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Showing posts with label Taurus New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taurus New Moon. Show all posts

May 22, 2024

May 23, 2024 Full Moon @3Sag

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday morning May 23, 2024 a Full Moon @2Sag55 perfects over Washington DC at 9:53:07 am edt. The Full Moon Horoscope, below, displays the Moon out-of-bounds (OOBs: estranged, alienated) leading a BOWL shape of advocacy for cause. Check the lower right corner for a few astro-notes re: a Sagittarian Moon and note that the Air-Fire Sun Gemini-Moon Sag blend is that of Mr. Trump with its hypnotic "Pied Piper" vibes and an ability to "wiggle out of tight corners like Peter Pan" (The Harveys):

Fact is, a Full Moon is the culminating stage in the monthly lunar process and this one was seeded at the May 7, 2024 New Moon @18Taurus - the Syzygy Moon of the current Trump Trial - and can likely relate to the Trump Trial for Election Interference in Judge Merchan's Manhattan courtroom, a possibility as the criminal trial nears its close. This potential was suggested to me by my friend, master astrologer and author Michelle Young.

A final factor worth noting is that the May 23rd Full Moon @3Sag conjuncts the natal Ascendant of President Biden (peep-eye!) while the opposing Sun conjuncts his natal Uranus (2Gem46 Rx) which spotlights his unique qualities, relates to group organization, and yet some measure of disloyalty may also be under scrutiny.

May 11, 2018

Caput Algol screams upon Donald Trump's Midheaven

Medusa Wikimedia Commons; circa 1878

If you could choose any star to avoid in connection to your natal chart and planets it would probably be the most malevolent of them all, Algol (aka, Caput Algol). Here are potentials for Algol, some of which may remind you of a certain public figure we both know all too well these days:

"Mass tragedies: war, mass murder, fanaticism, ruthlessness, bigotry, propaganda, horror, violence, mass vandalism, mob violence, being torn to pieces, extremes of brutality. Death by hanging, strangulation, electrocution, wounds to the throat and neck." (Algol has been in Taurus for more than 1800 years, and Taurus rules the neck and throat...perhaps when it gets to Gemini this will change to wounds to the arms and shoulders ??) "Often found in criminal or murder charts. In mundane charts it may presage great disasters such as mine cave-ins, fires, quakes, riots etc. Extreme sickness." Quoted from Diana K. Rosenberg's page Medusa's Head.

Of course, "wounds to the throat and neck' suggest decapitation which can also include a 'heady' experience that causes a person to overdo his reactions, to 'lose his head'--like, for example, taking over the Oval Office reins and assuming you're above the law. And many would describe demagogue Trump in the White House as "a great disaster" for America and the world. Watch for May 15, 2018's New Moon @24Tau36 (7:48 am edt) for it blinks at Algol, stimulates the natal MC of Mr. Trump, and denotes a new cycle of activity which tragically may include some of the malevolent potentials listed above. The lunation also occurs within a degree of the natal Taurean Sun of the State of Israel.

So as you know, the Midheaven (MC) in any horoscope is the most visible point and describes The Goal or Aspiration Point of the person, entity, or event described by the horoscope. This 10th house cusp is sometimes known as the WHY? Point (ASC = WHAT?; DESC = WHERE or WHERE TO?; IC = HOW?) so there in Trump's Goal department nestles nasty star Algol. Does any of this remind you of the horrendous photo that comedian Kathy Griffin published in which she pretended to hold up a decapitated head of Donald Trump in Medusa-Head style? Me too. Wonder if Ms. Griffin studies Astrology?

Apr 23, 2018

Uranus to Taurus = "Nature's Revolution"

Uranus: Revolution, Rebellion; Taurus: Growth, Greenery, Value, Preservation, the Environment

'1 Taurus' = "A Clear Mountain Stream." '2 Taurus' = "An Electrical Storm."

Note that the great Nikola Tesla was born with an unaspected Uranus in Taurus giving him flashes of genius and sparks of intuition--and a way with electricity never before or since seen. His Uranus @24Tau56 will be conjoined on May 15, 2018 by the New Moon @24Tau36 which also happens to perfect upon Donald Trump's natal Midheaven and the Sun of the State of Israel--and the effects will seem like Uranian 'wild cards' since both New and Full Moons can often act much as eclipses--revealing, spotlighting, disrupting, and timing a change of direction for those affected by its rays.

Horoscope 1:: lower left Uranus to 00Tau00:00 May 15, 2018 11:17 am edt Washington DC; 2. upper right Uranus to 00Tau00:00 November 6, 2018 1:58:24 pm est Washington DC:

Horoscope 3. Uranus to 00Tau00:00 March 6, 2019 3:27:17 am est Washington DC:

My question tonight: will Mother Earth rebel against corporate plundering and degradation of her resources? Or will we?

The phrase "Nature's Revolution" comes from Horoscope For The New Millennium by E. Alan Meece.

Here's a corner of a Hidden Garden for you!

Mar 29, 2017

DC Horoscopes: April 2017 Full and New Moons

April 2017 Lunations Set for the White House Washington DC:

Image lower left: April 11, 2017 Full Moon @21Lib32 2:08:02 am EDT White House Washington DC in 9th house of Legal Affairs; Hour of Venus (valuable things) which rules the Libra Full Moon, 4th and 9th houses; Locomotive shape of success with high-powered executive (CEO) Jupiter Rx leading the engine and in process of completing Donald Trump's Jupiter Return to natal degree (17Lib27 Station Direct in his 2nd house of Money and Values); US natal Sun @13Can19 sets along with our natal Jupiter and Venus in Cancer and powerful wealth-hoarder and manipulator Pluto rises in 1st house denoting difficult to control conditions of profound change and transformation in government, business, and/or law (Capricorn).

Outer = Mr. Trump's natal planets, highlighted in turquoise; Mercury Rx in Taurus will be Rx in Aries in the New Moon chart. One midpoint picture--Venus-Mars = Uranus: erratic show of anger (Munkasey); if we count the Jupiterian North Node there's a 'Grand Trine' between Mercury Rx, NN, and Saturn with erratic radical Uranus nearby. Also note that in both lunation charts are intercepted signs denoting secret, hidden, and/or karmic conditions.

Image upper right: April 26, 2017 New Moon @6Tau27 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Back Room Deals; Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) which rules the 2nd house of the National Treasury and the 3rd house of Communications and Lower Education; trickster Pan rises just after Mars in early Gemini (a US Mars Return soon). This position of Mars is a transit to Mr. Obama's natal Moon indicating a period of anger and annoyance, and although Mr. Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant in Leo are not marked on the New Moon chart (as on the Full Moon chart), they and royal Regulus are constellated around the IC of the New Moon in DC while Trump's natal Jupiter is in the 9th house of Legal Affairs, Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and Ideology.

There are plenty more noteworthy chart factors, of course, and you may want to delve more fully into April 2017 planetary and political conditions as they approach (apply), meet (conjoin), and recede (wane or separate).

May 17, 2007

Honey from the Honeybees

Passing this along from John and Susan Townley:

A New Moon Blessing (of honey!)

For many years after Peter Schiffer (of Schiffer Books) took over the famous “Planets In” series, of which my book Planets In Love is one, he used to send all his authors a jar of Pennsylvania wildflower honey every Christmas, from a friend’s family farm down the road. It was the best in the world, and we always looked forward to it. One year, probably for budgeting reasons, it didn’t arrive, so we located the farm and its owners, Gary Stockin and his family, and we’ve been ordering their wonderful honey several times a year ever since.

Our last shipment of eight one-pound jars arrived last month, and while ordering it on the phone we had a fascinating conversation about the current mysterious bee disappearances, which have hit bee farmers hard all over. Half of all the bees in the country flew off from their hives one day and never returned, including many of the Stockin family’s.

Perhaps it was that conversation, but for some reason Gary had the name Townley stuck in his mind and this month accidently shipped us another whole crate of honey which we hadn’t ordered, which arrived exactly on this fertile spring new Moon. We called him up to arrange for a return, but he’d have none of it. “You’ve got some neighbors or children who like honey, don’t you?” he asked. Just keep it and pass it along as a gift from his household, he insisted.

Well, when a mitzvah like that is literally placed on your doorstep, you don’t ask twice regarding Who truly sent it or in what mysterious way. We’re passing it along, with our blessings and thanks.

And, we’re also passing along to you where to get some of this magical honey, from this wonderful family in Lancaster County, PA. Go see them at:

Stockin's Apiaries

4 Reservoir Rd.
Strasburg, PA 17579
(717) 687-7816


(don't count on that e-mail, but the site, address, and phone work fine!)

It’s better honey (and a better deal, BTW) than anything you’ll find in the supermarket, and it makes the greatest gift ever! Invest in a few jars and help rebuild the bee population, which pollinates all the vegetables we eat, and upon which we all depend for our very lives. If you want to do something concrete to help save the world, start with a little honey in your tea, and then pass it along!

Fair winds, starry skies,

John and Susan

John and Susan Townley’s AstroCocktail