by Jude Cowell
Today a post to show this evening's Mars Return to the Modern Humanity Horoscope which is based on the third of three Great Neptune-Pluto Conjunctions @7Gem41/42. The Neptune-Pluto Cycle is of such duration, 492/3 years, that their Conjunction is *it* for you and me, dear reader.
To view the Horoscope of Modern Humanity symbolized by the Total Solar Eclipse we rode in on (the 2 Old North of April 26, 1892 @7Tau05 recently visited by transit Jupiter: issues of morality and ethics), check out E. Alan Meece's book, Horoscope For the New Millennium (#ad) if you haven't. Note that on Facebook he's known as Eric Meece.
Mars exalted in Saturn-ruled Capricorn indicates potentials for 'a sense of reality, sober deliberations, efficient use and direction of energy, the will to succeed, independence, and working zeal, but also for 'over-estimation of self, defiance, egoism, and obstinacy' (R. Ebertin).
Transit Pluto conjunct Mars suggests a period of increased stamina and determination for some folks, but can also denote intense competition, aggression, anger, secrecy, use of force and persuasion, and/or acts of revenge. This is a highly karmic transit and also points toward weapons of war and war itself.
And so a new cycle of activity begins this evening via Modern Humanity's Mars and its Sabian Symbol for 27 Capricorn: "A Mountain Pilgrimage," quite the esoteric hint if we consider the mountain/pyramid images on the dollar bill and on America's Great Seal. For details concerning "27Capricorn" (conjunct US 1776 Pluto where transit Pluto has recently stomped) see The American Revolution's Mountain Pilgrimage.
Now here's a bi-wheel with tonight's Mars Return, a two-year cycle, surrounding the 1892 Neptune-Pluto Horoscope:
A related post: The New Millennium in Year 2024 which shows the January 1, 2001 chart and its Secondary Progressed New Moon of May 4, 2024 @4AQ36.
In closing, there's an important consideration which suggests a cosmic time link between today's events and actors, and the Robber Baron generation of the 1890s:
Neptune Conjunct Pluto 3 times: 1. August 2, 1891 @8Gem38; 2. November 5 1891 @8Gem19; 3. April 30, 1892 @7Gem42 (the above horoscope) with the Neptune-Pluto duo representing Underworld Crime Syndicates, often known as organized crime and mobsterism. My suspicion is that their 1891/92 conjunctions in early Gemini landing upon US 1776 Uranus spotlights today's crop of zealots, rebels, secessionists, and anarchists of the Maga persuasion - scofflaws who break laws with abandon and resent any attempts to hold them accountable.