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Showing posts with label Historical Horoscopes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historical Horoscopes. Show all posts

Jan 26, 2025

A Natal Chart for Alexander the Great!

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

From the category of Historical Horoscopes, and ancient ones at that, we can hardly do better than a natal chart for Alexander the Great, namesake of Alexandria, Egypt, and a fabled leader born July 19, 0356 BCE in Pella, Macedonia where his father, Philip II, was born. Its antiquity means that labeling the chart "speculative" is advised.

Note: Try as I might, I cannot induce my SolarFire software to accept coordinates for Pella, Macedonia so I'm using what it gives me; the correct location is listed on the chart so perhaps you can do better!

Below you see the horoscope for Alexander that I'm favoring of late although naturally you may have other ideas. Any astro-notes I have for this chart are penned on the image for you, and the Prenatal Eclipse Saros Series ("PE") into which Baby Alexander was born is not available information, as far as I can ascertain. Yet we know that the solar eclipse manifested in the sign of Taurus the Bull with all the positive and negative traits that the Venus-ruled sign may bring with it, possessiveness being one.

Now obviously, no one then was aware of power-craving Pluto which here conjuncts the Aries Point, a Cardinal World Point of Fame, Recognition, and Fortune; this is a major stand-out feature of his chart:

Recommended is Biography's mini bio of Alexander the Great: King of Macedonia - it's only 2m 51s and I selected just for you!

btw: Some sources give his birth date as July 20, 0356. jc

Jan 25, 2025

The True Liberation Day 1945

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Perhaps you noticed that on Inauguration Day 2025, Mr. T. in his speech referred to the occasion as "liberation day" for America, which is a typical ploy of a "thunder stealer" like he-who-shall-not-be-named-in-this-post. January 20, 2025 was also Martin Luther King Jr Day 2025, as you know, and shabbily a connection to Dr. King and what he stood for was clumsily attempted.

Yet we know that historically, the actual Liberation Day refers to January 27, 1945 when Russia's Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp along with the victims who clung to life therein. With the Army arriving at 3:00 pm that day, here's a Horoscope of Liberation Day 1945 plus, the same Horoscope surrounded by Auschwitz Liberation Day's Solar Return 2025 chart arriving this Monday:

As the charts reveal, in January 1945 a powerful Sun-Pluto opposition was in progress symbolizing people acting as agents for major transformation within a challenging environment - personal metamophosis is the key and it affected the liberators as well as the liberated. Other liberations of N*zi death camps followed. The 2025 Sun-Pluto Conjunction - Pluto of the Underworld - also relates to metamorphosis but with a streak of self-annihilation added within an evolutionary vs devolutionary challenge or atmosphere, as we have now.

Devolution suggests delegating power from a central government to people such as the fellow from South Africa whose recent salute onstage showed who and what he admires, if there was any doubt at all.

In closing, here's a previous post with a view of a related Historical Horoscope: When Hitl*r Became President.

Sun-Pluto info: Alan Oken.

Mar 29, 2024

Matt Schlapp's Astrology Chart

An Astrologer 1867 versus A Political Operative 1967

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

If Republican operative and lobbyist Matt Schlapp, pictured above, weren't such an election denying fool for Herr Trump, it might be somewhat amusing that he shares his steamy Fire-Water Sun Sagittarius-Moon Cancer personality blend with legendary Scottish astrologer, writer, lecturer, and theosophist Isabelle Pagan (1867-1960).

Here they are now:

So as you see above, the two were born 100 years apart! Mystic visionary Pagan on December 12, 1867, and Mr. Schlapp on December 18, 1967. Naturally, there are similarities and differences between them shown by their planetary placements so my study notes are messily squished upon the dual images for the curious reader.

One stand-put factor is that their Jupiters oppose one another by sign with Pagan's Pisces Jupiter indicating altruism, while Schlapp's Virgo Jupiter suggests excessive ambition. Considering their vocational callings, this makes sense. One similarity is that both were born with Chiron in Pisces, the crisis over connecting with the God force placement (Hand-Clow), and having a crusading temperament "in pursuit of the Ring of Power" (R. Nolle).

Disagree as you wish, but my guess is that such a pursuit for an altruistic astrologer would be for spiritual power and depth of knowledge, while a man working with success-at-any-cost politics would reach for the worldly, materialistic kind of power and control over others. How interesting then that Schlapp's natal Venus in Scorpio opposes Pagan's natal Pluto Rx in Taurus - is this a cosmic time link hint that conjures images of power struggles, underhanded manipulation, and even cut-throat competition? Because it reminds me of mobbed-up Republican operatives doing the bidding of you-know-who, Mr. Materialism himself. And now he's sacriligiously hawking Bibles!

Well after all, the Taurus-Scorpio polarity concerns finances, jealousy, envy, and the need to develop self-control rather than bossing around other people. You know: like control freaks trying to force their religious, social, and political ideas onto an entire country - as if genuine morality can be forced externally.

Okay, I'll quit fussing and add this: if you're wondering are there any other famous personages born under the auspices of the Sun Sag-Moon Cancer blend? Well, I know of at least two folks you've probably heard of: mystic poet and master artist-engraver William Blake, and guitarist extraordinaire Jimi Hendrix whose famous rendition at Woodstock (1969) of The Star Spangled Banner seems particularly poignant right now.

Why? Because here are Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse Updates concerning this tragic disaster. My sincere condolences go to all involved.

Note: during the 24-hour periods of Pagan's and Schlapp's birth dates, the Moons and Suns of both natives remained in Cancer and Sagittarius so we know this is their personality blend even if their birth hours are inaccurate. For more details see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad jc

Feb 26, 2024

The Iroquois Confederacy Eclipse repeats

Historical Virgo Eclipse Remains Influential

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the US Constitution

As most Americans know, the framework of the US Constitution (horoscope shown in bi-wheel form) was built upon the constitutional government of the Iroquois Confederacy (5 Nations +1). Taken as a sign, a Total Solar Eclipse @5Vir22:26 of August 22, 1142 marked the beginning of the Iroquois Confederacy at what is now Victor, New York. Perhaps I'm only now realizing the significance of the eclipse after the Full Moon of February 24, 2024 @5Vir23 (DC Horoscope shown) cast a bright spotlight upon my natal Saturn, a bit of a workaholic when in Virgo.

Then within the sphere of what I term a cosmic time link, this suggests that the 10 North themes manifesting on August 22, 1142 are now activated by degree in relation to constitutional and governmental concerns of our day. 10N themes are penned on the chart, and Sabian Symbols for "6 Virgo" and "6 Pisces" are listed:

So with the US Constitution involved, the SCOTUS bench, now ruminating on significant concerns affecting the future of American democracy, has a role to play and may be influenced by 10 North themes running in the background of current events. See the center of the bi-wheel for brief notes on the next manifestation of a 10 North Solar Eclipse in 2026, plus, the last 10 North of February 2008. And note that transits and progressions to the 10 North Horoscope of August 22, 1142 may be of value, especially since the US Constitution of 1787 continues to be under assault by fascistic enemies of America.

Feb 5, 2023

Cleopatra's 2023 Progressions spotlight Number 8

An Ancient Queen of Talent and the 'Art' of Politics

by Jude Cowell

Several moons ago I published an image of the Tyl-rectified natal horoscope of Queen Cleopatra which continually ranks number one on my WordPress blog's Most Viewed list with Dracula's horoscope usually ranking in second place. Both rectified horoscopes are found in Noel Tyl's book Astrology of the Famed (#ad); there may be a copy available.

Then after watching a couple of videos yesterday about Cleopatra, I decided to play around with that very same historical horoscope, progressing it and such. Results are shown here.

So out of curiosity, mine if not yours, first is a bi-wheel of Cleopatra VII's rectified natal chart (inner) and her Solar Arcs progressed to Monday February 6, 2023 (outer), with contacts circled. Notably, her current Solar Arcs (external influences, meetings) show potentials for discovery or a revealing of some kind (perhaps only publicity), and yet they do support the concept of transformation shown elsewhere.

Current contacts to natal include:

SA Sun @8Libra conjunct natal Mars, SA North Node ('NN") @28Taurus conjunct natal Uranus, and SA Uranus-Pluto conjunct natal IC - are these contacts "wake up calls"? The exact degrees (8/8 = Sun-Mars and 28/28 = NN-Uranus, The Awakener) suggest that karma may soon come knocking at her door (IC). Just a thought though. After all, she's been successfully hidden for a very long time, and we only have a rectified birth chart to work with so naturally some discrepancy is possible which would throw off the timing.

Cleopatra VII's Natal Chart with Current Solar Arcs:

My study notes are messily penned on; if you wish, please enlarge and/or print images for easier viewing.

Second image, below: Cleopatra VII's Secondary Progressions February 6, 2023: note the scintillating Air Grand Trine, protective as all Grand Trines are (from tomb raiders?), but also suggesting her isolation, separation, detachment, and her inability to ground her vision on the material plane - and yet, known for her ability to charm, her personal charisma continues through the centuries. Then within the Trine we find "A butterfly in a cocoon" and the concept of Transformation (Sun-Pluto). So for me, 'asleep in her sarcophagus' comes to mind, or the hidden place from whence one day she will awaken, transform, and fly away:

A note about progressing a deceased person's natal horoscope: with progressions we find updated indications, circumstances, and/or conditions issuing from natal planets that were operative for them in the past, but also hints concerning the individual during their lifetime because we can see how their natal traits and potentials have developed to whatever point in time we choose. Plus, we may also discover that our views about them and their reputations are being described by progressions if we choose to study the charts on such a level. So! Disagree if you must, but there it is. And also note that yours truly is a Saturnian astrologer who sees DNA and genetics in horoscopes, not 'past lives'. Through geni dot com, and my Strickland grandmother, I'm informed that Cleopatra VII and I have in-law connections, but no direct ties at all!

So as noted, Cleopatra's natal planets have progressed, developed and evolved in February 2023 to form an Air Grand Trine between Sun-Moon-Pluto with separation obviously part of the trio's implications thanks to death planet Pluto of the Underworld, plus, Moon (physical body; a woman; lunar symbol of Isis) is in the detached, rather cold sign of Aquarius. Her SP chart drips with karmic potentials within the trine pattern particularly in relation to the repetition of the 8th degree; plus, goddess planet Venus is also progressed to the 8th degree of Virgo, sign of the goddess. For as you know, during her reign as pharoah, Queen Cleopatra took on the insignia and regalia of goddess Isis (Aphrodite) - in fact, she was known as the "New Isis".

Now additionally within the closed-circuit Trine, we find "A butterfly in a cocoon" and the concept of Transformation or metamorphosis (Sun-Pluto). So for me, 'asleep in her tomb' comes to mind, or lying within the hidden place from which one day Cleopatra will awaken, transform, and fly away! But for now, I say leave the Queen at her eternal rest! We should mention her SP Uranus-Neptune conjunction, a planetary pair which denotes mysticism, but also elimination of the waking consciousness. For as many folks know from Scripture, "death is like unto a sleep."

Additional Details Concerning the Number 8

Let's consult Isidore Kozminsky's The Symbols and Meanings of Numbers (#ad) concerning the number 8 where we find that 8 links to "great power" according to the ancient Greeks who held that "All things are eight." And curiously, I've heard that Cleopatra was actually Greek, and not Egyptian at all. Significantly, the number 8 is also known as "The Gate to Eternity" which resonates closely with Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife, with the fact that the Queen of Egypt is long-deceased, and that so far her current whereabouts are unknown (see video linked, below).

And while it's true that Adriano Carelli doesn't round up degrees for his symbols, if we brazenly round up her SP Pluto to "9 Gemini" (where SP Pluto may have been years ago when direct, or at least transit Pluto was) Carelli's Degrees gives us, "An enthroned queen holding in one hand the Earth's gold surmounted by the cross; in the other, her sceptor." How plausible that her tomb may still hold just such rich treasures as these! Yet "the cross" reference may vibe more accurately with the Ankh symbol, the Key of Life.

And if memory serves, the Ankh is associated with fixed star Sirius, prominent in Egyptian star lore, and which conjoins the Queen's natal Neptune @16Gemini where her SP Jupiter now visits! No, he didn't know about Neptune, one supposes, but the pairing of Jupiter-Neptune now created suggests glamour and dreaminess, but also a loss of touch with reality, a description of physical death when that's what applies.

Meanwhile, other prominent concepts associated with 8 are justice, power, and separation. And of course Western Astrology ties the 8th house to death, Transformation, the occult, mysticism, and to the 8th Zodiac sign of Scorpio, which closely links to ancient Egypt and the scarab beetle, a solar symbol, plus, to scorpions, a phoenix rising, deep research, and regeneration. See Ancient Symbols of Egypt for details.

Now in closing, here is a link to National Geographic's 44-minute presentation The Lost Tomb of Cleopatra in case you missed. I mean really now, dear reader: how intriguing is such a topic?

Jul 14, 2022

A Horoscope for The Pilgrim Fathers

Plymouth Rock; Raime, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

July 14, 2022

Perhaps you've noticed that Wikipedia maintains a page concerning the Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony with quite a bit of basic information, including names of the Separatists, Merchant Adventurers, and other participants of the endeavor. And it's possible to discover one's descendancy from signers of The Mayflower Compact or other passengers by researching their surnames. For that purpose, a handy list is provided by Mayflower Society, for millions of Americans are descendants. Plus, you may also wish to check out's 7 Famous Mayflower Descendants. The list includes a mild sprinkling of US presidents: John Adams, Zachary Taylor, and James Garfield, plus, actor Humphrey Bogart and artist Norman Rockwell.

Why, any American reading this post could be a Pilgrim descendant, too! So if you've yet to discover it, why not investigate whether or not you descend from one or more of the Mayflower Compact Signatories with the famous signing occurring aboard ship on November 11, 1620 while it anchored in Provincetown Harbor.

So below you'll find a Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers as published in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes #ad (set for December 21, 1620 6:00 pm LMT Plymouth, Massachusetts, and unaltered by yours truly). None of my study notes are penned on in case you'd like to print a blank copy of the horoscope.

However, I'll add an astro-note or two: With Sagittarius rising (sign of strangers, foreigners, adventurers, explorers, religious folk, and immigrants!), Jupiter in the practical money sign of Taurus rules the chart and the enterprise, and as you see, Jupiter and an undiscovered Pluto (undiscovered then, but you and I know it was there) are closely conjunct @11Taurus23/40. Both are retrograde ('Rx') in the 5th house of Risk-Taking and Gambling, with Jupiter's Rx condition suggesting potential delays of some kind within one or more Jupiterian realms.

And so this power-laden planetary pair hints that the leaders assuming control were plutocrats, financiers, speculators, and organizers accustomed to handling large projects, but with a definite emphasis on powerful religious figures able to express leadership qualities. And with Jupiter-Pluto involvement, there's even a potential for the squandering of resources (which did occur, I've read).

Yet perhaps the enterprise's primary emphasis as shown by this planetary pair is investment in the form of funding from the London stock company which made the venture possible for the Separatists. Meanwhile, sailors, men hired to protect company interests, and the indentured servants who made the perilous journey across the Atlantic are represented by the Mars-Neptune conjunction. And of course, planet Uranus must relate to the very ideas of separatism and a breaking away from the rest - first, from the Church of England, then from the Old World to the New.

Now in closing, a final note: it's beyond the scope of this post, but here may be an idea worth taking up: That the self-righteous Puritan streak of our Pilgrim Fathers rearing up and causing social and political turmoil in America (and expressing within society on one level as the Republicans' implementation of 'handmaidism' of the chained woman) may be lurking within the 1620 Horoscope of the Pilgrim Fathers, perhaps signified in part by Venus in sexy Scorpio opposing the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction. We basically saw evidence of current-day (and inherited?) misogyny appearing before our eyes with the recent Alito draft leak of his Supreme Court decision striking down Roe v Wade which included a bizarre citing of a judge from ye olden days of the Salem Witch Trials when women were persecuted, even executed - sometimes in order to rob them of their property.

To which I say, Judge not, lest ye be also judged.

So now you, dear reader, know why I finally got around to publishing A Horoscope for the Pilgrim Fathers.

Feb 4, 2021

2021 Solar and Lunar Eclipses Repeat from 1931

February 4, 2021: During his Live broadcast today, and speaking of the 'Republican Party', Thom Hartmann stated that,"--what we're seeing, much as in Germany in 1931, is a major political party turning fascist."

In relation to the rise of fascist militias under figurehead Tr*mp and their goal of seizing power, seen by all on January 6, 2021, the following are lists of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 1931 (top) and those of 2021 (bottom) in the 5 North and 5 South families of eclipses with basic themes of the Solar Eclipses added (top):

Now it's true that the themes of 5 North and 5 South sound quite mild but they are still disruptive 'wild cards of the Universe' in that Uranian way of all eclipses, with the power to reveal inconvenient secrets or facts that change directions of events and contain the possibility of scandal and disgrace.

Solar Eclipses in both the 5 North and 5 South Saros Series also occurred in the years 1913 (@16Ari/6Lib), 1949 (@8Tau/28Lib), 1967 (@18Tau/9Sco), 1985 (@29Tau/20Sco), 2003 (@9Gem/1Sag), (2021), and 2029 (@00Can/23Sag).

Jupiter-Pluto: The Plutocrat Pair

Historical events during these '5 North/5 South' years may serve as clues for potential events of 2021 into 2022. Also note that year 2021 holds no Great Conjunctions but 1931 was the year of a mighty Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction on May 27, 1931 @19Can16 (goosed by the Total Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021?) as was year 2020 when Jupiter met Pluto three times: April 5, June 30, and November 12 in the sensitized degree range of 22 to 25 Capricorn and therefore conjunct US Inaugural Midheaven ('MC' @26/27Cap).

Jupiter to MC says that good fortune without accountability can be easily lost; Pluto to MC suggests the attainment of power but with regret if others are allowed to make decisions (which to me is a hint that wealthy manipulators, domestic and foreign, must not be allowed to take over and direct the presidential agenda. A vain hope?).

Related: Historical Events of 1931.

Also see Thom Hartmann's segment How To Stop Fascism.

Update 5:26 pm est: Nazi Rise to Power Eclipse will soon repeat.

Nov 18, 2019

Cold War Horoscope 1945 meets Saturn-Pluto 2020

Cold War-Yalta Astro-Notes: 1945 and Beyond

by Jude Cowell

It's probably not good news that one of the planets in a historical horoscope soon to be 'hit' by the harsh January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction @22Cap46 is Mars in the February 4, 1945 Cold War Horoscope of the postwar Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill, and Stalin which suggests potentials for 'brutality, violence, ruthlessness, and the necessity to fight for one's existence' (Ebertin). Additionally, the January 12, 2020 conjunction of compressed energies manifests upon the Cold War's 19 South Prenatal Eclipse ('PE' of January 14, 1945 @23Cap41 = 'lucky breaks'--Brady) and it conjuncts Trump's natal Vertex ('VX' @22Cap51), all of which are penned on the right side of the chart; Roosevelt's birth data is listed, upper right; and a Vertex is a point of 'fated encounters' and/or 'changing work conditions':

Also listed on the chart underneath FDR's natal data is a depressing cosmic occurrence--Yalta's Saturn Rx @4Can36 conjoins FDR's natal Moon, and Yalta's Moon conjoins FDR's natal Saturn--a double whammy, we could say. So obviously, the conference was held during an emotional low point in Roosevelt's life, plus, Moon-Saturn contacts often have health connotations. We can see this in Yalta photos and the dark circles around his eyes.

Then sadly, as you know, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died of a brain hemorrhage about 2 months after the Yalta Conference ended, his "willful ignorance" about Stalin and communism no longer influencing him. Yet due to recent events and Trump's turns against traditional US alliances, one may wonder if in 2019 and beyond the tendency toward such 'ignorance' continues to influence certain denizens of Washington DC who thereby work against the better interests of our nation.

Recommended: Roosevelt's Failure at Yalta from the Hoover Institute circa 2004 which touches uncomfortably upon the current day relationship between the US and Russia via Donald Trump's transactional, subservient union with Vladimir Putin. Alternatively, here's a different view, Why Roosevelt was right about Stalin - that we could do business with him because at heart Stalin was a businessman. So was FDR naive about the Russian leader of his day? Does Donald Trump behave like a Kremlin asset? The horoscope, above, has some indication of threatened violence and of course many folk (such as yours truly) suspect that Putin controls Trump bwo blackmail and/or threatened violence--and perhaps Stalin controlled Roosevelt in a similar fashion. If so, are current events and those of the Roosevelt administration and the Stalin regime more alike than we know?

Well, for more info on 1945 events, try a Politico article by Andrew Glass Roosevelt departs from Yalta, February 11, 1945 which details some of the aftermath of the Yalta Conference such as FDR's assurance to Congress that, "I come from the Crimea with a firm belief that we have made a start on the road to a world of peace." But it soon became clear that Stalin would not honor his promise of free elections for Poland. Naive? Willful ignorance? Complicity under duress?

So I surmise that the upcoming planetary pile-up upon the 23 Capricorn degree indicates a cosmic time link involving events of 1945 and today, with the same nations participating. And on the horoscope you see (mid-center, top) a notation replete with on-topic cosmic synchronicity: 23 Capricorn = Governmental authority, according to fabled astrologer Nicholas Devore.

So as 'they' always like to say, timing is everything which suggests to me that whatever upcoming shift "this is," it has been in the planning stages for a very long time meant to coincide with the beginning of a new order timed by Saturn conjunct Pluto, then at Winter Solstice 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn upon US Inaugural Sun (the Office of the President), and with three conjunctions of the wealthy plutocrat duo Jupiter and Pluto sandwiched in between.

Oct 12, 2019

2020 Saturn-Pluto in the Roman Empire Horoscope

October 12, 2019: As a sort of follow-up to my October 10th post Are We Waiting for the Empire to End or Witnessing It? here is the Horoscope of the Roman Empire as provided by Nicholas Campion in his classic The Book of World Horoscopes, chart #255; basic chart-notes are scribbled about, as you see, so please enlarge if you wish to read them:

The Roman Empire--"the Birthday of the New Order"--Campion p. 249

ASC 4Tau34 so 10th house Venus is chart-ruler in materialistic Taurus but with no applying aspects which emphasizes her sign and house position; the Venus-Pluto midpoint rises = 'wielding great influence over others' (Ebertin), and as you know, 'goddess' Venus is an archetype of Mary and of other older goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Isis, even Ceres (the mother) which figures prominently in various symbols across Washington DC (Masonic emblems such as wheat shafts, etc, with Virgo the Virgin an obvious identifier). Plus, America's 'Columbia' falls within this panoply. Yet we mustn't forget the ancient Roman Cult of Mithras, the gold-loving 'god' worshiped by Roman soldiers--especially since gilt-edged Trump must admire him, too.

Now the Roman Empire became 'a thing' during a certain Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE'), of course, and in 8th house you see highlighted in red its PE @20Sag08 which perfected on December 13, 028 BC (conjunct Trump's natal South-Node-Moon conjunction of awkwardness and emotional deprivation). Unfortunately, my software doesn't go back that far for eclipses so I have no themes to provide here. Yet a few clues may be ascertained by the fact that the eclipse manifested in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (opposite the empire's natal Jupiter Rx @20Gem58). Jupiter the General leads a Locomotive shape of the planets and is ruthlessly determined on success. Note that ideal-oriented Jupiter, planet of expansion, adventure, and the crossing of boundaries, rules both 8th and 9th houses--spheres of the occult, death, and of foreign lands and philosophy.

So when a PE is in Sagittarius, negative tendencies can naturally interfere with karmic progress so I shall list the potentials here for your consideration: religious convictions which may or may not be spiritually correct, misguided beliefs, misplaced idealism, and/or false optimism. The development of a spiritual philosophy is a best-results requirement of a Sag Prenatal Eclipse with Jupiter ruling codified religion. Here, Jupiter is retrograde which may suggest the blending of church and state with the state having the stronger role initially and the church as hidden manipulator. Please note that I wasn't there at the time so this is only speculation on my part.

On January 12, 2020 Saturn and Pluto Confer as Karma Occurs!

Now one reason I've taken a closer look at the Horoscope of the Roman Empire and am publishing the chart here for future reference, if needed, is to locate the January 12, 2020 Great Conjunction of Saturn and Pluto. As you see, Saturn-Pluto @22Cap46 will conjunct the empire's Sun @21Cap33 at Midheaven ('MC'), The Goal and Aspiration Point (aka, The Why? Point), toil, sparing no pains in one's work--Ebertin--and will oppose the empire's natal Saturn Rx (16Can56 ) and Pluto (26Can51)--their midpoint @21Can53. Additionally, natal Mercury @26Cap19 is roped in to these difficult, karmic energies as well along with its natal Mercury-Pluto opposition of secret projects, hidden motives, clandestine manipulation, dangerous activities, spies, and a tiresome tendency to interrogate others. This qualifies as transit Saturn and transit Pluto opposing natal Saturn and natal Pluto (abuse of power and authority issues challenged; battles for control engaged).

To say the least, it will be riveting to see what developments take place on an empire-collapsing and/or world government level as 2019 ends and 2020 continues heating up as the American Empire is shaken to its core by a gang of saboteurs and infiltrators with fascist tendencies resulting in a further disintegration of democracy and ultimate collapse of the US government if the hollowing out of our traditional institutions is allowed to continue.

And yet as world history shows, old orders must always give way to the new. But what species of 'new' will be implemented should be the choice of humanity, and not of those who are determined on the destruction of civilization!

A recommended video (8m35s) narrated from A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn which opens with the timely question, "Empire or Humanity?

Jul 2, 2019

July 2019 and America's First Independence Day 1777

Are you in a celebratory mood this year in spite of Trump towering over Washington DC and interfering with our July 4th traditions? First, you may wish to check out 14 Fantastic Facts about the Fourth of July by David Roos just to capture the flavor of the day which promises to sport the Baby Trump balloon floating over the city!

And as most Americans know, the Declaration of Independence, dated July 4, 1776, was first read aloud publicly in Philadelphia's Independence Square on July 8, 1776. The next year, despite the ongoing American Revolution, John Adams called for "bonfires and illuminations" to celebrate our first Independence Day 1777. And if we check out the cosmic weather on that day in July 1777 we find a 14 North Solar Eclipse @13Can10--conjunct the US natal Sun of July 4, 1776. A solar eclipse 'eclipsing' a natal Sun can denote a change of direction in a positive or negative way, a cosmic spotlight cast upon America's leader/s, a few moments of openness to the eternal realms, plus, a chance for karmic progress to be made if events brought by the eclipse are handled correctly. In Moon-ruled Cancer, sign of the homeland, patriotism, and self-protective urges, an eclipse suggests potentials for emotional extremes and attachments, spiritual attunement to situations, and karmic family ties particularly of the maternal persuasion (R. Lineman).

That such things expressed during those trying times under the influence of the 14 North eclipse I have no doubt and they would be personalized for our leaders (1776 Sun). Additionally, an eclipse in Cancer also relates to genealogical research and with transit Mars on July 1, 2019 @29Cancer+, this degree's Sabian Symbol was activated: "30 Cancer" = "A Daughter of the American Revolution" (guilty as charged!). Well, since 1777 our July 4th celebrations are intended to stir the American Spirit within us, right? (the D.A.R. publishes a magazine!) That is, for those who possess such a spirit as certain 'leaders' nowadays do not. In fact one such personage plans to make July 4th 2019 all about his huge ego with new 'Sherman tanks' that haven't been produced in years (will he hallucinate them?) and a pompous military display marching down Pennsylvania Avenue to mass disapproval! Why, it smacks of martial law in DC, my former city of residence, and is completely unacceptable! Not to mention a wasteful extravagance.

Eclipses July 1777 and 2019

Okay, I'll hush for now about empty displays of US might staged by a superficial man desperate to be taken seriously by the world and mention that July 1777 held both a Solar and Lunar Eclipse as does July 2019 - and all four eclipses fall across the Cancer-Capricorn axis. This in a sense creates a sort of cosmic time link between 1777 and 2019 and considering current Washington antics, plus, the dystopian future most people fear is being implemented, one may wonder if July 2019 will in retrospect be a book-end of our national independence. Hopefully not, and of course you may disagree, but there it is.

And so, for your consideration, the following dual horoscopes represent the Total Solar Eclipse (which actually perfected on) July 5 1777 at 7:23:45 pm LMT Philadelphia with 12Cap28 rising and 6Sco35 at Midheaven, and the Lunar Eclipse of July 20, 1777 @27Cap59 conjunct eclipse Pluto Rx (28Cap57) and US natal Pluto Rx (27Cap32) (a cosmic foreshadowing of the RNC 2016 Full Moon conjunct US natal Pluto). Follow the link, above, to view the July 2019 eclipse horoscopes set for DC. Below, some basic chart notes are messily penned on if you'd care to enlarge the image; eclipse themes for the difficult 14 North series are added here as well:

14 North Themes: 'a peculiar turn of events; an acute time of confusion in personal relationships; unexpected happenings in financial matters; possible illness; draining of energy; despair; no important decisions should be made as there is to much confusion and possible delusion to make clear judgments' (Predictive Astrology, B. Brady).

The last 14 North Solar Eclipse manifested on November 25, 2011 @2Sag37 as the Sequestration Eclipse and at least some sequestration provisions remain in force in 2019. Plus, the 2011 14N eclipse was re-activated by the May 21, 2016 Full Moon @1Sag36, a lunation that yokes us to Campaign 2016 issues (with 'sequestration' said to have been a buzzword for 2016 Republican candidates who were lost for words on the topic!) and the continuing travesty, tragedy, and drama that is Donald J. Trump, our pompous-a**-in-chief.

Yet as noted above, a spark of merriment promises to heighten our annual Independence Day celebration on Thursday, made dreary by his nibs, for the 'Baby Trump' balloon will crash Trump's Fourth of July Party as part of Code Pink's 'Trump is a Big Baby Festival'! Now independently speaking, that's what I call something to celebrate!!

Dec 30, 2018

Death Horoscope of George Washington Dec 14, 1799

Astro-Notes on the Death of George Washington with Eclipses of Influence

by Jude Cowell

If you wish, view the natal horoscope of George Washington, Rodden Rating: AA; born February 22, 1732 (NS) 10:00 am LMT Colonial Beach, Virginia; ASC 18Tau28 ('19Taurus': "A Newly Formed Continent"); MC 29Cap34 ('30Cap' = "A Secret Business Conference" and natal IC (Roots) '30Cancer' = "A Daughter of the American Revolution.")

Below is my proposed Death Horoscope for George Washington set for a speculative time of 10:12 pm LMT, Mount Vernon, Virginia on December 14, 1799 after supervising his estate on a cold, snowy day (Dec 12), eating dinner still wearing his wet clothes, and riding out again the next day (Dec 13). Historical records give his time of death between 10 and 11 pm on the evening of December 14 and I'm using 10:12 pm because of the several Angular planets in the chart, both transit and natal (natal placements are in blue around the chart; also note that the difficult Saturn-Uranus midpoint rises at 10:12 pm = mourning and bereavement. Please enlarge the image to read my study notes which include the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of his death, plus, the even closer to the event Lunar Eclipse @20Taurus (sign of the throat) which hit Washington's natal ASC-DESC axis on November 12, 1799; (ASCendant = the physical body.) Themes of Washington's 4 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse ('PE") are penned on, lower right in orange, along with the date and degree of the next 4 North eclipse at Summer Solstice 2020 @00Cancer, a major cosmic event (to be posted on later).

Mars = fever and infection (with Neptune = infectious disease)

Closer than the eclipses to the evening of his death was his then-in-force Mars Return of January 5, 1798 with transit Pluto square natal Mars (details in the center of chart), plus, his next Mars Return (23Sco13) which perfected on December 15, 1799--the day after his death; Mars at the IC (endings) is highlighted in lavender-pink, and along with contagious Neptune and wounding Chiron, present a trio of infection and disease made much worse by the three attending doctors (Chiron):

ASC 3Vir14 makes Mercury chart-ruler yet with no Ptolemaic application, this denotes the importance of Mercury's sign, Saturn-ruled Capricorn, and house placement (5th h of Risk-Taking). It's an Hour of feverish Mars yet instead of reading Washington's Death Horoscope in the usual way, I shall use Ebertin's The Combination of Stellar Influences and the biological correspondences it provides for the planetary pairs present in the horoscope. The biology of the pairs will be added to medical notes taken from 10 facts about the horrific death of George Washington, plus, another excellent source on the topic: PBS NewsHour's July 4, 2011 article The 9 Deadly Diseases That Plagued George Washington all through his life. Among them are diphtheria (throat, breathing), tuberculosis (lungs), malaria, dysentery (bowels), quincy (tonsillitis), pneumonia (lungs), smallpox (age 19), and carbuncle, a growth on his face (was it cancererous? no one seems certain.)

My idea is that after his cold, calamitous 5-hours-long ride in snow, hail, and high winds on December 12, 1799, the return of one or more of these chronic infections may have played a part in his suffering (or been a prime cause) during his final days--diphtheria in particular since its symptoms resonate with his condition as he took ill (see below).

Add to his weakened constitution the ineptitude of the physicians who attended him and debated how to treat him which included certain awful "remedies" of the era such as bloodletting. Over 10 to 12 hours they removed approximately 35% of the blood from his system which naturally left his immune system weaker than before, created a 'water-blood imbalance' and possibly brought or worsened bladder issues (Moon-Saturn) which could have resulted in shock during his final hours of "calm." Shock would have contributed to or caused his subsequent death. And the Mercury-Saturn pair suggests inhibited speech which his throat condition certainly provided. His last words? "Tis well," murmured to his personal secretary, Tobias Lear.

During Washington's later hours of misery, the application of Spanish Fly (Cantharides--a powder made from the dead bodies of a certain beetle, a known toxin) was a major medical misstep for its application to his throat, the source of his complaints, caused blistering, diarrhea, and kidney inflammation which only increased his agony. This hideous powder was a "false remedy" (Jupiter-Neptune) and did not remove poisons from his system, as apparently they'd hoped.

Now the symptoms of George Washington once he took to his sickbed were as follows: a terribly sore throat, trouble swallowing, difficulty speaking, convulsions, distress, expectoration of phlegm, and bouts of suffocation (which followed his gargling of vinegar and sage tea, if not before). Note that diphtheria symptoms include an extremely sore throat and a pseudo-membrane at the back of the throat which can cause suffocation. Also note that a tracheotomy to ease his labored breathing was suggested but since it was a new procedure, it was not employed. Diphtheria also releases a toxin into the bloodstream that damages the heart - was his heart previously damaged? (Saturn-Uranus = heart blockage; Rising = mourning and bereavement--opposite Pluto = major harm, and a tremendous fear of loss).

Now as you know, Virgo-Pisces is the victim-savior axis (6/12) and it rises and sets in the horoscope (ASC '4Virgo' = "A Colored Child Playing with White Children"...freedom for Washington's slaves was part of his Will which he wrote himself on July 9th--however, Martha freed them all sooner than he'd specified--good on her).

As you see, 1799 Uranus, planet of shocks, is in Virgo (bowels) and is apex planet of a T-Square between Sun and Jupiter = a sudden turn. Expansive Jupiter Rx @26Gemini conjoins Washington's natal South Node, a Saturnian point of separation--similar to 1799 Uranus in Virgo opposing GW's natal Venus (critical @29Pisces) = separation from a female or females, broken relationships. Plus, rising in 1st house is Uranus conjunct Saturn-Neptune, the pair of 'weakness and sickness' - triggered by Uranus = 'sudden illness'. GW's first natal planet to rise in the Death Horoscope is his 6th house (Health) Jupiter in Venus-ruled Libra, sign of balance. Perhaps the Venus-Jupiter pair hints at over-rich or sugary foods and/or possibly diabetes.

Now George Washington suffered with bloody dysentery and debilitating abdominal pains off and on during his lifetime and who can deny that the torturous 'treatments' he received during his final days, including at least one enema, were nauseating and obviously could make most any chronic condition worsen. Few men could withstand it!

Plus, the T-Square's Sun-Jupiter opposition is interesting for biologically the pair suggests 'tissue elements of the organs, particularly the glands, regenerative functions of the blood' (unless it's been pilfered via a wrong diagnosis (Jupiter-Neptune); plus, Sun-Jupiter is 'particularly important for the restoration of health'. Yet tragically with so many forces against him and medical knowledge lacking, it looks as if the sterile (Step-?) Father of Our Country didn't stand a chance of restoring his health. And priding himself on his Capricorn habit of punctuality (Moon @16Capricorn, a reigning need via Saturn, ruler and keeper of Time) he just had to eat dinner in wet clothes. And what did he eat for dinner? No idea but I do know that the Sun-Jupiter pair can also point toward 'illness through the wrong nutrition' with corpulence as one result. The Jupiter-Uranus pair also applies to our topic for its biological influences suggest: 'the organic rhythm of life; peristalsis of the intestines; convulsive fits; colic with no time limit; magnifying or exaggerating everything; zealous representation of one-sided views'--and 'a turn of destiny'.

Now there are other health indicators of disease in Washington's Death Horoscope such as a semi-square between Jupiter-Saturn ('chronic disease; an organic defect (e.g. tubercular cavity in the lungs); gall and liver functions'. So since GW contracted tuberculosis during an island trip with his brother who wanted to recuperate from TB, his lungs probably didn't aid him during his last-ever throat infection which could have triggered a relapse of diphtheria or other infection/s. Even the Venus-Saturn square is problematic for biologically this pair can represent such conditions as 'glandular malfunction' or 'atrophy', 'swollen glands', 'goiter', and/or 'pulmonary emphysema'. And we should include Sun-Saturn (sesqui-square, a health indicator) for the pair suggests potentials for: 'cell death; rheumatism, hereditary afflictions, and/or arterial sclerosis'.

Whew! There are more health indicators in the chart worth mentioning but that's gracious plenty for one post--and we have only to read about them, not have them greatly magnified by incompetent, ill-informed physicians who were concerned about being blamed (just like doctors nowadays). So my kudos go to any reader who made it to the end of this astro-consideration of the Death of George Washington. And...

May The General R.I.P.

A Related Video: Where Is the Tomb of George Washington?

Above image: 'Portrait of George Washington' by Gilbert Stuart {public domain}

Apr 13, 2018

August 2018: Democratic Party's natal Saturn eclipsed

In 2014, I published a horoscope for the Democratic Party set for February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC. This founding data is apparently based on The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, according to an astute reader of SO'W who took strong exception to a version I had previously posted.

The reason I mention this today concerns the current turmoil in Washington DC and the problems said to be occurring within the Republican Party. Why? Because The Tower Solar Eclipse which manifests on August 11, 2018 @19Leo will 'eclipse' the natal 3rd house Saturn in the 1801 Democratic Party horoscope which may be viewed by following the link, above. Of course, astrological Saturn represents various things such as the status quo, The Establishment, reality, authority, seniority, accountability, the boss, lawmakers and lawyers, legal matters, business managers, government officials, limitations and rules, denials or delays, the past, and the potential for karmic losses based on past actions. At times in Political Astrology, Saturn also represents the Democratic Party, other times the Republican. The parties tend to switch roles between generous Jupiter and austere Saturn depending on who's being extravagant and who's complaining about it in order to score political points. Basically, America has 'ruling elite' vs We The People which you've undoubtedly noticed before now.

So I find it curious that a 'Blue Wave' of voters leaning against Republican candidates is said to be arriving at Midterm Elections 2018 and The Tower Solar Eclipse, the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the Midterms! with its 'collapse' motif, seems to hint at the possibility of a landslide for the Democrats in the House if not the Senate--unless the entire election system collapses. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to control the House yet considering past election cheating in the US (exs: hacking of ballot machines, voter suppression, gerrymandering of districts, dark money and propaganda paid for by meddling billionaires and oligarchs, compromised SCOTUS justices, media echo chambers, foreign interference which has not been addressed and therefore is championed) We the People cannot be certain that the results of the 2018 Midterms will be honestly tallied and announced. Besides, it's not who or how many vote, it's who counts the votes, isn't it? And with Uranian chaos-creator Trump behaving just like Putin would do, we know how the kingpin-in-chief stands on such GOP-favoring tactics which may actually expand due to Republican fears of a Blue Wave.

For these deceptive tactics, and by November perhaps for other reasons, an 'eclipse' of the Democratic Party's natal Saturn implies to me the possibility that a 'Blue Wave' will be diverted at least partially by the GOP and their financial backers and political operatives, both here and abroad. And of course influences brought by the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse can begin as early as late July so let's keep collapse themes--political, social, political party, White House, crime families, and/or financial--in mind as Summer 2018 proceeds toward November Midterms and slightly into 2019 for the first Solar Eclipse of 2019 manifests on January 6 @15Capricorn in the 2 South Saros Series of gaining a great deal from group involvement (Brady). This may relate to any and all winners on November 6th and times the first week in January when new congress members will be sworn into office on Capitol Hill. Considering all the Republican defections and resignations this year, there should be quite a number of oaths taken.

So in spite of political dirty tricks used and inconvenient secrets revealed, all Trump resisters must hope that, as promised, millennial voters will turn out en masse on November 6, 2018 and vote the varmints out! Disagree if you must (and knowing that Democrats are compromised corporatists, too, but slightly less objectionable toward the general population)...there it is.

This, from USA Today: Does House Speaker Paul Ryan's retirement signal a blue wave in the fall?

Now is it curious that astrological Neptune, planet of erosion, deception, and fraud, also rules the blue seas and the waves--and is now in process while floating through its own sign of Pisces of perfecting an ongoing five-fer Neptune Return to the watery planet's 1854 position (14Pisces) in the Republican Party natal chart?

Apparently for the GOP, 2018 may be a Blue Wave time indeed!

Related is a discussion in the Noel Tyl forum of the founding of the Republican Party with horoscope included. Closest natal planet to the degree of The Tower Eclipse (18Leo41) is the Republicans' 1854 Mars @26Leo--not close enough) which in 1946 was conjoined by the natal Mars (rising) of a red-faced little Donald Trump. His baby days are long over, but he's still red-faced and squalling.

Also note that at least one other version of a Democratic Party horoscope exists, one by astrologer William Stickevers set for May 21, 1814 12:00 pm LMT Baltimore, Maryland. Is this a Maryland State Party chart or is it national? On Facebook I've asked William for historical information and will await his reply, if any, since Google searches have been unsatisfactory so far.

above image: Neptune Ascends

Jan 7, 2018

An Updated Horoscope of the US Presidency

Jan 8, 2018 Update: thanks to Kate Plumb it has come to my attention that the updated horoscope set for 1:00 pm, below, does not reflect an accurate time that George Washington took the Oath of Office so here I post yet another updated horoscope set for the hour the Mount Vernon website Timeline gives for our first presidential Oath--2:00 pm LMT, which gives a natal Horoscope of the US Presidency. Hopefully this will be the final updated chart!

As we would expect, an hour's change results in a few differences between the horoscopes. Exs: the Hour belongs to Jupiter now instead of crusty old Saturn. South Node of the Moon (the tail of the dragon) no longer swipes the MC from the 10th house side for it has crossed the MC into the 9th house. Mercury and Venus are posited now in the 8th house rather than the 9th and the MC is now in Gemini instead of later Taurus and so is ruled by Mercury, chart-ruler of the Ascendant (now 13Vir27, not 1Vir37). This removes the interception of Gemini and Sagittarius across the 4/10 axis. The 3/9 cusps are in Taurus-Scorpio rather than Aries-Libra.

I leave the 1:00 pm chart, below, for comparison's sake, and simply add the updated 2:00 pm chart to the post. Naturally, the festivities in NYC began earlier that morning for it was basically an all-day event which makes the 1:00 pm chart viable. (Follow the link, above to check out the full Timeline). Most of the 1:00 pm chart's details remain the same such as chart-ruler Mercury applying only once, a conjunction with Venus, powerful Pluto in Aquarius leading a Locomotive shape, and the 7 North Prenatal Solar Eclipse of the event (and the Presidency) is in the 3rd house of Communications rather than the roots-oriented 4th. You may spot other changes as well.

Now here's the 2:00 pm LMT Oath of Office horoscope of the US Presidency which is titled, Inauguration 1789 to distinguish it in my files from the 1:00 pm chart:

Original post begins here:

April 30, 1789 1:00 pm LMT NYC:

A number of years ago I had found '12:45 pm LMT' as the timing of the first inauguration of George Washington (April 30, 1789 Wall Street, NYC) and 'went with it' for setting up a horoscope of the US Presidency. This was the time George Washington and his escorts arrived for the ceremony and the source I had used is no longer with me for it was stored on a pc that crashed years ago.

So today I'm finally getting around to publishing an updated version set for 1:00 pm LMT which is closer to the time the Father of Our Country took the very first Oath of Office on a Masonic Lodge Bible and (nervously) began delivering his Inaugural Address.

Note that in the '12:45 pm' chart, 29Leo arose which received the cosmic blink of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017 and which conjoined precisely the natal Ascendant of Mr. Trump. Please enlarge to read chart notes for little text concerning the Inauguration Horoscope of 1789 (the Natal Chart of the US Presidency) will be added here today. Yet we should note that President Washington's first natal planet to rise in this chart is Jupiter Rx @8Lib37 followed by his natal Pluto Rx @17Lib41, the natal degree of Donald Trump's 2nd house Jupiter Stationary Direct. (Jupiter-Pluto = plutocrats and large-scale projects.)

Additionally, for those who find value in Secondary Progressions for 'updating' a horoscope concerning its natal promise, the US Presidency is currently laboring within a Balsamic Lunar Phase (the 'dark of the moon' = endings, partings, separations) which, based on the horoscope you see here, began on October 7, 2015 with SP Moon @6Sco41. The US Presidency will experience the symbolic 'new beginnings' of an SP New Moon @25Sag16 on April 11, 2019 which was perhaps cosmically foreshadowed by the December 18, 2017 New Moon @26Sag31, a time of seeding, that was fulfilled by the New Year's Day Full Moon of January 1, 2018 @11Can37--falling as it did between US natal Jupiter (5:56) and Sun (13:19).

And although the natal horoscope of 1789, as you see, shows a Locomotive shape of the 'high-powered executive' demanding success (POTUS!) with out-of-bounds ('OOBs') Pluto as the engine (see chart notes on the 6th house Pluto in Aquarius), the SP New Moon horoscope of April 2019 shows Uranus Rx @9Leo06--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Pluto 10:02--in SP 5th house of Speculation and Gambling--the maverick who now quirkily leads our national Locomotive to and fro for his own and his family's personal gain. And of course, Donald Trump's natal 10th house Uranus in Gemini is his oriental planet which guides his odd behavior via chaos and eccentricity as he disrupts America's traditional leadership roles domestically and across the globe.

Thus the rebellious blend of Uranus with Pluto suggests reforms and a subsequent 'new order' so apparently it is time for one to supplant the 'new world order' which began in 1776 with the rise of America as the New Atlantis. And as you see, the midpoint of the old order vs new order pair of Saturn and Uranus sits atop the Goal Point (MC) of the US Presidency's natal horoscope and forms a midpoint picture that Noel Tyl gives as: break away from the old, and/or, loss of self to the grip of controls - in 1776. Yet nowadays, Mr. Trump continues in his attempts to unravel the US Presidency, the US Constitution, our traditional checks and balances, the typical roles of the three branches of government, the US Justice System, our rights and freedoms, the National Treasury, our foreign alliances, and more. Yes, with Trump, US reliability is tossed out the White House window! And like abusers everywhere, his tactic is an attempt to separate our nation from all who could aid us against his overbearing authority! For the proposed border wall, a money pit, would shut us in more than shut others out.

But as I've noted in a previous post, perhaps we'll know more of what's in store for Mr. Trump and his chaotic leadership style around the time (or up to two weeks prior) that his Prenatal Solar Eclipse Series repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North Series with its difficult themes of 'unfortunate news' and 'endings and partings' (Brady). For with a majority of Americans and others heartily unimpressed by Trump's 'styling' of the US Presidency, perhaps his 2 Old North PE be the trumpet call of a sad good-bye.

On the cuss'ed topic of Mr. Trump's 2 Old North PE, let's close with this from a previous post:

'{Manifesting} on July 13, 2018 {is} a Solar Eclipse @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series which is the Prenatal Eclipse (PE) series of quixotic Donald J. Trump, swamp-drainer extraordinaire (not!) His 2 Old North PE occurred on June May 30, 1946 @8Gemini conjunct US natal Uranus which suggest potentials for revolution, resistance, protests, unrest of the people due to his actions and rhetoric, upsets in the nation, a break for freedom, and/or violence.' Will the break for freedom be his own escape from the White House? A gal can dream, can't she?

Related Posts include: In Tribute to Master Mason George Washington and Coming Soon! In February 2018 is what I'm calling the 'We The People' Solar Eclipse hitting by degree the US natal Moon.

Nov 19, 2017

Horoscope: General George Washington Resigns His Commission December 23, 1783

General George Washington Resigning His Commission; John Trumbull [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

In the Old Senate Chamber at the Annapolis, Maryland State House on December 23, 1783, the Commander-in-Chief of America's Continental Army, General George Washington, voluntarily resigned his commission as leader of our forces which created the model for a US government under civilian control rather than becoming a military generalship. Although our traditional civilian leadership may or may not be the actual case any longer, let's consider the resignation's horoscope and some of the cosmic influences of the era in which this historically rare event took place near the end of 1783 while hoping for better days ahead.

Now you may wish to refresh your memory with eye witness accounts and other details of the event including the elegant dinner held the preceding night (December 22, 1783); if so, the Mount Vernon Digital Library is an excellent resource. Note that after the dinner "13 toasts were drank under a discharge of 13 cannons," as noted by Rhode Island delegate, soldier, and politician from Pennsylvania, Thomas Mifflin. This I mention lest anyone think that the number '13' and every other number were unknown as the basic components of Creation and, along with what we today call 'Astrology', was a topic of study which deepened one's understanding of the cosmic realms back in the era of America's founding perpetrated by our Founding Freemasons (which Washington and several other founders were--and some were more besides, as politicians are now.)

George Washington in Masonic Apron; Library of Congress Washington DC

Ready to resign, retire, and return to his farm at Mount Vernon, General Washington arrived on December 19, 1783 in Annapolis where Congress had convened, and, happily for you and me, the historical record asserts that Congress had on the day prior elected (chosen) the manner, date, and hour that General Washington would address them and relinquish his commission. Therefore, an accurate horoscope may be set up of the Resignation of General George Washington and here you see it surrounding George Washington's natal chart with his Saturn, planet of responsibility, rising:

With a curious synchronicity, Jupiter and Pluto were in process of conjoining at his resignation and echoed Washington's natal Jupiter-Pluto conjunction which identifies him as one involved in vast financial enterprises and who will risk himself in dangerous situations. Yes, the 'good life' awaited him at Mount Vernon yet with the Jupiter-Pluto pairing, we think of a powerful and transformative (Pluto) General (Jupiter), a rather good description of George Washington once the Revolutionary War was won.

Mar 9, 2017

Horoscope of World War I: a Turning Point in History

A Natal Horoscope for World War One

by Jude Cowell

For quick reference Wikipedia provides a Timeline of the war years which include Austria-Hungry declaring war on Serbia on July 28, 1914 (after the assassination of King Ferdinand, a pretext) and this is the horoscope you see here:

Here is an interesting treatment of World War One generals from a British point of view by the BBC: Has history misjudged the generals of World War One? Lions led by donkeys.

Dec 15, 2016

Is This the Most Important Date in US History? video (w/ Astrology)

Way before 1776, history was happening which related to the future establishment of America (aka, Plato's Ideal, the 'New Atlantis', etc) - events of great consequence such as this:

A Few Brief Astro-Notes concerning July 28, 1588 (NS) 'noon' off the coast of England

Often what 'pops out' in a horoscope when looking at it for the first time are conjunctions of planets, how close are their positions by sign and degree, houses occupied (especially if a specific time is known for calculating the chart), and any other pertinent information. On the day Britain bested the Spanish Armada, the Sun @5Leo was separating from oceanic Neptune (1Leo21), traveler Mercury @22Leo22 was almost partile conjunct boundary breaker Jupiter (22Leo56), and warrior Mars @14Cancer trined rebellious Uranus in mid-Pisces and squared powerful Pluto at critical degree (12Aries).

Significantly, a Jupiter-Saturn square applied (5A32; from Leo to Saturn in late Taurus) and Saturn and Neptune were sextile (2A53) denoting a time of idealism vs pragmatism. It seems the naval battle for both countries took large amounts of planning but for someone, the follow through was lacking and certain rules may have been bypassed. Obviously, this sextile's opportunity for violating the space of others was operative and may also be one area where Mercury-Jupiter's planning came in.

Curiously enough, the Lunar Eclipse of February 10, 2017 @22Leo falls directly upon 1588's Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and may uncover, as all 'wild card' eclipses are wont to do, previously unknown plans for expansion and/or conquest especially in relation to Britain, America, Spain, or another realm currently under a monarchic system. (That America groans under such a system is hardly debatable these days, though you're welcome to disagree).

Unfortunately for my own understanding of this long ago event (if not for yours), there are discrepancies in the listing of Solar Eclipses in Brady's Predictive Astrology so that the famous 1588 naval conflict's Prenatal Eclipse Series' themes are unknown because its particular Saros Series ended years ago. As for the Fire-Air Sun Leo-Moon Libra combination of energies that day (which seem more applicable to the event than if an earlier Moon in Virgo is used), one of the Harveys' Images for Integration may be relevant to this important historic event and the era in which it occurred. See if you agree:

Sun Leo-Moon Libra: "A monarch discusses poetry with a visiting diplomat." (Sun Sign-Moon Sign). Of course, one of the monarchs involved in this event was Queen Elizabeth I, a pragmatic, reliable double-Earth Sun Virgo-Moon Taurus personality born during the time of a Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Cancer, a planetary duo perfect for one involved with sociopolitical enterprises and for serving the needs of the masses via far-reaching, lofty ideals. And as you know, old orders can lead to new orders under the combined energies of Saturn and Uranus (past vs future).

Now another chart factor stands out for it conjoins the Aries Point of World Manifestation (00Aries00:00) and that's the July 28, 1588 position of the Uranus-Pluto midpoint @29Pis21, the revolutionary pairing of planets so often active during events whenever freedom, power, war, and explosions are involved. The Armada's defeat and the motivations behind the conflict relate to the establishment of the British Empire, eventually to the founding of the American Empire, and to the obsessive expansion of both. I mention Uranus-Pluto because Queen Elizabeth I's natal Neptune, planet of The Seas, was transited during the battle by that midpoint which gives an enlightening picture of potentials we may read as: transit Uranus-Pluto = natal Neptune: knowledge of human nature; delving deeply into supernatural realms (she did!); a peculiar nervous state when excited; the occult. (Ebertin, Tyl, Munkasey). Did Astrology guide the Queen's choices concerning this event? Surely she consulted her favored court astrologer John Dee! (His natal chart is linked, below).

Yet on another level, we may wish to read the midpoint picture more simply as 'war and powerful revolutionary events' (Uranus-Pluto) on the high seas (Neptune). Works for me.

Ultimately, Britain's defeat of the 'invincible' Spanish Armada inspired a wave of nationalism and bolstered increased interest in the colonization of the North American continent and the settlement and subsequent founding of America. Which is why some people call July 28, 1588 The Most Important Date in US History.

A related post: The Natal Horoscope of John Dee.

Above NASA photo: Neptune.

Dec 24, 2015

Christmas Day 2015: the Coronation of William I Dec 25, 1066

Christmas Day 2015 is the 949th anniversary of the Coronation of William I (William the Conqueror) so why not mark it here at Stars Over Washington in time for tomorrow's celebrations since the Norman Conquest irrevocably changed the course of history and because everyone loves a coronation.

In The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion displays a coronation horoscope but apparently no precise hour of the ceremony is recorded in history. Therefore, 'noon' is the typical fall-back position in such a case which places the Sun (king) at the top of the chart, the most visible point signifying Aspirations and Public Status.

So at noon on December 25, 1066 at Westminster Abbey, London, England, the Moon hung upon a critical 29th degree @29Pis03--anxious to reach the Aries Point of Fame, Recognition, and Prominence but not quite 'there'. However, as a victorious warrior, William's reign might best be described by a Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries personality blend with soldier Mars ruling Aries. Or during his reign, did he exhibit more of a compassionate and sympathetic nature that a Pisces Moon suggests? Hmmm...

Let's briefly compare the Images for Integration for both Sun-Moon blends as given by the Harveys in their useful book, Sun Sign-Moon Sign to see if any seem to apply to the crowning of a new king:

Sun Capricorn-Moon Pisces: "A wine collector uncorks a rare vintage to celebrate a success...A child builds a castle of reinforced concrete...Bilbo in Tolkein's Lord of the Rings. (This hero's journey blend is shared by J. R. R. Tolkein, Benjamin Franklin, and Paul Cezanne.)

Sun Capricorn-Moon Aries: "A Roman city-state is attacked by barbarians but its solid walls keep the marauders at bay...An impetuous entrepreneur persuades a conservative banker to back an ambitious project." (This blend is shared by Konrad Adenaur, Albert Schweitzer, and Diane von Furstenberg.)

Now what do you think? For me both blends seem applicable to the event and its long lasting effects and after all, the Moon floated through both Pisces and Aries on Christmas Day 949 years ago (but a Cancer Full Moon this year!) Therefore, I shall forego the either/or decision on the Coronation of William I and simply choose both the Fish and the Ram to go celebrating with the Goat.

Oct 1, 2014

Constantine the Great's Conversion and "the New Rome" - video

Since Washington DC has been referred to as "the new Rome" and Constantine the Great moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Turkey dubbing Constantinople as "the new Rome" it's always been interesting to me to delve into Constantine the Great's conversion to Christianity which contemporaries and historians since have not always accepted as genuine. This, of course, involves the Vision of the Lighted Cross he had on October 27, 312 just before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge where he defeated Maxentius, then entered Rome in triumph on October 29, 312. Rome's Arch of Constantine continues to commemorate his victory.

But as the following excerpted 4-min-32-sec video points out, Roman Emperor Constantine may have been seeking forgiveness for murdering his son and having his wife suffocated in a hot steam bath, two acts which might bother the conscience of almost any dictator of the global expansionist variety--and pagan priests had refused to pardon him for his crimes:

Come to think of it, I'm not certain the sin of murder bothers the consciences of our modern crop of imperial expansionists who would have to have consciences first. You've seen them: they read their Global Government scripts like dead-eyed robots.

Related: The Empire Never Ended.

Sep 24, 2014

US ally Bahrain: August 14, 1971 with September 2014 influences

Now that Bahrain is reported to be one of five Arab nations partnering with the US in the fight against ISIS-ISIL-Islamic State (known in France as, Daesh) in Syria and Iraq, I shall post here the natal details for Bahrain (26N13 50E35) which was granted independence from Britain on August 14, 1971 at 10:00 am GMT Manama, Bahrain. The proclamation was broadcast over the radio by Shaykh Isa Bin Salmon Al Khalifeh.

On that date Iran radio reported that the proclamation was published during the afternoon while Kuwait radio broadcast the news at 10:00 am GMT, 2:00 pm Local Time. The chart details above uses the 10:00 am time of the Kuwaiti broadcast though I intend to set up two horoscopes for Bahrain including the 2:00 pm Local Time chart.

A glance at the 10:00 am GMT shows an out-of-sign conjunction between Jupiter (27Sco14) and Neptune (00Sag16), the planetary pair of speculators, spendthrifts, and inflation. Of course, religion or religious fanaticism may also be part of the Jupiter-Neptune archetype along with an oil and/or gas component. Considering current war alliances, perhaps I might mention that nebulous Neptune's rounded-up degree in Sabian Symbols is: "A Grand Army of the Republic Campfire" (1Sag; Jones).

Opposite the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (rising at 10:00 am GMT) is a depressive Moon-Saturn conjunction in early Gemini (3--6)--and curiously Bahrain's natal Moon @3Gem20 precisely conjoins President Obama's natal Moon @3:19! The energies of Moon-Saturn combined may denote ambition, direction, and strategy though Saturn's habits of control and restriction dampen the Mutable Moon (the people) and the lighter-hearted Jupiter opposite in the money sign of Scorpio. Neptune opposed by Saturn as well hints at difficult social conditions for the good people of Bahrain.

At Midheaven in the 10:00 am chart is Mercury @10Vir26, strong in one its two signs yet Rx which may indicate some lack of attention to detail within the wording of the proclamation. (You know the trickster Mercury deal: never sign agreements or contracts of any kind when glitchy Mercury is retrograde--or take Oaths of Office as in 2009.)

Leadership's Sun @20Leo56 conjoins Venus (17Leo18) so Bahrain has had a Venus Return not so long ago (Venus now approaching 24Vir) plus, a Jupiter Return (the 'reward cycle' as Noel Tyl calls it) is upcoming with generous Jupiter now just under 15Leo, the Lion Point. Is their war alliance expected by the Bahrain government to bring great gains as timed by a Jupiter Return? A Jupiter to natal Venus transit certainly adds a potential for benefits with a tendency toward overindulgence and luxury (as usual, I imagine!) yet since Venus can be vengeful, perhaps there's an expectation that a rival or two will be vanquished in the US-led fray.

Now as you know, sunny Leo is the sign of the natural leader and of monarchy and a Sun-Venus conjunction often indicates a chameleon-like ability to say or be what others want (on cue--a thespian), and/or an attractive yet self-satisfied attitude.

And since we're talking war--or more specifically, perpetual war--rebellious Uranus @10Lib50 is approximately 11 degrees from powerful Pluto @28Vir08, both in 10th house of Public Status in the 10:00 am horoscope (MC 11Vir18.) As you see, Bahrain's 'midlife crisis' has occurred when transiting Uranus in Aries (now @15Aries Rx) opposes natal Uranus, a time when something out of character may be done. Is participating in US airstrikes and military action in Syria that something? After all, the midpoint picture formed now is natal Uranus-Pluto = transiting Sun: great tension; revolution (Tyl.) Reinhold Ebertin adds: catastrophe and any war is definitely that.

So is this alliance of death from the air 'plutocrats united' in a 'march of the imperialists'? Well, Bahrain's late Virgo Pluto trines US natal Pluto (27Cap33 Rx) and the just-stationed-direct @10Cap59 Pluto (September 22) will slowly creep toward a trine with Bahrain's natal Pluto which to me indicates easy opportunities to cooperate with global string pullers who are intent on forcing a 'new world order' upon the Middle East, a desired 'world domination' by the West which ignores the reality of the natural cycles of rise and fall that every civilization inherently expresses.

The US government insists that our nation remains in an expansion phase though reality might beg to differ with Washington especially on financial and societal levels. But such conditions are made more complex and cloudy by the massive amounts of undisclosed foreign funds that #SCOTUS allowed into our election cycles as of January 2010 with their faulty Citizens United decision.

A final Bahrain note is warrior Mars @15AQ55 opposing the Sun-Venus conjunction in Leo. When Mars opposes the Sun we expect aggressiveness with quarrels and conflict easily aroused, even attracted. Partisan causes tend to be accessed only in black and white terms, and jealousy of rivals may be a prominent feature as well. A Venus-Mars opposition indicates great sensitivity in relationships, difficulties between the sexes (with Mars aggression and abuse problematic); plus, financial disagreements occur in personal and business partnerships.

Well, that's a brief view of Bahrain from where I type and you may certainly disagree as you may! However, my main purpose is accomplished: to place Bahrain's natal data conveniently within reach as the folly-of-war military conflict now in progress--which is now openly admitted by Washington to last years (for it's been planned for a long time, Syria being one of the West's dominoes to fall)--becomes out of control as it almost assuredly will.

Data source: historical record from The Book of World Horoscopes, Nicholas Campion.