Waters of Neptune and Power of Pluto 6.27.11
by Jude Cowell
Can it be that our recent transit of Neptune to US natal Moon in Aquarius (we-the-people) is still operative? With tr Neptune dipping a mystical toe in the waters of Pisces (but Rx and preparing to lumber back into Aquarius for a while), it seems that dissolving Neptune is reflecting the massive water damage to properties from the Mississippi River and now the Missouri River. And of course, Earth's Moon rules the tides.
Should we fret? ABC News reports officials saying that the public 'is not in danger' even though the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station has been breached. Click to see a horrific looking photo of the flooded plant which has been shut down since April.
And you may have heard that wildfire is threatening the Los Alamos Nuclear Plant within One Mile, which is also being reported by Amy Goodman of the excellent Democracy Now! so it seems that watery Neptune is riling both Uranus (electricity shut off in nuclear plants, back up generators in service, plus storm systems) and Pluto, whose link to nuclear power is well-known bwo Pluto's discovery in 1930.
(If you're interested in Enron news, click to read or hear what Amy Goodman just reported about it.)
Or perhaps I should say that our three outer, transpersonal, generational planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are showing their power to affect on the deepest levels The Collective in which we all must live, breached berms notwithstanding.
So where was Mars, the fire starter and instigator, in all of this when the Fort Calhoun Plant was breached by the Missouri River, a situation with the potential for being 'another Fukushima'? Testy Mars is in early Gemini (nearing US natal Uranus - danger) and about to trigger the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @11Gem02.
As you know, we're inside an eclipse window just now with a brand new Saros Series about to start with the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse @9Can12 which falls precisely between US natal Sun and Jupiter.
When we look for resonance with this synchronicity to America's natal chart, we find that at the moment, a transiting midpoint picture brings these same planets together as the US approaches her 235th birthday: tr Sun/Jupiter = tr Mars: zeal and courage - two things the people of the Midwest and those who fight against the effects of such disasters need to possess in Jupiterian abundance.
Underneath that energy is another of sinister proportions with two midpoint pictures now formed and pointing to the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition (though it's not as exact in orb as it's been, Saturn and Uranus are subject to transits and progressions.) Any, all, or none may apply and are from Ebertin:
Sun/Pluto = Saturn: restrictions; physical impediments; ruthless overcoming of obstacles and difficulties; separation by a Higher Power; imprisonment.
Sun/Pluto = Uranus: carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself (valiant nuclear plant workers? jc); sudden adjustment to new circumstances; danger to life.
Difficult pictures, are they not?
Plus, for some months now, the transiting Pluto/Chiron midpoint has been hitting US natal South Node off and on (6AQ.) As you know, Pluto/Chiron is one of the primary signatures for oppression, disenfranchisement, racism and other -isms including corporatism...and primal violence. Both bodies relate closely to nuclear power, separately and together, and with SN representing past behavior, Neptune's massive amounts of water now activate nuclear mistakes from America's past.
Yes, the homelessness of Neptune to US natal Moon is continuing on a different level of expression than the foreclosure fiasco which is also ongoing.
Hmmm...wonder what the Nuclear Energy Institute is up to this morning? Makin' policy, I imagine. They seem to be up to date on the Fukushima Meltdown but are not so up-to-speed when it comes to what's going on with the current threats to nuclear plants in the US, as near as I can tell from their website.
Thanks to a reader who asked me to look at the Astrology of the Fort Calhoun Nebraska situation in a comment left after yesterday's post on US Solar Return 2011. No time right now to provide links to eclipse posts and other related topics (though they may show up after this entry is published bwo LinkedWithin thumbnails - look below) because I must motor and deal w lightening damage to some tech equipment here (Uranus!) and other storm-related issues.
More reading on such topics is available to you at the blog of Alexander Higgins, if you wish to check it out. jc
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label wildfire evacuations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildfire evacuations. Show all posts
Jun 27, 2011
Fort Calhoun Nuclear Plant Breach: Neptune to US n Moon?
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
mundane astrology,
Nuclear Energy Institute,
wildfire evacuations
Jun 13, 2011
6.15.11 Lunar Eclipse reflects threats to Luna, New Mexico
Evening of June 13, 2011: NPR News has a report on fires natural (and perhaps otherwise?) which began on the Colorado-New Mexico border in May 2011, and now are under unstable control when at all in June 2011. Feeds of NPR's related stories are included.
Earlier today I posted a certain point of view using Mundane Astrology concerning the Wednesday June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which by namesake resonates with the frequency of the town with the Moon-esque vibe: Luna, NM (there are two, one in Cadron Co., the other in Lincoln Co.) Paradoxically, its moniker was consciously given (perhaps by committee?) which for me conjures images of a Full Moon that can lift arm hairs when the topic of Lunar Eclipses comes up due to their often-documented and 'magical' ability to uncover things hidden or unconscious (see my previous post on Wednesday's eclipse, if you wish) and, in catastrophic cases out West, to also bring troubles apace to our homes and homeland (home = Cancer, the sign ruled by the astrological Moon.)
My thought is that the human race retains its collective memories and an eclipse of the Moon is by design a perfect cosmic vehicle and a trigger or timer for taking that unknown, unconscious, and possibly dangerous path where only the silver rays from a Moon Lantern lights us upon our journey. (Image of Tarot card #18, The Moon.)
>Thunder rumbles as I type and power surges have been off-on for a while now so I must mosey quickly, get my pc off the electricity. Meant to provide you with a link to include an article about Hamburg Iowa reported today to be under flood threat due to oncoming tides from a levee breach. (Storm's over, Tuesday edit: Hamburg Iowa under flood threat.)
Please pray for Luna, the surrounding environs, and Iowa - actually, toss in all of America and the planet if you care to, for watery yet smokey Neptune is active in the world and dissolving moorings of all kinds. (See today's earlier post about this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.) Even the old "fog of war" from the Vietnam War era is in the news this week with release of unredacted Pentagon Papers! (Lunar Eclipse revelations - see previous post as advised - if you wish, of course!)
If the Vietnam War era were a mere moment in time it might be titled, Flower in Gun Barrel Moment of illusion and the sort of pretending that gets a large number of people killed. The cosmic identity of such a moment is similar to the wrongheaded Splitting of the Atom Moment and, on another level, resembles the truism that a Genie can never fit back into her bottle once released. (Genie = Uranus, bottle = Saturn, of course.
When the atom was split, a perfect form or model was broken by curious human beings who had no clue how to repair the effects of their misguided arrogance while the bossy ones who ordered the project done and possibly helped bankroll it to some smattering degree held no qualms about the unleashing of this abominable power. The power was, after all, to be directed wherever the lucky gened powers-that-be were not.)
Luna, New Mexico; Mystic Rectangle June 2011
So for focusing our positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of those of us facing trials much larger than we must ordinarily withstand, good news is that there's a perfect Mystic Rectangle pattern formed around us tomorrow by 9:32 am edt (between Saturn (Air) and Uranus (Fire) with Moon in fiery Sag and Venus in airy Gemini, Hour of Venus) when high waters may inundate parts of the region even as huge fires challenge fighters across wide swaths of burned property. (Some duplicity may be afoot with Neptune whose archetype now showers us with too grand a performance before re-entering colder Aquarius from oceanic Pisces. Yes, it's that mix of wounding yet shamanic Chiron and Neptune again.
(If only flood water could be piped over to fight wild fires, creating balance between the two elements that together tend to be steamy hot and whose catalytic action may well lead to much soul-searching after searing experiences.)
My hope for protection and safety is being sent cross-country to the good people of the Western US and for the firefighters who risk their all. I do believe that angels of mercy stand ready at your command.
On The Big Picture right now (on LINK TV for me) with Thom Hartmann, General Petraeus is apparently the latest Lunar Eclipse victim...peep-eye!
Seems Gen. Petraeus' reporting on Aghanistan has left much truth to be desired from within the neocon-Zionist-warhawk' stance of 'politics of the national security state' which now strangles our nation and commandeers the top rung of priorities (financial, political nd ideological) for corrupted Washington and the soulless, 5-pointed death star, the Pentagon.
Meanwhile the security state's hierarchy of knaves and thugs can never get enough citizens to send into hellish war ('war is peace')...the 'right' Casio watches notwithstanding. It's up to we-the-people to reign the brigands in, for as we know, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Or words to that effect.
For more on such political topics you may wish, as tonight's Moon rushes to meet the Sun by Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse, to uncover and reveal The Digital Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Blog Note: to generally answer an emailed Q about the current FaceBook 'facial recognition' controversy, it's my opinion that the top dogs at FB seems to consist of a bunch of sneaks. Yes, I left FB earlier this year and heard today that the number of FB deserters in the US is growing which is perfectly understandable, really. jc
Earlier today I posted a certain point of view using Mundane Astrology concerning the Wednesday June 15, 2011 Lunar Eclipse which by namesake resonates with the frequency of the town with the Moon-esque vibe: Luna, NM (there are two, one in Cadron Co., the other in Lincoln Co.) Paradoxically, its moniker was consciously given (perhaps by committee?) which for me conjures images of a Full Moon that can lift arm hairs when the topic of Lunar Eclipses comes up due to their often-documented and 'magical' ability to uncover things hidden or unconscious (see my previous post on Wednesday's eclipse, if you wish) and, in catastrophic cases out West, to also bring troubles apace to our homes and homeland (home = Cancer, the sign ruled by the astrological Moon.)
My thought is that the human race retains its collective memories and an eclipse of the Moon is by design a perfect cosmic vehicle and a trigger or timer for taking that unknown, unconscious, and possibly dangerous path where only the silver rays from a Moon Lantern lights us upon our journey. (Image of Tarot card #18, The Moon.)
>Thunder rumbles as I type and power surges have been off-on for a while now so I must mosey quickly, get my pc off the electricity. Meant to provide you with a link to include an article about Hamburg Iowa reported today to be under flood threat due to oncoming tides from a levee breach. (Storm's over, Tuesday edit: Hamburg Iowa under flood threat.)
Please pray for Luna, the surrounding environs, and Iowa - actually, toss in all of America and the planet if you care to, for watery yet smokey Neptune is active in the world and dissolving moorings of all kinds. (See today's earlier post about this Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse @ 24Sag23.) Even the old "fog of war" from the Vietnam War era is in the news this week with release of unredacted Pentagon Papers! (Lunar Eclipse revelations - see previous post as advised - if you wish, of course!)
If the Vietnam War era were a mere moment in time it might be titled, Flower in Gun Barrel Moment of illusion and the sort of pretending that gets a large number of people killed. The cosmic identity of such a moment is similar to the wrongheaded Splitting of the Atom Moment and, on another level, resembles the truism that a Genie can never fit back into her bottle once released. (Genie = Uranus, bottle = Saturn, of course.
When the atom was split, a perfect form or model was broken by curious human beings who had no clue how to repair the effects of their misguided arrogance while the bossy ones who ordered the project done and possibly helped bankroll it to some smattering degree held no qualms about the unleashing of this abominable power. The power was, after all, to be directed wherever the lucky gened powers-that-be were not.)
Luna, New Mexico; Mystic Rectangle June 2011
So for focusing our positive thoughts and prayers on behalf of those of us facing trials much larger than we must ordinarily withstand, good news is that there's a perfect Mystic Rectangle pattern formed around us tomorrow by 9:32 am edt (between Saturn (Air) and Uranus (Fire) with Moon in fiery Sag and Venus in airy Gemini, Hour of Venus) when high waters may inundate parts of the region even as huge fires challenge fighters across wide swaths of burned property. (Some duplicity may be afoot with Neptune whose archetype now showers us with too grand a performance before re-entering colder Aquarius from oceanic Pisces. Yes, it's that mix of wounding yet shamanic Chiron and Neptune again.
(If only flood water could be piped over to fight wild fires, creating balance between the two elements that together tend to be steamy hot and whose catalytic action may well lead to much soul-searching after searing experiences.)
My hope for protection and safety is being sent cross-country to the good people of the Western US and for the firefighters who risk their all. I do believe that angels of mercy stand ready at your command.
On The Big Picture right now (on LINK TV for me) with Thom Hartmann, General Petraeus is apparently the latest Lunar Eclipse victim...peep-eye!
Seems Gen. Petraeus' reporting on Aghanistan has left much truth to be desired from within the neocon-Zionist-warhawk' stance of 'politics of the national security state' which now strangles our nation and commandeers the top rung of priorities (financial, political nd ideological) for corrupted Washington and the soulless, 5-pointed death star, the Pentagon.
Meanwhile the security state's hierarchy of knaves and thugs can never get enough citizens to send into hellish war ('war is peace')...the 'right' Casio watches notwithstanding. It's up to we-the-people to reign the brigands in, for as we know, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty; when the people fear the government, there is tyranny." Or words to that effect.
For more on such political topics you may wish, as tonight's Moon rushes to meet the Sun by Wednesday's Lunar Eclipse, to uncover and reveal The Digital Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Blog Note: to generally answer an emailed Q about the current FaceBook 'facial recognition' controversy, it's my opinion that the top dogs at FB seems to consist of a bunch of sneaks. Yes, I left FB earlier this year and heard today that the number of FB deserters in the US is growing which is perfectly understandable, really. jc
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Chiron in Pisces,
David Petraeus,
environmental damage,
mundane astrology,
Mystic Rectangle,
Thom Hartmann,
Thomas Jefferson,
wildfire evacuations
Aug 17, 2009
Merely a Lull in 'A Furious Storm'?
Is President Obama's rosy glow of an early economic upswing for real?
Or is it merely a lull in the eye of the financial hurricane?
Opposite America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is an Illumination Point, an unconscious point that may be worth considering in this financial crisis. And since Pluto is Rx in our nation's natal chart (July 4, 1776), I'm using the 'rounding down' method.
Each degree is linked to what's come before and what degree's symbol comes after - a process of evolution, so more than one degree may be looked at for information, including those degrees that square, trine, etc, the point/degree you're considering. The Symbols are often used in rectification work, for some paint such an accurate picture that they bring a chart into precise focus (when an exact time isn't known, for horoscope calculations hinge upon knowing the hour/minute/second of a person's, entity's, or event's moment of beginning.)
In the case of the current financial crisis, I am inspired today by the archetypal use in current news stories and presidential statements of the word, storm, and people's loss of their homes all across America, no matter the cause. Loss of employment seems the most prevalent cause to me for mortgage payments depend upon having adequate income. Duh.
Yet even wildfire evacuations apply, especially if it's you and yours who suddenly have no pillows for your heads tonight.
And of course, there's Pluto's connection to The Underworld, including crime syndication; plus, he's also the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, the spy, assassin, and saboteur. Our country has been saboteured, don't you think? But is America down for the final count?
As evidenced in Astrology by Pluto's laborious traversal of the early degrees of structured Capricorn in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer - Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and later on, Mercury - Pluto's 'secret hand' guise is guiding the financial show as 'he' heads toward our nation's eventual Pluto Return. Are we witnessing US leaders and foreign investors in conflict with one another - or in partnership working against We-The-People?
These questions are part of the reasons I keep grousing that secret manipulators engineered 2008's econo-crash which only crescendoed then...it was a long time coming, due to the measured slowness and stealth of Pluto, who forever transforms...
A Little Illumination of US Pluto:
"Rise in supremacy"? But didn't America do that already? Then I'm guessing that the goal of world financial collapse is just that - to delete American supremacy from the planet's files.
And you thought we were bad.
For more on the Symbols, visit Sabian Symbols.com, website of world-traveling Australian astrologer Lynda Hill.
Or is it merely a lull in the eye of the financial hurricane?
Opposite America's natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx is an Illumination Point, an unconscious point that may be worth considering in this financial crisis. And since Pluto is Rx in our nation's natal chart (July 4, 1776), I'm using the 'rounding down' method.
Each degree is linked to what's come before and what degree's symbol comes after - a process of evolution, so more than one degree may be looked at for information, including those degrees that square, trine, etc, the point/degree you're considering. The Symbols are often used in rectification work, for some paint such an accurate picture that they bring a chart into precise focus (when an exact time isn't known, for horoscope calculations hinge upon knowing the hour/minute/second of a person's, entity's, or event's moment of beginning.)
In the case of the current financial crisis, I am inspired today by the archetypal use in current news stories and presidential statements of the word, storm, and people's loss of their homes all across America, no matter the cause. Loss of employment seems the most prevalent cause to me for mortgage payments depend upon having adequate income. Duh.
Yet even wildfire evacuations apply, especially if it's you and yours who suddenly have no pillows for your heads tonight.
And of course, there's Pluto's connection to The Underworld, including crime syndication; plus, he's also the Dragon Guarding the Treasure, the spy, assassin, and saboteur. Our country has been saboteured, don't you think? But is America down for the final count?
As evidenced in Astrology by Pluto's laborious traversal of the early degrees of structured Capricorn in opposition to America's natal planets in Cancer - Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and later on, Mercury - Pluto's 'secret hand' guise is guiding the financial show as 'he' heads toward our nation's eventual Pluto Return. Are we witnessing US leaders and foreign investors in conflict with one another - or in partnership working against We-The-People?
These questions are part of the reasons I keep grousing that secret manipulators engineered 2008's econo-crash which only crescendoed then...it was a long time coming, due to the measured slowness and stealth of Pluto, who forever transforms...
A Little Illumination of US Pluto:
'27 Cancer'..."A Furious Storm Rages Through a Residential Canyon" = INTENSIFICATION...a pyramiding reality on the side of external circumstances, or of violence and terror as divine in their capacity for uplifting man out of his aplomb and demanding some manifestation of his inner ideals and enduring values.
Here is indomitable integrity of everything to be taken as of consequence in its own right, shown in the energy with which it preserves itself. Nature ever dramatizes man's unleashed powers, or his ability to rise in supremacy over each momentary crisis.
positive expression: an enlistment of every resource in life for a heightened expression of self;
neg/unconscious/shadow side: fatuous enjoyment of turmoil.
(My italics for 'pyramiding reality' as in 'pyramid of power' and Ponzi schemes; Symbol from SolarFire software; analysis from The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones. See sidebar for book in Amazon Slideshow.)
"Rise in supremacy"? But didn't America do that already? Then I'm guessing that the goal of world financial collapse is just that - to delete American supremacy from the planet's files.
And you thought we were bad.
For more on the Symbols, visit Sabian Symbols.com, website of world-traveling Australian astrologer Lynda Hill.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
27 Cancer,
A Furious Storm Rages,
financial collapse,
housing foreclosures,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Ponzi schemes,
President Obama,
Sabian Symbols,
wildfire evacuations
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