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May 24, 2011

Netanyahu to Congress: Saturn/Uranus = Pluto

May 24, 2011: it's a little after 11 am edt, and any minute now, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is to speak before a joint session of the US Congress. With the ongoing Saturn/Uranus opposition pointing toward powerful Pluto, we are about to experience a real-life express of the T-Square with the Saturn/Uranus combo the celestial representatives of the Middle East, particularly of Israel and Palestine.

The violence and brutality of the T-Square I will not repeat here since I've tired of typing it these last several months it has been in force but I do notice from this morning's horoscope set for the Capitol Building that the Moon has just gone past Neptune in very early Pisces, and the pair are in a midpoint picture with Mars/NN, a significator of energetic meetings, cooperative pursuits, and/or a lack of adaptability, falsehood, the use of mercenaries, an ability to attract or to sell military might from others, allies who send military help when needed, military hardware provided by friends, non-payment for military weapons or supplies, aggressive actions against the nation by hostile countries, and/or treaties broken by hostile acts.

Moon and Neptune indicate the public, publicity, the masses, the media, and illusion or deception. As a pair, they represent sensitivity, refined feelings, impressionability, fanciful imaginings, far-reaching wishes (like a world capital in Jerusalem? global domination?), and inner vision. Mr. Netanyahu is to lay out his (alleged) vision for peace. Let's see if this is Israel's usual 'my way or the highway' stance.

Any, all, or none may apply:

Mars/NN = Moon: an emotional attitude toward others; unions based on soul affinity; insistence on the acceptance of ideas; a fixed inconsistency.

Mars/NN = Neptune: insight into how others can help you but also false promises of help and follow-through; visualization of how to guide groups

At 11:23 am edt, the Speaker of the House announces PM Netanyahu as "His Excellency" to much applause. Sounds monarchic to me.

Netanyahu begins to speak with 17Leo rising, Mars in Taurus near MC, and this martian midpoint picture in play:

Neptune/MC = Mars: a desire to bring wrong ideas into realization; the desire to harm other people; the study of metaphysical subjects; a need to activate plans derived from mystical images.

11:29 am: someone in the gallery shouts out but I can't make out the words. Congress responds with loud applause to cover it up and I'm certain the person (sounded like a lady) is already being ushered out. Netayahu then comments on protests, "This is real democracy." But he didn't hear what she shouted and didn't care.

Wonder what's going on in the hall for her in our (alleged) democracy just brimming over with an abundance of 'free speech'?

"Israel isn't what is wrong with the Middle East, Israel is what is right with the Middle East. " he intones. And with that propagandistic assertion, I'll mosey along before his terror-mongering begins...

(midpoint pictures: Ebertin; Munkasey.)

May 23, 2011

An Astro-Peek at Tim Pawlenty (R- MN)

Today in Des Moines, Iowa, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty officially announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination after releasing an announcement video yesterday (watch it here.)

But not all Minnesotans are completely enamoured of Mr. Pawlenty, however, since he left the state a $6 billion deficit and used some shifty financial practices as many slick politicians are wont to do. For your consideration here's a list of Pawlenty's current claims and toutings vs the facts.

Mr. Pawlenty, who is presenting himself as a "straight-talking, truth-telling" candidate who - old story - intends to "shrink government" from the perch of the White House has a Wiki bio with details on his early life, education, political career, and religious affiliation (born and raised Catholic but now of an evangelical Christian persuasion.)

Yet these days, when Republicans spout the Reaganesque shrink government mantra it's code words for cutting social programs for the disadvantaged, the elderly, ill, and those too young to vote - while continuing to fight obscenely expensive wars for oil and other resources. Yes, it's very early days but so far, Pawlenty has concentrated his fire mainly upon criticizing the presidency of Barack Obama so it remains to be seen whether the former governor can tow the party line tightly enough while keeping the interested gaze of the American people upon his candidacy and ideas for reform. a

All of the GOP must be hoping about now that the American people have completely forgotten the eight l-o-n-g years of the disastrous Bush-Cheney presidency!

Tim Pawlenty November 27, 1960 St Paul, Minnesota (hour unknown; noon chart)

One natal aspect which can undercut his boasted "straight-talking" is a Mercury/Neptune conjunction in Scorpio which gives him a tendency to speak primarily in vague terms. Politicians can hide a lot of unpalatable details within a fuzzy haze of vagueness - and in mysterious Scorpio, too.

With his fiery Sagittarian Sun @ 5 to 6 Sag, and Moon in late Pisces or early Aries (25Pisc05 to 8Ari21 during the 24-hour period), Mr. Pawlenty either has a Sun Sag-Moon Pisces blend (Fire-Water = steam) or the more up-and-at-'em blend of Fire-Fire Sun Sag-Moon Aries, a Jupiter-Mars-ruled combination of energies.

First let's look at the Fire-Water situation before it evaporates.

Sun Sag-Moon Pisces is a fervent, humanitarian pairing with much visionary imagination. Deep convictions and irrational logic combine with a moralistic tone though it may be quite forgiving. This blend contains a tremendous amount of sensitivity when it comes to the human condition and evinces an artistic temperament full of wistful humility. This gushy, sentimental blend cannot be considered practical and tends to give 'the shirt off its back' to those in need.

(A Republican politician? Hmmmm...not certain this blend applies, are you?)

Still, Sun Sag-Moon Pisc is gullible and vacillating, two traits which support a midpoint picture mentioned below - a picture which does not depend on knowing his correct birth time since it remained in effect throughout the 24 hours of November 27, 1960.

The Sag-Pisc blend is shared natally by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and the following quote from him doesn't sound Pawlenty-ish to me although it's true I know little of the candidate...unless the quote may be taken as a reference to meddling in other people's private business as Politics tends to do these days. See what you think:

"The salvation of mankind lies only in making everything the concern of all."

Or perhaps a better comparison can be made by Sun Sag-Moon Pisc Charles Schultz who famously informed us that, "I love mankind - it's people I can't stand."

Well, maybe we should mosey on to the Sun Sag-Moon Aries blend - a frank, forthright, impatient combo of energies. Right away, we find hints of Pawlenty's catch phrases for his nascent nomination bid and proposed campaigning and ruling style: "truth-telling" and "straight-forward."

This double-Fire blend describes a blunt but sincere, courageous and idealistic go-getter - one who is impulsive, restless, big-hearted, and possesses a far-seeing imagination along with a strong desire to succeed (never begin a political campaign without such a desire!) This independent-minded, plain-speaking blend seems to describe the man quite well, although its tendency to be a 'champion of the underdog' may be questionable for most any modern-day Republican. (But such a trait could fit nicely into Pawlenty's evangelical Christianity.)

Sun Sag-Moon Aries is an entrepreneurial combination that exhibits a childlike self-confidence but with weak spots such as a hot temper, irritability, and insensitivity toward more emotional or vulnerable individuals; listening to other people's needs is not a strong suit nor is paying attention to details.

The neurosis of this blend is to be considered the biggest and best yet a dark depression descends when things don't go his way.

This blend is shared natally by Mark Twain, who wrote that, "There was things which he stretched but mainly he told the truth." Mmm-hmm!

Sun square powerful Pluto; Pluto conjunct North Node in Virgo

No matter his birth hour, an important aspect of note has to be the applying (waxing) Sun/Pluto square (Sag to Virgo) which gives him a strong measure of willfulness that may be used constructively but often expresses combatively; here is a man with a powerful ego. Even a slight frustration can infuriate the guy, and he can explode under pressure (not in my Oval Office with his finger on The Button, he doesn't.)

The energy of this square tends toward the 'might makes right' way of thinking and acting which is so prevalent in US politics these days (and highly popular with neocons everywhere.) So if acting as US president, he would have that going for him within military-industrial-complex circles where obviously it would be appreciated.

Sun/Pluto square folk are enigmas even to those who know them well but once mature deliberation sets in and Pawlenty realizes his personal shortcomings - and the fact that he has them - executive ability shines forth along with a talent for managing large enterprises. Learning to accept advice is a constant evolutionary imperative as is learning how to compromise with others so they won't become too alienated to work with later on.

Pluto conjunct NN individuals (as is Barack Obama born about 9 months after Pawlenty) have the ambitious drive and willpower to take advantage of prevailing social trends in a calculating and deliberate manner which may be utilized positively (altruistically) or negatively (selfishly.) This is the "tiger by the tail" aspect for sometimes social forces are manipulated which are too big to safely handle. The Pluto/NN person may then be crushed under the weight of the circumstances as things spin out of control; subsequently conditions - or even careers - may collapse.

Pluto/NN indicates connections and encounters (NN) with a powerful elite or with the criminal Underworld (Pluto.) Whether this describes the same bunch of varmints, I shall leave it for you to decide.

Now I shall close with the all-day-in-force midpoint picture - the only one showing at noon on that date - of Tim Pawlenty, as mentioned above. It concerns the Jupiter/NN duo which by itself indicates potentials for interference from religious groups through legal processes, a legal system hampered by erroneous decisions about the status of groups or parties (which could also describe the SCOTUS decision, Citizens United), and/or closed legal societies (ex: the Federalist Society.) (Munkasey's Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets.)

As always, any, all, or none of these potentials may apply. But I suspect they may.

Jupiter/NN = Neptune: instability; unreliability; indecision or vacillation; emotional inhibition within partnerships or unions; disappointment; getting sober again; sharing the spirit with others but not much else.

(References: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin; Solar Arcs, Noel Tyl; Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

Week of May 23, 2011: Congress gavels in @ 2 pm edt

This afternoon when the US Congress gavels in on Capitol Hill, 17Vir04 rises, and with its opposite degree 17Pis04 descending, shows the critical or crisis nature of this week's business for 17Vir/Pis are critical degrees on the 6/12 (victim/savior) axis.

US natal Neptune 22Vir25 (planet of illusion, deception, fraud, and inspiration) is the first US planet to rise and it brings along our national and problematic Mars/Neptune square.

At 2:00 pm edt, May 23, 2011, chart-ruler Mercury 11Tau35 has just passed from 9th house into the Big Business 8th H of Shared Resources, Other People's Money, Debt, Credit, Insurance, and Transformation; also in 8th H are Venus 9Tau30, Mars 9Tau19, and Jupiter 27Ari29, with ideological, money-and-corporate-minded Jupiter the significator of the Republican Party. Jupiter's Sabian Symbol tallies with the American people's low approval rating for the US Congress: '28Ari' = "A Large Audience Confronts the Performer Who Disappoints Its Expectations."

8th cusp is also at a critical-crisis degree @ 12Ari19...'13Aries' = "A Unsuccessful Bomb Explosion" (which relates to 'a waste of opportunity and a futile expenditure of of self through vanity or petulance."

As for chart-ruler Mercury (planet of voting, negotiations, oration, trade, commerce, and thinking processes) makes no applying aspect to a planet in the gavel-in chart for May 23, 2011 and this sets the tone for how things will proceed this week in the House of Representatives: it doesn't. Or, everything depends on Mercury's house and sign placements, and its degree symbolism (see below.)

However, Mercury does trine the critical-degreed Ascendant (2:00 pm edt) whose Sabian Symbols (let's check out '17' and '18' Virgo) may give us word pictures of interest since they describe the WHAT? Point (ASC) of Congress' gaveling-in, the legislative session itself; Mercury also rules the Goal Point of the chart (MC 15Gem14):

'17Vir' = "A Volcano in Eruption"...EXPLOSION: negative expression: petulance and tantrum.

'18Vir' = "A Ouija Board"...ACUMEN: neg/unconscious/shadow side: a bondage to superstition and a surrender to the unknown.

Another factor of note is law-making Saturn 10Lib47 Rx in 1st house, a delay-restriction factor for the week (see: Congress agrees with Obama today to delay trade deals); plus, US natal Saturn 14Lib48 is in 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values in this chart; August 28, 2011 will be the 3rd of 3 'hits' of our national Saturn Return when accountability and responsibility issues look large when one hasn't acted honestly in the past. America's chickens of the debt persuasion are coming home to roost with our debt ceiling concerns looming large this summer, and the GOP's proposed austere budget (Saturn) cuts (Mars, in money sign Taurus conjunct evaluating Venus in 8th H.)

South Node, a point of separation and past behaviors too often depended upon, is in 10th H of Public Status, Saturn's natural house; Jupiter rules IC of Endings (and Real Estate) where NN (future direction) is posited along with wealthy saboteur Pluto 7Cap02 Rx, an actor who has been very busy deposing Saturnian leaders across the globe.

Sun 2Gem16 in 9th H of Philosophy, Religion, Higher Education, and Foreign Lands, is at a degree associated with the French Revolution...'3Gem' = "The Garden of the Tuileries"...LUXURY...neg: complete selfishness and a joy lording it over others. (The Sun is in process of conjoining and thus spotlighting President Obama's natal Moon in Gemini.)

The Moon (we-the-people; daily life; publicity) is @ 20AQ38 in 6th H of Daily Rounds, Work, Service, and Health; this indicates that Americans have a Lunar Return today depending on which version of the US natal chart you prefer for July 4, 1776 (natal Moon ranges on that date from 18AQ to 28AQ.) Also in 6th H are the traveling Neptune/Chiron duo, both moving direct now in mystical Pisces.

Disruptive, radical Uranus 3Ari41 in 7th H still travels with Hermes, an archetype of the Magician, Shaman, and Astrologer; the opposition between Saturn and Uranus (the duo connected with Palestine and Israel so those issues continue) has a 7 degr 6 min orb and will continue to separate after Saturn's Direct Station on Jun 12, 2011 @ 10Lib27 and Mr. Lesson-Bringer begins to move forward.

Mercury's Sabian Symbol is of note: '12Tau' = "A Young Couple Walking Down Main Street Window-Shopping" and we already know the topics relating to this degree: consumer purchasing or the lack thereof, our hope for consumer protections, and America's Main Street which the US Congress and others have sacrificed on the altar of corrupt, greedy Wall Street, the denizens of which should by law, be in jail.

Well, let's close with a few details concerning today's Sun-Moon blend with which Congress begins its week; it's an elegant and mental Air-Air combo of energies.

Sun Gem-Moon AQ is bright and light yet can be sober and serious. Wit, intelligence, and curiosity are indicated along with restlessness and perhaps the gift of prophecy. (Gemini brings The Good News, or is meant to.)

Finding a middle way resolves the blend's paradoxes of Spring vs Mid-Winter approaches; being fascinated with what makes people tick, this blend is one of life's great spectators and is a combo good for writing, speaking, and poetry. In business, opportunities can easily be spotted due to objectivity, cleverness, and a capacity for seeing the Big Picture.

Negatively, there can be a tendency to talk way too much (in Congress?!) while neglecting life's grittier realities (ours); a lack of connection with the dark and painful aspects of the self may be evident.

Images for Integration (of the Sun's Conscious Mind blended with the Lunar Unconscious):

"Sherlock Holmes...A scientist suddenly sees the caterpillar, chrysalis, and butterfly as one single being...Wagner's 'Der Ring des Nibelungen'."

(Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey.)

That last image reminds me of what Mark Twain said when asked his opinion after he'd sat through a Wagner opera for the first time. To paraphrase: 'Wagner's music is better than it sounds.'

May the US Congress rise to the occasion on behalf of the American people who sent them to Capitol Hill expecting better outcomes than they've yoked us with over the last several years.


Alert! The broad expansion of presidential power being slipped into the upcoming defense authorization act will 'blow up the US Constitution' says, Thom Hartmann, and I totally agree - with endless war a predictable result - which US leaders aspire to.

The president's ability to assassinate any terrorist (or those deemed by the US government to be terrorists) anywhere in the world including the US is about to be slipped through Congress greased (they hope) by the much-touted May 1, 2011 assassination of Osama bin Laden. This naked US power grab answers the question many have asked since May 1st:

Why go after bin Laden now?

Imho, this reveals an ongoing, long term, cynical agenda for establishing global domination, m'peops (as I've typed so many times before - I'm fatigued with it, too), and it includes Jerusalem as World Capital in their NWO totalitarian plan.


The Sabian Symbols cited in this post are a mixture of Marc Edmund Jones'
The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, and Dane Rudhyar's An Astrological Mandala.

May 22, 2011

A Goldman-Sachs natal chart, Scott Walker, and Financial Astrology

While preparing next week's article concerning the horoscope of the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 (it's a biggie falling amongst US natal planets in Cancer and spotlights an Earth Grand Cross which includes transit Pluto opposing said Cancerian planets), I feel that a heads-up is in order for those who may wish astrological information on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his 'naked power grab' (HuffPo article link included), plus, a view of the IPO (initial public offering) chart for Goldman-Sachs (May 4, 1999) created by Financial Astrology expert Kaye Shinker of Astrological Investing.

Interestingly, the Goldman-Sachs natal chart has 25Can13 rising which conjoins US natal Mercury Rx which places US natal Pluto Rx in Capricorn in the House of Partnerships (7th H) - this highlights our nation's Mercury/Pluto opposition, an indicator of arrogance when challenged for the US government, and for GS.

Check out Scott Walker and Goldman-Sachs at Political Astrology 2010~2012 for the lowdown.

May 21, 2011

Ridding Toxicity by the Scorpio Full Moon: Crystal Pomeroy

Having just been privileged to publish with the author's permission May 17, 2011's Scorpio Full Moon Meditation by Daykeeper Journal's lunar expert, Crystal Pomeroy, I thought SO'W readers would appreciate a heads-up on Crystal's insightful column.

As a sign, Scorpio enjoys a mixed reputation and it's often considered negative. But the 8th sign, ruled by Mars and co-ruled (as I say!) by transformative Pluto, has the ability to positively affect toxins so that we may refresh ourselves - especially when Politics (that 'organized system of hatreds') poisons our thought processes and separates us from our Higher Minds and from feeling empathy for our fellow human beings!

May 20, 2011

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse 11Gem02 June 1, 2011

On June 1, 2011, a partial Solar Eclipse occurs @ 11Gemini02. Below you see its horoscope set for the White House, Washington DC; Hour Saturn 10Lib33 Rx in 12th house of Karma and Politics; Saturn trines the Eclipse which falls in the 8th house (in DC) of taxation, shared resources, credit, debt, insurance, big business, other people's money, and transformation.

The helpful trine from Saturn to the eclipse indicates that respect, persistence, and shouldering one's burdens will aid the karmic implications and potentially difficult results from this Solar Eclispe which sits upon the Partnership angle in the US (Sibly) chart and conjoins US natal Uranus 8Gem55: Sun/Moon = n Uranus: creating new ways of revealing old ideas; setting oneself apart from others; unusual twists of fate (Munkasey.)

If you're interested, NASA provides a list of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2011.

June 1, 2011 5:02:31 pm edt at the White House

Chart-ruler Mars 16Tau03 is in 7th H with Venus 20Tau36 and Mercury 28Tau06, the Lord of the Eclipse so we know that mercurial realms may be affected, such as: Communications (including Media), Transport, Trade, and Negotiations, Pacts, and Agreements. Young people and the news should be included.

The only applying aspect made by Mars is a quindecile (165 degrees = obsession-compulsion) with the Ascendant 1Sco00 (the Sun position in the NWO natal horoscope for October 24, 1993 - the Uranus/Neptune conjunction, # 3 of 3 @ '18Cap' = "The Union Jack" = smug or strong-armed paternalism...Uranus/Neptune are the planets of Illuminism.) Competition and agression are described.

With money sign Taurus on 8th cusp and at a 29th degree, evaluating Venus rules 8th H matters yet with a sense of expediency or even over-eagerness as a critical 29th degree implies. Someone or something is in a hurry! But there's difficult Alcyone, one of the Weeping Sisters, awaiting.

Pluto is co-ruler of the chart and applies to a square with Uranus (Uranus/Pluto = 'collapse of the old order of things, construction of the new' - Ebertin); upsets and violence as a new order is forced upon society. Yes, we know.

Nebulous Neptune 00Pis56 ('1Pis' = "A Public Market" = trade, commerce, or the NYSE?), planet of fraud and deception, is posited in 4th H (Foundation or Basis of the Matter; Real Estate as the Mississippi River floods people's farms and adds to potential food shortages and upticks in food and other prices) along with wounding Chiron now on its degree in President Obama's natal chart. And of course, we've seen other examples of water damage since Neptune and Chiron have been transiting together including the Deepwater Horizon Blowout and the Nuclear Meltdown at Fukushima, Japan - both catastrophes that 'keep on giving' into Infinity.

The Jupiter/Neptune pair (speculators, wastrels, religiosity, and/or those with grand imaginings and plans) rule and co-rule the 5th H of Gambling and Risk-Taking, and their midpoint conjoins Aries Point, a degree of World Manifestation and Recognition.

The eclipse Moon rules 9th H and indicates changes and fluctuations in 9th H matters, plus, all of our nation's Cancerian planets are posited there: Venus, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury Rx. Eclipse Sun rules 10th H of Public Status and Career. Midheaven (The Goal; Aspirations) 6Leo12 is conjoined by US natal North Node (NN; destiny; future direction) and both are at apex of a YOD (Finger of God = special task; turning point; a crossroads; crisis) formed at its base by a sextile between plutocratic Pluto/Chiron. And of note: Chiron here is Barack Obama's natal Chiron.

America's NN at MC places our nation's SN at IC (Home; Homeland; Domestic Scene; Security Issues; Endings) which seems to indicate that career and public status matters may go better for us than home matters. However, IC 6AQ12 has the oppressive, corporate Pluto/Chiron midpoint upon it which relates to violence and to home foreclosures as the Oil Can Harry plutocrats continue knocking at our doors and tossing Americans out on the sidewalks to live in their cars (Mercury's 11Gem02.)

8th H ruler Venus applies to a sesquisquare (135 degr) with manipulative string-puller Pluto 6Cap51 Rx (Lord of the Underworld) from 7th H of Partnerships and Open Enemies to 3rd H of Communications and Neighborhoods; this 'interlaced squares' aspect is usually considered minor (an octile...irritation; health issues) and indicates intense interaction with an urge toward promotion of ideas (M. Meyer.)

The Venus/Pluto combo of energies relates to bankruptcy, extremes of private wealth hidden in secret places, volcanic activity (including in financial centers), and breakdown within the fabric of society. (Munkasey.)

Are you still with me? This is depressing, believe me this Saturnian astrologer knows, which is why I've put off this post as long as possible. Yet identifying and facing monsters is the only way to vanquish them. And after the predicted-by-some Judgment Day of May 21, 2011, perhaps this analysis would be different (if it occurred at all) though I doubt it. Well, since May 21st is tomorrow, I shall proceed without such hindsight especially since the popular idea of a 'Rapture' and how the Second Coming will play out does not tally with my own studies of the Books of Daniel and Revelation....though I do agree that there are signs that The End is near if not here. Of course, the smartest thing is to be ready whenever He returns!

In her book Eclipses, Celeste Teal titles this eclipse, Something to Cry About which I assume refers to its 8th cusp at critical or crisis degree: 29Tau24 and the nearness of a difficult Fixed Star, Alcyone 00Gem00: Something to Cry About; sorrow; misfortune; exile; suffering. Any or all may apply.

The above mentioned 8th H and mercurial themes are implicated in this sorrow and we must expect that the enlarged US deficit and debt ceiling imbroglio are factors in where the implied misfortune plays out especially considering that the US dollar is under fire and being abandoned by creditors along with America's dimming reputation in the world and the potential for a US default on debts...if the GOP succeeds in crashing the US economy to make President Obama look bad for 2012.

Other possibilities for this eclipse's influence include: loss of support for the government (political? financial? debt ceiling extension?), sanitation, burial laws, morbidity, imports, and contagion (did you notice that anthrax is back in the news this week?), with attention and discussion relating to taxation, as mentioned. There may be death or resignation (more?) of statesmen, literary figures, educators, or - chillingly - injury to or death of travelers; foreign treaties and pacts are under stress as well. (Teal.)

And with transiting asteroid MIDAS now conjoining US natal Uranus 8Gem55, both bodies are 'eclipsed' or stimulated by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse. This doesn't sound positive for US gold reserves which would affect the global financial system.

Please click chart image to enlarge for further info such as Fixed Stars, midpoints, some US natal placements, and the Pluto/Chiron (plutocracy; corporatism; oppression) conjunction of December 30, 1999 in 2nd H of Earning Ability and Values with the conjunction's degree (11Sag23) opposed and potentially triggered by the June 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse.

As you see, the ongoing T-Square of Saturn/Uranus = Pluto remains in effect causing the world harm, violence, rebellion, and war; Pluto is a prime actor in this eclipse chart as one leg in the YOD configuration as well as being apex planet of the Cardinal T-Square with such an apex Pluto indicating those with a willful desire to fulfill their ambitious plans through force, manipulation, and subversive actions (ex: secret societies; the Global Crime Syndicate); the Cardinal quality gives Pluto an overt and ruthless determination to overwhelm any and all opposition to 'his' (their) criminal objectives; explosive endings may be anticipated. (Bil Tierney's Dynamics of Aspects Analysis.)

One other factor I wish to mention: Lord (ruler) of the June 1, 2011 eclipse, Mercury, squares Neptune (2A50) which describes conditions of distortion of truth, fears of responsibility, lack of realism, fraudulent communications, and an inability or lack of courage for dealing with life's harsh realities. Negative escapism comes to mind but please use in moderation for whoever tries to escape their troubles by use of drugs (including alcohol) should be advised that troubles can swim!

Well, that's it for today. If you have on-topic and courteous opinions, remarks, or queries to make, please leave them in a Comment and I will reply as time permits.

And like the eclipses at the end of 2010 which seemed to indicate further financial collapse, this is one eclipse analysis where I'd love to be so very very wrong.


Mea culpa! I just now realized that I neglected to complete penning in (lower right) the name of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who now visits the White House one day after President Obama's major policy address on the Middle East (Saturn/Uranus) yesterday which began with '23Leo' rising and ended with Royal Star Regulus at Ascendant - Regulus = success if revenge is avoided - and as the world knows, endless acts of revenge and retaliation are all the region seems able to manage these days.

Also on the chart, I added that his visit is tomorrow, May 21, but apparently the Israeli eagle has already landed in Washington today and is said to be "disappointed" over Mr. Obama's speech which offered the 1967 borders as the way to go if one actually does want Peace for Palestine and Israel. However, it's actually the 1947 borders which may be the fairest and most legal even though this would put Galilee in Palestine, not Israel.

It is my personal belief that radical National-International Zionism does not want peace in the Middle East but rather a 'King of Jerusalem' and a world capital from which to dominate the entire globe of serfs and pawns...aka, a New World Order, the Utopian dream which inspired the founding of America as the New Atlantis.

For it isn't as if the White House would have sprung Obama's policy speech upon the Israeli government without telling them in advance what would be touted! And the political intrigues and theater performances least until May 21, 2011 at 6 pm Eastern Time.


Coming a mere month later, you may wish to check out the Horoscope of the karmic July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse which @ 9Can12, plops itself amid US natal Jupiter and Sun.

May 19, 2011

IMF horoscope: May 2011's Pluto to natal Sun

With another hearing today to set bail and possibly be released under house arrest, now-resigned IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn has been denied diplomatic immunity by the US.

In my files there are two noon horoscopes for the International Monetary Fund (aka, the "Fund.") The first is set for December 27, 1945 when it was formally organized and 29 countries signed the agreement (Bretton Woods, N. H.), and March 1, 1947 when IMF operations began.

Transiting Pluto now transforms, deconsructs, and brings power and control issues to the IMF's natal Sun (1945); midpoint pictures for December 27, 1945 are descriptive of the sort of worldly power and wealth they wield: Sun/Pluto = Jupiter ($), and the Illuminati pair of Uranus/Neptune pointing to manipulative Pluto which often signifies rapists, plunderers, and saboteurs.

Sun/Pluto = Jupiter: successful striving for power; the urge for expansion and the acquiring of wealth.

Uranus/Neptune = Pluto: abandoning resistance; calamities; losses. (Ebertin.)

The 1947 chart shows Sun 10Pis17 (noon): '11Pis" = "Men Seeking Illumination"; Moon @ '28Gemini' = "Bankruptcy" (what the IMF preys upon - er, I mean...helps nations with.)

In both charts, nebulous Neptune is in Libra: 1945 @ 8Lib34, and 1947 @ 10Lib12; transiting Saturn, bringer of loss and restriction when accountability and responsibility have been ignored or dissed, now sits upon the IMF's Neptune (also a planet of loss) in the 1947 horoscope...the 'grim face of reality' transit. The IMF brings 'grim reality' to nations whose balance sheets are in trouble; for DSK, 'the sheets' are in trouble for entirely different reasons.

The Strauss-Kahn Family

The father of "DSK", as he is familiarly known, is Gilbert Strauss-Kahn, a member in the Grand Orient de France, the largest and oldest Masonic organization in Continental Europe (founded 1733), and a major instigator behind the French Revolution.

In France on December 20, 1781, the Grand Orient Masons and the Illuminati combined into one Order; their alliance was sealed in July 1782 at the Congres de Wilhelmsbad. The conference was attended by Masons, Martinistes, and representatives of secret societies in Europe, Asia, and America. As we would expect, attendees were sworn to total secrecy. (source: The Secret History of the West, N. Hagger.)

Click for a public list of the attendees (though you won't see the name 'Rothschild' mentioned for Jews were admitted to the lodges later - the resolution to allow them in was passed at the 1781 conference.

This ancient history is important because it is part of Dominique Strauss-Kahn's personal history although I doubt any mention of what lurks behind his mask - and by extension, the mask of the IMF - will be forthcoming as the sexual assault/attempted rape investigation and possible criminal trial goes forward in New York.


Dominique Strauss-Kahn was born in Paris, France on April 25, 1949 with Sun in Taurus and Moon in Aries; natal Midas 19Tau12 conjoins n Mercury which is otherwise unaspected; Jupiter 1AQ16 conjoins Fixed Star Aquila, the Eagle (he has that beaky look and raptor's gaze) and his natal Pluto/Chiron midpoint (plutocracy; oppression; corporatism; racism) is now transited by Saturn.