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Showing posts with label VP Pence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VP Pence. Show all posts

Sep 25, 2022

The Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune

September 25, 2022

Please Note: The following post concerns the flaws of one Donald J. Trump, a person this particular American considers to be the worst president the US has ever endured. If you disagree, please move on and troll elsewhere because this post is not for you. jc

Trump A Snake But Not Symbolized By The Caduceus

by Jude Cowell

On Friday just past, former aide to VP Pence, Marc Short, called Trump's claim of declassifying government intelligence documents just by thinking about it "absurd", something that folks tethered to reality already knew.

Mercury-Neptune Square: Delusion and Deception

Seldom if ever can one planet, planetary pair, or aspect undergird an expression of planetary energies that fully explain an individual's behavior so although Trump's Mercury (thinking-planning-communicating) square Neptune (unreality-confusion-instability) says much about his misperception, lack of discrimination, and odd notions, there's more deception to be found.

Why, one's sign of natal Uranus reveals much about behavior and with Trump's chaotic Uranus in mutable Gemini we see the duplicity, multiplicity, communicating ability (including passing on and making news), the 'voices in his head' effect, plus, the commercial and deal-making interests of the orange fellow. Of course, we know that motivation is everything yet Gemini is also the sign of a mind flitting about from one thought to another, and Trump's imagined "magical thinking" also relates to Mercury's magic wand in the form of the Caduceus.

Bizarrely, his supporters think he's a healer of America even in the midst of his anti-American fascist and nazi leanings! So expectably, Herr T's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio complicitly plays along with his fantasy world for the sake of financial and political power, and suggests that his joy in fooling people into following him over a cliff is like some medieval pied piper - a childish man-baby Peter Pan, one of the never-grow-up Geminian archetypes. It is my belief that children are not safe around him - perhaps they're too honest and see through whatever facade he's sporting that day.

Potent POTUS Magic? You Must Be Joking!

So on yet another astrological level, let's ascribe a major part of such visionary 'declassification' nonsense from Herr Trump (a monarch in his own mind) to his airy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Libra posited in his natal 2nd house (of possessions!), a planetary pair which happens to have wounded-wounding centaur Chiron of blindspot fame, snuggly within its bubbly midst. Of course, 2nd house is also the realm of money and earning ability, a major interest of transactional Herr Trump who has, or intended to, sell the purloined documents he squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago to the highest bidder (my belief), foreign and/or domestic, as a lucrative moneymaking opportunity - also good for blackmailing purposes. In fact, many cats may already be out of their secret bags. If only investigators could follow the money.

So What's Barack Obama Got To Do With It?

Now if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment, then you probably remember that 2022 is a year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune which perfected in the mystical sign of Pisces in April 2022. Here's a post from May just passed showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 along with the third of three such conjunctions of December 2009 in the planets' approximately 13-year cycle. Of significance in 2009, Jupiter-Neptune landed upon America's Aquarian Moon (in US charts set for July 4, 1776) and the potentials contained within the midpoint picture thus created certainly rang true for the time:

"Little sense of reality; desire to dream; tendency to lose oneself in plan; speculation, instability, wastefulness" (R. Ebertin). Political conflicts are also part of the bubbly pair's realm, as are scandals, religious interference, hyposcrisy as policy, ethics based on payoffs and favors ("do me a favor though"), foolish or unfounded legal situations, and/or degradation in systems of justice (M. Munkasey).

You may also remember that those were the "dreamy Obama-rock star" days with President Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action) @22Vir34 completely veiled and glamorized by US 1776 Neptune. And of course, 8 years of an Obama White House activated militia groups already aggravated by the perceived "browning of America," a racist-based concept well used by the GOP in their campaign to divide the American people against one another - a self-interested tactic meant to undermine our nation and politically weaken We the People. As if we're not a nation of immigrants who stole this land from its native inhabitants!

Jupiter-Neptune Has a Lot to Answer For

In addition, we may also wish to add such 'dreamy' potentials to the mass delusion that a third of our population now suffers from at least since 2009 for it falls within the time frame for the formation of Tea Party and militia groups. Fast forward to 2022, and the entire country suffers under their (and Trump's) delusions of grandeur inspired by Jupiter-Neptune the "grand spirit" or "grand scheme" duo that includes misguided religious and ideological beliefs that evangelicals, theocrats, and 'Christian Nationalists' can grab onto and propagandize in order to insert their beliefs into Politics (of all things) and the legal system.

So with the 2022 Midterms soon upon us, here again is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of Midterm Elections Day 2022 - in Taurus, conjunct disruptive Uranus - where we find that the frothy, illusionary Jupiter-Neptune pair are separating yet remain within a 5-degree orb. The planetary pair's waning power of influence suggests the falling away of some Trump supporters from his 'big lie' delusion, his foreign agent status made clearer, and his other various subterfuges and absurdities such as his claim of "magical thinking" ability:

Recently Appearing on SO'W: Midterms 2022 a Mars-Pluto Affair.

Plus, there's America's ongoing Neptune problem with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing: US 1776 Neptune in factual Virgo.

Also see: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. (Certainly, Trump can't be the only American ever to use "magical thinking" to make something happen. But he is the most deceptive.)

In addition, America's current Jupiter Return occurred way back in July 2013! View the horoscope here before the 12-year cycle begins over again with our next Jupiter Return in 2025.

Sep 29, 2021

Overthrowing US more successful for Rutherford Hayes

by Jude Cowell

September 29, 2021: Below is Thom Hartmann in a segment from his broadcast posted to YouTube yesterday (9.28.21) in which he discusses the Federalist Society's John Eastman memo (link to text, below) which laid out the Federalist-backed plan for crazed Tru*mp to seize the presidency and remain in power ad nauseum come January 20, 2021.

Thom notes similarities between the 2020 Election and the controversial election of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes who was aided in seizing the power of the presidency by 'win at any cost' enablers. If curious, you'll find a link below to a previous posting of the Hayes Inauguration Horoscope in which a cosmic time link turns up between then and now!

Because as you'll see, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Hayes Inauguration fell into the 4 South Saros Series and a 4 South eclipse repeated on December 14, 2020 - the very day of the Electoral College Vote Count which, as it turned out on January 6 (7), 2021, was won by Joe Biden, a life-threatening outcome of disaster for you-know-who.

See Total 4 South Solar Eclipse December 14, 2020.

And that particular 2020 Electoral College Vote Count, as you know, led to the very vote counting and certification event in Congress that Tr*mp's 1/6 mob attack ("Stop the Steal") was intended to delay for a few hours so that, as Kraken Powell asserts, Justice Samuel Alito could allegedly intervene and, in time, insert his anti-American judgment to make Tr*mp president for life with the help of VP Pence, of course. But Mike Pence balked, as you know, when advised that his ceremonial VP-ship didn't possess the power for such power-grabbing tomfoolery.

And, similar to 1877, we should mention that the December 14, 2020 4 South Eclipse is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE') of Inauguration 2021 and would have been its PE, no matter who was inaugurated. The 4 South eclipse themes of 'strong emotions over money and relationships' with 'a desire to suddenly end relationships' (B. Brady) would have influenced events in one way or another. For example, it was Tr*mp's relationship with the White House that ended - and ours with him. But he's rather like the rubbish boyfriend who just keeps calling, isn't he? No, the mobster hasn't give up and his neo-n*zi comrades, foreign enablers, and the anti-American corporatists who fund the global authoritarian movement are regrouping their forces for their next planned onslaught against America. For as you know, the years 2022, 2023, and 2024 are naturally the key time frames for their next power-seizing attempts prior to Inauguration 2025 (horoscope shown - assuming there is an inauguration).

So while we have time, let's check out Memo Proves Trump Planned (to) Overthrow America in which Thom asks, Why doesn't everyone know about the Eastman memo?

Well, thanks to CNN we can read the memo here.

Plus, if you wish, view my hand-drawn horoscope of the Hayes Inauguration of 1877. And as always, your on-topic, name-tagged comments are invited. For I grow weary publishing monologues, y'know! jc

Jan 7, 2018

Is Donald Trump America's Psychopomp?

Where Doth Our Path Lead Now?

by Jude Cowell

Considering the major shift of direction now in progress in and for the United States of America under the chaotic, amateurish, near-whimsical leadership of maverick-in-chief Donald J. Trump and his GOP minions, I must ask you a question: is Trump fulfilling a role as America's collective psychopomp? Perhaps an answer for those who adhere to astrological principles and practices may be found in a consideration of Mr. Trump's natal Uranus, which is oriental @17Gemini in his 10th house of Public Status, for Mr. Quirky the disruptive 'Sky God' is Trump's last planet to rise before natal Sun (22Gemini), and as such is considered his guiding planet leading the pack.

Now as you know, a psychopomp's Mercurial themes suggest transition to an afterlife yet a psychopomp may also act as a guide into a new phase of life, opening a passage or doorway into a novel, unusual, or different way of living. The regressive policies of the Republican Party under Trump and Trump's aggressive rhetoric are, in a sense, opening many doors as 2018 begins. Yet most of these are shadowy doors better left shut and this is what yours truly has continually fretted about: that Trump's and the GOP's idea of a 'new way of living' is much more authoritarian than most Americans who value democracy and freedom prefer or could possibly prefer--and more draconian than they knew they were voting for in November 2016.

But as noted, it's 2018 and too late to easily undo the initial harm His Quirkiness is perpetrating upon our laws, freedoms, and institutions. Yes, perhaps our #resistance to Trump is only shouting into a storm, a very negative storm as it turns out. But can Mr. Trump's style of 'leadership' somehow be for the best? Do our country's regressive wounds need opening for resolution? To me this seems doubtful at this time yet reaching the other side of whatever Higher Forces have in mind for our nation and the rest of the globe must occur in some form or fashion, with or without Mr. Trump as guide. Plus, without him, the theocrat VP Pence will step into the guiding role (or perhaps he already has from behind the wizard's curtain) so with either man, you know what old slogan must come tragically to mind now, don't you?

'Tis the blind leading the blind.

Oct 6, 2017

The Emotionally Driven Donald Trump: Moron-in-Chief

In light of the many posts published here the last two years concerning the intellectually challenged, emotionally driven (natal Moon conjunct South Node conjunct Ras Alhague) Donald Trump, this post is a shout-out to the new book The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump compiled by two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists and made ethically necessary for the sake of our country due to their professional duty to warn.

Today the book is trending number 3 on Amazon's Best Seller list. Yet alternately, voters on November 8, 2016 could have simply listened to the multiple warnings concerning this unfit-for-office moronic bully (Leo Mars rising with royal Regulus, 'the king') which were repeatedly provided the American public by mundane and other astrologers.

After all, the Jupiterian Mr. Trump is his 10th house oriental Uranus, planet of chaos, shocks, disruption, and radical reforms (see link, below), a know-nothing who cares not at all for the unintended consequences of his poorly thought out plans and quixotic notions that are intended to boost his reputation, keep his name trending atop the 24/7 news cycle, and further line his off-shored pockets.

Related posts include:

After the Revolution: The Oriental Planet of Donald Trump, his 'guiding planet' in often duplicitous, always chatty, Gemini;

Trump Current Lunar Phase and SP New Moon 2019 (the entire world is mired within his darkening Balsamic phase now);

Donald Trump's natal horoscope w/ VP Pence's planets (not what you'd call a love match).

And from July 29, 2017 a 3-minute video Psychiatrists Lift Gag Rule to Allow Doctors to Publicly Discuss Trump's Mental Decline.