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Showing posts with label Jude Cowell Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jude Cowell Art. Show all posts

Mar 30, 2024

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good

The opening of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge occurred March 23, 1977 with Mars @2Pis41 ("8:00 am"). When the cargo ship, the Dali (asteroid #2919; Daliya #3384) tragically crashed into the bridge on March 26, 2024 at 1:29:33 am edt causing the structure's total collapse, transit Mars @2Pis31 was in process of completing the bridge's Mars Return 2024.

This return signals a new two-year cycle of activity and projects so it's tempting to wonder if repair will take approximately two years to complete.

Image: A Petrified Forest

With Mars in Pisces: Was Someone Craving Alcohol?

As of yet, I've noticed no mention of inebriation as a factor, and the crash is being described as an accident. Then when we round up Mars' degree to "3 Pisces" we find an interesting Sabian Symbol: "A Petrified Forest" which speaks of a "warning against any reliance upon stabilities--" which can cause an "obstacle to progress" (Jones).

Well, considering how the tragedy will likely affect shipping, the US' and possibly other economies, plus, people's access to their jobs, we might both be forgiven for wondering if the catastrophe is a slap against the candidacy of President Biden. Nah! We wouldn't wonder about such a cut-throat operation being employed, would we?

But checking the collapse position of asteroid Dali we find a curious synchronicity: Dali @22Gem26 conjuncts the 10th house natal Sun of Mr. Trump (22:55), President Biden's 2024 opponent. This must be just a simple coincidence, obviously!

And yet the disaster does create obstacles, collectively and personally for all involved, including the loss of family members for which I am deeply saddened, as are you, dear reader.

As are you.

Jan 31, 2024

2024 Progressions of an Orange Con Man

by Jude Cowell, partisan for democracy and the common good

Although his name shall not be mentioned within this post, you know whose current Secondary Progressions ('SP') the following information refers to, yes?

Radix Horoscope: June 14, 1946 10:54 am Queens, New York; accuracy of his birth data is probable if not 100% certain. My suspicious nature has always suggested an earlier rising degree of 22/23Leo, the own worst enemy, foot in mouth degree. Yet we're seeing the caution of rising Regulus begin to play out in multiple courtrooms where his obsession with taking revenge is not avoided - it's even promised! - with the ultimate result that everything gained shall be taken away. Add his natal Mars rising in boastful, dramatic Leo and his aggressive, grudge-holding, quarreling nature is clear.

So where is the orange-hued fellow on the evolutionary scale?

Using the day-for-a-year method of evolving his natal planets (which are now grouped into the squished-up Bundle shape of a dictator), we find that his natal Sun-Moon personality blend of Gemini-Sagittarius ("the pied piper" combo) has become Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio with the SP Moon conjunct SP Ascendant (@2Sco24) having recently entered Scorpio - today @00Sco10. Meanwhile, SP Sun is @7Vir14, an Earth-Water personality blend.

Sun Virgo-Moon Scorpio potentials: opinionated, pious (!), subjective, long-suffering (playing the martyr role), a vindictive despiser of weakness; zealous and judgmental with a lack of empathy (The Harveys).

On the health front, one interesting factor is that his SP Moon opposes his SP Hygeia Rx @1Tau41 upon the Asc-Desc axis. Then as you know, his natural weaknesses with Leo rising include heart and spine, plus, a hereditary issue may exist from his maternal side due to a Moon-South-Node conjunction in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (liver, gall bladder, spleen). Additionally, Scorpio prominent tends to add sex-related potentials such as infections, and/or surgical procedures. Just musin' not wishin'!

Current SP Midpoint Pictures of the orange albatross include:

Saturn-Pluto = MC (8Leo56): "one-sidedness; severity; desire to rise from difficult circumstances through the application of tenacity and endurance; self-sacrifice ("I am your retribution," he moans); a magician, an adept (the devil's apprentice?); separation (flight)."

Neptune-North-Node = Pluto (12Leo11): "exercising a bad influence upon associations between people; the breakdown between people living together."

Neptune-MC = Sun (7Vir14): "putting on an act; hiding one's character by the pretense of qualities one does not have; physical disguise; discontent with one's occupation; vacillation, indecision."

Well, I hope this information may be useful for you as we in America face Election 2024 with trepidation. After all, one candidate is a boastful, low-charactered narcissist, pretending to think he's above the law, but now facing a measure of accountability for his actions that he's never seen before because there's never been anything like it!

Midpoint pictures: The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin #ad.

Above image: Moon Phases; pencil on paper by Jude Cowell.

Dec 28, 2023

Happy New Year! from Stars Over Washington

It's late December 2023 and pundits are prognosticating that 2024 will be a tough year. Well, around SO'W we're hoping for Best Outcomes for 2024, with a healthy measure of moderation to balance radical exremist elements in the US and around the globe.

Now it's time for my traditional Celebrate! pencil illustration meant for You and Yours to Wish Everyone a --

Happy and Safe New Year!

May 19, 2023

Karmic Saturn in Karmic Pisces until 2026

Image: Saturn in Pisces; paper collage; Jude Cowell 2023; Saturn image via Pixabay

Before the Collective reaches the February 2026 Saturn-Neptune Conjunction at Aries Point, a major energy shift for both planets, we face a few years ahead in which we must deal with Saturn's transit through Pisces, the murky sign of The Two Fishes which I consider to be ruled by Jupiter and co-ruled from a higher plane by Neptune.

For as you know, in the symbolism of Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, one fish swims up, the other down so obviously, a lot rides on how conditions and circumstances are handled as karmic Saturn hands out his lessons and makes his demands for accountability while The Timekeeper wades through the waters and the mud of confusing, often secretive Pisces. Even so, no one needs Astrology to realize that our society is facing multiple positive vs negative issues, and either-or conditions.

Meanwhile, my hopes for America are focused on the fish swimming upwards, how about yours?

Now a couple of months ago here on SO'W, we discussed how transit Saturn entering Pisces on March 12, 2023 had come upon America's 12 South Solar Eclipse of February 1776 at "1 Pisces," the "Public Market" degree of COMMERCE. And as I type, we're hoping that Congress will resolve the "debt ceiling" crisis before June 1st, and obviously a credit default would be the ruination of the US economy, markets, commerce, household budgets--and would put America's credit rating in jeopardy along with the global economy. It's a major gamble set up by the Republican Party and I, for one, am not amused.

So! Here's an excerpt from that particular Saturn-to-12-South post linked, above, concerning the planet of austerity, karma, and loss taking down names while traversing the secretive sign of the two fishes, a transit that promises to be a reality meets fantasy affair!

Saturn in Pisces indicates a period of time when ambition, consolidation, reserve, restraint, restriction, limits, and legal conditions are prominent, and there are potentials for realism brought to flights of fancy, or, in similar fashion to a Saturn-to-Neptune transit, the grim face of reality is visited upon those who neglect Saturn's demands for concentration and upright behavior. Past mistakes are on the table and corrections must be made.

Additionally, sustained hard work is necessary during this period along with struggles with opponents (2024 campaign, etc) as sober Saturn travels through tipsy Pisces; our social safety net programs continue to be a point of contention along with the debt ceiling limit and possible default by the US government, crisis situations made worse by political trickery (which Saturn will not abide).

Oh, and the negative expression for "1 Pisces" may just apply to the debt limit tug-of-war between Ds and Rs: see what you think:

"Complete insensibility to any over-all welfare" (M. E. Jones).

And Dane Rudhyar adds a hopeful Keynote: "The process of commingling and interchange which at all levels demonstrates the health of a community."

The health of a community! Imagine that! Well, pardon me, but one political party is all about such things while the other--well, you know who they are and which social safety net programs they're finagling to destroy. So I'll simply close with, Vote Blue in 2024 as if our democratic Republic depends on it. Because it really does.

Now this Saturn-Neptune infused post can't end without mentioning that transit Saturn in Pisces will oppose US 1776 Neptune (22Vir25), but only once on March 14, 2025 and realistic Saturn will simultaneously square US 1776 Mars. In other words, America's problematic Mars-Neptune square of fogginess will be activated with "misdirected energy" implications. Hidden agendas will continue to paralyze activities wherever possible during this transit, and attempts to uncover facts will remain high on our investigative to-do list; paranoia and fear remain negative conditions for some as what we hope will be a new presidency is just getting starting. Or trying to.

Add to these Neptunian potentials the Saturn square US Mars energies so we may expect delays and cancellations which anger or enrage people along with resentment from, or because of, tiresome malcontents who don't know or have forgotten how to play with others.

Jul 21, 2018

August 2018 Eclipse Spotlights The Unmasking!

Did the Helsinki 'Summit' Get Most People's Attention Finally?

This may be significant: assuming that we can depend on Sabian Symbols to have meaning in and for the Collective, the difficult August 11, 2018 Solar Eclipse @19Leo opposes by degree and sign (Leo-AQ) what at the time I was prone to calling, The Unmasking Eclipse because it manifested in the 10 North series on February 7, 2008 @18AQ, the "A Man Unmasked" degree.

Naturally, the year '2008' is well known for America's world-shaking financial collapse and subsequent heist but that's not the topic of this post. The symbol for '18 Aquarius' as described by Dane Rudhyar and Marc Edmund Jones is the topic for its themes resemble current events and are being triggered via opposition from the August 2018 eclipse @19Leo. In a comparison of the two eclipse charts there are many more planetary and cyclic factors involved, of course, but here's the gist of '18AQ" in relation to Donald Trump being unmasked as the __, a __, or the __ (fill in the blank) we didn't want in the White House even as Mr. Putin is now unmasked as Trump's handler, or, as some would reluctantly say, his boss:

Rudhyar: '18AQ' = "A Man's Secret Motives Are Being Publicly Unmasked"...

"Keynote: The difficulty for the modern individual to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives." This symbol may also "refer to the publicizing of past behavior" and it mentions "innumerable governmental agencies " that are "nearly always able to find access to remains or records of past actions..." Sounds like serenades by old-baggage-handling Trump, KGB-er Putin, and embarrassing Kremlin intel with shades of Michael Cohen's years' worth of records haunting around the edges. And toss in the 'Trump tariffs and trade wars' that, eyed clearly, seem to be intended for the purposes of losing American jobs and crashing the US economy, a further weakening of our nation at Putin's direction--in retaliation for the Fall of the Soviet Union (1991--over-confidently billed as the "End of Communism").

Jones: '18AQ' = "A Man Unmasked"...

This symbol "demands that each person make a public accounting of himself whenever the general welfare requires it. Life becomes a laboratory for an immortal curiosity. Keyword: ANALYSIS." Positive expression: "a considered self-dedication to greater and more wonderful reasons for being"; negative/unconscious/shadow side: "self-betrayal through exceptional ineptitude." (My italics and bolds.)

Public accounting? Long overdue, including Trump's tax returns, but perhaps Mr. Mueller can help us with that. General welfare? Naturally, We The People value it but a mask-free Trump now informs us that he prefers Russia over America, so if confronted he'll probably pretend not to have heard of the concept nor will he respond to the shouted question!

Additional Note: With Montenegro recently on Trump's lips, here's the nation's founding data from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes chart #221: July 13, 1878 13:37 GMT Cettinje, Montenegro. Curiously, the nation's Sun @20Can58 (8th house) was precisely eclipsed on July 12, 2018 (20Can41) while Trump was overseas readying to rendezvous with Putin in Helsinki--and this July eclipse fell into Trump's Prenatal Eclipse Series, the 2 Old North, with themes of 'unfortunate news, separations, or endings', and 'quick action can bring good results'. The upcoming August 2018 Solar Eclipse ('The Tower') @19Leo in the 2 New North Series perfects upon Montenegro's 9th house Mars-Uranus midpoint with Sun-ruled Leo intercepted (Solar Fire v9; Tropical; Placidus System).

Above image: The Past Has a Way, another pencil drawing by Jude Cowell.

Jul 12, 2018

July 2018 Lunar Eclipse Blinks at Russia's Saturn!

Secrets in Shadows.

When it comes to the Dissolution of the Soviet Union we think of the date Mikhail Gorbachov stepped down from the presidency and left Boris Yeltsin in charge of the newly minted Russian State. Apparently this difficult event is considered by Vladimir Putin to be well worth revenging as we see with his use of American politicians and cyber war to 'bring down' our nation from the top tier, plus, his other draconian methods...success at any cost, ends justify means! Not my cup o'tea, how about you?

Now there's no need to mention names of compromised US politicians because we know who they are, or at least we know the ones who are public figures and are abroad (NATO Summit, Helsinki) embarrassing on, and withdrawing America from, the world stage as I type. As usual, Mr. Trump's arguments to our allies are cobbled together by mixing a little truth with a lot of falsehood, the most efficient way to pull the wool over someone's eyes, or confuse issues at the very least. He does this every day. But the thing is, once truth is diluted, it is no longer true or the truth because half truths are not actually truths.

So if you haven't yet, take a look at the planets' positions in Moscow on December 25, 1991. The horoscope I use for Russia is from Campion's The Book of World Horoscopes which primarily cites historical records; the Flag was Raised at 5:45 pm GMT Moscow, State of Russia with 25Leo16 rising and 9Tau58 at Midheaven. Yes, Leo and Taurus are the same Fixed signs on ASC and MC as in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump. Different degrees, same signs, suggesting a shared character trait: strong determination and perhaps a toxic measure of irrational will. And we get to 'add' a Leonine Mars rising to Trump's chart...Mr. Street Fighter, always spoiling for a fisticuffs, red-faced at the slightest exertion, a general blowhard, a litigious deadbeat, and a bounder and cad with the ladies. He was never presidential material and has shown no interest in 'growing into the job' as many had hoped. Still, he is pretty good at following Putin's directions and will report on his performance at the NATO Summit in Brussels when he huddles in secret with Vlad in Helsinki on July 16. Yep, we watch semi-dumbfounded as Donald Trump does just what Putin would do!

So besides hitting US natal South Node (double the Saturn!), the Lunar Eclipse of July 27, 2018 @4AQ44 conjoins Russia's natal Saturn posited in its 6th house @5AQ10. You know astrological Saturn and you know what an entity's 6th house entails besides the military so I won't bore you (more than is often necessary). And of course, Saturn in Aquarius, its ancient sign of ruler-ship (and still is in some astrologers' estimations) hints that Russia considers herself well disciplined and ready for any contingency that may emerge--and the eclipse can bring out this issue or perhaps activate it. Planning is a specialty in the Russian mentality which tallies with the kind of leader for whom revenge is a dish best served cold. Yes, Putin's long-term planning is now paying off through the redoubtable form and agency of Donald Trump who fancies himself, is always in need of large amounts of money, is suggestible through flattery and corruptible via pay-offs and bribery. Why, Spanky is plum dreamy and oh so blackmailable...

Meanwhile, the transiting, ever-circling South Node of the Moon (SN), the 'tail of the dragon', is an integral part of this late July 2018 lunar equation since the close presence of the Nodal axis is how to tell that a Full Moon is actually a Lunar Eclipse. Lunar Eclipses, whether Total (strongest) or not, often have incredible influence upon events, conditions, circumstances, and/or people and tend to excite surprising revelations or news, 'reveals', secrets, gossip, and scandals. Unconscious motivations may become starkly obvious to self or other and suddenly a new direction is offered or enforced--and that's usually when we become aware of the strange light now cast upon the objects below!

Soon to be posted from my astro-drawing board: details concerning Russia's Prenatal Solar Eclipse Saros Series and when it repeats. Hint: current events (political theater performances, as I often think them) are part of a long-term 'new world order' agenda as was the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Bush41's invasion of Kuwait, and his 'new world order' speech (open avowal of global government!), 9/11/01, the rise of terrorism, brutal dictators, the caging of children, authoritarian governments "winning" elections (strong-armed paternalism)...all events that were influenced by the Great Conjunction/s of Enlightenment planets Uranus and Neptune three times in 1993. Ideally, Faith and Reason are meant to shake hands in this particular cosmic equation of planets but with the forces of destruction closing in on little Planet Earth and its inhabitants, what are the chances that this isn't the Old Order of 1776 passing before our eyes in these momentous times?

Jul 7, 2018

Farewell from The Environment to Scott Pruitt

Thanks for sharing, Candice! The message may be on the naughty side but can't one picture say So Much?

Well, hey! Remember in September 2017 how we discussed disruptive Uranus entering the environmental preservationist-conservationist sign of Taurus in mid-May 2018? Then in April 2018 we talked about the transit of shocking Uranus through Fixed (rigid) Venus-ruled Taurus as Nature's Revolution. And we added to the post the appropriate Sabian Symbols for a couple of degrees.

No, Mr. Pruitt will not be missed by anyone unless it's the industrial and other crooks he did 'business' with while playing head of the EPA (and selling out our country).

Blog Note: if you're of an age (18+) why not check out a newly published drawing Blue Mermaid which you'll spy in my Cosmic Persona Designs collection! (Please ignore the many Google 'triangles' where I shut down the gallery previously and images were 'disappeared'. Yet some images are still available for viewing and some embedded links in various posts remain alive for the tapping or clicking! jc

Mar 10, 2018

Additional Astro-Notes on Spring Equinox 2018 posted

For those desperately longing for Spring 2018 to arrive, additional astro-notes are now published on my WordPress blog Jude's Threshold along with a pencil drawing for illustration, Abandoned Garden.

Please note that the title of the drawing isn't to suggest anything in particular being abandoned or about to be abandoned but is embedded in the post because of its flowery Spring-like appearance!

NASA image: Neptune, still floating through its creative if secretive sign of Pisces.

Jan 25, 2018

Stars Over Washington Tops 2 Million Page Views!

January 25, 2018: during the wee hours of this morning Stars Over Washington reached and topped 2 million page views. Of course, it only took 12 years to do so but I'm chuffed and sending out Warm Thanks to every reader who ever wandered in for a spell but especially to regular readers, followers, and FB friends!

And although it's an oldie but moldy, here's a link to SO'W's All Time Most Viewed Post for you:

Horoscope: March 20, 2015 Solar Eclipse in Pisces--Sneaks, Leaks, and Veils concerning the Spring Equinox 2015 Eclipse @29Pis27 in the 17 South Saros Series which conjoined the Aries Point and activated the difficult star of misfortune, Scheat. This was, of course, the Prenatal Eclipse of Mr. Trump's 2015 presidential bid announcement timed that morning with a New Moon @25Gemini...

'25Gemini' = "A Man Trimming Palms" which sounds like the rented audience members Trump paid $50 a head to so that someone would show up for his announcement at Trump Tower (you remember the escalator gliding slowly down with Donald and Melania--down from his gilded penthouse).

Rounded up we have '30 Pisces' for which I attempted a pencil illustration a few years back inspired by its Sabian Symbol. Here's the drawing, Temple of the Great Stone Face and, below, an excerpt from the post:

Here I quote from Marc Edmund Jones' version of the Symbols for '30 Pisces' which ends the full cycle/circle of the zodiac and butts against the Aries Point of Prominence (00Aries00):

'The Great Stone Face'...a symbol of human responsibility as an immortality of the soul, and of a way of living which has become a continual manifestation of its ideal and so a constant dramatization of its self-discovery to others as an encouragement to them in their own alignment to eternal reality.

Each individual selects the image within himself to which he would shape himself outwardly, and this he comes to resemble as in Nathaniel Hawthorne's tale. Destiny is character as it most persistently constitutes itself.


positive expression: self-integrity in its irresistible impact on the course of events;

negative (unconscious/shadow side): wholly inarticulate and ineffectual self-realization.

The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones.

In addition, here's a curious detail from my notes concerning the Spring EQ 2015 Eclipse 17 South is the Prenatal Solar Eclipse of some weighty characters and entities: Iran, the German Empire, Rachel Carson, Newt Gingrich, Princess Diana, Ayn Rand, and Adolf Hitler. And the 2015 prez bid announcement of Donald J. Trump which links to Scheat via activation by the Spring EQ 2015 Solar Eclipse.

Now it's on to 3 million!

Aug 4, 2011

Atlanta Ga after 1996 Olympics? Few if any gains

A Remembrance of Atlanta's 1996 Summer Olympic Games

by Jude Cowell

Beware if your city or nation wants to host the Olympic Games because a pack of troubles run side by side with the expected glory and gains.

This morning NPR featured a report on the condition in which the 1996 Games left the city, people, and finances of Atlanta, Georgia. Of course Atlanta, (what for years I've called my home state's "cesspool of fires, murders, rapes, and sinkholes"--Scarlett O'Hara notwithstanding) really needed the clean-up made necessary by the whole world coming to 'sit a spell' with us on the front porch and all, but 15 years later, the after effects are quite a different story from what we were initially spun.

And of course, a sorry claim to fame: two people were killed and one-hundred-eleven injured in the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park on July 27, 1996 with Atlanta police and FBI arresting and holding the wrong man in a brazen attempt to keep scores of Atlanta's global visitors from leaving the Games en masse (though some understandably did, if memory serves.)

In which Solar Eclipse Series did the 1996 Olympics take place?, you ask.

The 16 South Series which occurred on April 17, 1996 @ '28 Aries'; 16S contains these flavors: 'issues of wasted energy or misdirected motivation especially when dealing with groups; sudden inspiration but no real action should be taken.' (Brady's Predictive Astrology .)

Uh-oh! Wasted energy? Not exactly stellar conditions for Olympic athletes, were they? Misdirected funds did pretty well though. The next manifestation of 16S: April 29, 2014 @ '9 Taurus'.

Yet in spite of everything, my personal experiences there in Summer 1996 weren't nearly as bad after I entered one of the downtown college's Art Exhibitions and was pleased that two of my cosmic drawings were accepted for the show, one of which won a Merit Award.

So here is my own walk down memory lane of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta--my drawing Timeless Path, an image that, if I'm not careful, can plop me back into an Olympic Games mood when I'd much rather be following a higher path!

Turns out that benefits from hosting the 1996 Olympic Games weren't so timeless after all...


You know you're always invited to browse my 24/7 Art Gallery at whenever you wish!

Dec 2, 2009

From Drones and War comes a tiny Plea

Niobe, the grieving mother archetype says, Please Don't Bomb My Baby.

Niobe's Plea, drawing by Jude Cowell.