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Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Venus. Show all posts

Oct 11, 2007

Celestial Triangle!

My personal headline for today would have to be:

'Real World Takes Over Blogger Falls Behind' but I thought you might be interested in this week's sparkly Celestial Triangle of Venus, Saturn, and Regulus!

Space Weather News for Oct 10, 2007:

CELESTIAL TRIANGLE: Set your alarm. For the next five mornings, just before dawn banishes the night, you can see a compact celestial triangle rising in the eastern sky. The corners are dazzling Venus, Saturn and the bright star Regulus. This is worth waking up for--at least once.

Visit for sky maps and more.

AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth and it may spark a geomagnetic storm when it arrives on Oct 11th or 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras.

Sep 22, 2007

Autumn Equinox 2007 over Washington

Here is the chart for the moment the Sun reaches 00Libra00 aka Autumn Equinox over the White House (click to enlarge chart to read my scribbly notes, some of which may not be mentioned in the text of this post) on Sunday, Sept 23, 5:51 am edt.

First, there's this from

Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2007

MAXIMUM VENUS: In a celestial coincidence of eye-catching proportions, Venus (the "morning star") reaches maximum brightness on Sept. 23rd, the autumnal equinox. In short, northern fall is beginning with a bright light in the dawn sky. Venus is actually bright enough to see in broad daylight, but easier to find just before sunrise. Wake up early any morning in the week ahead and look east for the brilliant light of Venus.

Bonus: Like the Moon, Venus has phases, and at the moment the planet has assumed the form of a slender crescent. If you have a backyard telescope, take a look!

AURORA SEASON BEGINS: For reasons not fully understood, the weeks around the autumnal equinox produce, on average, more geomagnetic storms than any other time of year. Even the mildest solar wind stream brushing against Earth can ignite auroras. Earth is inside a high-speed solar wind stream this weekend and another is due on Sept. 27th or 28th. High latitude sky watchers should be alert for Northern Lights. (Tip: Local midnight is often the best time to watch.)

Visit for sky maps, photos and more.#

Now for Autumn Equinox 2007 where you'll see that Venus 20Leo24 is in the secretive, self-undoing, karmic 12th house and almost at George Bush's natal Venus degree--his Venus Return. Venus has also passed her 9/11/01 degree for another year.

With Mercury as chart-ruler (and ruler of MC) placed in 2nd house, one of the 'money houses' and nearing the tr Saturn/Pluto midpoint, economic woes may continue esp with the 8th house of credit, insurance, debt, shared resources, etc, being under the rule of contentious yet initiating Mars which is in 10th house of Public Status. Mars is at the Bankruptcy degree, "28Gem" (Jones, The Sabian Symbols in Astrology.)

Mercury in Libra may trigger thoughts and plans concerning relationships but also the court system with Libra being the sign of the Scales of Justice; and tr Mercury was at the Sat/Pluto midpoint in early September and will be again on or about Sept 28 and Nov 11.

Saturn/Pluto = Mercury: desire to solve difficult problems; taciturnity; thoroughness; research work; deep study; stark realism; depression.

The Sun reaches 00Lib00 during a Jupiter Hour, suitable for Jupiterian things which include philosophy, religion, and the legal system. Plus, Jupiter, as you know, signifies the Republican Party in all its rich splendor. The EQ Jupiter 13Sag11 is at the Foundation Point of the chart (HOW?) at the same degree as the IC (13Sag57.)

Transit Jupiter continues to expand the US sense of identity by sitting upon our natal ASC (Sibly: July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia) and causing expansive actions. This supports the economic flavor of the Fall season.

The ongoing T-Square (T-SQ) between the Mars/Pluto opposition (with both planets squaring this EQ Sun) changes character slightly as it becomes a Dissociate T-SQ with this Equinox. Sun also conjuncts US natal MC which I will cover below.

In his his book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney gives some interesting info on apex Sun in a Dissociate T-SQ--and remembering that in a national chart, Sun = the leader or leadership:

The Dissociate T-SQ manifests similarly to a standard T-SQ on a functional level but there is a bit more leeway in inner responses to the challenge of the oppositional planets (and the Mars/Pluto combo = zeal, violence, brutality; intense energy application; control; extreme force.)

This ambitious Sun (leader) has difficulty relating to the intensity of the situation resulting in less motivation; adjustments are needed to integrate inner attitudes with the outer reality (well, GB has always been challenged with this kind of thing. His 'inner world' is plum magical with wishful thinking added to his emotional inability to admit the adverse. This may often be a necessary trait in US presidents, I realize.)

Actually, the Sun moving into Libra weakens the excessive power of Mars/Pluto (whether our zeal or theirs) yet apex Sun gives authority, strong willpower, and a whole-hearted urge to accomplish huge objectives. But it does this in a bossy, arrogant way with ego/pride issues causing problems in manifesting these goals.

This apex Sun demonstrates an intense self-reliance yet he must allow others to assist him--but in a way of their own choosing. Self-glorification may be evident and willfulness only reinforces the difficulties of the two SQs (Mars SQ Sun; Pluto SQ Sun.) This Sun commands the attention of others but seldom their love or respect.

Here is the midpoint picture from the T-SQ, then the picture substituting the US natal MC which is being affected by the Mars/Pluto opposition simultaneously:

Mars/Pluto = Sun: a hard worker; working until collapse or breakdown; injury or accident; taking violent measures; a higher power intervenes; upset of plans that is irredeemable.

Mars/Pluto = MC: ambition; self-confidence; dealing with might on both sides of an issue; major job maneuver; unusual ability to advance in life; or: the misfortune to face overwhelming force without power; danger through the intervention of a higher power.

If you click to enlarge the chart, you see that I've listed a transiting midpoint which is now conj US natal Moon (the people; the public; publicity) and it's Neptune/North Node which has a propaganda/glamour connection with the public (NN.)

Neptune/NN = Moon: high sensitivity; feeling ostracized; being misunderstood; lack of adaptability or of community spirit; disappointment; deceptive publicity.

And since this Moon is shining over the entire world (including the Middle East and indeed the Cresent Moon is the symbol of that region of the world) we may expect similar manifestations through al-Jazeera, etc.

The East uses a Moon-based calendar while th West uses a Sun-based calendar and an individualistic way of viewing the world--and ourselves. Moon-based societies are, of course, tribal. Neither is "right", both are valid. But try to get these violent types to admit it as each side attempts to push its way of thinking and worshipping upon the other helped along by heavy weight Pluto in questing Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner.

But Back to the Chart:

Perhaps you see that disruptive, rebellious, yet original Uranus 16Pis10 Rx, is conj the Equinoxial Descendant and thus is setting in the chart. Fixed Star, Achernar, is being triggered, keywords: success; being humane; crisis.

The Sun is quindecile (QD = 165 degrees) Uranus, planet of sudden events. The QD is an aspect of obsession-compulsion (Reeves, The Quindecile) so we have:

Sun QD Uranus: driven by excitement; need for independence with a sense of mission in needing to be different; "the rules don't apply to me"; living on the edge; may work for a cause in some significant way; disrupts the status quo through unique and innovative ideas.

This aspect with Uranus conj Achernar may also indicate natural disasters such as undersea earthquakes, volcanoes, and other water disasters (Pisces.)

The EQ's Sun/MC midpoint (the Goal) is conj US n North Node...

Sun/MC = NN: choosing one's associates carefully; the personal search for colleagues. (Perhaps this is because Bush's way of forcing things has pretty much cleared out the halls of government?!)

And what about the Sabian Symbol for the Equinoxial Sun ?

Using "1Lib" the word picture is: "A butterfly is made perfect by a dart through it"...Keyword: ARTICULATION...

pos: man's awakening to the need for some more whole-souled focus of character;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: the loss of all true selfhood by a needless surrender to the world and conformity to its ways.

As the Sabian Symbol for the degree just passed by the Sun says:

character is destiny.

Here's an Art dramatization by yours truly of the Autumn Equinox for your viewing pleasure.

Midpoint pics: Tyl; Ebertin.

Sunday 1:30 am edt: My Bad! Neglected to mention that the EQ chart has the Sun/Saturn midpoint on ASC...

Sun/Saturn = ASC: separation; being misunderstood; possible health threat; difficulties.

The Sun/Saturn combo is ughy, I know, but I had to add it since it's rising. Sun/Saturn = illumination of ambition; overwork; fear of loss; seclusion; retirement; aloneness; inhibitions; karma.

I had wondered recently in a previous post if the soon-to-be-exact tr Saturn conjunction to tr South Node (a separative point if there ever was one) would mean the loss in some way of a Democrat since Saturn = the Dem Party. Maybe this midpoint picture on the ASC relates to that circumstance and of course it could certainly be health related esp with Saturn bringing restriction to the vitality (Sun.)

Thought you'd want to know.

Jun 29, 2007

Venus and Saturn: get your 'scopes!

Space Weather News for June 29, 2007:

VENUS & SATURN: Saturn and Venus are converging in the sunset sky for a beautiful close encounter this weekend. At closest approach on Saturday, June 30th, the two planets will be a mere 2/3rds of a degree apart. It's a pretty sight for the unaided eye, and a great target for backyard telescopes. Even small 'scopes will reveal the rings of Saturn and the crescent shape of Venus.

Check for sky maps and more information.

FIRST LIGHT FOR AIM: NASA's AIM spacecraft is sending back its first pictures of noctilucent clouds from Earth orbit. The clouds photographed by AIM have the same intricate structure and electric-blue glow familiar to sky watchers on Earth, but the panoramic view afforded by the spacecraft's 600 km high orbit is unlike anything we've seen before.

Check today's edition of for one of AIM's first light images plus an updated gallery of ground-based sightings.#


Jun 18, 2007

Europe in the Skies with Venus

Space Weather News for June 17, 2007

European sky watchers should be alert on Monday, June 18th, for a mid-afternoon eclipse of Venus by the crescent Moon. Hanging high in the sky, Venus will appear as a pinprick of light beside the Moon, visible to the naked eye in broad daylight until the edge of the Moon covers the planet. (Technically, this is called a "lunar occultation.") Binoculars will improve visibility, but be careful not to point them at the sun.

Elsewhere, in the Middle East, India and Pakistan, the eclipse can be seen around sunset and after dark. From those places, a clear view of the western horizon is essential because the Moon and Venus will be setting, but the sight should be spectacular. Except for a small region around the Canadian maritime provinces, this event will be completely invisible from North America.

Visit for more details.

Jun 2, 2007

Venus, Castor, and Pollux tonight

Thanks to the Newsletter we find that Venus is lining up with the Twins of Gemini, Castor and she did on June 2, 1999. You'll find Tunc Tezel's photo of 1999's alignment as seen from Ankara, Turkey here for Venus' cycle is 8 it's time.

With the WTC being so obviously symbolic of the Twins (Twin Towers), the previous date of Venus' line-up with the dark'n'light *Twins of Gemini isn't particularly comforting to this reluctant astrologer, although it should be a lovely enough sight this evening once the sky goes dark (look West--which may be what some other folk are doing.)

Venus's position in the tropical zodiac for this hook-up is 27Can19 and I'm posting a chunk of the chart for 9:00 pm edt along with George Bush's natal chart on the outside since Venus is conjuncting his Saturn 26Can30.

The transit of Venus to Saturn indicates a desire for solitude or, if in company, it must be that which serves some practical purpose (he doesn't have to worry--I won't be knockin'!) It may also indicate "grace brought to ambition" (Dr. Noel Tyl's Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology.)

Also tonight Mercury will conj US n Jupiter, so we may expect lots of international communications ("chatter"? hope not) and information will be pinging all about...perhaps more than is usual over a weekend...some 'new' news may surface esp within Jupiter's realms of philosophy, money, and expansion issues.

You also see here the ongoing triggering of Bush's n Venus/Pluto midpoint by tr Saturn which I have mentioned before...

Venus/Pluto = Saturn: immorality; a sense of tragedy; the fear of losing love (Ebertin; Tyl.)

This image shows a gaggle of Bush's natal planets (plus his n ASC) in the 8th house of transformation; debt; death; sex; other people's money; the occult, and more...a busy place, the 8th house, one of the Psychological houses. The crazy, greedy, secretive perver_...oops! did I just type that out loud? My bad.

Okay, here are some Symbols for tonight's Venus degree "28Can" using both The Sabian Symbols in Astrology and the formal yet interesting The 360 Degrees of the Zodiac by Adriano Carelli (used copies may be available, pub'd 1982 by the AFA), to get a fuller picture of Venus' doings:

"28Can": "A modern Pocohantas"...COMPATIBILITY.

With Jamestown still in the news and its 400th anniversary just passed in May, this is an interesting degree for lady Venus which speaks of, "...cooperation between various phases of human culture, such as those which have become crystallized in a faithfulness to the special values they have held intact and those which provide the new potentials of a genuine frontier spirit.

pos: high skill in bringing older or neglected reality to the service of fresher and more vital self-fulfillment;

neg/shadow or unconscious side: an inability to make personal adjustments and a stupid exaltation of conservatism."

Now we know that a"city on a hill" makes a well-lighted target as one did in 2001, for conservatism exists within al-Qaeda and its hydra-headed offspring, doesn't it? And since Venus' visit to Castor and Pollux of 1999 was prior to 9/11, I must say, "conservatism"? please--not again.

And the politizing and partisanship-above-all-win-at-any-cost attitude continue in Washington. You were expecting stewardship maybe? It's Pluto/Chiron's class warfare and oppression...'elite' rulers vs the sheeple, and we're losing in part because of our habit of identifying with the 'upper classes' which so many of us dream of joining one day (puh!)

Can a decent person with a conscience be that grasping and cold-hearted?

See the G-8 Protest article link just below, if you haven't...there are some people in the world who are not fooled by US or EU propaganda on these issues.

Back to Venus: Carelli's "28Can" degree has no word picture, but quoting in part for our purposes:

(The native) can display a remarkable political skill and a more remarkable administrative ability...the native is sure to get money galore as soon as he is of age...unfortunately, the gift for earning money might be warped into greed, and his foresight into stinginess...(there may be) loafing, political tact (giving) way to scheming, servilism, or even worse.

Also on tap tonight:

Setting at 9 pm is "18Gem", which is the Venus Transit degree of June 2004--which occurred at the G-8 Summit on Sea Island, GA..."18Gem": "Two Chinese men talking Chinese in a western crowd" (MEJ.)

A rare Venus Transit indicates new, unsuspected, and unusual alliances being entered into. (Remember the ridiculous open-shirted photo-op the big cheeses indulged themselves with upon the beach in 2004? Guffaw! Wonder who snapped that one with a straight face?) Bush and Putin were still in their fabled "eye gazing" phase of partnership, if I'm not mistaken.

Crowd, Police Clash at Protest of G-8 because it's G-8 Summit time again which links the 2007 Summit with the Summit of 2004 bwo Venus in particular.

This year, protest organizers are handing out leaflets saying:

The world shaped by the dominance of the G-8 is a world of hunger, social divisions, environmental destruction, and barriers against migrants and refugees."

And who can disagree? Imho, their global policies of war profiteering, pillaging of natural resources, and their cynical manipulations of governments are helping to create refugees, hunger, environmental degradations, and death.

Venus is, after all, a vengeful lady when scorned and was the trigger on 9/11 of the King of Alarm Solar Eclipse degree of Aug 11, 1999 when strife was let loose upon the earth. "19Leo" is also al-Qaeda's natal Sun's degree, btw, and Carelli's "19Leo" gives in part:

"...a senseless and stubborn arrogance sets him against those worthier, mightier, and better than himself...(he has a) grudge against mankind and unjustified rebellion against public opinion."

(There's more to this degree, but I shall save such joy for another post.)

Further Note on "28Can": the opposite or Illumination Point degree "28Cap" = "A large aviary." An interesting degree considering the recent drug-resistant strain of TB that's now been jetted around the globe...and his father-in-law just happened to be a TB expert at the CDC? Get OUT!

Question: have you read Congress' 2006 Solar Return? It's still in effect until November and contains Dane Rudhyar's version of the Sabian Symbol for "18Libra" which is the important US Mars' secondary station degree when our Mars function turned Rx for the first time in US history (July 2006.)

Mars = military, police, young men, pioneers, inside (Rx) instigators and could describe a leader of the feminine persuasion since Mars Rx natally was shared by many of the women suffragettes of the past.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi came into more power under this influence, but there could be more ladies to come with the 2008 election--and US Mars will be Rx by progression for 80 years hence.

Well, this post turned out to be more of a hodge-podge than initially intended and I still want to post on the Beatles concert of 1965 asap and the Great Uranus/Pluto conjunction of those rebellious times...perhaps later or on Sunday for my knarly typing finger is now officialy wumped out!

*Fixed Stars Castor and Pollux relate to creativity--one in the dark or hidden way and one in the light, and Castor esp relates to creative writing and communications.

May 19, 2007

May 19: Venus and the Crescent Moon

Space Weather News for May 19, 2007


When the sun sets tonight (Saturday, May 19th) go outside and look west. Venus and the crescent Moon will pop out of the twilight barely 1-degree apart. It's a spectacular pairing of the two brightest objects in the night sky.

The display will be visible from brightly lit cities and even through thin
clouds. Visit for a sky map and photos. #

A Crescent Moon always puts me in mind of the Middle East--and of New Orleans.

And since there's just been a New Moon, we're creeping toward the Full Moon of May 31, 9:03 pm edt at the White House, with Moon 10Sag12 (too close to Fixed Star, Antares, for my liking; keywords: obsessed with success), and Sun 10Gem12.

This Full Moon will occur somewhat near the US natal ASC/DESC (Relationship) axis in the Sibly chart.

But for tonight:

Venus and the Crescent Moon "13Cancer"...DETERMINATION...

"One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb" (a la Bill Clinton?)

Amusing how many politiicians have taken up the thumb-at-audience device in recent years--since Bill showed them how--for playing the determination card.

pos: exceptional steadiness and and a high sense of self-responsibility in every issue of moment;

neg/shadow side: unnecessary aggressiveness and a self-defeating shortsightedness.

Hillary was campaigning in New Orleans this weekend--does she affect Bill's determined thumb ploy when playing sincere? Perhaps so, but I've yet to observe it. Ah-h-h, but the campaign is young!

Crescent = crisis, Venus = jealousy (in her shadow side.)

So with Venus' triggering of the King of Alarm Eclipse degree (Aug 11, 1999) on Sep 11, 2001, I'm more wary of vengeful Venus than I used to be...especially when she's been about you?

Mar 20, 2007

Green Comet!

Space Weather News for March 20, 2007

GREEN COMET: There's a new comet in the southern hemisphere: Comet Lovejoy (C/2007 E2). Terry Lovejoy of Australia discovered it on March 15th using, remarkably, not a telescope but only an off-the-shelf digital camera. The green comet is too dim to see with the naked eye, but it is a nice target for backyard telescopes. After five days of monitoring, the comet's orbit is now known with some accuracy and it is possible to make predictions about Comet Lovejoy's future movements and brightness.

Visit for details.

BONUS--VENUS AND THE MOON: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. You'll see Venus and the slender crescent Moon beaming together through the glow of sunset. If you miss the pair on March 20th, try again on the 21st. They will be beautifully close together on both nights.#