's Predictive Astrology)

A "draining" issue will clear! And we have so many draining issues that need clearing.

So with BP beginning the 'top kill' method yesterday to try to staunch the Gash in the Gulf, and with the attempt's outcome becoming apparent today or tomorrow, this is where I'm directing my psychic energy and attention: on America's PE which, in 1776, amounted to freedom and independence by way of a successfully fought revolution.

But as for timing of solutions, 12S manifests again on July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24 conjunct difficult Fixed Star Castor. This gives BP and the American people a 6-month time frame for the 'successful outcomes' picture...too long to ponder just now, particularly since '20Cancer' is a critical or crisis degree.

Solar Eclipse effects can influence events up to two weeks post- or prior to the date of the Eclipse which points to a time frame as early as the last week in June.

Well, we know that through the years many rats and termites have taken up residence in the US woodpile (see this blog's description in its header, above), so if you're interested in further reading, try a link-rich article on America, fascism, and financial solutions ignored.

And if you missed it, here's my Dreamyfish Art inspired Film short concerning the BP-Gulf oil spill featuring 'a fish's plea'.

May 20, 2010

Uranus to Aries Point: artificial cell announced today!

No astrologer in the world is surprised at today's announcement of the creation of an artificial cell.

What are some possible applications for this lab-born Frankensteinian DNA which owes allegiance to no papa or mama? New vaccines, a weening from oil as an energy source, and a 'new industrial revolution' as well are some of the bright potentials mentioned today. (Hint: the world doesn't trust Science's cobbled together, GM vaccines as it is!)

Serious questions about the unintended consequences of creating new life forms remain, of course, unanswered at this exciting juncture.

Yes, Uranus to Aries Point (of World Prominence) now = scientific breakthroughs, and in 2010, the scene is greatly expanded by the presence of Jupiter at AP, too...therefore, much wealth is to be expected from such inventions!

May 11, 2010

Horoscope of a New Moon in Taurus 5.13.10

Chart shown: New Moon 23Tau09, May 13, 2010, Capitol Building Washington DC @ 9:04:19 pm edt; chart-ruler Jupiter 26Pis17 in 4th house with Uranus 29Pis31, and midpoint Mercury/Neptune 00Ari43 = Aries Point (AP); Hour of Saturn; Venus out-of-bounds.

Click image to enlarge.

Mercury/Neptune = Uranus: inventions and inspirations; a sudden new ideas; a misguided imagination; going 'far out'; a sudden lack of ideas; using Astrology for greater understanding; gaining inspiration by use of rational analysis along with psychic help.

On May 13, a new cycle of daily activity begins as Moon and Sun conjunct @ 23Tau09 in 6th house of Daily Activities, Health, Work, Military and Police Forces, and other Service; the chart shown here is set for the US Capitol Building since this may apply to all of Washington DC as the District acts as the representative of the United States of America.

New Moon = Mars/Neptune, a midpoint of confused motivations; deceptive or inspired actions; paralyzed activity; a lack of energy.

The combo of Mars/Neptune energies also indicates: the threat of war or force being used against the ideals of the people, country, or its rulers; using internal rebellion as a means of weakening a nation's military; military rule as a form of national glamour; scandals involving the Armed Forces; industrial espionage; fires in national hospitals; rioting over national health care; delusions about military strength; military spying or spies. (Munkasey, Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

Thus two important midpoint pictures are formed with Moon ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformations, etc; Sun ruling 9th house of Foreign Lands and Travel, Philosophy, Higher Education, Religion, and Foreign Enemies.

Mars, here at Venus' degree on 9/11/01 (which is also the degree of the Sun/Moon in the King of Alarm Eclipse chart of August 11, 1999), is posited in 9th house indicating males with strong opinions, possibly religious fervor, and a restless need for travel; this Mars position may signify a foreign enemy; plus, '18Leo+' triggers the still-sensitive 1999 Eclipse and stimulates issues from the attacks of 9/11 and the resulting security considerations (tr Ceres still near tr Pluto in Capricorn, in this New Moon chart the pair have just crossed 2nd cusp into 1st house.)

Mars/Neptune = Moon: crooks; a danger of infection; weak, sick, or moody women; sensitivity; feelings of inferiority; nervous weakness; feeling off-course; indecision; apprehension about struggles with deceptive or misleading activities; fluctuating anger toward visions.

Mars/Neptune = Sun: new plans are illuminated; situational changes; added effectiveness to the impact of a deception or an illusion; a noted, distinguished magician or mystic; weakened intensity of influential people; discontent; lack of willpower; the undermining of health; weak vitality or the dissolution of a body.

(All midpoint pics on this blog are from Ebertin, Tyl, and Munkasey; as always, some, none, or all may apply, especially when triggered by transits or progressions.)

So the above Mars/Neptune activities may be said to be masked or hidden by the lack of light of May 13's New Moon and certain activities may then surface or be revealed by the light of May 27's Full Moon!

Ascending in the New Moon horoscope, we see 4Sag35, therefore we look to chart-ruler Jupiter's applying aspects to glean how events may proceed as the darkened Moon gains in light until culmination at the Full Moon of May 27 (6Sag33 @ 7:07:15 pm edt Capitol Bldg; Sun conjunct Pan 6Sag37, a trickster element which may suggest a level of panic; Sun in a mundane chart = the leader; Moon = the populace.)

May 13's New Moon chart-ruler, Jupiter, makes three applying aspects:

1. opposition Saturn (1A47; almost exact - 10 years on, this is the fulfillment or culminating stage of May 28, 2000's Great Conj of Jupiter and Saturn @ '23Tau' which heralded the New Millennium's out-of-control greed and corruption; also, Jup = Rs, Sat = Ds);

2. sextile Sun and Moon (3A08); (Moon sextile Jupiter = the Ray of Hope aspect, says Alan Oken; Sun sextile Jupiter = our leader may travel afar, and approach his goals with a new enthusiasm));

3. conjunct Uranus (3A14) @ 00Ari18 on June 8, 2010; Uranus = AP indicates a time of historic breakthroughs in Science, Genetics, Explorations, Religion and Philosophy, Technology, Finances, Politics, Arts, Astrology, and more...these possibilities are expanded or increased by Jupiter's presence with Uranus @ AP.

As you see, there are many factors worth noting in the New Moon chart including the influence of the earthy, materialistic sign of Taurus and its underbelly traits of intolerance and greed. But since you, dear reader, know a bunch about Taurean traits already, I shall skip to the one planetary pattern configured here in the New Moon horoscope: the Mutable Fixed Square between the opposition of Jupiter and Saturn and an apex Venus 22Gem48 in 7th house of Partnership, Legal Affairs, and Open Enemies.

First, their midpoint picture, some of which is notated on the chart (with mdpt credit due to those mentioned above); I am leaving out the romantic implications for the sake of Political Astrology...

Jup/Sat = Venus: hypersensitivity about one's ego-position; a lack of endurance or tenaciousness; discontent; increased appreciation for the value of planning and organization; a touch of reserve; jealousy about recognition given to others.

When Venus (values; evaluations; relationships; attractions; smaller amounts of money; revenge) is the apex or focal planet in a Mutable T-Square, we find persons who may be social butterflies possessing strong drives toward sociability and/or social awareness.

Yet values may not be compatible with those attracted so relationships present challenging problems with emotional tensions, jealousies, and feelings of inequality. Apex Venus in T-SQ expects things to come easy with little or no effort since constant satisfaction is desired; complacency, laziness, and passivity are cautions.

In a Mutable T-SQ, apex Venus indicates one who is fickle and uncertain of personal values; 'space' to emotionally breathe within partnerships is deemed a necessity, and the ability to come and go as one pleases is a must due to the restlessness of the Mutable quality.

Yet if Venusian energies are well-managed in a Mutable T-SQ, diplomacy and fair play may result.

The Ideal is sought, and the stability of having staid Saturn within the T-SQ helps apex Venus stick around long enough to resolve conflicts caused by the blocking squares (90 degrs) from both Jupiter and Saturn...

Venus SQ Jupiter = indulgent and careless about responsibilities; outgoing when things are going well but obstinate and hard to deal with when they are not; in dealings with people compromise and adjustments are offered yet these may be empty gestures; resentful if forced to act; tends to be demanding; deceptive tactics may be resorted to in order to gain attention; skillful communications abilities are the greatest asset; feels suspicious of others' hostility, and anxious that they will try to take advantage; not overly generous due to a belief that generosity is 'not really appreciated'.

Venus SQ Saturn = difficulties in relating to others; meeting them halfway must be learned; feels left out of the mainstream's social situations; unwilling to accept responsibility; on the defensive and concerned that others will make too many demands; needs to chillax, indulge in less self pity, and cooperate with others; indicates difficult work environments especially in fields of banking, finance, real estate, insurance, law, trade and commerce, or design. (Rob Pelletier, Planets in Aspect.)

Note: Venus out-of-bounds increases the planet's traits noted above especially where feelings of insecurity, inequality, or inferiority are concerned. And you may wish to read of the New Moon's Sabian Symbol at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the New Moon chart.

Well, with the transiting midpoint of Saturn/Neptune and its 'losses-delusions-denials' vibe still hanging about upon our US natal ASC (Sibly, '13Sag'), we may wish to reconsider the midpoint picture thus formed...

Tr Saturn/Neptune = n ASC: noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; confinement; a loner or one who feels 'out of the group'; oppressive family circumstances; a limitation of freedom; emotional suffering caused by others; illness.

So you may wish to add insights to this analysis and I hope you feel free to do so in a Comment for this post. Or if you have an alternate analysis of May 13, 2010's New Moon in Taurus, email it to: judecowell at gmail dot com and I will happily consider publishing it here on SO'W.

Until then, lay low this week during the Dark of the Moon when sneaky forces may be afoot and things may look quite different than they really are when cast beneath the shadows of the night.


Mutable T-Square info from Bil Tierney's excellent book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis.

Mar 23, 2010

Maoists terrorizing India

Are you aware that Maoists are terrorizing parts of India? Well, I wasn't and am saddened to hear of it.

In fact, I have missed the ball on the Naxalites all together, lucky you're there to guard my back on the throw. Turns out, the Maoist political party was founded on September 21, 2004. It was in mid-August 2004 that Pluto and Chiron were parallel for two days and of course, Pluto/Chiron is the epitome of disenfranchisements of all kinds with oppression tossed in to make certain those victimized go down and stay down.

(Parallels may be used as timing devices in Astrology and are similar in nature to a strong conjunction.)

You will notice, if you click on the Maoist info link, that 'Sept 21, 1967' falls under the spell of the major Great Conjunction which defined the energies of the 1960s: Uranus conjunct Pluto.

Disruptor Uranus met saboteur Pluto 3 times in the mid-60s:

1. Oct 9, 1965 @17Vir10
2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28
3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06

My point is that astrologers tend to look at the beginning of planetary cycles to see where in that cycle the same planets are on a particular date. Similar themes, issues, and concerns will come to the surface especially during 'quarters' times...the waxing squares (90 degrees, crisis in action phase), the opposition (180 degrees: stand-off, culmination, and/or partnership), and the waning square (also 90 degr, crisis in consciousness phase.)

The long-term Cardinal T-Square pattern (Spring 2010 - 2014/15) contains within it the ongoing Saturn-Uranus cycle now at opposition phase off and on, the Saturn-Pluto cycle, now at waning square phase (Libra to Cap), and the Uranus-Pluto cycle, now approaching exact square (partile) with one another in this their dance of shockingly deep energies. As Uranus screeches across the Aries Point from sedate, surreptitious Pisces, 'scientific breakthroughs' will be announced or discovered (as noted on this blog previously as, Uranus = AP.)

Aries to Capricorn: hard work, frustrations, and delays? (Mars-Saturn)

Once again the Saturn-Uranus puzzle of old vs new supports the prominence of the current Uranus-Pluto square - it is the most prominent of the titanic battles going on over our noggins for it is the rarest of those now in play. Aries, the first sign of Spring, the pioneering adventurer discovering and claiming new vistas -vs- Capricorn, the manager, so set in his ways and fond of tradition, status quo, and gilt-edged securities.

So we are now called upon the deal with and hopefully successfully manage the energies of the crisis in consciousness phase of the electrifying, stupefying Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s with all the issues, themes, and record albums of the day. Oh, and the protests, demonstrations, and riots from those days, too.

This is well the time to get questions of equality and freedom right!

image: Flowers of India.