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Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts

Mar 8, 2024

Biden SOTU 2024: Bound to Succeed!

A SOTU 2024 Astro-Review

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

Last night's SOTU Address to a joint session of Congress was delivered in fiery fashion by President Joe Biden who, some pundits say, will get him re-elected. Unlike his past SOTUs, President Biden didn't ask the malcontent Republicans to join him in legislative tasks to boost the country, instead he forcefully called them out on just about every issue they truculently oppose. With satisfaction I can type that Republicans' frilly gnatzie underpants were showing!

SOTU 2024 in Balsamic Lunar Phase: Prophetic

Citing a positive vision for our nation's future, Joe Biden symbolically reached ahead toward the promises of the visionary Great American Eclipse of April 8, 2024 of prophetic dreams, and claimed them to include in his bracing, forward-looking speech. Combative, yes, (his natal Saturn-Uranus conjunction came in handy!) and we can see these facets in midpoint pictures with the North Node of public contact in pioneering Aries at apex; penned on the chart, look for NN = Saturn-Uranus midpoint: combative energy, but also NN = Sun-Jupiter: new plans that feel "bound to succeed" (N. Tyl):

Above: SOTU 2024 9:27 pm est (lower left, Hour of Sun) and SOTU 2024 10:34 pm est (upper right, Hour of Mars); timings used from my phone's time stamp, yours may differ slightly.

Other astro-notes are listed on the charts for the curious including President Biden's natal Mars @12Scorpio rising as he ended his SOTU address--and with transit Jupiter in obstinate, often greedy Taurus opposing his Mars, a challenging opposition that will soon pass from Jupiter's Sabian Symbol word picture: "A Man Handling Baggage."

Well, I'd have to say that last night, Mr. Biden "handled" the dead-weight Republicans very well, those who refuse to govern and only pretend allegiance to America. Yet the quarrels won't end for it's Campaign 2024, after all.

And one, perhaps the major, issue the President has to improve upon is his outward support of Netanyahu's brutality against the Palestinian people and thousands of Michigan voters' recent protest against Biden's public stance--notwithstanding his workings behind the scenes toward a ceasefire in Gaza. See upper right corner for the Nemesis (divine foe) conjunction with Niobe (grieving mothers), both lingering in retrograde, for the Israeli-Palestinian paradox, the inability to forgive leading to endless acts of revenge, has caused strife and suffering in the world for as long as anyone can remember.

A Change of Perspective for Election 2024!

So now it's been confirmed that the Venus Election Cycle may be on the Democrats' side after all. Why? Because with election Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the outsider or stranger, the Venusian forecast is for a rival of the incumbent to be victorious this November, and there have been only a couple of exceptions through the years. But now that it's obvious that it's to be a Biden-Trump match-up and Herr Trump is running as "an incumbent," his Democratic rival is just as likely to win the presidency! Even more likely, if we-the-voters do our parts by turning out in massive numbers to Vote Blue for democracy on November 5, 2024. It's not hyperbole to say that our childrens' futures are on the line - and with women voters, a Biden victory can be assured and, along with House and Senate victories for Democrats, Roe v Wade will be restored along with womens' rights.

So in closing, here's a clear-eyed, plain-spoken, don't-miss podcast episode concerning last night's SOTU 2024 from the excellent David Feldman helpfully giving us The Mop-Up.

More astro-notes can be found in my previous post on Biden's SOTU Address 2024, written before the 9:00 pm start time was announced, and with Spica rising at 9:00 pm--still a symbolic chart for SOTU 2024, but it took several minutes for his glad-handing through the chamber (his old stomping ground) to lead President Biden to the podium where he began to speak at 9:27 pm!

A Closely Related Post: The Saturn-Uranus Cycle of Joe Biden.

Dec 6, 2017

Trump to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (Phaethon?)

Of Prophecy, Fate, Phaethon in Taurus, Israel, and Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Dec 6, 2017: Today Mr. Trump announced the relocation of the American embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Jerusalem just in time to aid in the fulfillment of the Scriptural 70-year prophecy concerning Israel and its Holy City (see Daniel 9:24). It is reported that the embassy relocation and construction will take a few years to complete.

In a previous post, I published the May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET chart of the State of Israel but today I'm posting the horoscope that Nicholas Campion says many Israeli astrologers use. It is set for 32 minutes later when Ben-Gurion stated that,"The State of Israel has arisen" (independence from Britain).

In the bi-wheel image, below, Israel's Solar Return 2018 planets (May 14, 2018 @3:59:21 pm EET Tel Aviv (since it's the natal location in 1948) is shown around the May 14, 1948 natal chart. All founding data from which the Solar Return chart issues is gleaned from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Please enlarge the image to read chart notes for as you see, Israel's natal 12th house Neptune @10Libra Rx rises in the Solar Return 2018 chart and natal Sun @23Tau41 is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of planets in 1948 indicating ruthless achievement. Neptune rising suggests instability, deception, and/or potentials for fraud to occur yet Neptune also represents the Divine Source and this can relate spiritually to Biblical prophecy

A Locomotive pattern also shows up in the 2018 Return chart but it is lead by Jupiter @17Sco39 Rx. Another planetary pattern that appears in both charts is a Thor's Hammer (aka, Fist of God) which contain elements of fate or karma (reaping what's been sown). In 1948, the Hammer formed between the Pluto-NN square pointing toward natal Jupiter @27Sag38 Rx in 2nd house; in SR 2018, it's between the Saturn-ASC square pointing toward natal/Return Sun in 7th house of Partnerships.

We may wish to read the 1948 and 2018 Hammers as midpoint pictures: in 1948 the potential is for 'power attained through force with the help of others' which obviously came true. In 2018, the potential is for 'difficult conditions or circumstances' and/or 'separation' (Ebertin), spotlighting such conditions that have already been in effect for years now particularly for the Palestinian people.

Note that a natal or foundation chart for the state of Israel also applies to the same for Palestine). Also note that the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse 'hit' Israel's 1948 Mars (28Leo18)--and royal star Regulus (keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided). Yet so far, an endless round of revenge tragically characterizes Israel and Palestine since ancient times.

As for the timing of the 70-year prophecy related to 2018, note that there will be a New Moon on May 15, 2018 @24Tau36--within orb of Israel's natal Sun and denoting a new cycle of activity. Another curious factor in the SR 2018 chart is that one of the asteroids of fate, Phaethon (the Greek version of Icarus who flew too close to the Sun, crashed, and burned) is snugged between the Taurus Sun and Moon, however, in relation to the 70-year prophecy, Phaethon @11Tau02--about to make its own Return to Israel's natal Phaethon (16Tau23)--may be merely a minor detail.

And yet, is it a fated synchronicity that 3-mile wide asteroid Phaethon hurls extremely close to Earth just before Christmas 2017? A certain meteor shower peaks on December 13 with Phaethon traveling among the Geminids. A Super Moon (Nolle) veiled them from sight in 2016 but here are details on where, when, and how to see the 2017 Geminid Meteor Shower.

And where is Donald Trump's natal Phaethon, you may wonder. Born June 14, 1946, Mr. Trump's natal Phaethon is @23Tau02 conjunct his natal MC--conjunct Israel's natal Sun!

So if you look up and manage to spot Phaethon among the starry throng on December 13 or during the wee hours of December 14, tell him Donald Trump says Hello.

Aug 23, 2015

The Real Reason Why Princess Diana Was Assassinated. Ex MI Agent Testifies - video

Pictured below is a previously published horoscope of the death crash of Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed with details at Jude's Threshold (sans any recent updates.)

Princess Diana's land mines work has always seemed to me enough reason for certain entities to assassinate her and as the lady says in the video, above, Diana was about to begin humanitarian work concerning the plight of the Palestinian people.

However, recently I have come across another theory: that the real target was Dodi al Fayed--having to do with arms deals and Saudi Arabia which wouldn't surprise me in the least. Apparently both Diana and Dodi had multiple enemies willing to 'take them out' by whatever means necessary. At the time of their tragic deaths, a major transit of Neptune @27Cap was threatening an erosion or dissolution of power in the US as the nebulous, fraudulent planet insinuated itself via conjunction with America's natal Pluto Rx @27Cap33.

This erosion (which probably included monetary power with wealthy Pluto affected) was not being achieved by anarchy but by more subtle methods such as treachery, poison, contagion, or even religious and/or psychic and occult powers. (The suspicious alcohol blood level of the car's driver could be indicated here.) I remember how tears flowed in this country and across the globe over the untimely death of the Princess of Hearts just when she had finally found 'true' love! Or the illusion of it. And with Neptune to US Pluto, the melancholy tragedy was a perfect opportunity for religious leaders to appear all over TV multiple times over the next year or so.

Even now, I wonder: can any American deny that the United States of America is an 'assassination nation'? And this is Not how the Founders designed our Republic to be!

Mar 16, 2011

The Iron Wall (video link) -- of Zionist colonization

The Iron Wall (Video link)

"Zionist colonization must either stop, or else proceed regardless of the native population. Which means that it can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind The Iron Wall, which the native population cannot breach."

Vladimir Jabotinsky 1923

Click to read details and view a 57-minute video on this important topic; naturally, the tense duo of Saturn (tectonic plates; soil; earth; constriction) and Uranus (splitting; breaking; loosening) are implicated and are associated in Mundane Astrology with the Middle East particularly Israel and Palestine. The duo's last Great Conjunction/s occurred three times through 1988 - under Ronald Reagan's watch though his deputies may have been minding the national store while the Gipper snoozed; Saturn and Uranus conjoined forces in the near-final three degrees of Sagittarius 27-28-29 rather near Galactic Center. 29 degrees of any sign, as you know, is often in critical or crisis mode and the planet prepares to move into new territory, the next sign.

We felt the Saturn/Uranus opposition in the November 2009 presidential election and again in 2010 across the Virgo-Pisces axis. Nowadays, with Capitol Hill's traditionalism v radicalism, plus riots, protests, strikes, rebellions, overthrows, stepdowns, bombings, disenfranchisement, earthquakes, volcanoes, and nuclear catastrophes, we groan under their brittle 165-degree quindecile relationship indicating 'disruption of governing systems' and 'defiance of law and order.'

Guess that also applies in the spiritual realm to natural law and order.


For more details on the compulsive-obsessive aspect The Quindecile, allow Ricki Reeves to explain.

Jun 1, 2010

Israeli flotilla attack from a Palestianian perspective

News of the violent May 30, 2010 Israeli flotilla attack is being reported by all corporate-controlled, NWO-promoting mainstream news sources and alternative sites as well yet I sallied forth into cyberworld seeking a Palestinian source with a necessarily different viewpoint.

The old propaganda engines have become tiresome, y'know? And Israel's Siege of Gaza needs to end for humanitarian reasons, terrorists included or not.

So you may wish to try Ma'an News Agency for a different p.o.v. without all the imperialism creeping in. What creeps in? Well, I can't promise you that nothing will but sometimes you just have to take a chance on a click!

One thing I know: the US and Israel are working to start another war. It's their accustomed M.O. and the May 30 flotilla mayhem may bear likeness to the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident that falsely undergirded America's entry into Vietnam.

And the propaganda of nationalism in the US assisted the American people down the trail to ruin as it continues to do today.

Mar 2, 2008

Noam Chomsky: media plays the game

The media want to maintain their intimate relation to state power. They want to get leaks, they want to get invited to the press conferences. They want to rub shoulders with the Secretary of State, all that kind of business. To do that, you've got to play the game, and playing the game means telling their lies, serving as their disinformation apparatus. -Noam Chomsky

Here are some natal details on Chomsky, and this recent post concerns America's backing of Israel and the upcoming Saturn-Uranus opposition, a cycle which began with their conjunction in 1988 and which was triggered by Dec 2007's Great Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction.

Jan 21, 2008

Chomsky on US backing of Israel

Noam Chomsky

The Apartheid Paradigm in Palestine/Israel

22 Minute Video

Chomsky says US backing of continued Israeli occupation and annexation of Palestinian land is the biggest obstacle to peace.

Article at Information Clearing House.

The Saturn-Uranus pair (Middle East esp Israel and Palestine) began their cycle at conjunction in 1988:

1. Feb 13; 29Sag55
2. June 26; 28Sag47
3. Oct 18; 27Sag49

This cycle I have mentioned before because their opposition phase is now forming 20 years later and the Dec 11, 2007 Great Conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto occurred upon the above degrees (28Sag24.)

Peace brought by Jupiter-Pluto plutocrats?

Peace imposed from without? Or the people's misery made worse for political gain?

Whatever it brings, the opposition phase is one of culmination--like a Full Moon--so as the people of Gaza suffer, I pray for the peace of Israel as Scripture admonishes us to do, Palestine included.

Is cutting them off without food is the best anyone can do?