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Showing posts with label Sun Gem-Moon Sag. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sun Gem-Moon Sag. Show all posts

May 22, 2024

May 23, 2024 Full Moon @3Sag

by Jude Cowell

On Thursday morning May 23, 2024 a Full Moon @2Sag55 perfects over Washington DC at 9:53:07 am edt. The Full Moon Horoscope, below, displays the Moon out-of-bounds (OOBs: estranged, alienated) leading a BOWL shape of advocacy for cause. Check the lower right corner for a few astro-notes re: a Sagittarian Moon and note that the Air-Fire Sun Gemini-Moon Sag blend is that of Mr. Trump with its hypnotic "Pied Piper" vibes and an ability to "wiggle out of tight corners like Peter Pan" (The Harveys):

Fact is, a Full Moon is the culminating stage in the monthly lunar process and this one was seeded at the May 7, 2024 New Moon @18Taurus - the Syzygy Moon of the current Trump Trial - and can likely relate to the Trump Trial for Election Interference in Judge Merchan's Manhattan courtroom, a possibility as the criminal trial nears its close. This potential was suggested to me by my friend, master astrologer and author Michelle Young.

A final factor worth noting is that the May 23rd Full Moon @3Sag conjuncts the natal Ascendant of President Biden (peep-eye!) while the opposing Sun conjuncts his natal Uranus (2Gem46 Rx) which spotlights his unique qualities, relates to group organization, and yet some measure of disloyalty may also be under scrutiny.

Jan 31, 2024

2024 Progressions of an Orange Con Man

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Although his name shall not be mentioned within this post, you know whose current Secondary Progressions ('SP') the following information refers to, yes?

Radix Horoscope: June 14, 1946 10:54 am Queens, New York; accuracy of his birth data is probable if not 100% certain. My suspicious nature has always suggested an earlier rising degree of 22/23Leo, the own worst enemy, foot in mouth degree. Yet we're seeing the caution of rising Regulus begin to play out in multiple courtrooms where his obsession with taking revenge is not avoided - it's even promised! - with the ultimate result that everything gained shall be taken away. Add his natal Mars rising in boastful, dramatic Leo and his aggressive, grudge-holding, quarreling nature is clear.

So where is the orange-hued fellow on the evolutionary scale?

Using the day-for-a-year method of evolving his natal planets (which are now grouped into the squished-up Bundle shape of a dictator), we find that his natal Sun-Moon personality blend of Gemini-Sagittarius ("the pied piper" combo) has become Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio with the SP Moon conjunct SP Ascendant (@2Sco24) having recently entered Scorpio - today @00Sco10. Meanwhile, SP Sun is @7Vir14, an Earth-Water personality blend.

Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio potentials: opinionated, pious (!), subjective, long-suffering (playing the martyr role), a vindictive despiser of weakness; zealous and judgmental with a lack of empathy (The Harveys).

On the health front, one interesting factor is that his SP Moon opposes his SP Hygeia Rx @1Tau41 upon the Asc-Desc axis. Then as you know, his natural weaknesses with Leo rising include heart and spine, plus, a hereditary issue may exist from his maternal side due to a Moon-South-Node conjunction in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (liver, gall bladder, spleen). Additionally, Scorpio prominent tends to add sex-related potentials such as infections, and/or surgical procedures. Just musin' not wishin'!

Current SP Midpoint Pictures of the orange albatross include:

Saturn-Pluto = MC (8Leo56): "one-sidedness; severity; desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; self-sacrifice ("I am your retribution," he moans); a magician, an adept (the devil's apprentice?); separation (flight)."

Neptune-North-Node = Pluto (12Leo11): "exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; the breakdown between people living together."

Neptune-MC = Sun (7Vir14): "putting on an act; hiding one's character by the pretense of qualities one does not have; physical disguise; discontent with one's occupation; vacillation, indecision."

Well, I hope this information may be useful for you as we in America face Election 2024 with trepidation. After all, one candidate is a boastful, low-charactered narcissist, pretending to think he's above the law, but now facing a measure of accountability for his actions that he's never seen before because there's never been anything like it!

Midpoint pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.

Above image: Moon Phases; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Apr 17, 2021

Trump's Betrayal under a Full Moon with Pluto the Spy

Catching Spies Despite Their Lies

by Jude Cowell

April 17, 2021: A previous post Trump Campaign's Russian Encounters at RNC 2016 displays a horoscope of the Full Moon which perfected during RNC 2016 (Cleveland, Ohio) on July 19, 2016 @27Cap40 - conjunct US natal Pluto. Contained within is a link to a related csnbc article "Russian ambassador won't name all the Trump officials he's met with because 'the list is so long'," an excuse that apparently sufficed at the time.

Now some might say that it was naughty of me back then to connect the July 2016 Capricorn Full Moon conjunct US Pluto with spies and betrayals of the Trump Campaign but now, with Joe Biden as President and no friend of Putin, things seem to be culminating like a revealing Full Moon can do - similar to a leaky Lunar Eclipse uncovering inconvenient facts and scandals. View the Full Moon horoscope, above, and you'll see, among other things, that Sun-Pluto = Midheaven (Taking Power is The Goal) and the Saturn-Pluto midpoint rises which suggests cumbersome circumstances!

For as detailed by former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner yesterday, Revelation of Trump-Russia Collusion via Manafort-Kilimnik is a Sign we are Trending Toward Justice which sounds as if the 'Pied Piper' of Putinville may finally have to pay the piper himself.

And how cumbersome yet interesting that revealing developments of proof are made public as (publishing) Pluto (the spy) returns to his 1776 position (27Cap33) and creeps up to the RNC 2016 Full Moon under which America was betrayed!

Previously on SO'W: Horoscopes of pardoned jailbird Paul Manafort and gangster Al Capone whose natal Sun @27Cap19 conjuncts US natal Pluto.

Aug 15, 2020

A Revised Look at RNC 2020 and the Moon

Virtual Political Conventions 2020! Trump Accepts the Nomination

by Jude Cowell

A while back (pre-Covid-19) I posted two horoscopes showing the first days that DNC 2020 and RNC 2020 opened their conventions in Milwaukee, WI and Charlotte, NC respectively. Obviously the July DNC chart is now moot since their 2020 convention opens Monday August 17 and runs until Thursday August 20th with a New Moon @26Leo35 on Tuesday (10:42 pm edt) conjunct Trump's natal Mars (rising). Should we expect that Trump's actions (Mars) and tendencies toward retaliation and aggression (his Mars rising opposite US natal Moon, We the People) will be mentioned? Yes, I think so.

Now perhaps the RNC chart I posted for August 24, 2020 is moot as well, however, RNC 2020 is scheduled to open on that date with Trump accepting his party's nomination (if nothing changes) on Thursday August 27, 2020. Note that both conventions occur under the auspices of the Summer Solstice 2020 Eclipse themes of restraint, restrictions, separation (virtual! social distancing! logistics!), and illusions (politics!). See Road Closures and Security Blocks around Charlotte! And Politico reports on Trump's potential choices of venues around DC from which to hold parties and balls and deliver his acceptance speech - such as the White House, an unethical idea to say the least.

Beaming In to RNC 2020: So if we look at Thursday August 27, 2020, we find no lunations perfecting as during the DNC but we do find a few interesting aspects made by the fluctuating Moon which represents the public, the public mood, and publicity in mundane charts. As for the convention's beginning (which shows how it will end!) let's add that RNC 2020 begins August 24th with an excitement-craving Moon-Uranus opposition at 12:00 am edt suggesting potentials for strong anti-social feelings (and not just because of Covid-19 social distancing!), unusual or difficult people turning up, hidden or even occult interests, and/or a tendency to misjudge other people and their relationships. Note that times are Eastern:

Path of the Moon August 27th: RNC 2020

8:00 am edt: Moon in Sag trines Mars in Aries (an echo of Trump's natal Moon-Mars trine) denoting self-confidence, courage, and a talent for easily recognizing and grasping opportunities--traits he's used in the past (SN). Karmically speaking, both Moon and Mars are in Nodal Degree (26). Yet Luna's conjunction with her own transiting South Node indicates such things as bad timing and/or lack of popularity especially among women for it contains a depressive, oppressive Moon-Saturn tinge which, on the positive side, may also denote ambition and strategy. Opposing Moon-SN in Trump's natal chart, of course, is his Sun-North-Node conjunction along with his radical Uranus (his chaotic guiding planet) so that his natal Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius personality blend is spotlighted--that of "The Pied Piper" (the Harveys's "Image for Integration"). And that he certainly is. For some percentage of Americans, at least. Such folk may wish to consider how that ancient tale ended because parents lost their children, thanks to the Pied Piper.

Meanwhile, after her trine with Mars, Luna goes Void Of Course (so that nothing can interfere with the proceedings - or, there could be unexpected outcomes) making no more aspects from Sagittarius until she enters Capricorn at 1:37 pm, from whence she will proceed to engage. Mood-wise, a Sag Moon suggests a Jupiterian flavor to RNC 2020, even happiness, while a Saturn-ruled Capricorn Moon, not so much. More like Luna takes on a down-to-business tone as RNC 2020 closes and Trump accepts the nomination which is most likely shown by the fact that at 11:09 pm edt, Moon (the public) and Sun (the leader) form a trine (120 degr) signifying a harmonious blending of energies via mutual purpose - to continue implementing Trump's dystopian "American Carnage" vision of an authoritarian nation. Trump and his wealthy backers demand a shift of government and power which will (I predict) not turn out to be the smooth lifestyles and grand improvements his easily-led supporters have been promised by what amounts to a demagoguing snake oil salesman luring America to her collapse.

Please Note: due to the confusion surrounding RNC dates and locations this year there is at least one source giving the RNC opening date as August 21st. Whether a Friday would be the choice of the Republican Party or of Trump, then running through the weekend, I know not but for now I shall leave this post intact, as is. For if the dates herein turn out to be wrong, I don't wanna be right. jc

Above image: the Orphic Egg

Dec 7, 2017

Al Franken Resigns Amid Misconduct Allegations - clip

December 7, 2017: Here's a brief commentary by The Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins on the resignation of Democratic Senator Al Franken along with a few remarks on Republicans Donald Trump and Roy Moore--one who should also resign and one who should never take a senate seat:

Personally, my wish is that Mr. Franken will return to comedy after his stint on Capitol Hill. Because, having learned a thing or two about his own out-of-bounds treatment of women, he could write some hilariously insightful jokes about Washington DC's political miscreants and the distressing antics of its G-ross O-ld P-erverts!

And if you're interested, check out Franken's natal horoscope (RR: A) with Sun @00Gemini conjunct Mars, Venus @12Cancer conjunct Uranus, and Moon @9Sagittarius. Curiously, his Air-Fire Sun Gem-Moon Sag personality blend of spontaneity is the same as that of Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich! How weird is that?

Plus, here's a recent post concerning Astrological Atlantis and the Abuse of Power which contains a bit about the natal Atlantis of Al Franken along with certain sexually aberrant fellows now in the news.

Jun 8, 2017

June 8, 2017 Comey testifies under Trump's natal Sun Gem-Moon Sag

Sun Gem-Moon Sag: It's All About Mr. Trump

It's June 8, 2017 and former FBI Director James Comey is testifying today to the Senate Intelligence Committee on Trump-Russia topics under today's Sun-Moon blend (Gemini-Sagittarius) which happens to be the natal blend of Donald J. Trump.

This is an Air-Fire combo of energies of one who is inquisitive, has a vivid imagination, and is usually able to wiggle out of tight squeezes. However, a lack of mental discipline can lead to recklessness, a word often used to describe Mr. Trump's actions especially in the realm of his tweets which are by many people considered to be official statements of the president of the United States of America. Additionally, this blend's tendency toward indiscretion supports his indiscreet Mercury-Neptune square which inspires many misconceptions for his sneaky mind (Oken) to imagine and embroider upon.

Also of interest is tomorrow, June 9, 2017, the day of Jupiter's Direct Station @13Libra (which echoes Mr. Trump's natal Jupiter Direct Station @17Lib27 in 2nd house and sandwiching along with his Neptune his natal Chiron) which will contain a Full Moon @18Sag53 (again, an echo of Trump's natal Sun-Moon opposition conjunct his Nodal Gem-Sag axis) which perfects at 9:09:32 am edt. Transit Neptune squares this Full Moon and suggests illusions, deceptions, and discontent.

A Jupiter Note: Mr. Trump's last of three conjunctions in his current Jupiter Return period occurs August 4, 2017.

Now as you know, Full Moons time stages of awareness, culmination, and/or fulfillment on some level or levels, relate to relationships, and, in this case, 'bookends' the prior New Moon (May 25th @4Gem46). Endings of relationships are possible as is the uncovering of secrets under the rays of a Full Moon. Plus, prominent Full Moons can act much as eclipses (Full = Lunar Eclipses, New Moons = Solar Eclipses) - as 'wild cards' of the Universe - by revealing hidden things and disrupting earthly events. It remains to be seen the legal or political fall-out from Mr. Comey's testimony today and the last time I checked Mr. Trump Twitter feed (it's now 12:30 pm edt) he had not begun to 'live tweet' private citizen James Comey's testimony in an attempt to counteract it. Not yet.

But suffice to say, with or in spite of astrological portents, there will be fall-out.

Here's yesterday's post concerning today's Comey testimony (tri-wheel charts shown).


For more Gem-Sag info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.

May 6, 2016

Trump and Gingrich: Peter Pan and the Pied Piper

Trump and Gingrich: Which One's Which?

by Jude Cowell

Apparently Mr. Trump will be the Republican nominee for the 2016 race for the White House and, politician being needed to bolster his lack of knowledge, many pundits are speculating that his choice of VP running mate could turn out to be former Capitol Hill-er, Newt Gingrich, the old shut-down artist and Bohemian Grove attendee himself. As you may remember, Gingrich led a shut down of the US government in 1995/1996 and was pivotal in taking out a Saturnian Contract On America (which is what I've always called it.) What will the Pied Piper lead Donald to?

Trump and Gingrich working together as POTUS and VP would be two big-headed megalomaniacs bashing their noggins together! Mr. Trump is a street smart wheeler dealer while Mr. Gingrich actually is intelligent in a scholarly way so could the skim-the-surface circus barker put aside his ego long enough to take advice from The Professor who knows Politics? Well, Mr. Gingrich has been promoting Mr. Trump for quite a while now and it seems that both men are determined to 'make America great'...again. Of course, in this noble sounding endeavor they must manage to ignore the part Republicans such as Gingrich played in undermining America in the first place. (And no, they weren't the only ones.)

So is this why they seem so similar to one another? Well, they do have a lot in common, don't they?

Astrology Says: Newt and Donald Share Sun Gemini-Moon Sagittarius Personalities!

Of course, there are plenty of differences to be found in their charts and psyches as well. Mr. Trump was born in Queens, NY on June 14, 1946 after the older Mr. Gingrich had entered the earthly flux on June 17, 1943 in Harrisburg, PA. Obviously their solar degrees are close in Gemini but to have such close Moons 3 years apart (two Full Mooners)--well, I won't say it's a 'match made in Heaven' because I refuse to believe that our beneficent Creator would do that to us. However, Trump's chart is basically a Lunar Return for Mr. Gingrich and almost a Solar Return for him, too.

Now previously in a post about Mr. Trump I wrote that Sun Gem-Moon Sag adds certain tendencies...such as flamboyance, outspokenness, independence, and spontaneity. An inquisitive 'eternal student' and "positive thinking" promoter is described by the zealous Air-Fire Sun Gem-Moon Sag. Add lots of mental ingenuity, intuition, and an ability to talk people into most anything and we have the pair of them. Education makes the diff in how each one turns out though the image of a used car salesman seems quite appropriate for both, imho.

And 'perpetrator of multiple marriages' applies to both men, too, which may be attributed in part to their shared Sun-Moon personalities which can wriggle out of tight corners but with clouds of indiscretions and misdemeanors following behind. This relates to an emotionally immature 'Peter Pan nature' where greener pastures are sought if and when the going gets tough--and it always does, doesn't it? Taking responsibility for actions is not a strong suit either which is not to say they don't have good ideas at times. How such personalities could fit within the White House and lead the country into anything other than a ditch is anyone's guess but please don't say that either one of these big talkers is what the American people deserve because they seem to me more like the President and VP that no one was waiting for!

Never a fan of "Pied Piper" Gingrich (nee, Newton Leroy McPherson), I have stated here and there that No, Newt is not from Georgia. I am from Georgia, he is from Pennsylvania. It's a small point but pundits used to remind the public quite regularly of whence came Newton--and it was not from my home state.

So have a look at the natal horoscope of Newt Gingrich if you wish while I confess that years ago it was a relief to think that I would never again have to mention him on Stars Over Washington or anywhere else but with Newt's name back in the news a la 2016, the charm has apparently worn off so here he appears.

Astrologically noting that transiting Saturn in Sagittarius, planet of restriction, authenticity, authority, and responsibility, will reach the natal Moons of both of men from December 2016 into 2017 bodes a fair amount of ill for their deepest desires (Moon) for expansion, plus, Saturn will simultaneously oppose their natal Suns possibly denoting health issues. But we'll see how effective conservative Saturn turns out to be at denying or limiting them in what their strong egos (Suns) demand. Or, this applies to Mr. Trump if Newt is out of the official picture and for the purposes of this post. Naturally the women (Moons) in their lives could be affected as well especially with their natal Gem-Sag Full Moons indicating partnerships. Anyway, old man Saturn and 'Peter Pan personalities' seldom team up very well being opposites and all.

Related is the natal chart of Donald Trump in case you find that a gander is necessary.

Also related: Newt Denies Bohemian Grove Attendance! (includes video of him being asked about it), plus, a bit of Jupiter-Uranus.


For more info, see Sun Sign-Moon Sign, by Charles and Suzi Harvey.