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Nov 16, 2015

Natal Horoscope of France 1792

This is the only copy I have on my laptop of the natal horoscope of France September 21, 1792:

Nov 15, 2015

How Internet Censorship Works - video

On the topic of censorship in the US, this one's for Google and for other content controllers you and I both could name:

note to self: youtube is google.

The World Bank and the Future of Poverty - video (w Astrology)

A report from Stuff They Don't Want You to Know:

As you know, the US-UK creation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund were engineered to be justified by World War II and were founded at Bretton Woods, N.H. in July 1944. The groups' intellectual 'founding fathers' were John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White, chief international economist at the US Treasury. The establishment of "a new global economic order" was a goal with a hidden agenda to "integrate elites of all countries into the capitalist world system of rewards and punishments."

Although the World Bank displays a pro-society logo that says End Poverty, it seems to me that they've had decades to do just that but have made very few improvements in the world other than to bribe heads of state. And of course, WB-IMF loans to governments come with strings attached and if you wish, read more about these global wheeler-dealers...

John Maynard Keynes: a Prolific Writer with Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Gemini

Related: the Natal Horoscope of John Maynard Keynes with a few biographical details. You'll see that his 10th house of Career and Public Status is stuffed full with his New Moon self: Sun, Moon, Mercury (Gemini), Venus conjunct Neptune (Taurus), and Saturn conjunct Pluto (00-2 Gemini, a violent area of the Zodiac.) South Node @9Taurus conjoins Midheaven (inherited abilities; his father determined that mathematics would be his career direction) and his 2nd house ($) Uranus (originality; genius) @19Virgo dynamically squares the Sun-Moon-Mercury trio while trining Neptune. Also, the plutocracy pair conjoin though out-of-sign: Pluto @00Gemini conjunct Chiron @29Taurus, a critical 29th degree, denoting the crisis conditions of power and manipulation that he dealt with, often behind the scenes.

Keynes' birth data is accurate for it's Rodden Rated AA (quoted BC/BR; collector: Blackwell): June 5, 1883 9:45 am GMT Cambridge, England; ASC 25Leo07; MC 12Tau18; 8th cusp 14Pisces. Curiously, Keynes (Baron of Tilton since 1942) at age 63 died on April 21, 1946 of a heart attack shortly after returning from the first meeting of IMF and WB Boards of Governors in Savannah, GA. My suspicious self wonders if perhaps his death was quite convenient for someone but of course it may have been perfectly innocent even with an inconclusive 'mysterious death' signature of Pisces on 8th cusp. Keynes' American counterpart in the formation of the World Bank and IMF, Harry Dexter White, also died of a heart attack in August 1948..."Men's hearts failing them for fear"?

Nov 14, 2015

Max Igan - PressTV's Special Coverage of Paris Terror Attacks - video

Max Igan's opinion is sought concerning last evening's brutal attacks in Paris. Speaking from Brisbane, Australia, Max comes into the discussion around the 8-minute mark:

Related: the natal Horoscope of France dated September 21, 1792 where among other factors you see the nation's 10th house (World Stage) Moon (the populace) at 4Sag06 where transiting Saturn now treads bringing depressive conditions, bereavement, restriction, hardship, and loss to the good people of France.

Natal and 2016 Astrology of Bernie Sanders with a nod to Hillary

Although we still don't have his birth hour here is an informative analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the natal chart of 2016 candidate Bernie Sanders along with the planetary influences of Election Day 2016.

Yes, the planetary portents look strong for Senator Sanders though last evening's tragic attacks in Paris may hinder presidential chances for any Democrat (of course Sanders is a bit different as a Democratic Socialist) though negatives may cling more specifically to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. Still, Republicans adore any opening for denigrating Democrats as being 'soft on terrorism' so we'll see how they spin the Paris attacks politically and how easy such meringue goes down the gullet of the voting public--especially since many things can happen between now and November 8, 2016.

Yet it's highly predictable that Republicans will attempt to frost both Clinton and Sanders as second rate to any one of them as presidential 'tough guys' but the cherry on top will probably go to Hillary Clinton since the GOP expects to be running against her and her formidable popularity come Election Day.

So Who Will Be 'The Other' on Election Day 2016?

Written way back in July 2015 with an update since, here's what evening star Venus has to do with US presidential election outcomes especially the one on November 8, 2016. Voters want "someone different" pundits are saying in reference to the non-politicians who are running--like Ben Carson and Donald Trump though a female president or a Democratic Socialist could satisfy the desire of Venus in Sagittarius quite well. A victorious Senator Sanders might in a sense be considered of a 'rival party' to the Obama wing of the Democrats--unless you count BHO a Republican!

So I wonder if pundits and reporters who say voters want "someone different" know about the Venus Cycle in US Politics: Venus in her own sign of Libra vs Venus in Sagittarius, sign of The Foreigner, or, The Stranger?

Nah! It's more likely that talking heads and their think tanks had to come up with a plausible excuse for why establishment candidates of the Republican persuasion are so far polling like yesterday's stinky catfish.

Nov 13, 2015

Bernie Sanders Has Winning Strategy: Democratic Socialism Works - video (plus, FDR)

The Nation's John Nichols and Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discuss Democratic Socialism, candidate Bernie Sanders and how he needs to talk more about it, and the 4th Republican debate and the ideas that were espoused for the American people:

Here's another video interview conducted by Thom Hartmann in case you missed Social Democracy Is 100% American. After all, FDR's implementation of our social safety net programs was actually a major sign of progress on America's march toward a 'new world order' and you may wish to check out an assessment of FDR's abilities as noted by Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells.

And since these forms of government are quite a bit more complex than the above interviews suggest, I recommend for background on Fabian Socialism (Communism, Bolshevikism, Marxism, etc) if you need it: Keynes at Harvard which is where Fabian Socialism was initially introduced into American academia and was thereby able to infiltrate the US government, even influencing Wilson's Fourteen Points, an alleged "blueprint for peace". After campaigning with a "peace platform," Woodrow Wilson touted his 'points' in an address to the US Congress on January 8, 1918 while deceptive Neptune @6Leo conjoined US natal North Node (encounter, public contact, and future direction.)

As a pair, Neptune-NN describes such potentials as: anti-social elements, a lack of communal spirit, ideals as an excuse for neglecting the needs of the populace, scandals involving foreign concerns, an inadequate health care system (especially during and after a war), drug policies that avoid important concerns, and/or spies or terrorists that enter for villainous purposes.

(Neptune-NN potentials: Ebertin; Munkasy.)

How Many Life Stories Has Ben Carson Fabricated? David Pakman reports

Oh dear! 2016 Republican candidate Ben Carson remains under media scrutiny concerning his fantastical Mercury-Neptune tendencies. Here David Pakman takes a rational look at the candidate:

Related: Astrology for Dr Ben Carson - Tom Jordan via video.

Nov 12, 2015

Swing Voters Don’t Exist - Why Are Dems Moving To The Center? - video (w Astrology)

Now here is a good question for Democratic candidates who drift toward 'the middle' where they imagine conservative voters graze along with answers from Mike Papantonio:


Related is a previous post displaying the natal Horoscope of the Democratic Party circa February 17, 1801 1:00 pm LMT Washington DC with a few chart details penned on the image. Source: the letters of Thomas Jefferson via Bill Sellers.

You'll note 2Can29 rising with US natal Venus (3Cancer), then our natal Jupiter and Sun (5-14Can); MC 10Pisces (compassion?); Sun @28Aquarius (conjunct US natal Moon = mummy, daddy, and 'the nanny state'), and Moon @27Aries (Aries = I AM; Moon = the people). Perhaps we see here the traditional link from labor unions and other US workers to the Democratic Party along with what are supposed to be the 'democratic ideals' of Thomas Jefferson. So the Democratic Party is more of a maternal common good organization while the Republican Party is paternalistic and more severe.

You may also note on the chart that 1:00 pm LMT is during a Jupiter Hour with Jupiter Rx @25Cancer conjunct US natal Mercury Rx = large plans, plans for expansion, over-promising, idealism, broad vistas which we now see in motion across the globe with America's 'exceptional' imperial growth of 'boots on the ground' of sacred sand where westerners Do Not Belong. Dem Party Jupiter is in the party's 2nd house of the National Treasury showing how costly and resource-depleting America's misadventures abroad were and are even with Democrats in charge.