Are We All Pagans Now?
by Jude Cowell
Over at The Maddow Blog a headline appeared May 2nd saying that the Trump Team flubs the first ad of the 2020 election cycle so, on the topic of a 2020 Trump campaign for a second term, it behooves interested astrologers to discover the position of planet Venus on Election Day November 10, 2020 since goddess planet Venus links to our every-four-year election cycle (eight if a president is re-(s)elected).
For as you know, the White House's 'Oval Office' is a not-so-subtle shout-out to Venus and the World Egg, aka, the Orphic Egg, and America's Founding Fathers, mostly members of secret societies of a pagan persuasion, honored the goddess with statues and symbols all over the District of Columbia--including the feminine statue atop the Capitol Dome, and by their descendants' acceptance from French Freemasons of Lady Liberty with her Illuminati torch held aloft in New York Harbor.
And perhaps you're aware of the many Zodiacs the Founders sprinkled around Washington DC and certain Egyptian obelisks positioned in certain high places?
According to the Venus Cycle of US presidential elections, the outcome can be ascertained by the position of planet Venus on election day (with only two exceptions involving FDR and Reagan) that if Venus is Morning Star and in the sign of Libra, the current party occupying the White House will retain the presidency for a second term. If Venus is Evening Star and in the sign of Sagittarius on that date, a rival party candidate will be the victor as was the happenstance on November 8, 2016 with Venus in Sagittarius, sign of the foreigner. And I know you heard the words "an outsider" touted often during the lead up to November 8th and that's what we got--a businessman, real estate mogul, and beauty pageant/wrestling promoter all bundled into one regressive Republican named Donald Trump (his mobster ties notwithstanding).
Although it's difficult now to see how Mr. Trump can 'grow' into a state of suitability for the presidency enough to warrant a second term, and barring more scandals that reach the impeachment standard, the disturbing news is that on November 3, 2020, Venus will be @15Libra and bright and shiny in her Morning Star capacity which presages a retaining of the White House for the incumbent party (whether it's Trump, Pence, or Paul 'Ron' Ryan). Oddly enough, 15Libra is the exact position of planet Jupiter as I type today and Mr. Trump, the Uranian CEO and broadcaster, is also very much a huge Jupiterian!
What will transpire over the first term of Mr. Trump is unpredictable with his quirky oriental Uranus in Gemini leading all his natal planets from natal 10th house of Career and Public Status. Is there a scandal serious enough to take him down and leave the American people with a Puritan Mr. Pence who left his state of Indiana in turmoil? It would seem America's days as a sovereign nation are numbered and the political class's blending of church and state now in process may lead to revolt among our Puritans who are originally more pagan than they seem to know. Of course, Pagans vs Christians is exactly what Utopians have wanted for centuries along with East vs West and global turmoil.
For more on such topics, you may wish to see Prince Charles: "I Am a Descendant of Dracula" (w/ video and more). For as you know, Founder John Adams and his ancestors such as Henry Adams were members of the Order of the Dragon who immigrated to America under the Puritan guise to escape England's persecution of their paganism, a form of 'founding America for the sake of religious freedom' that current day Christians are convinced describes only them!
Note the (dragon) snake wrapped around the Orphic Egg:
By Jacob Bryant (A New System or Analysis of Ancient Mythology) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Related posts: a modern-day natal horoscope of the 'New World Order' and A Question about American Utopianism.