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Showing posts with label politcal astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politcal astrology. Show all posts

Mar 31, 2007

when killers speak of killers

"The best way to protect this country is to defeat the enemy overseas so we don't have to face them here at home. And for the long-term peace and security of this country, we must advance an ideology that stands in stark contrast to the ideology of the killers. The best way to secure this homeland is to stay on the offense, and in the meantime, encourage the spread of liberty as an alternative to tyranny."

George W. Bush--using same old tired rhetoric with no apparent recognition of the hypocrisy of his sentiments. Guess takes one to know one has seldom been so obviously shown to so many on behalf of so few.

Bush's catapultin' rolls on. Do you accept killing as a "viable" solution to the world's problems? I don't.

Is there a nation on the planet who longs for the same (sham) liberty the Bush-Cheney team has brought to Iraq?

Only their brother dictators could for their own self-serving reasons and for help in controlling their own unwashed masses...their dream? to be part of the world-domination league, the biggest crime syndicate the world has ever known.

The Roman Empire is considered a close second, I suppose, but greedy globalists are taking the world cake.

Now as a US citizen and Child of the Revolution with a dash of noble Cherokee blood, I love America for many reasons--rephrasing...I love the ideal of America which has been espoused since her inception about the time the Angel Gabriel is said to have given George Washington America's natal chart for July 4, 1776 (Sibly's imaginative version of how it happened--even though the signing of the D of I continued past July, some say.)

But it's tres difficult to be proud of my government these days assuming I ever could, so I may as well remind myself of the Sabian Symbol for our nation's natal Jupiter 5Can+:

"6 Cancer": "Game birds feathering their nests"...METICULOUSNESS:

"This is a symbol of the unlimited degree to which the spirit of man may develop and preserve its initiative by utilizing the natural course of things in the world at large, and of the satisfaction anyone may know through his conscious participation in a group destiny. Individuality flourishes whenever it is able to establish its personal rights over some desirable segment of reality, and thereupon justify its own being by fulfilling the expectation of others.

pos: high intelligence for the service of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: unnecessary concern over everyday security." (Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)#

It's our concern for security that's undermining us and liberty taking the hindmost.

But if you prefer "5Can" for our national Jupiter you get: "An automobile wrecked by a train"...DISPERSION:

pos: a special genius for a creative reorganization of all experience;

neg: an insensitive recklessness."

Either way, the gamebirds have themselves well-covered while shoving the rest of us into chaos and despair. Just as they envisioned...the war in Iraq is going so well, says top gamebird Dick Cheney.

By their fruits you shall know them.

Mar 26, 2007

Novak: Bush is alone

No kiddin'!

If you read Robert Novak's column Bush is isolated from GOP lawmakers in the Chicago Sun Times, you may find Novak attempting to save what's left of his "party of better management" which has been revealed to be otherwise.

In this article you will learn that Alberto Gonzales is the "least popular Cabinet member on Capitol Hill" and that the "I-word (incompetence) is used by Republicans in describing the Bush administration generally."

Well, it took them a while to discover that their "commander-in-chief" wasn't so very good at governing...thing is, they don't seem eager to criticize the things he's done--undermining America, her Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions, etc--just how he's done it all. Guess if he'd been "competent" he'd still be the cat's meow to the GOP.

Instead, he's alone and unable to "help" his GOP brethren who are not lining up in support of Gonzales as they did for Rumsfeld--and the Rs got snookered on that one when Bush cut Rummy loose, so who can blame them?

Current transits to Bush's natal chart:

Months ago I posted on Saturn's visit to Bush's natal Ascendant (his nibs himself) which occurred around Katrina Time--when we first heard Bush choke on the word accountability, one of serious Saturn's favorite words.

And here's my Oct 2006 mention of the Saturnian Scythe now bedeviling Bush, the lonely leader.

Now as you know, Saturn is still in Bush's first house and has recently conjuncted his n Pluto--the same transit I posted on concerning Al Gonzales--power and control issues--scroll down to read.

Also in first house is Bush's n Venus, and I remember posting around Katrina Time that this would be a time when Bush won't be "feelin' the love." Under Saturn-to-Venus, relationships become fraught with seriousness, including joint ventures, and more structure is imposed upon them.

Bush's Pretzel Parties may be stymied or curtailed altogether as a gloomy picture prevails under this transit.

We may also consider his n Venus/Pluto midpoint (Pluto 10Leo35; Venus 21Leo30) with Saturn hanging out between...

Ven/Pluto = Saturn: the sense of tragedy; immorality.

Seems to me Bush brought both to the world and in that he's been overly over-achiever in the tragedy realm.

Simultaneously today, tr Mars 21AQ52, and tr Neptune 21AQ07, are opposing n Pluto and Venus.

Ven/Pluto = Mars: a brutal and coarse expression of feeling; temperamental emotionalism (he must be awfully p-o'd these days, ya think?);

Ven/Plu = Neptune: immorality (again); possible instability in relationships.

Tr Neptune opposite Pluto is a generational influence unless and until one is personally involved in power/control structures, as he is, so:

Political and economic power are eroded by current society's thinking and ideals--one's power structures are threatened.

Tr Neptune opposite Venus: relationships suffer under very confusing, unclear influences now...deception, mistrust, and undermining conditions affect dealings and interactions with others. Promised cooperation is on shakey ground--false promises are prominent (watch out, Al G!)

Diplomatic gestures are self-serving or empty and are not likely to advance in any meaningful way. Social status and joint projects are subject to strange circumstances, misunderstandings, and loss.

The last reminds me of the Brit sailors in Iranian waters--some have related the situation to the Gulf of Tonkin Reso-illusion that finagled the US into Vietnam...history repeats?

Over at the National Press Club today, 1:00 pm edt, former GA congressman Bob Barr, David Keene (American Conservative Union), constitutional scholar Bruce Fein (served in Reagan adm as associate deputy atty general), and direct-mailing pioneer Richard Viguerrie are presenting their new American Freedom Agenda.

This so-called AFA is being billed as an effort to "restore civil liberties under assault by the executive branch."

As long as they're not following the Bush-Cheney-Rove model of naming things the opposite of what they do (I'm lookin' at You, "clean" water and "clear" skies) we can all be onboard, but it rtbs...remains to be seen whether or not this will amount to anything helpful to America for the proof is always in the pudding, and by their fruits you shall know them.

Melinda Henneberger has more info at HuffPo if you're interested in the scoop on these late bloomers in the Stop Bush department.

Perhaps it's a wonder America is still kickin' at all--extremists attacking her without while the GOP and their allies undermine her from within. Bad timing? Or a well-planned assault to cause the sheeple to go along with the proffered New American Union with Canada and Mexico?

Funny--I thought that's what America was and is--a "freedom agenda."

Having Bob Barr and Richard Viguerrie as America's champions to save the day? Priceless.

Jan 23, 2007

David Petraeus Nov 7, 1952

It's been said that if anyone can improve the situation in Iraq, it's Gen. David Petraeus.
Here's his solar/sunrise chart for Nov 7, 1952. Wikipedia gives him as 'growing up in Cornwall on the Hudson, NY' but doesn't say he was born there. Of Dutch-American parents, his father was a 'sea captain' which may be inferred from Saturn (father) conjunct Neptune (the sea), among other things.
And with the sunrise's Sun/Moon 18Vir11, he will surely be an early mention in tonight's SOTU address by Bush, the man who appointed him with a hail-mary pass. And after wondering several weeks ago here on SO'W just who Jupiter was representing--Jupiter, the General--it is fairly safe to assume--given how things have played out with Bush's isolation and the Iraq War--that Petraeus, on some level, is Jupiter.
This may be supported by his natal Sun/Jupiter opposition--which certainly makes Petraeus a Jupiterian--but unfortunately, a Sun/Jup opposition indicates someone who tends to promise more than he can deliver.
Yet unless he was born a minute or so prior to midnight, his natal Sun-Moon personality blend is Sun Sco/Moon Cancer which may help him rein in his out-of-bounds tendencies (which include having Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars out-of-bounds making him exceptional--perhaps a thinker-out-of-the-box extraordinaire.)
With natal Mars exalted in Capricorn--an efficient and appropriately controlled placement for Mars to be--military authority has been his desire--now satisfied with promotion to General status.
And so we see that the mailed-fist-in-a-velvet glove combo of Sun Sco/Moon Can gives him resilience, courage, and an ability to "feel where things are at" and then to take appropriate action to do something about helping restore harmony.
Sounds great but rescuing Bush's Iraq mess will be the miracle of the century if he can help there--and will Bush take his advice? Will US politics will be more important in Washington?
And it must be the 'velvet glove' people respond to so easily since he seems to be well-liked by all who know him.
Here are the Images for Sun Sco/Moon Can:
A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage...A mother passionately defends her delinquent child and pleads for a compassionate verdict...A surgeon develops life-saving methods. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Chas. and Suzy Harvery.)
Sounds like he's in the right profession and SO'W wishes him well in this massive save-America's-bacon task...just hope his overconfidence doesn't mirror that of George Bush.
Outside Petraeus' chart I have scribbled the transits for Jan 4, 2007, Sun conj Mc--when his commandership was announced and okayed by Bush. The operative midpoint of the day, however, was speculative, dreamy, philosophical Jupiter/Neptune....
Jup/Nep = Sun: speculation; irresponsibility; squadering of physical strength; the act of deceiving or being deceived; following a dream; potentially misguided states; feeling the spirit.
Jup/Nep = Mc: a visionary; a fortune-hunter; a speculator; a squaderer or spendthrift; harm or damage through thoughtlessness; potential for all kinds of self-indulgence.
(Note: there is some indication in his natal chart of alcoholism but hopefully that monkey resides the appropriate cage.)
Some of the above midpoint pictures may apply to Petraeus--or to those around him.)
Well, time is short today, m'peops, so I'll pick up later on Gen. Petraeus, plus, I'm sure you'll find more details on him in the blog entries of my esteemed colleagues!
There is, too, the SOTU address this evening...and the state of the union is deteriorating (whether Bush admits it or not--will he begin with the usual "strong" boast? Gerald Ford didn't!),...deteriorating just as bin Laden hoped it you ever wonder just which side Bush and pals are really on?
Midpoints pictures from: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; and Natal and Midpoint Directory, Dr. Noel Tyl.

Dec 16, 2006

Blair sinking in sleaze

Here you see today's transits for noon, London, to Tony Blair's natal chart.

As you know, Mr. Blair is under tremendous pressure of late--as is his twin George Bush--and we see here recent transits to Mr Blair's 12th house planets.

Read The Scotsman's take on Blair's troubles (which are often self-created) Blair sinking amid sleaze allegations for details.

Now 12th house-ers are usually good at secretive occupations dealing with large organizations such as--you guessed it--politics, and Blair's having Venus (relationships; values; money), Mercury (thinking; communications), Sun (ego; true life purpose), Jupiter (one of two Social planets relating to the expansion principle, to optimism and confidence, and negatively to hypocrisy and to over-confidence--a manifestation often seen in charts of politicians along with 12th house back-door-deals for pocket-lining); Mars (energy; action; intitiative) lined up in 12th house (of Self-Undoing) is great for strengthening purposes until a bunch of transiting planets come along to knock them over like bowling pins.

If we see these planets as ACTORS opposing Mr. Blair we may see that for some time--certainly since 2005 when Jupiter opposed natal Venus--he has been under great stress. Most of these recent oppositional transits involve such things as:

plans, ideas, opposed or dismissed out-of-hand; unfavorable time for group endeavors, meetings (Mars oppo Mercury: Oct 17/18, 06);

unfavorable for ego-related situations; bad time for displaying arrogance or aggression or to resist the authority of others; Half-Birthday--time for reassessing one's progress or its lack (Sun oppo Sun, on or about Nov 8);

discontent with personal achievement (or wealth!); a difficult time to find anyone who is the least bit impressed with you;; overblown efforts and discouraging comparisons (Jupiter oppo Jupiter, 3rd week Nov);

others actions/efforts are diametrically opposed to your own; the hitting head against the proverbial brick wall transit; aggression succeeds even less with equally determined force against you by others (Mars oppo Mars, on or about Dec 11.)

These are just some of the effects of the last several weeks to Mr.Blair's natal chart in the opposition realm...and there's the ongoing tr Saturn to natal Pluto, the power planet.

Now many people--self included--are of the Pluto-in-Leo generation and so we all have had, are having, or will have this important transit to our natal Plutos.
But it is made more important for those who are directly connected with societal power structures...such as politicians like Blair and Bush.

So what to expect with the Saturn to Pluto transit?

Saturn...control; restriction, denial, loss, and accountability stomping on Pluto's could even say the power-behind-the-throne and perhaps secret activities:

loss of control in situations which are too large to handle efficiently or readily;
may lack resources to be the one in charge; struggle to understand or control current motivations, behavior, and actions that developed as a result of the past.

Saturn brings the past to catch up with us...and you'll read about it for Mr.Blair and his bribes to the Saudi Arabia royal family to secure their order for 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets, and his cash-for-honors scandal--and his stopping of the SERIOUS FRAUD OFFICE's inquiry into the arms deal--in the above-linked article.

Now...where can America get one of those Serious Fraud Offices? What a hoot of a name! Propaganda rules, m'peops!


Nov 15, 2006

US Congress Solar Return 2006

Seems like just yesterday baby Congress was toddling around in her underpants with the ruffles on the back, but,'s been 206 years, and she's looking a little gray around the muzzle, isn't she?

I'll only mention a few things tonight and must amend on Friday afternoon or Saturday evening at the latest due to sleepiness. My bad typery is made much worse by yawning, you see.

Solar Return Nov 17, 2006 Friday:

First we look at which natal house is rising in the Solar Return chart (SR) for it will be the primary focus or influence of the year (until Nov '07.)

This would be natal (n) 9th House of philosophy, moral values, expansive self-knowledge, social conduct, religion, eternal truths, long-distance travel, and the Supreme Court.

Jupiter, as chart-ruler and as natural ruler of the 9th House, has an important position for Congress' year, and is found in 12th House of the Unconscious, Self-Undoing, Karma, and large institutions, and is squaring Saturn (in Leo) in the 8th House of debt, credit, shared resources, taxes, insurance, transformation, and death.

Both the 8th and the 12th are Psychological Houses (intuitive) and with the current line-up of planets in Scorpio, and the Saturnian Scythe now forming, we may expect some winnowing in the finacial department (past due!)..and perhaps more winnowing of our leaders and of world leaders. (Tr Saturn is still within orb of his conjunction with Bush's n Venus--he's not feelin' the love, people, so I shudder to think of how he'll be received abroad in his weakened state. Will the trade deal be passed by Congress to make benefit for Vietman? Not so far.)

Being so near the karmic 12th cusp, Jupiter--ruler of money, expansion, increase, philosophy, and curiosity--has much work to do this year--a very critical period is afoot as is indicated by many other factors. Yet Jupiter prefers the camel's back for he can be on the self-indulgent side, as you know.

Nearby the Sun at 25Sco04 is conjunct Republican Party's n Moon 25Sco04 in n 2nd House, another money/values House.

With the Sun at 25Sco05, it is the Solar Un-birthday for the Democratic Party--when the Sun is halfway from one's birthday--a time for measuring on'es progress for the year and change course if needed.

But it is not a time for success with ego-related activities and there are sure to be authority issues with decided need to avoid arrogance or aggressive attitudes toward others. Humility works best, and I believe we've been seeing this attitude among many of the Dem puppies--faked or real.

So you see that it's Repub's Moon AND transit Sun opposite Dem's natal Sun...lots of activity behind the scenes with Jupiter and Venus, at the "Grand Army of the Republic campfire" degree--both in the behind-the-scenes 12th.

Another interesting thing I must mention (for the sandman is calling my name) is that the transiting midpoint between the Pluto/Chiron pair--the corporatism; oppression; racism; PLUTOCRACY duo, is conjunct--ready? US Congress' natal Pluto/Chiron, all piled up at 15Cap+.

My hope is naturally that these issues with be dealt with honestly this year rather than the can being kicked down the road ad nauseum...and with transformative Pluto rising and simultaneously squaring the natal Mars of the Republican Party, we'll be seeing many confrontations between the reps and perps.

Although the Jupiter/Saturn square is now waning, it is still affecting relations between the Parties--Jupiter = Rs, Saturn = Ds. (This square was last perfected, Oct 25.) And the tr Pluto SQ n Mars is a time of obstacles for the Rs, and a time when dishonest actions must be corrected, not continued.

Ethics, anyone?

~Will update asap: repair typos, give midpoint pictures, and talk about the SR Moon conjunct the Sec Progr'd US MARS gone Station Rx...with Moon at the "Two men placed under arrest" degree...wonder who?


UPDATE Saturday 11.18: Okay, here's the Rudhyar version for "18 Libra" the Moon position mentioned above:

Keynote: A breakdown in the constructive relationship between the individual and society, and the expectable result.

"If it is to remain steady and consistent, every form of order must be able to protect itself by the application of sanctions. Both a society and a personal ego constitute forms of order. Any form of order excludes what the form cannot securely and safely hold.

It excludes, or exiles, the alien, the unassimilable; if it cannot send them to outer space, it must isolate them in a special type of inner space, a prison. The individual whose actions introduce unacceptable principles into the established order runs the risk of being "punished" or re-formed according to this order.

...for the individual the problem is how to make the transforming vision or impulse acceptable to society....the suggestion is that whatever violence is released originates in unconscious pressures.

A new step in the evolution of society--the Industrial and Electronic Revolutions of the last hundred and fifty years--caused a collective, worldwide upheaval which led to widespread violence. The fact that two men are pictured under arrest suggests a polarization and a purpose transcending a merely personal fit of recklessness.

Negative as the image may seem, one may see implied in it the power of every individual to assume social risks in order to express his convictions or deepest desires. Nevertheless, one thing is needed: FACING THE CONSEQUENCES."

A Solar Return Moon in Libra indicates that balance and the correcting of them will be in focus, plus you know that Libra relates to WAR. Relationships bewtween memebrs of Congress and Seante are highlighted, war issues, immigration, and with the SR Moon in 10th house of the Return, much publicity is to be expected.

With Barbara Boxer and other Dems promoting (Moon) the idea that the Dem "controlled" Congress will be focusing on the people's business (Moon = the people), we should hear many mentions of this novel idea.

And with the Moon always signifying changes, perhaps we'll actually see some of the positive variety--although it will be a hard slog.

Perhaps you've heard of the G-20 protests in Australia this weekend with heads being knocked and arrests made. The World Bank, the IMF, and financial officials from 20 nations are under fire from the populace...and apparently that's what it's going to take, m'peops! And some men have been placed under arrest as the individual and society clash once again.

