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Dec 31, 2017

Stars Over Washington's Top Ten Posts of 2017

Well, this is a sort of post never published here before! In order of popularity, below is a most-viewed year-end list of SO'W's Top Ten Posts of 2017 for your consideration.

Unsurprisingly, the topic of The Great American Eclipse takes first honors as it does in most year-end polls on news sites and elsewhere:

1. Horoscope: August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse Across America

2. Solar Eclipse Notes on Trump's Current Saturn Return

3. May 15, 2018 Uranus Enters Taurus; 2023 Pluto into Aquarius

4. Horoscope: Roy Moore Feb 11, 1947

5. Winter Solstice 2017: a Neptune and Sun-Saturn Season

6. DC Horoscope: February 2017 Solar and Lunar Eclipses ("with murky cosmic conditions")

7. 2017 Neptune Hits American Revolution's Prenatal Eclipse in Pisces

8. DC Horoscope: The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction January 2020

9. DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2017 (Aries Ingress)

10. Horoscope: Donald Trump with VP Mike Pence's natal planets.

Somehow, with all the 2017 SO'W posts concerning Donald Trump, my post on the natal chart of Alabama's losing contender for US Senate, Roy Moore, ranks higher than all but one post (#2) involving Mr. Trump who belatedly championed Judge Roy Moore in Alabama's December 12th race and got his preening political feathers singed to a crisp for his meager robo-call effort and speech delivered from Florida.

Now I don't know about your neighborhood, but around these parts this merits a hearty end-of-year bwa-ha-ha and a bubbly toast to a Happy New Year for Everyone!

You may also wish to check out The Top Trending News Stories for 2017 according to Google.

Dec 29, 2017

Overweight Trump's Medical Exam Jan 12, 2018

Update Jan 17, 2018: in spite of any glowing reports you've heard, it turns out that Mr. Trump is borderline obese and has a common form of heart disease according to Dr. Sanjay Gupta. For some of us, this is no surprise just from gazing upon His Heftiness.

Original post begins here:

It has been announced that on January 12 2018, Donald Trump is scheduled to undergo an official medical examination at the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Maryland as required for anyone who plays the role of US president.

Considering Mr. Trump's age and his widened girth, metabolic syndrome and the health conditions it threatens is a potential. However, whether an honest "read out" of the examining physician's assessment of Trump's health will be publicly forthcoming remains to be seen but the spread of his middle via fast food consumption is disturbingly on display for all the world to see especially when golfing. As you can tell in the photo (which may soon be deleted from this post), the infamous #TrumpRump cannot be hidden by baggy golf pants!

So on January 12, 2018, what's the cosmic weather forecast?, you may ask. The hour of his doctor appointment has not surfaced so I peeked at the planets of the day and found that the Moon enters Sagittarius at 2:04 am est and the Sun is, of course, in Saturn-ruled Capricorn. Chances are Trump's exam will not take place with the Moon is Scorpio (between midnight and 2:04 am) so let's consider a few details for the Sun Cap-Moon Sagittarius blend in effect on January 12, 2018. These energies tend toward verbosity, pomposity, exhibiting intellectual pretension when feeling insecure, and a fixation on narrow, rigid views that can become moralistic. (Sun Sign-Moon Sign, Charles and Suzi Harvey). Does this sound like anyone we know?

Plus, Sun Cap-Moon Sag is an Earth-Fire blend of strong, compelling energies. This is the 'bulldozer' combo that goes for the main chance, has enormous certitude about its beliefs, and has a deep need for power and the freedom to express it. Earth-Fire is the natal blend of mogul financier J.P. Morgan Sr who asserted that, "I don't want a lawyer to tell me what I cannot do; I hire him to tell me how to do what I want to do." This arrogant attitude also applies in the case of Mr. Trump, as you may agree. So if exam results are too revealing, will Trump attempt to override the examining physician's assessment?

But wait! Here's what may be an even more appropriate quote from a Sun Cap-Moon Sag native, journalist and critic Alexander Woolcott:

"All the things I like to do are either immoral, illegal, or fattening."

Well, considering the physical exam the girth-widened Mr. Trump has scheduled for January 12, 2018 (plus, his administration's ongoing scandals and legal troubles), how perfect a quote is that?

So perhaps we'll hear of the senior Mr. Trump's health condition by the eerie light of the January 31, 2018 Leo Lunar Eclipse, a second-in-the-month 'blue moon' at that, which perfects about 1.5 degrees from Donald Trump's natal Pluto (10Leo02)...because We The People have a right to know!

Dec 28, 2017

Dec 28 2017 Doug Jones Certified to Take Senate Seat

Although loser Roy Moore filed a lawsuit yesterday to block the certification of Doug Jones for the Alabama seat in the US Senate, the certification of Doug Jones is scheduled for today at 1:00 pm CST in Montgomery, the capital city.

Update Dec 29, 2017: MSNBC reports that Doug Moore was certified yesterday at 2:10 pm Eastern Time. At 1:10 pm CST in Alabama, the horoscope remains basically the same with Taurus Moon and Jones's natal Mercury rising.

Original post begins here:

A quick peek at a December 28, 2017 1:00 pm cst Montgomery, Alabama horoscope of the certification reveals the natal Mercury in Taurus of Mr. Jones rising just after the transiting Moon in Taurus @7Tau21. The natal Sun of Doug Jones @13Taurus rises soon after.

At MC, the Goal and Career Point of the certification chart (24Cap14), in 10th house is the natal Chiron Station Retrograde of Doug Jones and at 28Cap39, his Chiron conjoins US natal Pluto. As you know, the Pluto-Chiron pair is a marker for Plutocracy and the oppression and primal violence it tends to use in order to get its way. With Senator Jones it remains to be seen if or how he will favor plutocratic actions for he is joining Plutocracy's politicians on Capitol Hill. Plus, Jones's natal North Node @16Cap42, has recently been conjoined by transit Pluto today @18Cap40. With Chiron in 10th today at certification and his natal NN in Capricorn, Mr. Jones may be feeling somewhat insecure as to his position--even after his certification.

This degree of governmental, legal Capricorn (18Cap) activates the 1993 Great Conjunctions of Uranus and Neptune with the trio's 'the big picture must be followed, very little option to do otherwise' (Tyl) demands which Senator Jones will surely deal with in the US Congress and be forced to vote as party leadership dictates. The natal Pluto @22Leo32 of Doug Jones is extra strong for it's Station Direct in his natal chart. Of course, his Pluto on one level relates to his legal profession and the criminality it necessarily involves.

And with US natal Pluto at the top of the certification chart, US natal Mercury is placed at the IC (24Can14) with 1776 Mercury's very interesting Sabian Symbol, "A Man Wrapped in an Invisible Cloak of Power," a cosmic shout-out to manipulating Pluto, planet of power, wealth, and the cape of invisibility that plutocrats in charge prefer to conceal themselves behind. And it seems that they want Doug Jones seated in the US Senate which does, of course, lessen the Republican majority there. Maybe one day we'll find out other reasons why Jones is their choice though it may be due in part to the cantankerousness and 'independent' thinking of the very controversial Alabaman, Roy Moore.

Related Posts Include: Astro-Notes on Doug Jones ('noon' chart shown) and a 'noon' Horoscope of Roy Moore.

Dec 27, 2017

January 30, 2018 Horoscope: Trump SOTU Address

January 19, 2018 UPDATE: just adding a link to the Lunar Eclipse in Leo which perfects near Trump's natal Pluto at 8:26 am est January 31st--the morning after Mr. Trump's SOTU Address.

Original post begins here:

On November 30, 2017, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan sent Mr. Trump the traditional invitation to address a Joint Session of Congress on January 30, 2018 which technically will be Mr. Trump's first State of the Union Address, or, SOTU.

Most SOTU Addresses have begun at 9:00 pm est in the House Chamber of the Capitol Building so if the unconventional Uranian Donald Trump follows suit (and for broadcasting purposes, why wouldn't the limelight hog?), we can set up a horoscope for January 30, 2018 9:00 pm est Capitol Hill and see what we see. Just such a horoscope is pictured here, plus, a dual chart of SOTUS 2015 and 2016 is shown below for the sake of comparison:

Hour of the Sun; chart-ruler Mercury (planet of speeches and SOTUs) makes no applying aspects and is at a critical 29th degree (Capricorn) in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, and Creative Pursuits. On this day, Mercury rises with a difficult fixed star, Scheat, which usually acts as a malefic so if I were you, I wouldn't expect a sunny SOTU from Mr. Trump whose Inaugural 2017 Address described a bleak America. Under one year of his administration, bleakness has certainly arrived if it wasn't here before.

Now the SOTU 2018 Sun AQ-Moon Leo blend is penned on the chart, upper right, and imho closely fits Mr. Trump's personality. This blend is shared by astrologer Evangeline Adams and by despot Frederick the Great (see a quote from Freddy, lower left, which quite describes the state of the union under Donald Trump.

As you see, the recent Solar Eclipse influences remain in force and for SOTU 2018 at 9:00 pm est conjoins the cusp of the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing. This is the 1 North (aka, 'the Mother of all Eclipses') Total Eclipse of August 21, 2017 @29Leo conjunct royal Regulus and Donald Trump's natal Ascendant--The Great American Eclipse, so-called. Have you felt Mr. Trump and his minions eclipsing America yet? Why not?

Below: SOTU 2015 (lower left, with cyber issues) and SOTU 2016 (upper right, realism, tackling the truth):

Dec 26, 2017

Horoscope: Leo Lunar Eclipse Jan 31, 2018 and more

Here is a DC Horoscope of the first eclipse of 2018, a Lunar Eclipse in Leo, plus, a brief review of the Solar and Lunar Eclipses of 2018 and links to further details:

Image: Lunar Eclipse @11Leo37 January 31, 2018 8:26:39 am est Capitol Building Washington DC USA across the 6/12 Virgo-Pisces axis; Hour of the Moon; Moon conjunct North Node, Sun conjunct South Node and Venus. The Previous Solar Eclipse @28Leo52 of August 21, 2017 (The Great American Eclipse) was Total across America, 'splitting' it North and South, and manifested in the 1 North Saros Series.

After the January 31st Lunar Eclipse in Leo comes its accompanying Solar Eclipse on February 15, 2018 @27Aquarius, what I've termed the 'We The People' Eclipse in the 1 South Saros Series because it conjoins US natal Moon in our late afternoon US natal chart/s of July 4, 1776.

Now as you know, a Lunar Eclipse that occurs prior to an accompanying Solar Eclipse suggest a period of decline and a passive response to the influences of the Solar Eclipse since it's a waning period of time from Full Moon to New Moon. With these two eclipses the Leo-Aquarius self-will polarity vs humanitarian efforts are concerns as 2018 begins--all eclipses are 'wild cards' of the Universe for they can disrupt like quirky planet Uranus, with their themes acting in similar fashion to a computer program 'running in the background' of society. This Leo-AQ influence spotlighted by 'cosmic blinks' in early 2018 may be a veiled reference to the self-interested, strong-willed Mr. Trump's rising Leo Mars opposing US natal Moon in humanitarian Aquarius, a passionate pairing that suggests potentials for antagonism, anger, mishaps, or even danger. Unfortunately, his 'finger on The Button' comes to mind along with the certainty of breakdowns of various sorts.

Then there's the Solar Eclipse of July 13, 2018 @21Cancer in the 2 Old North series (Mr. Trump's PE series), and the last 2018 Lunar Eclipse @5Aquarius on July 27th conjunct US natal South Node so perhaps more than the usual amount of unconscious material and secrets may be revealed from our nation's (or Donald Trump's) past and weaknesses inconveniently exposed.

The final eclipse of 2018 is a significant Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2018 @19Leo in the 2 New North Saros Series, aka, The Tower Eclipse which for obvious reasons may relate directly to Donald Trump and thus to America and its crumbling infrastructure, neglected for decades by Washington politicians who'd rather militarize the world and fund construction projects in foreign countries instead of spending our tax monies on our needs here at home.

Dec 23, 2017

Horoscope: Solar Eclipse of the 2018 Midterm Elections

December 23, 2017: Year 2018 soon arrives and GOP politicians and their donors are already looking ahead to the 2018 Midterm Elections scheduled for Tuesday November 6th. Of course, it's too early now to say how hacked or rigged the votes and outcomes will be but we know at least one US political party that will do everything in its power to sway results their way, if at all possible. As usual, a large voter turn-out can make cheating more difficult so hopefully such will be the case even though GOP gerrymandering will be doing what it can with a few Democratic Party tricks in the mix as well.

Obviously, many political rallies and other events will occur between today and November 6, 2018 including scandals, subpoenas, and leaks. Various conditions will change for better or worse--including the just-signed GOP-Trump 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (with Mercury Rx!) which will have been in force for months by November 2018 and its results will affect public opinion positively or negatively. Still, let's take an early peek at the planetary influences and themes of the Prenatal Solar Eclipse and its Saros Series (2 New North) in which General Election 2018 falls. You may wish to follow the link, above, for details on which states and seats are in play, plus, other details as they are currently known.

2 New North has a disturbing nickname, The Tower Eclipse, and its themes relate closely to the #16 card in the Tarot deck. Anyone familiar with this card already knows what I'm about to type. If not, simply enlarge the chart and read its themes, upper right: 'sudden collapse of plans or lifestyles, confusion reigns but after the dust settles, rebuilding begins and has far-reaching effects ' (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). For karmic progress, Solar Eclipses in Leo demand avoidance of such negative Leonine traits as ego, pride, and pomposity (Lineman) and this eclipse degree (18Leo) conjoins that of the 1 North Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999--the 'Nostradamus Eclipse', or, King of Alarm Eclipse with its Fixed Grand Cross (mid-degrees of Fixed signs). Here, Jupiter @14Sco48 activates the Eagle Point, the Point of Regeneration, very near the position of Mars in 1999, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation and symbolizing when the Winds of War and Strife were set loose:

Image: August 11, 2018 2 New North Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 5:57:39 am edt Washington DC; Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes); Ascendant 13Leo44 so the Sun is chart-ruler but makes no major applying aspects. However, there is an inconjunct (quincunx) with 6th house Pluto @19Cap19 Rx (0A38) denoting potentials for justification, analysis, obsession with gaining approval, spying, gossip, resentment, and confrontations with authority--and adjustments must be made concerning the power principle (Pluto) and egocentric aims (Sun). Also note that a Moon-Pluto inconjunct suggests judgementalism and dogmatism (Epstein).

Is Trump Tower part of 'The Tower' Eclipse picture or does its theme of 'collapse' relate to the Republican Party--or perhaps to the US government itself? With the current crop of infiltrators working hard to hollow out America's halls of power and considering foreign interference in our business, I'd not care to express my deepest thoughts on this topic at the moment although I'm certain you have ideas of your own, dear reader.

A New Millennium No Longer New

Now as you know, in 1999 and into the New Millennium, it was George W. Bush playing the role of the 'king' (POTUS) of America. But in 2017+ it's you-know-who, born with royal Regulus, the 'king' or 'king-maker', rising along with his thin-skinned, confrontational Mars in Leo. However, like all royal stars, Regulus contains a serious caution: success if revenge is avoided. Now who can say that Donald Trump isn't a champ at revenge and retaliation? Yet if this cosmic caution is neglected or ignored, all that has been gained will be taken away.

Quirky Is as Quirky Does Especially When Angular

So as you see in the chart, disruptive Uranus @2Tau33 Rx has just crossed Midheaven, the Goal Point, which denotes 'reforms and changes of direction in career and matters of public status'. Now I won't add my own intuition that Democrats may take back enough seats in Congress to change the balance of power on Capitol Hill, or at least to toss a wrench into Trump's and the Republican agenda, but it's something to ponder and work toward, isn't it?

After all, maverick planet and anarchistic zealot when in Aries, Uranus, suggests that 'premature actions lead to failure' when the 'Sky God' is in Taurus. Plus, Uranus is Mr. Trump's guiding planet due to its oriental condition in his natal chart (10th house) and seems to inspire the chatty tweets (Uranus in Gemini) of his very thoughts directly at the public, however unvetted, untrue, odd, duplicitous, and/or disruptive they may be.

Well, there are many more chart factors in the above horoscope worth discussing and my aim is that you may do so 'amongst yourselves' for there are children about the place here, gifts to open, and a holiday to celebrate so I'll mosey along for now and check back with you later.

Till then, I'm Wishing Everyone a Merry Merry Jingle and a Happy New Year! Jude


Related Posts: Eclipses and a Few Other Cosmic Events of 2018 and The Natal Horoscope of Donald Trump Part 2 with a link to Part 1 and notes on his Prenatal Solar Eclipse @9Gemini which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer amidst the Twin Stars of Gemini.

Plus, this post on The Tower Eclipse is actually the second one published. If you wish to check out my first version, tap or click this link.

Dec 22, 2017

Dec 22, 2017 Trump Signs GOP Tax Bill leaves for Mar-a-Lago

This morning the impatient Mars Rising fellow playing the presidential role signed the so-called GOP Tax Cut and Jobs Act (or is it only a mock-up to represent the hastily passed bill?) Here's a video of Trump's remarks as he looks ahead to a quick escape to his Mar-a-Lago resort home for a holiday break.

Signing today puts cuts to social programs like Medicare on the GOP's 2018 agenda instead of 2019 (after midterms November 2018) because Trump didn't have enough patience to wait until January 2018 to sign the thing and if he hadn't been annoyed (Mars rising) by TV talking heads this morning asking 'would he keep his promise by Christmas'.

However, billions of dollars for the military are safe from any threatened cuts so Pentagon generals can heave a sigh of relief.