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Jun 10, 2010

How to tell a CFR from a Trilateral Commission - video

Here is Patrick Wood, editor of the excellent August Review, detailing the difference between the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commmission.

Mr. Wood has the goods on Henry Kissinger, too, but you'll want to click on more videos in this series to watch and listen.

Can you hear?

Jun 9, 2010

Depopulating America and US natal Ceres

Whew! The following article covers a lot from GM seeds and hemp to the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s and 30s, a program which Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Gulf Oil (Mellon) had financial reasons to push.

What rises to the top of the Depopulation of America heap are the Rockefellers, Monsanto, and...Bill Gates!

You know food sources such as grains in particular fall under the province of Ceres in a mundane chart (along with security issues - if you don't have decent food, you're not 'secure' as much as dead.)

And where is America's natal Ceres from 1776? 8Pisces41 Rx (in 3rd house of the Sibly chart.)

And where is our nation's natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the combo of Plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, statism, fascism, totalitarianism, and other -isms of greed, cruelty, and oppression...kind of the Oilcan Harry of midpoints?

Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50 conjunct US natal Ceres....

"9Pis" = "A Jockey Spurs His Horse"...PRACTICE...

positive expression: a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: witless gambling of every resource and potentiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now a few years ago, most Americans would tell me I'd lost my bippy if I asserted that the negative expression of our Ceres-Pluto/Chiron's Symbol was uppermost in our society.

But now it's late days with the BP-Gulf Oil blowout decimating our Gulf Coast, GM seeds ruining natural fields and crops the world over, Wall Street hustles and bailouts are forced as private debt is socialized and the rich get richer and more powerful, carcenogenic food additives cause illnesses galore, imperialist wars bankrupting our Treasury, and other outrageous acts and events we hear of and suffer from each day.

Feeling targeted yet? Americans are an endangered species!

Even the entertainment industry does its part against us as the NWO plan to 'feed the senses' at the expense of reasoned thought and attention to what they're up to behind closed doors has taken over the minds of many citizens, especially our young folk. You'll even hear the word 'senses' a bunch in commercial ads from 'Madison Avenue' with messages such as, "Relax, feed a sense or two" and you, too, may find 'happiness' in mood-altering room deodorizers of your choice.

In 2010, "witless gambling of every resource and potentiality" is one sorry description of how this country has been run for decades, and how our resources have been abused for massive profits by those who think they're better than we-the-people and don't mind oppressing us until those left standing agree with them.

And yet I do not agree. Do you?

Does BP really own the oil they're siphoning off from the Gulf Oil fiasco their witless gambling caused? Why, next thing we know, Monsanto will declare itself to be the owner of the cattle upon a thousand hills!


On a lighter note, the artist in me is celebrating Comet McNaught's approach to earth in mid-June, 2010 in my Secret Moon Art gallery, if you'd like a peek! Comet-watching details are linked there for you as well.


Update 7:45 pm edt: a new post has been published detailing Senator Blanche Lincoln's Sun/Moon personality blend, if you're interested in reading a smidgen of what makes her tick.

Jun 8, 2010

There shall be signs: new Comet McNaught on the way

This SpaceWeather Alert may be a day late but comes not a comet too soon...expect the unexpected. Especially with quirky Uranus and generous Jupiter at Aries Point these days!

Space Weather News for June 8, 2010

NEW COMET McNAUGHT: A fresh comet is swinging through the inner solar system, and it is brightening rapidly as it approaches Earth for a 100 million mile close encounter in mid-June.

Comet McNaught (C/2009 R1) has a vivid green head and a long wispy tail that look great through small telescopes. By the end of the month it could be visible to the naked eye perhaps as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper.

Because this is the comet's first visit to the inner solar system, predictions of future brightness are necessarily uncertain; amateur astronomers should be alert for the unexpected.

Visit for sky maps, photos and more information.

Bilderbergs, Obama, and the creating of kings

Here's a round-up of Bilderberg info with lots of links to follow, a video to watch, and the final list of this years' attendees in Sitges, Spain June 3 - 6, 2010.

There's mention of the secret meeting between then-candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the Bilderbergers in Chantilly, Virginia (not "in DC" as stated in the round-up - I mention so you'll know for certain which meeting is meant) which is when and where I think Mr. Obama was given the go-ahead as Democratic nominee (and winner of the White House shilling job; McCain and Palin were ridiculous fakes!)

This was the one where Robert Gibbs attempted to keep reporters on the Obama campaign plane happy with being locked inside the airplane while Mr. Obama had been whisked away to meet with some of his bosses who were cabaling in Chantilly.

Now if you're still uncertain that the Bilderberg Group creates 'kings' and determines global policies for the year ahead, please read the article, watch the video, and follow some or all of the links. For when a former Nato Secretary General confirms Bilderberg involvement in directing the world, perhaps it's worth considering as plausible.

As for the Astrology of it, I'm quite okay with using the midpoint Pluto/Chiron to represent plutocrats such as the Bilderberg Group. And on Jan 20, 2009, at noon, Capitol Building, the Pluto/Chiron midpoint was at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart and it was in good company - President Obama's Saturn (authority) in Capricorn (government, law, politics) was there as well with the Sun and Mercury Rx 00AQ+ conjunct Mr. Obama's natal's a mixed bag of potentials...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mc: thinking with grandeur; new outlooks for personal refinement and growth; the philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey.

Jun 7, 2010

Gemini New Moon conj US natal Mars June 12, 2010

Yes, I'd like to compose an article on the June 12, 2010 New Moon 21Gem which conjoins America's natal Mars, planet of war, strife, quarrels, and action but tomorrow's Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus at Aries Point has fortunately rescued you from the trial!

How can this be through time and space, from me not to you? What beneficial interference could occasion such welcomed relief for a hapless, innocent blog reader such as yourself?

Well, you may wish to thank my friend Depali Desai whose 'New Moon in Gemini' article on her excellent Celestial Space Astrology blog is just in time for June 12 and for nurturing the new seeds of intention you'll hope take root then!

Dipali also writes of the writer's planet, Mercury, and the wing'd messenger's traversal of its own sign, Gemini, so check in with Celestial Space Astrology for more details.

Yet this is a Mundane Astrology blog of sorts attempting to take quick peeks under the hood of Politics so perhaps it would be remiss not to type the transiting midpoint picture potentials for you of June 12's New Moon conjunct the testy, contentious, testosterone-pumped Mars of the USA...

New Moon = n Mars: an urge to bring ideals and wishes to fruition; the realization of joint ventures; energy helping or upsetting relationships; anger; addressing problems; servile awareness in partnership; the drive for fulfillment; becoming more self-reliant; pushing others toward quicker progress (BP? jc); imposing one's will on others; a focus on strength; marriage. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

A note on that last one which relates to the US (Mars) yet dovetails with the Jan 15, 2010 Solar Eclipse 25Cap01 which suggests an important *ceremony or wedding occurring, perhaps a royal one - Princess Victoria of Sweden will be enjoying her royal wedding bash before the end of June - just before the end of the current Eclipse season (with the next Solar Eclipse occurring July 11, 2010 @ 19Can24.)

Thankfully, Sweden's royal wedding will not be held on June 26 when a marriage would have to begin under the rays of a Lunar Eclipse conjunct Pluto which doesn't sound auspicious for beginning new lives together to me.

Fortunately, the royal ceremony is set for June 19, the day when, for about 6 hours, Jupiter and Uranus will make a lovely parallel to one another, a kind of 'sealing the deal' of their Great Conjunction of June 8, 2010 at a World Point 00Ari18!

Plus, maybe the Lunar Eclipse chart set for their wedding's location makes beneficial aspects to the horoscopes of the bride and groom. And yet, as with all Lunar Eclipses, dark secrets are yet to be revealed!


* The Solar Eclipse of Jan 15, 2010 in Capricorn is titled Ceremony Fit for a King by Celeste Teal in her book, Eclipses; Princess Victoria's royal wedding makes Teal's prediction spot-on. jc

US-Israeli spy-ties, 9/11, and our Mercury/Pluto

Since the events of 9/11/01, an aroma of betrayal has wafted here and there, off and on, through alternative news venues and smelling stinkily like Israel spies on, and in, the US of A. "Not true," say Israeli spokespersons.

There have been questions about how Israel could possibly have avoided knowing ahead about the WTC attacks (they have a habit of spying on Arabs) so why not spill the life-saving beans to your bestest, gosh-golly-darn'dest, bosomest of buddies, America (Once) the Beautiful.

Now surfacing - on FOX News, of all places! - Israel spends most of its spying time and money on industrial and militarial thefts bwo surveillance in and from the US. Guess the fat checks America sends the Israeli government pays for something fun after all.

Anyway, my online time has been interfered with by thunderstorm systems of late so I'm just now glomming on to this story. Read, if you will, and tell me what you think of the matter.


btw: doh! it strikes me that nothing emphasized on FOX News is there by accident. If it's aired, you can be sure there's a political reason. And that goes just as much for major network 'newscasts'. This describes America's natal Mercury/Pluto opposition, y'know...'control of the media' and 'the press used as propaganda dissimulators' (see my previous post from this morning for more details!)

Of course, the above situation with US-Israeli spy-ties may indicate that the US did know ahead of time about the attacks of 9/11 because of spywork - whether courtesy of Israel, another source, and/or from within US government spying agencies themselves.

At least, we know that someone knew ahead of time...because someone made mega-million$ on the NYSE. Now was that Goldman Sachs? ~:~

Fixed Stars, the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, and market instability

With Fixed Stars Castor 20Can14 and Pollux 23Can13 straddling the Ascendant in the Summer Solstice 2010 horoscope set for Washington DC, the energies of the twin stars will be front and center as the summer season begins.

The chart of Summer Solstice 2010 indicates that these archetypal energies are first up for the third week of June 2010 and include such potential influences as:

Castor (MERCURY-Jupiter-Mars-Venus-Saturn-Moon-Uranus flavors) = crippling of limbs; sudden fame or loss; murder; mental illness.

Pollux (MARS-Moon-Uranus) = danger of disgrace; murder; rape; cruelty; danger from large animals, women, or poisons; good for Astrology and the occult. (Horary Plain and Simple, Anthony Louis.)

Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer 2010

The next Fixed Star to rise in the Summer Solstice 2010 chart is Procyon 25Can47 which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx @ 24Can12 (in 8th house of the Sibly chart = 5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776) and I've always considered '25Can' to be a very interesting degree in relation to the founding of America.

'25Can' = "A Leader of Men Wrapped in an Invisible Mantle of Power" which conjures the Pluto-esque realms of invisible power and invisible helmets, doesn't it?

That our nation's founders had contact when in Europe with
founder Adam Weishaupt is not always considered important by some but this author finds it an intriguing premise. Click to view the Illuminati horoscope (Bavarian sect) - May 1, 1776 - which of course has several planetary placements similar to America's natal chart; you'll notice that idealistic Jupiter conjoins US natal Mars which makes a 'Mars to n Jupiter' transit for Weishaupt and his organization...

Mars conjunct n Jupiter: having an exaggerated or expansive part to play in events; personal potentials broaden under present circumstances with a greater enthusiasm for expansion of spiritual and cultural awareness.

As you know, America was founded with her Mercury opposed by secret hand Pluto, an aspect suggesting issues of mind control, propaganda, surveillance, and intellectual autonomy and manipulation of mercurial things such as young people, the press, and our basic thinking processes.

Whether American minds have ever been truly 'free' from Pluto's meddling interference is something of a question when isolated puppet master Pluto, wealth-hoarder supreme, is determining the direct of a nation.

Then there's the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse (chart shown) with Scorpio (big business; betrayals and spying) rising with the midpoint of Saturn and Pluto, two of the main actors on 9/11/01 during their opposition.

Saturn/Pluto = ASC: concentration upon important matters; assessments of how to work with those in power; an environment that gives an impression of silent power or continuing influence; being placed in cumbersome or difficult circumstances; separation; melancholy; mourning or bereavement. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Click and you'll notice 8th house involvement (Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, Death, the Occult) which relates to the above info for Fixed Star Castor which is being triggered by the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ 19Can24, plus, '20Can/Cap are crisis or critical degrees, as you know.

Basically, 8th house crises are indicated yet the Solar Eclipse itself describes problems that at first seem worse, then clear with good don't panic! The July 11 Eclipse is in the same Series (12S) as America's Pre-Natal Eclipse Series (@ 00Pis34 in 1776, where Chiron transits now.)

That stock markets may be affected adversely by the July Solar Eclipse and by its herald, the June 26, 2010 Lunar Eclipse conjoining secretive Pluto in Saturn-ruled Capricorn, is a distinct possibility for Summer into Autumn 2010, and we'll soon take a peek at what the Horoscope for Autumn Equinox 2010 entails for our nation.

To me it seems that Reagan's dodgy 'Morning in America' has become a melancholy Mourning in America as part of a long process of government by remote control.