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Showing posts with label Libra New Moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Libra New Moon. Show all posts

Dec 22, 2018

Is There a Silver Lining for Trump in 2019?

December 22, 2019: with Christmas prep in full swing and out-of-town guests expected soon, plus, the fact that multiple major events will transpire between now and September, I shall venture a peek at the September 28, 2019 New Moon Horoscope set for the Capitol Building, Washington DC. Many of my thoughts on this significant New Moon in relation to Donald Trump are penned upon the chart if you don't mind enlarging the image to read them but below are a few chart details that stand out to me.

The New Moon @5Lib20 (9th house) conjoins the natal 2nd house Neptune (5Lib55) of Mr. Trump who, one assumes, may still inhabit the Oval Office in September 2019. Seeds are being planted which may blossom around the time of the next Full Moon of October 13, 2019 @20Ari14, a critical-crisis degree. Other potentials in the New Moon chart include a 'silver lining' (Jupiter-n Uranus = tr Neptune) or one who is guided by 'false perceptions' which Big T certainly is, and of course, both potentials can apply.

Asteroid Nemesis (divine retribution; the unbeatable foe) conjoins Trump's natal Ascendant in 8th house, and rising at the New Moon is transit Saturn conjunct South Node, a doubly karmic indicator of reaping what was sown in the past--perhaps that's a depressive cosmic indicator for our sabotaged America.

And there's powerful manipulator Pluto with his 'hidden wealth' following at a critical-crisis degree (20Cap). Pluto in 1st house = large-scale events that no one person can control.

Naturally, this difficult Saturn-SN-Pluto trio in 1st house conjures an image of the January 12, 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction which will conjunct the natal Vertex of Donald Trump with fated undertones which may denote a meeting with karma and/or may also suggest his release from presidential responsibilities with little if any damage--through resignation, impeachment, indictment, and/or an ill-deserved pardon for his crimes. Or is death suggested by Saturn-Pluto = natal Vertex? Well, that's for a Higher Authority to decide, not this lowly novice astrologer!

Other notables are the September 28, 2019 transits shown in the chart which conjoin or oppose the natal planets of Mr. Trump whose natal placements are highlighted in lavender pink, outer. Besides New Moon conjunct his natal 2nd house Neptune (a new cycle of shady finances or a financial revelation hidden until the next Full Moon?), natal Jupiter and his guiding planet, Uranus, are triggered by transit Venus (17Lib38) to Jupiter (exaggeration, overindulgence, or the 'good life' calling) and transit Jupiter opposing natal Uranus (exact 3 times in 2019: February 1, June 23, and September 28, as you see--a transit of sudden changes in career, routine, and/or relationships, a longing for greener pastures or golf courses, and nervous feelings as responsibilities and other people present obstacles, limitations, and restrictions.)

As you see, transit North Node @13Can53 conjoins the US natal Sun and suggests the US presidency in the spotlight, plus, 7th house can indicate open enemies which many folks believe can describe Donald Trump. Still, 7th house is the house of Partners and Relationships as well so we'll see if the conjunction denotes significant meetings with POTUS. Then there's US natal Jupiter (5Can56) setting on the New Moon's Descendant (in DC) with Jupiter's Sabian Symbol of "Game Birds Feathering Their Nests," which has always been a pretty good description of Washington politicians in general, don't you think?

Two other difficult 2019 transits for Mr. Trump (not shown in this New Moon chart) which I want to mention are the three times that transit Saturn @17Cap55 will square Trump's natal Jupiter, so strong via its Stationary condition as part of his Neptune-Chiron-Jupiter trio of speculation and grand schemes. This square denotes potentials for that 'down on his luck' feeling (such a martyr!) as Big T's goals and dreams are challenged or limited by responsibilities and/or by authorities--perhaps, legal eagle Saturn will finally demand accountability if he (Mr. Mueller) hasn't already! The three exact 'hits' perfect all through 2019 on: February 25, July 6, and November 25, 2019.

And we mustn't forget the ego-deflation of transit Jupiter opposing Trump's natal Sun (@22Gem55 in natal 10th house of Career and Public Status) three times in 2019 on March 11, May 11, and October 29. Problems include overreach, depleted finances, and others who steer him in the wrong direction (as Fox News heads already do). Opposing forces restrict and principles are compromised (if he held any) during 2019.

Of course, other important transits will affect Donald Trump's natal chart during 2019, some positive, some negative, but they must be for another post or two. Hopefully, you'll stay tuned for them and for other posts to be published as soon as my schedule allows including 2019 eclipse details. And remember that your on-topic comments and shares are always much appreciated by yours truly! jc

Now here's a recent post with my considered view of some early 2019 cosmic events bwo Political Astrology through a common-good lens, plus, a link to Robert Cosmar's insightful 2019 Forecast for America via YouTube. And perhaps at or around Spring Equinox 2019 conditions will provide benefits for some if not for others! And as you know, a Spring Equinox horoscope, aka, Aries Ingress, represents conditions for an entire year and may be referred to until the next Spring Equinox which makes it the most prominent of the Cardinal Point Ingresses.

Oct 7, 2018

Oct 8, 2018 Libra New Moon conjunct US natal Saturn

A New Cycle in the Saga of America's Libran Scales of Justice?

by Jude Cowell

On Monday October 8, 2018 at 11:47 pm edt, a New Moon perfects at 15Lib48 conjunct US natal Saturn (14:48) and denoting the beginning of a new cycle of activity in the realms of Saturn. That the Libra New Moon conjoining our national Saturn relates currently to the highly unpopular Kavanaugh seating on the Bench of the Supreme Court as a new term for the Justices begins seems obvious but in this complex universe of ours, this can hardly be the only result.

Upon reflection, my suspicion from within our two-tiered justice system, is that one result has to do with legal planet Saturn's realms of lawmaking and enforcing, responsibility, realism, authenticity, and accountability. For more details see David Sorota's article America's New Aristocracy Lives in an Accountability-free Zone in which Brett Kavanaugh is mentioned along with several other topics that lesson-bringer and taskmaster Saturn cannot possibly be pleased with. Naturally, Donald Trump's imperative that it be Kavanaugh on the Bench is noted because Brett is in favor of expanding presidential power (without accountability thus placing POTUS above the law) and will work to destroy states' rights to hold the powerful accountable for their crimes through state prosecution. Other far right SCOTUS decisions will be forthcoming, their degrading effects unknown but suspected at this time.

Yes, America's exalted-in-Libra natal Saturn has been under fire for decades (if not centuries!) and it became notably obvious in recent memory during the presidency of Bill Clinton when, in 1996, US natal Saturn turned retrograde by progression and has for years, been in early Scorpio rather than the legal eagle planet's more upstanding, comfortable position in Libra so that America's tradition of (Saturnian) reliability began to fade into Mars-Pluto-ruled Scorpio's brooding darkness and obstinacy.

And note that today's position of transit Saturn conjoins US Progressed ('SP') Moon (The People) which, as I type, falls at 2Cap31, a depressive, oppressive influence that a majority of the populace feels via the Kavanaugh confirmation and the expected negative results from Bart's future SCOTUS decisions which are expected to sway the court toward far right conservatism.

And since the horoscope of the New Moon in Libra links to the Pentagon's natal chart (plus, the New Moon chart's angles conjoin its natal angles--with US SP Jupiter Rx @15Cancer conjunct the Pentagon's natal ASC), below is our death star's natal chart with the Libra New Moon chart surrounding it. Notes are penned on if you care to enlarge the image where you'll see transit Saturn @3Cap24 in Pentagon's natal 6th house of Military, Police, and Civil Service inconjunct natal Pluto @3Leo30 (which conjoins its natal Chiron = plutocracy). Transit Saturn also opposes the Pentagon's natal Mars, the warrior planet (see notes on chart, lower right). Transit Pluto @18Cap46 is angular (conjunct Descendant) and, as you see, has entered the Pentagon's natal 7th house of Open Enemies and Partnerships from where Pluto squares the Pentagon's natal 4th house Moon @20Lib32, a period of obstacles placed upon desires. This Pluto also inconjuncts natal Jupiter (@20Gem59 in 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Self-Undoing) indicating opportunism is underway--that someone is 'victimizing' the Pentagon to satisfy their own personal objectives. Now who in Washington would do such a thing?

Well, 20Gemini points directly toward Trump's natal Sun-NN-Uranus trio and also toward America's natal Mars in Gemini which brings in our national Mars-Neptune square of misguided motivations and wasted energy which happen to be the themes of the Pentagon's Prenatal Solar Eclipse (@25Pis45--conjunct its Midheaven, the Goal Point!) in the 16 South Saros Series (see note on the chart). A 16 South solar eclipse last manifested on April 29, 2014 @9Taurus conjunct the Pentagon's natal Sun (8Tau38) and the next 16S won't occur until May 9, 2032 @19Taurus--conjunct the Pentagon's natal Mercury (19Tau07 in 11th house). Misdirection and waste indeed.

Now for more (soothing!) information check out an excellent overview of current planetary positions at Libra Seeking Balance concerning the New Moon in Libra.

Three Recommended Posts of a Saturnian nature: Trump Inauguration's 2019 Solar Return (horoscope shown) where you'll see transit Saturn @13Capricorn opposing US natal Sun (13Can19 = leadership), a time of challenges when failure to accept responsibilities in the past may come back to haunt in the form of accountability and/or limitations; and The Saturn Return of Mr. Trump: Authority Challenged; plus, The Prenatal Eclipse and Unaspected Saturn of Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Mar 29, 2017

DC Horoscopes: April 2017 Full and New Moons

April 2017 Lunations Set for the White House Washington DC:

Image lower left: April 11, 2017 Full Moon @21Lib32 2:08:02 am EDT White House Washington DC in 9th house of Legal Affairs; Hour of Venus (valuable things) which rules the Libra Full Moon, 4th and 9th houses; Locomotive shape of success with high-powered executive (CEO) Jupiter Rx leading the engine and in process of completing Donald Trump's Jupiter Return to natal degree (17Lib27 Station Direct in his 2nd house of Money and Values); US natal Sun @13Can19 sets along with our natal Jupiter and Venus in Cancer and powerful wealth-hoarder and manipulator Pluto rises in 1st house denoting difficult to control conditions of profound change and transformation in government, business, and/or law (Capricorn).

Outer = Mr. Trump's natal planets, highlighted in turquoise; Mercury Rx in Taurus will be Rx in Aries in the New Moon chart. One midpoint picture--Venus-Mars = Uranus: erratic show of anger (Munkasey); if we count the Jupiterian North Node there's a 'Grand Trine' between Mercury Rx, NN, and Saturn with erratic radical Uranus nearby. Also note that in both lunation charts are intercepted signs denoting secret, hidden, and/or karmic conditions.

Image upper right: April 26, 2017 New Moon @6Tau27 in the 12th house of Politics, Karma, and Back Room Deals; Hour of the Moon (fluctuations, changes) which rules the 2nd house of the National Treasury and the 3rd house of Communications and Lower Education; trickster Pan rises just after Mars in early Gemini (a US Mars Return soon). This position of Mars is a transit to Mr. Obama's natal Moon indicating a period of anger and annoyance, and although Mr. Trump's natal Mars and Ascendant in Leo are not marked on the New Moon chart (as on the Full Moon chart), they and royal Regulus are constellated around the IC of the New Moon in DC while Trump's natal Jupiter is in the 9th house of Legal Affairs, Foreign Lands, Higher Education, and Ideology.

There are plenty more noteworthy chart factors, of course, and you may want to delve more fully into April 2017 planetary and political conditions as they approach (apply), meet (conjoin), and recede (wane or separate).

Oct 4, 2010

Libran New Moon over DC 10.7.10 (Oct-Nov 2010)

Today I'm looking at the horoscope of Thursday October 7, 2010's New Moon 14Lib24 which perfects over Washington DC at 2:44:25 pm edt (using Solar Fire software as always) and falls in the 9th house of that location.

Rising is one of the degrees of the Great Conjunction/s of the Illumination pair of energies, Uranus and Neptune: 19Cap44. At Midheaven, the Goal Point, is 12Sco49 with Venus 13:14 and Mars 15:33 in 10th house; it's an Hour of Venus so relationship and evaluation issues are indicated.

With Saturn 8Lib35 as chart-ruler and Mercury 7Lib25, both in 8th house of Shared Resources, Debt, Credit, Insurance, Big Business, Transformation, and the Occult, their conjunction of Oct 8, 2010 7:40 pm edt at 8Lib40 bosses around October 7's New Moon along with the lunation's ruler, Venus. The New Moon's 8th cusp 2Vir40 is ruled by Mercury which only applies to its conj with Saturn.

The Mercury/Saturn combo relates to caution or frustration during planning sessions, directness or forthrightness in a leader's reasoning, treaties that contain difficult compromises, impasses, delayed or hindered negotiations, and computer programming methods. Saturn makes no other applying aspects in the chart.

However, the 1993 conj of Uranus and Neptune rises which makes it angular (having an energy outlet in the chart) and something of a determinator as well. We may expect issues from 1993 to be on the menu for the next two weeks, or for four weeks, if you count the Full Moon of October 22, 2010 (@ 29Ari33, a critical degree) as the fulfillment phase for the seeds planted during Oct 7's New Moon in Libra.

Uranus/Neptune = ASC: enhanced concentration toward goals; views of others which are gained through insight or intuition; instability; hypersensitivity; anxieties; impressionability. (Ebertin; Munkasey.)

Michael Munkasey gives the Uranus/Neptune pair as 'changes in social and political structures due to new ideals and dreams of the future' (a NWO-totalitarian future, as the power elites would have it! jc); 'sudden upsurges in the availability of illegal drugs' (the better to weaken us with? jc); 'groups formed to exploit oil or chemical resources; subversion using a new method of acquiring information' (PROMIS tracking software? jc)

There is another prominent midpoint picture formed by the New Moon of Oct 7: its conjunction to US natal Saturn 14Lib48 (which was conjoined on 9/11/01 by transiting Mercury - the calls for a serious investigation of 9/11 and the unexplained collapse of WTC7 are getting louder...)

Sun/Moon = n Saturn: renunciation; separation; increased restrictions over progress; addressing problems; a weakened system.

America is in process of her Saturn Return so 'all things Saturn' (including accountability) are in the news and on the evolutionary calendar; the 'fall from grace' flavor of having Saturn in 10th house (US natal Sibly chart) seems to be fulfilling itself before our very eyes.

By now, you're reminded of the Middle East peace process and its elusive yet promised creation of a Palestinian state according to the international concensus. And since New Moons mark the start of new cycles of activity, perhaps Justice Elena Kagan's beginning work this week with SCOTUS is indicated as well since US natal Saturn relates to the Scales of Justice (Libra) and the law (Saturn); the Moon may always signify a woman and the people in a mundane astrology chart.

Astrology is all about levels upon which energy expresses, isn't it? And since many levels of Life express simultaneously, Astrology describes the complexity of it all for the astro-sleuths among us.

Looking Ahead

Also of consideration is Venus' Rx station on October 8, 2010 which begins her 40 days of re-evaluation and diplomatic reviews; plus, upcoming soon is November 9's 'mass destiny' pair of Pluto/North Node hooking up at 3Cap36 and joined by the Moon at 3:13 pm est which may describe extreme measures being taken and/or magnified ambitions.

Plus, the November 2 midterm elections fit snugly within the busy celestial calendar of the next few weeks and I hope all Americans who can will get out and vote.

Oct 8, 2007

New Moon 18 Lib: "Two men placed under arrest"

New Moon 17Lib30, Oct 11, 1:00 am edt, Washington, DC:

As you know, the US secondary progressed (sec) Mars is now station Rx at 18Lib+, or depending on the US natal chart you use, about to be so.

The "Two men placed under arrest" of "18Lib" seems pertinent to what's going on in our newly-evolving police state as well as with Blackwater and other disasters and outrages of the Iraq occupation. Seems the ones who deserve arrest continue their skulking with little interference and under the protection of the DOS.

Rounding up there's the next degree, "19Lib", with its Symbol:

"A gang of robbers in hiding" which also seems tres descriptive of current events yet I confess to feeling a slight tinge of a a robber barons of 1892 flavor with this degree...puts me in mind of them and their descending spawns who now ravage the world's natural resources and enslave populations just as their pappies and grandpappies loved to do. They like the "we create jobs" excuse as well.

As in, we ruin your environment, your health, and your life, but hey! at least you have a low-paying job for which you should thank our exalted selves.

Actually, the Alaskan wilderness is about to be sullied with the open-pit Pebble Mine project--gold and copper abounds, they say. NPR mentioned it just today.

Now my custom is to use Dr. Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols--The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, but recently I have glommed onto Lynda Hill's book, 360 Degrees of Wisdom: Charting Your Destiny With the Sabian Oracles so I thought you'd find Lynda's take on "18" and "19Lib" very informative especially with Thursday's New Moon upon the very spot of the US sec Mars (military; police; firefighters; operatives; men between ages 25--35, etc.)

This New Moon occurs during a Mars Hour and with Mars out-of-bounds...working on his own, and now conjunct US natal Jupiter at the "Gamebirds feathering their nests" degree. Expansion comes with a Mars-to-Jupiter transit and someone will be given more credit than is due (another "superb job"? or more credit woes?)

In its Fall in Cancer, Mars is very self-protective, defensive, and emotional and because of retrogradation, we have a long slog until November with this placement of Mars which can bring us anger, frustration, and discord in domestic relations.

Any planets transiting Cancer always highly affect America with her Venus, Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury in the sign of the side-stepping Crab.

Mars to George Bush's chart:

Mars will be conjuncting Bush' natal Sun (and US n Sun) giving a 'surge' of energy and aggression (ugh) and then Bush's natal Saturn before the transit ends, both in his behind-the-scenes, karmic 12th house of the Unconscious.

Mars to Saturn indicates more focus and careful planning yet may have a frustrating or blocking influence as well. And halfway through will be this picture for Bush:

Sun/Saturn = tr Mars: energies feel confined; running hot'n'cold; a sense of futility; seclusion; loneliness; mourning (Tyl; Ebertin.)

There may be a connection to hospitals involved (12th house.)

The Libran New Moon chart has a financial flavor (click-to-enlarge to read a few of my notes.) One monetary factor is that NYSE's natal Moon is conjunct MC, the Goals and Aspirations Point of the chart.

So check out Lynda's excellent article on the New Moon in Libra and simultaneously learn how Dr. Jones 'switched' the Symbols for "18" and "19" Libra when recording them for Elsie Wheeler here.