Just a heads-up for all appreciate an overview of current societal conditions as seen through the lens of planetary cycles and explained with a global perspective by mundane astrologer Theodore White. His October 2011 Forecast includes financial information and is accessible here.
Plus, thanks to Theodore, you'll spy my own Autumn Equinox 2011 analysis with its horoscope set for Washington DC, the place from which the American people should be able to expect effective government to issue from (especially with our tiresome tendency to boss around the governments of other nations) but which in the New Millennium has brought more trouble and grief rather than solutions, and more corruption than we once may have thought possible.
Now there are several reasons for this crashing turn of events including the desire of certain people to collapse our nation and rebuild it "better"--in their 'humble' opinions. Yet I suppose the old adage, 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' might apply if the breaking--and the people's suffering which results--weren't being perpetrated on purpose by plutonian operatives of a global crime syndicate, The Octopus, as NY Mayor John F. Hylan once termed it because its tentacles reached into every institution and agency--and in 2011, the corruption and its 'reach' are even deeper.
How Soon We Forget--At Our Peril, Turns Out
John Hylan once informed the American people that:
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie...run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and] seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."
John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925.
And here's a link to a newspaper article with Hylan's warnings which displays an actual image of the article from February 17, 1933 and quotes Hylan as faulting the "utter selfishness of big bankers who have brought the world to the verge of collapse."
As the French often say, 'The more things change, the more they stay the same'. But they say it in French.
For more reading on economic topics through an astrological lens, you may wish to check out the Horoscope for 1929's Black Tuesday crash which was also orchestrated by big bankers and which saddled the world with the Great Depression. In October 1929, 'moneybags' planet Jupiter was retrograde but in Air sign Gemini, and not in Earthy money sign Taurus as The Great Benefic is now. Somehow the difference is not at all comforting for the global economy in 2012 and beyond. jc
Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them...with a gentle sprinkling of world events
Showing posts with label Mayor John Hylan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mayor John Hylan. Show all posts
Oct 2, 2011
Global Astrology: October 2011 Economic Forecast now online
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
big bankers,
financial astrology,
global astrology,
Mayor John Hylan,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
The Global Economy,
the octopus,
Theodore White
Jan 29, 2011
AQ New Moon 2.2.11 and Leo Full Moon 2.18.11
Our February 2011 Lunations
by Jude Cowell
Image: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 - see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.
Neptune 27AQ51 continues bedeviling the American people (US natal Moon 27AQ10) with fraud, deception, disillusionment, massive propaganda campaigns, refugeeism, homelessness, and a sense of rootlessness - here, in 5th house of Risk-Taking.
Setting Jupiter 2Ari10 conjoins DESC 2Ari52 and has moved into a quindecile aspect (165 degr) with authoritative Saturn Rx in 1st house (delays, restrictions, limitations.)
Having our two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in a compulsive-obsessive QD dynamic brings benefits through use of ethics and morals, yet it has a running hot'n'cold effect, tendencies toward indecision, overdoing things and taking on too much responsibility, pushing to make one's point with an authoritative manner about one's beliefs and opinions, successful planning, and a tendency to retreat within one's success. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)
(During my natal chart consultation with the great Noel Tyl, he pronounced quindecile as 'kween day chee' lay. I'm not kiddin'.)
At Mc, the Goal Point of any chart, we see US natal Venus, Jupiter, and in tandem, Sun (the leader) along with the transiting South Node, a separative, Saturnian point relating to past behaviors and thus, to the karma of bad decisions. SN to US n Venus (valuations, relationships, smaller amounts of money, beauty, the attraction principle) with tr Pluto opposing Venus and here opposing Jupiter, too, which makes this New Moon horoscope a picture of plutonian manipulation.
Tr Pluto opposing US n Venus: joint ventures and legal affairs are not favored; jealousy and manipulation target relationships; motivations of others are questionable; values, principles, priorities, and relationship values are in conflict with current conditions in society; overspending has disastrous consequences (which bodes ill for US deficit and debt level concerns.)
Tr Pluto opposing US n Jupiter: unknown people or forces stand in the way of financial and professional success and expansion; measures taken to increase prospects are defeated; an unfavorable time for advertising, sales, and long-distance travel; political aspirations are best put on hold for now; power struggles are prominent.
Mc '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse", a Sabian Symbol that always reminds me of
Louis McFadden's lawsuit against the Fed for fraud in 1933 (he was on to them), and of NY Mayor John Hylan whose famous quote is reproduced below, beginning with a statement from Teddy Roosevelt for context's sake:
President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, was posthumously quoted in the March 27, 1922 edition of the New York Times with the following statement:
"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."
The New York Times ran the article because New York Mayor John Hylan had been quoted in the same paper the previous day, March 26:
"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.
This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cat’s paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."
In the Feb 2, 2011 New Moon chart (shown above), US natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Saturn 14Lib48 (the invisible government duo) form a midpoint picture with the New Moon's ASC (in DC): Sat/Nep = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being out of the group; the loner; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; easing the focus on past errors or lax practices; oppressive family circumstances; a depressing environment; limitation of freedom. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)
You see sneaky Pluto and NN (Plu/NN = powerful associations; destiny of a large mass of people) at the foundation of the chart (Ic) and tr Mercury 28Cap43 conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap10 Rx in our natal 2nd house of Earning Ability and Valuations/Worth.
It seems that the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011 relates closely to financial and currency issues (devaluation of the US dollar, ceasing its use as the world's reserve currency, etc) and with both transiting and US Saturn rising and testy Mars ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, and Death, we may readily expect news media to continue reflecting these issues.
Tr Mercury to US natal Pluto is a time when ideas, info, and activities involve gaining personal power; strategies are developed relating to finances, investments, and surveillance; research, detection, psychoanalysis, renovation, and property assessment are on the menu. (Foreclosure crisis? Spying? Revealing secrets? A message from the Fed?)
As mentioned, chart-ruler Venus makes two major applying aspects in the chart which gives us an idea of how things will proceed over the next two weeks:
1. square Jupiter (3A27) = temptation to overstate (earnings? evaluations? income?); carelessness, thoughtlessness, or extravagance with money and expenses; a reconciliation is needed between the law and true justice.
2. conjunct Pluto (7A45) = an urge to take charge of events; strategy is necessary to control outcomes especially in groups or in diplomatic matters; bankruptcy issues surface (of states? corporations? countries?)
And since we speak here of financial concerns, the applying square (obstacles; blockages) between rich Jupiter and wealthy Pluto (4A17) is important in the New Moon chart and relates to rebellion against existing codes of ethics, large scale endeavors and the wheeler dealers who run them, questionable or shady projects which lead to legal difficulties, those who tend to exploit others, a lack of assistance when one does get into trouble (and probably, the NYSE.)
This aspect appears in the natal horoscopes of shot-gunner Dick Cheney (b. Jan 20, 1941) and Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzenski (b. Mar 28, 1928); as you know, Jupiter is the significator of the Republican Party in Mundane Astrology; Saturn = the Democrats.
The Jupiter/Pluto square will be closer to exactitude during the Full Moon two weeks from now when the seeds planted at the Feb 2 New Moon will sprout.
The Full Moon of Feb 18, 2011 @ 29Leo20, conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; with Fixed Stars, there's always an 'if' caution.) By way of precession, Regulus has recently reached 00Vir00 after being at 29 Leo for several years. The 29/30 Leo--00Virgo degree area of the Zodiac relates to the Sphinx in Egypt.
Full Moon Feb 18, 2011 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter" which is traditionally linked to the Bible. In current times, it may relate as well to revelations (banking? more embassy cables?) released by WikiLeaks.
Pluto will trine the Full Moon but Mars will oppose it.
One last word about the chart you see here, the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011: asteroid Atlantis Rx (abuse of power; feelings of doom) rises with US natal Mc 00Lib53 and with asteroid Terpsichore (the orchestrator) so we might expect America (Atlantis, New Atlantis, etc) to orchestrate much of the planning and seed-planting. Yet with all planets in the northern (bottom) half of the chart (the private sector - jobs creation?), the orchestrations will probably remain mostly behind the scenes until the light of the February 18th Full Moon reveals at least some of what's now being put into place.
Now if you'd like a great analysis of this weekend's concentrated line-up of planets (from Sag to AQ), try Julie Demboski's excellent article Keeping Our Balance which will take you through into next week!
by Jude Cowell
Image: New Moon 13AQ54 Feb 2, 2011 9:30:36 pm est Washington DC; Moon Hour (changes, fluctuations, publicity, daily concerns); ASC 2Lib52 = chart-ruler Venus 28Sag42; Venus applies: square Jupiter (3A28) and conjunct Pluto (7A45 - see below); New Moon conjunct Mars 14AQ16 in 5th house of Risk-Taking, Gambling, Creative Pursuits.
Neptune 27AQ51 continues bedeviling the American people (US natal Moon 27AQ10) with fraud, deception, disillusionment, massive propaganda campaigns, refugeeism, homelessness, and a sense of rootlessness - here, in 5th house of Risk-Taking.
Setting Jupiter 2Ari10 conjoins DESC 2Ari52 and has moved into a quindecile aspect (165 degr) with authoritative Saturn Rx in 1st house (delays, restrictions, limitations.)
Having our two societal planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in a compulsive-obsessive QD dynamic brings benefits through use of ethics and morals, yet it has a running hot'n'cold effect, tendencies toward indecision, overdoing things and taking on too much responsibility, pushing to make one's point with an authoritative manner about one's beliefs and opinions, successful planning, and a tendency to retreat within one's success. (Quindecile, Ricki Reeves.)
(During my natal chart consultation with the great Noel Tyl, he pronounced quindecile as 'kween day chee' lay. I'm not kiddin'.)
At Mc, the Goal Point of any chart, we see US natal Venus, Jupiter, and in tandem, Sun (the leader) along with the transiting South Node, a separative, Saturnian point relating to past behaviors and thus, to the karma of bad decisions. SN to US n Venus (valuations, relationships, smaller amounts of money, beauty, the attraction principle) with tr Pluto opposing Venus and here opposing Jupiter, too, which makes this New Moon horoscope a picture of plutonian manipulation.
Tr Pluto opposing US n Venus: joint ventures and legal affairs are not favored; jealousy and manipulation target relationships; motivations of others are questionable; values, principles, priorities, and relationship values are in conflict with current conditions in society; overspending has disastrous consequences (which bodes ill for US deficit and debt level concerns.)
Tr Pluto opposing US n Jupiter: unknown people or forces stand in the way of financial and professional success and expansion; measures taken to increase prospects are defeated; an unfavorable time for advertising, sales, and long-distance travel; political aspirations are best put on hold for now; power struggles are prominent.
Mc '4Can' = "A Cat Arguing with a Mouse", a Sabian Symbol that always reminds me of
Louis McFadden's lawsuit against the Fed for fraud in 1933 (he was on to them), and of NY Mayor John Hylan whose famous quote is reproduced below, beginning with a statement from Teddy Roosevelt for context's sake:
President Theodore Roosevelt, who died in 1919, was posthumously quoted in the March 27, 1922 edition of the New York Times with the following statement:
"These International bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and the columns of these newspapers to club into submission or drive out of public office officials who refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the invisible government."
The New York Times ran the article because New York Mayor John Hylan had been quoted in the same paper the previous day, March 26:
"The warning of Theodore Roosevelt has much timeliness today, for the real menace of our republic is this invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over city, state, and nation...It seizes in its long and powerful tentacles our executive officers, our legislative bodies, our schools, our courts, our newspapers, and every agency created for the public protection...To depart from mere generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers.
This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States Government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both parties, write political platforms, make cat’s paws of party leaders, use the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business...these International Bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests control the majority of newspapers and magazines in this country."
In the Feb 2, 2011 New Moon chart (shown above), US natal Neptune 22Vir25 and Saturn 14Lib48 (the invisible government duo) form a midpoint picture with the New Moon's ASC (in DC): Sat/Nep = ASC: feeling confined; sense of being out of the group; the loner; noticing the pretenses or false intentions of others; easing the focus on past errors or lax practices; oppressive family circumstances; a depressing environment; limitation of freedom. (Tyl; Ebertin; Munkasey.)
You see sneaky Pluto and NN (Plu/NN = powerful associations; destiny of a large mass of people) at the foundation of the chart (Ic) and tr Mercury 28Cap43 conjoining US natal Pluto 27Cap10 Rx in our natal 2nd house of Earning Ability and Valuations/Worth.
It seems that the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011 relates closely to financial and currency issues (devaluation of the US dollar, ceasing its use as the world's reserve currency, etc) and with both transiting and US Saturn rising and testy Mars ruling 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Transformation, and Death, we may readily expect news media to continue reflecting these issues.
Tr Mercury to US natal Pluto is a time when ideas, info, and activities involve gaining personal power; strategies are developed relating to finances, investments, and surveillance; research, detection, psychoanalysis, renovation, and property assessment are on the menu. (Foreclosure crisis? Spying? Revealing secrets? A message from the Fed?)
As mentioned, chart-ruler Venus makes two major applying aspects in the chart which gives us an idea of how things will proceed over the next two weeks:
1. square Jupiter (3A27) = temptation to overstate (earnings? evaluations? income?); carelessness, thoughtlessness, or extravagance with money and expenses; a reconciliation is needed between the law and true justice.
2. conjunct Pluto (7A45) = an urge to take charge of events; strategy is necessary to control outcomes especially in groups or in diplomatic matters; bankruptcy issues surface (of states? corporations? countries?)
And since we speak here of financial concerns, the applying square (obstacles; blockages) between rich Jupiter and wealthy Pluto (4A17) is important in the New Moon chart and relates to rebellion against existing codes of ethics, large scale endeavors and the wheeler dealers who run them, questionable or shady projects which lead to legal difficulties, those who tend to exploit others, a lack of assistance when one does get into trouble (and probably, the NYSE.)
This aspect appears in the natal horoscopes of shot-gunner Dick Cheney (b. Jan 20, 1941) and Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzenski (b. Mar 28, 1928); as you know, Jupiter is the significator of the Republican Party in Mundane Astrology; Saturn = the Democrats.
The Jupiter/Pluto square will be closer to exactitude during the Full Moon two weeks from now when the seeds planted at the Feb 2 New Moon will sprout.
The Full Moon of Feb 18, 2011 @ 29Leo20, conjoins one of the Royal Stars of Persia: Regulus (success if revenge is avoided; with Fixed Stars, there's always an 'if' caution.) By way of precession, Regulus has recently reached 00Vir00 after being at 29 Leo for several years. The 29/30 Leo--00Virgo degree area of the Zodiac relates to the Sphinx in Egypt.
Full Moon Feb 18, 2011 has an interesting Sabian Symbol...'30Leo' = "An Unsealed Letter" which is traditionally linked to the Bible. In current times, it may relate as well to revelations (banking? more embassy cables?) released by WikiLeaks.
Pluto will trine the Full Moon but Mars will oppose it.
One last word about the chart you see here, the New Moon of Feb 2, 2011: asteroid Atlantis Rx (abuse of power; feelings of doom) rises with US natal Mc 00Lib53 and with asteroid Terpsichore (the orchestrator) so we might expect America (Atlantis, New Atlantis, etc) to orchestrate much of the planning and seed-planting. Yet with all planets in the northern (bottom) half of the chart (the private sector - jobs creation?), the orchestrations will probably remain mostly behind the scenes until the light of the February 18th Full Moon reveals at least some of what's now being put into place.
Now if you'd like a great analysis of this weekend's concentrated line-up of planets (from Sag to AQ), try Julie Demboski's excellent article Keeping Our Balance which will take you through into next week!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
International Banking Cartel,
Julie Demboski,
Jupiter/Saturn cycle,
Louis McFadden,
Mayor John Hylan,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Teddy Roosevelt,
the Fed
Aug 29, 2009
Invisible government as Octopus: a famous quote round-up
"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
Dan Inouye United States Senator for Hawaii
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie...run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and]seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."
John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925.
"I'm going to be so much better a president for having been at the CIA that you're not going to believe it."
George Bush (41st US President 1989 - 1993, b.1924)
Famous Quote Round-up courtesy of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter...subscribe today.
And here's a newspaper article from the past by John Hylan where he blames the greed of big bankers for our nation's being on the verge of bankruptcy! Sounds eerily familiar, yes?
And you know that if you cross your eyes as you gaze at America's natal chart ('Sibly' version; July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA), you see a planetary picture with our Virgoan Neptune and Libran Saturn on either side of Midheaven which gives this word picture to our nation's aspirations (Mc) by way of secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn)...
Sat/Nep = Mc: wavering between materialism and idealism; peculiar loss of ambition; moodiness; capitulating to the demands of the environment totally. (Tyl; Ebertin.)
Or to put it more simply: 'invisible' or 'secret' government is the pentacle of aspirations and the path of worldly success for the US government. Argh.
Borry sastards. If this is the case, then we-the-people have been set up from the start as supported by US Pluto positioned in controlling Capricorn and out-of-bounds of the earthly plane, an icy place from whence the Dragon makes his own plans toward his own goals...and devil take the American people - along with the rest of the world, too, come to think of it.
Dan Inouye United States Senator for Hawaii
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie...run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...[and]seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts... newspapers and every agency created for the public protection."
John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), Mayor of New York City from 1918 to 1925.
"I'm going to be so much better a president for having been at the CIA that you're not going to believe it."
George Bush (41st US President 1989 - 1993, b.1924)
Famous Quote Round-up courtesy of the excellent Information Clearing House Newsletter...subscribe today.
And here's a newspaper article from the past by John Hylan where he blames the greed of big bankers for our nation's being on the verge of bankruptcy! Sounds eerily familiar, yes?
And you know that if you cross your eyes as you gaze at America's natal chart ('Sibly' version; July 4, 1776, 5:10 pm LMT, Philadelphia, PA), you see a planetary picture with our Virgoan Neptune and Libran Saturn on either side of Midheaven which gives this word picture to our nation's aspirations (Mc) by way of secret or invisible (Neptune) government (Saturn)...
Sat/Nep = Mc: wavering between materialism and idealism; peculiar loss of ambition; moodiness; capitulating to the demands of the environment totally. (Tyl; Ebertin.)
Or to put it more simply: 'invisible' or 'secret' government is the pentacle of aspirations and the path of worldly success for the US government. Argh.
Borry sastards. If this is the case, then we-the-people have been set up from the start as supported by US Pluto positioned in controlling Capricorn and out-of-bounds of the earthly plane, an icy place from whence the Dragon makes his own plans toward his own goals...and devil take the American people - along with the rest of the world, too, come to think of it.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
big bankers,
famous quotes,
invisible government,
Mayor John Hylan,
secret government,
the octopus,
US natal chart,
US Pluto in Capricorn
Jun 25, 2009
Bernanke testifies 6.25.09 and Astrology takes note
With Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testifying on Capitol Hill today, I've taken a meander down SO'W's Memory Lane for Bernanke posts and found 11 of them.
Here are two which will remind you, among other things, of the August 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse (10 South) which is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New York Stock Exhange (into which the NYSE was born 1792) and thus is very telling for how things have proceeded within the US financial system since the current manufactured collapse:
NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008 was written before the financial collapse of summer 2008 and contains many details of a financial nature which Astrology describes quite well (I may not, but Astrology does.)
So if you're tempted to think that astrological cycles have nothing to do with financial cycles, perhaps it's time to change your mind!
Then there's Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed which quotes past NY Mayor John Hylan concerning the "small group of banking houses" being the head of the "invisible government which like a giant octopus" has invaded local and federal governments of the US of A. Only in the New Millennium - more completely, as planned.
So check out these posts if you get a moment, and if you see Ben tell him this blogging gnat of an American said, hello there, we'd like our America back, please.
Here are two which will remind you, among other things, of the August 1, 2008 Solar Eclipse (10 South) which is the Pre-Natal Eclipse Series of the New York Stock Exhange (into which the NYSE was born 1792) and thus is very telling for how things have proceeded within the US financial system since the current manufactured collapse:
NYSE and its Solar Eclipse Series 2008 was written before the financial collapse of summer 2008 and contains many details of a financial nature which Astrology describes quite well (I may not, but Astrology does.)
So if you're tempted to think that astrological cycles have nothing to do with financial cycles, perhaps it's time to change your mind!
Then there's Hylan, Bernanke, and the Fed which quotes past NY Mayor John Hylan concerning the "small group of banking houses" being the head of the "invisible government which like a giant octopus" has invaded local and federal governments of the US of A. Only in the New Millennium - more completely, as planned.
So check out these posts if you get a moment, and if you see Ben tell him this blogging gnat of an American said, hello there, we'd like our America back, please.
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
10 South Eclipse Series,
Aug 1 2008 Solar Eclipse,
Ben Bernanke,
invisible government,
Mayor John Hylan,
NYSE Solar Eclipse Series,
the octopus,
US financial collapse
Aug 6, 2007
Hylan, Bernanke, and The Fed
"The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses... This little coterie...run our government for their own selfish ends. It operates under cover of a self-created screen...in its long and powerful tentacles it seizes...our executive officers...legislative bodies...schools...courts...newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.”
N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan
Side Note: I italicized 'tentacles' because murdered writer, Danny Casolaro, had named the organisation he was researching The Octopus, and spoke of its 'tentacles.' He gave his life for that one--and his notes magically disappeared after his suspicious death. That weekend there was a New Moon 17Leo aka the heart of the Scorpion degree. A very interesting case relating to the software program, Promis, which can track you wherever you roam.
And all this went on during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune circa 1992-93.
Here's Mayor John Hylan railing against international bankers, John D. Rockerfeller-Standard Oil and our not-just-a-conspiracy-theory secret/shadow government from Feb 17, 1933. This link takes you to a newspaper article which hopefully is legible in your browser (I use--and this blog appears best in--IE, btw.)
Any politicians who want to be seriously in-the-running for the US presidency must agree with the small coterie who use them as "cats' paws," Hylan said, to be "amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business."
Candidates are screened (the one I read about earlier this year...wish I had saved the link to the article...was Barak Obama meeting with the coterie in NY, and the big question to him was along the lines of: can you make decisions without facts?
In other words, will you follow our dictates without question, you little Cats' Paw, you? Obama said, yes! and hence his candidacy continues. So anyone who is a 'candidate' has given them the correct answer. And anyone who "wins" is their shill with plenty of Meow Mix as a deal-sweetener...ocean fishy flavor probably.)
Now as you know, the US natal chart (Sibly, 7.4.1776, 5:10 pm LMT, although it's really more of a Dane Rudhyar chart than Sibly's antique version) has Venus (values; money; relationships) at "4Cancer": "A cat arguing with a mouse."
Nearby is n Jupiter (rich men; gurus; professors; Zeus-like figures) at "6Can": "Gamebirds feathering their nests." Well yes, that they continue to do.
In US' 8th house of other peoples' money, credit, banking, insurance, debt, legacies, and such, is Rx Mercury at "25Can": "A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power." Seems the privately-owned Fed along with international bankers and energy barons control our government so I guess that makes mild-mannered Ben Bernanke the cat's meow. But you knew all that.
So how does any of this fit in with the strong-armed Trilateral Commission which will be having its 35th birthday soon? Read Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review to find out more.
And have you checked out Mr.A.Cat's Karl Rove rhyminess? Lim's Limericks has it for you, but BYOMM...bring your own Meow Mix!
N.Y. Mayor, John Hylan
Side Note: I italicized 'tentacles' because murdered writer, Danny Casolaro, had named the organisation he was researching The Octopus, and spoke of its 'tentacles.' He gave his life for that one--and his notes magically disappeared after his suspicious death. That weekend there was a New Moon 17Leo aka the heart of the Scorpion degree. A very interesting case relating to the software program, Promis, which can track you wherever you roam.
And all this went on during the Great Conjunction/s of Uranus and Neptune circa 1992-93.
Here's Mayor John Hylan railing against international bankers, John D. Rockerfeller-Standard Oil and our not-just-a-conspiracy-theory secret/shadow government from Feb 17, 1933. This link takes you to a newspaper article which hopefully is legible in your browser (I use--and this blog appears best in--IE, btw.)
Any politicians who want to be seriously in-the-running for the US presidency must agree with the small coterie who use them as "cats' paws," Hylan said, to be "amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business."
Candidates are screened (the one I read about earlier this year...wish I had saved the link to the article...was Barak Obama meeting with the coterie in NY, and the big question to him was along the lines of: can you make decisions without facts?
In other words, will you follow our dictates without question, you little Cats' Paw, you? Obama said, yes! and hence his candidacy continues. So anyone who is a 'candidate' has given them the correct answer. And anyone who "wins" is their shill with plenty of Meow Mix as a deal-sweetener...ocean fishy flavor probably.)
Now as you know, the US natal chart (Sibly, 7.4.1776, 5:10 pm LMT, although it's really more of a Dane Rudhyar chart than Sibly's antique version) has Venus (values; money; relationships) at "4Cancer": "A cat arguing with a mouse."
Nearby is n Jupiter (rich men; gurus; professors; Zeus-like figures) at "6Can": "Gamebirds feathering their nests." Well yes, that they continue to do.
In US' 8th house of other peoples' money, credit, banking, insurance, debt, legacies, and such, is Rx Mercury at "25Can": "A leader of men wrapped in an invisible mantle of power." Seems the privately-owned Fed along with international bankers and energy barons control our government so I guess that makes mild-mannered Ben Bernanke the cat's meow. But you knew all that.
So how does any of this fit in with the strong-armed Trilateral Commission which will be having its 35th birthday soon? Read Patrick Wood's excellent The August Review to find out more.
And have you checked out Mr.A.Cat's Karl Rove rhyminess? Lim's Limericks has it for you, but BYOMM...bring your own Meow Mix!
Political Astrology,Astrology,Politics
Barak Obama,
Ben Bernanke,
Mayor John Hylan,
mundane astrology,
political astrology,
Tammany Hall,
the Fed,
Trilateral Commission,
US natal chart
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