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Jan 22, 2010

Jan 19, 2010 brought no 'Poe Toaster' to poet's grave

Well, how disappointing. Jan 19, 2010 came and went but no Poe Toaster turned up to honor the macabre poet and literary critic with cognac and roses as 'he' has done these decades long.

The mysterious visitor has been wafting to Poe's Baltimore graveside in the dead of night for 60 years - since Jan 19, 1949, in fact, but was a no-show this time, reports the Baltimore Sun. There was an apparent passing of the cognac glass a while back but the hoary Poe Toasting tradition now broken bodes ill for Mr. Poe still in repose.

However, no protest of a turning-over-in-his-grave nature has occurred, last I heard, and we may count this as a good thing in spite of our grave disappointment.

Previous posts concerning the life and death of Mr. Edgar Allan Poe are here and here and a big hearty Thank You goes to my friend Jilly Dybka, poet and poetry-news-gatherer, for tweeting this story from off her excellent and highly recommended Poetry Hut blog.

Good catch, Jilly! And hey, maybe there's been so much publicity directed at the Poe Toaster in recent years that a mysterious someone feared being unmasked, hmm?

Jan 21, 2010

For Americans nation-building begins elsewhere

Richard C. Cook has written an excellent if sobering article concerning the US economy and our nation's present condition, Nation-building should begin at home.

Unfortunately, at home we have nation-underminers with today's SCOTUS decision leading the wolf pack for the moment. And if we could just stop the Pentagon from breaking other nations perhaps we could concentrate on our own business.

Oh how simplistic am I!

Well, if you read Mr. Cook's article (or have read it already) I ask that you think longingly of America's Secondary Progressed Full Moon of December 24, 2008, a time when an entity or an individual has expanded as far as can be reasonably expected and it's time to reap rewards, not begin new projects. A culmination has been reached in a 28 - 30 year cycle and we see outcomes from the new starts and plans of 14 years earlier when seeds were planted.

(2008 minus 14 = 1994 which furrowed the Republican Party's 'Contract with America''s seeds, or as I think of it, Contract on America, which used some text from a Reagan speech to burnish it's hoped-for effect on we-the-people.

Now we see the Treasury-emptying financial results, and with Scott Brown's rout in Massachusetts, the GOP's hopes and plans for a replay of their congressional coup of 1994 is staring us brazenly in the face. Yet who can forget the interminable 8 years of fraud and torture under Bush-Cheney? Who?

Plus, you may wish to consider Ronald Reagan's signing of the Garn-St Germain Act: "I think we hit the jackpot," he beamed proudly - or as I tend to think of it: I knew it was you, Reagan. Fastfoward to Jan 2009 and it seems to me that Bush and crew 'hit the jackpot' as they skulked from the White House, our coffers decimated, financial system wrecked, bags of moola under their thieving arms.

Yes, a Secondary Full Moon is a time of harvest and can be a positive or negative period depending on what was planted - a peak has been achieved, the light is at its very brightest and must now soften slowly until the next New Moon begins the cycle again. Recognizing that this phase has arrived may be difficult at first to accept and the American personality ordinarily has much trouble in this department - we do like our new endeavors, don't we? Expansion, baby! We think we were born to expand, never contract. Now that would be an unnatural state of karma-avoidance.

Of course, Bush and his fellow thieves of Wall Street and Capitol Hill did enjoy the harvest planted in 1994, didn't they?

So I've been blogging (aka, fussing) at government for not seeming to recognize that our nation's peak has been reached - or at least, the plutocrats-in-charge have tried very hard not to clue us in on the true condition of things by pretending we can afford to escalate wars (even start new ones!) and by refusing to give up their practice of "capitalism as usual" in spite of all indications to the contrary. Lots of funny money has been printed by the Federal Reserve which is neither federal nor reserved.

However, the financial collapse of 2008 and the tsunami-like ripples it created have made the culminating peak of our Secondary Progressed Full Moon more difficult to hide even for our master propagandists. Even citizens who prefer to pretend that 'Politics' doesn't exist because they'd rather think of other things, have been forced to pay attention to the self-destructive road we tread when common sense says we should be 'regrouping to plan anew' (to paraphrase the venerable I Ching) rather than expanding against the 28/30-year natural cycle of our Secondary Full Moon. Stubborn will or irrational will? A bunch of both, I think.

And the fact that our Sec Full Moon occurred on the Virgo/Pisces victim/savior axis has only better described the current haves vs have-nots stand-off of obscenely huge executive pay bonuses, corporate welfare bailouts, big banks tossing people out on the streets to do what with yet another empty house, millions of people unemployed, and the general inequalities and ills within our society.


Tonight my heart was wrenched by a report on NPR about the US bail bond system and how most people in jail now are there because they can't make bond - even $50 or $100 bails. Some areas of the country are worse than others, but the system supports the incomes of bail bondsmen while taxpayers foot the bill for those who must sit inside for months or up to a year. And we're not talking violent criminals here...we may be talking about your or my neighbor whose life may now be ruined and whose job is now lost because he couldn't scare up $100. The toll on families is immeasurable: even the lowest wage earner is needed in the home!

So here's our formerly great America. Land of the spree, home of the grave?

Then an activist-court SCOTUS decides to supply more 'evidence' that corporations are people, too, and after hearing of their decision upturning the campaign finance law (inadequate though it was), I fret today even more than yesterday for the future of our handicapped-from-within America that was, is, and will continue to be, my only nag in the race.

Are some earthquakes man-made?

Here is an article I'm just now reading and am not certain you'd be interested in the subject but if you are, it concerns the possibility that earthquakes are not only natural disasters but can be manipulated man-made events.

Remember a few decades ago when 'cloud seeding' to bring rain was all the rage?

Baby steps.

Jan 19, 2010

View Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse photos

Space Weather News for Jan 19, 2010

FARSIDE SOLAR ACTIVITY: Over the past two days, NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft has detected two eruptions from an active region just behind the sun's eastern limb. The source of the blasts appears to be old sunspot 1039. The sun's rotation will begin turning the spot toward Earth this week, so there could be some Earth-directed solar activity in the offing.

Check SpaceWeather News for movies and updates.

ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE: On Jan 15th, the Moon passed directly in front of the sun, producing a "ring of fire" solar eclipse over the Indian Ocean and surrounding lands. The eclipse gallery contains many must-see images.

Start browsing here.

Naomi Klein warns on Haiti disaster capitalism

Update Jan 19: just published is the horoscope of Haiti's Declaration of Independence, Jan 1, 1804, with a few details. Powerful, manipulative Pluto is now conjunct Haiti's natal Mars/Chiron conjunction and tr Mars Rx is conjunct n SN!

Original post begins here:

Democracy Now has the Jan 13, 2010 interview text and video of author Naomi Klein concerning the Jan 12 earthquake disaster in Haiti and the threat of shock doctrine capitalism to this impoverished and on-its-knees nation.

In a comment on this blog yesterday I mentioned my lack of trust that the US government (and others) are being honest relief-bringers to the people of Haiti. Well, I wasn't searching for the above info but it turned up during a cyber-ramble for Haiti's date of independence.

Slave Uprising Leads to Independence

Haiti's revolutionaries declared independence from France on January 1, 1804, hour unknown, at Gonaives. Our slave owners President George Washington and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson erred on the side of supporting France and Napoleon in the uprising.

'Erred' is only my modern word, but their historic mistake.

For as we see demonstrated before our eyes each day, rich plutocrats do like to stick together and they'll support or install any dictator who dances to their capitalist tune in order to make everything a one-sided win-win - but only for them.

Jan 18, 2010

Inauguration 2009's Solar Return 2010: Obama's 2nd year begins

Soon a year will have passed in the Presidency of Barack Obama which means it's time for the Solar Return 2010 to the Jan 20, 2009 Inauguration chart.

A Solar Return chart is 'good for' a year so the 2010 Return chart covers his presidency's 2nd year going forward. Click the link to view the 2010 Solar Return chart and read a few details. Leave polite comments to discuss the chart and our national propects for 2010, if you wish.

Jan 17, 2010

Martin Luther King Day 2010

In honor of Martin Luther King Day on Monday, I'm passing on to you a link to a personal remembrance written by my friend of several years, reporter and writer Terry Burger. Terry relocated to Pennsylvania years ago but still visits the South once in a while.

His article King Was an Ordinary Man Who Accomplished Extraordinary Things wisps me back to the 1960s and reminds me of the atmosphere of the times including a heinous KKK murder that occurred in summer 1964 in Terry's and my hometown of Athens, Georgia.

Now I don't remember details of the brutal murder as well as Terry does but I do remember driving past a certain house in the county where my family lived and being horrified and upset by seeing a burning cross on the front lawn - my first such sighting and the last. I must have been quite young - perhaps 9 or so - and found that my parents were quite speechless to explain to a child why a cross was put in such a condition. The graphic image didn't square at all with the Bible studies I enjoyed at church each week and it seemed senseless that anyone would do such a thing to the very symbol of Christ's sacrifice to save us - All.

Or at least that's what my Bible said and says. It seemed pretty clear to me as a child that 'all' meant everyone. Duh. That's you and me and the whole kit and caboodle who ever lived, lives, or will live on planet earth. Even then, if I rated, I tended to rate individuals on how they behaved toward others, not on how they looked. Another duh!

Like Terry, I say it's now 50 years hence. And though I can't claim not to 'understand' it, I still abhor it and what it symbolizes. Disclosure: actually, some of us here in Georgia are not racist (except on an unconscious level as are we all) though it may be difficult to convince most people of it. Certainly there have been through the years plenty of racist crimes committed in the North as well, which makes it an American problem, a dark stain or blind spot we're still 'working' on. Or are supposed to be.

Yet murderous psychopaths would probably disagree for their own skewed reasons. My feeling is that if such people didn't kill for racist 'justifications' they'd probably kill anyway.

Yes, like most Americans, I was thrilled when Barack Obama was elected (or selected, if you will, by the power elite) as President of the United States because of his talents, abilities, and intelligence, and I hoped his term would be a vast improvement over the previous skuldugging numbskullery and obscene pocket-lining.

1960s to 2010: Whether Mr. Obama's election to the Oval Office indicates any true evolutionary progress taking place here in America remains a question with an answer that's still up in the air. Perhaps it will all depend on whether people can really change.

If you wish to view the horoscope for April 4, 1968 @ 6:01 pm CST, Memphis, TN, you may do so (click chart to enlarge; details are included.)

Jan 15, 2010's Solar Eclipse @ 25Cap01 conjuncts his natal Sun 25Cap08 by 7 minutes which shows a tendency for him to be noticed in the collective; it's a time when previous obstacles to his efforts may clear! Those who feel negatively toward him and his work may muddy his identity now as some have tramped upon it even while he lived, preached, and led. They had their sordid reasons.


Around the outside of the April 4, 1968 chart you'll see Dr. King's natal planets listed with one 'biggie' in the asteroid department: his natal Nemesis (an unbeatable foe; divine retribution) @ 11Lib17 is rising in the assassination chart. No, Nemesis rising is not a lone indicator of the opposition Dr. King faced (Icarus is active, too - keywords: risk-taker; assassination), but its rising is a descriptive picture of the violent and sad event that stole Dr. King's life and immediately stopped in its tracks the melding of America's anti-war protests with the Civil Rights Movement.

We might say that that was what they opposed and why they decided to stop the man with the powerful, inspiring voice who was on the verge of effecting the melding of two massively popular social movements. Then our 'secret government' would have been seriously challenged by we-the-people for we are strong in numbers (the primary reason why I say that such tactics as 'Ds vs Rs' and 'libs vs cons' keeps us divided - on purpose.)

Now if human beings of the arrogant, overweening persuasion would cease assuming the role of the jackal delivering 'divine retribution' to their fellow men and leave such judgments to our Creator (where it belongs), the entire planet could sleep better at night.

Judge not, lest ye be also judged.

"I have a dream..."

Jan 16, 2010

Kreativ Blogger Award for Stars Over Washington! Who's next?

On this rainy Saturday in Georgia, a big and hearty Thank You goes out to my cyber friend, author, and cat lover Layla Morgan Wilde, maven of the Boomer Muse blog who has kindly put SO'W on her Kreativ Blogger Award list of 7!

Layla and I became friends on Gather years ago and have shared a mutual love of kitty cats ever since - her cats Merlin and Coco are simply fabulous felines! (And my kitties are quite jealous of them and their online fame.)

Now here are the 6 rules for the Kreativ Blogger Award which you will need to follow if you are chosen:

1. Copy/paste the Kreativ Blogger Award picture onto your blog
2. Thank the person who awarded it to you and post a link to her/his blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself we do not know
4. Choose 7 other bloggers to award
5. Link to them
6. Notify your 7 bloggers of their award

Hmmm...7 things about me you do not know...not sure if you know them or not, so...Did You Know?

1. I am all about using alcohol-based liquid soap several times per day and don't care who knows it
2. A favorite guilty pleasure is watching TV's Castle each week, even re-runs
3. In a Dark Chocolate vs White Chocolate war, both would lose miserably to Milk Chocolate
4. For over 20 years I ran away from an early interest in Astrology due to what my church teaches about it; I subsequently got over it
5. Childhood was spent running wildly upon woodsy paths and ensconced in the topmost branches of tall trees from whence I did not answer my mother when she called
6. I seldom, if ever, get to use the word whence and am not certain why
7. In spite of the heavy subjects I write about on Stars Over Washington, a natal Jupiter/Saturn trine gives me a silly, oft-expressed sense of humor - much needed in today's wacky world.

And now (enough about me), here are my Kreativ Blogger Award recipients - hope I get to award them first! This will be an alphabetized-by-blog-name listing and you may notice that one of them is my creative photographing, yarn-spinning daughter Maya (there's no rule against nepotism, I assume) so away we go:

1. Delwyn, writing from Queensland, Australia on her A Hazy Moon blog for its lovely and calming combination of Japanese prints and poetry, Egyptian Art, and veggie photos, along with an image of Thoth, 'god of blogging' as he's 'recording his observations'! (As astrologers and mythologists know, scribe Thoth is one of Mercury's faces, the other being Hermes, the alchemist, trickster, and shaman.)

2. Marina and Funkstar at Funk Astrology Blog for their insightful, in-depth analyses and dedication to 'Cutting Edge Astrology for Uranian Times'. Both offer Astrology consultations, and Marina practices Tarot and dream interpretation as well.

3. Julie at Julie Demboski's Astrology for her brilliant analyses of planetary aspects and trends which she deftly combines with asteroids for a more complete picture given in her clearly-written style that keeps many of us on the road to understanding events, ourselves, and others better.

4. Diane Lang, aka Neith, whose specialities included relationships (synastry) and Nodal information at her Neithnet blog, which is in process of being transported (along with Neith on Synastry) to a new webhome on WordPress, Neith on Astrology. Now we have a one-stop place for all of Neith's excellent work!

5. Donna Cunningham, expert world class astrologer, lecturer, and author of 19 books (by last count!) who has entered the cyber world of Astrology blogs and now astounds us with her brilliant output at her SkyWriter blog. And Donna also offers excellent online writing seminars at Moon Maven Publications, along with her books in e-book form or hard copy.

6. Maya Henderson, author of Springtree Road where she writes as a stay-at-home mom who knows her way around a camera while spinning, dyeing, and hand painting yarns of all colors for your special knitting projects. Maya is now launching a new Etsy Shop of her photography prints called a moss garden.

7. Astrologer Anne Whitaker, an astro-veteran who studied Psychological Astrology with the great Dr. Liz Greene, and who is now Writing from the twelfth house from her snug location in Glasgow, Scotland. Plus, Anne has recently launched a sister site called Wisps from the Dazzling Darkness concerning paranormal experiences which she's being very open about...share, if you wish!

These are all very creative - I mean, Kreativ - ladies who deserve much credit for making the worldwide web a better place to read, view, and hang out! Many other great blogs are not listed here, whose authors deserve notice, too, yet I suspect that others will soon ensnare their blogs within their Award nets.

Now for the hard part: if I can only figure out how to contact them all...and will they fume at me if I can't? ;p

Thanks again, Layla!

