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Jun 17, 2009

Astrology of 'more power to the Fed' 6.17.09

Well, I'm not certain I've ever considered Senator Christopher Dodd to be a master of understatement until today, but he and Barney Frank must necessarily promote the president's new financial reforms which intend to give much more power to the Fed along with other reform initiatives - the unveiling of the reforms occurred at the White House this afternoon.

This is an updating of the existing structure along with some additions, NPR reports. 'Micro-managing' charges are being leveled as I type. Well, lack of managing benefited mainly the wealthy and corrupt, so what else can we do?

And yes, I have blogged before on the major transits now affecting the natal chart of the Federal Reserve Bank (Dec 23, 1913)...powerful Pluto conjoining natal Sun (identity) while simultaneously opposing natal Pluto 00Can05 Rx, so the Fed's chart of 1913 contains a natal Sun/Pluto opposition, and a Mercury/Saturn opposition, too. Both aspects are good for alienating others with control issues and extreme defensiveness.

So here again are a few details on the important Pluto transits since they relate to more power being sought or bestowed, along with tr Saturn's effects (if you compare what I'm about to type with what I've typed before there may be a few differences since I tend to compose at-keyboard)...

Pluto to natal Sun is a time when the urge to attain more power, influence, and recognition is paramount; if already aggressive and dominating, more aggression and domination will be evident; circumstances will force or motivate toward new starts and transformations.

There is a need to gain more control but no guarantee that success will result; the past will influence the present especially if responsibilities were avoided or disregarded previously; accepting help from others is difficult for self-reliance is a driving force - thus, isolation increases; pride, fear, and self-recriminations become part of the environment while egos take a beating; eventually strength may increase along with independence and determination. (Will more power give more independence? I suspect so, don't you?)

Pluto opposite natal Pluto: one great power is locked in a no-compromise struggle with another power. (This is the transit I've said indicates to me the strong possibility that challenges have come from afar in the financial collapse of 2008/09. Hello?)

Now since control is an integral part of having power, I'll mention that transiting Saturn, planet of authority and restriction, has been squaring (blocking) the Fed's natal Mercury/Saturn opposition, therefore...

Saturn SQ Mercury: mobility is limited including those involving computers and technologies; correspondences contain bad news; meetings are contentious, and assignments are difficult to complete or there's not enough time in the day; business and commercial enterprises suffer from frustrating delays and complications; complaints from others must be dealt with; if determination and patience are increased, much may be accomplished.

Saturn SQ Saturn: present circumstances afford little flexibility; people and situations impose restrictions, fears, rules, and formalities that make success elusive; old karmic debts come due (by 'karmic' I mean: past behaviors and actions that have sewn what is now being reaped. Both Saturn and Pluto are karmic planets.)

Well, there are the power and control transits affecting the Fed's current circumstances and psyche, and so I must ask: will giving this private entity
more power and control over our society, finances, and government be a stroll down the wrong primrose path for America?

For when we look at what the Fed has done with what they've already had, it makes you wonder if they've learned anything at all - or worse: is their massive power-grab 2009 a major part of the Big Picture from the start?

China's richest man now held in undisclosed location

China's Communist Party is now said to be cracking down on the rich and it seems that the condition of being very rich in China is subject to abrupt termination.

Just wondering: does this show lessons learned from Russia?

More notes on the New Moon 1Can30: June 22, 2009

Astrologer Julie Demboski's fresh column Spooning by the Moon in June is a must-read to get you ready for June 22's New Moon 1Can30 with asteroids included, so you'll want to check out Julie's notes and advice before you even think of spooning!

Jun 16, 2009

US warhawks' new-found concern for the Iranian People

The "Bomb Iran" Contingent's New-found Concern for The Iranian People

By Glenn Greenwald

Much of the same faction now claiming such concern for the welfare of The Iranian People are the same people who have long been advocating a military attack on Iran and the dropping of large numbers of bombs on their country -- actions which would result in the slaughter of those very same Iranian People. #

Yes, "such concern" and crocodile tears belong in the same bucket. Of cr*p.

The hypocrisy of Washington politicians knows no bounds! Sometimes I have to wonder who writes the scripts - like this morning when I heard President Obama calling out North Korea's threat toward other countries and I thought, 'How soon they forget' that Bush-Cheney did much more than simply threaten other countries. Now Mr. Obama is on track to continue the bombing, and we-the-people know not where - but it's supposedly being done in our name.

And so the demonization of Iran's government rolls on, revved up this week by the Iranian people's understandable disbelief in their election outcome. But that is their business, is it not?

You know, I'd love it if all my grousings these last few years (on this blog since 2005, and in Slate's The Fray for years prior) about New World Order chaos plans (including financial collapse) with a power elite's shock doctrine agenda (so well-described by Naomi Klein) - if it all turned out to be merely a conspiracy theorist's nightmare amounting to nada. That would be be tres cool, you know?

She Still Is

And I've always said that 'America is my only nag in the race' especially when it comes to Capitol Hill legislation and election campaigns that tout our illusory 'two-party system' which is designed to divide and conquer, with little if any difference between Rs and Ds.

Class warfare, etc...them vs us, and you have your noggin planted firmly in the sand if you can't see who's winning big-time. Did I hear you whisper, 'middle class'? You know it's getting smaller by the day, m'peops. Our losses are someone's gains.

As for Iran's contested presidential election or one of our own, it's sadly become the same the world over, for it isn't who casts the votes that determines the winner. It's who counts them.

Scotland founded in 1005 and Jupiter Meets Uranus

Of late it seems that mentions of Scotland keep popping up on my blogs by way of TV's Craig Ferguson, articles from the New Scientist, and from my reading of Anne Whitaker's new book Jupiter Meets Uranus which I've just reviewed on Amazon if you'd like to check out this excellent book about the 14-year Jupiter-Uranus cycle and its scientific, political, financial, and many other implications for society.

Anne covers personal charts with Jupiter-Uranus effects as well in her research begun around the time of their conjunction of February 1997 at 5AQ55 - and you know who was US president then - the just-re-elected Bill Clinton.

He was a real New World Order promoter, our Bill, and futuristic about the New Millennium. His natal Mercury in Leo opposes the Jupiter-Uranus conj of 1997 so we have a midpoint picture we may wish to consider...

Jup/Uran = n Mercury: planning on success; a series of fortunate breaks; confidence; ready-wittedness; a person with an abundance of ideas; the gathering of ample knowledge; a fortunate turn in one's occupation (re-election!)

Ready-witted Bill's natal chart and details are included in Anne's book as well, and much more - including the US' first landing on the Moon, the first landing at Cape Canaveral, Florida - linked through the centuries by the Jupiter-Uranus cycle (I know-w-w!, as Mr. Ferguson might say amusedly.)

From historical record we know that March 25, 1005 is the date that King Malcolm the Second was crowned at Scone thus founding Scotland, so full of talent and genius which it has so often shared with the world!

You'll find an image of Scotland's natal chart along with Anne Whitaker's astute analysis of the national psyche of her home country as she writes appealingly from 'the Twelfth House'!

David Letterman's natal chart - and Sarah Palin

David Letterman has now apologized for his tasteless joke about Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter - perhaps a day late after some are calling for his resignation from his CBS Late Show. Naturally Letterman's 'joke' has given him a case of Don-Imus-itis for its link to jokes about the sexual activities of young ladies.

Old men, young ladies - unlevel playing field and what amounts to sexual harrassment, so back off, fellas. You show yourselves to have lower standards than the ladies you disparage.

One hopes no one ever makes unkind remarks on national TV about his son, Harry!

Yet political opportunism coming into play is sadly expectable, but one wishes Governor Palin could resist the temptation. Still, as many public figures are fond of saying, any publicity is good publicity.

So with no known birth time for Mr. Letterman, I don't wish to publish his chart here but I did take a look to see if there were transits causing him difficulties (although he brought this on himself - wonder who wrote the joke? The 'any publicity' works for him too, esp with Conan O'Brien now opposite him. Letterman's viewership numbers are trending up, I heard.)

David Letterman April 12, 1947, Indianapolis, IN (CST); Sun definitely in Aries, Moon in Capricorn for the 24-hour day of birth (ranging from 6Cap50 to 18:40.)

Well, the Sun has been recently highlighting his natal Uranus 18Gem41, a transit which emphasizes uniqueness and individuality - one may possibly 'stick out like a sore thumb' in fact, as a separation or singling out of some kind may occur, for good or bad. Showing stubborn pride (Sun = ego) is also a potential...perhaps a reason why he didn't apologize for the small-minded joke immediately.

Natal Mercury 25Pis24 is being affected by transiting Uranus off and on - a time when freedom to express one's thoughts is sought, and original, perhaps quirky, ideas come easily. Mercury is the planet of ideas and communications so with Uranus' electrical energy in the vicinity, there's no telling what might occur in relation to one's thinking processes - and in Letterman's case, one's joke writing and delivery.

Surfing on your behalf, dear reader, I found that Vega Attractions has an image of Mr. Letterman's Solar Chart (sunrise) if you'd care to snag yourself a peek. You'll see Letterman's natal Mars at Aries Point, a World Point of Prominence and Fame, as the whole world sees Dave's intrinsic Mars capacity for grumpiness and contentiousness!

But I still prefer Dave's show to Conan's - plus, it leads in to my favorite late night comedian of all time: Craig Ferguson and his "It's a great day for America, everybody"!

Jun 15, 2009

New! an Invisibility Cloak for spies?

New Scientist has an article on a scientific breakthrough which may aid spies who hide microphones...a light twisting 'invisibility cloak' or 'magic carpet' which naturally causes this reluctant astrologer to think of Pluto-the-Spy's Helmet of Invisibility.

And it causes me to think of America's natal Mercury at '25 Cancer' and its Sabian Symbol: "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power"...and also of the Symbol for the Sun's degree of Exaltation...'19Ari'..."The Magic Carpet."

Well, that's what I'm thinking about right now. How about you?

Jun 14, 2009

Tehran Live site link

Tehran's photos and reports.

The BBC has been told to leave Iran, NBC headquarters has had equipment confiscated, Ahmadinejad is denying violence.

Jun 13, 2009

On auditing the Fed

Fed Would Be Shut Down If It Were Audited, Expert Says


With $45 billion in capital and $2.1 trillion in assets, the central bank would not withstand the scrutiny afforded other institutions. #

But wouldn't that be the fox auditing the henhouse's books? And how would they know which set is the real one? It's a big mess when thieves can no longer do business with thieves, isn't it?

Ahmadinejad 'wins': transits to Iran's natal chart

It's been pointed out that for Mr. Ahmadinejad to have won in Iran by such a wide margin, voters in Mr. Mousavi's heartland would have had to switch sides, apparently in honor of the gloriousness of Mr. Ahmadinejad's ruling style.

Actually, the ruler of Iran isn't the president, is it? They're just in cahoots.

And as I pointed out to our own win-at-all-costs duo, Bush and Cheney, in 2000 (and again in 2004), cheating isn't winning. It's stealing. thieves make good leaders since they have no mandate from the people? Nah. Look at the condition of the world since these jokers have held sway.

Taking a peek at Iran's natal chart of *April 1, 1979, 3:00 pm IRDT, Tehran, we see that Saturn 15Vir31 has been playing with natal North Node (NN), a combination indicating public contact (NN) with authority figures and control/restrictions (Saturn); rebellious Uranus 26Pisc29 has been in natal 8th house for some time and is now affecting Iran's natal Mercury/Mars conjunction (Mars 25Pisc37, Mercury 27:16.)

Thus Uranus to natal Mars indicates danger in the environment, rash actions which bring unexpected responses, and combativeness; physical actions are highly charged and unpredictable; new directions are desired.

Uranus to natal Mercury shows an urge to seek freedom for development of new ideas and opinions; minds are more open to new, original ideas; senses are keener but nerves more frazzled; restlessness keeps people on the move and travels are subject to disruption or mishaps.

With transiting Uranus now between natal Mars and Mercury we have a midpoint picture to consider...

Mercury/Mars = Uranus: tremendous excitability; thinking and planning on the run; losing self-control; rash actions; acting with lightening speed; frenzy; making a hasty decision during emotional upset; an exciting surprise; danger of a catastrophe.

With Iran's natal Saturn at 8Vir18 (1st house, Placidus, 2nd cusp = 10Vir19; ASC = 17Leo17; Mc = 10Tau33 with Secondary Progressed Sun now 10Tau39), we know that authority and control are being reaffirmed now with this presidential election. That the world is watching is confirmed by Sec Sun at natal Midheaven, the most public point in any chart.

Transiting Mars 8Tau50 (with Venus in tow 6Tau17) is conjunct natal Chiron 7Tau35, indicating a 'sacred warrior' or a 'sacred war' being waged on the world stage.

This Mars to Chiron transit suggests their active nuclear program but doesn't discount a connection with 2009's unclearly-decided presidential election in Iran, a country whose people I think very highly of, and I sincerely hope this election stand-off is settled on their behalf with a minimum of problems for the people.


*Iran's natal data from Celeste Teal's Eclipses and from historical record; Iran's natal 12th house Jupiter 29Can04 will be affected directly by the Solar Eclipse of July 22, 2009 at '29Can' in the 11 South Series which Brady's Predictive Astrology gives as: the need for sudden reforms; old ideas or methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events brought by the eclipse; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed.

Are the massive protests in Tehran this weekend an early triggering of this tragic eclipse's influence?

An eclipse in this Series last occurred on July 11, 1991 '19Can' a violent degree, and of course any 29th degree is considered a critical or crisis degree.

With natal Mercury at '19Can', the 1991 eclipse heralded the murder of writer Danny Casolaro who was in process of working on a book about 'the octopus'...the world crime syndicate now embedded in every institution - politics, law, education, business, religion - which points to New World Order plans now so neatly in place. Bush Sr was US president, and ownership of PROMIS software and its progeny (to track you and your monetary transactions) was in dispute, as Casolaro's book would have revealed.

But Casolaro's assassination silenced all that (his papers/notes/research at the crime scene 'disappeared' of course) - and the weekend of his mysterious demise in a Martinsburg, WVA motel saw a New 17Leo00. I mention his case because we can't rule out such goings-on for the July 22, 2009 Solar Eclipse season - whether we want to or not. #