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Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction 2022. Show all posts

Jun 9, 2023

Astrology: Trump Arraignment in Miami June 13, 2023

The Witch Has Been Found!

by Jude Cowell

Yesterday, the federal indictment by a Florida grand jury of convicted sexual predator Donald Trump on 7 counts including violations of the Espionage Act, a post appeared here at 2:50 am edt, Trump Indicted: Sun and Mars tell a tale! which shows the two most prominent transits to his natal chart.

Today let's glance at two images: first, a bi-wheel of his Miami appearance in court on June 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm edt with Trump's natal chart surrounding it so that we can clearly see which of his natal planets rise at that hour, and that is his 2nd hou$e Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of fraud and speculation with US 1776 Saturn smack in the midst!), and the unmarked Trump Arraignment Horoscope set for June 13, 2023 at 3:00 pm edt, Miami, Florida along with the 3:00 pm aspect grid.

A revealing midpoint picture forms with our national legal eagle planet Saturn, exalted in Libra at apex: Trump Jupiter-Neptune = US Saturn with potentials for: 'feeling abandoned by luck; consequences that issue from false hopes; plans which come to nothing; disappointment; losses' (R. Ebertin). You'll note that Trump's lawyers had been telling him that an indictment was unlikely which gave him false hopes, as it turned out, as US Saturn proceeds to hold him accountable:


As you see, the arraignment's chart-ruler Venus applies only to a conjunction with testy Mars (6A29) suggesting an increased urge for beneficial alliances; he may need more lawyers. Then with his bubbly Libran trio rising, we can expect a defense inflated with overblown arguments against what some have called a cut-and-dried case along with his usual Libran Jupiter whine of, "It's not fair!" Trump's Chiron (the wounded healer) @14Libra is feeling mighty but*-hurt so his tendency to play the role of the martyr will undoubtedly be utilized.

As yes, Trump will turn 77 years old on June 14, 2023, and his Solar Return occurs at 1:17:06 am ET with Pisces rising and the ongoing transit of Neptune square his natal Sun still within orb. That's whether we set his Solar Return 2023 chart for Mar-a-Lago, Bedminster, or Miami, and indicates the scrutiny, and eroding, of his leadership ability, honesty, integrity, and "principles" (to whatever extent anyone can believe he has any). The undermining influences of this transit have been ballooning at least since 2019.

In closing, a word or two about the Jupiter-Neptune duo whose current cycle began April 12, 2022 @23Pis59. Potentials for the pair include scandals, degradation in systems of justice, and/or foolish or unfounded legal situations (M. Munkasey). And as we know, litigious Trump is an expert in inspiring foolish legal situations. But this time, serious legal situations are catching up with the flighty Gemini.

Jan 2, 2023

2023 Eclipses yet a bit of Cosmic Relief

As Above, So Below: Year 2023

by Jude Cowell

As astrologers know, upon occasion, a year is devoid of Great Conjunctions between planets Jupiter through Pluto so that current planetary cycles and energies can carry on as-is, at least affording societies a sense of stabilization, however minor or temporary. This doesn't mean that during a conjunction-free year all conditions are positive, of course, and variations still alternate and morph into new conditions, but there is some sense of relief from new cycles of combined planetary energies suddenly adjusting our lives with their strong influences.

Such a year is 2023

Previously, the Great Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction perfected @23Pis59 on April 12, 2022 with all the speculation, grand schemes, bubbles, and fraudulent or fantastic tales the pair can bring - and in shady Pisces, sign of contagion, confusion, creativity, dreams - and spirituality. Negatively, hypocrisy has become a go-to for many operatives of the political class, while scandals, losses, deception, and political conflicts have only increased. Significantly, visions may have positive or negative implications for society and for me, fascist and nazi "visions" are ill winds of brutality and violence which must be redirected away from the shores and institutions of our democratic Republic, America.

For a political focus on 2022 see Why 2022 Was a Major Legislative Year for the Democrats although some opportunities were missed and others were simply dropped or neglected. And of course, Midterms 2022 brought a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Uranus (16Tau+) along with more voters in favor of democracy and preferring a moderate path for our country, but with one major exception: Republicans managed to finagle a measure of control of the 118th Congress via the House of Representatives. Therefore, major wastes of time, money, and energy will begin in Congress on January 3, 2023 as congressional J6 conspirators attempt to shield their treasonous culpability and justify their anti-constitutional intentions. Foolish legal situations will continue to be used by the guilty as delaying tactics against justice.

Then the next Great Conjunction will occur between Jupiter and Uranus @21Tau50 on April 21, 2024 with its breakthrough energies containing potentials in the realms of science, health, technology, even finances. Look for opportunities, inventions, changes of destiny, optimistic outlooks, and successful speculation, but there are also chances for new or revised religious and/or philosophical conflicts, zealotry, and stubborn adherence to one-sided views. No change there! Still, a visionary Great American Eclipse occurs April 8, 2024 @20Aries with its path of totality splitting our country from the Southwest to the Northeast. For details see Why the 2024 Eclipse Will Transcend the 2017 Eclipse with more cities in 2024 'eclipsed' or affected by its energies.

Meanwhile, another cosmic factor enters the 2023 picture: solar and lunar eclipses with their disruptive, Uranian ability to trigger changes of course, and scandals due to sudden revelations of inconvenient facts coming to light. For as you know, no year on Earth can escape effects from the Uranian 'wild cards of the Universe' so here's a list of all 2023 eclipses in order of occurrence:

1. April 20, 2023 Solar Eclipse @29Ari50 in the 7 North Saros Series, which on February 24, 1933 manifested as the 'Fascism Rising Eclipse' @5Pis29. This I have labeled as a "blood lust" eclipse due to its theme of deep passion (B. Brady) and current events of barbarism, brutality, and thuggery now sweeping the globe and assaulting democracy. Note that transit Saturn will hit this degree in late April and early May 2023, and into early 2024, signifying people who are capable of carrying out the themes of the 7 North Eclipse - or attempting to.

Notably, Saturn in Pisces implies struggles with opponents (R. Ebertin), and additionally, in 2023 this eclipse forms a cosmic time link with warrior planet Mars' position during the MAGA insurrection/coup attempt of January 6, 2021 which adds to the need for close scrutiny of militant white nationalist groups during early 2023 and beyond. Hopefully, our protective agencies are better prepared for armed uprisings, just in case - especially since this repetition of a 7 North eclipse qualifies as a 'birthday eclipse' for Herr Adolf - and people who now "work toward the take-over goals of Herr Adolf" are aware of this. In fact, time-keeper Saturn conjunct the 7N eclipse of 1933 is a cosmic signpost for those who care to read it.

2. May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @14Sco58: more uncoverings and leaks! Meanwhile, we must continue keeping an eye on the radical planet of anarchy, Uranus in Taurus, and the upheavals, shifts, separations (Uranus) and intolerance (Taurus) it reflects within the financial, technological, earthly and environmental realms.

3. October 14, 2023 Solar Eclipse @21Libra in the 7 South Saros Series; 7 South eclipse themes include forceful Mars-Pluto square energies, plus, potentials for 'pending crises' to rush through our lives, yet obstacles can suddenly clear (B. Brady). Results are unpredictable.

4. October 28, 2023 Lunar Eclipse @5Taurus closes the list of 2023 eclipses by spotlighting potentials for the positive and negative traits of Venus-ruled Taurus such as steadiness, growth, durability, and reliability; negatively, traits such as bullheadedness, intolerance, and greed will continue to be expressed by the anti-societal folk for whom the common good means nothing.

So there it is. Hopefully, this first post of 2023 will be handy in some way for those who prefer democracy over tyranny!

Sep 25, 2022

The Magical Thinking of Jupiter-Neptune

September 25, 2022

Please Note: The following post concerns the flaws of one Donald J. Trump, a person this particular American considers to be the worst president the US has ever endured. If you disagree, please move on and troll elsewhere because this post is not for you. jc

Trump A Snake But Not Symbolized By The Caduceus

by Jude Cowell

On Friday just past, former aide to VP Pence, Marc Short, called Trump's claim of declassifying government intelligence documents just by thinking about it "absurd", something that folks tethered to reality already knew.

Mercury-Neptune Square: Delusion and Deception

Seldom if ever can one planet, planetary pair, or aspect undergird an expression of planetary energies that fully explain an individual's behavior so although Trump's Mercury (thinking-planning-communicating) square Neptune (unreality-confusion-instability) says much about his misperception, lack of discrimination, and odd notions, there's more deception to be found.

Why, one's sign of natal Uranus reveals much about behavior and with Trump's chaotic Uranus in mutable Gemini we see the duplicity, multiplicity, communicating ability (including passing on and making news), the 'voices in his head' effect, plus, the commercial and deal-making interests of the orange fellow. Of course, we know that motivation is everything yet Gemini is also the sign of a mind flitting about from one thought to another, and Trump's imagined "magical thinking" also relates to Mercury's magic wand in the form of the Caduceus.

Bizarrely, his supporters think he's a healer of America even in the midst of his anti-American fascist and nazi leanings! So expectably, Herr T's Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio complicitly plays along with his fantasy world for the sake of financial and political power, and suggests that his joy in fooling people into following him over a cliff is like some medieval pied piper - a childish man-baby Peter Pan, one of the never-grow-up Geminian archetypes. It is my belief that children are not safe around him - perhaps they're too honest and see through whatever facade he's sporting that day.

Potent POTUS Magic? You Must Be Joking!

So on yet another astrological level, let's ascribe a major part of such visionary 'declassification' nonsense from Herr Trump (a monarch in his own mind) to his airy Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Libra posited in his natal 2nd house (of possessions!), a planetary pair which happens to have wounded-wounding centaur Chiron of blindspot fame, snuggly within its bubbly midst. Of course, 2nd house is also the realm of money and earning ability, a major interest of transactional Herr Trump who has, or intended to, sell the purloined documents he squirreled away at Mar-a-Lago to the highest bidder (my belief), foreign and/or domestic, as a lucrative moneymaking opportunity - also good for blackmailing purposes. In fact, many cats may already be out of their secret bags. If only investigators could follow the money.

So What's Barack Obama Got To Do With It?

Now if you're reading Stars Over Washington at this moment, then you probably remember that 2022 is a year of a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune which perfected in the mystical sign of Pisces in April 2022. Here's a post from May just passed showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 along with the third of three such conjunctions of December 2009 in the planets' approximately 13-year cycle. Of significance in 2009, Jupiter-Neptune landed upon America's Aquarian Moon (in US charts set for July 4, 1776) and the potentials contained within the midpoint picture thus created certainly rang true for the time:

"Little sense of reality; desire to dream; tendency to lose oneself in plan; speculation, instability, wastefulness" (R. Ebertin). Political conflicts are also part of the bubbly pair's realm, as are scandals, religious interference, hyposcrisy as policy, ethics based on payoffs and favors ("do me a favor though"), foolish or unfounded legal situations, and/or degradation in systems of justice (M. Munkasey).

You may also remember that those were the "dreamy Obama-rock star" days with President Obama's natal Mars (motivation, energy, action) @22Vir34 completely veiled and glamorized by US 1776 Neptune. And of course, 8 years of an Obama White House activated militia groups already aggravated by the perceived "browning of America," a racist-based concept well used by the GOP in their campaign to divide the American people against one another - a self-interested tactic meant to undermine our nation and politically weaken We the People. As if we're not a nation of immigrants who stole this land from its native inhabitants!

Jupiter-Neptune Has a Lot to Answer For

In addition, we may also wish to add such 'dreamy' potentials to the mass delusion that a third of our population now suffers from at least since 2009 for it falls within the time frame for the formation of Tea Party and militia groups. Fast forward to 2022, and the entire country suffers under their (and Trump's) delusions of grandeur inspired by Jupiter-Neptune the "grand spirit" or "grand scheme" duo that includes misguided religious and ideological beliefs that evangelicals, theocrats, and 'Christian Nationalists' can grab onto and propagandize in order to insert their beliefs into Politics (of all things) and the legal system.

So with the 2022 Midterms soon upon us, here again is the Lunar Eclipse Horoscope of Midterm Elections Day 2022 - in Taurus, conjunct disruptive Uranus - where we find that the frothy, illusionary Jupiter-Neptune pair are separating yet remain within a 5-degree orb. The planetary pair's waning power of influence suggests the falling away of some Trump supporters from his 'big lie' delusion, his foreign agent status made clearer, and his other various subterfuges and absurdities such as his claim of "magical thinking" ability:

Recently Appearing on SO'W: Midterms 2022 a Mars-Pluto Affair.

Plus, there's America's ongoing Neptune problem with transit Neptune in Pisces opposing: US 1776 Neptune in factual Virgo.

Also see: America's initial Mercury-Neptune Cycle. (Certainly, Trump can't be the only American ever to use "magical thinking" to make something happen. But he is the most deceptive.)

In addition, America's current Jupiter Return occurred way back in July 2013! View the horoscope here before the 12-year cycle begins over again with our next Jupiter Return in 2025.

May 19, 2022

Jupiter-Neptune and Volatile Markets 2022

Inflationary Jupiter-Neptune: All Bubbles Must Burst

by Jude Cowell

Back in July 2015, we discussed the activation of the New York Stock Exchange May 11, 1869 Reorganization Horoscope's YOD, a crisis-laden planetary pattern which includes a timing element based on the apex planet or planets when conditions reach a crossroads and the time has come to take action. And naturally, the NYSE's 1792 Buttonwood Horoscope has been previously featured in a SO'W post as well. In fact, the 1792 chart of that first handshake shows the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of speculation, get-rich-quick schemes, and grand promises, with both planets retrograde in 4th house: Jupiter Rx @22Lib57 and Neptune Rx @27Lib42. My view has always been that the Wall Street Casino was a bubbly affair in 1792 and has remained so through the years until this very today. But you do you.

Meanwhile, CNN is reporting that stocks are mixed if you want to check it out. Things have certainly been up and down all through 2022 what with Covid shutdowns, ill employees, supply chain issues, oil prices squirrely (thanks to global conditions such as Saudi Arabia closing spigots and refusing to deal with President Biden), and the purposeful inflation of prices thanks to greedy corporations exploiting the situation at the public's expense. And you can probably think of other causes, even without blaming a politician or a foreign dictator.

Then if we consider the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis59 - shady, secretive Pisces, ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled by higher octave planet Neptune with its links to oil and gas, and fraud, we find a curious cosmic time link of a sort. Because the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 2022 lands directly upon the Midheaven ('MC': the Goal Point) of the 1792 Buttonwood Horoscope. Significant? To me it seems to be, considering the market volatility of 2022, although you may, of course, disagree, dear reader.

Political and Legal Conflicts: Jupiter-Neptune

Well, here are potentials of the midpoint picture that the 1792-to-2022 time link forms:

Jupiter-Neptune = MC: 'fortune hunters, visionaries, squanderers, spendthrifts, philanthropists; harm or damage through thoughtlessness' (R. Ebertin). However, finance isn't the only realm of life affected by the Jupiter-Neptune cycle of approximately 13 years. From Michael Munkasey comes this: "The role of politics as a means of gaining in stature or standing in life," with stature and standing relating to the most visible point of any horoscope, the Midheaven. Add to this, 'hypocrisy as a form of internal politics; scandals about growth, values, or belief systems; a legal system based on favors and pay-offs; and/or foolish or unfounded legal situations'. This sounds like the way our society has been trending the last decades which I must time by the beginning of the Reagan administration.

Now we should also consider the Sabian Symbol of the rounded-up degree of the April 12th Conjunction: '24Pisces' = "An Inhabited Island"; "Keyword: CULTIVATION; positive expression: achievement through a creative opportunism or inventiveness of exceptional order; negative expression: snobbish complacency and self-indulgence" (Jones).

Hmm. Wonder if Wall Street gentry are 'snobs' and if the 'inhabited island' could be Manhattan, home of the New York Stock Exchange?

Pictured, Above: Dual Horoscopes of the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of 2009 (#3 of 3) and April 12, 2022; follow the link for details.

Mar 9, 2022

DC Horoscope: Autumn Equinox 2022

Morals, Ethics, Spies, Gossip, and Finances

March 9, 2022

by Jude Cowell

Today just a quick look ahead at the Autumn Equinox 2022 Horoscope of September 22, 2022 with Venus in Virgo in her role as chart-ruler - conjunct US 1776 Neptune and reminding us of the ongoing Neptune-oppo-US-Neptune transit (clashing ideals; persecution), and conjunct fixed star Denebola ('to go against society; against the mainstream'). A few notes are penned on the chart for the curious but with events and upsets occurring thick and fast these days, it's too soon to make very much of the planets' activities six months from now. But for you I'll try.

Because after all, Midterms 2022 with a Taurus Lunar Eclipse will occur during the Autumn season - and the Eclipse rises in the Autumn Equinox 2022 chart seen here.

Autumn Equinox 2022 in DC: General Indications

Sun 00Lib00:00 at 9:03:31 pm edt: Hour of Jupiter Rx.

Morals and ethics are in the Venusian spotlight, shabby wealth is suggested when US Neptune is added to Venus-Neptune, and Venus opposing Neptune indicates illuions-delusions, spreading vicious gossip, shameless exploitation, and/or empty diplomacy. Yet Venus in Virgo is intercepted in 5th house (Placidus House System; opposite, Pisces and Neptune are intercepted in 11th house along with the Syzygy Full Moon @17Pis41) so for those who use them, this suggests karmic conditions that must be dealt with such as problems which have been passed down from previous actors, and possibly festering. Of course, currency devaluation may be one of those problems with petro-dollar issues in question. And don't look now, but hiding under a Neptunian veil is Nemesis Rx @23Pis26, the position of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction, the speculation, inflation, and grand spirit pair. There are spies lurking in America's financial branches, cyber and otherwise, while corporations raise prices because they can.

Then, Venus trining Pluto denotes those who can read body language and use it to their advantage, plus, the possibility of turning the tables on the past; major financial matters are also suggested by the Venus-Pluto duo (exs: 'private wealth in hidden places' along with 'attracting elements of organized crime' - Munkasey; additionally, the planetary duo may also link to bankruptcy).

We should note that the Leo Moon is unaspected (detached, estranged) yet Luna reflects her waning light upon two asteroids Ceres ('democacy'; security; oil and gas production; family; motherhood, nuturance) and Kassandra (a prophetess no one believes). Sadly, separated parents and children may be implied here, along with a continuation of the potentials for fluctuating food shortages and empty shelves. The world is ill on multiple levels.

Meanwhile, the Sun @00Lib00:00 conjoins Mercury Rx in the Sun's natural 5th house of Children, Speculation, and Creative Pursuits, and 2nd hou$e Mars @17Gem04 conjoins Herr T's natal 10th house Uranus, his guiding planet of chaos, rebellion, and disruption (obviously here, money is involved). Then as you see, radical Uranus Rx @18Tau34 rises with the North Node (@14Tau17 - conjunct Menkar and US Inauguration Ascendant) suggesting focuses on saying what needs to be said, plus, changing the world, new contacts, and a need for feedback.

Powerful, subversive Pluto Rx @26Cap10 has crossed Midheaven (in DC - also conjuncts US Inauguration MC) while leading a ruthlessly determined executive focused on success pattern, a Locomotive shape of planets; Autumn 2022 begins during a Balsamic phase of the Moon, a dark phase when things go bump in the night, and forecasters like Kassandra make their predictions. Or read their scripts.

Then there's 10th house Saturn Rx @19AQ19 conjunct the generally accepted position of Herr Putin's natal North Node suggesting isolation and teamwork becoming more difficult as time goes on. Also karmic Saturn rises with Alpheratz, a cosmic combo that reduces the star's usual gifts of independence, freedom, honors, and riches, and hints at darker potentials such miserliness, decreasing popularity, and fatal tumors.

So! As always, you're invited to leave your on-topic, name-tagged comment (no ads or personal insults) with this post if you like. Don't be shy! jc

A Related Post: Two Karmic Eclipses That Affect 2022 Midterms.

Feb 22, 2022

That Time a GOP Gaggle Spent July 4th in Moscow

February 22, 2022

Republicans, Moscow, Neptune, & Furry Foxes Yapping

by Jude Cowell

Image: 'Journey to Neptune'; pencil on paper; by Jude Cowell

Mystical Neptune is the planet closely associated with Russia (its 'totem planet' as Uranus is America's 'totem planet'), and perhaps you remember how a group of Republican Congressmen Skulked over to Moscow for the 4th of July, 2018, but they weren't in Russia to complain about Putin aiding Tr*mp in the November 2016 Election, oh no. They were there to say, no criticism for You, comrades. What else they divulged, I don't know. Intel? A financial pay-off? Uncertain. Perhaps a scandal will reveal some secrets left over from the July 2018 Jupiter-Neptune square on or around April 12, 2022 when a new cycle of the frothy pair begins (see the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction link, below).

Now with Midterms 2022 arriving later this year on the very same day as a revealing Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, I freely admit to my culpability in 'renaming' the Republican Party with labels such as The Conspiracy Party, and worse. Well, to tell you the truth, it's been super easy to do because of their sorry behavior toward America, their disrespect for democracy and the US Constitution, their disdain for the American people, their neglect of the common good, their slavish adherence to figurehead Tr*mp - plus the fact that the political party of 1854 has now experienced its first-ever Neptune Return which has actually been a drawn-out five-fer of returns due to slow-moving planet Neptune's retrogradation periods. Follow the link to view the fifth of five returns which occurred on December 29, 2018 for it bookends the party's entire Return period begun in 2017, and includes the July 4th 2018 visit of the Republicans to Moscow (Senators Shelby, Johnson, Kennedy, Daines, Hoeven, Moran, and Thune, plus, Representative Kay Granger of Texas).

Cycle of Neptune = 164 Years: 1854 + 164 = 2018

Of course, the exact dates of the party's Neptune Return/s depend upon which founding data is used to calculate the party's horoscope. For this, I've used the March 20, 1854 chart set for Ripon, Wisconsin with Neptune @14Pis01, a degree that evokes the symbol of "A Lady In Fox Fur," an appropriate word picture for the Murdoch-supported GOP, imho, with "foxy" being another word for cunning and seductive.

Talking Points: 'The Neptune Party' Parrots Putin

So of course, urge-to-merge Neptune, positively representing the Divine Source and humanity's higher inspiration faculty, negatively tends to be associated in this old world with deception, the Big Lie, fraud, corruption, rottenness, malicious schemes, loss, conspiracies, gaslighting, scandals, unreality, fakery, propaganda, photography/film, camera ops and special effects, spiritualism, poisons, toxins, all liquids, gas, oil, fumes, heists and thefts, speculation, inflation, bubbles, disguises, illusions and delusions, instability, dissolution, disappointment, and undermining activities of subversion such as sabotage and treason. Of course, contagious infections are Neptunian as well - as transit Neptune floating through its own sign of Pisces has tragically demonstrated.

And even now, with Putin's threat against Ukraine in the news and on the authoritarian's to-do list, Republicans and their talking heads in the far-right media are propagandizing that Putin can "smell" President Biden's "weakness," two more words inspired by Neptunian energies attempting to create instability and mistrust in society, in order to promote the GOP's ultimate goal of 'taking back' the House and Senate in November 2022, by all means necessary. A 'talking points' link between Putin and the GOP isn't difficult to imagine.

Now astrologically, you'll notice in the December 29, 2018 Horoscope linked, above, that the Sagittarian ASC is ruled by expansive boundary-breaker Jupiter, with 2018 Jupiter squaring Neptune - the Republican Party's Neptune. Astro-Notes concerning this transit are penned in the center of the chart and intended for the curious to read, if need be. Victimized by illusions is a pretty good description of the Jupiter-square-Neptune transit and of its results upon the party and its voters who believe - or pretend to believe - whatever conspiracy they like, no matter how outrageous. They imagine that there's a 'higher purpose' to all the deception and corruption they engage with and pass along, as if 'the ends justify the means'. But I say, this is fallacious.

So if you suspect that the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in secretive Pisces will be signficant for the Republican Party in its current Neptunian condition (and thus for America) as the new planetary cycle of the gaseous duo begins, then I'm glad to say we're on the same page, dear reader.

A Related Post: An American Tragedy of Mass Delusion which will be egged on by April's Jupiter-Neptune combination of expansive, misguided energies.

Feb 15, 2022

DC Horoscopes: The Eclipses of April and May 2022 (unmarked)

February 15, 2022

Below you see a bi-wheel of the April 30, 2022 Solar Eclipse @10Tau28 in the 6 North Saros Series, inner, with its themes of 'relationship to father figures, authority figures, or the need to take responsibility and control; commitments are presented, possibly due to another person's unreliability or illness' (paraphrasing B. Brady).

Outer is the DC Horoscope of the May 16, 2022 Total Lunar Eclipse @25Sco17 where we see the 'Marseillais Trio' of violence aligned (Mars-Neptune-Jupiter) but unlike their alignment during the French Revolution, expansive Jupiter here conjuncts the Cardinal Aries Point of World Manifestation after leaving shady Pisces where gaslighting Neptune and activist Mars continue to lounge and lurk; the Mars-Neptune conjunction perfects 2 days later on May 18, 2022 - and they are not the most reliable pairing of planets especially considering America's foggy Mars-Neptune square of 1776:

Therefore, April and May 2022 are colored by the intense, often financially inclined Taurus-Scorpio polarity (across the 2/8 axis in DC which includes the National Treasury) and suggests the signs' Venus-Mars-Pluto influences. To me it looks as if a multitude of secrets and inconvenient facts will be revealed or leaked under the 'cosmic blink' influences of one or both eclipses, and changes of direction may become necessary. However, we should note that solar eclipses in Venus-ruled Taurus time a period when reliability, perseverance, and determination are spotlighted along with the typical potentials for Taurean growth and development.

Negatively, rigid resistance to change and bullheadedness will continue to be perpetrated by malcontents, while positive efforts must be constant and must resonate with and satisfy actual needs if karmic progress is to be made in society. Now Taurus prefers stability, as you know, and its inflexibility can often be an asset so perhaps a sort of balancing act is what is suggested here along with a sense of moderation.

But there's more for earlier in April 2022, a planetary pair which also relates to finances (plus, stock market bubbles, fraud, inflation, a lack of reality) come togther as the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune @23Pis59, an approximately 13-year cycle which last conjoined three times all through 2009 as President Obama navigated the Financial Crash of Bush and Cheney and was working to somewhat mitigate the collateral damage which landed upon the shoulders of the American people who paid - and continue to pay - so dearly for the heist.

Jan 12, 2022

April 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction times a Civil War Solar Return

January 12, 2022

'Wild Cards' of the Universe and Cosmic Synchronicities

by Jude Cowell

In light of recent and current secessionist-type events, the DC Horoscope of the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction @23Pis58 is hereby re-published just to add the point that the day of their bubbly, speculative conjunction is also a day of the Solar Return 2022 of the Civil War which began under deceptive Mercury-Neptune influences on April 12, 1861 with the Sun @22Ari27. (Of course, explosive, warring Mars-Uranus also had a hand as on the day of Inauguration 2021.)

Of interest is the Sabian Symbol of the Sun's rounded-up degree of '23Aries' = "A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy And Valuable But Veiled Load"; "Keyword: RETICENCE; positive expression: the unimpeachable integrity of the man whose fullness of life becomes a practical contribution to the circumstances in which he dwells; negative (unconscious/shadow side - jc) expression: a disinclination to participate at all fairly in everyday living." Now for me, this last relates to secessionists then and now to which I'd include obstructionist congressional Republicans, those radical reactionaries who long for a regressive America in the pre-Civil Rights and pre-Voting Rights days because they assume it can soothe their bigoted world view and support their alleged "supremacy".

Now we should also add the Sabian Symbol for the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @24Pisces which is notated messily in the center of the horoscope but I'll also type its potentials for you below:

'24Pisces' = An Inhabited Island"; "Keyword: CULTIVATION; positive expression: achievement through a creative opportunism or inventiveness of exceptional order; negative expression: snobbish complacency and self-indulgence" (Jones). Is this a NYC island, perhaps?

Energies of Jupiter-Neptune when combined can certainly appreciate self-indulgence between Jupiter's expansion principle and Neptune's urge to merge and become lax or slack, plus, the planetary duo suggests several other potentials, both positive and negative, such as:

'Visions, dreams, mysticism, idealism, the grand spirit, the 'Big Lie', corruption, theft, veils, disguises, pretense, loss of reality, compassion, inspiration, fraud, get-rich-quick schemes, speculation, inflation, bubbles, instability, loss, political conflicts, sabotage, vast deceptions, increased gaslighting, gain without effort, abundant feelings, expansive creativity, tricks of the eye or ear, art interests, impressionability, easy seduction, scandal via instability, the wrong diagnosis, foolish surmisings, shoddy conditions, Utopian illusions (used to break down society), neglect of ethics, confusion, senseless doctrine, hypocrisy as a form of internal policy, a degraded legal system based on favors and pay-offs, unfounded legal situations or theories, churches espousing a moral philosophy for all (rather than one based on each believer's conscience), vague excuses, overlooking the faults of others, unexplained events or miracles, worn out or inefficient forms of publicity, and/or myth-making.

Well, there's my Jupiter-Neptune list, the most complete I've published so far. How about yours? Care to step up and add a name-tagged potential or two?

For a view of the 1861 Civil War Horoscope try Zealotry and the Civil War's Progressed Full Moon, a symbolic phase that perfected on - of all days - December 14, 2020, the day of the Electoral College Vote when a 4 South Solar Eclipse, a 'wild card of the Universe', manifested with its difficult themes and 'strong feelings' that continue to bedevil and sabotage America - all because the orange sore loser refuses to let it go.

Related: When US Neptune Turned Retrograde by Progression and unreality slowly gained an upper hand. And this makes any Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction a particularly relevant cosmic synchronicity for the United States of America.

Nov 11, 2021

DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2022

Spring Equinox (Aries Ingress) Horoscopes Are 'Good For' the Entire Year

by Jude Cowell

Thursday November 11, 2021: In answer to a reader's request, this partial post displays the Spring Equinox 2022 Horoscope set for Washington DC (as representative of America) which perfects (Sun to 00Ari00:00 = the Aries Point of World Events) on March 20, 2022 at 11:33:20 am edt; as you see, a few chart factors are penned upon the image:

Related Posts: DC Horoscope of the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of April 12, 2022 @23Pis59. And here's the Spring Equinox 2021 Horoscope under the influence of which I now type.

Sep 28, 2021

In 2022: A Frothy New Cycle of Goals Explained Away

Of Midterms, Gaslighting, and Glittering Fairy Dust

by Jude Cowell

Above: a NASA image of the lovely, dreamy Neptune now in Pisces

Tuesday September 28, 2021: As you know, on April 12, 2022 the frothy Jupiter-Neptune cycle of speculation, bubbles, waste, and/or idealism and inspiration begins over again @23Pis59 as it does about every 13 years. If you wish you can view the conjunction's DC Horoscope here or here.

You'll remember that their last Great Conjunction was a three-fer in Air all through 2009 under the presidency of Barack Obama with their energies landing upon US natal Moon (for those who use a July 4, 1776 US Horoscope with Moon in Aquarius). As usual for the last few decades - and perhaps this very week in Congress we see again how Republicans spend like wastrels, gift the wealthy class with tax breaks, and leave Democrats to clean up the financial mess. Then in 2009, the GOP proceeded to criticize the limited methods available to President Obama (and VP Biden!) for repairing the hollowed out US economy as best they could. And then with the US economy patched up, the orange grifter took over the White House and you know how costly his four years have turned out to be as he increased fraud, corruption, and theft on every level.

So looking back, this inflationary planetary pair of gas and promises represented the year 2009 in America quite well with potentials for: "little sense of reality; desire to dream (some voters considered Mr. Obama dreamy!); becoming involved in speculation, instability, wastefulness' (R. Ebertin) - and that, coming soon after the Bush-Cheney Financial and Housing Crash of 2007/2008 which occurred under the previous Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction of 1997 @27Cap09 - conjunct US natal Pluto Rx! (Jupiter-Neptune = Pluto: 'unreasonable plans; far-reaching speculation; a great loss' (RE). From Noel Tyl add: 'major adjustment of life circumstances (ex: eviction); self-projection out of hand' (ex: the expansive neocon PNAC war profiteers - or, just 'good old' American imperialism and the Pentagon's Global Cop-ism) (Solar Arcs, Tyl; #ad). Neptunian graft, bribes, payoffs, blackmail, corruption, fraud, and theft.

So Will the 2022 Campaign Turn Up the Gaslighting? And Who'll Pay the Bills?

Disturbingly, 'a belief that goals and obligations can be explained away once you tire of them' can also be part of a Jupiter-Neptune scenario (M. Munkasey) along with 'frequent misjudgments about the reality of surrounding circumstances' leading to 'tremendous disillusionment' (A. Oken). Yes, misinformation, a polite word for propaganda (including the Big Lie) can do that to a population. One favored GOP tactic: wedge issues - and note that unfortunately the American public may be facing such disillusion again in 2022, especially - in my opinion - if chaos-creating Republicans have anything to do with it. Besides damaging personal finances and the National Treasury, it's the GOP's spiteful "own the libs," you know. Never mind what their malicious scheme does to the rest of us, to our country, the economy, and to the social fabric of society. Politics used to grasp wealth and power are the things.

Meanwhile, as noted today in the Stars Over Washington Reports FB group (join us!), the 'First Session' SCOTUS Horoscope shows a 24 Pisces Ascendant so the frothily gaseous duo's tendencies toward 'sharing great hopes' and 'speculation' will on some level affect the US Supreme Court and/or its Justices with inflated, bloated, or scandalous vibes - or, on the positive side a grand spirit will express. Of course, political conflicts also attach to the Jupiter-Neptune pairing and suggests the many complications expected during our vulnerable 2022 Midterms which will (apparently) be held on the very day of a Taurus Lunar Eclipse at the "Swords vs Torches" degree. So besides 2022 being a 'Jupiter-Neptune' year (this conjunction operative until March 24, 2035 @21Ari21), the 'Midterms Moon Eclipse' certainly casts a 'wild card' cosmic spotlight, perhaps a disruptive one, upon the 2022 Elections, election results, and on the US Congress, yes? Because As Above, So Below!

Jupiter Happily Expands Shadowy Neptune's Magical Wand of Fairy Dust

Meanwhile, mention ought to be made of the cosmic fact that the April 12, 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in mystical Pisces is part of the tiresomely ongoing transit of Neptune in Pisces opposing US natal Neptune in Virgo @22Vir25 with its racial persecution vibes and pathological tendencies across the Virgo-Pisces victim-savior axis so let's throw caution to the wind and consider potentials for 'Jupiter-Neptune with more Neptune':

'Seeing events with a religious or holiness perspective; promoting strange or unclear theories; efforts to show others there's a spiritual side to life, and a life beyond physical or earthly reality' (Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Munkasey #ad.)

Now I don't know about you, dear reader, but to me this hints at an even greater increase of religious involvement in Politics as 2022 approaches, something overly bizarre that we've seen more and more in the last few years with odd notions that neglect or supercede for some the Founders' grand ideal of the separation of church and state. Therefore, with political planet Jupiter playing a codified-religion role and spiritual Neptune inflating, undermining, veiling, or infecting whatever it touches with its sparkly wand (often wielded by a complicit mass media and right-wing pundits and blowhards), my fret is that this increase will continue to be a signpost along the diverted path of theocracy America now treads with such influences partially and purposefully hidden as they currently may or may not be for much longer.

So when you cast your votes in November 2022, please be extra careful who you vote for - unless an unrecognizable America forcing authoritarian religion down your throat is your misbegotten goal.


Speaking of Neptunian fairy dust, here's my pencil portrait of 'Flower Fairy in Rain':

And here's one of my botanical pencil portraits of a tropical fish ensnared within the little fellow's dreamiest surroundings - he's a 'Victorian scalyfin'!

You're welcomed to view more botanical fish portraits in my online gallery Dreamyfish Art.

Aug 13, 2021

Jupiter-Neptune 2022: Is Inflation On the Rise?

by Jude Cowell

Friday August 13, 2021: When a dual image of horoscopes was published recently showing the Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions of April 12, 2022 and the third of three conjunctions that perfected during 2009, several chart factors were noted in the post. Today, increasing mentions in the news of inflation in the US economy has spurred a re-posting of the April 12, 2022 horoscope for your consideration.

(Please follow the above link if you wish to read my notes for I won't retype them here.)

So as you've heard, in June and July of 2021 the US inflation rate was 5.4%, up from 5.0 in May as you can see in the US Inflation Rate Calculator.

DC Horoscope: Jupiter-Neptune Conjunct in Pisces Apr 12, 2022 10:43 am edt:

These gaseous giants meet approximately every 13 years: a grand spirit may begin!

Similar to a close conjunction, parallels make good timing devices so it could be worth a peek at a time frame beginning April 11, 2022 1:00 pm edt when Jupiter parallels Neptune (0A00) and up to their exact conjunction of April 12th as seen in the horoscope, above. This provides the curious seeker with a fuller picture of Jupiter-Neptune potentials which include inflation, bubbles, speculation, and/or political conflicts. As you know, another good timing device in Astrology is the quick-traveling Moon which floats from 18Leo54 on April 11th (1:00 pm edt) to 00Vir19 on April 12th (10:43 am edt) with Luna conjunct and reflecting royal Regulus ('success if revenge is avoided; otherwise all that's been gained will be taken away').

This is good advice to my way of thinking! Even for politicians.

May 26, 2021

DC Horoscope: The Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction 2022

The Promises of Jupiter-and-Neptune

by Jude Cowell

May 26, 2021: Below is a DC Horoscope of the upcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune @23Pis58 on April 12, 2022 (in 9th house when the chart is set for Washington DC). Perfecting at 10:43 am edt, we find 4Can29 rising with US natal Venus and Jupiter which gives a pleasant air to the entire chart and conjunction. The Cancer Ascendant makes the fluctuating Moon the chart-ruler and, lower left, you see the two applying aspects that Luna makes with messenger Mercury, then evaluating Venus. These aspects suggest potentials for restlessness, successful communications, but perhaps a few uncomfortable social situations:

At Midheaven ('MC'; the Goal or Aspiration Point) is 13Pis10 which handily brings the bubbly, cheery, speculation-inflation pair of Jupiter and Neptune to the cosmic party - here joining forces in the very visible 10th house of Career and Public Status. Apparently, the whole world will be able to 'see' what the planetary pair has simmering.

However, the only aspect to or from Jupiter and/or Neptune are sextiles of opportunity from transiting North Node of the Moon (thus, a trine to or from the South Node). A Jupiter-NN sextile (60 degrees) suggests good fortune with all expansive enterprises and promotional activities which require cooperation from the public (NN), plus, some form of conventional religious involvement may be offered. Meanwhile, a Neptune-NN sextile indicates an ability for harmonizing with and influencing social trends or customs, wth perhaps a bit of spiritualism (or spirituality) tossed in. A talent for subtle evasion helps some people circumvent such Neptunian influences if they so desire but naturally, nebulous Neptune can always bring a sense of confusion to any situation, even deceit, corruption, paranoia, fear, and fanaticism. And yet compassion and sympathy for the disadvantaged can seep into our hearts, even so, bringing charity along with them.

And yet until April 2022, we remain under the auspices of the last and current Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction which was actually a three-fer all through 2009 when US natal Moon in late Aquarius was directly touched by Jupiter-Neptune's mystical wand of dreams and visions. You'll remember that 2009 began the era of President Barack Obama with the uplifting vibes of his 'rock star' persona, as his persuasive motto, Yes We Can, was promoted across the land, and vibes of Jupiter-Neptune were imprinted forever upon his presidency. Of course, the Jupiter-Neptune pair often represent promotion with grand spirits and schemes that are always 'sure things' but which often contain an element of overpromising (perfect for Politics). And note that scandal, religiosity, and/or political conflict can come along in the wake of expansive Jupiter and watery, oceanic Neptune.

Yes, in April 2022, a new batch of 'lack of reality' and 'pretense' will continue to cast a glittering spell across the globe, timed by the next Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction - this one in shady, secretive, contagious, mystical Pisces (see the center of the chart for the Sabian Symbol for "24Pisces"). High seas, fish, and shipping or boating may be in the news to a surprising degree. And if I were you, I'd be on the look-out for visions (of 'UFOs'?), marvelous technical inventions and special effects, and of course, get-rich-quick schemes that can trip you up and drain your coffers if you don't watch out!

Because All That Glitters Cannot Possibly Be Gold

In closing, below is a previously published dual chart displaying both the 2009 and 2022 Jupiter-Neptune Conjunctions for easier comparison. Prominent as you see, is the 2022 Mars-Saturn near-conjunction in late Aquarius affecting the Great Conjunction of 2009 which suggests potentials for being let down by others (unreliability), faulty schemes of speculation, false hopes that don't work out, pessimism, loss, disappointment, and/or possibly illness for some. So while glitter is always seductive and more pleasant, keeping our grasp firmly upon reality will be necessary and most helpful in 2022 and beyond - if we can manage it.