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Nov 2, 2012

Back to EST Sunday Nov 4 2012 at 2:00 am

Our Time Change Weekend

by Jude Cowell

On Sunday November 4, 2012 at 2:00 am, we'll turn back our clocks and 'reclaim' the hour of sleep we lost in the Spring.

Sounds good but in spite of the elusive "extra" hour we gain, this blogger won't be sleeping much at all if the plutocrat-neocon bunch that Mitt Romney shills for is allowed to reclaim the White House and shaft the American people with four more years of Bush-Cheney wars and policies on steroids!

Have you early voted? Can you help on November 6th? Because America's overly long campaign season has me really quite sleepy!

Astro-Notes November 4, 2012 2:00 am est

Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Cancer graciously trine one another and create a blend that has a "mailed fist in a velvet glove" flavor. Deeply perceptive (Water signs are intuitive, imaginative, and emotional), Sun Sco-Moon Can tends toward sincerity, emotional strength, subjectivity, and shrewdness, and can be more than a little secretive.

In their excellent book Sun Sign-Moon Sign, the Harveys give the Scorpio-Cancer combo of energies these illustrative 'Images for Integration':

"A mother eagle defends her babies with immense courage...A surgeon develops life-saving methods...A mother passionately defends her delinquent child and pleads for a compassionate verdict."

Sun Sco-Moon Can is shared natally by body-builder Charles Atlas, heart-transplanter Christian Barnard, journalist Dan Rather, humorist Will Rogers, and President Theodore Roosevelt who advised us that, "There is a handy adage which runs, 'Speak softly and carry a big stick, and you will go far.'

And here's one of my favorite Will Rogers quotes which seems to apply no matter which election year we're in:

"In 1928 the Republican Convention opened with a prayer. If the Lord can see His way clear to bless the Republican Party the way it's been carrying on, then the rest of us ought to get it without even asking."


Nov 1, 2012

Horoscope: Lunar Eclipse Nov 28 2012, plus Election Day 2012 Mercury

A Lunar Eclipse November 28, 2012 and Election Day 2012

by Jude Cowell

Above you see an image: the Horoscope of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse of Nov 28, 2012 @6Gem46 with an impaired Jupiter 11:54 Rx nearby (click to enlarge.)

It's an Hour of Jupiter, and Mars OOBs of the Earthly plane closely conjoins powerful, wealthy, string-puller Pluto @8Cap10--this pair of force and weaponry rise in Washington D.C. and as the eclipse perfects, enters the 12th H of Politics, Karma, Self-Undoing, and Large Institutions (wounded veterans in hospitals and soldier suicides come sadly to mind.) A desire to face danger may be in evidence as well.

Moon = the Mood We're In

A Gemini Moon shows We the People are of two minds as lively attention is paid to all forms of news and communications--we are straining to hear some good news and hopefully the populations of our cities and towns affected by this week's Hurricane Sandy will have heard good news by November 28th! Yes, Moon approaching Jupiter is a happy combination and here Jupiter rules the Sun posited in expansive, broad-minded Sagittarius. Plus, this Lunar Eclipse occurs 2 degr 7 mins from America's natal Uranus @8Gem55 which may serve to increase our excitement and our restlessness.

Indicative of turning points, crossroads, and/or crises are the two interlocked YOD patterns, one with Saturn 6Sco21 and MC at apex (focal points) and a second focused YOD (aka, the 'Finger of God' = an imperative to deal with) pointing toward the Moon (the people) and opposing the Sun (leader.)

Midpoint pictures for these YOD patterns include potentials for irritability, suppressed excitability, self-willedness, desires for separation, and a striving for independence (you'd think we Americans had that one under our belts before now! yet we're under threat once again.) Also denoted are: suffering sudden damage, great energy, ambitious aims pursued, readiness for action, and/or sudden interference in the business of others (an American specialty thanks to our tiresome imperialist plutocrats who wish to rule the world--from the White House, it seems.

Additionally, there are karmic or fated implications for planets when they appear in a chart at the same degrees: Moon-Sun-Saturn (6th degr) and Mars-Pluto-Venus (8th degr.)

A very dynamic picture of tense development is shown by midpoints aimed directly at the Sun (leader) @6Sag46 in 11th H: Pluto/MC = Mars/MC = Sun = Saturn/Pluto = Mars/Saturn indicating potentials for: power to attain success, authority, a strong will, giving orders to others, overcoming resistance or obstacles, sparing no pains in work, renunciation, privation, physical separation, toil, or an inability to meet all demands due to weak vitality.

Of course, this is a Lunar Eclipse so its midpoints also affect the Moon (the public) so we may find ourselves dealing with such issues as: feminine leadership, premature action, deep emotional reactions, lack of deliberation, imposing one's will upon women, independence of women, melancholy, depression, tragedy especially relating to women, illness, and/or a lack of courage (or charges of cowardice.) Looks like the GOP's 'war on women' with its backward-facing legislative proposals will have us stirred up even more in November, as it ought if America intends to remain a 21st century, non-Talibanesque nation!

Now with serious Saturn as chart-ruler (ASC 11Cap22), we take note of the karmic Lesson-Bringer's only applying aspect, a sextile to 12th H Pluto (1A49.) A sextile between these two karmic planets denotes that a challenge is involved--to persevere without becoming obsessive and single-minded. Defending the rights of those who are being victimized is a positive trait of a Saturn-Pluto sextile, yet both Moon and Sun (people-leader/s) may be in victimized (apex) positions here--or may describe those who use the sextile to achieve positive results!

Spotlighted are organization of info and intelligence reports, plus, 'proper management' issues. Top of the to-do list for a Saturn-Pluto sextile are: self-reliance, financial independence, and total control of all decision-making; perseverance will eventually turn around vulnerabilities, disorganized enterprises, and/or plans, and will result in the release or leaking of withheld information.

And since all eclipses are universal 'wild cards' with a Uranian nature and act as catalysts that serve us by uncovering hidden secrets and scandals, perhaps we'll be amazed by what we will soon find out.

Since a Lunar Eclipse that occurs after a Solar Eclipse tells us about our reaction to the Solar Eclipse, you may wish to follow a link to my recent post on the karmic November 13, 2012 Solar Eclipse @21Sco56 which conjoins US natal 12th cusp of Politics and Secret Deals (Sibly chart 5:10 pm LMT), and also conjoins the Midheaven of Thomas Jefferson's natal chart.

Speaking of YOD patterns and Thomas Jefferson, here's a top post on SO'W which concerns the YOD in Jefferson's natal chart, if you're curious.

November 6, 2012 and Voting Mercury's Station Rx

Now in a previous post or two I've groused astrologically about Election Day 2012's Mercury (votes, voters, ballots, polls, decisions, etc) performing a Station Retrograde (when a planet seems to stand still before turning direction and is made stronger while in Station mode.) Mercury's Station Rx occurs around 6 pm ET on November 6th and with you, dear reader, I await with baited breath to see if this Mercurial planetary condition again affects election results, both presidential and congressional--as it did in the Bush-Gore brouhaha of 2000. Especially since it Stations at '5Sag' this time which opposes President Obama's natal 3Gem21 Moon and conjoins Mitt Romney's natal South Node (SN) in Sagittarius in his n 7th house (Mitt's natal DESC = 1Sag01) and thus opposes his n NN, a Jupiterian point which has positive joining qualities.

Is Mercury's Station Rx showing American voters reviewing his record and 'turning back' to President Obama to gift him a second term as president? Does the separative Mercury-SN contact for Mr. Romney describe his ideas as old-fashioned and 'behind the times' such as rolling back Obamacare, minority rights, and women's reproductive rights? Well, Mercury-SN shows one who often has trouble gaining support for his ideas and plans (Mercury) so my hope is that the lesser of two evils--Mr. Obama, apparently--will benefit from Election Day 2012's Mercury Station Rx and that the Supreme Court doesn't get an opportunity to step in and decide the presidency on behalf of the plutocrats and neocon warmongers we so recently suffered under for eight years, a bad deal for American society which continues its negative influences to this day and beyond.

And this pertains, no matter how hard Florida's Jeb Bush tries to snow us with his glowing assessment of his disastrous brother, Dubya! Here's Jeb on Meet the Press a while back not showing the slightest sense of irony or discomfort that he even has to defend his brother!

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Oct 29, 2012

Meat Loaf's awful "America the Beautiful" video goes pouf!

LOL! Well, I wondered how long it would take someone to delete the YouTube video of Mitt Romney's "Victory" Rally on October 25th showing former singer Meat Loaf's horrific rendition of America the Beautiful!

If you are currently on this blog, you may wish to scroll down a post or three to see the actual spot where the musical horror was embedded and you may still read in the post what Rev. Al Sharpton said about it...tres amusing!

Today and maybe tomorrow, Wall Street trading is shut down due to the threat of "Frankenstorm" Sandy moving up our East Coast. It's the first such unplanned shut down of Wall Street since 2001 and I hope everyone remains safe and sound.

As you've heard, presidential campaign stops are cancelled for storm-affected regions and early voting may be interrupted in some districts. Don't suppose this can be part of the Mercury Retrograde Station effect of Election Day November 6...?

Perhaps not but a Rx Mercury can certainly suppress such things as trade, transport, and commerce along with the usual travel and communications glitches and delays in schedules--plus, Mercury rules votes, voters, ballots, and voting machines.

Hmmm? Did you say something? No? Must've been the wind because here in Georgia it's a Very Windy Monday as might be expected, compliments of Hurricane Sandy.

Update: does Sandy threaten nuclear power plants from Virginia to Vermont?

Oct 28, 2012

Taurus Full Moon Oct 29, 2012 and a "Frankenstorm"

Rising Tides as Full Moon in Taurus perfects Monday Oct 29, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Already there's been a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in British Columbia, Canada and of course most folks know that Full Moons (and New) are times of high tides, a fact that provides no comfort for those on the East Coast of the US and in Sandy's path.

Originally I planned to post here a bit on the Oct 29th Full Moon as a "Halloween Moon" since it occurs near October 31st but since this "Frankenstorm" is being described as a "monster", it isn't necessary, is it?


In DC, a 2nd house Full Moon @6Tau47 perfects at 3:49:27 pm edt; Sun 6Sco47 near Saturn 2Sco52 in 8th H; Hour of Jupiter 15Gem19 Rx; ASC 11Pis33, a Water sign ruled and co-ruled by expansive Jupiter and oceanic Neptune which are, in the Full Moon horoscope, in a so-called hidden square aspect of 256 degrees indicating "castles" built upon sand and showing that much caution is needed for safety's sake.

In Washington DC, Jupiter has just crossed the IC 19Gem45 opposite Mars 16Sag22 which has just crossed MC so both are Angular denoting a potential for loss of life; watery Neptune 00Pis24 Rx and Chiron 5Pis06 Rx have just risen and are in the karmic 12th house of Hospitals--large buildings may be "undone" or flooded; transformative Pluto @7Cap23 (10th H) is apex of a T-Square formed by an opposition between Venus 1Lib33 (conjunct US natal MC in the 5:10 pm Sibly chart) and disruptive Uranus Rx rising (1st house) @5Ari24 which relates to power outages and to unexpected, upsetting events.

Actually, with transiting Mars in mid-Sagittarius, it's almost time for a Mars-opposite-natal-Mars transit for America's Geminian Mars, a period when physical challenges abound, and opponents exhibit an equal and determined show of strength--a time for routine tasks to be attended to with as much efficiency and as little waste as possible.

So if you, dear reader, are in Sandy's path--or inland where snowfall, winds, and heavy rain may be major problems--I hope you keep safe as possible and twice as warm and dry!

Oct 27, 2012

Meatloaf destroys "America the Beautiful" at Romney Rally (video)

As Rev. Al Sharpton noted on his program PoliticsNation last evening, Mitt Romney's reaction to Meatloaf's horrifying additions to America the Beautiful was, I'll do anything for votes, but I won't do that!

Also, Al Sharpton doesn't take kindly to John Sununu's racist remarks on Colin Powell's recent endorsement of Barack Obama for president (and I agree with him wholeheartedly.)

Now it's time for some Meatloaf at Romney's October 25th "Victory" Rally:

His performance is in time for Halloween--and plum horrifying!


Blog Note: if you hear a video start up when you arrive on SO'W, it's from Bill Moyers Journal with Matt Taibbi and Chrystia Freeland, author of Plutocrats--just scroll down a bit and pause it to squelch the audio if you wish--thanks! jc

Oct 26, 2012

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse November 13, 2012

A Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Nov 13, 2012

by Jude Cowell

Image above: the Total Solar Eclipse of November 13, 2012 which falls within the 15 North (15N) Saros Series and in Scorpio is ruled and co-ruled by Mars and Pluto; 15N contains 'joy through commitment' and 'good news' vibes (Brady) and last manifested on Nov 4, 1994 @'11Sco' around the time Republicans took over Congress and promoted their so-called "Contract with America--perhaps a good omen for the austere Romney-Ryan ticket especially since this eclipse occurs within two weeks of Election Day 2012 and thus affects it."

Will continued 'embassy' issues for the US surface? If so, this is denoted by the Sabian Symbol for '11Sco': "An Embassy Ball"; Scorpio eclipses bring intensely passionate energies into the Collective--this is a North Node eclipse so energies are rushing in--and brings times when strength of purpose benefits, and root causes of problems may be uncovered and dealt with; karmic (evolutionary) progress may be gained if positive elements of sign Scorpio are well-directed--which means that revenge, retribution, mayhem, and betrayal must not be allowed to override forgiveness.

We find ourselves in several difficult binds yet America will be much better prepared for future growth if present hatreds and prejudices are put to rest, resolved, or at least tamped down to a lower-than-dull roar. But tell that to racists and bossy financial and ruling elitist Plutocrats, right? At least We the People might be aware enough to listen to our higher natures and treat our fellow Americans and others as we wish to be treated!

Now if we 'stretch' a bit and don't mind counting Chiron, chart-ruler Venus makes no major applying aspects in the chart but 'she' does make an applying minor (irritating) aspect: a sesquisquare to non-Ptolemaic Chiron (discovered in 1977; may result in 'socialization difficulties'), but significantly I mention it because it's partile (exact) to the minute--00A00, from Airy Libra to Watery Pisces, and in process of returning once again to BHO's n Chiron position 5:19 Rx in his n 1st H--mentors are important to him, and thus are important to our nation. Also, Venus in 6th H of Health, the Virgo house, resonates with Chiron, the Healer, the Wound, and The Key (and the Christ archetype in Astrology); few can disagree that America's mental and emotional health and Spirit have been wounded many times over by our own apathy that allowed misplaced trust concerning what our elected officials do, and by government itself through invasions, wars, and occupations which US taxpayers are forced to pay for while the power elite (banking houses both here and abroad) wage said wars and rake in massive profits therefrom. (Now remember I'm of the 'what if they threw a war and no one showed up to fight' generation! How I wish everyone would try it.)

Fortunately, a 1st H Jupiter affords some protection from Above though its Rx condition may weaken or delay its beneficial effects on our economy--plus, Jupiter is Unaspected here, working on his own on inner levels (Rx.) But is he strengthened by having his own way? Or, debilitated by not having good or workable connections with the other actors (planets) in the eclipse chart. Well, perhaps he doesn't mind working alone for a while! Jupiter's rulership of the 8th H of High Finance and a natural link to money (as with Scorpio) shouts to us something about Debt and Credit, Military, Health Care, and Insurance costs and funding, and we may be looking at a description of the ongoing battle over Obamacare, budgeting, deficit reduction, credit downgrades, fiscal cliffs, and sequestration cutbacks on Capitol Hill with testy Mars @27Sag35, also in 8th H and out-of-bounds.

Even though the GOP 'spends like drunken sailors' when at the helm, the investment function of Jupiter inspires me to ascribe the expansive planet more to the Democratic Party at this time than to the austerity-promoting Republican Party with its sour, dour Saturnian outlook and determination to raise taxes on the middle and working classes while easing tax 'burdens' on the wealthy. In other words, investment may be delayed (Rx) yet could be forthcoming once Jupiter turns Direct on or about Jan 30, 2013.

An alternate view is that with a Romney presidency, funds will be again gifted to the wealthy class bwo the Bush tax cuts while austerity, lack, and hardship are forced upon the rest of us--and we may see many corporations cooperate with the White House by hiring quite a few of those US workers they refused to hire during what they intended to be the failed presidency of Barack Obama. Is this what Jupiter's Rx condition means? Are the current CEO threats of job loss against their workers who don't vote Republican another side of Jupiter Rx?

At IC 6Leo00 (Foundation; Basis/End of the Matter; The Drain) is US n NN (showing our need for close attention to be paid to our domestic concerns and for withdrawing our noses from the business of other nations), President Obama's n Mercury and Sun, and his political duo of n Uranus-NN; in 5th H of Risk-Taking lies BHO's n Pluto 6Vir59 spotlighting its polar opposite, Chiron in Pisces in process of performing a Chiron Return (#4 of 5, exact on Oct 19, last in December) for the president, as noted in his October transits, above. He's not just a candidate--he's the president and closely involved with The People's business and the implementation of a transformative agenda--plus, as many have said, eight years of hardships and robbery under Bush-Cheney can't be repaired in only four years!

Now having both Mars and Pluto in 8th H has been notable in previous charts for a connection to 'death by war' and with Jupiter the General ruling 8th H--and Rx--we may sadly expect the number of US caskets to increase along with the financial costs of war if our adventurism doesn't continue to be tamped down--which it won't under a Romney White House letting the neocons back into power.

Well, here Mars sextiles nebulous, prevaricating Neptune (2A45) which stimulates our infamous natal Mars-Neptune square with its 'fog of war' theme that always gets us into conflicts through misguided ideologies driving misdirected energies. Therefore, another pre-emptive strike cannot be ruled out nor can more Afghan soldier "green on blue" attacks which will complicate America's Exit Strategy at the end of 2014. However, Mars sextile Neptune denotes a need to forgo action until things are seen clearly and not just through a rosy 'visionary' mindset of an 'ideal' future while pining for a 'string of victories' (Epstein) which war-profittering neocons hold so dear.

This sextile aspect may also show hints of drills and preparation for war in this strongly Fixed-Water horoscope (determined, rigid, secretive Scorpio) on our side, but also by others against the US and in opposition to the global government we're attempting to force upon the Middle East, and the Saturn-Uranus inconjunct shows Israeli-Palestinian needs for major adjustments. Cardinal-Earth energies are weak in the chart so practicality and an appreciation of actual consequences are desperately needed to keep over-enthusiasm and rash actions under check--but with Cardinal weak, practicality may 'rush in' with unconscious force.

These adjustments are especially important with planning Mercury Rx at '1Sag', the 'A Grand army of the Republic Campfire" degree (Jones.) And of course, the Pentagon-White-House collaboration on drone strikes against enemies is also denoted--obviously the old neocon "winning hearts and minds" has fallen by the wayside if it ever truly was a goal of the Pentagon. After all, 'they hate us because we bomb them and have tended to prop up dictators in the region who abuse them (and the billions of dollars the US sends overseas never seem to benefit the people.)

US n Mars in Gemini conjs 2nd cusp of National Treasury, Personal Resources, and Earning Ability which may be positive or negative for increasing or decreasing of funds and reminds us of the threat of cuts in future Pentagon budgets. US n Sun in Cancer conjs 3rd cusp of Communications so we may expect to hear much from the president on the issues highlighted by the Nov 13th Solar Eclipse including secrets revealed, for eclipses tend to uncover or leak The Hidden, inconvenient as it may be.

Rebellious Uranus @4Ari58 Rx in 11th H of Groups and Associations continues its sojourn in Mars-ruled Aries with its signature of zealots and "Utopians" (as labeled by Reinhold Ebertin.) Tea Party politicians and other social-political activists are denoted on various levels especially with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square bringing unsettled conditions, upsets, uprisings, protests, strikes, marches, rallies, strong-armed tactics, and violence within societies the world over. A flavor of financial upsets is also denoted--and as you know, Underworldly Pluto keeps massive wealth hidden in many secret places but he wants it all including Earth's dwindling natural resources.

While it's affecting the entire world with unrest and violence, in the US the Uranus-Pluto influence is being strongly felt through civil rights issues re-surfacing from the mid-1960s which gives us that deja-vu feeling of having settled such matters way back then as Uranus and Pluto last met in Great Conjunction in mid-Virgo, The Virgin: voting rights, civil rights, women's rights, Roe v Wade, etc. The Uranus-Pluto square's riled-up effects have a background influence on the Collective until 2015 and perhaps a little beyond. 'New vs Ancient' may be one way to describe its stalemate quality for these are generational conflicts with a distinct class warfare flavor (no matter which political party accuses the other of waging it!), and Neptune in its own sign of confusing, often deceitful Pisces adds illusion, delusion, disappointment, contagion, liquidity, fraud and scandal to the titanic clash.

Let's close with a word about status-quo, conservative Saturn recently moved into Scorpio: here Saturn tends to concentrate on taxes and accounting, property, corporate financing, and other business matters with a perfectionist flair (MR's n Jupiter is in Scorpio as is Paul Ryan's and Ronald Reagan's); 'hard taskmaster' describes Saturn in Scorpio for Mr. Austerity has no patience with lazy attitudes or an unwillingness to work or to take responsibility for one's self (ex: Romney's remarks about the 47%!)

In Scorpio, Saturn's willpower is spent on practical accomplishments while efficiency is placed above people in a robot-like manner. Attainment of authority is a must for this managing Saturn and the Republican plan to force austerity and larger economic burdens upon those who can least afford it may be what is being shown here.

But if President Obama is re-elected (and especially if the House and Senate lean more Democratic on Election Day 2012), the improving, regenerating side of Saturn in Scorpio (patience, concentrated work, and determination to succeed) may be expressed instead and can provide a serious work ethic to governing issues and the concerns of the American people who are ready to hear of the Saturnian realities about our financial system, and ready to understand what must be done in order to keep our Republic.

~:~Please stay tuned in the next couple of weeks for a post concerning the November 28, 2012 Lunar Eclipse Horoscope with details. jc

Oct 24, 2012

Mitt Romney: International Man of Mystery (video)

Beware! The following 10-minute video may contain stark facts concerning the elusive Piscean Mitt Romney, political chameleon:

Oct 23, 2012