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Showing posts with label Uranus to Taurus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uranus to Taurus. Show all posts

Dec 28, 2018

Are We Setting Up the Destruction of the Planet? - Thom Hartmann

Keep Updated by following Thom Hartmann's Facebook Page.


Related Posts with Astrology include: Uranus to Taurus: "Nature's Revolution"! showing all three horoscopes of disruptive Uranus to earth sign Taurus, sign of growth, exact on May 15, 2018, November 6, 2018, and finally - on March 6, 2019 and DC Horoscope: Spring Equinox 2019.

And for a cosmic overview of 2019's background energies you may also wish to see The Lunar and Solar Eclipses of 2019 with Themes.

Oct 27, 2018

"Trumpenkreigers" Act For Mr. Trump!

Talking Points Memo October 24, 2018: FBI Arrest Leader, 2 Other Members of Violent California Neo-Nazi Gang aka, "Trumpenkriegers." These "fighters for Trump" made their first major public appearance at Trump's Huntington Beach, California rally of March 25, 2017 where, as TPM reports, they "allegedly peeled off from a 'Make America Great Again' rally to target a group of counter-protesters. Videos reviewed by the FBI show (a member named Laube) grabbing a journalist and punching him in the face three times, as well as (leader, Robert Rundo) punching a protester in the back of the head" as other group members looked on. The March 2017 violence in Huntington Beach was held under the auspices of Trump's last/current Jupiter Return, a three-fer, with his natal Jupiter @18Libra, the Sabian Symbol of which is somewhat explained in 2018--"Two Men Placed Under Arrest." This also happens to be the degree where America's Mars turned retrograde by progression in 2006 just as Germany's natal Mars once did, with both Rx conditions of 80-years' duration.

Then after the Trumpenkreigers' Huntington Beach 'debut', videos and photos of their violent actions were "triumphantly" shared with a certain white supremacist publication (which shall remain nameless here) and the group went on to attend the Charlottesville SC protest where they continued their assaults on Trump's behalf--little Donald Trump, born under the brutal, violent, raging, destructive energies of the Mars-Saturn = Pluto midpoint picture as we've previously discussed. Upping the stakes of brutality (disowned) is Trump's 12th house unaspected Pluto, the 'overshadowed by shadows' indicator. And of course, the Mars-Pluto combination alone represents 'violent force' and 'brutality' and Mars-Saturn is notable as the 'death axis' (Ebertin). The Mars-Saturn-Pluto picture of violence has been forming off-and-on-again by transit as well (!) and is aided by the transiting on-and-off Saturn-Uranus trine, for as you know, the 'sociological correspondence' of the Saturn-Uranus pair = "violent people" (Ebertin), as in, "Trumpenkreigers."

And curiously (or perhaps not), transit Uranus now hitting the 00-1 Taurus zone of the Zodiac has been activating Hitler's natal Sun. Subsequently, 00-1 Taurus has ingloriously been termed a degree of violence for during his lifetime, Hitler was spurred to violent actions of brutality when his natal Sun was transited.

And if we look to Trump's current Secondary Progressions ('SP') we find his SP Pluto in Leo is now apex of a different midpoint, the 'lack of community spirit' pair of Neptune-North-Node--with SP Pluto = 'willingness to use strong destructive forces', and, 'increased needs for isolation from the influences of society'. Guess that's Mr. Ivory Tower, alone in the White House, as white supremacists carry out physical assaults intended to "forcibly excommunicate political enemies" (TPM). Do you think that bombs in the mail sent to certain of Trump's liberal critics could have a similar effect? See Trump fumes after mail bomber "interrupts" his campaign message for the constant media coverage apparently "ruined" Trump's week of bombastic propaganda.

Yet the underhanded RAM plot ('Rise Above Movement') is even thicker and drearier for as TPM details (view the Criminal Affadavit dated October 20, 2018 shown in the article), in Spring 2018, a trio of the 'Trumpenkreigers' allegedly traveled to "Germany, Italy, and Ukraine to 'celebrate Adolf Hitler's birthday' and meet with members of European White Supremacy extremist groups" and this, according to Customs and Border Patrol interviews and social media posts, is now part of the evidence against them (their 'recruiting' videos--shared brazenly or simply stupidly?). Apparently while in Europe they met with "the head of Azov Battalion, a paramilitary unit of the Ukrainian National Guard which is known for its association with Neo-Nazi ideology." Well, I won't bore you further if you've read this far but recommended is the TPM article linked above for those who dare face what Mr. Trump's weasel-like equivocation concerning the violence during the Charlottesville protests in August 2017 and his other white supremacy shout-outs and mealy-mouthings have been hiding underneath his semi-invisible plutonian hood.

For as Mr. Trump has so ably informed us, what we see and hear isn't what's really happening.

Related Posts Include: NRA Founded Under Mars-Saturn-Pluto Vibes; Horoscope: Donald Trump's Mars Return August 31, 2017 where we see the Saturn-Uranus trine in action, and The Statue That Binds White Supremacy, World War III, Trump, and the US Congress. Guess whose statue?

Jul 7, 2018

Farewell from The Environment to Scott Pruitt

Thanks for sharing, Candice! The message may be on the naughty side but can't one picture say So Much?

Well, hey! Remember in September 2017 how we discussed disruptive Uranus entering the environmental preservationist-conservationist sign of Taurus in mid-May 2018? Then in April 2018 we talked about the transit of shocking Uranus through Fixed (rigid) Venus-ruled Taurus as Nature's Revolution. And we added to the post the appropriate Sabian Symbols for a couple of degrees.

No, Mr. Pruitt will not be missed by anyone unless it's the industrial and other crooks he did 'business' with while playing head of the EPA (and selling out our country).

Blog Note: if you're of an age (18+) why not check out a newly published drawing Blue Mermaid which you'll spy in my Cosmic Persona Designs collection! (Please ignore the many Google 'triangles' where I shut down the gallery previously and images were 'disappeared'. Yet some images are still available for viewing and some embedded links in various posts remain alive for the tapping or clicking! jc

Jun 24, 2018

2018 Midterms and the Cosmic Trigger Degree

Recently we discussed the DC horoscope of Syzygy Moon of the 2018 Midterm Elections, a Full Moon @1Tau13 conjunct erratic Uranus, the guiding planet of chaos-creator Donald Trump (posited @17Gemini in his natal 10th house with North Node and Sun).

Now let's add a bit about the Taurus-Scorpio degrees involved for 00Taurus is sometimes called the 'cosmic trigger degree' or 'Hitler's cosmic trigger degree' since it's his natal Sun degree and in his lifetime by transit compelled him to commit multiple acts of war and violence. Of course, the triggering influence can extend on into Taurus and even without Adolf's ego problems involved, unpredictable Uranus by transit can act as a planetary trigger for disruptive events such as protests, strikes, natural disasters, revolutions, or wars, plus, as you know, Taurus is a sign of Fixed (rigid) energy, brittle as is astrological Uranus.

Now since the first few degrees of Taurus is the path Uranus and other planets entering the sign will take in the Zodiac, let's refer to the Encyclopedia of Astrology (1947) by Nicholas Devore in which he gives some interesting details concerning the first few degrees of Venus-ruled Taurus as:

00Taurus: powerful in combining old principles in new applications.

1Taurus: magic.

2Taurus: degree of plot and strategy; important degree in nativities of great military generals.

In 1947 @2Tau51: Sharatan (or, Sheratan, beta Arietis): a pearly white star of the Ram's North Horn (Mars-Saturn); unscrupulous; defeat; destruction by war, fire, or earthquake.

3Taurus: Exaltation of the Moon; a fortunate degree; one accustomed to the exercise of authority (also centaur Chiron was discovered in 1977 @3Tau08--jc).

4Taurus: Founder of a sect; the seat of law.

5Taurus: occultist; healer; hermit.

6Taurus: degree of many enemies.

Now other stars appear along the Taurean path as well and you may wish to read about Sharatan, Hamal (the alpha star of Aries--to follow one's own path), and others at Constellation of Words.

Hopefully, when maverick planet Uranus reaches 00Taurus+ again, it won't trigger too disruptively its 'enemy' planet, restrictive Saturn Rx in the World War II horoscope for such a contact can indicate sudden or vast changes to traditions, rules, and regulations (freedom from limits or boundaries) which We The People won't necessarily appreciate especially since Uranus never guarantees predictable consequences, no matter its stated intentions. Taurus is the builder yet Uranus can and may destroy or break--and since unorthodox ways of handling responsibilities already erupt from 'builder' Donald Trump and his gang, we know that in independence-loving Uranian fashion, it's pointless to guess what Mr. Trump and his handlers have in store for reforming the status quo in American society as they break down the US government.

However, we can say that new and unusual directions are definitely on the political path as the 2018 Midterms approach and then beyond into 2019, however wackily election results turn out in November.

And speaking of Uranian disruption, please consider that the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of Donald Trump will soon repeat on July 12, 2018 with its 'separation' implications personal for him yet because of his social position in the Oval Office the eclipse's 'critical times' must thereby include in the cauldron the American public if not the entire world.

Apr 23, 2018

Uranus to Taurus = "Nature's Revolution"

Uranus: Revolution, Rebellion; Taurus: Growth, Greenery, Value, Preservation, the Environment

'1 Taurus' = "A Clear Mountain Stream." '2 Taurus' = "An Electrical Storm."

Note that the great Nikola Tesla was born with an unaspected Uranus in Taurus giving him flashes of genius and sparks of intuition--and a way with electricity never before or since seen. His Uranus @24Tau56 will be conjoined on May 15, 2018 by the New Moon @24Tau36 which also happens to perfect upon Donald Trump's natal Midheaven and the Sun of the State of Israel--and the effects will seem like Uranian 'wild cards' since both New and Full Moons can often act much as eclipses--revealing, spotlighting, disrupting, and timing a change of direction for those affected by its rays.

Horoscope 1:: lower left Uranus to 00Tau00:00 May 15, 2018 11:17 am edt Washington DC; 2. upper right Uranus to 00Tau00:00 November 6, 2018 1:58:24 pm est Washington DC:

Horoscope 3. Uranus to 00Tau00:00 March 6, 2019 3:27:17 am est Washington DC:

My question tonight: will Mother Earth rebel against corporate plundering and degradation of her resources? Or will we?

The phrase "Nature's Revolution" comes from Horoscope For The New Millennium by E. Alan Meece.

Here's a corner of a Hidden Garden for you!