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Showing posts with label Nicholas Campion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicholas Campion. Show all posts

Jun 5, 2024

Columbia: Dec 1819 Horoscope

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

In case the astrology chart of Columbia should be needed at some point, below is a version from Nicholas Camption's The Book of World Horoscopes (#063; #ad) for Columbia December 17, 1819.

The theme of the country's 1 South Solar Eclipse is penned in the center of the horoscope along with a few other basic notes of interest sprinkled around the chart:

"SP" = Secondary Progressions: a day for a year

And if we progress the 1819 noon horoscope to our era, we find that Columbia will soon reach a New Moon phase on August 8, 2025 @17Can52 with its Progressed Pluto-Chiron midpoint of Plutocracy and exploitation conjunct the Aries Point of Global Events. This indicates that the country has been experiencing a Balsamic dark of the moon phase since October 28, 2021 with SP Moon @29Tau16, a critical-crisis degree, and SP Sun @14Can16.

So as always, my heart is with the good people of Columbia and with the populations of other South American countries, and not with the people who exploit them and plunder their reosurces.

Jan 30, 2024

Horoscope: Jordan May 25, 1946

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and World Peace

With the humanitarian tragedy in the Middle East worsening since the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Palestinian refugees have few options for reaching safety for their families. However, Jordan is acccepting Palestinians into their country so perhaps the May 25, 1946 horoscope of Jordan may be informative for those who wish to see the planetary influences operative during this dangerous time.

Adding to the complexities in the region, three American deaths by drone have occurred in the country and tension is high, yet President Biden now says he's decided how to respond to the attack in Jordan.

So below you see Jordan's noon horoscope, number 174 in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad). You'll notice that a few of Jordan's positions are close to the natal positions of D. Trump since he was born in New York USA approximately three weeks later; a few astro-notes are penned on the chart which may or may not be useful:

A previous post: Hamas' Founding Eclipse which repeated in 2023.

And this bi-wheel from 2021: Israel with the May 2021 Lunar Eclipse and a Nemesis Return!

Nov 13, 2023

Volcano Watch in Iceland

Taurus Uranus-Pisces Saturn: Tectonic Shifts

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the comon good

A variety of news sources are reporting on the potential volcanic eruption expected in Iceland specifically for the small coastal town of Grindavik and a state of emergency was issued November 10, 2023. For more details see Iceland braces for a potential volcanic eruption: what is likely to happen and what are the risks?

Being only mildly versed in Astrometeorology, I'll simply publish here for your consideration the two horoscopes for Iceland which appear in Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes (#ad), and which may be handy for future reference.

Meanwhile, I shall add the good people of Iceland to my Piscean Moon's list of folks to be concerned about along with the victims of the multiple traumatic events occurring around the globe.

Iceland legal sovereignty 1918 (lower left) and Iceland Republic Proclaimed and Announced 1944 (upper right); a few study notes are penned on including today's positions of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto with earthy Taurus and watery Pisces standing out although Mars in its own intense sign of Scorpio, Neptune in its own oceanic sign of Pisces, and Pluto in earthy Capricorn are worth keeping an eye on:

A Related Post: The Saturn-Neptune Conjunctions of 1989 and 2026; notably, the conjunction of February 20, 2026 occurs upon the Aries Point suggesting significant world events and, according to Reinhold Ebertin, there may be an element of hysteria developing in certain locations.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Aug 17, 2020

Belarus founding data 1920 and 1991 plus an Eclipse

The Road to Belarus Began in 1918 during the German Occupation of the Region

by Jude Cowell (aka, Judith Cowell)

As you've heard, upheaval is occurring in Belarus over fake election results so with Belarus in the news, I'm adding for current or future reference the two sets of data for the founding of Belarus published in Nicholas Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes. Two horoscopes for Belarus ("White Russia") are provided:

Chart #025: "Belarus - Communist" August 1, 1920 12:00 EET (no exact hour known) Minsk, Russia; Sun conjunct Neptune in Leo, Moon @25AQ11; Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter also in Leo; Saturn @10Vir27 opposes Uranus Rx @4Pis41 ('old order vs new order').

Chart #026: "Belarus - Independence" August 25, 1991 18:00 GMT Minsk, Russia ("independence proclaimed between 14.54 GMT and 18.03 GMT"); early Virgo Sun, Moon @6Pis17; triple Leo conjunction of Mercury-Jupiter-Venus with Mercury and Venus both Rx; Saturn Rx @1AQ27; Uranus Rx @10Cap05 conjunct Neptune Rx @14Cap15 (the 'new world order'/"Enlightenment" pair).

The Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series ('PE') under which Belarus declared its independence from the USSR is the 11 South which perfected on July 11, 1991 @19Cancer. Notably, this 11 South of 1991 is also the PE of GHW Bush Sr's creepy 'new world order' speech he delivered to the US Congress on September 11, 1991 touting the globalist Utopian agenda, so long-planned, as a "big idea." You'll note the sinister "9/11" pre-echo.

So to me, spokesman Bush's "big idea" sounds much like the major clue that wafted from the midpoint picture formed by transit Pluto in 2017, the very year Trump pretended to take the Oath of Office and swore his (elusive) allegiance to the US - the year when creepy saboteur Pluto hit the degree of 1993's Uranus-Neptune Conjunction/s @18Capricorn: "The big picture commands a certain course of action which must be followed; very little option to do otherwise" (Tyl).

And the Sabian Symbol for "18Capricorn"? "Smug or strong-armed paternalism." (Jones). Dane Rudhyar gives the degree a revealing picture of "The Union Jack Flag Flies from a British Warship"; he adds, "POLITICAL POWER, its values and its dangers."

Other than perhaps 11 South's themes listed below, I have no insights whatsoever into how Belarus and its current turmoil and violence might play into the Utopian "big picture" which is clearly on someone's radical agenda. Therefore, observers such as myself must wait and watch despite the distractions in the US being play-acted by figurehead Trump whose entry onto the World Stage may seem like a detour on the road to a 'new world order' but whose White House tenure of disruption, chaos, corruption, lawlessness, and anti-constitutionalism may be just what the globalists ordered from the start. Because Democracy and old-fashioned nation-states do get in their way.

So let's close with the themes of 11 South: "the need to make sudden reforms; old ideas and methods fail and new systems are required to deal with events; people will need to think of new ways of handling issues; any blocks could be violently or tragically removed" (paraphrasing Brady's Predictive Astrology). Obviously, when it comes to 11 South eclipses, turbulent proceedings are part of the cosmic picture.

And for the sake of historical comparison, the years in which an 11 South Solar Eclipse manifested are 1901, 1919, 1937, 1955, 1973, (1991), 2009 (@29Cap27), 2027, 2045. Oh and by the way: 11 South is the PE series of the American Revolution with its Total Eclipse clocking in @11Pis11!

Above image: 'Diluvian Flux', a pencil drawing by yours truly.

Dec 6, 2017

Trump to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (Phaethon?)

Of Prophecy, Fate, Phaethon in Taurus, Israel, and Donald Trump

by Jude Cowell

Dec 6, 2017: Today Mr. Trump announced the relocation of the American embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel to Jerusalem just in time to aid in the fulfillment of the Scriptural 70-year prophecy concerning Israel and its Holy City (see Daniel 9:24). It is reported that the embassy relocation and construction will take a few years to complete.

In a previous post, I published the May 14, 1948 4:00 pm EET chart of the State of Israel but today I'm posting the horoscope that Nicholas Campion says many Israeli astrologers use. It is set for 32 minutes later when Ben-Gurion stated that,"The State of Israel has arisen" (independence from Britain).

In the bi-wheel image, below, Israel's Solar Return 2018 planets (May 14, 2018 @3:59:21 pm EET Tel Aviv (since it's the natal location in 1948) is shown around the May 14, 1948 natal chart. All founding data from which the Solar Return chart issues is gleaned from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes:

Please enlarge the image to read chart notes for as you see, Israel's natal 12th house Neptune @10Libra Rx rises in the Solar Return 2018 chart and natal Sun @23Tau41 is the engine leading a Locomotive pattern of planets in 1948 indicating ruthless achievement. Neptune rising suggests instability, deception, and/or potentials for fraud to occur yet Neptune also represents the Divine Source and this can relate spiritually to Biblical prophecy

A Locomotive pattern also shows up in the 2018 Return chart but it is lead by Jupiter @17Sco39 Rx. Another planetary pattern that appears in both charts is a Thor's Hammer (aka, Fist of God) which contain elements of fate or karma (reaping what's been sown). In 1948, the Hammer formed between the Pluto-NN square pointing toward natal Jupiter @27Sag38 Rx in 2nd house; in SR 2018, it's between the Saturn-ASC square pointing toward natal/Return Sun in 7th house of Partnerships.

We may wish to read the 1948 and 2018 Hammers as midpoint pictures: in 1948 the potential is for 'power attained through force with the help of others' which obviously came true. In 2018, the potential is for 'difficult conditions or circumstances' and/or 'separation' (Ebertin), spotlighting such conditions that have already been in effect for years now particularly for the Palestinian people.

Note that a natal or foundation chart for the state of Israel also applies to the same for Palestine). Also note that the August 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse 'hit' Israel's 1948 Mars (28Leo18)--and royal star Regulus (keyphrase: success if revenge is avoided). Yet so far, an endless round of revenge tragically characterizes Israel and Palestine since ancient times.

As for the timing of the 70-year prophecy related to 2018, note that there will be a New Moon on May 15, 2018 @24Tau36--within orb of Israel's natal Sun and denoting a new cycle of activity. Another curious factor in the SR 2018 chart is that one of the asteroids of fate, Phaethon (the Greek version of Icarus who flew too close to the Sun, crashed, and burned) is snugged between the Taurus Sun and Moon, however, in relation to the 70-year prophecy, Phaethon @11Tau02--about to make its own Return to Israel's natal Phaethon (16Tau23)--may be merely a minor detail.

And yet, is it a fated synchronicity that 3-mile wide asteroid Phaethon hurls extremely close to Earth just before Christmas 2017? A certain meteor shower peaks on December 13 with Phaethon traveling among the Geminids. A Super Moon (Nolle) veiled them from sight in 2016 but here are details on where, when, and how to see the 2017 Geminid Meteor Shower.

And where is Donald Trump's natal Phaethon, you may wonder. Born June 14, 1946, Mr. Trump's natal Phaethon is @23Tau02 conjunct his natal MC--conjunct Israel's natal Sun!

So if you look up and manage to spot Phaethon among the starry throng on December 13 or during the wee hours of December 14, tell him Donald Trump says Hello.

Nov 8, 2015

Indonesia is Burning and Nobody Knows (or Cares?) - David Pakman reports


Astro-Note: when we think of fire, blazes, or arson we think of fiery Mars which is now in late Virgo and approaching its 1949 position in the natal horoscope of Indonesia @00Lib28 in the country's 4th house of Domestic Scene and Homeland after passing natal Saturn @19Vir26 (natal IC 11Vir23.) Mars-Saturn is known as the death axis and as David Pakman reports, there have been deaths in Indonesia along with other hardships due to these conflagrations.

For those who may wish to take a look, here is the natal data for Indonesia as given in The World Book of Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion:

Indonesia: December 27, 1949 when "the Dutch gave independence to the United States of Indonesia--"; the horoscope is set for 9:22 am GMT Djakarta, Indonesia (then the new capital) with 11Gem49 rising, MC 11Pis23, and 10Cap11 = 8th cusp where transiting Pluto, planet of wealth, stealth, transformation, and death, has recently entered. Natal Mars @00Lib28 (a Cardinal World Point of Manifestation) opposes natal Moon (the people) in 10th house @6Ari36 (Aries ruled by Mars); the country's 7th house Sun (leadership) @5Cap18 has obviously been transited and transformed by Pluto, a time when the use, misuse, and abuse of power and control are spotlighted.