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Mar 20, 2007

Carol Lam's firing and the CIA

U.S. attorney's firing may be connected to CIA corruption probe 18 Mar 2007

Fired San Diego U.S. attorney Carol Lam notified the Justice Department that she intended to execute search warrants on a high-ranking CIA official as part of a corruption probe the day before a Justice Department official sent an e-mail that said Lam needed to be fired, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Sunday.

Hmm.m.m.m.m....the plot thickens?

Green Comet!

Space Weather News for March 20, 2007

GREEN COMET: There's a new comet in the southern hemisphere: Comet Lovejoy (C/2007 E2). Terry Lovejoy of Australia discovered it on March 15th using, remarkably, not a telescope but only an off-the-shelf digital camera. The green comet is too dim to see with the naked eye, but it is a nice target for backyard telescopes. After five days of monitoring, the comet's orbit is now known with some accuracy and it is possible to make predictions about Comet Lovejoy's future movements and brightness.

Visit for details.

BONUS--VENUS AND THE MOON: When the sun goes down tonight, step outside and look west. You'll see Venus and the slender crescent Moon beaming together through the glow of sunset. If you miss the pair on March 20th, try again on the 21st. They will be beautifully close together on both nights.#

Mar 19, 2007

Iraq Memorial website

This evening's Tavis Smiley Program had as a guest film director Robert Greenwald who spoke about the Iraq Veterans' Memorial website set up to tell the human stories of this ill-begotten, illegal, and obscene war.

You know--the stories the Bush administration and the neocon-leaning media have struggled to keep from view as much as possible.

Those ones.

Sun "30 Pisces" now

Click Temple of the Great Stone Face to see my 'artful' representation of the Sabian Symbol for "30 Pisces" which the Sun has now reached this evening (edt) and will be upon upon the morrow (this is not a typo, just bad grammar.)

This degree at the very end of Pisces is straining toward the Aries Point...aka the Spring Equinox.

Gore's ores

The Tennessean has an article detailing Al Gore's ownership of zinc mineral rights to some middle Tennessee property he originally purchased Sep 22, 1973 when things were different.

Tenn. mine enriched Gore, scarred land but be sure to read it's something of a mixed report imho.

As it says, "No major pollution violations, but threat remains." Perhaps that's the best they had against him.

One reason I mention this is because when a politician is ill-thought-of in his home state--which everyone I know says Gore is (as is John Edwards in NC) it makes me wonder why...what do the natives know that I should know?

Well, this may not be it--as stated in the article, 1973 sensibilities aren't those of 2007--but you may want to check it out esp if you're rooting for Gore to run in 2008. Know your man before you stand by him!

Jefferson's girlfriend's cellar excavated

In an attempt to uncover romantic secrets from Thomas Jefferson's college relationship with Rebecca Burwell, daughter of a prominent political family of Virginia, an excavation is in progress with "about two feet to go" in the cellar of Fairfield Plantation, Glouscester, VA.

If they find any love letters, they'll be straight from 300 years ago by way of an archaeologist's shovel!

Home of Jefferson's Girlfriend Excavated

Gemini North Node: George W. Bush

There's a handy book by Jan Spiller, Astrology for the Soul, which is useful for Nodal info--even though I confess to being a Saturnian astrologer which means I see heredity and genealogy where Uranians seem to see "past lives" or reincarnation.

And through Scriptural studies I have a different understanding of the word soul believing it to be what we each are, not a thing that we have: "...and man became a living soul" (Genesis.)

Still, I find Ms. Spiller's book useful for Nodal information--I just translate the info into a more Saturnian view and it works dandily.

One of the many interesting debates within Astrology is whether--for example--having North Node (NN) in Gemini is same as having NN in 3rd house--if your Gem NN is not actually posited in 3rd house. Some astrologers are determined that it is not the same. I agree, yet there do seem to be correspondences afoot.

Let's consider the natal NN of George Bush and see if Spiller's Nodal info rings true for his natal placement of Gemini NN in 11th house (AQ's natural house)--then we'll look at "NN in Aquarius" also esp since Bush's NN is conjunct Uranus, associated with the sign Aquarius (I don't use outer planets as rulers, just higher frequencies--but Uranus/NN = associations with unusual or reformist groups.)

Gemini NN's Attributes to Develop:

asking questions to learn how others think; healthy curiosity; seeing both sides of a situation; tact; logic; using a non-threatening approach when expressing ideas; listening; openess to new ideas and experiences; seeking factual information before making decisions.

Gem NN's Tendencies to Leave Behind:

aloofness; self-righteousness; needing to be right; thinking one knows what others are thinking without actually listening; assuming others know 'where they're at'; espousing "Truth" without taking others' views into consideration; careless spontaneity; taking shortcuts; acting on intuition without checking facts; resisting ideas that are foreign to one's belief system; prejudging present situations based on past experience.

Don't know about you but all the above resembles his nibs from my observations.

Now for AQ NN:

Attributes to Develop:

making decisions for the group's best interests; active participation in groups; awareness of equality; creating win/win situations; desire for friendship; recognizing how others are special; willingness to champion humanitarian causes; objectivity--seeing the "total picture"; sharing unconventional ideas.

Tendencies to Leave Behind:

insistence on getting one's way; attachment to risk-taking; making changes just to exercise authority; need for approval; melodramatic tendencies; willfulness and stubbornness; unawareness of others' importance; prideful responses based on fear; unbridled passion--going to extremes; knowing what "ought" to be.

Well, there's Shrub for ya. Does any of this sound familiar?

At this morning's speech which Bush gave from the Roosevelt Room (guess he thought some FDR cooties might rub off attractively) the Sun and Moon were both in fiery Aries.

Here's the bold Sun Aries/Moon Aries combo for today from Sun Sign, Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzy Harvey:

quick-thinking; innovative; passionate; blunt; self-centered; intuitive; adventurous; touchy ego; maverick with a crusading temperament; progressive; bossy; hasty; a one-track mind that can miss important nuances and invite antagonism rather than cooperation.

Image for Integration:

An invincible Hercules, propelled by a primeval power, bursts into the dark castle, unties the fair maiden, and together they ride off into the sunset.

Is the 'dark castle' Iraq--or is Iraq the 'fair maiden'?? Perhaps it describes Bush trying to "get ahead" as they say of the negative headlines of late. Either way, I'll hold his horse's bridle while he mounts up and rides off to anywhere but here.

Shrub as Hercules? He only wishes. has both astrology books mentioned above.

Mar 18, 2007

Spring EQ brings Gore to Congress

There've been so many charts to study this weekend for the upcoming week--it's Sunday afternoon and nothing has gelled for posting so I'm combining two entries into 'Spring Equinox/Gore testifies to Congress on global warming' just to save my knarly typing finger some aches and pains.

As you know, the Sun reaches Aries Point (AP = 00Aries00, a World Point) on March 20, 8:07:32 pm edt (for the White House.) Moon will be positioned at 26Ari47 just after the New Moon, the beginning of a new cycle which will culminate in two weeks with the Full Moon appr April 2 (depending where you're located.)

Sun/AP = Moon/Mercury: realism; practical planning; thinking along biological lines; good intellectual powers; public contact.

There may be a clarification of objectives to the day which may be--if the objectives are positive--a good thing.

The Descendant in the EQ chart is Gore's natal Sun degree, "11Aries": "The president of the country" but don't go getting any ideas. Actually, do go getting ideas--Mr. Gore's Jupiter Return occurs at the end of 2007...Dec 12, to be exact.

And you don't always see such a Jupiter Return as his...MC conj his n Moon 3Cap14, with Jupiter 28Sag36 conj tr Pluto (so tr Pluto to n Jupiter--as it is this week) at MC in 9th house, the house which is ruled by Jupiter in the natural zodiac. Political ambitions may expand under this transit.

Jupiter Return Moon 24Cap15...Capricorn is the sign of worldy ambition and is in 10th house of Public Status/Career, so perhaps Gore will be coaxed/begged enough by December to announce his acceptance of the Dem nomination.

Yet the Return chart isn't perfect: contentious instigator Mars 7Can16 Rx--in fall in Cancer--is at the IC in 4th house, the Foundation of the chart and so is squaring the Return ASC.

And natally this tr Mars position is in Gore's 12th house...more behind-the-scenes shenanigans perhaps esp since Gore's natal Sun/Neptune opposition makes it fairly easy for those who are determined to confuse others about Gore's personality and purposes to the extent that he is confused himself for he is prone to unrealistic expectations of others, to unconscious deceit, and may regard himself as being inspired from On High.

Others in authority may find him vague and so they form misconceptions about him and, as we know, this a typical ploy used in politics ad nauseum. Gore's recent success with global warming speeches and An Inconvenient Truth may be due to his sticking to the facts--yet even there the science on global warming has been under attack by those who wish to confuse the public on the issues and on the man.

There is a T-square in the Jupiter Return chart:

Mars/MC = ASC: confidence; pizzaz; success; assumption of leadership.

and a YOD pattern:

Venus/Saturn = ASC: withdrawal from fear of not being accepted; a desire for separation.

(A confusing mix there.)

With Jupiter's cycle being appr 12 years in duration, a Jupiter Return chart (or Reward Cycle, as Noel Tyl says) is in effect for 12 years--quite important in one's life scheme. Transits to the chart's planets and angles will be interesting to watch as the campaign season progresses into 2008.

And on Wednesday, Mar 21, his scheduled appearance before Congress, tr NN (meetings; associations) will be conj Gore's natal Mercury (speaking; also meetings), tr Pluto 28Sag56 will conj n Jupiter 28:36, yet tr Saturn 18Leo55, the King of Terror Eclipse (8.11.99)'s degree (and Venus' degree on 9/11/01) will be conj his n Mars 18Leo08.

The Saturn-to-Mars transit often indicates male relationships being restricted or broken off; plus, he'd better be well-prepared with his testimony (for sure he will be, I'm just sayin'.) Circumventing rules and regulations is frowned upon during this transit what with Saturn representing authority and Mars representing our energy, action, and initiative.

At 9:30 am edt on Wednesday, Gore's natal Sun is rising...with its "11Aries" degree, "The president of the country" in tow. Guess the real president will be in the House.

And tr Mars at the "A man unmasked" degree will be opposing lonely Saturn, the leader/authority. This means that while tr Saturn will be conjuncting his n Mars as mentioned, tr Mars will be opposing n Mars, the head-against-brickwall transit. So Mr. Gore may wonder why he bothered when his testimony is may be a time-wasting exercise in the end since others' interests are diametrically opposed to his own.

Whatever happens in Congress this week, Mr. Gore will be certain to wield a powerful influence upon the public if not upon Washington's knuckle-headed politicians for only a paltry few share his interests in the environment. The tr Moon (the public) in Taurus, sign of the Earth and of her exaltation, will be trining his natal Moon as well, so the sheeple may appreciate his efforts and some good publicity may come out of it for him.

Yet the Sun Aries/Moon Taurus blend for March 21 is interesting to note due to its forceful, straight-from-the-shoulder charm, and its personal ambition.

Images: An explorer practices the violin in a jungle clearing...Having won an arduous race, the champion sits down to a gourmet meal.

This blend is shared natally with writer Washington Irving who instructively said:

"A tart temper never mellows with age, and a sharp tongue is the only edged tool that grows keener with constant use."

Sounds like the Al Gore to Congress performance will be lively at our Capitol Hill Theater this week. Wish I had a seat in the House!

note: you'll find Al Gore's natal chart (Mar 31, 1948) in post of Feb 7, 2007.

EVENING UPDATE: Alex has sent along a perfect accompaniment to this post on Al Gore--it's by LadyInBlack at Political Cortex: Al Gore on Capitol Hill Is The Defining Moment of His Life.