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Showing posts with label State of Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label State of Israel. Show all posts

May 11, 2018

Caput Algol screams upon Donald Trump's Midheaven

Medusa Wikimedia Commons; circa 1878

If you could choose any star to avoid in connection to your natal chart and planets it would probably be the most malevolent of them all, Algol (aka, Caput Algol). Here are potentials for Algol, some of which may remind you of a certain public figure we both know all too well these days:

"Mass tragedies: war, mass murder, fanaticism, ruthlessness, bigotry, propaganda, horror, violence, mass vandalism, mob violence, being torn to pieces, extremes of brutality. Death by hanging, strangulation, electrocution, wounds to the throat and neck." (Algol has been in Taurus for more than 1800 years, and Taurus rules the neck and throat...perhaps when it gets to Gemini this will change to wounds to the arms and shoulders ??) "Often found in criminal or murder charts. In mundane charts it may presage great disasters such as mine cave-ins, fires, quakes, riots etc. Extreme sickness." Quoted from Diana K. Rosenberg's page Medusa's Head.

Of course, "wounds to the throat and neck' suggest decapitation which can also include a 'heady' experience that causes a person to overdo his reactions, to 'lose his head'--like, for example, taking over the Oval Office reins and assuming you're above the law. And many would describe demagogue Trump in the White House as "a great disaster" for America and the world. Watch for May 15, 2018's New Moon @24Tau36 (7:48 am edt) for it blinks at Algol, stimulates the natal MC of Mr. Trump, and denotes a new cycle of activity which tragically may include some of the malevolent potentials listed above. The lunation also occurs within a degree of the natal Taurean Sun of the State of Israel.

So as you know, the Midheaven (MC) in any horoscope is the most visible point and describes The Goal or Aspiration Point of the person, entity, or event described by the horoscope. This 10th house cusp is sometimes known as the WHY? Point (ASC = WHAT?; DESC = WHERE or WHERE TO?; IC = HOW?) so there in Trump's Goal department nestles nasty star Algol. Does any of this remind you of the horrendous photo that comedian Kathy Griffin published in which she pretended to hold up a decapitated head of Donald Trump in Medusa-Head style? Me too. Wonder if Ms. Griffin studies Astrology?

May 1, 2018

May 2018: Mars SQ Uranus hits US POTUS Sun

On May 16, 2018 at 3:03 am edt with veiling Neptune in mid-Pisces rising in DC, a transiting square perfects between testy warrior Mars and shocking planet of chaos, Uranus, an explosive combination that tends to bring unexpected and unpredictable results which are often not what perpetrators or instigators had intended. And with tr Mars @00AQ02 SQ Uranus @00Tau02, I regret to inform you that the US POTUS Sun (the president, a role now played by Donald Trump since January 20, 2017) will be precisely unsettled by this double transit so let's take a general look at its portents while keeping Trump's current condition (Mueller probe into Russia contacts and possible conspiracy, to testify or not to testify, possible Trump campaign irregularities, Cohen's hot mess, etc) in the back of our minds and knowing that the POTUS Sun is representative of Mr. Trump whose Oval Office goals (aka, the 'mission' he was placed in the Oval Office to accomplish as they all are) are being seriously delayed if not thwarted by his own karmic actions and by being held accountable for them; and of course by extension, Mr. Trump = the American people.

Also note that the Sabian Symbol for the US POTUS Sun @00AQ49 (January 20, 2017 noon est Capitol Building Washington DC) rounded up is: '1AQ' = "An Old Adobe Mission" ever since US Inauguration ceremonies were switched from March to January 20th by Freemason President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

So when activist Mars conjoins the Sun a surge of vitality can be expected along with macho vibes that demand ego gratification--nothing new for Mr. Trump born with brash Mars rising in ego-driven Leo. But in May it may be a question of more explosive challenges and even testier confrontations when tr Mars hits POTUS Sun even though he's very much accustomed to being in tune with Martian energies and also with Uranian energies since his natal 10th house Uranus is his 'guiding planet' for it rises last before his Gemini Sun, leads the rest of the planets in his natal chart, and inspires his chaotic, free-style of 'intuitive' leadership. Never be prepared, advises Uranus!

Simultaneously, transit Uranus squares US POTUS Sun which denotes several potentials none of which are predictable. However, a testing quality is attached to this combination which includes issues of will power and determination toward success. But with quirky Uranus involved there's an inability to control situations and the decisions of others hold sway and determine direction so that it's difficult if not impossible to be prepared ahead of time--perfect for the ill-prepared Mr. Trump. Yet he'll be upset that maintaining a leadership role, status, and/or authority may be even more difficult now and yet standing up for one's principles--assuming he has any to begin with--will be necessary even as his decisions are questioned and integrity is placed under a stronger microscope. Of course, these fiery, unsettled conditions are already in play for Mr. Trump so perhaps the Mars-Uranus Square affecting POTUS Sun will only sharpen public scrutiny or may mark a crisis point within ongoing proceedings. Yet we know that sudden events and revelations are quite certain to occur during Mars-Uranus periods in similar fashion to the uncovering effects of an eclipse when inconvenient truths may become widely known and surface for review and critiques.

Besides the political possibilities of the Mars-Uranus square, an increase in wildfires or purposeful arson, lightening strikes, storms, quakes, floods, or other natural disasters may be on Earth's agenda as May 2018 proceeds on toward the August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @18Leo41 that I'm calling "The Tower Eclipse" for its collapsing potential (Brady). And curiously, there's a related midpoint picture within the August eclipse horoscope that closely involves the secretive planet of veils, cover-ups, scandals, lies, fantasies, and fraud: Mars-Uranus = Neptune! Any, all, or none of its potentials may apply.

Plus, as previously discussed here, May 2018 includes a prophetic New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15th (the 70th Solar Return of the State of Israel and the day that transit Uranus enters Taurus). This cosmic pile-up conjoins the natal Midheaven (The Goal) of Donald Trump with the unpredictable Mars-Uranus square perfecting only a day later. Another quirk is that the May 15th New Moon also sparks the position of tr Mercury during Trump Jr's infamous June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians and lawyers and Trump Campaign staff such as Kushner and Manafort, so eager to get 'the dirt' on 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.

Then on May 29th is the revealing Full Moon @8Sag10 which happens to conjoin the New Moon of the Fed which perfected on December 1, 1910 during the financial conspirators' secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia resulting in betrayal of the American people via passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913 so that America's financial resources were firmly placed within the grasp and control of transnational banking houses and our debts became unpayable. And those 'economic royalists' of 1910 (as famously described later on by FDR) are the biological and/or spiritual ancestors of the current crop of crooks, knaves, and traitors who infest our nation as I type.

Now if you wish a fuller picture of May 2018 and the "Mars Max" period we've entered don't miss Richard Nolle's May 2018 Forecast.

Above image: Mars as seen from The Hubble Space Telescope

Mar 24, 2018

The Horoscope on Washington DC's Einstein Statue

Photo of Albert Einstein, age 42, taken during a lecture in Vienna, Austria in 1921. Einstein was born March 14, 1879 at 11:30 am (-0:40) in Ulm, Germany and his natal horoscope with bio details may viewed at where you'll see his 10th house natal Sun @23Pis30 (dreamy Piscean eyes!) and his 6th house Moon @14Sag31 near asteroids Urania (Science and Astrology) conjunct Toro, one of the power asteroids often linked with atomic and nuclear power.

His Jupiterian Sun Pisces-Moon Sagittarius personality blend identifies him as a philosopher and "a nature mystic with inner vision" (Harveys) which you may agree describes him very well. Rising is 11Can38 with goddess star SIRIUS (@12:25 in 1879) which makes the Moon his chart-ruler, and as such, Luna makes only one applying aspect in his birth chart: a trine with Venus (2A27) in Aries which accounts for some of Einstein's attractiveness to women, his harmonious, friendly personality (except possibly to his long-suffering wife and children--Albert really should've behaved much better there), and his popularity and talent for public relations.

Yet this post isn't about Albert, the genius, it's about one of Washington DC's most interesting horoscopes upon the statue of Albert Einstein at the corner of 22nd Street and Constitution Avenue outside the *National Academy of Sciences building which has him in bronze and sitting with his foot resting on the Bootes constellation shown in a Zodiac full of stars, planets, asteroids, and quasars. Some attempt will be made herein to make sense of this cosmic horoscope set for the moment of the monument's dedication ceremony at noon, an astrologically elected hour, on April 22, 1979. The statue was created by the famous sculptor Robert Berks (1922--2011) who came up with glyphs for the quasars since there were few or none in the olden days of 1979. (*Note that the NAS website is linked, below.)

Actually, Einstein's resting foot reminds me of constellation Orion's royal star Rigel (Orion's left toe) with pinioned birds underfoot which represent subjects under the pharoah's protection and to whom Orion brings civilization and education (Brady's Fixed Stars). Unfortunately for the world, the work of Einstein helped provide us with civilization-destroying atomic energy which shows how satanic actors tend to pervert what could have been positive knowledge into something extremely negative--the abomination of desolation, thanks to death-worshipers. Of course, you're familiar with Einstein's letter to FDR dated August 2, 1939 warning of the Third Reich's development of the atomic bomb, a letter which subsequently spurred the US into developing a bomb of its own instead of stopping such devilish work as Einstein had hoped. If only! But I digress only slightly for here is the Einstein Statue's Horoscope for your consideration--your on-topic comments are welcome:

Image: Einstein Statue Horoscope (part of the Einstein Centennial Monument) dedicated at noon on April 22, 1979; Hour of Jupiter; chart-ruler Sun @1Tau58 applies once to a trine with Saturn (5A21) Rx in Washington DC's revered zodiacal sign of Virgo, the Beautiful Virgin; North Node (Head of the Dragon) of public encounters and future direction is also in Virgo and conjoined in transit by the determined asteroid Sisyphus (see Einstein quote, below). Near the Goal Point of the horoscope (MC): Sun conjunct Chiron in Taurus denotes solar will power fused with The Quest of Chiron (R. Nolle); Sun trine Saturn denotes the ceremony's solar spotlight shining upon the form of a Saturn-ruled bronze and stone monument and promises its beneficial acceptance (trine).

Note: on the topic of Sun-Chiron Quests and America perhaps you remember the curious synchronicity which occurred in April 2006 when transit Chiron conjoined the natal Sun of Thomas Paine just as transit Sun conjoined his natal Chiron! Spotlighted are the Fixed signs of Taurus and Aquarius; a bi-wheel of the horoscopes is shown for the curious.

Now as you see, the 1979 chart shows Chiron @8Tau53--and Einstein's natal Chiron in 11th house is @5Tau32 conjunct his Neptune (7Tau52) suggesting a Seeker on a Quest who unconsciously expresses powerful psychic and emotional energies as a vehicle for self-transformation (Nolle)--mystical! Also his Chiron trines electrical Uranus (@1Vir17 Rx in 3rd house) which helped him excite public attention but may also figure in on some very deep level to uranium and its role in the regrettable development of the atomic bomb. So we see that in 1979, Einstein was in process of a Chiron Return which would have activated both his natal aspects. Actually transit Chiron returned five times to his natal Chiron degree on: July 17, 1977, August 31, 1977 (Rx), April 29, 1978, December 13, 1978 (Rx), and February 16, 1979--just prior to the dedication of this statue. (And as you know, 1977 is the Discovery Year of Chiron @3Tau07.)

Now here is a list of the Horoscope's featured constellations and their major stars which Robert Berks immortalized on his Einstein Centennial Monument in Washington DC (my apology for not listing the quasars--they're fascinating but I have yet to use them in horoscopes):

Sirius (Canis Major), Procyon (Canus Minor), Betelgeuse and Rigel (Orion), Pollux (Gemini), Aldebaran (Taurus), Capella (Auriga), Deneb (Cygnus), Wega/Vega (Lyra), Fomalhaut (Piscis Austrinus). Other constellations represented are Draco the Dragon and Hercules.

As for constellation Bootes (the hunter and herdsman turned farmer, and a son of Zeus), its Alpha star is bright Arcturus, the pathfinder who teaches and shows the way forward. The fact that Einstein's foot is 'stepping out' resonates in the sense of one who leads the world into new ideas and ways of thinking which he certainly did. In fact, the 'papers' on his lap display in bronze his most famous formula, e = mc2. And yes, we've met Arcturus multiple times in SO'W posts as the Federal Triangle's cosmic representative for the White House...for even mystical Albert knew that, As Above, So Below !

Further Castings Have Occurred!

Two additional versions of sculptor Robert Berks' Einstein Statue exist. A 12-foot version was cast to celebrate the New Millennium, resides at the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities in Jerusalem, and was dedicated in December 1999. The 'star chart' under Einstein's feet commemorate their precise positions at the founding of the State of Israel (horoscope shown). Note that Israel's natal Sun in Taurus conjoins Einstein's natal Pluto and both receive the New Moon @24Tau36 on May 15, 2018 which also happens to conjunct the natal Midheaven and Phaethon of Donald Trump...Israel's 70-year fig tree prophecy is involved. Also note that in the 1979 horoscope shown above, Trump's natal Pluto @10Leo02 chillingly rises--and 1979 Pluto @17Lib26 Rx conjoins his natal Jupiter (17Lib27) which was Station Direct at his birth on June 14, 1946.

Another 12-foot statue was cast in 2002, loaned to the American Museum of Natural History for their comprehensive, year-long Einstein exhibition, and later purchased for display on the campus of Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia with the monument's 'star chart' set for the night sky of December 10, 1948, the date of the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is intended to be a vision for the future. For more details, plus video, visit The Art of Genius. So it's Washington, Jerusalem, Atlanta--boy, does Albert really get around!

*Founded on March 3, 1863, the National Academy of Sciences describes itself as "a private, non-profit society of distinguished scholars" and its website announces the 155th Annual Meeting to be held Saturday April 28 through Tuesday May 1, 2018. During the Wilson administration, the NAS's mission was expanded to serve the US government in such matters as military preparedness and to provide advice to the government "whenever called upon" for which no compensation from the government is received.

Now let's let a genius add some brief yet very good advice:

"The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein.


Related posts include: Horoscope of the Third Reich 1933 with 1933 Chiron conjunct the natal Pluto of Albert Einstein (@24Tau43) and the Third Reich's Progressed New Moon conjunct Progressed Venus (@4Taurus+) which disturbingly perfected on June 6, 2017 during the first year of the Trump administration, and symbolizes a new cycle of activity. So as turns out, the New Moon of May 15, 2018 @24Tau36 may be a very big deal on the global stage and may act in similar Uranian fashion to a disruptive, direction-changing solar eclipse which New Moons can sometimes do.

Recommended Reading: The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital by David Ovason, Sun Sign-Moon Sign by Charles and Suzi Harvey, and Brady's Book of Fixed Stars by Bernadette Brady.

Jan 24, 2018

2018 Signs in the Sky: Prophecy and Israel as Fig Tree

Previously we have discussed the Solar Return 2018 of the State of Israel which involves the 70-year Biblical prophecy of the fig tree symbolism for Israel. This is my reason for posting the 2018 Return chart since the chart times 70 years since the creation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948...1948 + 70 = 2018 and that's a mathematical fact.

Now I realize that few SO'W readers (if any!) believe in Biblical prophecy these days yet I feel a responsibility to caution such readers on that score. Although it is not an Astrology book per se, Adrian Gilbert's intriguing book Signs in the Sky: Astrological and Archaeological Evidence for the Birth of a New Age #ad provides certain information concerning Sun-Regulus, constellation Orion's importance in the final scheme as it rises over Jerusalem, and other 'signs' of the Tribulation and the last days.

One puzzling factor is Donald Trump's role in all of this with his Mars rising in Leo, but most significantly, Regulus rising with 'sun god' asteroid Apollo in his chart (Ascendant 29Leo). Curiously, Trump's progressed Sun is now @00Virgo, the current precessed position of royal Regulus. Unless his birth data is incorrect, Trump's chart factors seem part of the Prophecy yet I have much trouble with this due to his extreme lewdness and bigotry. Not that our Creator can't 'use' an imperfect human being for His ultimate purposes for there's rarely been any other kind on Earth! Yet in December 2017 when Trump announced the US embassy would be relocated to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv (in 2019, last I heard, preceded by multiple years of construction), it seemed to me more than a little prophetic in relation to the 70-year Prophecy. Karma on steroids?

Solar Eclipses of 2000 Repeat in 2018/19

Is someone manipulating these events on Earth to reflect the fig tree symbolism? Or are events a natural As Above So Below phenomena? In his book, Gilbert suggests year 2000 as possibly the start of The Tribulation which should be over (fulfilled) in 2018--when "the time is nigh". As of 2000, the Belt of Orion rises directly in the East with Mintaka slightly below the celestial equator and from Jerusalem, the Belt can be seen rising over the Mount of Olives. Other signs are listed including Summer Solstice 2000 (June 21). Certainly, the 'Nostradamus Eclipse' of August 11, 1999 may be seen as part of this--and we're under its influence again for it manifested as The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2018 in the 1 North Saros Series--conjunct Mr. Trump's natal Ascendant!

Now year 2000 as you may remember brought Solar Eclipses in the 1 South Series (the next 1 South occurs February 15, 2018), the 2 Old North Series (Trump's Prenatal Eclipse Series which repeats on July 13, 2018 @21Cancer amidst the Gemini Twins, Castor and Pollux), the 2 New North ('The Tower' Eclipse occurring again on August 11, 2018 @19Leo), and the 2 South on Christmas Day 2000 @4Capricorn (the degree of transit Saturn as I type today). 2 South won't repeat until January 6, 2019 @15Capricorn, and of course Saturn rules Capricorn which is also related to the State of Israel, and to Palestine (though usually as a pair -- Saturn and Uranus; Israel's natal chart may be viewed as Palestine's natal chart as well).

So! In ancient times the Sun-Regulus link evoked the heavy responsibility of acting as God's regent and this is my trouble--seeing Uranian snake oil salesman Donald Trump as a man capable of handling such a weighty task on behalf of Heaven and Earth. For to me, the self-styled "old fashioned playboy" seems the epitome of imperfection and is apparently uninterested in heavenly things--his treasure is on Earth and he acts proud of his faith-in-the-temporary attitude at the exclusion of the Eternal. Yet the Sun-Regulus tradition enjoyed by ancient Egyptian pharoahs and centuries of past kings spawned the idea of rule by 'divine right' which doesn't seem too off-the-mark for Mr. Trump to use with his narcissistic mentality--to his own advantage.

How the Zionists of Israel (who may be ignoring the 70-year Prophecy for all I know!) will use Trump as a tool for their own purposes remains to be seen as 2018 hurdles along toward 2019 and the fulfillment of Time for he and his announcement concerning Jerusalem have already played a role in the fig tree symbolism which according to Scripture culminates in 2018 and which Mayan Prophecy says ends with a cataclysm..

Related Posts include the Lunar Eclipse of January 31, 2018 conjunct Trump's natal Pluto in Leo, the We The People Solar Eclipse February 15, 2018, and May 2018: Trump's New Moon, Manafort's Trial, and Uranus into Taurus-and all three events cosmic and earthly occur very near the Solar Return 2018 of Israel.

Dec 6, 2017

Trump to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (Phaethon?)

Of Prophecy, Fate, Phaethon in Taurus, Israel, and Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Dec 6, 2017: Today Mr. Trump announced the relocation of the American embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Jerusalem just in time to aid in the fulfillment of the Scriptural 70-year prophecy concerning Israel and its Holy City (see Daniel 9:24). It is reported that the embassy relocation and construction will take a few years to complete.

In a previous post, I published the May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET chart of the State of Israel but today I'm posting the horoscope that Nicholas Campion says many Israeli astrologers use. It is set for 32 minutes later when Ben-Gurion stated that,"The State of Israel has arisen" (independence from Britain).

In the bi-wheel image, below, Israel's Solar Return 2018 planets (May 14, 2018 @3:59:21 pm EET Tel Aviv (since it's the natal location in 1948) is shown around the May 14, 1948 natal chart. All founding data from which the Solar Return chart issues is gleaned from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Please enlarge the image to read chart notes for as you see, Israel's natal 12th house Neptune @10Libra Rx rises in the Solar Return 2018 chart and natal Sun @23Tau41 is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of planets in 1948 indicating ruthless achievement. Neptune rising suggests instability, deception, and/or potentials for fraud to occur yet Neptune also represents the Divine Source and this can relate spiritually to Biblical prophecy

A Locomotive pattern also shows up in the 2018 Return chart but it is lead by Jupiter @17Sco39 Rx. Another planetary pattern that appears in both charts is a Thor's Hammer (aka, Fist of God) which contain elements of fate or karma (reaping what's been sown). In 1948, the Hammer formed between the Pluto-NN square pointing toward natal Jupiter @27Sag38 Rx in 2nd house; in SR 2018, it's between the Saturn-ASC square pointing toward natal/Return Sun in 7th house of Partnerships.

We may wish to read the 1948 and 2018 Hammers as midpoint pictures: in 1948 the potential is for 'power attained through force with the help of others' which obviously came true. In 2018, the potential is for 'difficult conditions or circumstances' and/or 'separation' (Ebertin), spotlighting such conditions that have already been in effect for years now particularly for the Palestinian people.

Note that a natal or foundation chart for the state of Israel also applies to the same for Palestine). Also note that the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse 'hit' Israel's 1948 Mars (28Leo18)--and royal star Regulus (keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided). Yet so far, an endless round of revenge tragically characterizes Israel and Palestine since ancient times.

As for the timing of the 70-year prophecy related to 2018, note that there will be a New Moon on May 15, 2018 @24Tau36--within orb of Israel's natal Sun and denoting a new cycle of activity. Another curious factor in the SR 2018 chart is that one of the asteroids of fate, Phaethon (the Greek version of Icarus who flew too close to the Sun, crashed, and burned) is snugged between the Taurus Sun and Moon, however, in relation to the 70-year prophecy, Phaethon @11Tau02--about to make its own Return to Israel's natal Phaethon (16Tau23)--may be merely a minor detail.

And yet, is it a fated synchronicity that 3-mile wide asteroid Phaethon hurls extremely close to Earth just before Christmas 2017? A certain meteor shower peaks on December 13 with Phaethon traveling among the Geminids. A Super Moon (Nolle) veiled them from sight in 2016 but here are details on where, when, and how to see the 2017 Geminid Meteor Shower.

And where is Donald Trump's natal Phaethon, you may wonder. Born June 14, 1946, Mr. Trump's natal Phaethon is @23Tau02 conjunct his natal MC--conjunct Israel's natal Sun!

So if you look up and manage to spot Phaethon among the starry throng on December 13 or during the wee hours of December 14, tell him Donald Trump says Hello.