by Jude Cowell
July 26, 2020: In 2005, as Stars Over Washington was getting underway, I determined that Western Tropical Astrology would be used to scrutinize (and criticize!) American politics and politicians, plus, as my lens to check out historical and current events with a leaning toward the common good. After all, life on Earth is complicated as is any system of analysis used to describe it in some sort of manageable fashion for the curious reader. My choice was more or less intended to keep things squashed down to a "dull roar" if you know what I mean even though trying to limit infinity via Astrology or by any other means is a sisyphusian task. Topics are too broad, problems are too deep, secrets too hidden, and most events occur due to long-standing karmic conditions mishandled in the past and often left unaddressed. Astrological Pluto, with its 248-year cycle, knows all about karma and past mistakes left uncorrected - until permanent change takes the lead as if unbidden.
However, one As Above So Below topic now rears its fire-breathing head above the rest in 2020, while a certain culmination draws near and its primary protagonist is known to even the least astrologically informed Earthling. That is the US Pluto Return creeping into Collective awareness in part due to the plethora of plutonian themes we're now swamped by including income inequality out of control and the deadly pandemic invading American society. (Not to diss pandemic and economic losses and problems elsewhere but this is a post about Washington DC as representative of America, hence its title, SO'W.)
Even the sign through which predator Pluto the Invisible now stealthily creeps as he vultures toward his 1776 degree in Saturn-ruled Capricorn adds fuel to our feelings of general alarm with Reinhold Ebertin labeling Pluto in Capricorn as, "the dictator." When draconian-totalitarian-fascist regimes arose in the 1930s with their destructive spirit on brutal display and bigotry in their shriveled hearts, Pluto was moving through Capricorn's opposite sign of Cancer (Ebertin's "the magician" placement). But these days, fascists in the US and elsewhere are banking on a culmination of Plutonian control and manipulation shown by Pluto-opposite-Pluto (from tribal Cancer to governmental Capricorn) as a Full Moon timing device for their devilish 'dream of transformation becomes reality'. During decades of preparation they have extended their methods and influence since the Nazi era and are expecting global success once America is 'taken down' a la Trump and his totalitarian backers.
Loss Leaders of The Fray
Of course, the January 2020 Great Conjunction of compressive, harsh Saturn and Pluto timed a major signal or shift of draconian intentions and activities for conjunctions of any planets are actually New Moons that express the seeding of a new cycle of activity in relation to the particular planetary energies involved. A watershed moment of global difficulties was reached with Year 2020 acting the role of 'cosmic star' of that particular Saturn-Pluto drama of brutality, control, and loss. Waiting in the wings of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic soon made itself felt and its release was touted as a giant 'oops!' although on several occasions suspicious me has termed it purposeful and targeted for mismanagement, especially in the US. Because to this Daughter of the Revolution it seems no coincidence that the catastrophic pandemic was timed to sabotage Election 2020 and add its destruction to the collapse of America. Now you, dear reader, may disagree but there it is.
So today with the ramping up of complicated situations in full swing as the world careens toward 2021, many folks are searching for all the Pluto Return info they can find. Therefore, I'm recommending an expanded view of the US Pluto Return/s by expert astrologer Kenneth Bowser using his preferred system, the Western Sidereal. For as you know, in the Tropical system, America's Pluto 'returns' to its July 4, 1776 position of 27Cap33 multiple times (due to retrogradation) during the year 2022. But in the Sidereal system, the key year is 2024.
Does this timing difference indicate a conflict? Perhaps. Yet we know that all planetary cycles describe processes over periods of time so perhaps you agree that the Pluto-esque year of 2020 has brought events and conditions revealing that the world has entered a years-long dark tunnel of sorts, a tunnel leading to Pluto's Cave where The Dragon stands guard over piles of gold and precious jewels secreted far far away from - dare I type it - the 99%. We might even wish to begin counting our cave exploration jaunt from late January 2008 when transit Pluto entered Capricorn, a year of Collective losses on the rise via financial collapse while bankers, corporatists, and politicians made off like the bandits most of them are. But no matter when the modern Plutonian era began, it seems obvious that the global tunnel of turmoil extends into 2022, 2023, 2024, and beyond.
And despite Pluto's potential for regeneration, I'd even say that Humanity has messed things up on Earth very badly when we could have behaved so much better. That the elite class, its enablers, and wanna-bes now scramble in their attempts to blast off into outer space hoping to 'conquer' other planets seems more than a little pathetic to me considering how they've abused and plundered Mother Earth. Can anyone think the greedy wastrels would act any better in space? A puh! and a lol to such vain hope from yours truly! Of course, ridding our tattered Earth of their sorry selves would most likely be a bonus for humanity, wouldn't it?
Meanwhile back on Earth, the debris piles up - nuclear waste, garbage, and otherwise - as Americans face the return of Pluto to its 1776 degree which will activate any and all aspects and conditions of 1776 Pluto's position in the US founding chart/s - primarily, our national Mercury-Pluto opposition of crisis and social problems that cause anxiety yet which must be resolved one way or another. With psychological planet Pluto active we become aware that karmic progress, though much needed, is difficult now with transit Pluto making a series of oppositions to US natal Mercury (25Cancer) revealing that information (Mercury) is intense and subject to manipulation and 'adjustment' (Pluto) even more than previously; total control and vast power are sought by plutonian actors via US Election sabotage, among other fraudulent tactics that include the destruction of our laws, systems, and traditions. Yet our nation's Pluto Return marks a period when we must fight to preserve the continued existence of America as a Republic and must rebuild once the dust has settled!
So as I continue preparing my next post concerning our US Pluto Return (with a vast array of current events constantly interrupting that require attention) my hope is to keep the topic on the briefer side by using Western Tropical Astrology to view the July 4, 1776 horoscope that I most often prefer, set for 5:09 pm LMT Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Sagittarius rising ruled by expansive Jupiter exalted in Cancer. For the 5:09 pm horoscope shows two Cardinal World Points of manifestation upon the MC-IC axis (Aries-Libra on the WHY? and HOW? Points). That's Jupiter the Thespian in his many roles as the explorer, adventurer, discoverer, boundary-breaker, land-grabber - and banker, financier, corporatist, politician, guru, priest, and The General.
2020--2024 Solar Eclipses Echo 1930--1934
Since eclipses influence historical events, let's add a few solar eclipse notes comparing 2022 and 2024 with 2023 in between. Now the eclipses of 2021 may provide some respite but buckle up in 2022 for two Solar Eclipses occur, one on April 30th @10Taurus in the 6 North Saros Series ('relationship to authority figures') and the second on October 25th @2Scorpio, a 6 South eclipse that in 1932 timed the Nazi Rise to Power in Germany (and rise of FDR in the US) with themes of 'forcefully taking power' and 'expending huge efforts in group activities'. In 2023 comes a repeat of the 1933 Fascism Rising Solar Eclipse, this time @30Aries in the 7 North series ('deep passion long-hidden'). Plus, 7 South on October 14, 2023 @21Libra is highly troublesome as well with Mars-Pluto vibes and themes of 'immense power, anger, force', and/or 'crisis'. Then in 2024, another significant Great American Eclipse manifests, this time @19Aries in the 8 North series with themes of 'new-found inspiration, vivid dreams, inventiveness, and/or flashes of genius'.
Now naturally I agree with you that 8 North themes sound pretty good considering the eclipse themes of 2022 and 2023, even those of 2020. But that's only the case as long as its cosmic blink/wild card energies don't trigger evil genius on steroids. Am I right?
A Related Post: America 2020: Twisting Between Eclipses.
My Thanks to some FB friends for the heads-up on this important article by Sidereal astrologer Kenneth Bowser. Visit his website for more!
Eclipse info: Brady's Predictive Astrology.
Above Image: Pluto, NASA.