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Showing posts with label alcyone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcyone. Show all posts

Jan 3, 2011

Jan 4, 2011 Solar Eclipse: Astronomy and Astrology has good astronomical information concerning the January 4, 2011 partial Solar Eclipse (13Cap39), if you're interested in its physical manifestation.

Astrology Adds Meaning

The Jan 4, 2011 eclipse falls in the 13 North Series: 'groups and associations; large ambitious group projects which require the breaking of a previous bond which leads to success; separation, then joint achievement', to paraphrase Brady's Predictive Astrology.

Here's a video (which you may view by clicking the EarthSky link above) of the February 7, 2008 Solar Eclipse in the 10N Series. Astrologically: 'communications, frustrating or inhibiting events come along via news, paperwork, or a young person; feeling drained and tired.' (Brady.)

Almost sounds like a precursor to WikiLeaks revelations, doesn't it?

The Feb 7, 2008 eclipse above is the one I titled, The Unmasking Eclipse for its manifestation @ '18AQ', the degree of a man's true motives being revealed (from its Sabian Symbol)...again, rather WikiLeaks-esque.

The next Solar Eclipse that will be viewable from North America (and it's also a partial) will be on May 20, 2012 @ 00Gem21 in the 14 South Series: 'long periods of hard work, then success as an obsessive idea and methodologies are finally accepted (one-world-government? no! jc); a long-awaited breakthrough'.(Brady.) Or does 'long-waited breakthrough' have something to do with the much-ballyhooed 11:11 portal?

The May 2012 eclipse occurs upon Fixed Star Alcyone with the star's unfortunate keywords: 'something to cry about' and in her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal has titled it: Property Agreements with a possible treaty of some sort for the US, visiting ambassadors, and unsettled conditions.

In Horary Plain & Simple, Anthony Louis adds for Alcyone: sorrow, unlucky, exile, suffering, and in her Book of Fixed Stars, Bernadette Brady adds: inner vision and insight but judgmental, the Fates and the judging of the dead to this star of Eta Taurus which is of the turbulent nature of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters who weep.)

Judgmental anger and ruthlessness when dealing with those who have not fulfilled necessary requirements are indicated for May 2012 though there is potential for real insight and understanding if harshness is avoided.


Astro-Political Note: the 112th Congress gavels in at noon on Wednesday January 5, 2011 with US natal Chiron, the sacred warrior archetype, rising.

Aug 31, 2010

Obama on Iraq tonight 8:00 pm edt w/ Pisces Rising

This evening at 8:00 pm edt, President Obama will speak for approximately 15 minutes on the ending of official combat operations in Iraq, a war begun on March 20, 2003 6:35 am Baghdad time with 8Ari16 rising.

There's no time this morning to blog on the Iraq War chart itself but I can say that in tonight's TV speech chart, the first planet to rise will be 2003's Mercury 27Pis19, the spot where transiting Jupiter and Uranus have visited off and on of late and still hover.

Tonight at Aries Point tr Uranus 00Ari59 Rx is first to rise with Jupiter 00Ari59 Rx in tow as chart-ruler. As you know, any time a chart's ruler is Rx indicates delays having to do with the function of that planet. (This may refer to the '50,000' US soldiers left in Iraq. Now Jupiter indicates many things on various levels and billions of dollars in war costs is definitely one of them. The Bush-Cheney invasion of sovereign nation Iraq was begun with Jupiter Rx 8Leo25 which sat upon Bush's natal Ascendant and conjoined the natal Mercury positions of the GOP and Senator John McCain.

This at the time indicated to this reluctant astrologer a 'bottomless pit in the money department' as I described it. Eventually tr Jupiter in Aries will trine Iraq War Jupiter in Leo bringing a time of compatibility and success. Pisces Rising points to Neptune as well so we may find the speculation pair (Jupiter/Neptune) of influence in the President's speech tonight. Perhaps he will address the thorny issues of independent contractors and mercenaries.

At 8:00 pm edt in Washington DC this evening, the midpoint of Moon/NN, a significator of public contact, rises...Moon/NN = ASC: establishing personal connections; maintaining inner contacts with others.

Lots of publicity ensues, and pundits must have their jobs and salaries justified.

The Sun/Moon phase is Disseminating (261 degr 23 mins) which is a time when the info, message, and propaganda may be spread far and wide. 8:00 pm edt is an Hour of Saturn indicating 'stoppage' but also control of the narrative. Saturn 4Lib07 is in 7th house of the President's speech, the house of Partnerships, and traversing between US n MC 00Lib53 (Sibly chart) and our nation's natal Saturn (with our Saturn Return upcoming, a three-fer as mentioned in a previous post.)

But has America yet learned Saturn's lessons of accountability and responsibility?

Now with tonight's Uranus conjunct 2003's Sun 29Pis07, we may expect a 'going off in a new direction' theme (as advertised) in order to find a new identity - the ID as 'occupier' having grown stale and overly expensive. Also tonight's Jupiter hovers around 2003's Mercury showing a need for new experiences and methods yet taking on too many projects at once must come to an end. We expect the President to focus more attention and money on fighting in Afghanistan where many empires have failed before us.

Plus, we remember that the 2003 Iraq Invasion was a war of choice a la Bush and Cheney who shackled our nation in more ways than one with the power elite's misguided ideologies such as 'A New American Century' and the '1% Gang' of Dick Cheney and pals.

But since they were determined to do it, electing to invade after April 4, was the better choice since Jupiter the General would have been moving Direct thus shortening the war effort and costing less in taxpayer money. And with Saturn to US n Mars, it makes you wonder if the muddled outcome all these years was precisely their intention...more war profits, you know.

The North Node of public encounter conjoins 2003's Mars 9Cap41 (contacts concerning Iraq) near 2003's MC 4Cap59; tr Pluto Rx tonight @ 2Cap50 has crossed and recrossed the Iraq War's MC in recent months indicating that drifting along is no longer an option. Please form yourself a government, Iraqis!

Tonight, tr Pluto/NN = 2003's MC: dependence of one's future upon associations which influence one's objectives in life and may cause setbacks in one's career.

The speech's Moon 29Tau50 contacts 2003's NN 1Gem22 echoing the public notice of the President's speech which will be followed in Baghdad; Mr. Obama's natal Moon 3Gem21 is nearby and communicating (Gem) with the public (Moon.)

The war's Saturn 22Gem45 conjuncts US n Mars = circumventing rules and regulations is ill-advised; a firm determination to succeed is needed along with more organization and focus. Physical efforts are difficult to say the least with dampening Saturn on America's military forces planet, Mars, god of war.

Tonight's 29th-degree Moon is at a critical crisis degree which shows the the people's dire condition in America - and in Iraq - and Moon is the only one out-of-bounds which signifies a large amount of emotional insecurity about our daily needs which expensive wars tend to ignore, as we see on Capitol Hill. (Our needs are 'unaffordable' says Congress, yet more war funds are easily found, etc. Taurus is all about the creature comforts; Moon also conjoins Fixed Star Alcyone: something to cry about and has a mystical yet judgmental vibe.)

And of course, tr Neptune and Chiron continue traveling in tandem upon US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) so fraud is still an option for use against us as our domestic conditions continue to waver or disintegrate.

Looking ahead, the human tendency toward holding unrealistic expectations will be evident again regarding US foreign policy when tr Neptune reaches Pisces and conjoins the Iraq War's Uranus 00Pis30: ideals and ideologies will conflict with technical and economic conditions and almost anything can happen. One thing is clear: the US invasion of Iraq will reverberate in global society for years to come no matter how effectively President Obama says his 'peace' tonight.

Okay, 'nuff said. Except for three things:

1. tonight's Venus 23Lib is conjunct more than Arcturus (a different approach) and Spica (potential for brilliance), but the Iraq War's Moon 23Lib06 as well which indicates popularity of the idea, if not the reality, of US troops' combat operations ending in Iraq.

2. the Sabian Symbol for the President's Sun this evening...

'9 Virgo' = "A Man Making a Futurist Drawing"...EXPERIMENT...

positive expression: a gift for the illimitable expansion of the human mind and a consequent extension of its powers;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: complete and continuous confusion of ideas. (Jones.)

('Extension of its powers'?? Confusion used as an oratory tactic?)

3. tonight, the planet of the masses, mass media, deception, and glamour sextiles MC (the goal; the larger world) at 8:00 pm, so we may expect much subtly within the President's message as he uses Neptune's subliminal talents to influence policy and get others to go along with him, thus avoiding opposition and confrontation. He hopes, as he employs a vision and symbolism to create a framework for future decisions.

That's Politics!


Note: my experience timing TV appearances with their horoscope is that speakers usually begin about 2 or 3 minutes after the scheduled hour. If so, at 8:02 pm edt, the ASC = 19Pis10...'20Pis' = "A Table Set for an Evening Meal" which seems to refer to ending combat ops in Iraq; my greatest fret is that it also refers to the closing operations of our nation.

Aug 27, 2007

Aug 28: Lunar Eclipse 4Pis47

Here's the Lunar Eclipse chart for Tuesday which as you see is rising over the White House.

If you click chart to enlarge you may be able to read my chicken-scratch notes. And be sure to check out a cool photo of the March 07 Lunar Eclipse over DC with details of tomorrow's Lunar Eclipse, Turn Around, Bright Eyes at The DCist.

Rising in the chart is the South Node of the Moon so recently a visitor to George Bush's natal Mars which therefore is rising, too. (Hot air also rises.)

So is America about to be separated (SN) from its Martian president? Asteroid Sisyphus is conj Bush's n Mars these days; keyword: determination. And you know how Sisyphus kept on keepin' on rolling the Iraq up the Capitol Hill. Or something along those lines.

And with the 'executive privilege' fights that are coming up, Al Gonzales was jettisoned today, yet still the hot air balloon of state is dipping perilously close to the ground (ground = Saturn, in Leo--29 degr, a critical or crisis degree, Leo = leaders, yet Saturn is conj Fixed and Royal Star of Persia, Regulus, success if revenge is avoided.) In Washington? Puh.

At MC is Fixed Star, Alcyone, one of the weeping sisters: something to cry about, exile; lack of luck; suffering; mystical but judgmental. MC is, as you know, the Career/Public Status/Aspirations Point.

At IC, the Foundation of the chart is Toliman, aka Bungala, at a critical degree, 29Sco37: self-analysis; occult interests; honors; insensitivity; stubbornness; cruelty.

IC's degree is the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree of "1Sag" and so the Iraq invasion/occupation is at the base of this week's reflections and hidden issues which the Lunar Eclipse may bring to light, for this is a Full Moon over the White House.

There are a lot of other details in the chart, of course, but my typing finger is spazzing. More later if I can manage. Perhaps tomorrow--although my more-than-able colleagues have published on this Lunar Eclipse all over the web!

And then there's this:

Space Weather News for Aug. 27, 2007

LUNAR ECLIPSE--FULL COVERAGE: On Tuesday, Aug. 28th, the full Moon will enter Earth's shadow for a 90-minute total eclipse. People on the Pacific side of Earth will have the best view as the Moon turns a dreamy shade of sunset red. Favored areas include the Americas (especially western North America), Hawaii, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, east Asia and Antarctica. The show begins Tuesday morning around 2 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (0900 UT).

Although the dominant color of a lunar eclipse is red, sometimes another hue appears--turquoise. Earth's shadow has a turquoise-colored fringe caused by our planet's ozone layer, and this can be seen for a few beautiful moments at the onset of totality. Today's edition of shows you what the turquoise fringe looks like and explains how to catch it.

Also, amateur astronomers are encouraged to assist NASA during the eclipse by scanning the darkened Moon for explosions caused by Helion meteoroid impacts. Typical flashes reach 6th magnitude--easy targets for mid-sized backyard telescopes equipped with digital video cameras. The eclipse is a great time to look for these "lunar meteors."

Observing tips and more information are available at along with full coverage of the eclipse, including maps, animations, timetables, and links to live webcasts, begins now on

May 21, 2007

This Week in Washington 5.21.07

Since this week in Washington is critical you'd expect that the crisis flavor would show in the chart representing the week, wouldn't you?

Well, it does.

And even though the head varmint-in-chief has cleared out and hightailed it on down to his "ranch" in Texas, there is much hoo ha a-gwyin' on back at political headquarters in his sorry wake.

And no UN boss for dinner can hide the fact that the ornery cuss has a mess on his paws when he returns to the White House--it may even follow his tracks down to Crawford.

Monday's sunrise:

Can the Sun be at any more critical degree? 29Tau59..straining to be at 00Gem00..not a good place in the zodiac due to Fixed Star, Alcyone, keywords: rash or harsh judgements and narrow-minded to the point of being blind to the obvious. They say this varmint has a tin ear, too--and the Sun is in the "something to cry about" neighborhood.

It's almost 3:00 am edt right 3:00 am in DC, the Moon will be at critical degree 29Can+ and forming a YOD (Finger of God) pattern with Sun and Pluto ("29Can" is the "Daughter of the American Revolution" degree, btw.)

Apex Pluto in YOD formation has a need to psychologically accept a direction in momentous situations that he'd rather not, thanks. This Pluto represents someone who's in a high-level authority position but something from past behaviors and attitudes must be changed before a new direction can be undertaken.

Apex Pluto in a YOD pattern has karmic, long-time-coming implications with objectivity lacking and a total engrossment in an extreme perspective that is out-of-focus with surroundings.

The midpoint picture for this YOD is:

Sun/Moon = Pluto: critical time of development; separation to start anew; biased attitude; changed circunstances; a soul torn by inner conflict.

Then we see a Mutable T-square between Mercury/Jupiter = Uranus: curiosity; quickness in repartee or on the uptake; ability to give good answers when challenged; successful propaganda activity; a resourceful orator; effective advertising; sudden inspiration.

And apex Uranus in a Mutable T-square? Oh that's where it gets good and descriptive:

This (Uranus)is the radical thinker who defies tradition and is so erratic he's considered a social crank whose subversive ideas threaten society. His ideas may be too lofty to be practically utilized, and his idiosyncracies indicate a high-strung temperament which may operate willfully as a social catalyst.

The urge to break down and shatter what impedes his aspirations and ideals drives him to instigate sudden reforms that disrupt the status quo.

This is the social misfit who is willfully out-of-tune with the established order of his environment. The pressure being exerted upon him causes explosive--or even violent--outbursts for he is a law-unto-himself who defensively detaches his will from all outer pressures.

Hence his mosey down to Crawford!

There's more in the chart, of course, but the sandman is calling my name. Perhaps I can add to this post during the week...stay tuned, pardners...a bumpy ride pretty well describes this week in Washington.

(Apex info from: Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; midpoint pics from the usual: Ebertin and Tyl.)