"Military power can't cure everything"! Now who let
that cat of the bag?
Because the people knew it, you and I knew it...but are the power elite are just now figuring it out?
Well, glory-be! NATO's 'new strategy' is to be "unveiled" at the Lisbon summit later this week while powerful, subversive Pluto - the world's secretive string-puller supreme - continues 'meeting' with North Node (their exact conj was on Nov 9) with both now @ '4 Capricorn' = "A Party Entering a Large Canoe" = ORDERING...
positive expression: exceptional capacity for bringing all proper relationships to a point of effectiveness in any given exigency of everyday affairs;
negative/unconscious/shadow side: inability to get along with anybody.
The Illumination Point of this degree (to glean more hidden info - this degree may be quite telling) is '4 Cancer' which is America's natal Venus degree (rounded up from 3Can+) so we find that:
'4Can' = A Cat Arguing with a Mouse" = JUSTIFICATION...
pos: a gift for persuading others to accept the motives of self and to co-operate with its ends; (President Obama in Lisbon? jc);
neg/uncons/shadow side: interminable quarreling with the nature of things.
The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones.)
Transiting SN now conjoining US natal Venus indicates separation in relationships as the Tail of the Dragon (SN) swipes across our lady Venus, a planet which on one level represents America herself as evidenced by our
copper-lined Statue of Liberty. As previously noted, correct evaluations are difficult to come by these days but hopefully, Venus moving forward after Nov 18 will bring improvements.
And as mentioned in a previous post, the transiting pair of Pluto and North Node (of the Moon) has a
treaties vibe along with other flavors, such as:
Treaties involving the exchange of secretive or clandestine data; breakdowns in security or treaties due to the actions of other persons; people who may not have the country's or business's best interests in mind; violent or criminal persons entering a country secretly at any given opportunity; sewage or waste compacts (nuclear waste? where to put it all - and the US wants to build more - two here in north GA! And Georgia Power wants us to pay an addittional $11 a month
now - in this recession - for projects they promise to build in the future! jc)
(Pluto/NN from:
Midpoints: Unleashing the Power of the Planets, Michael Munkasey; any, all, or none may apply.)
Sounds as if a summit breakdown may be afoot in Lisbon such as with the recent Copenhagen climate summit.
Concerning NATO's Lisbon summit, Der Spiegel has published an interesting interview with German diplomat
Hans-Friedrich von Ploetz. Be aware that, as usual, political propaganda may peek through.
As a chilling teaser, here's an excerpt from the Ploetz interview which for best reading may require a
1984 gong banging in the back of our minds; Herr Ploetz speaks:
"After a period of arrogance, humility has surprisingly returned to NATO. Even if the alliance is more militarily powerful than anyone else, we don't want to be the world's policeman. Though military power is indispensable, it can't cure everything. For that reason, we're developing a new security concept and implementing it with suitable partners."They "don't want to be the world's policeman"!
Really? "Humility"? Is this a joke? Perhaps not, but if so, it is
very surprising and hardly credible.
Ploetz goes on the speak of Madeleine Albright's role in NATO's security/weapons rigamarole with NATO (Apr 4, 1949) touting a "NATO renaissance" now influenced by a supposedly humble streak suddenly appearing in NATO's DNA so that it's now possible to enjoy a
renaissance "in terms of confidence-building measures, disarmament, and arms control."
Now whose arms will be under NATO's control isn't clear to me; whose confidence is in need of building? dunno; from whom will 'disarmament' be expected? Hmmm...from
all sides would be this peacenik mom's ideal. Such a dreamer!
Naturally, the War in Afghanistan will be on the Lisbon summit agenda, too, as the US continues to pretend that arming a population in the Middle East with weapons which may end up in the arsenals of anyone possessing the strength to commandeer them. (These people are crazy.)
Plus, it's being reported that
Russia-NATO relations are on the mend after being frozen during the war in Georgia, with the US perhaps acting as the foot-stomping pouter in the bunch. The summit will be held in Lisbon, Portugal on
Nov 19-20 of this week.
On Sunday Nov 21, 2010, a day after the summit ends (one assumes), a Full Moon perfects upon a 29th crisis-degree at 5:27:18 pm UT +00:00 in Lisbon:
Full Moon 29Tau18 = '30Tau' = "A Peacock Parading on an Ancient Lawn" which always reminds me of India with its symbol of the peacock (see illustration below); with Sun 29Sco18 (the Illumination Point of the the Full Moon's degree), I am reminded of US Inaugural Moon 2009 @ 29Sco45...'30Sco' = "A Halloween Jester."
And of course, the stalled-in-Senate START treaty between the US and Russia is what Mr. Obama wants ratified during the current lame duck session of Congress - but not if Republicans have anything to
to do with it.So with this weekend's Full Moon being the culmination phase of the symbolic seeds planted two weeks prior at the New Moon (New Moon 13Sco40 conjunct Venus Rx on Nov 5 or 6; Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Pisces turn Direct on Thursday Nov 18), we experience and marvel at the synchronous 'As Above, So Below' collusion between events on Earth and the lunations and stars in the sky.
And if humility really has 'returned' to NATO (when did they have it before?), good may accrue for all humanity. Yet given the way these bossy cusses and social tinkerers have handled themselves so far, the question of this potential for moderation will have to remain open-ended around Stars Over Washington for now.
Further details:
NATO Timeline leading up to the Lisbon summit Nov 19-20, 2010.