Even so-called liberals are quaking from the increase in Occupy Wall Street protests here and abroad and Chris Hedges asserts that, "Tinkering with the corporate state will not work."
Allow Mr. Hedges to paint the picture for you more clearly than I ever could as the 'Too Big To Fail' 99% movement of dissent sweeps across the globe, disgruntling Pluto/Chiron types as they hunker down in their oligarchic ivory towers and state-of-the-art bunkers, poor things.
Yes, their disenfranchising and oppresssion of the 99% of us are being called to account at last and in the biggest way possible: peacefully and righteously.
A Movement Too Big To Fail by Chris Hedges.
The tyranny of plutocracy must end as transiting Pluto plows slowly through Saturn-ruled Capricorn, transforming structures, institutions, and governments as it approaches America's natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) for our first-ever Pluto Return/s 3x in year 2022.
You know the applicable equation--it's easy and historically accurate:
Corporatism + Statism = Fascism.
The world didn't approve of fascism and fascists before and we certainly Do Not Like Them Now.
Also see: Plutocracy, the true face of America. Why, if if weren't for the Bill of Rights all we'd have for a "freedom document" in the US is a plutocracy-protecting Constitution.
But that's a blog fuss for a another day.
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Wall Street crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wall Street crisis. Show all posts
Oct 17, 2011
Why "Tinkering w the corporate state" won't work (OWS)
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Bill of Rights,
corporatism + statism = fascism,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
public protests,
US economic crisis,
US natal Pluto,
Wall Street bankers,
Wall Street crisis
Nov 14, 2009
Biggest Heist in US History: Gerald Celente videos
In case you missed it, you may wish to hear Gerald Celente expressing in plain words what's been going on in the financial system thanks to the mafia types of Wall Street. You'll find that Mr. Celente's kind of plain words aren't like the kindergarten variety politicians use on us as if we're stupid. (If we're stupid it's primarily from trusting them to represent us.)
Part 2 of Celente's remarks is posted below; there are 4 videos altogether totalling about 40 minutes. I trust you to find them if you want to watch 'em.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
economic meltdown,
Financial Crisis 2008,
Wall Street bankers,
Wall Street crisis
Nov 10, 2009
Who pays for Wall Street's 'mistakes'?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Financial Crisis 2008,
Wall Street,
Wall Street crisis
Oct 18, 2008
Is 'spread the wealth' same as socialism?
Charges are mulitplying by McCain and his surrogates that Barack Obama's tax proposals and other economic ideas are 'socialist' in nature.
Well, it's true that the phrase "spread the wealth" never goes over well with the richest class, and I can think of no better reason than this: if spreading or sharing actually occurred, half a million or so of their dollars might be used to feed the hungry, bind the wounds of the ill and dying, and comfort an orphan or a foster child or two.
Why, a factory might be built and a few jobs created - and after the corporate elite worked so hard to ship our jobs overseas, too!
So apparently, if there's one thing a rich man can't stand, it's being his brother's keeper by giving back a little of the largesse he receives through the laws of this great nation and from the sweat of the common worker's brow.
Never mind that a rich man has money and legal reps to avoid paying taxes which he rightly should have been paying all along. Plus, they didn't invent offshore or Swiss bank accounts for nuthin'!
As you know, it was King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold which became a major problem to him because gold isn't everything and people turned into golden statues make poor companions.
Now, lest a rich man think this gnat of a blogger covets his gold, let him rest at ease, for temporary values don't trump (Trump!) eternal values with me - for it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, says Scripture.
And you know that rich men probably think they have that circumvented just as they do with creative accounting tricks, triple sets of books, laws skewed on their behalf against the individual, world banks in cahoots, and Wall Street schemes galore.
But one day when All accounts are settled, we'll have to see about that. We'll all just have to see, won't we?
Well, it's true that the phrase "spread the wealth" never goes over well with the richest class, and I can think of no better reason than this: if spreading or sharing actually occurred, half a million or so of their dollars might be used to feed the hungry, bind the wounds of the ill and dying, and comfort an orphan or a foster child or two.
Why, a factory might be built and a few jobs created - and after the corporate elite worked so hard to ship our jobs overseas, too!
So apparently, if there's one thing a rich man can't stand, it's being his brother's keeper by giving back a little of the largesse he receives through the laws of this great nation and from the sweat of the common worker's brow.
Never mind that a rich man has money and legal reps to avoid paying taxes which he rightly should have been paying all along. Plus, they didn't invent offshore or Swiss bank accounts for nuthin'!
As you know, it was King Midas who turned everything he touched into gold which became a major problem to him because gold isn't everything and people turned into golden statues make poor companions.
Now, lest a rich man think this gnat of a blogger covets his gold, let him rest at ease, for temporary values don't trump (Trump!) eternal values with me - for it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, says Scripture.
And you know that rich men probably think they have that circumvented just as they do with creative accounting tricks, triple sets of books, laws skewed on their behalf against the individual, world banks in cahoots, and Wall Street schemes galore.
But one day when All accounts are settled, we'll have to see about that. We'll all just have to see, won't we?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
2008 presidential campaign,
Barack Obama,
King Midas,
McCain campaign 2008,
US economy,
Wall Street,
Wall Street crisis
Sep 30, 2008
Hating Unfettered Capitalism
The isms of the Pluto-Chiron pair are all around us, capitalism and fascism being perhaps the most noticeable since the suddenly recognized financial crisis emerged from the depths of George
Bush's fertile brain and Wall Street's back pocket already well-lined.
Once again: Pluto-Chiron conjunction Dec 30, 1999 '12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows" with their parallel (similar to a strong conj and used as a timing device) coming mid-August 2004. It's instructive to think about what our governmental "representatives" were up to during those times to the extent that we may ferret out their dark corners of activity, planning, and organization.
As you know, '12Sag' is the USA's natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart - Pluto-Chiron, the plutocracy pair, came to call, or you could say 'became' America.
Then in December 2007 was the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, another plutocratic pairing on a very active day for the Fed as 'it' announced a lowering of interest rates and successfully undermined the dollar further.
BBC News reported this morning that approximately 9,000 American homes are being lost to foreclosure every day while Bush catapults the fear-mongering propaganda on TV with threats
and promises thinly veiled as warnings that jobs will be lost and money will dry up if his plea for Midas' gold isn't answered NOW. (Moon-Jupiter-conjunct folk like the emotionally immature Bush don't like to wait for their needs to be met.)
One assumes the American jobs 'lost' - that is, sold to the highest overseas bidder - hithertofore are of no consequence to our government (who made outsourcing possible) except as part of Bush's you-ain't-seen-nothing-yet threat.
Plus, Washington's use of 'systemic risk power' for bank takeovers is no better than Putin's nationalization program with Russian energy companies.
And although America has been flying high for decades her sights must necessarily be lowered by this manufactured financial crisis and its aftermath, and by our overreach militarily.
Astrologically I think that December '08 to February '09 will be an important window of time due to America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon on the Virgo-Pisces axis (victim-savior.) If you prefer the US Sibly chart it's exact on Dec 24; with the Scorpio rising chart, it perfects in February 2009.
Other possible birth charts for our nation give various dates of exactitude for our Secondary Full Moon, but we all know that we're peering through an extended crisis window of time.
~If you haven't seen the Progressions for the Sec Full Moon, go to my other blog, Jude's Threshold, and look on its Pages list in the sidebar for the December chart. (Since I'm still out of town, I have none of my notes - I'm grousing from memory here.) You'll find a link to my other blog on this blog's Links List...you may have to scroll down esp if you're using Firefox.
Part of lowering our sights is addressing homelessness and upholding the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor. And as all three of my readers know, I'm nothing if not a pacifist - yet with four natal planets in Capricorn, a realist, too. That's why I was glad to find a certain article on TruthDig concerning the Catholic Worker and its founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.
Here's a quote from Day's granddaughter, Martha Hennessey, which addresses American society and the state it's in. You'll spot some isms as well:
"Our society is more brutal than it was. The heartlessness was introduced by Reagan. Clinton put it into place. The ruthlessness is backed up by technology. Americans have retreated into collective narcissism. They are disconnected from themselves and others. If we face economic collapse, there are many factors that could see the wrong response. There are more elements of fascism in place than there were in the 1930s. We not only lack community, we lack information."
The Catholic Worker was founded in 1932 during the misery of the Great Depression and sold on NY streets for 1 cent per copy - its current price. With its "unwavering pacifism" and "hatred for unfettered capitalism" it was a bright light for the common man and woman in its time.
And thanks to the insatiable greed and corruption of current Washington and Wall Street fatcats, it may be one of the few honest and clear-eyed visions we can look to when it comes to transforming the heartless ruthlessness of our struggling American society - if 'real change' we 'can believe in' is what we truly want and can accept with humility.
Please read 'Fueling the Fire of Real Change' by Chris Hedges here:
Bush's fertile brain and Wall Street's back pocket already well-lined.
Once again: Pluto-Chiron conjunction Dec 30, 1999 '12Sag': "A Flag Turns into an Eagle That Crows" with their parallel (similar to a strong conj and used as a timing device) coming mid-August 2004. It's instructive to think about what our governmental "representatives" were up to during those times to the extent that we may ferret out their dark corners of activity, planning, and organization.
As you know, '12Sag' is the USA's natal Ascendant in the Sibly chart - Pluto-Chiron, the plutocracy pair, came to call, or you could say 'became' America.
Then in December 2007 was the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, another plutocratic pairing on a very active day for the Fed as 'it' announced a lowering of interest rates and successfully undermined the dollar further.
BBC News reported this morning that approximately 9,000 American homes are being lost to foreclosure every day while Bush catapults the fear-mongering propaganda on TV with threats
and promises thinly veiled as warnings that jobs will be lost and money will dry up if his plea for Midas' gold isn't answered NOW. (Moon-Jupiter-conjunct folk like the emotionally immature Bush don't like to wait for their needs to be met.)
One assumes the American jobs 'lost' - that is, sold to the highest overseas bidder - hithertofore are of no consequence to our government (who made outsourcing possible) except as part of Bush's you-ain't-seen-nothing-yet threat.
Plus, Washington's use of 'systemic risk power' for bank takeovers is no better than Putin's nationalization program with Russian energy companies.
And although America has been flying high for decades her sights must necessarily be lowered by this manufactured financial crisis and its aftermath, and by our overreach militarily.
Astrologically I think that December '08 to February '09 will be an important window of time due to America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon on the Virgo-Pisces axis (victim-savior.) If you prefer the US Sibly chart it's exact on Dec 24; with the Scorpio rising chart, it perfects in February 2009.
Other possible birth charts for our nation give various dates of exactitude for our Secondary Full Moon, but we all know that we're peering through an extended crisis window of time.
~If you haven't seen the Progressions for the Sec Full Moon, go to my other blog, Jude's Threshold, and look on its Pages list in the sidebar for the December chart. (Since I'm still out of town, I have none of my notes - I'm grousing from memory here.) You'll find a link to my other blog on this blog's Links List...you may have to scroll down esp if you're using Firefox.
Part of lowering our sights is addressing homelessness and upholding the rights of the worthy and the unworthy poor. And as all three of my readers know, I'm nothing if not a pacifist - yet with four natal planets in Capricorn, a realist, too. That's why I was glad to find a certain article on TruthDig concerning the Catholic Worker and its founders Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin.
Here's a quote from Day's granddaughter, Martha Hennessey, which addresses American society and the state it's in. You'll spot some isms as well:
"Our society is more brutal than it was. The heartlessness was introduced by Reagan. Clinton put it into place. The ruthlessness is backed up by technology. Americans have retreated into collective narcissism. They are disconnected from themselves and others. If we face economic collapse, there are many factors that could see the wrong response. There are more elements of fascism in place than there were in the 1930s. We not only lack community, we lack information."
The Catholic Worker was founded in 1932 during the misery of the Great Depression and sold on NY streets for 1 cent per copy - its current price. With its "unwavering pacifism" and "hatred for unfettered capitalism" it was a bright light for the common man and woman in its time.
And thanks to the insatiable greed and corruption of current Washington and Wall Street fatcats, it may be one of the few honest and clear-eyed visions we can look to when it comes to transforming the heartless ruthlessness of our struggling American society - if 'real change' we 'can believe in' is what we truly want and can accept with humility.
Please read 'Fueling the Fire of Real Change' by Chris Hedges here:
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
bailout bill,
Catholic Worker,
Dorothy Day,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
US economy,
USA's Progressed Full Moon,
Wall Street crisis
Sep 24, 2008
Solving the Wall Street 'crisis' by Rep Marcy Kaptur: video
Here's the C-Span broadcast of the righteous presentation by Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) on the floor of the House in which she gives the rules of Wall Street gentry's playbook and closes with her own proposal which has to sound better to the American tax payer than the shell game we've been witnessing this week on Capitol Hill.
If you never watch another YouTube video, this 5 min 35 sec video is the one to watch.
Wall Street thieves held accountable? Rep Kaptur (an appropriate name in this instance, I must say) says it all as it should be said!
Kaptur has just entered my 1% of politicians who care about doing the people's business!
A big Shout-Out of Thanks to bacalove who provided the video link in a comment! ;p
Update Sept 24, 8:50 pm edt: see a fresh post on Bush's TV tout on behalf of the Wall Street bailout tonight (9 pm edt) here.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Capitol Hill,
Rep Marcy Kaptur,
Wall Street crisis
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