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Showing posts with label Julie Demboski. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julie Demboski. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2009

Full Moon June 7, 2009's Fist of God patterns

Astrologer Julie Demboski's When God Insists ably covers the details of the Fist of God patterns in June 7, 2009's Full Moon in Sagittarius horoscope so check out Julie's informative column with the Full Moon's chart image included (PDT) because big things are brewing!

May 6, 2009

Scorpio Full Moon at midnight with YOD pattern 5. 9.09

Full Moon 18Sco41, 12:01:22 am edt, White House, Washington DC, USA, the Universe.

Hour of the Moon (in Fall in Scorpio as was the Inaugural 2009 Moon, the people); Rising is 9Cap27 conjunct a difficult Fixed Star Facies, ruthlessness or the victim - and no, I don't care much for the implications in this chart and had to fuss at myself to get me to publish it.

There is a YOD pattern (Finger of God) indicating a special purpose or task for the apex or focal planet to perform - in this case the recently-turned Mercury which is still on its Rx degree 1Gem35 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creativity, Children and Romance. YODs are also indicators of crisis or a critical point in a situation.

Can little Rx Mercury, though happy in its own sign of communicator Gemini, handle intense Pluto, planet of publishing, untold wealth, and secret manipulations? Is there any 'good news' to be had? Will it need to be retracted later when Mercury turns Direct and moves forward past its shadow degree?

5th cusp, however, is in Taurus (27:09) giving Mercury 1Gem35 more resonance with the 6th house of Work, Health, Service, Servants, and the Military - than with the 5th house because Mercury has 'no outlet' in this chart's 5th house. And 5th cusp is conj a couple of violent stars, with Mercury conj Mirfak (Alpha Perseus: young male energy; challenge-oriented ) so Mercury's puer eternus = eternal youth status is underscored by its Gemini placement and strengthened at Rx station; its message-bringing qualities are much in evidence although under tremendous pressure from controlling Pluto and career and world transformation considerations (MC.)

The Rx condition may also emphasize Mercury's 'no outlet' status because it signifies delays and re-dos or reviews of Mercurial things such as paperwork, agreements, promises and things said, speeches, contracts, plans, deals (especially involving Commerce), and vehicle issues. Naturally I think of the auto industry and trade agreements in particular; 'broken campaign promises' are being remarked upon as well - and Mercury's station trines Inaugural 2009 Mercury in Aquarius...which was also Rx (Pres Obama's second oath-taking, as you know, a re-do, just in case.)

The YOD pattern that I'm allowing involves Midheaven (MC), the Aspiration Point of any chart, so a midpoint picture is formed which I've scribbled on the chart (click to enlarge) but will type for you here...

Pluto/MC = Mercury: a person with great powers of suggestion; scientific fame or recognition; thinking big; planning.

I say 'allowed' because not everyone would use a YOD unless there were three planets at each point, but I think an Angle (or Node) tied in with the propaganda duo, Mercury and Pluto, gives them a soapbox (Mc) on which to practice their wiles and broadcast to the world.

And of course, Pluto the Publisher may be at odds with Mercury the Reporter...or they have a very special task to perform together in spite of difficulties and adjustments.

The chart also contains a T-square pattern which gives the opposition between Sun and Moon an outlet for their 'dance'; an opposition always points to relationships and/or partnerships; Sun (male) and Moon (female) may show action in the romantic department (husband/wife) but also a competition between conscious (Sun) and unconscious (Moon) forces.

Health-conscious Saturn 14Vir58 Rx had acted as a Thales Point (to 'soften' the opposition) but the Old Man is now beyond orb. He is, however, the chart-ruler and makes only one applying aspect (how things will proceed) to a planet - an inconjunct to Mars, strong in rambunctious Aries, and in 3rd house of Communications, and Mars in 3rd also relates to vehicles.

Sun/Moon = Jupiter: success; desire for joint endeavors, wealth, and possessions.

And Jupiter is in 2nd house of Money, Earning Ability, and Values, with Sun and Moon falling across the 4/10 axis of Security, Home, Career, and Public Status; financial matters are necessarily on the menu.

Let Us Mosey Back to the YOD, the Mars/Saturn inconjunct, and the midnight Full Moon in spooky Scorpio:

Inconjuncts (or quincunxes, if you prefer) show that major adjusments are needed - the same with the two inconjs forming the YOD pattern which is 'pointing' at Mercury.

This Mars is easy for Saturn to intimidate; it's difficult to determine who's responsible for what; there are problems fulfilling the desires of Mars without being destroyed in the process. (The astrological Mars represents males between the approximate ages of 25 - 35; perhaps we'll hear of more veterans' healthcare issues such as lack of payment, etc, and Arian explorers come to mind.)

There is a possibility of emotional blackmail being used with Mars inconj Saturn, and physical injury may be indicated along with scientific (Saturn) concerns.

Now as you know, Full Moon phases are the culmination of something begun 2 weeks prior at the New Moon (5Tau04 - here in 4th house, so Real Estate and/or Mining may be highlighted by this Full Moon.) The polarity of the 2/8 axis of Resources, Values, and Money is being emphasized particularly with the Sun/Moon midpoint 18AQ41 conj 8th cusp.

'18AQ' recalls the Solar 'Unmasking' Eclipse of Feb 7, 2008 for the Sabian Symbol for '18AQ' is 'A Man Being Unmasked.'

No one's true motives will stay hidden forever, no matter what shady operatives and brigands may think. Plus,'18AQ' is the degree of Ronald Reagan's natal Sun and is sometimes referred to as the 'end of progress' degree.

Brady's Predictive Astrology gives the 10 North Series as relating strongly to communications, frustrating or inhibiting events arriving bwo news, paperwork, or a young person (Mercury!); there may be tired, drained feelings that make it necessary to slow down the pace. Working quietly and carefully are the best solutions.

'18AQ' is considered a sensitive degree for the US so I think that issues from around Feb 7, 2007 may come back to haunt someone or will need further dealing with in some way. Eclipse influences do wane, of course, but this degree is always up for a good triggering...and there's Mercury Rx to bring things back to the surface more than once (Rx.)

Now what was I saying about apex Mercury?

Well, for starters, this Mercury has an overwhelming sense of duty and is determined to complete all assignments; there's great persistence and thoroughness with this rather compulsive-obsessive energy and the Rx quality is stressful. Yes, Mercury is driving itself awfully hard here which may result in a bitter 'rode hard put up wet' feeling; these can be entrapped fellows which dishonest people take advantage of.

Mercury's apex quality in a YOD denotes one who needs to gather all loose ends and disjointed concepts before it can best develop its considerable intellectual faculties; conscious preparation is a requirement, and superfluous details must be consciously ignored even though there's a compulsion to seek more information than can be comfortably handled or understood.

The need is for consistency, thoroughness, and greater efficiency, and if well-managed, apex Mercury can operate in a very urposeful way and have a greater impact on others especially in a specialized field of study or discipline.

The role of master communicator, influential teacher, and/or social enlightener describes the task of this apex Mercury.

And the base of the YOD, the Pluto/MC sextile (60 degr) is even more intriguing. Notes on Pluto sextile Mc are taken from Alan Epstein's excellent 'Understanding Aspects' series, The Sextile.

The challenge of this sextile is to delegate authority without losing control of the project, yet the tendency is to insist that all be done Pluto's way based on 'his' decisions which, once made, are seldom if ever reversed. Pluto's can-do nature and coping ability is strong along with a deep analytical capacity.

Complete control of finances combines with a need to maintain credibility and reputation at all costs; one's position and status must be defended. Pluto sextile Mc may remind you of a boss you once had - one who holds on to detailed information in order to keep the reins of power in his hands and so that his decisions won't be challenged.

A concern with the future is a driving force and he will go it alone if no one supports him in his plans. He often does not trust the information given to him and double-checks sources. This aspect may be found in certain careers in particular: publishers, entrepreneurs and business executives, financial wizards, researchers, physicians, and the field of psychology or psychiatry.

And Pluto is said to signify the 'secret hand', a select few elites who control or attempt to manipulate the world to their liking.

That there are people at the top of a power pyramid (which some say may be seen in the symbol of the all-seeing eye of Horus floating above a pyramid on back of the US dollar bill - turn one over if you have one) seems a given to me, but perhaps you disagree.

That top dogs of any stripe let knowledge of their true intentions trickle down to underlings (who then control parts of the plan) echoes this sextile between Pluto in controlling Capricorn and the obsessive Scorpio Midheaven...all pointing to Mercury Rx in Gemini, sign of the communicator.

My notes on the Sun Taurus-Moon Scorpio blend are posted here.

And now, here's a real treat: Julie Demboski on the current YOD between Mercury sextile South Node pointing a finger at Pluto!


Other Sources: midpoint pictures from Tyl and Ebertin; Dynamics of Aspect Analysis, Bil Tierney; a taped seminar by Erin Sullivan but I'm not sure which one; Alan E. Meece's Horoscope for the New Millennium ('end of progress' degree'); Brady's Book of Fixed Stars; and my natal Pluto sextile Mc.

Apr 27, 2009

Astrology of Apr 27 - May 2, 2009 and Pres Obama's chart

Astrologer Julie Demboski has amazed me again with her astrological overview of the upcoming week, so practical yet full of insight.

Julie is calling Apr 27 - May 2 a 'connector week' as we tidy up loose ends and ready for more excitement to come. May 1 is the day she pinpoints for lots happening and notes that a Water Grand Trine forms between Pallas, Earth, and Juno.

This Grand Trine will linger until May 8 so get ready for that. Ecology, environmentalism (Earth) and women's issues may be in the news if not in our hearts with Juno, the wife, and Pallas, the daughter, in the mix.

So What If a Grand Trine is Watery?

A Grand Trine in Water indicates great creativity as the collective unconscious is 'tapped' for inspiration and insight. Pallas' patterning ability and talent for strategizing and planning should give us time and the talent to ready ourselves for what's next on the drafting table - or perhaps for putting what's on the table into action or form, whichever applies.

Water Grand Trines tend to be passive, receptive, and contain the protective power of a trine aspect (120 degr.) Grand Trines are closed circuits of energies and with a Watery quality they have a soothing and tranquil flavor to them that a world in need of respite can appreciate. Either positively or negatively - depending on motives - subtle undercurrents (Water) are intuited (more Water - possibly psychic, are we?) and understood on useful levels of awareness.

The urge to action may be saved for a later agenda, however, and it's difficult to implement plans that haven't been made.

Julie also notes Mercury on the verge of stationing Rx in early Gemini (1Gem44) within 2 degrees of conjunction with Pres. Obama's natal Moon (3Gem21 in n 4th house.) Mercury-to-Moon transits indicate a time of unexpected or sudden contacts from others or of quickly deciding to take a trip. Information (Mercury) received concerns domestic issues (Moon) including real estate matters.

Yes, the real estate market is an obvious theme for the president now since it may not be going as well as the 'green shoots' theory would have us believe (see link to Mike Whitney's article in previous post.) And Mercury does rule reporters.

So if Mercury's Rx station doesn't place these domestic issues on the president's plate for consumption, he'll be snacking on and discussing them at length very soon - the Mercury Rx and Direct stations cross and re-cross Mr. Obama's natal IC which is the cusp of the 4th house of Home and Domestic Scene (using Aug 4, 1961 7:24 pm AHST Honolulu, Hawaii, for Pres. Obama....natal IC 28Tau54, with Inaugural Moon 2009 at his Midheaven.) The president will give a major address mid-week to mark his first 100 days - with address, review or overview all Mercury-related endeavors.

4th house also concerns mining and resources that come from the earth.

Plus, Pres. Obama's place of birth may be up for yet another review (Rx = re-view; birth certificate = Mercury; IC/4th house = family background), so don't be surprised if the subject turns up again in the news within the next few weeks.

Transiting Mercury turns Direct at the very end of May, then leaves its shadow period in mid-June when Mercurial things - agreements, contracts, meetings, agendas, communications, speeches, news, reports, and commerce/trade issues - can move forward again after May's Rx bog-downs and slo-mos.

More Mercurial influence on BHO's natal IC could result in home communications equipment needing replacement or upgrading, perhaps in the White House since that is now Mr. Obama's home.

Secondary Progressions = Evolutionary Progress:

Taking a quick look at the president's Secondary Progressions, I'll venture to say that he's in protect-own-position mode at the moment and that others are not cooperating as they should.

He may tend to over-extend himself for people who don't really deserve it (Sec Venus inconj Sec Jupiter) and the word 'patsy' comes to mind as others try to take credit for his ideas - or simply discount or undermine them. Seems to me the Oval Office has been overrun by corporate types since Inauguration 2009 but maybe that's only my opinion.

All in all, the upcoming week of Apr 27 - May 2, 2009 is a time to prepare for future busy-ness, craziness, and excitement, so let's make our bases as secure as possible yet relax a wee bit when we can snag ourselves a break!

Apr 10, 2009

Astrology of the Weekend: April 10 - 12, 2009

Astute astrologer Julie Demboski is reading stars, planets, and asteroids for a big helping of rebellion for breakfast as part of the celebratory weekend of April 10 through 12, 2009.

If you're into eating a balanced diet, you'd better not have fries with that.

But an American ship's captain safely released from Somali pirates would be mighty appetizing and definitely something to celebrate!

Mar 28, 2009

Astrology of Mar 27 - 29, 2009 with Asteroids!

Astrologer Julie Demboski has done it again showing how the Big Picture informs the Little Picture of life on Earth!

Beginning Friday (3.27.09) and running through the weekend, she provides the astrological details on the love and power vibes permeating the air right now.

This weekend's energies have been distilled to their essences for you - and I love the way Julie includes the major asteroids (Juno, Ceres, Pallas, and Vesta) to help fill out the As Above, So Below picture for us mortals!

Jan 31, 2009

Venus-Pluto's passion: Feb 2 - 9 2009

Lethe: A Love Remembered, drawing by jude cowell 2009.

Astrologer Julie Demboski takes a look at the upcoming week of Feb 2 - 9, 2009 through the lens of Astrology and finds Feb 3 to be one of the stand-out days as Venus, vengeful when she's scorned, forms a Fist of God pattern with deep, transformative Pluto of invisible helmet fame.

A Fist of God configuration occurs in the heavens when a square (90 degr) relationship is formed by at least two planets which then 'point' to a third planet or point with which the squaring planets are each in sesquiquadrant (135 degr) aspect. Some element of hubris may be attending the situation; natural laws may be broken but never escaped.

This makes for an imperative circumstance which must be dealt with and Ms. Demboski gives us a heads-up on what's going on underneath the hood of heaven for the week ahead - information we're all sure to find useful especially with the intense, perhaps obsessive energy which the Venus-Pluto pair contain.

In mundane matters we may discover or uncover intensely passionate art, love, or financial embroilments with Venus-Pluto, and bankruptcy issues will likely be on the table for some whose affairs have been proceeding in that direction.

Pluto brings long-time-coming karmic events and/or people into our lives - or brings to the surface these intense issues - so let Julie guide you for the next few days and you might just benefit from her expertise!

Jan 22, 2009

Jan 26 Solar Eclipse leads to Lunar Eclipse Feb 9

If you're wanting some Lunar Eclipse info for the February 9 Eclipse 21Leo00, then Julie Demboski is on the case for you.

She's got details on this Leo Moon with asteroids, too, and if you check out her Recent Posts column, you'll discover her thoughts on January 26, 2009's Solar Eclipse for which we await...

Visit Julie's article Eclipse, February 2009 for the particulars!

Seldom does this reluctant astrologer find time for blogging on Lunar Eclipses - time is barely found for Solar ones! - so I'll simply add a few notes on February 9's Sun AQ-Moon Leo combo remembering that a Leo Moon, eclipsed or not, has a reigning need for applause, approval, and recognition! Yet by being 'eclipsed', this Leo Moon may indicate the lowering of their approval meters.

AQ = Air; Leo = Fire:

Air-Fire blends are the 'live wires' in the bunch and this energy is much needed within the collective with all that's 'on the table' in Washington and elsewhere. Gettin' busy! And getting serious.

Sun AQ-Moon Leo is a social reformer combo that radiates a powerful commitment to uplift and improve the quality of life for others. A caution here is that humanitarianism and egoism can get mixed up.

Even so, rebellion is done with flair and style, for there's nothing mediocre or ordinary about this blend. This is a tender-hearted idealist who thrives on love and affection, a romantic poet who tends to see the best in people and therefore is often able to bring it out!

(If President Obama can bring out the positive energies from the R and the D parties, I'll be happy as a worries, mate.)

Image for Integration: A modern actress takes a bow, then leads the audience to a political demonstration. ('Sun Sign-Moon Sign' by Chas & Suzi Harvey.)

Well, there's a bunch of 'political demonstrating' we need now because the US government needs to demonstrate to we-the-people that it isn't fallen into facism, and our representatives in Washington and in every burgh across the land need to remember that public service isn't meant for nest-feathering and pocket-lining.

As per Barack Obama.

So 'get with it', doltish politicians of all stripes - America got into its many messes thanks in large part to your shadowy doins' and black-hearted perfidies...fix it and show enough ethical behavior so that foreign investors (for one) will stop running and screaming from Wall Street and from the untrustworthy three-sets-of-books banking system of America.

Well? Are we keeping this republic or what?

Jan 15, 2009

On starry messages

These are times that try, challenge, and instruct us, and few people now escape some element of the transitions permeating our planet as families deal with difficult issues concerning career and home.

The words turning point and crossroads seem to be everywhere, written into every other news story or editorial we read, or visualized within works of art (see last image on this page!)

The Test, a beautifully written article, is a marvelous way to find out what's currently going on between planets and asteroids while reading a stirring message-from-above sent to us by way of a seasoned and compassionate astrologer of note, Julie Demboski.

Thanks, Julie!

Jan 11, 2009

Planet Report for Jan 12 - 19, 2009

Not from me, silly! With out-of-town company here this weekend I have little blogging time to spare and I'm suffering withdrawal symptoms this morning or I wouldn't be here at 8 am (!)

But a personal favorite of mine, astrologer Julie Demboski, is tracking the planets for Jan 12th - 19th for you in her lucid writing style including major asteroids now being stimulated.

Julie says that those in need should have relief soon and God knows, they're desperate for it.

My view through the lens of years' worth of Political Astrology blogging tells me that Gaza's donkey carts are too much in the news for the world to sleep a wink until the merciless bombing STOPS. Babies' bodies are being eaten by wild animals in the streets - and this is the best Israel and the wolfen, self-exalted Bush administration can do?

See image, Niobe's Plea in sidebar...that's Niobe, the grieving mother.

And you may wish to drop by Red Bubble for an Art break - which is where I run when Politics, crooked political thespians, and their self-serving propaganda and engineered wars become too much.

Does that sound elitist or distant? Please pardon me - being a mother myself, I am grateful for any amount of peace that breaks out anywhere on the globe...wherever, whenever.

For if mothers called the tune, ALL children would grow up well-nourished and happy, and war-profiting politicians and their backers would be facing the corner with dunce caps on their primarily-bald pates - until, that is, the world court called their numbers and sentenced them to what they really deserve.

Dec 13, 2008

Planets overhead: Week of Dec 15, 2008

She's done it again.

Astrologer Julie Demboski has written a clear-eyed assessment of our coming week - Dec 15 - 22 - for us to navigate by and benefit from.

You know that Julie's columns are always Recommended Reading around here, so catch up with her asap!

Dec 6, 2008

Astrology looks at the Week of Dec 8 - 15, 2008

For an excellent planetary synopsis of the upcoming week of Dec 8th - 15th read Julie Demboski's revealing article.

For years I've been a fan of Julie's astrology writings in Dell Horoscope Magazine, among others, and am happy to provide a link here to her comprehensive insights which you'll find include asteroids such as Pallas (the daughter), Ceres (the mother), Juno (the wife), and Vesta (the virgin, or, the dedicated worker), along with planetary transits and aspects which underpin the world's astrological and cultural weather.

Meanwhile, here at Stars Over Washington I tend to blog about dire subjects such as political thespians, the White House, Capitol Hill denizens, and the mayhem and miseries they create.

There's seldom an uplifting varmint in the class warfare bunch, so my posts can be heavier than we-the-people desire or deserve.

Therefore, I hereby recommend to you Julie's articles for an uplifting look at what's going on above in the cosmos while our noses are pointed toward the perplexing problems of our nation and in our personal lives.

Let Ms. Demboski advise you on the week concerning astrological symbols and energies, for:

As Above, So Below!


Image of paper collage, His American Majesty, by jude cowell 2008...for entertainment purposes only.

Nov 24, 2008

Moody Monday with Moon in Scorpio 11.24.08

If you're wondering how things are going with the planets and asteroids today, check out Julie Demboski and her excellent Monday Poll Round-Up!

Monday may be used as a symbolic representation for the week especially for things that begin on Mondays such as business, Wall Street, etc, so see what the astrological atmosphere is for today with Julie's wide and informed perspective.

Well, the Moon has entered intense Scorpio, sign of Big Business (and Sex), but there's a lot of Sagittarian energy in the air so it seems the Seeker rules the day, but the mood (Moon) is more hubba hubba and ooh la la!

And if that's your mood, why not visit my Chiffonery Art images at Cosmic Persona Designs and take an Art Break away from all this economic madness and the heistiness of George W. Bush'n'friends?

(Please note that Cosmic Persona Designs is meant for ages 17+. Thanks, jc)

Nov 1, 2008

The stormy week of November 3, 2008

With US elections about to heat up from who-knows-what problems and the Saturn-Uranus opposition perfecting with nebulous Neptune turning Direct, we may wish for a little calming advice from Astrology.

To our rescue comes expert astrologer, Julie Demboski, who provides just that bwo natal Sun sign wisdom for times when Saturn's stability is not available to the collective.

Stability and tradition are on the shaky side now with revolutionary Uranus opposing old man Saturn, in their dance which began with three conjunctions of 1988 at 27-30 Sagittarius, Pluto's recent path as 'the boss of Hades' enters Capricorn for good.

And we know that Pluto's triggering of the 1988 conjunction/s degrees creates a midpoint picture we've been seeing expressed mightily:

Saturn-Uranus = Pluto: tremendous fear of loss; upheaval to protect assets; rebellion; brutality; the desire to overcome a difficult situation through extraordinary effort; harm through force majeure. (Tyl; Ebertin.)

Remember what was going on in 1988? Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune met near the end of Capricorn, funnily enough. And astrologer Marjorie Orr, in her book The Astrological History of the World notes that this triple conjunction hadn't occurred since the 15th century - and that Saturn-Uranus as economic indicators always bring "sharp swings" before settling on a "new track."

(This description may be applied to the presidential election and a new presidential term as well, imo...since the elections are occurring during the perfection of the Saturn-Uranus opposition, the culmination of the cycle begun in 1988. There are many financial implications to this cycle's fulfillment in 2008 but I have no time to compose it.)

A little political something that occurred in 1988 was John McCain's sandbagging of Rose Mofford's testimony to Congress which may be read about in a previous post, To know him is to loathe him: John McCain in Arizona.

Well, in our private lives we could use some balance on the week ahead and these difficult issues and you'll find that Julie's article,Nov 3rd - 10th: Shelter From The Storm, gives comforting advice to the shaken and stirred among us as our 2008 election season mercifully ends with ease or, perhaps more likely, with upheaval before settling down on a new track.

Traditional Saturn isn't fond of being challenged - especially by out-of-the-blue Uranian lightening bolts, you know!