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Showing posts with label SCOTUS Horoscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SCOTUS Horoscope. Show all posts

Jul 1, 2024

SCOTUS: The Purge and The Joke

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

Update Monday July 1, 2024: As expected this morning, SCOTUS decided to kick the presidential immunity case back to the lower court of Judge Tanya Chutkan presumably, using a hair-splitting official vs personal acts justification. And in a decision favoring corporations, the court has also performed a purge of governmental agencies and experts' decisions about clean air, water, and so forth.

This ruling is part of the GOP's long-dreamed-of deconstruction of the administrative state, a facet of the purging that Project 2025's fascist agenda will codify into law if dictator-wanna-be Trump manages in November to commandeer the Oval Office helm and take control in January. If so, this would be a case of a convicted felon's short but greedy finger on The Button. What could possibly go wrong?

My original post begins here:

At this juncture, there are two SCOTUS Horoscopes saved in my files. One is set for April 30, 1790, the day that President George Washington signed into law the Crimes Act of 1790 which determines punishments for crimes such as treason.

The positions of today's planets highlight the nearness of the next Saturn Return of SCOTUS 1790 with Saturn @20Pis55:05 (1st session) and you see the Return 2025 Horoscope, below, along with a bi-wheel of SCOTUS 1790 (inner) surrounded by a July 1, 2024 Horoscope set for 10:00 am edt Washington DC - America is now a monarchy, We the People have lost the Revolution:

Jupiter For Jokes, Saturn For Laws

Now destroyed in America, ideally the balance between Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (restriction) should be respected by everyone on Earth since their yin-yang relationship creates the flywheel of the Universe which keeps the planets in our Solar System from flying off their courses. Perhaps you're seen the headline about SCOTUS Is a Joke and it isn't funny. The court's brazen, unparalleled power grab decisions, particularly since Dobbs 2022, are harrowing. Then perhaps we should question the cosmic condition of the Supreme Court's Saturn, planet of The Law.

Because with legal eagle Saturn as the karmic planet of law, order, structure, systems, status quo, The Establishment, government, business, work, concentration, and restrictions, the current Saturn Return of SCOTUS (the third of three Returns on January 19, 1996 (Horoscope shown) with quirky Uranus @00AQ27 conjunct POTUS Sun - President Clinton acting out of character, and a fantasy-prone Mercury-Neptune Conjunction that snugs around US 1776 Pluto suggesting purification rituals) should be consulted as often as possible by those who have the time. Then it's on to the March 2, 2025 Horoscope.

So now that transit Saturn, planet of karma, has been in watery Pisces, sign of secrets, subversion, and delusion, for a while now, the position of SCOTUS 1790 @20Pis55:05 will obviously receive a return visit from the lawerly planet which times a new phase of legalities and responsibilities when what no longer serves their objectives is discarded. This 29-year period will begin on March 2, 2025 as shown in the Return Horoscope, above, and the court's ivory tower isolation from the populace (Venus-Saturn = ASC) will continue as they pontificate from on high with an air of imperial arrogance such as the Vatican usually exhibits.

A Closely Related Post: The J6 Solar Return 2025.

Mar 23, 2022

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's Sun-Moon Personality Blend

US Capitol Building west side; Martin Falbisoner, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Above is a photo of the west side of the US Capitol Building where, at least symbolically, this week the days-long confirmation hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is being held and televised.

Born September 14, 1970 in Washington DC, raised in Miami, Florida, Judge Jackson as the Biden nominee for SCOTUS is under scrutiny by Republican querents determined to paint the accomplished lady as negatively as they can, red herrings and all. Coming from a family of service to our country, via both military and police, their openings are meager unless they resort to their typical habit of fabrications and half truths. No problem for The Big Lie Party! Because as long as sound bites are created from their questioning with an eye toward Midterms 2022, it's all good! And of course, undermining President Biden is a constant Republican objective. (View the SCOTUS Horoscope of 1790 if you wish.)

So with no accurate birth hour known, let's look at the 24-hour period of the Judge's birth date, noted above, for this reveals a practical Earth-Water Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces personality blend. Through the questions and grandstanding complaints by Republicans we find that her Pisces Moon (2:32 - 17:40) is a huge problem for hard-liner 'conservatives' trying to score political points against what some would call a refreshing lunar placement in an otherwise Sun-Saturn trine individual who has graduated with honors everywhere she enrolled, possesses years of legal experience, and who has weighed her every judgment when sentencing with both the perpetrators' and the good of society in mind.

For example, I offer a quote from the Harveys concerning Judge Jackson's Mercury-Jupiter (Neptune) influenced Sun Virgo-Moon Pisces combination of conscious-unconscious energies:

Greatest Strengths: Sound mind and intuitive insight; devotional nature and reverent attitude toward work and life in general; charming sense of humour; humanitarian desire to serve others and the greater good."

So as we see, this blend combines the fact-loving, logical, studious qualities of Virgo with the empathetic, and yes - compassionate - nature of Pisces which creates an enviable ability to see things intuitively as a whole. Yet working within the system is easy for Judge Jackson although her natural shyness makes sharing personal views somewhat of a strain. But share them she must as she deals with the close-minded, one-sided views of certain massive egos on Capitol Hill. And perhaps we can agree that serving "the greater good" is not a Republican objective, nor is governing. Actually, sabotage is their jam.

And yet despite it all (GOP spite included), perhaps you've noticed that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is defending herself well against their outrageous assertions and my hope is that she will make it through to confirmation with Democratic votes, and take her seat on the SCOTUS bench. If so, the US Justice System and the US Supreme Court will be most fortunate to have her.


For more personality blend info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey #ad

Jun 29, 2020

Fighting The Most Corporate Friendly SCOTUS In History (w/ David Sirota)

June 29, 2020: From progressive broadcaster-author Thom Hartmann and his guest David Sirota:


Related Astrology: Horosopes: SCOTUS and Minerva 1789 and 1790. Archetype Minerva: 'to be accomplished'. As it turn out, the US Supreme Court is extremely accomplished at protecting corporations and a huge fan of preserving American Plutocracy (as is the US Constitution but that's another day's post).

And as we know, corporatism + statism = fascism. We've been repeatedly warned of this. And here it is under a stark, constraining Saturn-Pluto banner in January 2020 and a 'new order' ushering itself in with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at Winter Solstice 2020 - conjunct the US POTUS Sun's degree (00AQ+).

Jun 6, 2020

June 13, 2020: SCOTUS Saturn under scrutiny

by Jude Cowell

June 6, 2020: Since June 2020 is a significant month for Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decisions within the coronavirus contagion time frame let's took a look at the founding Horoscope for SCOTUS (February 1, 1790 9:00 am LMT NYC is the chart I use) and an unpleasant discovery: that the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction lands directly upon the natal Saturn of the highest Court in the nation. Checking other significant US charts against Mars-Neptune @20Pis56, I found no other horoscope that resonated as closely with the conjunction except for the SCOTUS horoscope (1 minute orb). This doesn't meanthat there aren't any, it means that of the ones in my files I found none and this includes the Federal City Horoscope of April 21, 1791!

Naturally, everyone knows that realistic Saturn in Mundane Astrology is associated with law, attorneys, judges, courts, legal systems, lawmakers, government, business, and such along with the status quo and The Establishment. Time, tradition, standards, regulations, structures, limits, restriction, authority, authenticity, accountability, consolidation, seniors, managers, isolation, concentration, hard work, failure, and loss also come under karmic Saturn's rather wide umbrella. Yet in watery Pisces, solid Saturn can have a difficult time since his placement there reveals a karmic planet in a karmic sign so obviously the correct channeling of Saturnine energies can make or break an institution or an individual. For as you know, Saturn demands much but will (eventually!) reward those who follow his precepts in a responsible way. And with America's natal Saturn (1776) in Libra where Saturn is exalted (expresses best), we've come to expect that SCOTUS will carry out its traditional duties in the most admirable way possible - not always a realistic expectation, but it is always to be hoped, even in these trying times.

So with the June 13, 2020 Mars-Neptune Conjunction coming its way, the 1790 Horoscope of SCOTUS is pictured below with the Mars-Neptune Conjunction Horoscope snugged around it in bi-wheel form. The Mars-Neptune-to-Saturn transit is highlighted in green and red while the Moon (red) simultaneously conjoins SCOTUS' natal Venus, as you can see:

Yes, too many scribbles are squished upon the chart/s (mea culpa!) but hopefully you can enlarge the image to read them if you wish. Upper right contains a few of the potentials of the midpoint picture Mars-Neptune = Saturn but I'll also type them here for you: unfortunate consequences due to a weak will; being taken advantage of; perseverance; instability - and there's a bit more that couldn't be squished in such as: misdirected energy; feelings of inferiority; lasting weakness or illness; blocking of anger toward people who avoid reality (by intimidation, threats, blackmail?); frustrations encountered when punishing those who deceive others; pessimism over arguments received from clerics; reticence; a sense of futility. And to 'perseverance' add, in spite of fear.

(Tyl; Ebertin: Munkasey).

Confusion, deceit, and/or some type of paralyzed activity may also be notable around the time of the blending of these energies particularly since America's problematic Mars-Neptune square may be involved with the Court's cases, people, and/or decisions. That's US natal Neptune @22Vir23 conjunct Descendant and US natal Mars in 3rd house near the Sun-Chiron conjunction which suggests a focus on dealing with moral and ethical principles and receiving acclaim for it.

Meanwhile, transit Mars to natal Saturn suggests careful planning, organization, and perhaps some type of delay, while transit Neptune to natal Saturn suggests potentials for either idealistic or misguided authority figures, eroding traditions or systems, and/or a new approach to handling authority.

In addition, the astrological archetype for Justice, asteroid Astraea, is found on June 18th conjunct the SCOTUS Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in late Leo - and therefore conjunct the natal Mars of Donald Trump (Mars = action, energy, motivation). For SCOTUS' natal Astraea look to mid-Capricorn and the 1790 chart's 11th cusp.

Neglected notes not penned on the June 18, 2020 chart include: Hour: Sun; Sun-Moon: 3rd quarter +273:35 = crisis in consciousness: and hidden manipulator Pluto Rx in Capricorn leads a BOWL shape of the planets, and he's bossily tilted toward success no matter the cost.

Now the Mars-Neptune Conjunction perfects on a Saturday (Saturn's day!) but note that on the SCOTUS calendar Opinion Issuance Days in June (Mondays) include June 15th, a mere two days after the Conjunction so we'll see what transpires and which cases and topics the Justices address. And if they appear to be acting independently of outside influences.