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Jun 16, 2010

Fannie and Freddie to delist shares from NYSE

NPR BREAKING NEWS: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac To Delist Shares From NYSE

Fannie shares have been below the $1 average price level for 30 trading days. NYSE rules require a company to take action to boost its shares or delist.

Read more at NPR.

Jun 15, 2010

Debtors' Prison revival in US states - Pluto/Chiron thrilled

In-debt Americans who live in Minnesota, Washington, Arkansas, and Arizona are being imprisoned for non-payment until someone comes up with the money.

Draconian debtors' prisons were largely abolished in the US in the 19th century but a weak economy (brought to us by risk-taking, greedy Oilcan Harry types) has put them back on the map as a 'solution' to a dire situation!!

Guess that makes debtors prisons nonabolished - not very 'progressive' for the New Millennium, is it?

Feel you can't go to jail over a few hundred dollars because you have minor kids at home? Too bad, say the states where mustache-twirling Oilcan Harry rules the day and, apparently, the court.

The Pluto/Chiron duo, one of the primary markers in Astrology for oppressive plutocracies everywhere, now approaches 3 Aquarius in transit. '3AQ' is the position of rich man Jupiter in the Inauguration 2009 chart, 10th house. Old Oilcan is really outdoing himself these days playing one of his favorite board games: class warfare.

And the ongoing Cardinal T-Squares of various planets and the difficult Cardinal Cross energies are the sugar in his tea.

I mention sugar in tea because I finally watched the excellent film Amazing Grace last evening and recommend it highly to anyone who likes historical drama and wants to know about the fight against the slave trade led in the English Parliament by William Wilberforce.

Since 'slave trade' is a huge hoofprint for Pluto/Chiron, I looked up MP Wilberforce who was born August 24, 1759 in Kingston Upon Hull, England. And you know what surprised me about his chart? Radical, disruptive Uranus @ 00Ari16 Rx! While he sleeps at Westminster Abbey these many years, he is in process of having a Uranus Return made exceptional by the June 8, 2010 Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus @ 00Ari18!

Well, perhaps this planetary event should awaken him as Uranus contacts tend to do, for it seems the world again needs his dedicated work fighting for moral principles - yet depressive Saturn in late degrees of Virgo now tamps down William Wilberforce's natal Mercury 28Vir09 (noon chart; birth time unknown.)

Yes, the Pluto/Chiron-esque topic of this post depresses me, too, on behalf of my fellow Americans in financial trouble - meanwhile, the US Senate dilly dallies over extending unemployment benefits (as homes and autos are lost) and whispers behind closed doors about how to cut Social Security benefits while keeping their individual pawprints off the measure.

No report yet on whether senators' mustaches are twirling like pinwheels.

Perhaps I'll quit typing now and go look for other topics of interest...such as President Obama's televised speech from the Oval Office tonight concerning the BP Oil disaster, a catastrophe which has a loud Pluto/Chiron ring to it for disenfranchised Gulf Coast residents, don't you think?

Jun 14, 2010

Obama to speak as Disturbed Pelicans rise 6.15.10

Perhaps you may want to read a brief article before you hear President Obama speak tomorrow night on TV (6.15.10 8 pm edt) concerning the BP-Gulf Oil Disaster of April 20 because it's worse than you think - now BP admits there's damage below the ocean floor.

Neptune/Chiron, you outdo yourselves with your 'wounded ocean' archetype - enough is too much already!

On the evening of June 15, 2010, @ 8:00 pm edt at the White House, 18Sag12 rises on the WHAT? Point of the chart, a degree with an interesting Sabian Symbol given the topic of the President's address...

'19Sag' = "Pelicans, Disturbed by People, Move Their Habitats"'s that for a sad synchronicity?

Dane Rudhyar expands a little on this symbol's word picture:

"Pelicans Menaced by the Behavior and Refuse of Men Seek Safer Areas for Bringing Up Their Young"...'keynote: The need for people concerned with the future to discover a new way of living and more wholesome surroundings...SURVIVAL has become a matter of extreme importance. Whole animal species may be destroyed by our civilization, mankind itself is in danger. Going to distant planets is hardly the answer. A generation may have to sacrifice itself for the sake of its descendants.'

(An Astrological Mandala, Rudhyar.)

Chart-ruler Jupiter 1Ari13, still engaged in his happy tango at World Point 00Ari00 with Uranus 00:26, makes applying squares:

1. Jupiter SQ Pluto (3A09; Pluto is also a ruler of oil, pipes, and tunnels in dark recesses; Neptune rules oil, gas, and water, and the Great Conjunction of the two marks the symbolic natal chart of the Generation of Materialism from the 1890s - the Robber Barons of resource-plundering fame whose progeny (biological or ideological) now drill our ocean floors in search of huge profits with little or no concern for pelicans or their spoiled feathers.)

2. Sun SQ Jupiter (6A26), an 'over-promising' aspect indicating manipulation; Sun 24Gem46 is in 7th house of Partnerships and Public Enemies (see the next paragraph.) Is the President being manipulated by over-promises of money from BP? And/or is Mr. Obama manipulating the public with his 'escrow account' idea?

So Jupiter and Uranus are apex planets in a double T-Square involving coping Pluto (in 1st house of the speech chart) and the Sun (the leader - here in 7th house which may indicate Mr. Obama's subordinating himself to others - Gemini is associated with London, Versailles, Belgium, and Egypt, among others; any or all of these places may apply considering US corporate governance.)

The T-SQ will be exact in about one week once the Sun gets to early degrees of Cancer. (Speaking of Sun to 00Can00, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of Summer Solstice 2010 with starry Gemini Twins Castor and Pollux, and the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse, rising.)

Here are the pictures involving Jupiter and Uranus...

Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; expansion of power base; international opportunities; urge to expand and acquire wealth.

Sun/Pluto = Uranus: sudden obsession to acquire more power and control; use of scientific methods to achieve progress or gain power; a surprising suspicion of basic power; new individual perspectives; rebellion; reform; sudden changes; carrying out fanatic reforms without regard for oneself; a need for better morals and ethics; sudden adjustments to new circumstances (arrest); laughter lightens perspectives.

The Jupiter/Uranus conj is ruled by Mars which is here posited in 9th house @ 4Vir38; Mars is focal planet in a repressive midpoint picture...

Moon/Saturn - Mars: having a sense of real problems; difficulty getting off the ground (or sea bed) except by careful, strategically planned exertion of energy; soul conflicts; the desire to overcome difficulties; illness of or separation from women.

So we have 'depressed people (Moon/Saturn) performing (Mars) dedicated work (Virgo)' in very frustrating, inhibiting circumstances.

Mercury 10Gem24, planet of speeches, announcements, negotiations, plans, trade, and commerce, is in Cadent 6th house of service (such as police, military, and the National Guard) - the only applying aspect Mercury makes here is an inconjunct (150 degr) with the North Node so Mr. Obama's speech may not succeed very well with most of the public (NN), or at the least, there will be adjustments to be made with this aspect appearing in the President's 'speech chart'.

But then Mercury also relates to reporters, journalists, and bloggers, so the input by some of them may not please the public concerning the issues the President mentions and the ongoing crisis being dealt with on the Gulf Coast.

And yes, the chart shows the Jupiter/Uranus/AP conj loosely opposed by Saturn with the old man still tarrying in Mutable Virgo, and obstacle-placing T-Squares are on display with the BP Oil situation, and with other difficulties affecting the collective (not just here in the US, of course, but my primary focus on this blog must usually be America, my favorite 'nag in the race'.)

Since Saturn is exalted in Libra and will soon reconnect with US natal MC 00Lib53; plus, Saturnian accountability is on the way with a US Saturn Return on our astro-menu) so perhaps the Cardinal quality of the transiting T-Squares will give impetus for finding successful solutions in the next few weeks when Saturn enters, and stays in, the Cardinal sign of Libra.

As you know, square configurations (90 degr) contain tremendous dynamic energies which can be well-employed, if one knows how.

For after all, you remember that the July 11, 2010 Solar Eclipse @ '19Can' (12 South Series which is America's PE from 1776) is soon upon us with its 'things at first seem worse, then improve with good outcomes' vibe.

Plus, the Sun/Moon midpoint of Mr. Obama's speech Tuesday night is 18Can27, Moon 12Leo08 conjoins the President's natal Sun, Venus conjoins his natal Mercury, and BP may just come up with new ideas or discover (Jupiter conj Uranus - discovery of new technology and exploring new realms of opportunity!) to figure out a workable, efficient solution to this harrowing puzzle of an environmental disaster.

If I had to guess from this chart whether BP will do what the Democrats say concerning the setting up of an escrow fund of $20 billion, I'd say that it's more probable than not with both Venus 1Leo54 and Moon in Leo in 8th house of Shared Resources, Big Money, and Corporations. (As long as the escrow amount is not a long-range cap on damage payments!)

Yet a caveat must be added that may turn out to be a mere trifle yet it's angular and a mixed bag, so see what you think....

Neptune/Mc = ASC (8:00 pm edt): acting and pretending; pursuit of the wrong objectives; uncertainty; living in a world of illusion; a foggy realm; defenses against insecurity.

The *Neptune/Mc midpoint indicates a potential for 'scandals of a very large scope' so I hope America's tendency to settle for scandals rather than actual improvements won't interfere with finding solutions to the Gulf Coast fiasco. At this juncture, muddying political waters must be considered a self-serving, cynical blow against the pelicans and other species which are in danger of completely wiped out along with the livelihoods of their stewards, the good people of the Gulf Coast, who are doing such a great job cleaning oil off pelican feathers.

For America's sake, the political hackery and histrionics of the "anything to make Obama fail" campaign of top GOPers like Rush Limbaugh is precisely what our nation needs most to fail.


Timeline of Deepwater Horizon oil 'spill' @ Wiki.

*Neptune/Mc details: Michael Munkasey's book Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets; all midpoint pictures from Munkasey, Tyl, and Ebertin, and as always, 'any, all, or none' may apply.

Jun 13, 2010

Video report from Bilderberg Meeting in Spain June 2010

The Guardian's Charlie Skelton is interviewed from Sitges, Spain where the Bilderberg Cabal 2010 wrapped up a few days ago. Skelton is one of few journalists who have attempted to attend these affairs previously and seems to me to use words such as 'silly' quite a lot when he reports on this secretive organization of movers and shakers.

Question is, what are they preparing to shake? And can we move out of the way in time?

Actually, the euro is said to have been their main topic of discussion this year but for me it's the same as with all Politics: no matter what is being strongly promoted - or how diversionary it is - we can be fairly certain that it isn't the real deal we should be keeping a close eye upon.

And when things the power elite have rushed to 'save' or 'rescue' fail anyway, we can be fairly certain it was meant to fail. Yes, they are only human but you can't expect such bloodlines to admit to embarrassing infallibility when lesser mortals come a-knockin' for answers.

Can you even imagine that the April 20 BP Oil Catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico - the blowout, the spill, the sabotage, whatever - was not a topic of discussion amongst the elite throng gathered in luxury at the swanky Dolce Hotel?

After all, the entire world was talking about it! With our collective attention diverted from ____?____.

Image: Path to Blue Tree Castle.

Jun 11, 2010

Horoscope of the Carter Inauguration 1977 - Trilaterals take the White House

Looking back on the Carter administration as a sea change in government when the Trilateral Commission basically took over the running of this nation with the willing collusion of Mr. Carter, we find the horoscope of his Jan 20, 1977 Inauguration to have an earlier Ascendant degree than recent Oaths of Office - @ '14Taurus' rather than '15Tau', and the Midheaven degree, which informs us concerning The Goal of the US presidency, is one degree earlier as well: '26Cap' rather than the current '27Cap'...are these differences significant?

On an evolutionary level, we may compare the different word pictures in the Sabian Symbols for ASC and MC, but I shall generously allow you to look them up, if you like. After all, either MC puts US natal Pluto at The Goal Point with our natal Mercury Rx at IC, the Foundation or Basis of the Matter. Mercury/Pluto contacts, as you know, relate to propaganda, mind control, and a lot of subversive plutonian energy directed at our young people, the thought processes of the populace, educators, commerce, and the press (Mercury.)

Chart shown below is set for January 20, 1977, 12:00 pm est, Capitol Building, Washington DC. I have found no source indicating an exact minute so I shall use a noon chart indicating that the 'old king' is 'dead' since a previous president's term ends at noon on the accustomed date whether the ceremony begins a minute or two past the hour, or not; the Oath of Office is a token performance put on for the re-public's appreciation and homage...a Cult of Personality in currentspeak.

Now here are some thoughts from Mr. Chomsky on the make-up of the Carter administration (1977 - 1981); it's from his book Radical Priorities:


“Perhaps the most striking feature of the new Administration is the role played in it by the Trilateral Commission. The mass media had little to say about this matter during the Presidential campaign -- in fact, the connection of the Carter group to the Commission was recently selected as "the best censored news story of 1976" -- and it has not received the attention that it might have since the Administration took office. All of the top positions in the government -- the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Defense and Treasury -- are held by members of the Trilateral Commission, and the National Security Advisor was its director. Many lesser officials also came from this group. It is rare for such an easily identified private group to play such a prominent role in an American Administration.”

The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality, Excerpted from Radical Priorities, 1981 Noam Chomsky [4] (my bold - jc)

Nowadays, it's rare that a private group doesn't play a prominent role! The steady drip-drip of incremental changes through the decades has taken its toll on White House and US government autonomy from "special interests," or what I'd call secret string-pullers of the power elite.

Next you see the Inauguration 1977 chart and you'll notice that the elephant in the room is a Fixed Grand Cross including ASC with Moon/Saturn midpoint rising: a reserved self-presentation; inhibited development; meeting with old, serious, or ill people; noticing the role of a parent (Carter's mother, Miss Lillian? - jc) MC is Moon/Mercury: independent thinking; forming one's own opinions and judgments; seeking soul contacts; gaining expertise by studying the feelings of others.

(All midpoints: Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)

The donkey in th room must be the restrictive, depressive Moon/Saturn opposition, with Saturn moving on to oppose US natal Moon 27AQ10 (we-the-people) three times:

1. Oct 9, 1977
2. Feb 15, 1978
3. June 30, 1978

The repressive Pluto-to-US-natal-Saturn transit mentioned above was exact on:

1. Oct 25, 1977
2. Apr 24, 1978
3. Aug 21, 1978

But just as the life on earth it describes, Astrology allows some light to peek through the gloom...ex: our Jupiter Return (5Can56) of the era which was a three-fer:

1. Oct 13, 1977
2. Nov 3, 1977 (two days after Chiron's Discovery!)
3. June 30, 1978


Rising in 1st house is Jupiter 21Tau13, a preacher (Jup) who appreciates the creature comforts (Taurus) of life; Sun 00AQ32 (the leader) is in 10th house, as usual, with Moon 15AQ01 (the people) in 10th house after having sailed past their New Moon @ 7AQ47.

Yes, this was a 'New Moon administration' which Carter touts in his Address (text link provided below) as a 'new start' for America.

Chart-ruler Venus 17Pis30 in 11th house re-creates Venus' position in the Obama Inauguration 2009 chart (but without 2009's Uranus conjunct), emphasizing the same degree and house: '18Pis' = "In a Huge Tent a Famous Revivalist Conducts His Meeting" - and if you read Carter's Inaugural Address you'll find him promoting America's 'bold and brilliant dream' (US n Neptune 22Vir25) 'which excited the founders of this Nation' and which 'still awaits its consummation.' Having no applying aspects emphasizes the house, sign, and degree of Venus.

To quote President Carter in his Jan 20, 1977 Address:

"I have no new dream to set forth today, but rather urge a fresh faith in the old dream."

Well said by a New World Order/Trilateralist kind of fellow expressing that old Francis Bacon/Batholomew Gosnold/Utopian mindset of US exceptionalism and 'New Age' leadership which all US presidents begin promoting each time the baton is passed on January 20. Fresh faith (Jupiter) in the old (Saturn) dream (Neptune) may indicate ideologues (Jupiter) bringing a new order (Uranus) to replace the old (Saturn) through use of secret (Neptune) government (Saturn) - or, Communism or Socialism, two other faces of Saturn/Neptune - based on what are allegedly religious principles (Jupiter.)

Using the Sibly version of the US natal chart (5:10 pm LMT July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, PA) gives '13Sag' rising and Jupiter as chart-ruler which tallies well with our nation's traditional idealism to push our beliefs and way of governing (aka, democracy) on the entire world (Sag/Jup) whether they want it or not.

As noted, Venus makes no applying aspects in the chart but is within orb (2S13) of a separating square to nebulous Neptune 15Sag17 in 8th house - big money, fraud, evaluations, and oil issues. Mr. Obama's Inaugural 8th house 2009 contains secret hand Pluto 1Cap57 representing global banking interests which control Mr. Obama, imho, with 'tranforming the US money supply' as a goal carried over from the Bush administration.

Handily with US Inaugural charts, we have only to look at the 8th house to see which planets currently transit US natal 1st house of Self (Sibly chart) so in 1977, it was tr Neptune to n ASC: gradual erosion of self-image; confusion, mystery, and deception may accompany a sense of being abandoned; impracticality, sensitivity, intuition, and/or spirituality may increase.

And of course, the 1970s were times of Neptunian oil and gas crises in the US as Pres. Carter attempted to put us on an alternative energy diet (which Reagan subsequently said we didn't need in the least - how wrong the Gipper was!)

Yes, Neptune-to-ASC can be a difficult transit to navigate for persons or for countries and may be part of Carter's tendency to be misunderstood - or, to veil his true objectives. And for him, Neptune in mid-Sag was a transit, too...Neptune-to-natal-Jupiter: idealism is enhanced yet spiritual, economic, and intellectual growth must be balanced with more prudent factors in one's nature; facts may be hard to separate from fiction; avoid get-rich-quick schemes.

And 1977's Pluto 14Lib11 Rx (6th house) is in process of transiting our nation's natal Saturn by conjunction: the past (1776) becomes important to the present (1977 - 1981) as structures and traditions are completely altered by current circumstances; past refusals to accept responsibilities come back to haunt; issues of self-discipline, attitudinal adjustments, and abuse of authority must be addressed and corrected; ambition must be tempered with patience and control.

I remember Carter's 1976 election as a push-back against Nixon's abuses of power followed by the lackluster presidency of (secret Grand Orient Mason), Gerald Ford, whose integrity suffered rather badly from Chevy Chase's portrayal of him on SNL.

1977's Pluto is also squaring US natal Sun, the leader: difficult but not insurmountable conditions involve overcoming those with more power and influence; loss of one's own power is threatened; past power structures and resources may no longer be available; setbacks test strength and frustrations challenge determination to achieve; best advice: egotistical attitudes and ambitions should be reined in lest integrity suffer (good advice for 2010, too. jc)

Plus, as you see, Pluto had recently transited Carter's natal Sun, a time of intense self-awareness when one's power and influence must be recognized, personal courage and aggression increase, and a 'new start' is indicated as one's lifestyle is transformed; ego needs are the driving force and focus.

Now the rigid Fixed Grand Cross contains other midpoint pictures as well:

Moon/Saturn = Uranus: unusual ways of showing concern; nervous tension; separation; exploding out of frustration.

Uranus/ASC = Moon: emotionalism spills into view; needing support and approval; a highly emotional disposition; quick mood changes caused by others.

Uranus/ASC = Saturn: a clash of controls and the avant garde; indecision; airing dilemmas; feeling hindered or oppressed by others; a joint overcoming of obstacles; separation.

At DESC is the midpoint of Neptune/Pluto (Robber Barons; Generation of Materialism 1890s = resource plunderers; propagandists) so it opposes Inaugural ASC 1977 (ASC = the Office of President)...

Neptune/Pluto = ASC: being placed in an peculiar environment; surrounding oneself with an air of mysticism; deep, penetrating study of what reality can be and how it can be altered to fit whatever context is desired.

Authoritative Saturn 14Leo28 Rx in 4th house is quincunx Neptune in 8th house showing a time in society when options are limited due to past irrseponsibility and binding restraints are felt; over time people become bitter and resentful against those they serve, and objectivity is difficult to gain; being a 'patsy' for incompetent people is a potential during this transit.

There are several other midpoint pictures yet I will only bore you with a few of them; first, two influencing the Sun (Carter):

Moon/Mars = Sun: consciousness of an objective; the importance of placing energy into imaginative enterprises (like solar panels on the White House roof? jc); determination to end conflicts about intentions; violent influences may lead to rioting; prosperity through relationship; striving for independence; the power to establish oneself in the world; strong solidarity between husband and wife.

Venus/Neptune = Sun: a small sense of reality (ex: living within the White House 'bubble'); secretiveness; a confused situation for many; increased influence in occult, mystical, or magical situations.

Sun/Neptune = Mercury: only a small measure of objectivity; false logic; speech defect; deceptions or illusions; bringing dreams into reality; ritual ceremonies, magical practices, or occult ideas.

Sun/NN = Neptune: deception from allies; finding important secret societies; feeling let down by others; difficulty adapting.

Moon/Pluto = Neptune: sentimentality; lack of willpower; depression; seeking miracles as rescue from immediate problems; fear of the unknown; feeling weakened somehow; the supernatural; ESP.

Mars/Jupiter = Venus (chart-ruler): conflict between using guile or force in competition; creative activity; rich feelings.

Now, two more doozies in the midpoint picture department:

Saturn/Neptune = Pluto: feeling downtrodden; difficult growth or development; tremendous awareness of the potential for loss; fear; rejection of responsibility and denial of guilt by the culprits; punishment for those who allow decay and decadence to persist; new ideas on evolution which upset long held but weaker historical theories.

Uranus/Pluto = NN: drawn to others who have similar ideas about how to change the world through new approaches (old wine in new bottles, circa 1776? - jc); new paths enhanced by associations with others who share the same objectives; an untiring colleague or partner; a desire to accomplish immense tasks in teamwork with others; sharing upsets or excitement; teamwork pays off but one's own ego is put first in line.

As you know, 'Uranus/Pluto' is the 'revolutionary' duo of energies.

North Node (NN = the path) 28Lib38 in 6th house indicates lots of loose ends left behind and chores which others must take up. One's mind goes to the famous GOP ploy of holding up the release of US hostages in Iran until Reagan could take the Oath of Office even though it was the Carter administration that negotiated their release.

Yes, I did see through the ploy at the time (whippersnapper Georgian that I was) and still marvel now that some Americans cussedly continue to credit Ronald Reagan for the diplomatic efforts of one Jimmy Carter, the idealistic peanut farmer and nuclear physicist from the 13th Colony of Georgia...and in 1977, quite obviously not all that he seemed.

Well, here is President Carter's Inaugural Address of January 20, 1977; plus, ABC News has the video of his speech if you'd like to watch young Mr. Carter orate from the east portico of the Masonic Temple we call the Capitol Building on a very cold, clear day in January.

Jun 10, 2010

House bill to protect US power grid - Jupiter conjunct Uranus

In a flurry of perfected synchronicity, the House passed a bill yesterday (June 9) to protect America's power grid - hours after June 8, 2010's Great Conjunction of idealistic, expansive Jupiter and electrical, disruptive Uranus @ 00Ari18, the Aries Point of World Manifestation, Fame, Prominence, and Recognition.

The American people are meant to appreciate that congress members suddenly recognize how awful it would be for the nation if a terrorist attack took us off the electrical grid we depend upon so completely.

So far, I've found no comments online detailing what we're to appreciate if the foreseen terrorism should turn out to be a false flag op engineered by the US government.

How to tell a CFR from a Trilateral Commission - video

Here is Patrick Wood, editor of the excellent August Review, detailing the difference between the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and the Trilateral Commmission.

Mr. Wood has the goods on Henry Kissinger, too, but you'll want to click on more videos in this series to watch and listen.

Can you hear?

Jun 9, 2010

Depopulating America and US natal Ceres

Whew! The following article covers a lot from GM seeds and hemp to the prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s and 30s, a program which Standard Oil (Rockefeller) and Gulf Oil (Mellon) had financial reasons to push.

What rises to the top of the Depopulation of America heap are the Rockefellers, Monsanto, and...Bill Gates!

You know food sources such as grains in particular fall under the province of Ceres in a mundane chart (along with security issues - if you don't have decent food, you're not 'secure' as much as dead.)

And where is America's natal Ceres from 1776? 8Pisces41 Rx (in 3rd house of the Sibly chart.)

And where is our nation's natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint, the combo of Plutocracy, oppression, primal violence, statism, fascism, totalitarianism, and other -isms of greed, cruelty, and oppression...kind of the Oilcan Harry of midpoints?

Pluto/Chiron 8Pis50 conjunct US natal Ceres....

"9Pis" = "A Jockey Spurs His Horse"...PRACTICE...

positive expression: a spectacular gift for rising to any occasion;

neg/unconscious/shadow side: witless gambling of every resource and potentiality.

(The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.)

Now a few years ago, most Americans would tell me I'd lost my bippy if I asserted that the negative expression of our Ceres-Pluto/Chiron's Symbol was uppermost in our society.

But now it's late days with the BP-Gulf Oil blowout decimating our Gulf Coast, GM seeds ruining natural fields and crops the world over, Wall Street hustles and bailouts are forced as private debt is socialized and the rich get richer and more powerful, carcenogenic food additives cause illnesses galore, imperialist wars bankrupting our Treasury, and other outrageous acts and events we hear of and suffer from each day.

Feeling targeted yet? Americans are an endangered species!

Even the entertainment industry does its part against us as the NWO plan to 'feed the senses' at the expense of reasoned thought and attention to what they're up to behind closed doors has taken over the minds of many citizens, especially our young folk. You'll even hear the word 'senses' a bunch in commercial ads from 'Madison Avenue' with messages such as, "Relax, feed a sense or two" and you, too, may find 'happiness' in mood-altering room deodorizers of your choice.

In 2010, "witless gambling of every resource and potentiality" is one sorry description of how this country has been run for decades, and how our resources have been abused for massive profits by those who think they're better than we-the-people and don't mind oppressing us until those left standing agree with them.

And yet I do not agree. Do you?

Does BP really own the oil they're siphoning off from the Gulf Oil fiasco their witless gambling caused? Why, next thing we know, Monsanto will declare itself to be the owner of the cattle upon a thousand hills!


On a lighter note, the artist in me is celebrating Comet McNaught's approach to earth in mid-June, 2010 in my Secret Moon Art gallery, if you'd like a peek! Comet-watching details are linked there for you as well.


Update 7:45 pm edt: a new post has been published detailing Senator Blanche Lincoln's Sun/Moon personality blend, if you're interested in reading a smidgen of what makes her tick.

Jun 8, 2010

There shall be signs: new Comet McNaught on the way

This SpaceWeather Alert may be a day late but comes not a comet too soon...expect the unexpected. Especially with quirky Uranus and generous Jupiter at Aries Point these days!

Space Weather News for June 8, 2010

NEW COMET McNAUGHT: A fresh comet is swinging through the inner solar system, and it is brightening rapidly as it approaches Earth for a 100 million mile close encounter in mid-June.

Comet McNaught (C/2009 R1) has a vivid green head and a long wispy tail that look great through small telescopes. By the end of the month it could be visible to the naked eye perhaps as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper.

Because this is the comet's first visit to the inner solar system, predictions of future brightness are necessarily uncertain; amateur astronomers should be alert for the unexpected.

Visit for sky maps, photos and more information.

Bilderbergs, Obama, and the creating of kings

Here's a round-up of Bilderberg info with lots of links to follow, a video to watch, and the final list of this years' attendees in Sitges, Spain June 3 - 6, 2010.

There's mention of the secret meeting between then-candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the Bilderbergers in Chantilly, Virginia (not "in DC" as stated in the round-up - I mention so you'll know for certain which meeting is meant) which is when and where I think Mr. Obama was given the go-ahead as Democratic nominee (and winner of the White House shilling job; McCain and Palin were ridiculous fakes!)

This was the one where Robert Gibbs attempted to keep reporters on the Obama campaign plane happy with being locked inside the airplane while Mr. Obama had been whisked away to meet with some of his bosses who were cabaling in Chantilly.

Now if you're still uncertain that the Bilderberg Group creates 'kings' and determines global policies for the year ahead, please read the article, watch the video, and follow some or all of the links. For when a former Nato Secretary General confirms Bilderberg involvement in directing the world, perhaps it's worth considering as plausible.

As for the Astrology of it, I'm quite okay with using the midpoint Pluto/Chiron to represent plutocrats such as the Bilderberg Group. And on Jan 20, 2009, at noon, Capitol Building, the Pluto/Chiron midpoint was at Midheaven, the Goal Point of the chart and it was in good company - President Obama's Saturn (authority) in Capricorn (government, law, politics) was there as well with the Sun and Mercury Rx 00AQ+ conjunct Mr. Obama's natal's a mixed bag of potentials...

Jupiter/Saturn = Mc: thinking with grandeur; new outlooks for personal refinement and growth; the philosopher; fluctuating success; changes; losses.


Midpoint pictures: Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey.