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Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Nov 16, 2010

Lisbon summit Nov 19-20, 2010: a Pluto/NN meeting

"Military power can't cure everything"! Now who let that cat of the bag?

Because the people knew it, you and I knew it...but are the power elite are just now figuring it out?

Well, glory-be! NATO's 'new strategy' is to be "unveiled" at the Lisbon summit later this week while powerful, subversive Pluto - the world's secretive string-puller supreme - continues 'meeting' with North Node (their exact conj was on Nov 9) with both now @ '4 Capricorn' = "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" = ORDERING...

positive expression: exceptional capacity for bringing all proper relationships to a point of effectiveness in any given exigency of everyday affairs;

negative/unconscious/shadow side: inability to get along with anybody.

The Illumination Point of this degree (to glean more hidden info - this degree may be quite telling) is '4 Cancer' which is America's natal Venus degree (rounded up from 3Can+) so we find that:

'4Can' = A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" = JUSTIFICATION...

pos: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends; (President Obama in Lisbon? jc);

neg/uncons/shadow side: interminable quarreling with the nature of things.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)

Transiting SN now conjoining US natal Venus indicates separation in relationships as the Tail of the Dragon (SN) swipes across our lady Venus, a planet which on one level represents America herself as evidenced by our copper-lined Statue of Liberty. As previously noted, correct evaluations are difficult to come by these days but hopefully, Venus moving forward after Nov 18 will bring improvements.

And as mentioned in a previous post, the transiting pair of Pluto and North Node (of the Moon) has a treaties vibe along with other flavors, such as:

Treaties involving the exchange of secretive or clandestine data; breakdowns in security or treaties due to the actions of other persons; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests in mind; violent or criminal persons entering a country secretly at any given opportunity; sewage or waste compacts (nuclear waste? where to put it all - and the US wants to build more - two here in north GA! And Georgia Power wants us to pay an addittional $11 a month now - in this recession - for projects they promise to build in the future! jc)

(Pluto/NN from: Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

Sounds as if a summit breakdown may be afoot in Lisbon such as with the recent Copenhagen climate summit.

Concerning NATO's Lisbon summit, Der Spiegel has published an interesting interview with German diplomat Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz. Be aware that, as usual, political propaganda may peek through.

As a chilling teaser, here's an excerpt from the Ploetz interview which for best reading may require a 1984 gong banging in the back of our minds; Herr Ploetz speaks:

"After a period of arrogance, humility has surprisingly returned to NATO. Even if the alliance is more militarily powerful than anyone else, we don't want to be the world's policeman. Though military power is indispensable, it can't cure everything. For that reason, we're developing a new security concept and implementing it with suitable partners."

They "don't want to be the world's policeman"! Really? "Humility"? Is this a joke? Perhaps not, but if so, it is very surprising and hardly credible.

Ploetz goes on the speak of Madeleine Albright's role in NATO's security/weapons rigamarole with NATO (Apr 4, 1949) touting a "NATO renaissance" now influenced by a supposedly humble streak suddenly appearing in NATO's DNA so that it's now possible to enjoy a renaissance "in terms of confidence-building measures, disarmament, and arms control."

Now whose arms will be under NATO's control isn't clear to me; whose confidence is in need of building? dunno; from whom will 'disarmament' be expected? Hmmm...from all sides would be this peacenik mom's ideal. Such a dreamer!

Naturally, the War in Afghanistan will be on the Lisbon summit agenda, too, as the US continues to pretend that arming a population in the Middle East with weapons which may end up in the arsenals of anyone possessing the strength to commandeer them. (These people are crazy.)

Plus, it's being reported that Russia-NATO relations are on the mend after being frozen during the war in Georgia, with the US perhaps acting as the foot-stomping pouter in the bunch. The summit will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on Nov 19-20 of this week.

On Sunday Nov 21, 2010, a day after the summit ends (one assumes), a Full Moon perfects upon a 29th crisis-degree at 5:27:18 pm UT +00:00 in Lisbon:

Full Moon 29Tau18 = '30Tau' = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" which always reminds me of India with its symbol of the peacock (see illustration below); with Sun 29Sco18 (the Illumination Point of the the Full Moon's degree), I am reminded of US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45...'30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester."

And of course, the stalled-in-Senate START treaty between the US and Russia is what Mr. Obama wants ratified during the current lame duck session of Congress - but not if Republicans have anything to to do with it.

So with this weekend's Full Moon being the culmination phase of the symbolic seeds planted two weeks prior at the New Moon (New Moon 13Sco40 conjunct Venus Rx on Nov 5 or 6; Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces turn Direct on Thursday Nov 18), we experience and marvel at the synchronous 'As Above, So Below' collusion between events on Earth and the lunations and stars in the sky.

And if humility really has 'returned' to NATO (when did they have it before?), good may accrue for all humanity. Yet given the way these bossy cusses and social tinkerers have handled themselves so far, the question of this potential for moderation will have to remain open-ended around Stars Over Washington for now.

Further details: NATO Timeline leading up to the Lisbon summit Nov 19-20, 2010.

Nov 10, 2010

America and the Solar Eclipse of Jan 4, 2011

Three quotes of note for Where We Are Now:

"Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear." -Aung San Suu Kyi

"You may think your actions are meaningless and that they won't help, but that is no excuse, you must still act." -Mohandas K. Gandhi

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." -Abraham Lincoln


Since Veterans' Day is tomorrow, November 11, 2010, I'm spending time reflecting today and Thursday upon my country. From what I've seen and studied of late, America will never resemble herself again until the Bush-Cheney 'Patriot Act' is repealed, the Supreme Court Justices who pushed through the Citizens United decision against democracy are de-benched (and perhaps others of them as well), and - first of all - the US Congress is completely reformed and corporations both foreign and domestic are ushered out the door for good. Time spent raising money for the next campaign is not 'doing the people's business' or 'serving' on Capitol Hill and it certainly doesn't make representing the American people the priority it should be. -Jude Cowell

On January 4, 2011, a Solar Eclipse in the 13 North Series occurs @ 13Cap38. This gives the eclipse a Cancer-Capricorn vibe, Moon/Saturn, which can have a serious tone, even depressing, yet also may bring along a 'strategy-ambition' influence to the collective as well.

Now I've mentioned the Jan 2011 eclipse here before but in light of the above three quotes and Veterans' Day, I wish to emphasize that 13N is the Series which began with its initial eclipse on August 14, 1776 @ 21Leo52; Moon/Mars = Sun/Mars = Pluto 26Cap38 Rx (2009's Inaugural Midheaven degree which had the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it = the global plutocrats who coup'd for themselves the Citizens United decision.)

As a general guide to the atmosphere of August 1776 and early 2011:

Sun/Mars = Pluto: ruthless application of energy; force; extreme defensiveness; warring relationships; sever health strain possible.

Moon/Mars = Pluto: powerful opinionation; a demanding nature. (Noel Tyl.)

As we see from the initial eclipse date, the first-ever 13N eclipse manifested very near the date of the founding of America. In fact, since the last signatures affixed to the Declaration of Independence were not penned upon it until August 1776, I have asserted previously on this blog that the August 14, 1776 eclipse horoscope might be used as a symbolic natal horoscope for America, the New Atlantis, the first-ever nation to be established upon Uranian ideals which allegedly were received from a Higher Source from which creative genius flows.

(Not that the inspiration didn't flow from a Higher Source, as long as it wasn't Weishaupt's Illuminati, yet you may wish to see George Washington's vision and the Snopes analysis afterwards.)

Perhaps much credit for the concepts embedded in the US Constitution is primarily due the Iroquois Confederacy but that's a post for another day; Freemason principles are integral to our nation's founding and freedom documents as well; these days most Americans understandably feel those freedoms are being and have been repealed.)

Now see if the tone of the following 13N Solar Eclipse reminds you of a certain nation founded in 1776:

13N: groups and associations; large ambitious group projects that require a separation or the breaking of an existing bond; separation then joint achievement. (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

Well, you don't have to read between the lines to see that America's founding is fairly described by 13N's theme. Therefore, the January 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse in the 13N Series has particular import for the US, for 13N's issues may resurface to whatever extent they need to be dealt with in 2011. In the news from Dec 2010 into 2011, names may be changed to protect the guilty, but watch out for activities that have a 'separation then joint achievement' flavor to them for they undergird much of what transpires during the eclipse season - at least until the next Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011 (13S @ 11Gem02.)

As you know, the Solar Eclipse of January 4, 2011 falls within the time range of our upcoming US Saturn Return, a three-fer this go-round (Saturn's orbit = appr 29 - 30 years; the same principle applies: what was going on about 30 years ago? Where and how did the US stand up - or not - to her responsibilities, or what accountability was accepted/not accepted? And how was our national authority being wielded - against whom and on behalf of whom?)

Our national Saturn 14Lib48 (Sibly chart; Libra, sign of Justice) is exalted and in 10th house (Sibly); sad to say, my studies indicate that the January 2010 SCOTUS decision against democracy is a main step on the totalitarian road for a complete undermining of the US Justice system, with our traditional Trial by Jury already a limping casualty of the Bush-Cheney administration's intrigues and finaglings.

There's an interesting synchronicity relating to a Scorpio Moon (though Luna's degree is not as late in Scorpio as US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45): it is shown between US Saturn Return #1 (Dec 3, 2010 with Moon 16Sco35), and the 2nd Saturn Return (Rx) of March 22, 2011 with Moon 16Sco54. The Lunar Return to the Dec 3, 2010 chart occurs on March 22, 2011 about 32 minutes prior to Saturn Return #2 which again gives us a Moon/Saturn vibe, and of course, Lunar Returns relate to our daily rounds in the mundane world. In Mundane Astrology, however, Luna has the import of Moon = we-the-people, so such Lunar Returns relating to national issues identify the mood of the larger public - here, we're feeling intense in Scorpio and in crisis mode with Scorpio's Mars/Pluto influence hanging over us.

As noted, 2009's Inaugural Moon was in a 29th crisis degree, and Scorpio in general is a sign of crises, betrayals, and traumatic transformation (Pluto.)

Whatever may transpire, resolution may be expected at, during, or around the time of US Saturn Return #3 which occurs on August 28, 2011 with transiting asteroid Nemesis 14Lib02 (divine retribution) conjoining US natal Saturn, and tr Midas, of gold-hoarding fame, @ 9Gem21 conjunct US natal Uranus, planet of freedom and independence. Obviously, we may wish to look to Midas for some of the details concerning the super-wealthy global plutocrats who've usurped the government of the United States of America. And this leads us directly to the Great Conjunction of Neptune and Pluto of the 1890s @ 7 - 9 Gemini; the Neptune/Pluto duo is the signature of the Robber Barons, the resource plunderers and corporate titans and, in 2010/11, their biological and/or ideological spawn.

If you wish further reading on our nation's current condition, check out this 3-article round-up with my own remarks italicized in between; naturally, the opinions and assertions contained in the articles are the authors' own:

Illusions and Empire

By Charles Scaliger

May America find the humility to turn back from the path that so many other nations,from Nineveh and Tyre to Ottoman Turkey and Britain, have followed.

(Amen. Yet 'humility' with a self-protective Cancerian Jupiter as national chart-ruler takes deep spiritual repentance which refuses any longer to associate with corrupt government officials, gangsters, and fraudsters in business - parasites infesting our nation!)

Netanyahu Tests Obama, Again

By MJ Rosenberg

Netanyahu, who grew up in the United States, is as much a Republican as he is a Likudnik (he worked with Speaker Gingrich against President Clinton) and will do everything he can to sink Obama and the Democrats.

(A sabotaging rat lurks within America's woodpile? He has lots of company - from within the US, and setting up a 'world throne' in Jerusalem is the Zionist aim.)

Arundhati Roy: "These Wars Cannot Be Won"

By Democracy Now!

Arundhati Roy about the struggle of the Maoist rebels in India and her assessment of President Obama.

(Profiteers who foment war for others to fight are not worthy of being followed especially when the majority of people of all nations desire and deserve to live in peace...'world leaders' go home!)


UPDATE Nov 13, 2010: after 7 years of house arrest, the author of the first quote above, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been freed!!!

Nov 8, 2010

Neptune Direct Stations @ Discovery degree 11.7.10

In the wee hours of November 7, 2010, gaseous Neptune turned Direct @ 25AQ55 with its traveling partner, Chiron, @ 26AQ04 now Direct as well - and both still affectng US natal Moon.

On September 24, 1846, Neptune was discovered when @ 25AQ53 and Rx, conjunct Saturn 25AQ08 Rx, with both planets at the base of a YOD pattern (Finger of God; turning point; crisis; special task) which points to Mars 25Vir59. The other planet at the base of the YOD/s is powerful, manipulative Pluto 25Ari23 Rx.

This creates two midpoint pictures to consider relating to the discovery (and meaning) of Neptune which in 1846 and 2010 conjoins US natal Moon (the people):

Saturn/Pluto = Mars: fighting battles to keep life going; enormous undercurrent of frustration; a gun with a cork in its barrel; activating plans for much upheaval or destruction; a need to use whatever means or power is available to continue working.

Neptune/Pluto = Mars: added compulsion to use violence to achieve one's dreams; use of drugs to speed up or alter life; great personal magnetism to set things right, or rejection of actions due to misunderstanding.

We might substitute Neptune in the equation with US n Moon...

Moon/Pluto = Mars: too much energy not knowing where to go; frustration and anger; use of force to achieve changes in corrupt practices; deep irritation about any delays; active in assuring that promised protection is delivered.

( that last one a reason the president is in Asia? His trip's theme inspired by Gandhi: 'Be the change you want to see' yet with Neptune, one can never be certain what one is seeing. Dubious trade deals behind-the-scenes is more up Neptune's secret alley.)

So with President Obama now on his 10-day trip to Asia and speaking from New Delhi India, Neptune activity in the heavens seems appropriate for these mystical places and for a US president traveling over Neptune's oceans. When the Neptune Direct Station chart of Nov 7, 2010 is set for Washington DC, the Ascendant 6Vir06 'brings up' Mr. Obama's natal Pluto. With the chart set for New Delhi, India, his natal Midheaven in late Scorpio has the Moon (publicity) upon it as he spoke to a joint session of the Indian Congress.

Now I'm tempted to add the Sabian Symbol for Neptune's Direct Station-Discovery degree but am feeling too sassy for that. So here's Adriano Carelli's analysis from his The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac for '26AQ' which fits well into watery Neptune's realm:

'26AQ' = "A water source spurts forth by a high mountain top and dashes down, filling its boulder-strewn path with hissing foam."

This degree is about one who 'stands out like a beacon' but may have a position as unstable as water. "The danger of tumbling is an ever-present one" but Carelli reminds us that, of course, the rest of the map must support the tumbling.

"Should other strands in the pattern offset the headiness of the temper and induce a certain order in the turmoil of ideas babbling up in his mind, the native could turn into a real master (initiatory components would make him into an occult master); on the other hand, baneful components may warp his recklessness into blindness (taken literally or figuratively.)

So, happy Asian trip, Mr. President. Enjoy revisiting your roots and spouting your babbling of ideas...but do avoid the hissing foam.


Check out events of 1846 (see Feb 1 for an initiation involving hashish, both Neptunian by nature!); 1846 was the year the Donner Party was wandering about and freezing to death.

Plus, here's the Wiki page for 1846, if you prefer - there was a cholera outbreak in England - in Haiti now. And you know that the US annexation of California began in 1846 as well, with California now tending to be overcast with Neptunian puffs of smoke!

Flowers of India, my most-viewed drawing at Jude's Threshold.

Midpoints pictures: Tyl and Munkasey.

Mar 23, 2010

Maoists terrorizing India

Are you aware that Maoists are terrorizing parts of India? Well, I wasn't and am saddened to hear of it.

In fact, I have missed the ball on the Naxalites all together, lucky you're there to guard my back on the throw. Turns out, the Maoist political party was founded on September 21, 2004. It was in mid-August 2004 that Pluto and Chiron were parallel for two days and of course, Pluto/Chiron is the epitome of disenfranchisements of all kinds with oppression tossed in to make certain those victimized go down and stay down.

(Parallels may be used as timing devices in Astrology and are similar in nature to a strong conjunction.)

You will notice, if you click on the Maoist info link, that 'Sept 21, 1967' falls under the spell of the major Great Conjunction which defined the energies of the 1960s: Uranus conjunct Pluto.

Disruptor Uranus met saboteur Pluto 3 times in the mid-60s:

1. Oct 9, 1965 @17Vir10
2. April 4, 1966 @16Vir28
3. June 30, 1966 @16Vir06

My point is that astrologers tend to look at the beginning of planetary cycles to see where in that cycle the same planets are on a particular date. Similar themes, issues, and concerns will come to the surface especially during 'quarters' times...the waxing squares (90 degrees, crisis in action phase), the opposition (180 degrees: stand-off, culmination, and/or partnership), and the waning square (also 90 degr, crisis in consciousness phase.)

The long-term Cardinal T-Square pattern (Spring 2010 - 2014/15) contains within it the ongoing Saturn-Uranus cycle now at opposition phase off and on, the Saturn-Pluto cycle, now at waning square phase (Libra to Cap), and the Uranus-Pluto cycle, now approaching exact square (partile) with one another in this their dance of shockingly deep energies. As Uranus screeches across the Aries Point from sedate, surreptitious Pisces, 'scientific breakthroughs' will be announced or discovered (as noted on this blog previously as, Uranus = AP.)

Aries to Capricorn: hard work, frustrations, and delays? (Mars-Saturn)

Once again the Saturn-Uranus puzzle of old vs new supports the prominence of the current Uranus-Pluto square - it is the most prominent of the titanic battles going on over our noggins for it is the rarest of those now in play. Aries, the first sign of Spring, the pioneering adventurer discovering and claiming new vistas -vs- Capricorn, the manager, so set in his ways and fond of tradition, status quo, and gilt-edged securities.

So we are now called upon the deal with and hopefully successfully manage the energies of the crisis in consciousness phase of the electrifying, stupefying Uranus-Pluto Conjunction of the 1960s with all the issues, themes, and record albums of the day. Oh, and the protests, demonstrations, and riots from those days, too.

This is well the time to get questions of equality and freedom right!

image: Flowers of India.

Nov 24, 2009

Sibel Edmonds, SSP, CIA narco cover-up, and a State Dinner

Sibel Edmonds is writing on the State Secrets Privilege and the patootie-covering way it's being used in the Richard Horn case concerning the CIA and yet another narco scandal.

As you've noticed, this president is acting just like the one before did - and of course, a bi-partisan Congress is in on it, too. Oh look! There's AQ Khan peeking from behind his house-arrest curtain!

Read Sibel - she's got the goods on the varmints of Washington. Inauguration 2009 was a ritual baton-passing, as stated here before.

Then there's tonight's white-tie State Dinner being hosted for India's leader with an out-of-bounds Mercury @ '14Sag'..."The Pyramids and the Sphinx." Perhaps with Mercury debilitated in Sagittarius and OOBs, someone will say something unusually enlightening. Keep your ears open and let me know if you hear of anything.

Or maybe it's black-tie tonight. Either way I know satanists like to mix it up: black is white, up is down, evil is touted as good...and our Masonic White Lodge is glowing and aglitter tonight.

Jan 1, 2008

that New World (Dis) Order

From Hyperpower To New World Disorder

By David Olive

For the first time since the end of the Cold War, America isn't alone on top. What's replacing the unipolar world of the 1990s? A gang of five superpowers: China, Russia, India, the Eurozone and the US.

Read article from Information Clearing House#

And when it comes to the worldwide crime syndicates shoving the rest of us around, the US is actually at the bottom of the pecking order! Which is one of the reasons US resources (booty? loot?) have been sent elswhere.

And where do 'hyperpower' or 'superpowers' fit into an astrology chart?

Mainly bwo of such midpoints as Sun/Pluto, Jupiter/Pluto (and who can forget the so-recent meeting of Jup-Pluto Dec 11 in late Sag--at the "The pope blessing the faithful" degree?) ann-n-nd....wait for it...Pluto/Chiron, of course...the plutocrats, corporatism, The Family, crime syndicate, oppression, racism, class warfare, misogyny duo that fairminded, decent people would run away from if they could.

With the aid of the scientific community, they've tried to disappear saboteur and assassin Pluto from our view--and consciousness, but he still keeps turning up in all my charts--how about yours?

Sad note on the US diplomat's assassination: Mercury conj Icarus as mentioned below. There will be more.

Aug 6, 2007

Stars in the Summer Sky 2007

Just found a well-written article by my Gather friend, TK Rosevear which you might wish to check out. It has good info on Summer Stargazing for you including the Total Lunar Eclipse of August 28 which is a must-see if you can...those on the West Coast of the US will have the best view.

Full Moon will be at 4Pis47 (so Sun at 4Vir47) with the Lunar Lady snugged between two Fixed Stars: one a Royal Star of Persia, mystical Fomalhaut, keywords: success through noble ideals; humanitarian and poetic (Brady's Fixed Stars.)

Then there's Deneb Adige, keywords: a willingness to become aware. This Star is in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan and is of a Mercury/Venus nature.

This is a subtle Star yet it connects to the strength and hostility of the swan. There is an arts and sciences flavor so perhaps there will be an announcement of a break-through since Full Moons are good for publicity. Yet when a Lunar Eclipse is involved, there's something hidden there, too.

Deneb Adige has a mystical, shamanistic quality attached which relates specifically to the myth of the World Egg. Mother Teresa had natal Sun and Moon linked to this Star.

The journey of self-awareness, the archetypal Hero's Journey is a large part of Deneb Adige's legend so keep an ear out for mentions of such things at the end of August and into September. Perhaps Mother Teresa or her selfless work in India will be in the news again!

Jun 18, 2007

Europe in the Skies with Venus

Space Weather News for June 17, 2007

European sky watchers should be alert on Monday, June 18th, for a mid-afternoon eclipse of Venus by the crescent Moon. Hanging high in the sky, Venus will appear as a pinprick of light beside the Moon, visible to the naked eye in broad daylight until the edge of the Moon covers the planet. (Technically, this is called a "lunar occultation.") Binoculars will improve visibility, but be careful not to point them at the sun.

Elsewhere, in the Middle East, India and Pakistan, the eclipse can be seen around sunset and after dark. From those places, a clear view of the western horizon is essential because the Moon and Venus will be setting, but the sight should be spectacular. Except for a small region around the Canadian maritime provinces, this event will be completely invisible from North America.

Visit for more details.