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Aug 19, 2009

August 2009 Astrology Forecast by Urania

It's August 19 and I'm very late checking in with my longtime friend, Urania, who graciously offers everyone an August 2009 calendar of planetary correspondances at her place, Urania's 9th House, so check out the action.

For even as August nears its melt into September, the astro-details melt as well, so for September 2009, you'll benefit from her August info for better planning ahead, if you're so inclined.

Succinct enough for the busiest reader, Urania translates the celestial into practical guidance along with bon mots for those who'll listen, so drop by for a refreshing visit when you can!

Leo New Moon in Washington DC 8.20.09

New Moon 27Leo32; August 20, 2009, 6:01:31 am edt Washington DC, Hour of Saturn; chart-ruler Sun; New Moon opposes Jupiter Rx, Chiron Rx, and Neptune Rx 21 - 25 AQ (conj Descendant...but mostly the New Moon opposes Neptune.)

Sun/Moon = Neptune: misunderstandings in relationships; discontent; deception.

Midheaven (Mc = The Goal/Aspiration Point) 14Tau41 conjunct US Inaugural ASC (Presidential Oath of Office - on January 20s every 4 years at the Capitol Building.)

New Moon opposes US natal Moon in AQ (Sibly chart); US natal Moon now being transited by Neptune...sense of rootlessness; family relationships either become eroded or spiritually closer; mystery and confusion abound; creative and promotional talents may prosper.

Highlighted in orange, you can't miss the big honkin' YOD (Finger of God pattern, sextile base pointing to apex planet/ this chart it's Jupiter, Chiron, Neptune in AQ) since it kind of overlays the ASC of the New Moon chart here, with Venus/Saturn midpoint at ASC:

YODs signify special tasks, talents from an odd genius, neuroses, turning points, crises that seemingly have no solutions - the cosmos may have to give a hand, and/or adjustments which must be made. A diverging path is indicated, but things can't be rushed. Appropriate to the public discourse, there may be health or medical connotations to a YOD pattern as well.

And on a spiritual level, it's where one picks up the higher thread in order to follow God's will rather than work toward selfish aims at the expense of others...especially when outer (transpersonal) planets are involved in the pattern.

Venus/Saturn = ASC: emotional inhibitions; shyness; seeking solitude; separation.

Jupiter/Neptune = ASC: living in an unreal world; speculation; sharing great hopes with others; appearing to live in a world lighted by personal imagination and an emotionally rationalized agenda.

Perfecting during a Saturn Hour, we see emphasised with this New Moon (a new cycle beginning) that Saturn in 2nd house conjs Fixed Star, Denebola, keywords: to go against society; to swim against the mainstream.

Also in 2nd house of Earning Ability is Mercury, Exalted in Virgo 24:29 which sextiles US natal Mercury 24Can+ Rx, making car sales a continued hot tamale - at least for those who seek out the opportunity (sextile.) 'Cars' and 'sales' are both of Mercury's realm; trade issues are on the president's menu.

Highlighted in green is the T-Square configuration between Mercury/Uranus and Mars 26Gem36 (apex) in 11th house of Groups, Associations, Friends, Hopes, Wishes.

Merc/Uran = Mars: nervous drive finds the mark and usually pays off; courage; determination; the instincts of a fighter hitting home; summing things up quickly and acting accordingly; sudden success; nervousness; assaults; a sudden realization of ideas.

These T-Squared energies may signify the recent arrest of the hacker who stole the most credit and debit card details ever (since his last big online heist - he's already in jail) along with two or more accomplices who are represented by Mars in multiple and duplicitous Gemini (Gem = communications; Merc/Uran = computers; Mars = males, and more specifically, Mars = instigators and agents.)

You'll notice that much hinges upon Saturn at the New Moon because the old timekeeper is the one planet involved in both the YOD and the T-Square.

Well, hopefully you can click to enlarge the chart and read a few more details. I don't especially care for this New Moon chart although it is said to be a powerful one as New Moons go. Creative projects should really rev up over the weekend which gives the Moon time to grow in light. Perhaps I'll draw.

And yes, you're right. The crisis situation between the New Moon and the spiritual~health~speculation trio in AQ (Jup, Chir, Nep) is descriptive of the health care 'debate' going on now, and of our health care systems' decrepitude and frauds.

So with a new cycle beginning in spirit-of-endeavor Leo, perhaps around the time of the Full Moon in two weeks, we'll be in sight of a resolution of some sort. Or at least we'll have more details on the bill.


The pressure from the YOD is so extreme, it breaks up the whole system into smithereens, and the legislative process turns into a bigger mush than it is now, if their Political Theater is to be believed. And I always think that most of their rehearsed bluster is 'on purpose', meant to slow things down, or to not pass bills the powers-that-be don't want passed. (Gotta protect that bottom line.)

(Originally about the health care reform efforts, I said that the proof would be whether Congress acts on behalf of the people and accomplishes something practical, or whether reform languishes in willy-nilly-land. Not my original words, but you know what I mean - show me the outcome of all their fine 'debate' - aka, wing-flapping and squawking to establish or maintain pecking order.)

Plus, as you see notated in 12th house, with the Moon's South Node conjunct July 21's Solar Eclipse 29Can27, we're all getting the full treatment now from the Eclipse's 'systems fail; new methods needed' influence.

After all, how many times have you heard or read the word 'system' in the news in recent months?

Midpt pics: Tyl; Ebertin; any-all-or-none may apply.

Aug 18, 2009

Jupiter's Moons Captured on Film: Io and Ganymede!

Space Weather News for August 18, 2009

JUPITER MOON MOVIE: An amateur astronomer in the Philippines has photographed one of Jupiter's moons, Io, casting its circular shadow across another, Ganymede. The movie he made of this rare event is must-see cinema for astronomers.

It's playing now on

Swine Flu vaccine memo leaks: paralysis possible

Memo leaked!

But are reactions only kneejerk 'Never Trust the Government' propaganda, perhaps backed by anti-Dem partisans? Of are reports of the serious health risks from the vaccinations of 1976 worth being concerned about?

Personally, I'm inclined to opt out of the drive to inject, how about you?

And for children? I'd sooner school them at home than participate. But I no longer have school-aged children running about the place. I shudder for the parents who must put their children's well-being on the line for a State that seems headed for the totalitarian model of draconian heavy-handedness.

The phrase, Like lambs to the slaughter comes to mind. And people - even scientists - have been known to make mistakes that force others to suffer from their misjudgments. Any thoughts?

Aug 17, 2009

Howard Dean and 'public option' health insurance

'DR. NANCY SNYDERMAN: If we took a public option and retooled it somewhat, why not make the case to the American public that we will allow people below the age of 65 to buy into Medicare even if there's some trimming that has to be done out of that budget too?

DR. HOWARD DEAN: That's all I want. If you allowed people to buy into Medicare who are below 65 years old, that's a public option, and that's what we need.'

You've probably read or heard about Howard Dean's solution for the 'public option' maze of cross purposes we're being treated to while support for any reform melts away like a polar ice cap, exposing Atlantis' library of scrolls underneath...

So I'm passing on this snippet of his interview here as my way of saying, Listen to the doctor on this one. It's worth a try.

Now. Wonder what exactly he means by, "buy into"?

Tom Delay to compete on Dancing with the Stars!

6:06 pm edt: NPR just made my day by announcing that 'Godfather' Tom Delay will be hoofing it on Dancing with the Stars...will that be, Dancing with the Czars?

How weird for the dancer training him in tripping the light fantastic!

Yes, I'll manage okay, as long as this TV stint won't give him the idea that's he's some kind of a 'star'.

Actually, Kelly Osbourne will be a stylish addition, I think!

Solar/Lunar Eclipses affecting Russia's natal chart

Natal chart of modern Russia, Dec 8, 1991; 7:45 pm EET; Moskva (Moscow); historical record; Hour of Venus 2Sco50 in 4th house; Chart-ruler Sun 16Sag08 conjunct Mercury 15:51 Rx, in 5th house.

Uranus 12Cap20, Moon 14Cap25, Neptune 15:22, from 5th house into 6th house; Saturn 3AQ27 in 6th house (note: Russia's natal Saturn conjuncts Jan 20, 2009's US Inaugural Jupiter 3AQ32 in Inaugural 10th house.)

As I read today of the troubles in Russia, I am moved to take a look at Russia's natal horoscope and see that the recent/current Lunar and Solar Eclipses are affecting the Big Bear's national chart.

July 7, 2009's Lunar Eclipse 15Cap24 'eclipsed' natal Uranus, Moon (the people), and Neptune (the masses) in Capricorn, 5th to 6th house.

Our current Eclipse season of July 21/22, 2009's Solar Eclipse 29Can27, conjuncts natal Nemesis 29Can49 Rx in 12th house, but is actually another lunation manifestation from Russia's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series, the 11 South.

Highlighted in red in 12th house you see Russia's PE '19Can' in which the establishment of the current incarnation of the Russian state was implemented. Therefore, the same issues and themes from that time (1991) are again awakened across the steppes.

As you know, the 11S Series is the 'systems fail; new methods and ideas are needed to deal with events brought by the Eclipse; any blocks may be violently or tragically removed.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology.)

The whole world, in tandem with Pluto's transformative mission through the sign of structure, government, law, and business (Capricorn) is under siege from old systems failing or falling down on the job. If we could only figure out what went with the tax monies that were set aside for such systems overhaulings, we could ask the bandits to pay up!

And now here's a Round-Up of current Russian headlines, some with a marine flavor which relates to natal Moon/Neptune being eclipsed on July 7; plus, the July Solar Eclipse fell in the Water sign of The Crab, Cancer:

There's been a deadly 'accident' from dam burst or explosion at a Russian power plant; 10 dead, dozens still unaccounted for. (July 7 Lunar Ecl affecting natal Uranus = 'electricity' and, of course, Moon (the public) and Neptune (water.)

Russia's missing merchant ship has been found off the coast of West Africa.

Russia okayed to purchase German shipyard.

Russian officials blame Islamic militants for deadly suicide attack in Ingushetia; EU said to be miffed. ('Miffed' is my word. jc)

Kremlin's proxy policy contributes to anarchy in 'unruly' provinces.

German-Russian summit in Sochi emphasizes trade, so they say.

"Banking secrecy saves lives" according to the Prince of Liechenstein (who may have his own reasons for saying such a thing. jc)

Merely a Lull in 'A Furious Storm'?

Is President Obama's rosy glow of an early economic upswing for real?

Or is it merely a lull in the eye of the financial hurricane?

Opposite America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is an Illumination Point, an unconscious point that may be worth considering in this financial crisis. And since Pluto is Rx in our nation's natal chart (July 4, 1776), I'm using the 'rounding down' method.

Each degree is linked to what's come before and what degree's symbol comes after - a process of evolution, so more than one degree may be looked at for information, including those degrees that square, trine, etc, the point/degree you're considering. The Symbols are often used in rectification work, for some paint such an accurate picture that they bring a chart into precise focus (when an exact time isn't known, for horoscope calculations hinge upon knowing the hour/minute/second of a person's, entity's, or event's moment of beginning.)

In the case of the current financial crisis, I am inspired today by the archetypal use in current news stories and presidential statements of the word, storm, and people's loss of their homes all across America, no matter the cause. Loss of employment seems the most prevalent cause to me for mortgage payments depend upon having adequate income. Duh.

Yet even wildfire evacuations apply, especially if it's you and yours who suddenly have no pillows for your heads tonight.

And of course, there's Pluto's connection to The Underworld, including crime syndication; plus, he's also the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, the spy, assassin, and saboteur. Our country has been saboteured, don't you think? But is America down for the final count?

As evidenced in Astrology by Pluto's laborious traversal of the early degrees of structured Capricorn in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer - Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and later on, Mercury - Pluto's 'secret hand' guise is guiding the financial show as 'he' heads toward our nation's eventual Pluto Return. Are we witnessing US leaders and foreign investors in conflict with one another - or in partnership working against We-The-People?

These questions are part of the reasons I keep grousing that secret manipulators engineered 2008's econo-crash which only crescendoed was a long time coming, due to the measured slowness and stealth of Pluto, who forever transforms...

A Little Illumination of US Pluto:

'27 Cancer'..."A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" = INTENSIFICATION...a pyramiding reality on the side of external circumstances, or of violence and terror as divine in their capacity for uplifting man out of his aplomb and demanding some manifestation of his inner ideals and enduring values.

Here is indomitable integrity of everything to be taken as of consequence in its own right, shown in the energy with which it preserves itself. Nature ever dramatizes man's unleashed powers, or his ability to rise in supremacy over each momentary crisis.

positive expression: an enlistment of every resource in life for a heightened expression of self;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: fatuous enjoyment of turmoil.

(My italics for 'pyramiding reality' as in 'pyramid of power' and Ponzi schemes; Symbol from SolarFire software; analysis from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. See sidebar for book in Amazon Slideshow.)

"Rise in supremacy"? But didn't America do that already? Then I'm guessing that the goal of world financial collapse is just that - to delete American supremacy from the planet's files.

And you thought we were bad.


For more on the Symbols, visit Sabian, website of world-traveling Australian astrologer Lynda Hill.