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Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neptune-Pluto. Show all posts

Jan 13, 2008

Plutocrats: Middle Class Warfare going dandily

Video: John Edwards

Senator Bernie Sanders: "Let's be very clear. A vicious and premeditated class warfare is being waged today against the American middle class."

Oppressive, racist Pluto-Chiron's plutocracy vs America's once great middle class. Yep. The hourglass society hath returneth with a vengence...just the way the "elites" like it. Those are Bush's "base" you remember from his first charade of a campaign...he was caught on tape giving them props. Why bother pretending when things are going your way and US laws and government are stacked completely in your favor?

Years ago, some of them had consciences but you have to wonder: does common good mean anything to any of them any longer? Or is the game--the centuries old Merovingian "Great Plan" too far advanced to care now?

Passing through generations since King Solomon's time and before, these current puppies who bedevil us are the spawn of the Generation of Materialism whose definitive degree's Sabian Symbol for the Great Neptune-Pluto Conjunction is given here and their hatching may be viewed in its pillaging satanic 'splendor' in the chart of the New Moon in resource-loving Taurus of Apr 28, 1881:

You may notice that disruptive reformer, Uranus, is conjunct George Bush's natal Mars and 2 degrees from Bush Sr's natal ASC...a devil-may-care combination of devils.

Also Pluto-Chiron = South Node--plutocracy, oppression, and class warfare brought forward through the generations.

Jan 8, 2008

Oil and the Betelgeuse: Jan 8, 1979

Today I've been composing elsewhere concerning Neptune, Pluto, oil and gas, and the 29th anniversary of 1979's Betelgeuse incident at Jude's Threshold if you'd care to read it.

Plus, Lim the Cat and I have posted something called Ganda Propping: a poem over at Lim's Limericks (cat photo included for the feline-inclined.)

Dec 24, 2007

A speculative birth chart for Jesus: Apr 17, 6 BC

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe me not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? John 3:12

Pictured here is the chart I use as the natal chart of Jesus of Nazareth, based on the date that Jupiter (royalty) arose as the Morning Star and was occulted by the Moon in Aries, sign of Israel and Palestine. Thanks to calendar changes being slightly off, we have "6 BC" instead of the year zero.

Since we know that Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great (is he Jupiter in this chart being occulted by the Moon?), the year we call "6 BC" contained this rare occultation, "7 BC" is known to be when a Great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurred in Pisces--and since lambs are born in the Spring, not mid-winter--it's one reason I use this chart.

Moon and Jupiter conjoined at 12:08:22 pm in 9th house (Bethlehem) yet this Jupiter rising chart is the one I prefer with asteroid, Morya at MC (the Goal or Objective) and Morya having connection with death, and fate or destiny.

And as you see, there is a YOD pattern (Finger of God: special task or purpose; crisis) pointing to the rising Moon, Ascendant (Jesus Himself if we accept this chart as His birth chart), and by extension, pointing to Jupiter as well.

But can modern day midpoint pictures possibly apply to an event from such ancient days?

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto were there although not within people's consciousness, of course. Accordingly, our modern perspectives are naturally different--and time should bring insight, don't you think?

Click to enlarge the chart for a few scribbled notes, but I'll type in the midpoint pictures for the YOD (including Jupiter which certainly seems to apply to the situation.) The combo of Neptune-Pluto = unseen forces; the supernatural; other realms:

Neptune-Pluto = Moon: supernatural experiences; strange states of soul experiences; anxiety about being appreciated (well-founded!);

Neptune-Pluto = ASC: surrounded by an air of mysticism (a halo?!); placed in a peculiar environment (what a major culture shock--from heaven to earth!);

Neptune-Pluto = Jupiter: religiousness; in love with life; "Thank God"; universal love; love of humanity (I'll say!); high degree of perception; a peace-loving disposition.

Mercury trine Pluto creates a Grand Trine of sorts with MC; Mercury-Pluto = powerful words that persuade; creating or demanding new perspectives...

Mercury-Pluto = MC: great perception of any situation; leadership (why King Herod was so worried--sucky, cruel leaders should be); coping ability; keen powers of judgment; foresight.

Sun and Moon were in Balsamic phase of the prophet--a phase of partings and endings. His death was a sad parting, and He brought an end to the Age of Aries as well. People born during the Balsamic phase of the Moon (prior to a New Moon) are future-oriented folk who often arrive when something or someone is ending.

Progressive, futuristic, and rebellious Uranus is in sacrificial Pisces, sign of the Mystic, and love-filled Venus is also in Pisces, sign of her exaltation (universal love.) Jesus certainly disrupted things but from motives of pure Love, the Foundation of the Universe.

The birth of Christ marked the beginning of the Age of Pisces, sign of the Fish and the secret sign of Christianity in Roman times (used today) as the Age of Aries, the Ram, symbol of Israel and Palestine, passed away--Old Testament times into the New Testament era. On one level, His birth, life, and crucifixion on Earth symbolize death of the ego so that Man can be liberated and born again in Spirit (if he so chooses.)

The Magi, Persian astronomers/astrologers (probably from Babylonia), shared the Aramaic language with the Jews and so they knew of the Prophecy of the Messiah and would have been well able to predict His birth in time to make the journey to the Land of Judah while following the Star of Bethlehem.

The Star of Bethlehem has been thought to be the triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn during the year 7 BC: in May, September, and October. This occurred in Pisces, and it is my belief that the Magi realized the significance of this Great Conjunction in Pisces--a King of Kings to be born in the East--and made their preparations for the journey to find the Babe...and to honor Him with gifts of gold (for a king), frankincense (for divinity), and myrrh (for death and healing.)

I write this post with the wonderful aroma of frankincense surrounding me. Try it if you haven't--it's lovely.

The unusual occurrence of Jupiter as Morning Star in Aries being occulted by the Moon--in April (Spring, when lambs are born, not Dec 25, a date chosen by the Catholic Church in Rome to coincide with the pagan Saturnalia festival and thus bringing goddess worhip into the fold bwo the church's elevation of Mary) is possibly the Star followed by the Magi.

My own thought is that the Great Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction/s may have been the Star itself, with the Moon-Jupiter-Morning Star phenomena as a timing device for the birth of the Prince of Peace.

Jupiter and Saturn Principles and Faith:

Jupiter represents the generous side of God (His staff), while Saturn represents God's disciplinarian side (His rod.) On one level, we may relate "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me..." directly to the natural law of Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) being the fly-wheel of the universe--the tension between them keeping the planets in their courses. Yin-yang, positive-negative...a constant comfort to me and I hope to you as well!

It's been a treat to give earthly halls of power--politics--the slip as I contemplate the heavenly things of true value. If you came to Stars Over Washington today expecting politics as usual, I assert that Stars are all around us, and the Star of Bethlehem, still shining brightly, may lead us yet to the golden stardust within each of us, and to greater truths than those generally found lurking about in the halls of our nation's capital--Saturnian Capitol Hill.

Aug 20, 2007

Bush, Harper, Calderone Summit

Bush Seeks to Boost Canada, Mexico Ties at a 2-day summit in Montebello, Quebec, today and Tuesday as these midpoint pictures form the background of the week:

Saturn/Uranus = Mars (conj asteroid Midas): tremendous upheaval possible through rebellion, overstrain, calamity, or anxiety about how things will get on; challenges leading to a fight (Tyl): injury; accident; deprivation of freedom; the wrong use of extraordinary energy (Ebertin.)

The pairing of Saturn (structure; form; old; the past) with Uranus (rebellion; disruption; shock; progress; the new) is always indicative of the tension and stress between old vs new which may lead to conflict and sometimes to violence, and there's an intervention in one's destiny flavor. Instigator and activist Mars has been mightily busy of late, hasn't he?

And with Mars at 6-8 Gemini this month puts me in mind of the last Great Conjunction/s of Neptune/Pluto, the Robber Baron team of the late 1890s...

1. Aug 2, 1891 8Gem38
2. Nov 5, 1891 8Gem19
3. Apr 30, 1892 7Gem42

This is when the real exploitation of natural resources and the oppression of the masses got its modern beginning not they hadn't before, of course. The Neptune/Pluto cycle lasts appr 492 years, and they are now in the septile phase (51:26 degr) of their slow dance. You'll find my post on the karmic Neptune/Pluto septile here, a 7th harmonic aspect.

Sad to say, the other difficult midpoint picture ongoing is explosive in the extreme:

Mars/Pluto = Uranus: tremendous energy; dangerous sense of attack; chip on the shoulder; fight first, talk later (Tyl); cruelty; violence; brutality; sudden disasters of great consequence (Ebertin.)

Weather-related catastrophes are included in these pictures, and the Saturn/Uranus/Mars combo certainly relates to mining collapses all over the globe from Utah to China, and to airplane explosions in Japan, etc. Boeing planes have been grounded there for inspections as an unaspected Uranus 'runs away' with current energies--yet Uranus is the focal planet in the Mars/Pluto midpoint picture, and is associated with electromagnetic weaponry, lightening, technology, and creative genius.

May the shuttle Endeavor's early return escape the violent influences of Hurricane Dean and of instigators of all stripes.

But back to Canada's 2-day summit:

Protesters have been out since yesterday prior to Bush's arrival for some Canadians see this 'partnership' as a threat to Canadian sovereignty being led by the US.

Agreed, but in this case it takes three to tango, my Canadian friends, for No Borders are respected by Chiron-Uranus Types in Government.

With PM Stephen Harper and Mexican president Felipe Calderon categorized as "conservatives" and "free trade advocates" (supposedly more so than their recent predecessors) it seems the North American Union globalist plans are grinding along nicely and with better shills now in place.

Imho, the clearest view of this devilish dissolving of the three nations is to be found at Patrick Wood's The August Review.

And it's not a pretty picture no matter how it's propagandistically framed...the class warfare of plutocratic Chiron-Pluto never is.

Aug 12, 2006

Karma: the Neptune-Pluto septile

As you know, a septile aspect is 51 degrees 26 minutes and is an aspect of the 7th harmonic. As such it is associated with sacred and holy matters in religious symbolism. For this evening I will be using Bil Tierney's wonderful book, Dynamics of Aspect Analysis...he has several quotes therein on the subject of septiles by other authors and so my task is made lighter by Mr. Tierney...a big thanks there. The 7th Harmonic, or as I tend to write it: H7, is an indicator of many things: Creative people tend to have strong H7 charts, such as: Mozart, Chopin, Schubert, Berlioz, Wagner, and Tchaikovsky. The art world has enjoyed the works of: Matisse, Cezanne, Raphael, da Vinci, Rodin, and Picasso. In the literary pantheon, we see strong H7 charts for: Lewis Carroll, George Bernard Shaw, Robert Louis Stevenson, Yeats, Blake, Shelley, and Lord Byron. Albert Einstein has a strong H7 chart--quite an assembly for the H7! Self-knowledge and interior analysis are hallmarks of the H7 and many people today are involved with such past times, as we know...astrology being a great way to achieve this. Isolation (we hear in the news how 'isolated' modern man/woman is today) is a requirement for such pursuits along with contemplation, meditation, prayer. The H7 suggests a sabbatical (just what the Seventh Day was designed for--a break from one's weekly work pursuits...a re-creation, recommended by our Creator who gave us the model to follow--He didn't need the Day of rest, but we do.) Now Mr. Tierney says that the septile works best in privacy--'funny' that we're having so many "privacy issues" now, isn't it? He states that the number 7 relates to a composite of the principles of Saturn and Neptune with Pluto undertones (ugh on the Pluto undertones.) And in numerological literature, 7 is the number of rest and completion...yes, the end of a week, with Sunday being the first day--and you know it is, if you look at that calendar on your wall!

The great astrologer, John Addey, known for his early Harmonic studies, gives H7, or the septile series, as relating to one's capacity to receive inspiration (see above list of artists, musicians, and Albert for examples!) With H7, there is an urge to understand wholeness and completion, and so it is associated with those who perform "priestly functions." Dane Rudyar, in his Person-Centered Astrology, believes the septile "can be interpreted in a super-personal sense as acts compelled by a collective need, an occult power or fate; and these may lead to 'sacrifice' and a symbolic life"...the transpersonal life, as he says. Doris Thompson on the septile: "A fated inevitability with a compulsion to certain actions; an unrecognized force with hidden activation." (Wonder if this can also describe the repetitious rituals of the "priestly functions"?) Delphine Jay suggests that this fated tinge "springs from situations that appear to be beyond ordinary meaning. This tinge creates a consciousness-expanding struggle within, forcing (a search) beyond the obvious." (Kinda what a lot of bloggers do, and what journalists are supposed to be doing for society.) And astrologer Michael Meyer sees it as introducing "the unpredictable, irrational elements of experience, symbolizing the ability to respond to the call of one's destiny and to use unfit or left-over...materials for the purpose of fulfilling a definite goal of a karmic nature." This brings the catastrophic element into the picture.

As I type, Neptune is 54 degrees 9 mins from Pluto, both retrograde. Their waxing septile relationship has been affecting the world since December 2001, and there will be a total of 20 septiles forming off and on until February 2011. (The last septile aspect between them occurred from December 1937 and September of them.) The cycle of Neptune and Pluto began, of course, with their Great Conjunction (three actually--direct, Rx, direct) of August 2, 1891, November 5, 1891, and April 30, 1892. And the 1890's began the era of the Generation of Materialism...the robber and energy barons under whose imperialistic sway we toil and grapple still. Their Great Conjunction's Sabian Symbol: "9Gem"> "A quiver full of arrows": Keyword: PREPARATION... pos: unlimited personal capacity for rising to the issue of the moment on any level of experience; neg/shadow side: querulous overconfidence and quixotic notions. (Sound like any current-day politicians we know who tend to 'dream the impossible dream'? This degree applies until the next conj of Neptune-Pluto--you and I will be long long gone by then!) Yes, the Neptune-Pluto pairing has mystical implications with a fantastical flavor, but the combo also relates to fraud, delusions, and the use of propaganda. (Sounds like politics to me!)

The influence of this fated, karmic, irrational septile aspect between our two outermost planets (not counting recent new planet sightings in our solar system) will continue as a backdrop to our times, our thinking, and our fates. Yet this post is not meant to frighten but enlighten, and the sense of fatedness and karma we're all feeling isn't imaginal--paradoxically, it's as real as the unseen forces which are all around us. And yet I believe the seeming paradox isn't one at all! This relates to the same old left brain v right brain argument--and the truth is, mankind needs both to be integrated and whole. Karma will have her way--we reap what we sow, and that's the truth. Just ask the fellow on tv's "My Name Is Earl"--he's learning an awful lot about karma--and about rising above the baser urges and instincts...just what we need in order to change our fates. Revenge only breeds revenge--can humanity ever get it right?

8.12.06 9:11 pm