When it comes to the Dissolution of the Soviet Union we think of the date Mikhail Gorbachov stepped down from the presidency and left Boris Yeltsin in charge of the newly minted Russian State. Apparently this difficult event is considered by Vladimir Putin to be well worth revenging as we see with his use of American politicians and cyber war to 'bring down' our nation from the top tier, plus, his other draconian methods...success at any cost, ends justify means! Not my cup o'tea, how about you?
Now there's no need to mention names of compromised US politicians because we know who they are, or at least we know the ones who are public figures and are abroad (NATO Summit, Helsinki) embarrassing on, and withdrawing America from, the world stage as I type. As usual, Mr. Trump's arguments to our allies are cobbled together by mixing a little truth with a lot of falsehood, the most efficient way to pull the wool over someone's eyes, or confuse issues at the very least. He does this every day. But the thing is, once truth is diluted, it is no longer true or the truth because half truths are not actually truths.
So if you haven't yet, take a look at the planets' positions in Moscow on December 25, 1991. The horoscope I use for Russia is from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes which primarily cites historical records; the Flag was Raised at 5:45 pm GMT Moscow, State of Russia with 25Leo16 rising and 9Tau58 at Midheaven. Yes, Leo and Taurus are the same Fixed signs on ASC and MC as in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump. Different degrees, same signs, suggesting a shared character trait: strong determination and perhaps a toxic measure of irrational will. And we get to 'add' a Leonine Mars rising to Trump's chart...Mr. Street Fighter, always spoiling for a fisticuffs, red-faced at the slightest exertion, a general blowhard, a litigious deadbeat, and a bounder and cad with the ladies. He was never presidential material and has shown no interest in 'growing into the job' as many had hoped. Still, he is pretty good at following Putin's directions and will report on his performance at the NATO Summit in Brussels when he huddles in secret with Vlad in Helsinki on July 16. Yep, we watch semi-dumbfounded as Donald Trump does just what Putin would do!
So besides hitting US natal South Node (double the Saturn!), the Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 conjoins Russia's natal Saturn posited in its 6th house @5AQ10. You know astrological Saturn and you know what an entity's 6th house entails besides the military so I won't bore you (more than is often necessary). And of course, Saturn in Aquarius, its ancient sign of ruler-ship (and still is in some astrologers' estimations) hints that Russia considers herself well disciplined and ready for any contingency that may emerge--and the eclipse can bring out this issue or perhaps activate it. Planning is a specialty in the Russian mentality which tallies with the kind of leader for whom revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes, Putin's long-term planning is now paying off through the redoubtable form and agency of Donald Trump who fancies himself, is always in need of large amounts of money, is suggestible through flattery and corruptible via pay-offs and bribery. Why, Spanky is plum dreamy and oh so blackmailable...
Meanwhile, the transiting, ever-circling South Node of the Moon (SN), the 'tail of the dragon', is an integral part of this late July 2018 lunar equation since the close presence of the Nodal axis is how to tell that a Full Moon is actually a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, whether Total (strongest) or not, often have incredible influence upon events, conditions, circumstances, and/or people and tend to excite surprising revelations or news, 'reveals', secrets, gossip, and scandals. Unconscious motivations may become starkly obvious to self or other and suddenly a new direction is offered or enforced--and that's usually when we become aware of the strange light now cast upon the objects below!
Soon to be posted from my astro-drawing board: details concerning Russia's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and when it repeats. Hint: current events (political theater performances, as I often think them) are part of a long-term 'new world order' agenda as was the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush41's invasion of Kuwait, and his 'new world order' speech (open avowal of global government!), 9/11/01, the rise of terrorism, brutal dictators, the caging of children, authoritarian governments "winning" elections (strong-armed paternalism)...all events that were influenced by the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993. Ideally, Faith and Reason are meant to shake hands in this particular cosmic equation of planets but with the forces of destruction closing in on little Planet Earth and its inhabitants, what are the chances that this isn't the Old Order of 1776 passing before our eyes in these momentous times?